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Woods Bagot Futures Environment: Design Intelligence for Education Futures Environment and Science Buildings

Woods Bagot’s ‘Futures Environment’ is a think tank which feeds our design studio through the consolidation of the Company’s vast intellectual capital across its specialist disciplines and promotes a continuing project of research and development which ensures our clients benefit from our tracking of worldwide trends and innovations.

Design Intelligence for Education and Science - February 2005

Aerial view of College of Technology, Doha Qatar

Monash Medical Centre, Health Research Precinct Stage 1

Futures Environment

UAE University, Al Ain

UAE University Crescent Building

1 Masterplanning Civic Design The great university campuses all display a particular quality in their spaces which are similar to great cities. This may involve great architecture, but more particularly, the spaces have an urban quality where the buildings collectively create a network of open spaces, squares, gardens and streets which become the primary experience of the campus. The buildings define the ‘walls’ to this series of outdoor ‘rooms’ as in the most memorable cities. These campuses are human in scale and lively in their social character. The creation of this urbane quality comes through the way the buildings are placed together and in a new university this requires careful planning, especially if the buildings themselves are to be secondary in importance to the creation of a great environment. The Masterplan should therefore clearly establish the strategy for the individual buildings to collectively contribute to this image Spatial Hierarchy In keeping with this civic quality, the Masterplan should establish a clear hierarchy of spaces giving prominence to the focal ceremonial spaces and the more human scaled social gathering spaces. Planning for growth The masterplan should build into its planning strategy some flexibility for future growth. Education needs evolve quickly and the layout of the buildings should have some inherent flexibility for where the growth occurs. This may be achieved through the way central common facilities are planned but also through the dimension and configuration of the ‘lots’ where future development will go. The layout should certainly be planning to optimise the overall walking distance to common facilities such as library, laboratories and amenities. Achieving a vision There are two key aspects in achieving the vision. The first is the finesse of the planning layout itself and the second is to provide a development framework where guidelines for individual buildings ensure that each one individually contributes its part to the collective vision. The individuals parts is determined by its place in the whole.

Design Intelligence for Education and Science - February 2005

Monash University, Berwick Campus

Futures Environment

Monash Strip Biotechnology Building

2 Flexibility for future adoption: Specialist Buildings Education is evolving at a rapid rate, not only due to the impact of new technologies but also through quite dramatic changes in the mode of education delivery. Given the importance of planning for an optimum degree of “future proofing”, two of the most important considerations are floor plate structural grids and keeping vertical transport and services risers free of an open floor plate as far as possible. Open Floor Plates Where possible the grouping of vertical transport and services risers together with plant rooms to maximise the openness of the floorplate, will allow maximum long term flexibility in the building’s adaptability to future emerging needs. This will enable maximum flexibility of adopting room layouts to visit evolving needs. Structural design of floor plates should also allow a variety of loading configurations, with lightweight internal walls and partitions contributing to maximising this adaptability. Grids Today’s standards and space rationalisation will often lead to an 8.4x8.4m grid for general teaching spaces (there is greater flexibility in this if below deck carparking is not a consideration); 6.6 x 7.2m works very well for flexibility in laboratory buildings, whereas 7.2 x 7.2m is better for hospital wards. Woods Bagot Monash Health Research Precinct Project provides a useful example of this. Monash Health Research Project In 2002, Woods Bagot was approached to design a research facility at Monash Medical Centre on the outskirts of Melbourne. The brief was to provide a building containing laboratory space, offices and laboratory support areas to be constructed in 2 phases housing around 4500m2 and 5500m2 of accommodation respectively. The centre is a public and teaching hospital which is also associated with Monash University. This arrangement encourages the co-location of research institutes combining research and treatment in one campus. The brief requested an extension to the existing Monash Institute of Reproduction and Development (MIRD), which houses scientists “shared” by the university and hospital who carry out research into both human and animal reproduction and diseases. With the increase in stem cell and genetics research, the MIRD had outgrown their existing accommodation. Design Intelligence for Education and Science - February 2005

