PORTFOLIOCREATIVECREATIVEPORTFOLIO HELLO, W ELCOME TO THUY CHI’S The Desig ner Idea Catcher - Cheese The portfolio is containing all the projects from 2019 to 2021. All the projects will be keep updating.
Forth ©2022EditionDoan
Thuy Chi All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part of any form. No part of this report may be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval methods, without written permission from the author.
EDUCATIONEXPERIENCE | PROFESIONAL British University Vietnam 2019 - 2022 Hanoi, Vietnam BA (Hons) of Contemporary Creative Practice: Graphic Design Ho n ors Vinschool Highschool 2015 - 2018 Hanoi, Vietnam INTERESTS Design Education, Typog raphy, Cultural Design, Art and Design History Books, Mugs, Music Projects, P lanner decorati ves, Hand-Draw Typography and Oraganization. THUY CURRICULCHI’SUM VITAE
PROGRAMS WEBSITE BUILDERS Cargo, Wix & Wordpress. EXPERIENCE | SOCIAL ACTIVITIES BUV SILV ER SCREEN - Photographer August 2020 - October 2020 | Hanoi, Vietnam Taking photographs for every events and daily club activities. Editing photographs for design and posting purposes. EXPERIENCE | PERSONAL PROJECT VIETNAM ARTS AND CRAFT (va c OR VOAC) Cr eator / Gra ph ic Des ig ner & Pho to gr apher 04/2021 - Present | Hanoi, Vietnam Researching, planning, directing & envisioning the goals, visions & visuals for the project. Designing & developing the branding story, visual identity, website design. Contacting museums & photographs artifacts & artworks. SKILLS DESIGN SKILLS Branding, Web Design Editorial & Publications, Packaging Design, Social Media Marketing and Pro motional Strategy COMMUNICATION SKILLS Vietnamese (Nati ve), Advanced English (6.5 IELTS) and Presentation skills. WORKPLACE SKILLS P lanning, Research, Project Management, Problem Solving, Brainstorming, Teamwork, Organization, Adaptability. • hi.thuychi@gmail.com • • hicheesethuychi.cargo.site • • be.net/thuychidoan •
06 THUY PORTFOLIOCHI’S My portfolio has six diverse parts which will contain three big parts: -> Graphic Design Portfolio. -> Photography Portfolio. -> Handmade Portfolio. (Additional Projects)
07 TABLE O CONTENTFTABLEOFCONTENT Brand & Identity Let’s talk about safe love Cakey & Me The Home School La Cream Vietnam National Museum of History Pheromone Restaurant VAC - Vietnam Arts & Crafts Cheese- The Designer Idea Catcher Editorial & Publications little by little: a pheromone journal VAC Report Project UX-UI Design VAC CheeseWebsite-TDIC Website Art Museum App Typography Design Sóng MusicTypographyVideosProduction Typo Design 8 ps 2 ps 3 ps 2 ps 08 4028201016233645 50 5652 60 626769 74 8075 GRAPHIC DESIGN | TOTAL PROJECTS: 15PS PAGE My Precious Trap in a Box Stop Motion Photography Cezi (Magazine Cover) 90929496 PHOTOGRAPHY | TOTAL PROJECTS: 04PS 88 Phenakistiscope Zoetrope / 3D Zoetrope Layer Illustration 104106116 HANDMADE - EXPERIENCE PROJECTS 102
08 I. I.&BRANDINGIDENTITYBRANDING&IDENTITY Graphic Design Projects | Branding & Identity Design GRAPHICDESIGN
Doan Thuy Chi Let’s talk about safe love Cakey & Me The Home School La Cream Vietnam National Museum of History Pheromone Restaurant VAC - Vietnam Arts & Crafts Cheese- The Designer Idea Catcher 4028201016233645
Branding Design Autumn 2020 Student project at British Univer sity in SpecialVietnam.thanks: Richard Child
Let’s Talk About Safe Love.
-> PROBLEMS: Sex education is a pretty serious problem in Vietnam despite the interest of the government, the organizations, and the people in the community. And, in Vietnam, not a lot of schools or organi zations has started an event or classes about sex education in Thatgeneral.has led to a question is whether students or adolescents group understands correctly about sexuality or safe love or how to protect themselves out of those situations. I believe that in the critical age of adolescents (15-18), we need more than one-time talk about sex education. That really should be ongoing and age-appropriate topics.
-> “LET’SSOLUTION:TALKABOUT SAFE LOVE!” - A talk and sharing event de signed to raise awareness about sex education in the adoles cents group age (15 - 18) in Vietnam.
