HGK22884 Fine Chinese Paintings

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WEDNESDAY 27 NOVEMBER 2024  星期三 2024 年 11 月 27 日



THURSDAY 28 NOVEMBER 2024  星期四 2024 年 11 月 28 日


Wednesday, 27 November 2024 2024 年 11月 27日(星期三)

2.00pm ( Sale 22885, Lots 101–239)

下午 2 時(拍賣編號 22885,拍賣品編號 101–239)

Thursday, 28 November 2024 2024 年 11月 28日(星期四)

10.30am ( Sale 22884, Lots 601–700)

2.30pm ( Sale 22884, Lots 701–797)

上午 10 時 30 分(拍賣編號 22884,拍賣品編號 601–700)

下午 2 時 30 分(拍賣編號 22884,拍賣品編號 701–797)

Location: HONG KONG, 6/ F, The Henderson, 2 Murray Road, Central 地點:香港,中環美利道 2號 The Henderson 6 樓

Tel 電話: +852 2760 1766 Fax 傳真: +852 2760 1767


HONG KONG, 6/F, The Henderson 香港, The Henderson 6 樓

Fine Chinese Classical Paintings and Calligraphy 中國古代書畫

Friday – Monday, 22 – 25 November 11月 22 至 25日(星期五至一) 10.30am – 6.00pm Tuesday, 26 November 11月 26日(星期二) 10.30am – 2.00pm

Fine Chinese Modern and Contemporary Ink Paintings 中國近現代及當代書畫

Friday – Wednesday, 22 – 27 November 11月 22 至 27日(星期五至三) 10.30am – 6.00pm


Chen Liang-Lin • Carmen Shek Cerne • Nicola Chan • Audrey Lee


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Frank Yang
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Dr Man Kung Amy Cheng

27 NOVEMBER 2024, 2:00PM


Formerly from the Collection of Keisoshitsu 日本景蘇室舊藏 (Lot 101)


HUANG SHEN (1687-1772)

Fisherman and his Wife

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

23.2 x 30 cm. (9 ⅛ x 11 ¾ in.)

Inscribed with a poem, with two seals of the artist

Three collector’s seals, including two of Yonezawa Akihiro (1923-1982), one of which on the back of the scroll

Inscription on the reverse of the cover of wooden box by Murata Kokoku (1831-1912), with two seals

Four collector’s seals on the wooden box, including two of Yonezawa Akihiro.


An important Wu Changshuo album (Lot 780) from the same collection will be offered in the Fine Chinese Modern and Contemporary Ink Paintings auction on 28 November 2024.



清 黃慎 漁翁漁婦 設色紙本 立軸




藏印:米澤彰洋(1923-1982):景蘇室、米彰洋書畫記(於畫背) 其他:翰默軒

木盒藏印:米澤彰洋:景蘇室所藏金石書畫、景蘇室 其他:小夢樓主、小夢樓 村田香谷(1831-1912)題木盒蓋內: 明治丁未(1907)暑月欽賞之餘題簽,香谷。 鈐印:田叔私印、香谷 註:村田香谷(1831~1912),南畫家,號香谷田叔,出生於福岡 縣。初習畫作詩,後到長崎縣學南畫,師從貫名海屋,張子祥、 胡公壽,三次度清國。巧於山水,諳詩書。

此收藏之吳昌碩重要冊頁(編號780)將於2024年11月28日中國近 現代和當代書畫拍賣釋出。

Property from a Japanese Private Collection 日本私人收藏 (Lot 102) 102

ZHAO ZHICHEN (1781-1852)

Wisteria and Fish

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on gold-flecked paper 132 x 29.8 cm. (52 x 11 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist


Tokyo, Tokyu Department Store Nihonbashi, Xiling Seal Art Society Exhibition, 26 February – 2 March 1988.

Gifu, The Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu, Xiling Seal Art Society Exhibition, 24 March – 3 April 1988.

Osaka, Matsuzakaya, Xiling Seal Art Society Exhibition, 7 – 12 April 1988.

LITERATURE: Xiling Seal Art Society Exhibition Catalogue, Yomiuri Shimbun, Tokyo, p.195, pl.8.


US$7,700-13,000 清 趙之琛 籐花游魚 設色灑金箋 鏡框 題識:擬白雲外史法。次閒。

鈐印:㝱漚亭、趙之琛印 背面藏印:小夢樓主

展覽:東京,東急百貨店日本橋店,“西泠印社展”,1988年2月26— 3月2日。

岐阜,岐阜縣美術館,“西泠印社展”,1988年3月24日—4月 3日。

大阪,大阪松坂屋,“西泠印社展”,1988年4月7日—4月12日。 出版:《西泠印社展》圖錄,讀賣新聞社,1988年,第195頁,圖版8。



Flowers and Birds

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk

140.2 x 45 cm. (55 ¼ x 17 ¾ in.)

Signed, with two seals of the artist



明 俞奇逢 幽花佳禽 設色絹本 立軸


鈐印:俞奇逢印、原父氏 註:俞奇逢,明福建沙縣人。沙縣俞氏 自存勝得其舅氏邊文進之傳,遂世 業花鳥。奇逢亦為存勝後嗣,故亦 精於花卉翎毛。見《中國美術家人 名辭典》第572頁。

From a Japanese Private Collection 日本私人收藏 (Lot 104)



Two Cranes

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk

181.6 x 87 cm. (71 ½ x 34 ¼ in.)

Inscribed with a poem and signed, with two seals of the artist

HK$150,000-200,000 US$19,000-26,000

清 費而奇(傳) 鶴壽 設色絹本 立軸

題識:蓉菊鮮妍如錯繡,風光不信是塵寰。 僊人今日醉何處,鶴馭一雙都放閒。 壬午九秋題,費而奇。



LÜ JI (ATTRIBUTED TO, C.1475-1503)

Flowers and Birds

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk

142.5 x 81.5 cm. (56 ⅛ x 32 ⅛ in.)

Signed, with one seal of the artist

HK$180,000-280,000 US$23,000-36,000

明 呂紀(傳) 花鳥 設色絹本 立軸 款識:呂紀。




Geese in Snow / Seagulls over the Coast

A set of two album leaves, mounted and framed, ink and colour on silk

21 x 26 cm. (8 ¼ x 10 ¼ in.) / 25 x 25.5 cm. (9 ⅞ x 10 in.)

Each signed, with a titleslip and collector’s seal of Wu Rongguang (1773-1843) on the mounting Fifteen collector’s seals in total, including five of Xiang Yuanbian (1525-1590), one of Ji Xichou (1791-1862) and four of Wu Yuanhui (1824-1865)


Art World Monthly, No. 27, p.11, in Art World Monthly Republished Version Vol.1, Tianjin Rare Books Store, Changzhou, 1993. (Geese in Snow)



宋 惠崇(傳)/樓觀(傳) 雪中寒鴈/野岸驚鷗 設色絹本


款識:1 惠崇。 2 樓觀筆。

裱邊簽條:1 惠崇雪中寒鴈。 2 樓觀野岸驚鷗。

鈐印:吳榮光印(二次) 藏印:

項元汴(1525-1590):項元汴印(二次)、 子京珍秘、墨林山 人、項墨林父秘笈 之印

季錫疇(1791-1862):錫疇審定 伍元蕙(1824-1865):迂菴秘玩(二次)、 南海伍氏南叟齋秘笈 印(二次) 其他:御府圖書、鼎、元、香山林氏見山齋 收藏書畫之印(二次) 出版:《藝林月刊》第27期,第11頁,見 《藝林月刊再版第一集》,天津古籍 書店,天津,1993年。(雪中寒鴈) 註:樓觀,錢塘(今杭州)人,咸淳(12651274)間畫院祗候,與馬遠齊名。工花 鳥、人物、山水,得夏珪筆法傅色。



Three Rams

Round fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink and colour on silk

22.5 cm. (8 ⅞ in.) in diameter

With two seals

HK$100,000-200,000 US$13,000-26,000

宋/元 無款 三羊開泰 設色絹本 團扇鏡框




Dragon Palace

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk

47.4 x 39.1 cm. (18 ⅝ x 15 ⅜ in.)

Six collector’s seals

One illegible seal

HK$300,000-400,000 US$38,000-51,000

明 朱玉(款) 龍宮水府圖 設色絹本 立軸


藏印:皇姉圖書、公、信公珍賞、清舒山館、西碧山房、 屠氏之印


註:此畫故事取材於戲曲《柳毅傳書》,源自唐代李朝威的 傳奇《柳毅傳》。故事敘述洞庭龍女遠嫁涇川,受夫君 與公婆虐待,書生柳毅親至洞庭龍宮,為龍女傳家書, 終使龍女得救。畫中柳毅抵達龍宮,小龍使用法力將海 水托起,龍王率一眾侍從親自迎接。

元大長公主即祥哥剌吉(約1283-1331),元世祖曾孫 女,武宗時封“魯國大長公主”,仁宗即位,進號“皇 姊大長公主”。曾藏展子虔《游春圖》、黃庭堅《松風 閣詩》等名作。

耿昭忠(1640-1686),字在良,號信公,原籍山東, 後徙遼東,為清初「三藩」之一耿繼茂次子。王羲之 《遠宦帖》、李昭道《明皇幸蜀圖》、郭熙《早春圖》 等皆其舊藏。

清舒山館在承德避暑山莊,始建於康熙四十八年 (1709),是隨駕太子胤礽的居住之地。今故宮博物院 藏有青玉螭紐「清舒山館」印璽。


Admiring the Waterfall

Hanging scroll, ink on silk

106.5 x 51.5 cm. (42 x 20 ¼ in.)

With one seal


Ernst Grosse, William Cohn (ed.), Die Kunst Des Ostens, Band VI: Die Ostasiatische Tuschmalerei, Bruno Cassirer, Berlin, 1923, pl.17.

HK$500,000-700,000 US$64,000-90,000

宋/元 無款(前傳馬麟) 觀瀑圖 水墨絹本 立軸


出版:恩斯特‧格羅斯著、威廉‧科恩編,《東方 藝術第六卷:東亞水墨畫》,布魯諾卡西 爾,柏林,1923年,圖版17。




Handscroll, ink on silk

31.4 x 451.6 cm. (12 ⅜ x 177 ¾ in.)

Five collectors seals, including one of Wu Dacheng (1835-1902)

One illegible seal



明 無款 神仙卷 水墨絹本 手卷


吳大澂(1835-1902):恪齋鑒藏 其他:蔣□鍾印、□□劉氏鑑藏、穎安書齋(二次)





River Landscape

Handscroll, ink and colour on silk

30.5 x 650 cm. (12 x 260 in.)