Futures Environment

Monash Strip, entrance to Biotechnology Building

Planning The existing MIRD, which was also designed by Woods Bagot in 1997, was based on a 6.6 x 7.2m planning grid. Whilst 6.0m is the minimum practical grid module, Woods Bagot no longer recommend its use for medical laboratories. The increasing size and quantity of lab equipment means that workspaces could not be planned efficiently whilst maintaining the minimum space requirements for acceptable laboratory design. Using the 6.6m module allowed efficient use of space and compliance with design codes and standards. This dimension also allows for the current trend towards “open-plan” labs and lab benches to be 800mm deep to accommodate computer hardware and the majority of bench top based equipment. Where hospital ward-type training facilities are to be provided, consideration should be given to a 7.2 x 7.2 m grid to accommodate patient beds and en-suites. This module was used for the Health Sciences building at La Trobe University Wodonga campus which contains mock-up bed wards, a treatment room, and a nurses’ station/utility room. This larger grid suits teaching spaces and also permits the use of robotics in specialist labs – with the associated increase in space standards – if required. Although the new building, Monash Health Research Project (MHRP) Stage 1 (2003-4) was designed to be an extension of the MIRD, no specific research users had been identified at the briefing and design stages. The new building was designed with MIRD’s 6.6m x 7.2m module as generic space to be as flexible as possible (i.e. suitable for labs, teaching, and office space). Provision was made in the Woods Bagot’s masterplan for construction in two stages. In comparison, Monash University Science, Technology, Research and Innovation Precinct (STRIP) Stage 1, also a generic research design building by Woods Bagot (20024), has a 7.2m x 12.0m module to allow for open labs, specialist labs, and open plan offices in column- free spaces. Woods Bagot’s recent experience in lab design has noted a trend towards more open plan spaces allowing several related research groups to occupy the one area. Different groups can share equipment and services, and as one group contracts in size, other groups may expand. Various research groups may be complimentary and interact to share information and ideas. Bench space needs to be “swappable” so that it can be used by a variety of groups. Ideally labs should be situated on the south side of the building in the southern hemisphere and on the north in the northern hemisphere to avoid direct sunlight on benches. Design Intelligence for Education and Science - February 2005

Generic Floor Plates

Futures Environment The site configuration encountered at MHRP (and similarly for STRIP 1) dictated that the buildings should be designed with labs/offices on the long window sides (east and west) with a central strip for shared accommodation. The shared zone allows for vertical circulation and cores, toilets, major services risers, cold and equipment rooms, wash-up spaces, stores, etc. The areas around lifts are designed to be more attractive and spacious than the average lift lobby to encourage interaction of different groups. Provision was made for easy access to meeting rooms, lounge, coffee shop etc so people cross paths and can have somewhere for informal discussions within the building. Offices can be accommodated in a number of spaces, whether grouped together or on the side of the lab or around the central cores where small rooms can be arranged around a shaft. If the smaller, cellular rooms are within the central strip, the perimeter can be more open for greater flexibility. If beds and equipment are to be moved around, preferred minimum widths for main corridors should not be less than 2.1m for beds, 1.8m for labs, and 1.5m for office areas.

Monash Strip, entrance to Biotechnology Building

Services Main plant spaces are generally on the roof. The main electrical and piped services are reticulated within the ceilings and drop down at columns. Ducts are grouped together into the larger risers. Care has to be taken with the location of fume hoods so that dedicated exhausts can rise easily to roof level where they are vented individually into atmosphere. Medical gases can be housed on the roof or in ancillary spaces around the perimeter and reticulated to where they are required. If housed in the roof plantroom, a service lift should extend to the appropriate level for safety/ease of delivery. Power and data services are becoming increasingly more important requiring to be fully accessible and adaptable as computers and computerised equipment play an ever greater role in research benchwork, etc. Risers generally should be designed to be as flexible as possible. Items subject to regular maintenance should be within corridor spaces, not labs in order to minimise disruption.

