What is a Facelift?

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Frequently Asked Questions: Facelift Vivian Hernandez, M.D., F.A.C.S. The following questions are commonly asked by patients of Dr. Hernandez before undergoing a facelift. While these questions and more are thoroughly answered in a personal consultation. The answers given summarize the doctor’s approach and advice as one considers having a facelift.

1. How long is the recovery time? “I generally say between two and four weeks, depending on the individual’s surgery and the depth of the procedure. It is best to wait at least four weeks before resuming a full schedule of work and exercise. Some patients can go back to work after two weeks, but if a patient has a laser treatment as part of their facelift they would need a slightly longer recovery time, in which case I would suggest from three to four weeks.

2. How long does a facelift usually last? Generally, facelifts lasts an average of 8 to 12 years. If a patient remains stable, does not gain or lose weight, a facelift can last sometimes up to fifteen years. This also depends on the type of facelift that is being performed, whether the muscle is being repositioned or not.

3. How is a facelift different than a mini or mid facelift? A mini or mid facelift is limited in scope when compared to a full or lower facelift. In a mini lift, the skin and muscle dissections are limited, which is why the results they produce are not as dramatic as in a traditional facelift. Alternatively, when a doctor speaks of a mid-face lift, they are more likely referring to a procedure addressing the cheeks only, not the rest of the face. In a

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