4 Traits All Successful Futures Traders Have In Common The best futures traders know how to make a profit no matter what condition the market is in. And while traders come from all different backgrounds, there are certain traits the successful ones posses. Here are 4 of them. Trait #1 The Ability To Think For Themselves Great futures traders are independent thinkers. They look at whats going on in the world, the markets and several other factors before making a trading decision. When things aren't going so well, they never panic. Instead, they try to figure out a new path to profits. They never get caught up in greed. They make all of their decisions based on sound research. Because they aren't the type to move based on what the crowd is doing, they are almost always in a position to profit at the right time. Trait #2 Strong Analysts The best futures traders understand both technical analysis and fundamental analysis. Being a strong analyst makes it easier for you to spot profitable trading opportunities. That's why it is so important you take the time to learn as much as you can about the various forms of analysis. Doing so will make you a better trader. Chances are you view this as an enormous task. And while it can be, it doesn't necessarily have to be. Just set aside 30 minutes to an hour a day to read books and magazines about analyzing trades. Within a few short months you will be a strong analyst and able to make smart, profitable trades. Trait #3 A Hunger For Learning Successful futures traders never stop learning. They attend seminars, workshops and other events in an effort to learn as much as they can about trading. By attending workshops and seminars you have the opportunity to interact with and learn from other traders. Often times, the knowledge you gain from other traders is far better than what you can read in any book. Trait #4 Technologically Savvy