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Home What Is CBDPure How It Works Success St ories FAQ's 90 Day Guarant ee Cont act Order
T he Mo s t Po we rf ul & Be ne f ic ial CBD A vailable Expe rie nc e t he CBDPure Dif f e re nc e Cont ains all-nat ural Cannabidiol (CBD), Terpenes, and ot her Cannabinoids
Guarant e e d Yo ur s at is f ac t io n is o ur t o p prio rit y, whic h is why yo ur o rde r is bac ke d by o ur 90 Day Mo ne y-Bac k Guarant e e , t he o nly o ne o f it s kind.
Organic * Our he mp o il is made wit h c e rt if ie d no n-GMO o rganic -s t andards he mp gro wn in Co lo rado and is f re e o f c o nt aminant s and addit ive s .
Qualit y T e s t e d A ll pro duc t s are qualit y t e s t e d by an inde pe nde nt t hird-part y lab t o e ns ure yo u ge t t he be s t pro duc t po s s ible , and t he po t e nc y re s ult s are made public f o r yo ur re vie w.
S at is f ac t io n Jo in o ur t ho us ands o f s at is f ie d CBD c us t o me rs f ro m all walks o f lif e and f ind o ut f irs t -hand ho w CBDPure c an he lp yo u f e e l be t t e r, s at is f ac t io n guarant e e d. What is CBD? CBD (Cannabidiol) is a pot ent , non-psychoact ive cannabinoid found in hemp oil. It is t ypically ext ract ed from indust rial hemp plant s t hat are nat urally high in CBD and ot her phyt ochemicals. It is t he most prevalent of over 80 different cannabinoids found in nat ural hemp. It is commonly used for it s t herapeut ic propert ies. Cannabidiol is responsible for a wide-range of posit ive healt h benefit s t hrough it s int eract ion wit h t he body's own endocannabinoid syst em. The Science Behind CBDPure FULL-S PECT RUM CA NNA BINOIDS CBDPure cont ains a full range of cannabinoids and t erpenes, which st udies show provide a bet t er t herapeut ic effect t han CBD isolat e alone
ORGA NIC PURIT Y CBDPure never compromises on qualit y and only cont ains t he purest CBD oil from organically grown hemp plant s from Colorado
CO2 EX T RA CT ED CO2 is t he cleanest and safest ext ract ion met hod t o ensure CBDPure has fullspect rum cannabinoids wit h zero chemical solvent s.
COLD-PRES S ED & UNREFINED CBDPure uses only cold press oil ext ract ion processes t o ret ain t he nat ural value of t he hemp plant wit hout t he use of any chemicals
S UBLINGUA L ORA L DELIV ERY By t aking CBDPure drops under t he t ongue, some oil is absorbed direct ly by t he blood vessels and lining of t he mout h for more rapid absorpt ion and effect < >
Full-Spect rum Cannabinoids
Cold-Pressed & Unrefined
CO2 Ext ract ed
Organic Purit y
Sublingual Oral Delivery FULL-S PECT RUM CA NNA BINOIDS CBDPure cont ains a full range of cannabinoids and t erpenes, which st udies show provide a bet t er t herapeut ic effect t han CBD isolat e alone
COLD-PRES S ED & UNREFINED CBDPure uses only cold press oil ext ract ion processes t o ret ain t he nat ural value of t he hemp plant wit hout t he use of any chemicals
CO2 EX T RA CT ED CO2 is t he cleanest and safest ext ract ion met hod t o ensure CBDPure has full-spect rum cannabinoids wit h zero chemical solvent s
ORGA NIC PURIT Y CBDPure never compromises on qualit y and only cont ains t he purest CBD oil from organically grown hemp plant s from Colorado
S UBLINGUA L ORA L DELIV ERY By t aking CBDPure drops under t he t ongue, some oil is absorbed direct ly by t he blood vessels and lining of t he mout h for more rapid absorpt ion and effect
CBD & Y o ur He alt h
Me nt al He alt h Cannabidiol promot es a healt hy st at e of mind and general st ress reduct ion. Relax and de-st ress nat urally wit h CBD.
Ge ne ral He alt h Cannabidiol safely promot es nat ural relief and good healt h, helping improve wellness by support ing your int ernal recovery and healing processes.
Re s t o re s Balanc e Cannabidiol helps promot e and rest ore balance t o t he endocannabinoid syst em. CBD, a powerful phyt ocannabinoid, int eract s synergist ically wit h t he bodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own
EC recept ors.