Design Intelligence for Education and Science - February 2005

Australian Science & Mathematics School, Adelaide

Futures Environment 3 New Pedagogies Education and the learning environment There are emerging trends in education which are leading us to rethink the design of learning environments. This is due to both: · The dramatic impact of rapidly evolving information technologies · And changes in the style of education delivery and learning pathways. Flexible Learning Impact on the New Pedagogy In essence this shift is from a teacher and curriculum centred delivery to a student centred problem solving process.

Dr Kenn Fisher

The New Pedagogy: Mode II · Knowledge is produced in teams, across disciplines, is transient · And is produced by researchers working in collaboration with practitioners who will commercialise or use that knowledge which is produced The Flexible Learning Environment There is an emerging trend in tertiary education for a dramatic shift in the pedagogical framework for learning. Whilst this is by no means universal, innovative leading institutions are planning for flexibility in the new buildings. Planning for flexible environments which are responsive to this pedagogical shift (or Mode II as it is sometimes called) will involve: Flexibility · · Group spaces · Breakout spaces Wireless networks · · Data projection capabilities to all walls · Food and drink · 24/7 access · Help desks Studio environments · · Practical linked with theory · Study carrels · Workrooms · Service Centres (printing, scanning, photocopying etc.) The key to this Mode II pedagogy is the relationship between computer laboratory and theory rooms and a breakout / learning commons. Design Intelligence for Education and Science - February 2005

Qantas Lounge

Futures Environment

University of Technology Sydney, Faculty of IT

In recent projects, we have adopted the model developed for Woods Bagot’s Qantas Lounges used at airports throughout the world. These are a social workspace, essentially transient in nature and generally demonstrating spontaneous social/work activity sometimes individually sometimes in groups of varying size. Accessibility to online databases either through wireless or plug-in furniture, availability of a variety of bureau and help desk services as well as food and beverage become a core of these spaces. They incorporate a variety of furniture including lounges, work benches and study carrels. Immediate accessibility to withdrawal seminar or syndicate rooms is also important. This description could apply equally to the Qantas Lounge or our new IT School at UTS. It also applies for a number of current projects. Dr Kenn Fisher, an acknowledged leader in the study of pedagogy and learning spaces, recently organised a study tour of Australian tertiary institutions for the Bank Negara Malaysia Corporate University. Two Woods Bagot examples were chosen as the model for their new learning environments: The Australian Science and Math School at Flinders University in Adelaide and the Qantas Lounge, the latter being the inspiration for the breakout lounges as flexible learning environments. The implementation of these environments requires a shift in delivery from the academes and therefore a professional development programme where the change has not already occurred. The key therefore is to build the flexibility with the building plan.

Design Intelligence for Education and Science - February 2005

College of Technology, Doha Qatar

Futures Environment

Qantas Lounge Melbourne

Tafe Project Queensland

4 Benchmarking and Value Adding Woods Bagot’s recent work across a range of tertiary institutions has emphasised the need for maintaining a constant review of spatial standards and opportunities for innovation to keep pace with the rapid changes in the education delivery demands of learning environments. Changes modes of learning as discussed in the previous section call for new designs for furniture for example. This had led to dramatic changes in the space standards benchmarking. Typically in Australia classrooms have moved from 2.5m2/student to as low as 1.85m2/student, computer laboratories from 3.5m2/student to 2.5m2/student and even less. The continual evolution from traditional delivery to flexible learning has greatly reduced the number of classrooms, computer laboratories and tutorial rooms required. Commensurate with this has seen the increased use of breakout lounges and learning commons. Ideally these are wireless enabled for laptops. In general this trend has not only transformed the type of spaces being designed but overall reduced the gross area of buildings required. The flexibility brought about through the lap top computer has enabled available funding to produce higher quality learning environments. These strategies combined with the use of state-of-the-art timetabling software to measure space utilisation levels has in a number of significant Woods Bagot projects led to space savings of up to 30-50%. On some of our larger projects this has been translated into capital savings of hundreds of millions of dollars. Design Intelligence for Education and Science - February 2005