With a total of thirty-six collector’s seals

Colophons by Yu Ji, Zhang Yu, Song Jinglian, Dong Qichang, Mi Wanzhong and Yang Bing, with a total of twelve seals



明 無款(前傳趙雍) 清明上河圖 設色絹本 手卷 藏印共三十六方。


The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong 黃仲方珍藏中國書畫

Harold Wong, Hong Kong, 1990s

A prominent figure in the Chinese art scene both in Hong Kong and internationally, Harold Wong (1943-2022) was a distinguished connoisseur, collector, advisor, gallerist, and artist. Raised in a cultured and educated family, he delved into classical Chinese art and literature from a young age. In 1957, he apprenticed under the esteemed painter Madam Koo Tsin-yaw. Wong’s father, Wong Paohsie (1907-1979), a Shanghai native and renowned collector who was a member of the prestigious Min Chiu Society, assembled the esteemed collection of classical artworks and calligraphy, Lok Tsai Hsien, with part of the collection published in Hong Kong as early as 1967.

Educated in both Hong Kong and the UK, Harold Wong devoted his life to the study, authentication, and sharing of his Chinese art knowledge to individuals passionate about the subject. He served as the Chairman of the Management Committee and Advisory Committee at the Art Museum of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and was an active member of the Min Chiu Society. In 1977, Wong co-founded Hanart Gallery in Hong Kong, which quickly became a hub for enthusiasts of Chinese painting. By 1990, he shifted his focus away from the gallery business to concentrate on his own artistic endeavors, collecting, and advisory pursuits.

Harold Wong’s collection Lechangzai Xuan, with its foundation in his father’s Lok Tsai Hsien, underwent significant expansion during the latter decades of the 20th century, reflecting his education, personal taste, and evolving preferences. This evolution culminated in a comprehensive and diverse compilation of Chinese paintings, with a particular emphasis on the following categories:

. The Literati Tradition of the Ming and Qing Dynasties

. Calligraphy

Mid to Late Qing Paintings from the Harold Wong Collection Modern and Contemporary Ink Paintings

Within each thematic segment of the collection, Harold Wong’s exceptional connoisseurship and refined taste for literati art were prominently showcased through his selections. These attributes were shaped by his upbringing, educational background, and experiences as an artist. Notably, the collection boasts works by highly esteemed figures in Chinese art history, including Wen Zhengming, Chen Chun, Tang Yin, Dong Qichang, Wang Duo, and numerous other luminaries.

Harold Wong’s collection of paintings from the Ming and Qing Dynasties encompasses a diverse array of works spanning various schools, regions, and artistic styles, reflecting his profound understanding of the art history of that era. Among the masterpieces in this category, selected works were featured in publications such

as the Comprehensive Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Paintings Vol. 2 Southeast Asian and European Collections by the University of Tokyo Press in 1982. Notably, Tang Yin’s Pavilion by the Stream and Wen Jia’s Pavilion amidst Solitary Clouds were included in Wong Pao-hsie’s Lok Tsai Hsien Collection of Chinese Paintings: Volume One Ming Dynasty in 1967.

An avid collector of calligraphy, Harold Wong amassed works from different calligraphers, scripts, formats, and sizes. Ranging from the carefree running-cursive script by Wang Duo to the exquisite running script by Dong Qichang on satin and the monumental seal script by Wang Shu, Wong’s collection showcased his openminded approach to learning and collecting. His fascination with calligraphic couplets, building upon his father’s interests, underscores his unwavering dedication to a particular subject and format.

With cultural roots in Shanghai, Harold Wong held a deep appreciation for the Shanghai school of painting during the mid to late Qing Dynasty and acquired a collection of artworks by artists active after Emperor Qianlong’s reign. Ren Xiong’s album Landscape, Figure, Flower, and Bird particularly is a highlight in this category, showcasing his mastery across various techniques and styles—from the refined and vivid depiction of Luohan to the expressive and colorful brushwork capturing peach blossoms.

Wong’s immersion in art, culture, and interactions with important 20th century artists during his upbringing significantly influenced his collection of modern Chinese paintings. With strong ties to Shanghai, Huang Binhong’s Verdant Mountains, a work dedicated to Wong Pao-hsie in 1949, stands out in the group. Other artists affiliated with Shanghai such as Lu Yanshao, Wu Hufan and Pan Tianshou are well represented in the collection. During his youth, Harold Wong had the privilege of engaging with Zhang Daqian, a family friend, who inscribed and gifted paintings to him on multiple occasions.

Harold Wong is fondly remembered in the art world as a dedicated connoisseur of Chinese art, known for his kindness, expertise, and generosity in sharing his profound knowledge of Chinese painting. Throughout his lifetime, Wong extensively exhibited and published his collection, aiming to share the joy of collecting and the outcome of his systematic and well-researched collection. His calligraphic couplets were showcased at the Art Museum of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2003, 2007, and 2016, while many of his paintings were featured in the renowned Min Chiu Society exhibition series at the Hong Kong Museum of Art from the 1980s to the 2000s. As a luminary in Chinese art connoisseurship in Hong Kong and beyond, Harold Wong’s legacy as a contemporary literati will be celebrated through his exceptional collection and the profound influence he had on many collectors.

黃仲方(1943-2022)是香港和國際藝術界的知名人士,亦是傑出的鑒 賞家、收藏家、顧問、畫廊主和藝術家。他出生在文化底蘊深厚、重視 教育的家庭,自幼便深入研究中國古典藝術和文學。1957年,他在著名 畫家顧青瑤女士門下拜師學藝。黃仲方的父親黃寶熙(1907-1979)乃 上海人,亦是著名收藏家,曾是香港頂級收藏團體敏求精舍成員,其“ 樂在軒” 收 藏包含 了 一系列珍罕古代繪畫和書法作品,其中部分早在 1967年就在香港結集出版。 黃仲方在香港和英國接受教育,一生致力於研究、鑒定,並樂於與同好 分享交流。他曾擔任香港中文大學藝術博物館管理委員會和顧問委員會 主席,並是敏求精舍的活躍成員。1977年,黃仲方在香港聯合創辦漢雅 軒畫廊,迅速成為中國繪畫愛好者的聚集地。到了1990年,他將注意力 從畫廊業務轉向自己的繪畫、收藏和藝術諮詢事業。

黃仲方的樂常在軒收藏,以父親建立的樂在軒收藏為基礎,在20世紀後 半葉得到顯著發展。此收藏反映了他的教育背景、個人品味和不斷演進 的喜好,最終形成了涵蓋廣泛、多樣的中國書畫收藏,尤其專注於以下 類別:


˙歷代書法 ˙清中晚期繪畫


此收 藏 之 不同主 題的構 建,顯 示了 黃仲方卓越 的鑒 賞 眼 光和對文人藝 術的極致品味。這些特質受他的成長背景、教育背景和藝術家經歷的影 響。值得一提的是,此收藏包含藝術史上如雷貫耳的名家作品,包括文 徵明、唐寅、陳淳、董其昌、王鐸等。

黃仲方 收 藏中, 明清 繪畫作品 涵蓋了 不同流 派 、 地區 和藝術 風格的 作 品,反映了他對該時代藝術史的深刻理解。部分作品收入1982年東京大

學出版的《中國繪畫總和圖錄第二卷:東南亞、歐洲篇》。尤其是唐寅 的《江深草閣圖》和文嘉的《孤雲玄亭》收錄於1967年父親黃寶熙編著 的《樂在軒珍藏(天)畫》中。

黃仲方先生癡迷收藏書法作品,收藏中涵蓋了不同書法家、書體、形式 和尺寸的作品。從王鐸豪放的行草到董其昌於絹本上創作的秀麗行書以 及王澍篆書大中堂,黃仲方的收藏展示了他不斷學習和兼容並蓄的收藏 態度。他尤其癡迷對聯作品,延續了父親的興趣,突顯了他對特定主題 和形式的堅定執著。

基 於 對海 派 文化 的根 基認同,黃仲方先生對 清 中後期海上畫 派的 作品 特別欣賞,並著重收藏了乾隆朝以後的海派作品。任熊的《山水人物花 鳥冊》乃收藏中的重要作品,展示了畫家在不同技法和風格上的精湛技 藝,既有工筆細緻描繪的羅漢,又有以豪放意筆描繪的桃花,極富表現 力和色彩感染力。 黃仲方在成長過程中受到的藝術文化熏陶,以及與20世紀重要藝術家的 互動,對他的收藏產生了深遠影響,這尤其體現在他的近現代中國書畫 收藏中。與上海有密切聯繫的畫家黃賓虹,1949年創作贈與黃寶熙的山 水作品《疊山積翠》,是其中的亮點。其他與上海有關的藝術家,如陸 儼少、吳湖帆和潘天壽,在此系列中也有精彩作品。年輕時的黃仲方有 幸結識張大千,後者既是他的家族朋友,同時亦多次為他題字並贈予作 品。

黃仲方在藝術 界 享有 極 高 聲譽 ,他對中國藝術 的鑒 賞 充 滿 熱 情 ,並 慷 慨分享他的專業知識和深刻理解。其一生中不吝公開展出並出版他的藏 品,旨在分享收藏的樂趣以及他系統且深入研究的成果。他的對聯作品 曾於2003年、2007年和2016年在香港中文大學文物館展出,而他收藏中 許多繪畫作品則曾在1980至2000年代的香港藝術博物館敏求精舍系列展 覽中展出。作為香港及全球中國藝術鑒賞界的傑出人物,黃仲方必將作 為當代文人的典範,繼續透過其精彩的藏品對世界產生深遠影響。

The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong 黄仲方珍藏中國書畫


WU WEI (1459-1508)

Fixing Shoe in the Shade Hanging scroll, ink and light colour on silk 166 x 101 cm. (65 ⅜ x 39 ¾ in.)

Signed, with one seal of the artist


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, In Pursuit of Antiquities: 40th Anniversary Exhibition of the Min Chiu Society, 6 July – 26 August 2001.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Honouring Tradition and Heritage: Min Chiu Society at Sixty, 18 December 2020 – 28 April 2021.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre , From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


In Pursuit of Antiquities: 40th Anniversary Exhibition of the Min Chiu Society, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, 2001, pp.98-99, pl.20.

Honouring Tradition and Heritage: Min Chiu Society at Sixty Volume II, Min Chiu Society, December 2020, pp.10-11, pl.204.