What People Are Saying Discover why men, women and families use CBDPure Hemp Oil Ext ract
I've been an avid runner since my yout h and I'm t hankful for experiencing t he relief I needed. I enjoy my morning runs again. It 's so simple t o t ake CBDPure every day! Ro dne y (Pensacola, FL)
CBDPure has been just what my mot her needed. Her overall wellbeing has improved great ly and she is now really able t o get out and enjoy life!. Harrio t (Franklin, TN)
Playing wit h my grandkids was somet hing I only hoped t o be able t o do, now I can do it . Thank you, CBDPure for helping me have a more act ive lifest yle! S hiv (It haca, NY)
"I love t hat CBDPure is all-nat ural and cont ains high qualit y CBD oil. The fact t hat I can look up t he bat ch t est ing done on my product really put s my mind at ease. I know for cert ain t hat I'm t aking a safe, qualit y product . I'm a cust omer for life. Is abe lla (El Paso, TX) Previous Next 1. 2. 3. 4.
Organic & Pure CBDPure oils are made wit h non-GMO hemp, grown in Colorado by local farmers. Our hemp oil is minimally processed by following t he highest organic st andards at every st ep of our growing, harvest ing, and bot t ling process. When you buy a CBDPure product , you are buying t he purest CBD oil from nat ural sources, t hat is 100% free of any synt het ic or art ificial ingredient s. We t est every bat ch of oil t hat we process t o ensure t hat it meet s t he purit y st andards t hat we demand.
You Deserve the Best For Your Health. Third-Part y Test ing Our hemp oil is t hird-part y t est ed for pot ency and qualit y. Our st ringent t est ing program ensures t hat you get t he very best , and most pot ent , CBD oil available legally. Cannabino id Pro f iling Reveals t he concent rat ion of act ive cannabinoids for accurat e dosage and t o ensure t he qualit y of t he product . Pe s t ic ide T e s t ing Det ect s even t race amount s of chemical pest icides in hemp concent rat es using advanced t est ing procedures.
Mic ro bio lo gic al S c re e ning Det ermines if t here are any microorganisms and harmful pat hogens such as bact eria and fungi present in t he hemp. T e rpe ne A nalys is Allows for t he abilit y t o provide an opt imized hemp oil t o maximize t he desired t herapeut ic effect . Re s idual S o lve nt T e s t ing Ident ifies t he presence of harmful solvent s, impurit ies and ot her added odorant s and chemicals present .
S af e and Ef f e c t ive CBDPure product s are t rust ed by holist ic healt h professionals and by healt h conscience people everywhere. Our product s have been made using t he purest , highest qualit y ingredient s and backed by t he wisdom and principles of t ime-honored herbal remedies. CBDPure He mp Oil Ext rac t 100% Organically Grown Hemp - Cert ified Pure CBD He mp Oil 1 00 mg
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INFORMA T ION What is CBDPure > How It Works > Frequent ly Asked Quest ions > Success St ories > Organic St andards > Blog > NEED HELP Cust omer Support > Order Tracking > 90 Day Guarant ee > Lab Test Result s > Mail & Fax Order > Resources > COMPA NY About Us > Privacy Policy >
Terms & Condit ions > Affiliat e Program > Wholesale > Sit e Map > S T ORE INFORMA T ION Nut ra Pure LLC 500 Broadway St reet , Suit e 480 Vancouver, WA 98660, USA 800-240-9884 Nut ra Pure Limit ed 20 Ailsa Avenue Blackpool FY4 4HW Unit ed Kingdom +44-3308085480 FDA DISCLOSURE Represent at ions regarding t he efficacy and safet y of CBDPure have not been evaluat ed by t he Food and Drug Administ rat ion. The FDA only evaluat es foods and drugs, not supplement s like t hese product s. These product s are not int ended t o diagnose, prevent , t reat , or cure any disease. Click here and here t o find evidence of a t est , analysis, research, or st udy describing t he benefit s, performance or efficacy of CBD Oil based on t he expert ise of relevant professionals. These st at ement s have not been evaluat ed by t he FDA and are not int ended t o diagnose, t reat , or cure any disease. Always check wit h your physician before st art ing a new diet ary supplement program. The Cannabidiol (CBD) in CBDPure is a nat ural const it uent of indust rial hemp plant and grown in t he Unit ed St at es of America. CBDPure does not sell or dist ribut e any product s t hat are in violat ion of t he Unit ed St at es Cont rolled Subst ances Act (US CSA).