10 Graphic Design Projects | Branding & Identity Design
11 Doan Thuy Chi
Let’s Talk about Safe Love! focusing mostly on high school students and more specific that we are fo cusing on the adolescent group aged from 15 to 18. So in the original idea, every element of the design has been crafted to communicate “talk”, “safe”, “love” and “safe love”. And then, we stopped using two main articles “talk” and “safe love” to mainly focus on our message “Let’s Talk about Safe Love!
12 ↘ DESIGNBRANDTHE Graphic Design Projects | Branding & Identity Design Let’s Talk about Safe Love! focus on: 1. Print Campain: Posters / Billboard/ Standees/ Bus-stop Stand Posters/ Street Light Pole Banners 2. Visual Communication: Direction Boards/ Participants Card/ Stickers/ Flyers/ Tote Bags/ Water Bottle Packaging. 3. Online Media (Promoting the event): Avatar/ Cover/ Sto ries/Posts.
13 Doan Thuy Chi -> Billboards:
14 Graphic Design Projects | Branding & Identity Design -> Bus-stop Stand Poster: -> Street Light Pole Banner:
15 Doan Thuy Chi -> Water Bottle Package: -> Online Media:
16 Graphic Design Projects | Branding & Identity Design CAKEY & ME (Mina’s Cakey House) is an branding project for an Online Bakery on Facebook and Instagram. The project is focus on Brand & Identiy design and Online design. Branding Design March 2020 Freelance Work. Special thanks: (Freepik)Pikisuperstar CAKEY & ME
18 Graphic Design Projects | Branding & Identity Design
19 Doan Thuy Chi
20 Graphic Design Projects | Branding & Identity Design This is an Tutorial Ielts Center name The Home School. The brand is focus onto highschool students and a small part of workers (mostly are girls and women). The Home School aims for Online Design, Online Media (Insta gram and Website posts) and additional Print Application. (Tote Bags/ Stickers) Logo DesignBranding November 2021 Freelance Work. Special thanks: Hoai Xoai The Home School 2XX XX 8X X X12X
21 Doan Thuy Chi
22 Graphic Design Projects | Branding & Identity Design
23 Doan Thuy Chi LA CREAM is a handmade & organic ice cream store. Its vision is to become a pure and premium Vietnamese ice cream. Its mis son is to bring joy, happiness to every customer with different and new ice cream taste. LA CREAM focus on creating a logo that could apply into dif ferent application design. (Tote Bag/ Ice Cream Cup/ Appron/ Sign Board/ Online Media and many more) Logo DesignBranding May 2022 Freelance Work. Special thanks: Hoai RaconteurXoai Agency LA CREAM HANDICRAFT PREMEIUM ICECREAM a rem EST 2022 E ating ice c re am should be a fun e xperience HANDICR A FT IMERHANDMADEPUMMAERCECI a rem ES T 202 2 Eating ice cream should be a fun e xperienc e CTHELA CR E ME EMTHELACRE THEEMERCAL -> Stamp Logo Design:
24 Graphic Design Projects | Branding & Identity Design -> Brand Moodboard: * BRAND KEYWORDS: _ Handcraft _ Handmade _ Premium _ Colorful _ Modern _ Simple _ Out-Going _ Creative _ Active _ Fresh
25 Doan Thuy Chi -> Other Typography Experience for Logo: -> Brand Appron: EST 2022 Eating ice cream shoul d be a fun e xperienc eHANDMADEHAND CRAF T ED PREMIUMICECREAMa rem THE L A HANOI,CREMEVNIN BYANOI VNOI, HANOI, V N THE LA C REME IN BY
26 Graphic Design Projects | Branding & Identity Design -> Brand Quote Application: -> Tote Bags: a rem Eating ce c re am should be a fun ex perience PRE HANDICR A FT IMERHANDMADEPUMMAERCECI CHTELACREM E EHTHELACREMETLAEMERC HAND PREMEIUM a Eating ice cream
27 Doan Thuy Chi -> Other Typography Experience for Logo: HANDICRAFT PREMEIUM ICE CREAM a rem EST 2022 Eating ice cre am should be a fun experience CRAFTCECREAM rem creamperienceshould
3. Brand Application Design: (Tickets - Paper & Bracelet & Web site Design) Rebranding Design Summer 2020 Competition Project for A’Graphics and Visual Communica tion Design Award. Special thanks: Mark H. Grunchy Richard Child
28 Graphic Design Projects | Branding & Identity Design
The project is focus onto:
2. Stationary Design. (Business Card, Planner 2021, Letter Head, ID card, Tote Bags, Envelope, Flyer/Brochure, Letter Head, Way Finding & Pictograms)
This is an rebranding project for the Vietnam National Museum of History in order to join the competition A’Design Award and Competition: A’ Graphics and Visual Communication Design Award. The award is open to entries of products and projects including but not limited to graphic designs, illustration and visualization projects, graphics software, products for graphics design, digi tal equipment, printers, scanners and projectors as well as their packaging designs, communication and marketing.