From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 40-41.





展覽:香港,香港藝術館,“好古敏求:敏求精舍四十週年紀念展”,2001年7月6日-8月26日。 香港,香港藝術館,“聚道傳承 : 敏求精舍六十周年”,2020年12月18日-2021年4月28日。 香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《好古敏求:敏求精舍四十週年紀念展》,康樂及文化事務署,2001年,第98-99頁,圖版20。 《聚道傳承:敏求精舍六十周年》冊二,敏求精舍,2020年12月,第10-11頁,圖版204。 《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月,第40-41頁。


LÜ JI (1439-1505)

Ducks in Lotus Pond

Hanging scroll, ink on silk

159.2 x 103.8 cm. (62 ⅝ x 40 ⅞ in.)

Signed, with one illegible seal


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art,

In Pursuit of Antiquities: Thirty-fifth Anniversary Exhibition of the Min Chiu Society, 22 December 1995 – 18 February 1996. Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 - 30 May 2024.


In Pursuit of Antiquities: Thirty-fifth Anniversary Exhibition of the Min Chiu Society, Urban Council of Hong Kong, 1995, p.52, pl.21.

From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 38-39.





展覽:香港,香港藝術館,“好古敏求:敏 求精舍三十五週年紀念展”,1995年 12月22日-1996年2月18日。

香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰 鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”,2024年 5月25-30日。

出版:《好古敏求:敏求精舍三十五週年紀 念展》,香港市政局,1995年,第52 頁,圖版21。

《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》, 香港佳士得,2024年5月,第38-39頁。


TANG YIN (1470-1523)

Pavilion by the Stream

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk

75.5 × 34 cm. (29 ¾ x 13 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Colophons by Shen Zhou (1427-1509) and Lü Chang, with a total of two seals

Four collector’s seals of Xiang Zijing (1525-1590)

One illegible seal


Hong Kong, City Museum & Art Gallery Hong Kong, Exhibition of Paintings of the Ming & Ching Periods, 12 June – 12 July 1970.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


Exhibition of Paintings of the Ming & Ching Periods, Urban Council of Hong Kong, 1970, Catalogue entry No.10.

Kei Suzuki ed., Comprehensive Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Paintings Vol. 2 Southeast Asian and European Collections, University of Tokyo Press, July 1982 1st ed.; March 2013 2nd ed., pp. II-104, II-331, pl. S13-025.

From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.44-45.

HK$1,000,000-2,000,000 US$130,000-260,000

明 唐寅 江深草閣圖 設色絹本 立軸




沈周(1427-1509):唐子弄造化,發語鬼欲泣。遊戲山水 圖,草樹元氣濕。多能我亦忌,造 化還復惜。願子斂光怪,以俟歲月 積。沈周。


呂㦂:子且不試藝,西狩因麟泣。密雲而無雨,稿物何由 濕。空山來者稀,白日成歎息。唐君非畫師,英華 發於積。息作惜。呂㦂次韻。


項子京(1525-1590)藏印:子京、墨林秘玩(殘)、子 京父印、桃里、項元汴印 、 神、品 一印漫漶

展覽:香港,香港博物美術館,“明清繪畫展覽”,1970 年6月12日-7月12日。

香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍 藏中國書畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

著錄:《明清繪畫展覽》,香港市政局,1970年,目錄編 號10。


歐洲篇》,東京大學出版社,1982年7月初版、2013 年3月二版,第II-104、II-331頁,圖版S13-025。

《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士 得,2024年5月,第44-45頁。

The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong


WEN JIA (1501-1583)

Pavilion amidst Solitary Clouds

Hanging scroll, ink on paper

56 x 27.8 cm. (22 x 11 in.)

Inscribed with a poem and signed, with one seal of the artist

Two collector’s seals


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art , In

Pursuit of Antiquities: 40th Anniversary Exhibition of the Min Chiu Society, 6 July –26 August 2001.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of History, The Radiant Ming 1368-1644 through the Min Chiu Society Collection, 16 December 2015 – 11 April 2016.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Honouring Tradition and Heritage: Min Chiu Society at Sixty, 18 December 2020 –

28 April 2021.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


Lok Tsai Hsien Collection of Chinese Paintings: Volume One Ming Dynasty, Hong Kong, 1967, pl.8.

Kei Suzuki ed., Comprehensive Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Paintings Vol. 2 Southeast Asian and European Collections, University of Tokyo Press, July 1982 1st ed.; March 2013 2nd ed., pp. II-103, II-331, pl. S13-001.

In Pursuit of Antiquities: 40th Anniversary Exhibition of the Min Chiu Society, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, 2001, p.122, pl.33.

The Radiant Ming 1368-1644 through the Min Chiu Society Collection, Hong Kong Museum of History, 2015, p.123, pl.89.

Honouring Tradition and Heritage: Min Chiu Society at Sixty Volume II, Min Chiu Society, December 2020, pp.20-21, pl.210.

From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 50-51.

HK$280,000-380,000 US$36,000-49,000

明 文嘉 孤雲玄亭 水墨紙本 立軸


寂寞草玄亭,孤雲亂山影。文嘉。 鈐印:文休承氏


展覽:香港,香港藝術館,“好古敏求:敏求 精舍四十週年紀念展”,2001年7月5日 -8月26日。

香港,香港歷史博物館,“日昇月 騰:從敏求精舍藏品看明代”,2015 年12月16日-2016年4月11日。

香港,香港藝術館,“聚道傳承:敏求 精舍六十周年”,2020年12月18日- 2021年4月28日。

香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰 鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”,2024年 5月25-30日。

出版:《樂在軒珍藏(天)畫》,香港, 1967年,圖版8。

鈴木敬編,《中國繪畫綜合圖錄第 二卷:東南亞、歐洲篇》,東京大 學出版社,1982年7月初版、2013年3 月二版,第II-103、II-331頁,圖版 S13-001。

《好古敏求:敏求精舍四十週年紀念 展》,康樂及文化事務署,2001年, 第122頁,圖版33。

《日昇月騰:從敏求精舍藏品看明 代》,香港歷史博物館,2015年,第 123頁,圖版89。

《聚道傳承:敏求精舍六十周年》冊 二,敏求精舍,2020年12月,第20-21 頁,圖版210。

《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》, 香港佳士得,2024年5月,第50-51頁。


WEN ZHENGMING (1470-1559)

Bamboo and Rock

Hanging scroll, ink on paper 85 x 30 cm. (33 ½ x 11 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dated spring, jiyou year of the Jiajing period (1549)

Colophons by Zhou Tianqiu (1514-1595) and Du Dazhou (active 1595-1618), with a total of three seals

Nine collector’s seals, including two of Xiang Yuanbian (1525-1590), three of Da Chongguang (1623-1692), one of Xiang Hanping (1890-1978)

Frontispiece by Dong Qichang (1555-1636) and Xiang Hanping, with a total of three seals


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, The Grandeur of Chinese Art Treasures: Min Chiu Society Golden Jubilee Exhibition, 25 September 2010 – 2 January 2011.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


The Grandeur of Chinese Art Treasures: Min Chiu Society Golden Jubilee Exhibition, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, September 2010, p.113, pl.9.

From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.46-47.



明 文徵明 竹石 水墨紙本 立軸 一五四九年作


鈐印:文徵明印、徵仲 題跋:



鈐印:周、天球 杜大綬(活躍於1595-1618):菲菲桃李花,競向春深開。


鈐印:杜大綬印 藏印:

項元汴(1525-1590):平生真賞、項子京家珍藏 笪重光(1623-1692):笪、始青道人、養廉 香翰屏(1890-1978):香翰屏珍藏印 其他:張氏峰山珍賞、另二騎縫半印不辨 詩堂題跋:

董其昌(1555-1636):文待詔畫為國朝畫史之冠。此幅竹石,深得元人梅 華道人、李息齋兩家墨法,詢當世之天球隨璧也。 君□其寶之。董其昌題。


香翰屏:玄宰此跋原在池邊綾上,以舊破已甚,重裝時移置於此,故石深 兩字筆意尚留直貫痕跡也。翰再識。


展覽:香港,香港藝術館,“博古存珍:敏求精舍金禧紀念展”,2010年 9月25日-2011年1月2日。

香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”, 2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《博古存珍:敏求精舍金禧紀念展》,康樂及文化事務署,2010年 9月,第113頁,圖版9。

《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月,第 46-47頁。

The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong 黄仲方珍藏中國書畫 (Lots 112-154)


CHEN CHUN (1483-1544)


Hanging scroll, ink on paper 121 x 64.5 cm. (47 ⅝ x 25 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Eight collector’s seals, including three of Zhu Zhichi (17th Century)


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Anthology of Chinese Art: Min Chiu Society Silver Jubilee Exhibition, 25 October 1985 – 15 January 1986.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art , In Pursuit of Antiquities: 40th Anniversary Exhibition of the Min Chiu Society, 6 July – 26 August 2001.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of History, The Radiant Ming 1368-1644 through the Min Chiu Society Collection, 16 December 2015 – 11 April 2016.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Honouring Tradition and Heritage: Min Chiu Society at Sixty, 18 December 2020 – 28 April 2021.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


Anthology of Chinese Art: Min Chiu Society Silver Jubilee Exhibition, Hong Kong Urban Council, 1985, pp. 114-115, pl.22.

In Pursuit of Antiquities: 40th Anniversary Exhibition of the Min Chiu Society, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, 2001, pp.114-115, pl.29.

The Radiant Ming 1368-1644 through the Min Chiu Society Collection, Hong Kong Museum of History, 2015, p.119, pl.86.

Honouring Tradition and Heritage: Min Chiu Society at Sixty Volume II, Min Chiu Society, December 2020, pp.16-17, pl.208.

From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 48-49.



明 陳淳 牡丹圖 水墨紙本 立軸



藏印:朱之赤(17世紀):休寧朱之赤珍藏圖書、朱之赤鑒賞、子孫保之 其他:竹坡趙氏珍賞、桂髓棲印、茂、蕙江所藏、東南之美 簽條:□□□墨筆牡丹。自在精舍珍藏。


展覽:香港,香港藝術館,“中國文物集珍:敏求精舍銀禧紀念展覽”,1985年10月25日-1986年1月 15日。

香港,香港藝術館,“好古敏求:敏求精舍四十週年紀念展”,2001年7月5日-8月26日。 香港,香港歷史博物館,“日昇月騰:從敏求精舍藏品看明代”,2015年12月16日-2016年4月 11日。

香港,香港藝術館,“聚道傳承:敏求精舍六十周年”,2020年12月18日-2021年4月28日。 香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《中國文物集珍:敏求精舍銀禧紀念展覽》,香港市政局,1985年,第114-115頁,圖版22。 《好古敏求:敏求精舍四十週年紀念展》,康樂及文化事務署,2001年,第114-115頁,圖版29。 《日昇月騰:從敏求精舍藏品看明代》,香港歷史博物館,2015年,第119頁,圖版86。 《聚道傳承:敏求精舍六十周年》冊二,敏求精舍,2020年12月,第16-17頁,圖版208。 《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月,第48-49頁。


SONG MAOJIN (1559-1622)

Rivershore with Peach Blossoms

Fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink and colour on gold-flecked paper

17.8 x 52.2 cm. (7 x 20 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.54-55.

