Texas Oklahoma Texas Oklahoma Texas Oklahoma
One of the wisest decisions I made in high school was to join Key Club. Key Club emphasizes relationship building and personal development via service; it's not just merely volunteering and logging service hours.
I am unable to put into words how important Key Club is to me.I attribute many of my friendships and experiences to Key Club even if i've only been a member for 2 years. I can exhibit my individuality and grow as a leader as certain key club events require me to be a leader, and i've been able to achieve many experiences through volunteering at my old schools, driving with friends, attending social events, and even receiving the free shirts. I've been given the chance to actively engage in helping the community, which is an experience I haven't had in any other club.
As I Entered the first meeting as a sophomore without understanding the importance of Volunteering. I had found myself asking, “What is Volunteering? Hours?” In all honesty, I wasn't sure whether to join and thought it wasn't worth the effort, but making the decision on the spur of the moment to join has changed how I view my high school years. Key Club is a place you can trust, not just another club at school. I'm appreciative of the experiences and possibilities I've had while joining this group. To this day, I have no regrets about joining Key Club, and that is what Key Club means to me.
-Han Ly
K E Y T O S P I R T !
How did Key-Clubbers spend their break?
"I began my break by visiting my family in Fredericksburg, Texas. The scenery was amazing! I found myself going to the mall with my friends, and enjoying quality time with my family and dog."
-Eric Solis"This break i was finally able to build my pc which has been in the works since I was a freshman! When I'm not on my pc with friends, I am usually roaming downtown, or building some of my favorite Lego sets!
-Amalia Reyes
"During the break, I really enjoyed relaxing, and enjoying my new found free time. Usually, my free time would be used napping, but if I wasn't napping, I am usually playing with my cats in my backyard, or usually playing video games with friends."
-Han LyMajor Emphasis Major Emphasis Major Emphasis
Riddle Of The Month Riddle Of The Month Riddle Of The Month
I can be long, or I can be short. I can be grown and I can be bought. I can be round or square. What am I?