1. Brand & Identity Design (Logo Design)
29 Doan Thuy Chi -> Brand Introduction & Brand Detail (Typeface and Color):
30 Graphic Design Projects | Branding & Identity Design -> Stationary Design:
31 Doan Thuy Chi -> Tote Bags:
32 Graphic Design Projects | Branding & Identity Design -> Tote Bags: -> Ways Finding:
33 Doan Thuy Chi -> Brochure:
34 Graphic Design Projects | Branding & Identity Design -> Pictograms: -> Website:
35 Doan Thuy Chi -> Tickets - Paper & Bracelet & Website Design:
Graphic Design Projects | Branding & Identity Design This is a logo branding project for a imagination restaurant named PHEROMONE RESTAURANT. The project is aimed to focus: 1. Brand & Identity Design (Logo Design) 2. Print Application Design. (Menu Design/ Tote Bag/ Appron/ ) Logo DesignBranding Autumn 2020 Freelance Work PHEROMONE RESTAURANT
37 Doan Thuy Chi -> Logo Application:
38 Graphic Design Projects | Branding & Identity Design -> Menu Design :
39 Doan Thuy Chi -> Appron & Tote Bag:
VAC or Vietnam Arts & Crafts aims to support and honour the Vietnamese Traditional Arts & Crafts.
The mission is simple to discover and explore Vietnam’s tradi tions and culture from the aspect of craftsmanship and graphic design (handmade & digital) to bring a new perspective to this area. It also focuses on bringing in knowledge and education purposes for everyone.
“Design is in everything we make, but it is also between those things. It is a mix of craft, science, storytelling, propaganda, and philosophy” (Erik Adigard, N.D)
40 Graphic Design Projects | Branding & Identity Design Branding Design April - December 2021 Graduation Project - Final Major Project for BA (Hons) Con temporary Creative SpecialPractice.Thanks Richard Child My Classmate (Oh & Prey) VIETNAM ARTS & CRAFTS (VAC)
41 Doan Thuy Chi ↘ FOCUSDESIGNBRANDTHE In this first part (Branding), VAC or Vietnam Arts And Crafts is focus onto: Brand & Identity Design. -> Logo design. -> Business card. -> Letter Head / Offer/ Agreement/ Timeline paper. -> Envelope (DL size/ C6 size). -> Post card (DL size/ C6 size).
42 Graphic Design Projects | Branding & Identity Design
43 Doan Thuy Chi
44 Graphic Design Projects | Branding & Identity Design
45 Doan Thuy Chi THE DESIGNER IDEA CATCHER - CHEESE is a self brand & identi ty project. The project is focusing onto Cheese - myself as the main concept to develop. This will contain: 1. The Cheese Cereal box (Packaging design) 2. Portfolio, CV. 3. Self-promotional items (Business Card/ Stickers/ Gift include in the cereal box) 4. Additional Application (Project Brief/ Project Timeline/ Letter Head) Self Branding & Packaging Design Winter 2021 Personal Project. Special thanks: Glenn Wyatt My Classmate (1904CCP) THE DESIGNER IDEA CATCHER (SELF BRANDING) THE DESI GN ER IDEA CATCHER CHEESECHEESE A Graphic Designer Brand & Identity
46 Graphic Design Projects | Branding & Identity Design
47 Doan Thuy Chi
48 Graphic Design Projects | Branding & Identity Design
49 Doan Thuy Chi ↘ BOOKFOLIOPORTTHE- To see full of the book, please scan the QR code ->->-> Or access to: docs/portfoliohttps://issuu.com/doan_th.chi/
Graphic Design Projects | Editorial & Publication Design 50 & PUBLICATION& II.PUBLICATIONEDITORIALII.EDITORIAL
Doan Thuy Chi little by little: a pheromone journal VAC - Final Major Project Report 5652
52 Graphic Design Projects | Editorial & Publication Design LITTLE BY LITTLE: A PHEROMONE is an illustrated journal editori al design project. The journal is dives into three smaller projects: Visual Studies; Practical Contemporary Art Practice and Study Skills. It is focus onto bringing, giving knowledge and showing the art ist/ designer point of view. The Journal size is 180x220 (mm). It has 70 pages. (include cover) Editorial & Publica tion Design Summer 2019 Student projects at British University in SpecialVietnam.Thanks Richard Child My Classmate (Trang & Zoe) LITTLE BY LITTLE: A PHEROMONE JOURNAL * To see full of the book, please scan the QR code ->->-> * OR access to https://issuu.com/doan_th.chi/docs/double_fix_to_link: upload_issuu
53 Doan Thuy Chi
54 Graphic Design Projects | Editorial & Publication Design -> Inside the Journal :
55 Doan Thuy Chi ↘
This is a special part of the journal: a puzzle. In the Exhibition, I also display a bigger work like this for everyone, all the pieces are easy to take out and join in again in order to create many experiments. So this is my final work which I choose 3D paper art. By combining a set of 9 and mak ing it become a circle. This is a special part in my journal because You can interact with each pieces of my work .