HK$60,000-90,000 US$7,700-12,000

明 宋懋晉 桃源行 設色灑金箋 扇面鏡框



展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰 鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”,2024年 5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》, 香港佳士得,2024年5月,第54-55頁。


WEI ZHIHUANG (1568-1647)

Boating by Willow Shore

Fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink and colour on gold paper

15.6 x 48 cm. (6 ⅛ x 18 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed with a poem and signed, with one seal of the artist

Dated Mid-Autumn Festival, renzi year (1612)

One collector’s seal


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master

– The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.56-57.

HK$80,000-120,000 US$10,000-15,000

明 魏之璜 柳岸泛舟 設色金箋 扇面鏡框 一六一二年作

題識:流水斷橋人問渡,柳蔭撐出小舟來。 時壬子(1612年)中秋,似□□詞 丈,魏之璜。

鈐印:考叔 藏印:勤孫藏扇

展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰 鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”,2024年5 月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》, 香港佳士得,2024年5月,第56-57頁。


SHAO MI (CIRCA 1594-1642)

Calligraphy and Landscape Album

Album of sixteen leaves, ink / ink and colour on paper

Each leaf measures 29.4 x 13.8 cm. (11 ⅝ x 5 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with a total of twenty seals of the artist

Colophons by Qian Yong (1759-1844), Lu Jie and one other, with a total of three seals

Dated summer, sixth year of Chongzhen period (1633)

Two collector’s seals


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.58-59.




1 繪畫:洪谷子。




2 繪畫:儗梅道人。




3 繪畫:趙令穰。



4 繪畫:許道寧秋山行李圖。




5 繪畫:趙丹林。




6 繪畫:儗鄭禧。

鈐印:邵彌之印 書法鈴印:邵彌之印、僧彌

7 繪畫:巨然。 鈐印:邵彌私印 書法鈐印:僧彌、瓜疇

8 繪畫:儗倪高士。 鈐印:僧彌 書法鈐印:彌、予齋

題跋: 乾隆丙申三月望,秀水錢載、大興翁方綱、 桐鄉陸費墀、吳縣張塤、商丘陳崇本同觀於 湖海園。

鈐印:東林清蔭 錢泳(1759-1844): 書畫譜稱邵僧彌有秀稚天成之妙,細觀此 冊,信然。台仙。

鈐印:錢泳 陸楷:辛亥七月,吳興陸楷曾觀,快臨一過。 鈐印:陸楷


展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰 鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”,2024年 5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》, 香港佳士得,2024年5月,第58-59頁。


HONGREN (1610-1663)

Living by the Riverside Hanging scroll, ink on paper 24.8 x 19.8 cm. (9 ¾ x 7 ¾ in.)

Inscribed with a poem and signed, with one seal of the artist


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 60-61.

HK$200,000-300,000 US$26,000-38,000

清 弘仁 臨江幽居 水墨紙本 立軸

題識:水石涵清遠,茶香豁性靈。二語為僅菴逸句,余時結夏鳩茲 江,一漫成是冊,屬念驅毫,要之不出茗爐泉石之外,因以系 之以志。弘仁。


展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書 畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5 月,第60-61頁。


KUNCAN (1612-AFTER 1692)


Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

94.5 x 30.2 cm. (37 ¼ x 11 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed with a poem and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated eighth month, gengzi year (1660)

Inscription on the mounting by Monk Liuzhou (1791-1858), with two seals

Nine collector’s seals, including one of Monk Liuzhou and one of He Guanwu (1894-1964)


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.62-63.



清 髡殘 雲山溪樹 設色紙本 立軸 一六六〇年作 題識:欲借雲房榻,仙踪跡已陳。溪聲寒到寺,峰影近窺雲。 竈冷丹砂火,苔青玉棯塵。憑欄無限興,傳語去尋君。









其他:勞氏珍藏、勞川山平生真賞、鳶飛魚躍、渤海後人、歐陽林平、麗 父審定、也巢心賞、昔桓南郡多蓄名書畫偶出與僚佐共觀客有食寒 具者不潔手而執之遂致油污桓歎恨彌日 雖筆墨之玩無關世務而好潔 之心古同今同情幸觀者諒焉 簽條:石溪和尚山水真跡。田溪書屋珍藏

展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”, 2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月, 第62-63頁。

The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong 黄仲方珍藏中國書畫 (Lots 112-154)


SHITAO (1642-1707)


Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

64.5 x 47 cm. (25 ⅜ x 18 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with four seals of the artist

Two collector’s seals


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Selected Treasures of Chinese Art: Min Chiu Society

Thirtieth Anniversary Exhibition, 30 November 1990 – 10 February 1991.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, In Pursuit of Antiquities: 40th Anniversary Exhibition of the Min Chiu Society, 6 July – 26 August 2001.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of History, The Radiant Ming 1368-1644 through the Min Chiu Society Collection, 16 December 2015 – 11 April 2016.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Honouring Tradition and Heritage: Min Chiu Society at Sixty, 18 December 2020 – 28 April 2021.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


Kei Suzuki ed., Comprehensive Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Paintings Vol. 2 Southeast Asian and European Collections, University of Tokyo Press, July 1982 1st ed.; March 2013 2nd ed., pp. II-104, II-331, pl. S13-018.

Selected Treasures of Chinese Art - Min Chiu Society 30th Anniversary Exhibition, Min Chiu Society, 1990, pp.118-119, pl.45.

In Pursuit of Antiquities: 40th Anniversary Exhibition of the Min Chiu Society, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, 2001, p.161, pl.53.

The Radiant Ming 1368-1644 through the Min Chiu Society Collection, Hong Kong Museum of History, 2015, p.119, pl.86.

Honouring Tradition and Heritage: Min Chiu Society at Sixty Volume II, Min Chiu Society, December 2020, pp.78-79, pl.224.

From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 64-65.



題識:餘脂纔到手邊香,若水無痕嫋嫋匡。不識周家茂叔在,肯留風韻待誰將。清湘遺人大滌子極, 耕心草堂。



展覽:香港,香港藝術館,“歷代文物萃珍:敏求精舍三十週年紀念展”,1990年11月30日-1991年 2月10日。

香港,香港藝術館,“好古敏求:敏求精舍四十週年紀念展”,2001年7月6日-8月26日。 香港,香港歷史博物館,“日昇月騰:從敏求精舍藏品看明代”,2015年12月16日-2016年4月 11日。

香港,香港藝術館,“聚道傳承 : 敏求精舍六十周年”,2020年12月18日-2021年4月28日。 香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:鈴木敬編,《中國繪畫綜合圖錄第二卷:東南亞、歐洲篇》,東京大學出版社,1982年7月初 版、2013年3月二版,第II-104、II-331頁,圖版S13-018。 《歷代文物萃珍:敏求精舍三十週年紀念展》,敏求精舍,1990年,第118-119頁,圖版45。 《好古敏求:敏求精舍四十週年紀念展》,康樂及文化事務署,2001年,第161頁,圖版53。 《日昇月騰:從敏求精舍藏品看明代》,香港歷史博物館,2015年,第119頁,圖版86。 《聚道傳承:敏求精舍六十周年》冊二,敏求精舍,2020年12月,第78-79頁,圖版224。 《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月,第64-65頁。


DONG QICHANG (1555-1636)

Calligraphy in Running Script

Hanging scroll, ink on satin 157 x 56.5 cm. (61 ¾ x 22 ¼ in.)

Signed, with three seals of the artist


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 80-81.



明 董其昌 行書 水墨綾本 立軸

釋文:朱陵桃子千年實,楚國連城策獻非。鳳翥乍書花自雨,龍睛纔點畫 能飛。



展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”, 2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月, 第80-81頁。


DONG QICHANG (1555-1636)

Calligraphy in Running Script

Handscroll, ink on satin

25.8 x 276.5 cm. (10 ⅛ x 108 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Dated twelfth month, jiwei year (1619)

Two collector’s seals


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.78-79.



釋文:碎錦坊。晉公午橋莊,有文杏百株,其處立碎錦坊。張祐善苦 吟,妻孥喚之不應,以責祐,祐曰:吾方口吻生花,豈恤汝 輩。金鑾故例,翰林當直學士,春晚困,則日賜成象殿茶果。 柳宗元吟《春水如藍》詩,久之不成。乃取九腳床於池邊沙 上,玩味終日,僅能成篇。王維居輞川,宅宇既廣,山林亦 遠,而性好潔,地不容浮塵,日有十數掃飾者,使兩童子掌縛 帚,而有時不絕。鳳閣侍郎杜景儉,文章知識並高遠,時號鶴 鳴雞樹。林逋隱居孤山,構巢居閣,繞植梅花,吟詠自適,徜 徉山水,或連宵不返。客至,則童子放鶴招之。


鈐印:玄賞齋、知制誥日講官(反)、董其昌印 藏印:楊廣蔭:楊廣蔭藏 其他:子山平生真賞

展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書 畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年 5月,第78-79頁。



ZHANG RUITU (1570-1644)

Calligraphy in Running Script

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on gold paper

25.8 x 39 cm. (10 ⅛ x 15 ⅜ in.)

Signed, with two seals of the artist

One collector’s seal


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.84-85.



明 張瑞圖 行書 水墨金箋 鏡框





展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”, 2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月, 第84-85頁。


WEN PENG (1498-1573)

Calligraphy in Cursive Script

Fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink on gold-flecked paper

17.8 x 55.2 cm. (7 x 21 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

Dated renwu year of the Jiajing period (1552)

Three collector’s seals


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.76-77.



