Turmeric Health Benefits

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Turmeric Benefits The Natural Anti-Inflammatory Health Benefits of the "Spice of Life" Supplement that Is Winning Over Doctors and Scientists Around the World

Turmeric Benefits What if there was a natural product, a spice actually, that has existed for thousands of years, offered potential medicinal health benefits of numerous pharmaceutical drugs on the market, and treated a wide variety of conditions? There is such a product, and it now comes in the form of an easy to take supplement. Turmeric is much more than the wonder spice that makes Indian curry taste oh-so good. It seems every day more and more research is released on the potential health benefits you may discover by taking this supplement. “But, what is it about Turmeric that makes it so special?� This report will answer that question and likely a whole lot more. This report is a compilation of some of the incredible amount of readily available data and statistics already out on the potential benefits of using the supplement Turmeric. While the information is based on medical and scientific studies, this report in no way claims that Turmeric is a cure for what ails you, as each individual is different, nor is it a means to diagnose your condition or illness. While the benefits of Turmeric seem to outweigh any possible negatives, you should always consult your qualified health professional/doctor before taking it or any other supplement or alternative medicine to see if it is right for you.

So, you might be asking yourself‌

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Pure Health Origins


Turmeric Benefits What is Turmeric? “Turmeric is one of the safest, most ancient and easily accessible home remedies in the world.� -Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary, Director of Neurology at Wellspring Health and Dr. Oz Expert

Turmeric is a plant that looks a lot like its distant cousin ginger. The root, or rhizome, has a tough brown skin and brightorange flesh, and it offers the scent of citrusy orange with a touch of ginger. The root is usually boiled or steamed. Then, it is dried and ground up to create the spice that is commonly used in Indian and Asian cuisine. But, it is not the peppery, warm, and perhaps a bit on the bitter side taste that makes Turmeric a favorite go-to cooking ingredient for Indian culinary chefs; it is the fact this little gem can provide a beautiful yellowish golden hue to the dishes it is added to. In fact, many refer to Turmeric as Indian Saffron. Turmeric is the main ingredient in Indian Curry and is what makes American mustard yellow. From lentils to stews and rice to even pickles, this sun-colored seasoning is a popular choice. But wait! There is even something more important that makes this little ray of sun have even more reason to shine! Not only is Turmeric used to flavor and color foods, but it has incredible health benefits. In fact, it has been used for centuries in eastern cultures to heal and has finally drawn the attention of Western doctors and scientists who are studying its potential preventative and curative powers.

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Pure Health Origins


Turmeric Benefits “Used as both medicine and food for centuries, accumulating evidence suggests that this relative of ginger is a promising preventive agent for a wide range of diseases.� -Dr. Andrew Weil founder and director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine

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Pure Health Origins


Turmeric Benefits The "Go-to" Spice for Health for Thousands of Years Turmeric has been used in India for over 5,000 years. Originally, it was primarily used as a dye, then for cosmetic uses and finally the medicinal benefits of Turmeric were discovered. Turmeric played a significant role in the Indian medical science – Ayurveda. There is also much evidence that shows Turmeric was used as a part of traditional Chinese medicine around 1,000 years ago. While it seems that Turmeric has always been a big part of Eastern medicine, it did not make its way West until the 20th century. Today, there have been numerous studies showcasing the incredible health benefits of Turmeric. So, what exactly is it that this wonder drug is said to do for the body? Get ready to be amazed because the list of Turmeric's potential benefits is long.

“If I had only one single herb to depend upon for all possible health and dietary needs, I would without much hesitation choose the Indian spice Turmeric. There is little it cannot do in the realm of healing and much that no other herb is able to accomplish." -Dr. David Frawely, founder/director of the American Institute for Vedic Studies in Santa Fe, New Mexico

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Pure Health Origins


Turmeric Benefits What Can Turmeric Do For Me? When Shakespeare wrote, “How do I love thee, let me count the ways,” he was most likely not referring to the herbal advantages of the supplement Turmeric. He might as well been because there certainly are a lot of ways in which to love it, so many ways in fact that trying to explain them all would take a book! Since your time is valued, this report will focus on the main health benefits and components. To quote, restate, and report on every finding that has been done and is still being performed on Turmeric…would take up an entire book.