56 Graphic Design Projects | Editorial & Publication Design
VAC or Vietnam Arts & Crafts aims to support and honour the Vietnamese Traditional Arts & Crafts.
The mission is simple to discover and explore Vietnam’s tradi tions and culture from the aspect of craftsmanship and graphic design (handmade & digital) to bring a new perspective to this area. It also focuses on bringing in knowledge and education purposes for everyone. DesignBA (Hons) &
December 2021 Graduation Project - Final Major Project for
Con temporary Creative SpecialPractice.Thanks Richard Child My Classmate (Oh
“Design is in everything we make, but it is also between those things. It is a mix of craft, science, storytelling, propaganda, and philosophy” (Erik Adigard, N.D)
57 Doan Thuy Chi ↘ REPORTABOUTDETAIL The report is in B5 size. (176x250 mm) It has 104 pages. (in cluding cover) The journal is a combination of three stages of my Final Major Project for Comtemporary Creative Practice in Graphic Design. The three modules: Practical Contemporary Practice, Industri al Investigation and Negotiated FMP is represent for the three *stages.Toseefull of the book, please scan the QR code ->->-> * OR access to jor_project_report_doan_thuy_chi_han18https://issuu.com/doan_th.chi/docs/01_final_malink:
58 Graphic Design Projects | Editorial & Publication Design -> Inside the Journal :
59 Doan Thuy Chi
Graphic Design Projects | UX-UI Design 60 III. UX-UIIII.
Doan Thuy62Chi6769VAC - Website Design Cheese - TDIC Website Art Museum App Design
“Design is in everything we make, but it is also between those things. It is a mix of craft, science, storytelling, propaganda, and philosophy” (Erik Adigard, N.D) VAC or Vietnam Arts & Crafts aims to support and honour the Vietnamese Traditional Arts & Crafts. The mission is simple to discover and explore Vietnam’s tradi tions and culture from the aspect of craftsmanship and graphic design (handmade & digital) to bring a new perspective to this area. It also focuses on bringing in knowledge and education purposes for everyone.
Website Design April - December 2021 Graduation Project - Final Major Project for BA (Hons) Con temporary Creative SpecialPractice.Thanks Richard Child Moss Green VIETNAM ARTS & CRAFTS (VAC) Graphic Design Projects | UX-UI Design
63 Doan Thuy Chi ↘ WEBVACABOUT The website’s project was built on Cargo - A website builder. Cargo is a professional site builder platform for designers and artists. It has been supporting for students and others for free with the school/ university code. The website is designed to be responsive on Desktop views only. Website Link -> voac.cargo.site Website Email -> hello.vac@gmail.com 78 WEB FLOW 79 -> Web-Flow: Scan to access to VAC Live Website ->->->
64 Graphic Design Projects | UX-UI Design -> Website Overview :
65 Doan Thuy Chi
66 Graphic Design Projects | UX-UI Design
67 Doan Thuy Chi THE DESIGNER IDEA CATCHER - CHEESE is a self brand & identi ty project. The project is focusing onto Cheese - myself as the main concept to develop. The website has a special position in the self-branding. It repre sent myself as a designer and also promote me and my works to everyone. (including my clients) The website will contain: 1. Introduction about me -> Curriculum Vitae in short. 2. Portfolio (My design work) 3. My contact. Website Design. Winter 2021 Personal Project. Special thanks: Glenn Wyatt THE DESIGNER IDEA CATCHER (SELF BRANDING WEBSITE) THE DESI GN ER IDEA CATCHER CHEESECHEESE A Graphic Designer Brand & Identity
68 Graphic Design Projects | UX-UI Design ↘ WEBTDICABOUT CHEESE - TDIC WEBSITE was built on Cargo - A website build er. Cargo is a professional site builder platform for designers and artists. It has been supporting for students and others for free with the school/ university code. The website can be reponsive on Desktop and Phone views. Website Link -> hellocheesethuychi.cargo.site -> Web-Flow: Scan to access to TDIC Live Website ->->-> HOMEM ENU (+) Main page About. About Cheese Design projects.List of projects Artist Statement. Logo Branding The Hoome School Editorial Design Personal Projects The Designer Idea Catcher - Cheese Vietnam Arts & Crafts Branding & Re-Branding Let’s Talk About Safe Love Cakey & VietnamMENational Museum of History Interest & Focus. ResumeContact.(Through GG Drive Link) Menu (+) ABOUT DESIGN P ROJECTS M
69 Doan Thuy Chi
The idea is come from NFT and influent by others apps design. The app will basically introduce, recommend what to explore today or art quotes. App Design Autumn 2021 Personal Project. APPMUSEUMDESIGN
ART MUSEUM is an app that create for artists, illustrators and handicrafts to post and showcase their works to the world.