明 文彭 草書 水墨灑金箋 扇面鏡框 一五五二年作 釋文:茶磨山頭起暮煙,讀書終夜不成眠。曉來試向峰前望,青草湖 吞萬里天。四月芳林新雨餘,碧梧翠竹滿幽居。焚香靜坐心如 水,手捲湘簾寫道書。綠野堂西百尺樓,梧桐搖月一天秋。夜 深靜坐心如水,空翠滿身涼影流。五月山居樂事多,綠蔭清晝 午風和。一枰棋後聽啼鳥,小小宣煙藝水磨。

題識:山居即事。嘉靖壬子(1552年) 望日書於朔湖亭。三橋文彭。 鈐印:三橋居士 藏印:張君實藏、李根心賞、騁史心賞 展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書 畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月, 第76-77頁。 The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong


HE WUZOU (1581-1651)

Calligraphy in Running Script

Fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink on paper 16.8 x 51.2 cm. (6 ⅝ x 20 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dedicated to Zhigong

Two collector’s seals, including one of He Guanwu (1894-1964)


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.86-87.



釋文:參天松柏影,來過此亭間。振古懸星漢,論心別水山。劍花看 俠骨,冰鏡照紅顏。攬轡登東岱,丘陵孰敢攀。




其他:鼎名心賞 展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書 畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5 月,第86-87頁。

The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong


WANG DUO (1592-1652)

Inscription of a Painting in Running Script

Hanging scroll, ink on paper

180.3 x 58 cm. (71 x 22 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dated winter, gengyin year (1650)

Inscription on the mounting by Xie Zhiliu (1910-1997), with two seals


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, In Pursuit of Antiquities: 40th Anniversary Exhibition of the Min Chiu Society, 6 July – 26 August 2001.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Honouring Tradition and Heritage: Min Chiu Society at Sixty, 18 December 2020 – 28 April 2021.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 - 30 May 2024.


In Pursuit of Antiquities: 40th Anniversary Exhibition of the Min Chiu Society, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, 2001, p.144, pl.45.

Honouring Tradition and Heritage: Min Chiu Society at Sixty Volume II, Min Chiu Society, December 2020, pp.48-49, pl.218.

From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 88-89.


明/清 王鐸 行書題畫詩 水墨紙本


釋文:作畫堪娛日,蝌斗識古文。有時修異藥,無事對斜曛。閒拜空庭石,狂呼大海雲。儻歸庾嶺去, 梅萼雪紛紛。





展覽:香港,香港藝術館,“好古敏求:敏求精舍四十週年紀念展”,2001年7月6日-8月26日。 香港,香港藝術館,“聚道傳承:敏求精舍六十周年”,2020年12月18日-2021年4月28日。 香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《好古敏求—敏求精舍四十週年紀念展》,康樂及文化事務署,2001年,第144頁,圖版45。 《聚道傳承:敏求精舍六十周年》冊二,敏求精舍,2020年12月,第48-49頁,圖版218。 《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月,第88-89頁。



Calligraphy in Cursive Script

Hanging scroll, ink on patterned silk

182.5 x 45.5 cm. (71 ⅞ x 17 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre , From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 92-93.

HK$80,000-150,000 US$10,000-19,000

釋文:芙蓉闕下會千官,紫禁朱櫻出上闌。纔是寢園春薦後,非關御苑鳥 銜殘。歸鞍競帶青絲籠,中使頻傾赤玉盤。飽食不須愁內熱,大官 還有蔗漿寒。



展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”, 2024年5月25至-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月, 第92-93頁。

註:洪承畯(明末清初),字彥灝,自號紫山農人,明朝遺民、書法家, 福建南安英都霞美鄉(今英都鎮良山村霞美)人。洪承疇三弟。

WANG SHU (1668-1743)

Calligraphy in Seal Script

Hanging scroll, ink on paper

322.3 x 104.5 cm. (126 ⅞ x 41 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Date spring, third month, gengxu year of Yongzheng period (1730)

One collector’s seal


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, In Pursuit of Antiquities: 40th Anniversary Exhibition of the Min Chiu Society, 6 July – 26 August 2001. Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Honouring Tradition and Heritage: Min Chiu Society at Sixty, 18 December 2020 – 28 April 2021. Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


In Pursuit of Antiquities: 40th Anniversary Exhibition of the Min Chiu Society, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, 2001, p.168, pl.56. Honouring Tradition and Heritage: Min Chiu Society at Sixty Volume II, Min Chiu Society, December 2020, pp.84-85, pl.227.

From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 98-99.


清 王澍


篆書孟子句 水墨紙本 立軸 一七三〇年作

釋文:居天下之廣居,立天下之正位,行天下之大道。得志,與民由之; 不得志,獨行其道。富貴不能淫,貧賤不能移,威武不能屈,此之 謂大丈夫。

題識:雍正庚戌(1730年)春三月既望,用延陵季子廟碑筆法為此書。琅 琊王澍。



展覽:香港,香港藝術館,“好古敏求:敏求精舍四十週年紀念展”, 2001年7月6日-8月26日。

香港,香港藝術館,“聚道傳承:敏求精舍六十周年”,2020年 12月18日至2021年4月28日。

香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”, 2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《好古敏求:敏求精舍四十週年紀念展》,康樂及文化事務 署,2001年,第168頁,圖版56。

《聚道傳承:敏求精舍六十周年》冊二,敏求精舍,2020年12月, 第84-85頁,圖版227。

《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月, 第98-99頁。



Calligraphy in Running Script

Hanging scroll, ink on satin

273.2 x 50 cm. (107 ½ x 19 ⅝ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dedicated to Xinzhi


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 94-95.




釋文:大江東去,浪淘盡,千古風流人物。故壘西邊,人道是,三國周郎赤壁。亂石穿空捲, 驚濤拍岸,起千堆雪。江山如畫,一時多少豪傑。遙想公瑾當年,小喬初嫁了,雄姿英 發。羽扇綸巾,笑談間,檣櫓灰飛煙滅。故國神遊,多情應笑我,早生華髮。人生如 夢,一尊還酹江月。

題識:新祉詞兄,坡仙道人莫爾㴶。 鈐印:莫爾㴶印、號兼白文定字我曰鎮矦 簽條:莫爾㴶書東坡大江東軸。廣州集雅齋藏。






CHEN GONGYIN (1631-1700)

Calligraphy in Clerical Script

Fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink on gold-flecked paper 16.5 x 51 cm. (6 ½ x 20 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated mid-winter, yihai year (1695)

Dedicated to Rudu


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.96-97.



釋文:我生在辛君在乙,少君不及三千日。年華老去不自知,看君七十今加一。前詩有約此時 逢,紫梅花下白頭翁。更約羅浮山下醉,梅花三十度春風。






YONG XING (1752-1823)

Calligraphy in Running Script

Fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink on gold paper 20.8 x 62 cm. (8 ¼ x 24 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.108-109.

HK$30,000-50,000 US$3,800-6,400

清 永瑆(成親王)

釋文:心賞意行無所違,且攜竹杖出巖扉。林陰鳥樂要深駐,草遠人 閒得緩歸。船進灣洄移日影,步隨高下弄煙霏。雨淋山果蕭蕭 落,不待䋣霜已漸稀。尋探遠勝破蕭閒,詩祝蒼華亦可刪。 窈窕崎嶇工野步,光陰宿昔入秋顏。澄波靜藉如煙草,踈雨遙 懸傍晚山。茗飲甘瓜隨所有,寒鴉飛盡不知還。迢迢大漠合秋 空,野曠沙寒落塞鴻。雲濕東南來海上,樓高西北在山中。吹 漂舊利檀欒碧,沾洗荒榛瑣細紅。貪看銀河猶不寐,微霜應在 北窗桐。


鈐印:永瑆、詒晉齋 展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”, 2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月, 第108-109頁。


MONK YUANDU (1672-1727)

Calligraphy in Cursive Script

Hanging scroll, ink on paper 123.5 x 55.7 cm. (48 ⅝ x 21 ⅞ in.)

Signed, with three seals of the artist


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 100-101.

HK$60,000-80,000 US$7,700-10,000

清 釋元度 草書

釋文:青蘿夤緣,直上寒松之頂;白雲澹佇,出沒太虛之中。萬頂峯 閒。而人自鬧。



展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”, 2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月, 第100-101頁。

註:元度,字濟生。世稱度禪師。昌樂(今屬山東)張氏。工書法, 為時所寶。



QIAN FENG (1740-1795)

Calligraphy in Running Script

Hanging scroll, ink on paper

134.5 x 59.5 cm. (53 x 23 ⅜ in.)

Signed, with three seals of the artist


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 106-107.



清 錢灃 行書 水墨紙本 立軸




鈐印:豐印、南園、人在蓬萊 展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國 書畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得, 2024年5月,第106-107頁。


JIN NONG (1687-1763)

Seven-Character Calligraphic Couplet

A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on coloured floral-patterned paper

Each scroll measures 183 x 38.5 cm. (72 x 15 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dated autumn, gengshen year (1740)


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 110-111.

HK$300,000-400,000 US$38,000-51,000

清 金農 漆書七言聯 水墨花紋色箋 立軸兩幅 一七四〇年作


題識:余補書時在庚申(1740年)秋日也,閑坐心出家盦,無 聊弄筆遣興耳。古杭粥飯僧金農。

鈐印:古泉、金吉金印、冬心先生 展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中 國書畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得, 2024年5月,第110-111頁。


ZHENG XIE (1693-1766)

Seven-Character Calligraphic Couplet

A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on paper

Each scroll measures 122.4 x 22.5 cm. (48 ¼ x 8 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated summer, fifteenth day, sixth month, bingwu year of the Yongzheng period (1726)

One collector’s seal


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.112-113.




題識:客指村塾示徒詩中語,乞作楹帖,真所謂撞現鐘也,笑以應之。時 雍正丙午(1726年)夏六月十五日書,板橋鄭燮。



展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”, 2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月, 第112-113頁。


DENG SHIRU (1743-1805)

Seven-Character Couplet in Clerical Script

A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on paper

Each scroll measures 131 x 26.8 cm. (51 ⅝ x 10 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dedicated to Youyuan


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.114-115.



清 鄧石如 隸書七言聯 水墨紙本 立軸兩幅 釋文:花香滿座客對酒,燈景隔簾人讀書。


鈐印:鄧石如、頑伯、家在龍山鳳水 展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”, 2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月,第 114-115頁。


YI BINGSHOU (1754-1815)

Five-Character Calligraphic Couplet in Clerical Script

A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on paper Each scroll measures 131.8 x 33 cm. (51 ⅞ x 13 in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist and dedicated to Minzhai

Dated Mid-Autumn Festival, ninth year of the Jiaqing period (1804)


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and

Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.116-117.