“Turmeric appears to outperform many pharmaceuticals in its effects against several chronic, debilitating diseases, and does so with virtually no adverse side effects.” -Dr. James A. Duke, PhD, Ethnobotanist, Scientist, Educator, Writer

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Pure Health Origins


Turmeric Benefits Turmeric as an Antioxidant You may hear a lot of talk about how important antioxidants are, but do you know what the extreme benefits of Turmeric’s antioxidant properties are? According to the National Institutes of Health, antioxidants are vitamins and other nutrients that help protect your cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. Free radicals are byproducts of digestion, and toxins found in the environment, that may contribute to serious health problems like cancer and heart disease. This is why doctors say you should eat more fruits and vegetables, as they contain the vitamins and nutrients your body needs to battle all those free radicals. Think of it this way: Toxins and other free radicals are like the bad guys, and antioxidants are the good ones trying to run the bad guys out of town. And, no antioxidant can battle the dark forces of toxins and other free radicals better than Turmeric. In fact, Turmeric’s antioxidant properties are five to eight times stronger than vitamins C and E. “So, this all sounds great, but what can Turmeric as an antioxidant really do for me?” you still might be saying. Well, do you ever eat fried chicken, pizza, or greasy fast food? If so, you might find this little tidbit quite interesting. A study conducted by Penn State found that the use of Turmeric, along with other antioxidant spices, reduced the negative effects of high-fat meals, lowering insulin response by about 20 percent. Talk about having a burger your way.

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Pure Health Origins


Turmeric Benefits “Turmeric is promoted mainly as an anti-inflammatory

herbal remedy and is said to produce fewer side effects than commonly used pain relievers.� -American Cancer Society Webpage

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Turmeric Benefits Turmeric as an Anti-Inflammatory Have you ever sprained your ankle, had a sinus infection, or been stung by a bee? If you answered yes, then you already are familiar with what inflammation is. Inflammation is the body’s response to infection, irritation, and injury. It can cause swelling, redness, and sometimes a whole lot of pain. While your body needs some level of inflammation to remain healthy, if your immune system mistakenly triggers an inflammatory response when there really is no threat, you may end up with too much inflammation which is how acute conditions such as asthma, allergies, arthritis, heart disease, cancer, and a whole lot more can start. Turmeric was often used for this very purpose centuries ago in India and in Chinese medicine as a way to naturally rid the body of the excess inflammation. Today, many people turn to pain relievers or prescription drugs to help with inflammation. However, extreme use of these types of medicines are now being linked to very serious side effects such as cardiovascular problems, gastrointestinal harm, and kidney and/or liver damage. Wow! You take one thing to help get rid of another and end up with something completely different. Talk about a vicious cycle. But, Turmeric is said to be just as effective, if not even more so.

Plus, it has fewer side effects. World renowned ethnobotanist James A. Duke, PhD did an in-depth study on Turmeric and found that it contains more than two dozen anti-inflammatory compounds, including six different COX-2-inhibitors (COX-2 is the nasty stuff that causes pain, swelling, and inflammation, while the inhibitors are what block it).

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Pure Health Origins


Turmeric Benefits Even though there are 24 compounds, there seems to be much attention given to the one known as Curcumin. One such study was done with osteoarthritis patients who added 200 mg of curcumin a day to their treatment plan. The end results of the patients who took this compound were reduced pain and increased mobility. The control group, which received no curcumin, had no significant improvements. And, that was when they took just one isolated compound out of the 24 compounds found in Turmeric. Remember, the entire Turmeric plant contains 24 antiinflammatory compounds; those folks might have been dancing a jig if they took the whole root rhizome Turmeric supplement.