70 Graphic Design Projects | UX-UI Design
71 Doan Thuy Chi
72 Graphic Design Projects | UX-UI
is created with Adobe XD. Sadly, as create on another design app (not like figma), I cannot share the total project to see as a live app.
73 Doan Thuy Chi
Graphic Design Projects | Typography/ Type Project 74 IV. TYPOGRAPHYIV. DESIGNTYPOGRAPHYDESIGN
Doan Thuy8075ChiSóng MusicTypographyVideosProduction
Based on shapes, patterns that I found, I realized how typogra phy was represented in the past and able to connect the present and the future. SÓNG Typeface is created based on that per spective. Design 2020 Student project at British University in SpecialVietnam.thanks: Richard Child
SÓNG TYPEFACE was created after two other field trips to the Vietnam National Museum of History and Vietnam Fine Arts Mu seum. After that, I started to focus onto the lines, shapes, the patterns and the “Nôm” writing found in ancient hand crafts of Vietnam more and more.
SÓNG TYPOGRAPHY Graphic Design Projects | Typography/ Type Project
77 Doan Thuy Chi Character set (main) Lower Case Character set (minor) Upper Case Numbers and Symbols Beziers -> Sóng Typo Detail:
78 Graphic Design Projects | Typography/ Type Project -> Sóng Application:
79 Doan Thuy Chi
80 Graphic Design Projects | Typography/ Type Project In this first music production video, my role is Production De signer & Assistant Producer Manager. In this project, I have the chance to work with different depart ments: -> Agencies:1.Ngoc Thien Y Entertainment. 2. Hong Phi Production. -> Photographers:1.CuoiHoa Photography. 2. Huong Giang. -> Video Music Production: 1. Hoang Duy. (Executive Producer) 2. Cinézone Media. (Camera equipment & Lightning) A Music Video - Main Graphic Designer & Type Design March - August 2022 Freelance Work. Special thanks: Hồng Phi Thanh Mai Moss Green MUSIC VIDEOS PRODUCTION ‘ Ó↘ ĐÒI CHO TA CÓ MÂY KHI
81 Doan Thuy Chi ĐỜI CHO TA CÓ MẤY KHI required me to focus on: 1. Type opening design. 2. Thumbnails Design. (Trailer/ Main Music Video) 3. Music Cover. (Spotify/ Apple Music/ ZingMe/ Nhaccuatui/ 4.Keeng)Marketing Production. (Posters/ Artist’s CV/ Proposal) ↘ WORKMYABOUT Scan to watch the MV on Youtube ->->-> OR access to this https://youtu.be/ZV6L0nWrZR8link: -> Music Video Thumnail:
82 Graphic Design Projects | Typography/ Type Project -> Trailer Thumbnails:
83 Doan Thuy Chi -> Music Covers: This is the music cover use in every music website that the song is posted on. (Example on the left is from Spotify Mobile App) ->->-> Scan QR code to see Music Production on Spotify. OR access to this https://open.spotify.com/album/2hCMypo9kYlmKQhA94yckolink:
84 Graphic Design Projects | Typography/ Type Project ↘ VERSIONSANOTHER This is the Pre-design Typo before official! This type only used for Pre-Promotion -> -> Another Version MV Thumbnail:
85 Doan Thuy Chi In this series of MVs, my role is Production Designer & Assistant Producer Manager. The same with the first production music video in this second project, I also have the same chance to work with different de partments: -> Agencies:1.Ngoc Thien Y Entertainment. 2. Hong Phi Production. -> Photographers:1.CuoiHoa Photography. 2. Huong Giang. -> Video Music Production: 1. Hoang Duy. (Executive Producer) 2. Cinézone Media. (Camera equipment & Lightning) A Music Video - Main Graphic Designer & Type Design March - August 2022 Freelance Work. Special thanks: Hồng Phi Thanh Mai Moss Green ↘ Xin Lôi - Cam On ~ ‘ ‘ SERIES MVS PRODUCTION
86 Graphic Design Projects | Typography/ Type Project MUSIC SERIES XIN LỖI - CẢM ƠN required me to focus on: 1. Type opening design. 2. Four Thumbnails Design. (Trailer/ Main Music Video) 3. Four Music Covers. (Spotify/ Apple Music/ ZingMe/ Nhac cuatui/ Keeng) ↘ WORKMYABOUT -> Type Opening Design: -> Thumbnails: -> There are only three MVs in the series are posted online (Youtube). That is why I only showcase three thumbnails. -> Unlike the MVs, the music production has already posted to every music app.