清 伊秉綬 隸書五言聯 水墨紙本 立軸兩幅 一八〇四年作


題識:書為敏齋大兄鑒正,嘉慶九年(1804) 中秋,汀州弟伊秉綬。

鈐印:默庵、吾得之忠信 展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰 鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”,2024年 5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》, 香港佳士得,2024年5月,第116-117 頁。


HE SHAOJI (1799-1873)

Eight-Character Calligraphic Couplet in Running Script

A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on gold-flecked paper

Each scroll measures 171 x 31.4 cm. (67⅜ x 12 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dedicated to Shuliu


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.120-121.



清 何紹基 行書八言聯 水墨灑金箋





展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑 黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”, 2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑 黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月, 第120-121頁。


HE SHAOJI (1799-1873)

Calligraphy in Running Script

A set of four hanging scrolls, ink on paper Each scroll measures 135 x 29.8 cm. (53 ⅛ x 11 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dedicated to Shaoci


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 118-119.

HK$300,000-500,000 US$38,000-64,000

釋文:地僻無塵跡,虛堂傍石臺。遠泉清磬合,列嶂畫屏開。雲影迷沙磧, 丹楓暎水菭。遙知高士宅,何似以蓬萊。碧雲消盡好山多,茆屋秋風 倚澗阿。我有詩懷無處著,可能借與作吟寫。清閟閣中空翠寒,雲林 竹樹尚依然。無由一聽參差曲,涼月幽窗自歲年。

題識:三詩皆雲林題畫作,其畫簡淡瘦勁,筆筆有骨。隨意揮灑自饒天然神 韻,即離分合以脫盡痕跡,真為三絕。韶次十九兄屬,蝯叟何紹基。

鈐印:何紹基印、子貞 展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑 黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”, 2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑 黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月, 第118-119頁。

The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong


ZENG GUOFAN (1811-1872)

Seven-Character Calligraphic Couplet in Running Script

A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on red gold-flecked paper

Each scroll measures 166.8 x 39 cm. (65 ⅝ x 15 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dedicated to Liangcai


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.122-113.





鈐印:國藩之印、滌生 展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”, 2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月, 第122-123頁。


ZUO ZONGTANG (1812-1885)

Seven-Character Calligraphic Couplet in Running Script

A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on paper

Each scroll measures 150 x 39 cm. (59 x 15 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dedicated to Xieru


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.124-125.



清 左宗棠 行書七言聯 水墨紙本 立軸兩幅




展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書 畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年 5月,第124-125頁。


LI HONGZHANG (1823-1901)

Eight-Character Calligraphic Couplet in Running Script

A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on gold roundel-patterned paper

Each scroll measures 209.4 x 45 cm. (82 ½ x 17 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dedicated to Xiaoquan


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.126-127.



清 李鴻章 行書八言聯 水墨團紋金箋 立軸兩幅 釋文:絫葉休隆功顯夙著,英識秀建黨言允諧。


鈐印:大學士肅毅伯、李鴻章印 展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書 畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年 5月,第126-127頁。


LIANG YAN (1710-AFTER 1788)


Album of twelve leaves, ink on paper

Each leaf measures 18.6 x 21.6 cm. (7 ⅜ x 8 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with seven seals of the artist

Dated tenth month, twenty-fifth gengchen year of the Qianlong period (1760)

Dedicated to Zilao

Inscription on title page by Yang Shoujing (1839-1915)

Twenty-five collector’s seals, including six of Yang Shoujing and six of Qi Shuyu (1912-1992)

Titleslips by Yang Shoujing and Zhang Yun


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.102-105.

HK$50,000-70,000 US$6,400-9,000



乾隆廿五年庚辰(1760)十月望日臨奉梓老硯長先生清鑒。松 齋梁巘。

鈐印:布鼓、松齋書課、梁叔子、六松居士、松齋、巘、字聞山號松齋 楊守敬(1839-1915)題扉頁:光緒丁亥(1887年)十一月,宜都楊守 敬審定真跡。

藏印:楊守敬:楊守敬印(二次)、星吾所藏金石文字(二次) 戚叔玉(1912-1992):叔玉審定(二次)、戚氏(二次)、 叔玉之印(二次)


蘭豀草堂金氏秘玩、為道而非、槃齋秘玩、李國松藏、 冉冉有雲氣、含德堂 裱邊藏印:楊守敬:星吾七十歲小像、楊守敬印 其他:國松審定 楊守敬題內簽:聞山臨古冊。光緒癸卯(1903年)正月,惺吾審定。 張運題外簽:梁聞山臨古三種冊。木公先生珍藏。庚午夏五張運署檢。 一印漫漶

展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書 畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月, 第102-105頁。


YANG YISUN (1813-1881)

Calligraphy in Seal Script

A set of four hanging scrolls, ink on paper

Each scroll measures 173.8 x 45.4 cm. (68 ⅜ x 17 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with six seals of the artist Dedicated to Wenmao

One collector’s seal


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.128-129.


US$26,000-38,000 清

釋文:於是鎮之以清瀞,安之以惠龢。望杏敦耕,瞻蒲勸稼。室哥千 耦,家喜萬鍾。陌上成陰,桑中可詠。春庚始轉,必具籠筐。 秋蟀載吟,竟鳴機杼。乃或肅拜靈祠,躬瞻舞雩。觀去駕儗於 風塵,旋旌阻於飄沐。京坻歲積,非勞楚堰之泉。倉廩年豐, 無用秦渠之水。雖復東過小縣,夏雨逐其輕輪,南渡滄江,秋 濤弭其張蓋,固不得同年而語矣。


鈐印:歷劫不䃺( 四次 )、子與、觀濠 藏印:鹽官許聞泉藏

展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書 畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5 月,第128-129頁。

註:許聞泉,字源來,號天泉閣主人,浙江海寧(今屬嘉興市)人。 許姬傳之弟。著名戲劇理論家。

The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong 黄仲方珍藏中國書畫 (Lots 112-154)



Sceneries of the Mountain

Album of twelve double leaves, ink / ink and colour on paper / gold-flecked paper

Each leaf measures 36.6 x 47 cm. (14 ⅜ x 18 ½ in.)

Each leaf inscribed, signed and dedicated to Zhishan, with a total of twenty-three seals of the artists

Four leaves dated jiawu/yiwei/bingshen/dingyou year of Daoguang period respectively (1834 / 1835 / 1836 / 1837)

Calligraphy on the adjacent page of each leaf, with a total of twentynine seals

Colophons by Jiang Tingji (1768-1848) and Qian Yong (1759-1844), with a total of seven seals

Six collector’s seals: four of Sun Yufeng (1901-1967), two of Zhu Qizhan (1892-1996)

Titleslip by Qian Yong, with one seal


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.142-147.



清 錢杜及諸家 書畫合璧冊 水墨/設色灑金箋/紙本 冊頁十二對開 一八三四/一八三五/一八三六/一八三七年作

題識:指山四兄屬為指山圖,暑中揮汗,仿王孟端意,殊不能工也。 道光丙申(1836年)六月立秋後一日,錢杜。



陸鎬(18-19世紀)、張培敦(1772—1846)、顧洛(1763—1837後)、 馮箕(18-19世紀)、朱昂之(1764—1840後)、程璋(19-20世紀)、 趙允謙(18-19世紀)、姜漁(18-19世紀)、袁沛(18-19世紀)、 陸鼎(18-19世紀)、沈雒(19-20世紀)題識,共鈐印二十一方。

朱綬(1789—1840)、施南金(19世紀)、蔣鎔經(19世紀)、 張培敦、蔣寶齡(1779-1840)、朱昂之、張祥河(1785-1862)、 李兆洛(1769-1841)、韋光黻(19世紀)、江沅(18-19世紀)、 石韞玉(1755-1837)、袁沛、蔣因培(1768-1839)對頁書法題識, 共鈐印二十八方。



孫煜峰(1901-1967):煜峰、煜峰鑑賞、孫氏弘一齋印、孫煜峰珍 藏印


錢泳題簽:指山圖。道光丁酉(1837年)二月,梅華谿錢泳題於學古 有獲之齋


展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”, 2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月, 第142-147頁。

註:指山四兄是清中後期蘇州著名學者朱和羹(1795-1850),字指 山。朱指山善書法,好收藏,學問終老,著有《臨池心解》,闡 述學書之所得,頗多新見。藏家孫煜峰是民國時期的大收藏家、 實業家。解放後,曾出任上海閘北水電公司(今閘北發電廠和閘 北水廠前身)董事長和裕康房地產公司董事長。孫煜峰先後五次 把自己收藏的精品捐給上海博物館。總計達160件。

The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong


HUA YAN (1682-1756)

Recluse and his Attendant Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 123.8 x 46.5 cm. (48 ¾ x 18 ¼ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dated first month, jiachen year of the Yongzheng period (1724) Four collector’s seals, including one of Jing Jianquan (Qing Dynasty) and one of Ma Jizuo (1915-2009)


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.70-71.

HK$100,000-180,000 US$13,000-23,000

題識:褚伯玉,字元璩,錢塘人。少有隱操,居瀑布山,性耐寒暑。 時人比王仲都。王僧達答丘珍孫書曰:褚先生從白雲遊舊矣。 古之逸人,或留慮兒女,或使華陰成市,而此子索然。唯朋 松石,介於孤峰絕嶺者積數十載,比談討松桂,借訪薜蘿,若 已窺煙液,臨滄洲矣。知欲見之,輒當申譬。雍正甲辰(1724 年)元月,新羅山人華嵒圖。

鈐印:秋岳、華嵒、看花人 藏印:景劍泉(清):黔南景氏劍泉收藏 馬積祚(1915-2009):馬積祚印 其他:肅親王寶、四不可齋主人鑒賞

展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書 畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5 月,第70-71頁。


GAI QI (1773-1828)

Wealth in the Hall of Jade Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk 147.5 x 75 cm. (58 ⅛ x 29 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dated third month, wuzi year of the Daoguang period (1828)


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Auspicious Emblems: Chinese Cultural Treasures – 45th Anniversary Exhibition of the Min Chiu Society, 25 November 2005 – 19 July 2006.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


Auspicious Emblems: Chinese Cultural Treasures – 45th Anniversary Exhibition of the Min Chiu Society, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, November 2005, p.127, pl.39.

From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 140-141.