“Curcumin (one of the components in Turmeric) has broad

anti-cancer effects during initiation, promotion, and progression of tumors… can cause cancer to regress… has action against carcinogens… substantially reduces the formation of mutagenic (cancer causing) chemicals… and eliminates DNA damage to prevent the development of cancer.” -Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa, Yogaraj in Ayurveda, author of Herbal

Defenses and one of the country’s foremost natural healing experts. Dr. James A. Duke, PhD, Ethnobotanist, Scientist, Educator, Writer

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Turmeric Benefits Is Turmeric an Anti-Cancer Agent? The American Cancer Society states that half of all men and one-third of all women in the U.S. will develop cancer during their lifetimes. Those are some pretty scary numbers. No wonder so much research has recently gone into finding different ways to treat, or perhaps even prevent, this horrific disease. With over 100 different types of cancer existing, finding a cure all may seem near impossible. And while Turmeric is definitely not a one size fits all remedy, it is gaining more and more attention in the fight against cancer. What prompted the Western medical field to pay attention to the cancer fighting, and perhaps prevention, qualities of Turmeric was when they started noticing how different our rates in cancer were compared to other countries. For example, in India where Turmeric is widely used in the diet, the prevalence of four common U.S. cancers -- colon, breast, prostate, and lung -- is 10 times lower. Prostate cancer, the most common cancer among men here in the United States, is almost nonexistent in India. Makes you start to wonder, doesn’t it? So, what do the studies say about how Turmeric helps fight and prevent cancer? Many studies have been conducted to figure this out. What do these studies show? They show that Turmeric, and the anti-inflammatory compound in Turmeric mentioned earlier: Curcumin, influence more than 700 genes in different ways which may, in part, explain its numerous health benefits.

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Turmeric Benefits “Curcumin has been found to influence over 60 molecular targets in the cancer process. With an established safety record and a fraction of the cost of conventional chemotherapy, plant compounds like curcumin found in Turmeric represent an enormous and almost untapped resource for cancer treatment.” -Jonathan Treasure, co-founder of Centre for Natural Healing, coauthor of Herb, Nutrient, and Drug Interactions: Clinical Implications and Therapeutic Strategies.

Several studies even suggest that curcumin can cause cancer to regress. This compound also is said to battle against carcinogens and can even reduce the formation of mutagenic (cancer-causing) chemicals. Wait! There is more. Some studies also indicate this incredible compound can eliminate DNA damage to even prevent the development of cancer.

“Science is transforming the spice (Turmeric) from folk medicine to one that could help a patient’s body fight off a virus because it can prevent the virus from taking over healthy cells.” -Aarthi Narayanan, assistant professor at George Mason’s National Center for Biodefense and Infectious Diseases.

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Turmeric Benefits Turmeric as an Antiviral Medical research shows Turmeric has the potential to help protect the body from viral infection. There have been several studies examining the uses of Turmeric and Curcumin in the treatment of HIV/AIDS, Herpes, Human Papilloma Virus, and are you ready for this‌ the flu and common cold. While fighting the actual agents attacking the body, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties also help alleviate some of the common uncomfortable symptoms that accompany those nasty germ bugs. Turmeric users have reported relief from sore throats to ear aches within hours after taking it. It might be worth having a Turmeric Supplement on hand this cold and flu season.

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Turmeric Benefits Turmeric as an Anti-bacterial The term "antibiotic" refers to both natural and synthetic compounds that destroy or inhibit the growth of susceptible bacteria that attack the body. Turmeric has been used for thousands of years as a natural antibacterial as well as antiseptic and can be used as an effective disinfectant. If you have a cut or burn, you can pull apart a Turmeric capsule and sprinkle the Turmeric powder on the affected area to speed up the healing process. It is also said to treat psoriasis and other skin conditions. In fact, Johnson & Johnson even makes Turmeric Band-Aids for the Indian market.