87 Doan Thuy Chi -> Music Production Covers: END OF GD PROJECTS
Doan Thuy90Chi929496My Precious Trap in a Box Stop Motion Photography Cezi (Magazine Cover)
My Precious is a merge from a serie of photographs. It using a serie of nine photograph unify into one. The name was inspired from the ring in the movie “The Lord of Rings: The Two Towers.”
The main subject I used in the photograph was my handicraft project - THE NOWHERE BOX.
MY PRECIOUS is the first one in three photography projects. In this project, I as a photographer wanted everyone (even my self) to understand the beauty and art in the world. Instead of letting it go through our hand, we should catch and found it and not wasting it.
90 Photography Projects | MY PRECIOUS
Photography Project Summer 2020 Student project at British University in Vietnam.
Doan Thuy Chi We never understand all the beauty in the world. And, the more we tried to understand it the more it become unreachable and unstable to understand. As “There is no universally accepted definition for art”, there must be no universally accepted definition for beauty. I believe in US, OUR, WE as the beauty changed through time. So, how do we represented us through us? That is the rea sons why I do this project as a way to find myself not as a jewelry but a new kind of anything in this universe. US, OUR, WE are diamonds in this universe and we de serve to be catch, found and love. That is why I started to do this photography project to experiments and explore. of Photographs to create MY PRECIOUS:
Photography Project Summer 2020 Student project at British University in Vietnam. IN A BOX
TRAP IN A BOX is the second project in three photography proj ects. In this project,I wanted to show the feeling of being trap. In the end, even we cannot get out of the box that we create but we can somehow find out something that meaningful inside it.
Something that could be our place to depend on.
Trap in a Box is a serie of photographs. It has six photos in total.
The final photograph has an object which was my handicraft project - THE NOWHERE BOX.
92 Photography Projects | TRAP IN A BOX
TRAP IN A BOX series of photographs:
The last phtograph was using to experimental and ex plore than just a photograph itself. Taken inspiration from Barbara Kruger who is an American Conceptual Artist and Collagist. This experiments was just to using my type design “Sóng” and the photograph (turn to B&W) to create new artworks. Barbara Kruger Experimental Artworks:
The last photograph in the series was the main subject holding her precious object in hand.
Doan Thuy Chi
Photography Project Summer 2020 Student project at British University in SpecialVietnam.thanks: Mark H. Grunchy MOTION MOTION PHOTOGRAPH series of photographs:
94 Photography Projects | STOP MOTION PHOTOGRAPHY
STOP MOTION PHOTOGRAPHY is the last project in three photog raphy projects. For this last serie of photographs, I want to ex periment the technique that create the motion like animation. The project actually has lead me to future projects to exper iment different animation technique. (Zoetrope/ Phenakisti scope and others) Stop Motion Photography is a serie of photographs which con tain a total of 36 photographs. After creating motion animation from the serie, I also used all of the photographs to create a Flip Book.
95 Doan Thuy Chi -> Flip Book making from Stop Motion Photographs:
96 Photography Projects | CEZI (MAGAZINE COVER) CEZI is a group project - a collabration between designer and photographer. This group project is create based on a competi tion between classmate with each others. In this project, we wanted a project that could impact and meaningful than just taken normal images! That was why we followed certain steps. 1. Research stage. (Inspiration/ Outfit/ Location) 2. Action stage. (Making Dress/ Model Photograph Pratices/ Design experience Stage) 3. Final stage. (Real Photoshoot/ Chosen Photographs/ Editing Stage/ Final Cover) Photography Project Autumn 2020 Student project at British University in SpecialVietnam.thanks: Zoe (Photographer) CEZI -> RESEARCH STAGES | Inspiration: _ Our inspiration is coming from Art Nouveau -most popular between 1890 and 1910 during the Belle Époque period that ended with the start of World War I in 1914
_ Our idea about this was wanted to choose a big rock for the model to sit on and the background that has a natural look.
_ Taking both inspiration from Art Nouveau Magazine like Enchanted and the Nat ural theme, we started an idea that taking photograph in Ecopark - where our uni versity near by.