Futures Environment 5 Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) ESD and Energy Usage A facility that is intended to promote wellness should be housed within a building which promotes a sense of well being. To develop an effective design it is necessary to understand the needs of each area and each user group; to develop a considered and balanced holistic approach rather than applying an all-encompassing blanket design over all areas. Modern tertiary education makes increasing use of flexible spaces – areas which can be used for impromptu seminars, informal discussions or hot-desk workstations. The key to creating a successful building will be finding the right balance between flexibility and functionality. Within this building there are areas where natural lighting or ventilation will be not just unwelcome but positively discouraged. Medical laboratories often need controlled environmental conditions where temperature and light are regulated and specific to the labs. Similarly, temperature and humidity need to be monitored in computer rooms to maintain optimum operating conditions. The considered design needs to identify: · areas that require minimum and or 24hr energy demands · the degree of user flexibility with manual and automatic control requirement · areas which can be naturally ventilated · areas where the temperature must be controlled closely · areas where natural daylight is beneficial · areas where direct sunlight would be detrimental · areas which need to be co-located for departmental and staffing efficiencies · areas which need to be co-located for building services efficiency · areas which need to be separated to prevent noise or for privacy and security The holistic design needs to be able to combine the varying requirements of each space in a rational way, looking for energy savings, and balancing practicality, comfort, usability, constructability and cost. The main objective is to create natural, well lit, internal environments of 18degC-28degC for most of the year, that provide building users with a comfortable indoor climate whilst using a modest level of purpose design services installation. Research labs often require very controlled environmental conditions with 100% ducted supply air and 100% extract exhaust with highly filtered air quality being maintained above a predetermined level. Natural, unfiltered, uncontrolled ventilation is incompatible with the cleanliness required in labs, although it can be used in offices. Natural ventilation can also be used in circulation spaces and some thought should be given to achieving a comfort level appropriate for the space – circulation spaces may be warmer than working spaces. For example, an entrance atrium space may be 27 degrees (with outside temp at 35 degrees) and be mechanically ventilated rather than fully air-conditioned to give a sense of coolness as one enters the atrium from the heat outside. The laboratory accommodation, however, is to be 22 degrees, dust and noise free, and air conditioned. Demonstrated energy savings and detailed well considered services design will lead to improved comfort and productivity and contribute to an overall sense of well being for the building users. Woods Bagot’s commitment to implementing sound ESD and energy use principals has been manifest in education projects as diverse as the Australian Maths and Science School at Flinders University in Adelaide and the Doha College of Technology. In Doha where the summer conditions are extreme, a design concept was developed to optimise outlook whilst providing close to 100% shading for the six months of extreme heat.

Design Intelligence for Education and Science - February 2005

Examples of Sunshading on buildings from the UAE University

Futures Environment Lighting The starting point for the lighting design will be an analysis of the way in which each space should be used. Typical considerations include: · what is the function of the space and how much light does the activity require · is daylight desirable or undesirable · if daylight is appropriate, can it be pushed further into the space by sun shelves, sun scoops, skylights, atria, light wells or other passive devices · is 100% artificial lighting appropriate · will ambient lighting be augmented by task lighting · what is the appropriate comfort level for the space and how will glare be prevented · does the lighting contribute to user safety The results of the above analysis will rarely provide a simple answer. More commonly the results will provide a range within which the lighting levels should fall. Whilst the science of providing the right amount of light will need to be undertaken by a lighting specialist, there are a number of factors which can be incorporated at the early stage of the design, such as: · monitoring and automatically adjusting artificial lights controlled by photoelectric cells to supplement natural light · use of 3D natural light analysis software to control glare and excessive heat · using light coloured internal finishes to maximize natural light · use of high performance solar control glazing, shading devices and blinds to control sun glare · incorporation of an atrium or light well to bring light deep into the building · judicious use of light shelves (if used incorrectly, shelves can increase maintenance) · using two-tube light fittings; the second tube illuminating when light falls below a pre-set level · use of smart-card passes or sensors which monitor personnel movements and activates the lighting zones which the individual is likely to need, during and after hours · investigating high efficiency lamp technology which offer increased light quality, energy efficiency and longevity, ultimately reducing energy and maintenance costs Ventilation Ventilation can play a large part in the user’s perceived comfort levels. People generally can tolerate higher temperatures if there is air movement than they can in static conditions. An overall reduction in the demand for artificial cooling can be realised through careful zoning and natural ventilation. Consideration must be given to: · identifying areas where natural ventilation is appropriate · identifying spaces where opening a window may be preferable to turning on air conditioning · locating specific operable windows for optimum cross ventilation from prevailing breezes · using night ventilation - time operated mechanical exhaust with up to 15 air changes per hour · providing security / insect screening to allow for night purging to reduce heat build-up · using thermal stacks to draw fresh air through the building to vent at high level · zoning of uses – circulation spaces generally can be warmer than teaching spaces