“A recent study on patients with Alzheimer’s Disease found that less than a gram of turmeric daily, taken for three months, resulted in remarkable improvements.” Sayer Ji, founder of GreenMedInfo.com, an author, researcher, lecturer, and an advisory board member of the National Health Federation

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Turmeric Benefits Turmeric as Alzheimer's Disease Prevention As more and more information and findings on Alzheimer’s are being made, scientists are coming to the conclusion that inflammation plays a large role. As mentioned earlier, Turmeric has incredible antiinflammatory properties; and now, they are also finding that extracts of Turmeric contain a number of natural agents that block the formation of beta-amyloid, the matter to blame for the plaques that slowly obstruct brain function in Alzheimer's disease patients.

This is a huge discovery and one that hopefully even more information will be released on in the future!

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Turmeric Benefits Turmeric Anti-nausea Properties Did you eat too much at Thanksgiving? Are you feeling car sick or bloated, or maybe your tummy just hurts? You might want to try Turmeric. For years, this spice has been used for digestive and stomach problems on everything from irritable bowel syndrome, to stomach ulcers, to constipation.

“Curcumin may be useful for the treatment and prevention of obesity-related chronic diseases.� -Dr. Mercola, Author of New York Times Bestsellers books, The Great Bird Flu Hoax and The No-Grain Diet.

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Turmeric Benefits Turmeric as a Weight Loss aid It was mentioned earlier about how Turmeric reduces the negative effects of high-fat meals by lowering insulin levels. Researchers at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University (USDA HNRCA) studied mice fed high-fat diets supplemented with Curcumin and found that it can also stop fat storage as well. The Curcumin attaches itself to the fat cells and encourages them to shrink and contract by suppressing the blood vessels needed to form fat tissue. It doesn’t stop there. Turmeric is also said to increase your metabolism. Yes, science shows this wonder supplement has a thermogenic effect which means it naturally increases the body temperature, thus making your body metabolism work harder. While not proven scientifically, there are claims it may help your body burn as much as an extra 350 calories a day.

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Turmeric Benefits Some Precautions The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine says that Turmeric is generally safe. It can, however, cause nausea and diarrhea, especially in high doses or after long-term use. People who have allergies to Ginger may also have issues with Turmeric. Pregnant women should not use turmeric supplements. People with certain conditions, such as gallbladder disease, should avoid taking Turmeric, as it may exacerbate their condition. It is not recommended for anyone under the age of 18. As mentioned earlier, it is always advisable to consult your health care provider before starting any new health regiment. Discuss your medical symptoms, conditions, and any other pharmaceutical medicines you may be currently taking with your doctor, and together, you will be able to paint a clearer picture as to how Turmeric may or may not be a safe alternative or complimentary method to manage your health.

“Turmeric has a broad spectrum of actions, mild but certain effects, and is beneficial for long term and daily usage. Though it is a common spice, few people, including herbalist know of its great value and are using it to the extent possible. It is an herb that one should ‘get to know’ and live with.” -Dr. David Frawely, founder/director of the American Institute for Vedic Studies in Santa Fe, New Mexico

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Turmeric Benefits ‘Get to know’ Turmeric. By including Turmeric Supplement to your diet, you just may be adding a whole lot of health benefits and perhaps even increase the years and quality of your life!

Pure Health Origins "Turmeric Curcumin Benefits Plus 95" is the premium Turmeric Curcumin blend that combines the best of the whole root rhizome and a 95% Standardized Curcumin extract to provide you with the top doctor recommended blend independently lab tested for purity and potency in an easy to take dietary supplement capsule. Bottle COLOR may vary.

BUY NOW Sign up for "Club Pure" and get a COUPON for $$$$ off and breaking study news >> Available on Amazon. Ask for it at finer supplement retailers in the United States. Copyright 2014

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