97 Doan Thuy Chi -> RESEARCH STAGES | Outfit: -> RESEARCH STAGES | Location: _ We wanted to make a dress that showing the purpose of recycling, something that connect with na ture, green and beauty. -> So we ended up with using old papers. As an art student, our de partment using huge amount of papers. So that is why looking inside our wasted, used papers is the best results.
98 Photography Projects | CEZI (MAGAZINE COVER) -> ACTION STAGES | Making Dress: -> ACTION STAGES | Model Photograph Pratices/ Design experience Stage: _ In this stage, as the photographer is Zoe so the model is now me. _ In this stage, I praticed to be a better model but also trying my best to edit and design a maga zine cover that could impress the viewer. CEZI Volume 1, Issue 1, 2020 'THE PRECIOUS STONE' Natural, Vitality and Renew Topaz, Ruby, Amethyst and Emerald A Fashion Magazine cezi.com CEZI Volume 1, Issue 1, 2020 Fashion Magazine THE PRECIOUS STONE Natural, Vitality and Renew Topaz, Ruby, Amethyst and Emerald
_ This is the final chosen photograph before and after editing by me. Being inspirate by Art Nouveau, I also merging the Fairy tale into the editing.
99 Doan Thuy Chi -> Example:DesignCover -> FINAL STAGES | Editing/ Finalize the Magazine Cover:
_ As from that, The result with me has been amazing.
100 Photography Projects | CEZI (MAGAZINE COVER) -> FINAL STAGES | Final Magazine Cover:
Doan Thuy Chi Phenakistiscope Zoetrope / 3D Zoetrope Layered 108104116
PHENAKISTISCOPE was introduced in the French newspaper Le Figaro in June 1833. It is the first widespread animation device that created a fluent illusion of motion. This project created for the purpose of exploration and kinda contribute to my development before getting started into my Final Major Project.
2. Eye, Nose, Lip Phenakistiscope. (Illustration)
Handicraft Project Summer 2021 Student project at British University in Vietnam.
1. The Moon Phrase Phenakistiscope. (Re-do original)
104 Handicraft Projects | PHENAKISTISCOPE
3. 3D Skulls Zoetrope. Another detail to add that at that time, when I did the project, I made a online journal about my own learning process. That is why in this handmade project you could scan the QR Code on the left. <-<-<OR access to this link to https://doanthuychi.wixsite.com/pcp-processjournal/check: week-6
In order to understand more Phenakistiscope, I actually re-do some of the first phenakistiscope that create be fore. Here are what I make in this handmade project:
105 Doan Thuy Chi -> The Moon Phrase Phenakistiscope. (Re-do original) _ This is a very origi nal phenakistiscope. It is something really easy to _make.Byusing the Moon and the the center is the Earth, I re-create a phenakisti scope that might farmiliar with you or you have seen it somewhere.
106 ->
Eye, Nose, Lip Phenakistiscope: (Illustration)
_ Down here are what I used for the phenakistiscope. The eyes taken the biggest circle outside, the nose in the middle and the lips is the smallest circle inside.
_ Eye, Nose, Lip phenakistiscope is contain with illustration. Except for the eye which still keeping the 2D look in this phenakistiscope, the nose and the lip was using AI 3D mode to change their perspective.
Handicraft Projects | PHENAKISTISCOPE
107 Doan Thuy Chi -> The 3D Skull Phenakistiscope: _ The 3D Skulls come up with me when I am ex ploring what I want to do next. 3D is something I actually weak at so the skull was already avaible online. I download the skull and luckly Photo shop helps me a lot with the avaible mold. _ There are a total of 30 skulls that I create from the mold. Looking back at this, I still feel the same.
2. Making
Create) 3. Final
108 Handicraft Projects | ZOETROPE / 3D ZOETROPE
ZOETROPE is one of several pre-film animation devices that produce the illusion of motion by displaying a sequence of drawings or photographs showing progressive phases of that motion. It was basically a cylindrical variation of the Phekisto scope. And, was suggested almost immediately after the Stroboscopic discs were introduced in 1833. This project created for the purpose of exploration and kinda contribute to my development before getting started into my Final Major Project. The project was made after Phenakistiscope was finished. Project Summer 2021 Student project at British University in Vietnam. ↘ 2D ZOETROPE link that you could look inside for the process of creating the zoetrope. Scan the QR Code on the left. access to this link to https://doanthuychi.wixsite.com/pcp-processjournal/check: making process and exploring about the 2D Zoetrope, I actually do research and try combine stop motion photograph this project! 2D Zoetrope made: Human Zoetrope & Butterfly Zoetrope Research (Understanding / Finding Influencer) Process. (Photograph/ Edit/ Outcome.
