The Star November 2020

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10 the Star

Year 12 students participate in yoga as part of in the ‘fit4twelve’ program.



In Senior School (Years 11 and 12) at MLC we take a holistic approach to wellbeing. Informed by the College’s PROSPER Framework, staff work together to provide every student with the support and opportunities they need to stay physically and mentally well during their final years of schooling. Student wellbeing is the domain of all teachers and educational support staff. Senior School House Coordinators and Tutors work directly with students to deliver a tailored wellbeing program. Students are typically in the same Tutor Group in both Years 11 and 12, with other girls from their House. They also typically have the same Tutor Group teacher across both years of Senior School, enabling strong connections to be forged. Students participate in MLC’s unique ‘fit4twelve’ program at the end of Year 11, and our follow-up ‘well4twelve’ program at the start of Year 12. These wellbeing programs are designed to provide students with mental and physical health experiences, nutrition information and study strategies that will help them manage the demands of VCE, VCE VET or IB.

Periods of home learning this year have been challenging for our Senior School students, particularly our Year 12s who have missed being able to physically attend school in their final year. I have been impressed with students’ resilience and also their commitment to staying connected to the College and each other, through MLC’s Continuous Learning and Wellbeing program. One on one coaching is a recent wellbeing initiative in Senior School. With the support and guidance of her Tutor, every student enjoys regular opportunities to identify and build on her strengths, and to set and achieve personal goals. These coaching sessions have been especially valuable in 2020 and we increased their frequency once remote learning began. Students reported that they greatly appreciated the extra opportunities to receive one on one online coaching, encouragement support from their Tutors. Wellbeing in Senior School can often be closely tied to students’ subject choices and academic aspirations. The philosophy we reinforce with students is “do what you love and do it well, and that will be a path to success.” The demanding final years of school can be less stressful when students are engaged with concepts and learning areas they enjoy. Dr Jennifer Bailey Smith, Head of Senior School

A student’s perspective The thought of Year 12 can be overwhelming, but ‘fit4twelve’ and ‘well4twelve’ allow us to develop skills and behaviours that benefit our physical and mental wellbeing. I feel these activities have been vital this year to help us maintain a balance in our mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. The Senior School coaching program has been extremely useful. The guidance from our Tutors reminds us to keep persevering and highlights the importance of setting goals. We’re grateful to have a rapport with our teachers that provides a sense of support and genuine care. Our Tutor Groups have become even more significant during home learning. With COVID-19, we have realised the importance of being connected and the value of friendships more than ever. Even though we can see the glass half empty due to the missed opportunities, I think we now understand the bigger picture of enjoying the little things in our lives. Charlie Kiley, Year 12 student and Junior School Prefect

Year 12 students participate in an African drumming workshop as part of ‘well4twelve’.

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