VFW Post 9981 Newsletter 12870 Old Seward Hwy Anchorage AK 99515
Spring 2011
Volume 2, Issue 1
From the Post Commander
Special points of interest: Operation TOMODACHI Installation of officers
Welcome to the 2nd Newsletter for the new Post 9981. We are getting new members in all departments and we are excited with all the positive response from those who have visited 9981. We hope to see this continue with new members and we promise to provide a user friendly establishment. We now have an Open Mic night which I feel will bring in new people and more income for the Post. Thanks to Dean Stillman for his hard work and dedication in getting the new stage and equipment set up. Phil is doing great with Karaoke and we have been seeing good turnouts for his music. We want to Thank Eric Lucas and his wife Monica for their hard work on putting the new newsletter in place. Thanks to our Bar tenders for their continued hard work and making our new Post friendly to all who have been in to enjoy. Remember to mark your calendar for our General Meetings on the first Tuesday of each month. Please continue to come in and enjoy the food and fun for everyone. Also we installed new Officer's for the upcoming year. I appreciate all you do and look forward to a good year of supporting our Veterans and Families of South Anchorage. Remember to pray for our Troops that are deployed and continue to support the cause of the freedom we so cherish in this Great Count ry of ou rs. Go d Bless th e U SA !!! Commander Hubbard
Sr. Vice To all the post members,
In this issue: From the Post Commander
Sr Vice
First, I am honored to have been selected as the Post’s Sr. Vice Commander. Real quick about me, I retired from the Air Force June 1, 2011 after proudly serving 23 years. I became involved with the VFW through the encouragement of my Grandfather in-law. He was very involved with his post. I would like to carry out his legacy and serve our Post, but I cannot do it all by myself. There have been a lot of changes within and I’m hoping to see more members get involved within the community and helping veterans. I would like to encourage maximum participation in the General Member meetings which are held the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30 P.M. It is a time for members to hear what’s going on and have a voice as to what direction we as a veteran community should take to be there for each other, our active duty brothers and sisters and the community. The first thing we all need to remember is that we are a non-profit organization and the only way we can keep the doors open is by your support. Our auxiliaries are coming on line and hopefully will be fully engaged in raising funds to support local vets and their needs. Stay tuned to the post Facebook page (VFW Post 9981) for weekly updates on what’s happening. Eric Lucas 1
Post officers
From the canteen Things are going well. We have reorganized our bartender list. We now have 3 fulltime bartenders. Danielle Thurow, Laura McClusky & Karen. We will have back-up bartenders, as of now we have Ginger Hubbard, Kelly Thurow& Amber Hegsted. We are always looking for more back-up bartenders so please contact Kelly @ 301-9244 if interested. Thank you for continuing to support the canteen. New Bar, new tables, well, just about new everything. Always remember to tip your bartenders.
Steve Hubbard
Sr. Vice:
Eric Lucas
Jr. Vice:
David Ryder
Dean Steelman
Joe Federman
Ladies Auxiliary
Come on out and join the post for steak night every other Friday starting June 10th. Be sure to mark your calenders. We’ll also announce it on the Post Facebook page. RSVP to guarantee a steak for you and your guests. We are always looking for members to help cook. See Kelly if you’d like to help.
Sr. Vice:
Jr. Vice:
TBA Men’s Auxiliary
Big Jim
Sr. Vice:
June 10
June 24
July 8
July 22
Aug 5
Aug 19
Sep 2
Sep 16
Sep 30
Oct 14
Jr. Vice: Treasurer: Secretary: Chaplain:
House Committee
Next time your out at the post, take a look at the new flag pole, with the colors flying high and proud.
John Denny Terry Davis Dean Steelman
Past & Upcoming news and events
Nominations for new Post officers were submitted and voted on during the April 5th General member meeting. The new officers were installed on 21 May 2011.
Our Golf team played at Moose Run during the State Convention. Lot's of fun for Members to associate with other Post Members. Our post won the tournament.
Newsletter deadlines are 3rd Monday of the month. Email to vfwpost9981@gmail.com
Women's & Men's Auxiliary The Men’s and Women’s Auxiliary is looking for members. The support these auxiliaries bring to the post open lots of doors for members and their guests. Come an talk to any member or Post office to see if you are eligible.
Every Monday night, if you have a talent and want to share it, then bring it! Karaoke w/Phil come out and sing to your hearts content. 7 till close. Sun, Tue, Fri, Sat.
Fellow Veterans, This has been a very couple busy months for me and I apologize for not being around the new VFW very much, despite living so close! My latest adventures include getting my new home situated, flying a couple week long missions into the combat zone, and dealing with a few medical issues. The 517th Airlift Squadron has had their hands filled over the past month or so. We sent crews to support the major international exercise Cope Tiger in Thailand. While they were in Thailand, the earthquake/tsunami in Japan occurred. Our crews were immediately sent to Japan supporting Operation TOMODACHI. The 517 th Airlift Squadron led the C-17 operations in Japan. The crews have been airlifting equipment to help restore the nuclear reactors and have been re-supplying humanitarian aid to all the hard hit places in Japan. Overall, they are doing a bang up job and getting the mission done. Our crews will be returning soon and another base will assume operational control. I would like to take a moment and congratulate MSgt Blinn, our past Jr Vice, who was just recently selected as the 3 rd Operations Group Senior Non-Commissioned Officer of the quarter and he will be competing at the Wing level. Please find time to give him a pat on the back. His efforts for the squadron over the past quarter have been outstanding and he has been a serious pleasure to work with. I am looking forward to getting back down to the VFW and relaxing with some of my best friends! Bruce Lund “B.A.”
Keep us updated… Moving, getting ready to move or have moved? Send us an update of your where-bout's, either snail mail or email.
Shuffle board, Darts, Pool...What’s your game, come on and join us.
Veterans of Foreign War Post 9981 12870 Old Seward Hwy Anchorage AK 99515 Tel: 907-770-5094 Fax: 907-770-5093 E-mail: vfwpost9981@gmail.com
We’re on the WEB Www.VFWPOST9981.com Facebook: VFW Post 9981
Medal of Honor
From left to right, the Army, Navy/Marine Corps/ Coast Guard, and Air Force Medals
The Medal of Honor is the highest military decoration awarded by the United States government. It is bestowed by the United States Congress on members of the United States Armed Forces who distinguish themselves through "conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his or her life above and beyond the call of duty while engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States." Due to the nature of its criteria, it is often awarded posthumously (more than half have been since 1941). Members of all branches of the armed forces are eligible to
receive the medal, and there are three versions (one for the Army, one for the Air Force, and one for the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard). The Medal of Honor is bestowed upon an individual by the passing of a Joint Resolution in the Congress; and is then personally presented to the recipient or, in the case of posthumous awards, to next of kin, by the President of the United States, on behalf of the Congress, representing and recognizing the gratitude of the American people as a whole. Due to its honored status, the medal is afforded special protection under U.S. law.
The Medal of Honor is one of two military neck order awards issued by the United States and is the sole neck order awarded to members of the armed forces. (The Commander's Degree of the Legion of Merit is also a neck order but it is only authorized for issue to foreign dignitaries). As the award citation includes the phrase "in the name of Congress", it is sometimes e r r on eou s l y c a l l e d th e Congressional Medal of Honor; however, the official title is simply the Medal of Honor.