There are two
109 Doan Thuy Chi _ This is Drew Tetz - a graphic _designer!Inthe journy of exploring Zoetrope, I luckly found him and the fact that he actual ly inspirate me to try both 2D and 3D on this. _ Check of his website through this link: https:// drewtetz.com/ -> Influencer: -> Influencer | Example Zoetrope: Art is Love Valentine Wiener Dog Wiggle Wheel
_ The first step to create Zoetrope was to capture the main subject. I was taken this photograph of a person that is walking. The total movement was 14 steps from the left to the right. After that, I only take 8 of that movement to create movement for Zoe trope.
110 Handicraft Projects | ZOETROPE / 3D ZOETROPE -> MAKING PROCESS | Human Zoetrope: (Stop Motion Photograph)
_ Instead of using all the background, I am more focus on the subject. So, I cut the subject out of the photogragh and then print it out.
111 Doan Thuy Chi _ The orginal background was changed to a fresh fish in the ice. -> MAKING PROCESS | Zoetrope Background: -> FINAL OUTCOME:
112 Handicraft Projects | ZOETROPE / 3D ZOETROPE -> MAKING PROCESS | Butterfly Zoetrope: _ The butterfly zoetrope was contain: malleable wire, printed butterfly (using thick 4 paper in the printer), and formex cardboard (3mm)
113 Doan Thuy Chi -> FINAL OUTCOME:
114 Handicraft Projects | ZOETROPE / 3D ZOETROPE ↘ 3D ZOETROPE Scan the QR Code to see my journal for 3D Zoetrope. ->->-> OR access to this link to https://doanthuychi.wixsite.com/pcp-processjournal/cocheck: py-of-human-zoetrope For this 3D Butterfly Zoetrope, It is actually the same with 2D Butterfly Zoetrope. Instead of making the but terfly only looking flat, I using the paper engineering. _ With paper engineering. I create ten 3D Butterfly from papers. The same arrange as the 2D. ↘ PROCESSMAKINGABOUTDETAIL
115 Doan Thuy Chi -> FINAL OUTCOME:
Handicraft Project Summer 2021 Student project at British University in Vietnam.
3. Phoenix (Phụng/ Phượng Hoàng)
1. Dragon (Long, Rồng)
Another helpful link that could help you understand more than just looking through the images. You could scan the QR Code on the left to see more about the pro cess. <-<-<OR access to this link to https://doanthuychi.wixsite.com/pcp-processjournal/check: layered-illustration-paper-cut-techniq
There are four mythology animals in Vietnamese myths which are: Dragon (Long, Rồng); Chinese Unicorn (Ki rin/ Lân / Kỳ Lân); Gold Turtle (Quy/ Kim Quy); Phoenix (Phụng/ Phượng Hoàng).
116 Handicraft Projects | LAYERED ILLUSTRATION
LAYERED ILLUSTRATION (PAPER ART SCULPTURE) can be defined as an artwork that is created by combining or shaping different types of paper. Mine Layered Illustration kinda using paper in different shapes then put it on together to create a new artwork.
In four animals, I choose three animals to create the art work.
2. Chinese Unicorn (Kirin/ Lân / Kỳ Lân)
117 Doan Thuy Chi _ We have different dragons represent different periods of Vietnamese fine art through the Ly, Tran, Le, and Nguyen and many more dynasties. In this case of searching for a model to create the layered illustration, I choose the LY Dragon. _ Down here are 12 steps that I can put in one just like the stop motion photographs. -> Dragon (Long, Rồng):
118 Handicraft Projects | LAYERED ILLUSTRATION -> Finished Dragon Layered Illustration: -> Chinese Unicorn (Kirin/ Lân / Kỳ Lân)
_ Kirin is already having a model in everyone head. I only started to draw a model of it out of the paper and then transfer to digital and divided into diffirent parts to print out and make it into a proper layered illustration.
119 Doan Thuy Chi -> Finished Kirin Layered Illustration: _ The process of making Kirin actually must taken more than 10 steps but I have missed three steps as I did not taken photographs of it to create the stop motion.
120 Handicraft Projects | LAYERED ILLUSTRATION -> Phoenix (Phụng/ Phượng Hoàng)
_ The same thing happened with Phoenix like Kirin. I hand-draw the phoenix out from the Vietnamese Myth images/ drawings. _ From the first layered illustration, I actually like this model the most. As it is the cleanest and the best one I could pull out after experience two layered illustration.
121 Doan Thuy Chi -> Finished Phoenix Layered Illustration: END HANDICRAFOFTPROJECTS