清 改琦 玉堂富貴圖 設色絹本 立軸 一八二八年作 題識:擬萬壽祺畫玉堂富貴圖。道光戊子 (1828年)三月之吉,泖東改琦並識。


展覽:香港,香港藝術館,“千祥雲集:中國 吉祥圖案文物—敏求精舍四十五週年紀 念展”,2005年11月25日-2006年7月 19日。

香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰 鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”,2024年5月 25-30日。

出版:《千祥雲集:中國吉祥圖案文物—敏求 精舍四十五週年紀念展》,康樂及文 化事務署,2005年11月,第127頁,圖 版39。

《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》, 香港佳士得,2024年5月,第140-141 頁。

The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong 黄仲方珍藏中國書畫 (Lots 112-154)


REN YI (1840-1895)

Scholar Appreciating Flowers

Fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink and colour on gold-flecked paper

18.2 x 53.8 cm. (7 ⅛ x 21 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dated gengwu year of the Tongzhi period (1870)

Dedicated to Liusheng


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.158-159.



清 任頤 賞花圖 設色金箋 扇面鏡框



展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書 畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月, 第158-159頁。


REN XUN (1835-1893)

Scholar and Boy Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

141.5 x 75.3 cm. (55 ¾ x 29 ⅝ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dated summer, sixth month, xinsi year (1881)


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp.156-157.



清 任薰 山行訪友 設色紙本 立軸 一八八一年作 題識:辛巳(1881年)夏六月,阜長任薰寫於吳門。


展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書 畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月, 第156-157頁。

152 153

LIN LIANSUN (1875-?)

Landscape after Wang Jian

Hanging scroll, ink on paper 136 x 60.5 cm. (53 ½ x 23 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Colophon by Zhang Heng (1915-1963), with one seal


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 170-171.



清 林蓮蓀 臨王鑑山水 水墨紙本 立軸



張珩(1915-1963)題跋:此貴陽陳氏所藏,近時散出,余收得之。聯 琛兄假臨一過,居然精到。自慚讀畫十年, 不能著一筆,對此歎服。辛巳(1941年)八 月,張珩。


展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書 畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月, 第170-171頁。

註:林蓮蓀(1875-?),字聯琛,寧波慈溪人,民國時期上海著名銀 行家,上海寧波同鄉會名士。 153

The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong 黄仲方珍藏中國書畫 (Lots 112-154)


REN XIONG (1823-1857)

Landscapes, Figures, Flowers and Birds

A set of eight album leaves, mounted and framed, ink/ ink and colour on paper

Each album leaf measures 25 x 35.5 cm. (9 ⅞ x 14 in.)

One leaf signed and seven leaves inscribed and signed, with a total of nine seals of the artist


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Splendour of the Qing Dynasty, 9 June – 2 August 1992.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


Splendour of the Qing Dynasty, Urban Council of Hong Kong, 1992, pp.140-144, pl.59

From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 148-153.



清 任熊 山水人物花鳥冊 水墨/設色紙本

1 山前一水深復深,山腰眾綠長交陰。漁翁沽酒醉不出,總有僊源 無意尋。渭長並句。

2 天上碧桃,迥殊凡卉。下筆時當得神於丹崖翠嶂珠簷璧墀之間,自 得神理。渭長畫竟並識。予常取彈琴家“彈欲斷經,按令入木”二 語以之于畫,不圖為淺笑輕顰工媚當世者也互。次日又記。

3 安得十五女郎,梳雙丫髻,著褪紅衫,扣金絡珠,玉條脫,錚錚 作聲。按歌䙚晴絲一闋於此花之側,庶相稱矣。渭長。

4 此作頗似華秋岳。渭長。

5 渭長。

6 颯爽英姿莫比論,風開一幟過連雲。為曹為李吾能識,願乞長纓 拜後軍。背臨陳章矦本並繫一詩,渭長熊。

7 煙波釣艇學青藤。渭長。

8 一葦而來,隻履而去。既要西歸,何必東渡?究孰疲于津梁,不 如蒲團小住。縮臨貫休羅漢並錄徐青藤句。渭長。

鈐印:任熊私印(二次)、任熊(二次)、渭長(四次)、熊 展覽:香港,香港藝術館,“清朝瑰寶”,1992年6月9日-8月2日。

香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書 畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《清朝瑰寶》,香港市政局,1992,第140-144頁,圖版59。 《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5 月,第148-153頁。




Hanging scroll, ink on paper

26.4 x 33.4 cm. (10 ⅜ x 13 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed with a poem and signed, with two seals of the artist

Inscription on the reverse of the cover of wooden box by Egami Keizan (1862-1924), with one seal

One collector’s seal

HK$100,000-150,000 US$13,000-19,000

明 盛茂燁 水色林煙圖 水墨紙本 立軸



江上瓊山(1862-1924)題木盒蓋內: 乙卯(1915年)暮春題於老龍館中。瓊山逸。






Hanging scroll, ink and colour on gold-flecked paper

24.5 x 21.2 cm. (9 ⅝ x 8 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

Inscriptions on the wooden box by Nukina Kaioku (1778-1863) dated 1833 and Rai Noboru (1781-1832) dated 1821, with a total of three seals



明 陸士仁 溪岸隱居 設色灑金箋 立軸



貫名菘翁(1778-1863)1833年及賴襄(1781-1832) 1821年題寫木盒,共鈐印三方。



Autumn Landscape

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk

130 x 51 cm. (51 ⅛ x 20 ⅛ in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Dated third month, xinhai year



清 顧原 秋山行旅 設色絹本 立軸

題識:秋山行旅。辛亥三月上吉古虞山樵顧 原。

鈐印:醴陸矦裔、會稽顧原虎承書畫記、 □□

註:顧原,字逢原。山水、花卉有筆力, 而浙習未化,能作草書。按虞山畫志 謂:”會稽人。居城北,卒於杭之西 湖”。平湖縣志:”顧原字虎承,號松 仙,會稽(今浙江紹興)人。畫筆別開 生面。工詩,畫畢每自為題詩,終老於 湖。”守經常詩集云:”松仙又號木公 山人,曾為魯國監所信用,亂後以老畫 師自晦,歿於平湖。”生平參見《中國 美術家人名辭典》,上海人民美術出版 社,1981年,第1539頁。




Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk

88 x 28.8 cm. (34 ⅝ x 11 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed with a poem and signed, with two seals of the artist



明 陸瀚 酒酣醉臥 設色絹本 立軸 題識:瓦瓶傾盡酒難醒,獨抱魚竿臥晚汀。





XIE SHICHEN (1487-1567)

Landscapes of Four Seasons

A set of four hanging scrolls, ink and colour on silk

Each scroll measures 98.3 x 52.3 cm. (38 ¾ x 20 ⅝ in.)

Each inscribed and signed, with a total of seven seals of the artist

Last scroll dated bingshen year of the Jiajing period (1536)

One seal on the reverse of the cover of the wooden box


Teisuke Toda and Hiromitsu Ogawa ed., Comprehensive Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Paintings: Second Series Vol. 3 Japanese Collections, University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, August 1999, pp. III-204 and III-357, pl. JP12-637.


US$190,000-260,000 明


1 柳絲低妥溪光淨,紅雨亂飛春日遲。黃鳥高鳴芳草合,有人相俠品新詩。樗仙謝時臣。

2 長松落落草葺葺,十里青山一短筇。自是太平人意適,從容襟抱盎春風。樗仙謝時臣畫並題。

3 子晉仙蹤似可尋,楓林谿閣坐未深。香騰金鴨琴聲細,靜歙孤雲野鶴心。姑蘇謝時臣。

4 梅華何處撩人興,款段騰騰踏雪尋。高並玉山詩骨冷,依然還有苦唫心。時嘉靖丙申(1536年)謝時臣為逸 晚梅先生弄舊作。

鈐印:樗僊(二次)、謝氏思忠(三次)、姑蘇臺下逸人 木盒蓋內鈐印:佳簾庵人

出版:戶田禎佑、小川裕充編,《中國繪畫總合圖錄續編第三卷:日本篇》,東京大學出版會,東京,1999年8月, 第III-204及III-357頁,圖版JP12-637。

The Eternal Tathāgata:

Dunhuang Manuscript Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvā a

Sūtra No. 22 of the Six Dynasties


南北朝寫敦煌遺書《大般涅槃經》卷第廿 二

Translated into Chinese by the Indian Buddhist monk Dharmak ema (385-433/439?), Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvā a Sūtra ranks first amongst the five great Mahāyāna Buddhist scriptures. A handscroll whose beginning was damaged, Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvā a Sūtra No. 22 comprises 19 hair-lined scrolls of 465 columns, each with 17 characters. With reference to the inscription at the end of the handscroll, this manuscript was commissioned by Wan Chang, a disciple of Bodhisattva Precepts.

According to Mr Fang Guangchang, a well-known scholar of Dunhuang manuscripts, the paper, content and calligraphic style of Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvā a Sūtra No. 22 correspond with the characteristics of manuscripts of the late Six Dynasties period and hence, it can be dated the 6th Century (See his Certificate of Authentication). There are four seals on the handscroll, probably modern collector’s seals.

There exists two Chinese versions of Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvā a Sūtra: the Northern edition (like this lot) and the Southern edition. Amongst the extant Dunhuang manuscripts in private collections and public institutions, the Northern edition consists of more than two thousands fascicle numbers, of which thirty-eight of them (including this lot) relates to No.22. It should be noted that the current lot is the second longest manuscript of No.22, and its chapter divisions and calligraphic style exemplifies the cultural fusion of the South and North. These together with the textual and character structural differences in compared with other versions make the current lot an invaluable source of research on Dunhuang manuscripts.