Design Intelligence for Education and Science - February 2005

College of Technology, internal courtyard

Tafe Project, Queensland

Futures Environment Heating and Cooling Controlling temperature is one of the most energy intensive aspects of building services. The energy required to maintain comfort is closely linked to strategies adopted for ventilation and solar orientation – preventing heat entering or building up reduces the need for artificial cooling. Typically, it is more efficient to make small adjustments to temperature at regular intervals rather than trying to change large volumes of air. This can be addressed in part through the use of building insulation and the placement of massive materials (masonry or concrete) to act as heat stores. The amount of heating or cooling required can be influenced by: · careful orientation of the building – for example controlled ‘North 30 degrees East’ for passive solar gain (in the southern hemisphere) · controlling the area of external glazing: north elevation to 40% of façade, south elevation to 20% of façade, west elevation contains no glazing if possible, east elevation to 10% of façade · avoiding un-shaded roof mounted skylights (shade with louvres if required) · design projecting roofs for shading of internal courtyards and façades · zoning of spaces and activities to control temperature locally, not building-wide · combinations of central AHUs for special/24hr labs, and fan coils for general areas and offices · chilled beams technology, good for large floor plates such as teaching and office spaces · manual or auto mixed-mode air conditioning using mechanical cooling and natural ventilation · locating thermal mass for effective retention of winter passive solar gain · creating external shaded areas to the north providing 100% shade in summer and 80% shade in winter and by providing full summer shade to exposed east & west walls where possible · using appropriate deciduous landscaping to shade exposed western walls · providing soft landscaping around the building to reduce reflected heat from paving · minimising radiant heat through insulated roof panels at a consistent thickness CAD modelling exact calculations of sun angles on all building facades · · considering window positioning pertaining to cross-ventilation and passive solar design · reviewing the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of heat exchangers · reviewing hot water usage to determine whether solar water heating will be effective · use of motion sensors and timers to activate air conditioning outside normal operating hours · use of smart-card passes which monitor personnel movements and activates the air conditioning zones which the individual is likely to need Water usage Water conservation is increasingly seen as a critical design strategy. The real cost of water is now seen as a vital element in environmentally sustainable design for both buildings and landscape. Consideration can also be given to grey-water recycling. Water from hand basins can be collected, filtered to reduce contaminants and used for toilet flushing or irrigation. Using grey water for flushing reduces both the demand for potable (scheme) water and the amount of water entering the sewerage system. With appropriate treatment, grey water can also be used for cooling towers. Recycled grey water coupled with the use of a low water use planting strategy will greatly reduce any demand on the potable water supply. Subject to agreement with the client, consideration may be given to ways in which greywater and/or rainwater collection from roof areas can be used for irrigating planting around the building.

Design Intelligence for Education and Science - February 2005

UAE University Al Ain, Aerial Perspective

Futures Environment

College of Technology, Doha Qatar

Qatar Science & Technology Park

6 Cultural Expression The cultural significance of Universities in the intellectual and public life of countries has traditionally, in the great universities, been reflected in the unique identity of the architecture. The challenge, therefore, in new universities is to explore ways to use traditional cultural references to find a new architecture which celebrates both the unique culture of a place and its people, as well as reflect the aspirations for the future. Woods Bagot’s College of Technology and Qatar Science and Technology Park, both in Doha as well as the United Arab Emirates University in Al Ain have all shared this focus.

Design Intelligence for Education and Science - February 2005

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