本件敦煌遺書《大般涅槃經》卷第廿二, 原 為南北朝佛教高僧曇無讖( Dharmak ema,385年-433年/439年 )翻譯,為大乘佛 教根本經典之一,列大乘五大部經涅槃部第一。寫經為卷軸裝,首殘尾全 ,用19紙,計465行,行17字。紙作烏絲欄、上下界, 尾題“大般涅槃經卷第廿二”末一行題記“菩薩戒弟子萬敞供 養”。全卷共鈐有四方朱印,依序是“□□所藏”“ 澍 臣”(兩 處)“吉羊止止”及“孝臣藏書”,當為近現代藏家 所鈐印章。

方廣錩先生通過對 原 卷紙張、內容、書法風格等因素考察,認為均符 合 南北朝後期的寫經特點,判定為六世紀寫本,並 親筆 書 寫 鑑 定證書,以 資肯 定。

在中國 佛教經典翻譯史上,《大般涅槃經》有北本 和 南本之別,本經卷 屬 於北本。初步統計, 在 全世界公私收藏敦煌遺書當 中 , 屬 於北本的《大般涅槃經》共有兩千多號,其 中 卷第廿二寫本計有38號,且以首尾均殘者居多。 在 此38號寫本當 中 ,本經 卷的長度排 在 第二位,可見其文物價值之高。與歷代大藏經相比,本經卷的分卷 與覆刻自《開寶藏》的《趙城金藏》、《高麗 再雕藏》等 中原 系統的藏經不同,而與《福州藏》、《思溪藏》 、《普甯藏》、《徑 山 藏》等南方系統的藏經相同。敦煌 地 據 西北之甘肅 地 區,本經卷不一定就是 在 敦煌 地 區抄寫,然其書法更具北朝書法的風韻,其 經典分卷與南方系統藏經相同,似可 側面說明南北文 化 交 流 與 融 合 的一面。

此外,本件經卷的文字亦有 若 干 異 同,比如大 正 藏本作“為 勝他 故”“犯四重 罪 ”以 及“二 十 五有相” 三 句,本經卷分別作“為 勝蔓 故”“犯四重 禁 ”“二 十 五有四生”。

可見 在 文本 校勘 方面,亦具有 版 本價值。再者,經卷 在 抄寫“ 煩惱 ”“涅槃”等詞彙 時,其字體 結 構 亦頗有特點,可從書體方面深 入探究 。

敦煌遺書是古人留 傳 不可再生的文 化 遺 產 ,《大般涅槃經》卷第廿二自南北朝 流傳至 今 , 蘊 含有文字、文 獻 和 文物等多重 資 訊 ,具有 極 高的文 化 價值,當為 識 者 珍 寶也。

Mr. Fang Guangchang’s Certificated of Authentication 方廣錩先生(1948 )鑑定証明: □□□先生收藏敦煌遺書壹件,首殘尾全,計十九紙,長 827 8厘米,高25 5厘米,欄計465行。有尾題,作:“大般湼 槃經卷第廿二”。尾題後有題記一行,作:“菩薩戒弟子萬 敞供養”。經鑒定原卷。從紙張、書法、內容、風格諸多因 素考察,該卷均符合南北朝後期寫經特點。故定為六世紀寫 本。檢索數據庫目前記載,南北朝“大般湼槃經”卷廿二共 叁拾捌號,按長度計,本件排在第二位。特此証明。 方廣錩。 二○二四年三月三十日 鈐印:方廣錩審定



Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvā a Sūtra No. 22

Handscroll, ink on paper

25.5 x 827.8 cm. (10 x 325 ⅞ in.)

Without signature and seals

Five collectors’ seals


This lot is accompanied with an authentication letter by Fang Guangchang (1948-) written on 30 March, 2024, with one seal.


南北朝 無款


藏印:孝臣鑑藏、□□所藏(半印)、澍臣(2次)、孝臣藏書(紙尾背後) 附方廣錩先生鑑定証明一頁。


SONG XU (1525-AFTER 1606)


Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

72.4 x 31.6 cm. (28 ½ x 12 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Titleslip by Yamamoto Teijiro (1870-1937), with one seal

One collector’s seal of Yamamoto Teijiro on the back of the scroll

PROVENANCE: Chokaido, Yamamoto Teijiro.


著錄:山本悌二郎,《澄懷堂書畫目錄》 卷3,文求堂,東京,1932年,第109 頁。 161

Yamamoto Teijiro, Chokaido shoga mokuroku, Vol. 3, Bunkyudo, Tokyo, 1932, p.109.

HK$60,000-80,000 US$7,700-10,000

明 宋旭 達摩 設色紙本 立軸



山本悌二郎(1870-1937)題簽: 明宋石門達摩象。專山谷室藏。


山本悌二郎軸背藏印:香雪書屋 來源:澄懷堂山本悌二郎藏品。



Daoist Deities

Scroll, mounted for framing, ink and colour on silk

144 x 70.5 cm. (56 ¾ x 27 ¾ in.)




明 無款 大羅南北八天帝君 設色絹本 鏡片

題識:大羅南方八天帝君。大羅北方八天帝 君。

註:道教的天界共三十六層,故名三十六 天,以大羅天、三清天和四方三十二 天組成。大羅天為最高的一重天,也


是道教最高尊神元始天尊的神聖之 所。三十二天形成於南北朝時期,指 在四方中,每方皆有八天,分別為東 方八天、南方八天、西方八天、北方 八天,共三十二天,各天都有帝王統 治,有日月星辰、風雷雨電、河岳山 川等。此畫繪大羅南方八天帝君與 北方八天帝君,分上下兩排,每排八 位天帝,彩雲圍繞,頭戴冕旒,手持 笏板,面容威凜,重彩設色,精美絕 倫。今陝西榆林市佳縣白雲觀玉皇閣 仍存有清代繪製的三十二天帝壁畫, 此畫或為市場僅見且年代最早的南北 兩方八天帝君圖。


From a Japanese Private Collection 日本私人收藏 (Lot 163)




Scroll, mounted for framing, ink and colour on silk

154 x 77.8 cm. (60 ⅝ x 30 ⅝ in.)

Inscribed, with one illegible seal

HK$60,000-120,000 US$7,700-15,000

明 無款 群仙畢至 設色絹本 鏡片

題識:十類大仙眾。信官張元勳處造。 一印漫漶

Property of a Japanese Private Collector

日本私人藏品 (Lot 164)




Hanging scroll, ink on silk

107.6 x 45 cm. (42 ⅜ x 17 ¾ in.)

Without signature or seal

HK$100,000-200,000 US$13,000-26,000

明 無款 水月觀音 水墨絹本 立軸


ZHANG ZHAO (1691-1745)


Album of twelve leaves, gold ink on blue paper

Each leaf measures 25.2 x 18.8 cm. (9 ⅞ x 7 ⅜ in.)

Signed, with two seals of the artist Colophon by Zhao Guang (1797-1865), with two seals

Inscription on the wooden box by the Japanese calligrapher Taguchi Beiho (1861-1930), with one seal



清 張照 佛經 泥金瓷青箋 冊頁十二開

釋文:佛說大乘聖無量壽決定光明王如來經。宋西天中印度摩伽陀國 三藏傳教大師法天鳳詔譯。(文不錄)


鈐印:臣照、敬書 趙光(1797-1865)題跋:

得天書法為本朝第一,而此本尤為平生得意之筆,故應價重,雖林因 不惜重貲購之,以當文房珍玩。咸豐己未(1859)夏,蓉舫趙光識。


日本書法家田口米舫(1861-1930)題木盒並鈐印一方 165 166


Abhiseka Sutra

Handscroll, ink on paper

23.8 x 569.5 cm. (9 ⅜ x 224 ¼ in.)

One collector’s seal

HK$1,200,00-2,200,000 US$150,000-280,000

唐 無款 佛說灌頂經 水墨紙本 手卷


東晉帛屍梨蜜多羅譯。收于大正藏第二十一冊。本經由灌頂三歸五戒帶 佩護身咒經乃至灌頂拔除過罪生死得度經等十二部小經所成,此十二經 各就其功德而有“佛說灌頂”四字,故稱《灌頂經》。其中,拔除過罪 生死得度經與達摩笈多所譯之藥師如來本願經、玄奘所譯之藥師琉璃光 如來本願功德經為同本異譯。敦煌寫經中“佛說灌頂經”存世稀少,20 多年有上拍記錄以來僅有08年一卷3米卷上拍,此為市場上僅見的第二 本,極為罕見,為研究《灌頂經》的唐代早期譯本提供重要依據。

從紙張和書法來看本經卷是一件非常珍貴難得的盛唐寫經之精品,紙張 表面光滑細膩,輕盈有韌性,加之染潢打蠟,實屬唐經之尚品紙張。書 法筆酣墨飽,結體遒勁,體勢開張,開闊大氣,氣韻流暢,抄寫虔誠。






Hanging scroll, ink and colour / ink on paper

48 x 52 cm. (18 ⅞ x 20 ½ in.)

With three collector’ s seals of Li Shengduo (1858-1937)



唐/宋 無款 佛說佛名經 設色/水墨紙本 立軸






Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk

115.6 x 58.2 cm. (45 ½ x 22 ⅞ in.)

Without signature and seal


Hiromitsu Ogawa and Masaaki Itakura ed., Comprehensive Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Paintings: Third Series Vol.5 Japanese Collections, University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, March 2019, pp. V-303 and V-433, pl. JP132-013.



無款 三世佛圖 設色絹本 立軸 出版:小川裕充、板倉聖哲編,《中國繪畫總合圖錄三編第五卷:日 本篇》,東京大學出版社,東京,2019年3月,第V-303、V433頁,圖版JP132-013。



Manjusri Bodhisattva

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk

137.8 x 79 cm. (54 ¼ x 31 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and dated third day, eighth month, fifth year of the Jingtai period (1454)

HK$200,000-300,000 US$26,000-38,000

明 無款 文殊觀音彌勒虛空藏菩薩 設色絹本 立軸 一四五四年作

題識:大明景泰五年(1454)八月初三日施。 文殊觀音彌勒虛空藏菩薩。 御用監太監尚義王勤等奉命提督監造。



WEN ZHENGMING (1470-1559)

Running Script Calligraphy

Hanging scroll, ink on paper 121.2 x 30.2 cm. (47 ¾ x 11 ⅞ in.)

Signed, with two seals of the artist


Wen Zhengming, Fu Tian Ji, Vol.12 No.3, Ming Jiaqing version in Harvard-Yenching Institute.

Wen Zhengming, Zhou Daozhen (ed.), Collection of Poems and Essays by Wen Zhengming (Revised Edition), Shanghai Rare Books Publishing House, Shanghai, December 2014, Book 10 No.3, p. 380.



明 文徵明 行書 水墨紙本 立軸 釋文:孤帆落日明,青山相映帶。遙遙萬里情,更落青山外。


鈐印:文徵明印、悟言室印 著錄:文徵明:《甫田集》卷第12〈瀟湘八景〉其3〈右遠浦歸帆〉, 哈佛大學燕京圖書館藏明嘉靖刻本。

文徵明著、周道振輯校,《文徵明集》(增訂本),上海古籍 出版社,上海,2014年12月,卷10〈瀟湘八景(戊子)〉其3, 第380頁。


DONG QICHANG (1555-1636)

Calligraphy in Running Script

Hanging scroll, ink on silk

158.3 x 51.6 cm. (62 ⅜ x 20 ⅜ in.)

Signed, with two seals of the artist Four collector’s seals



明 董其昌 行書 水墨絹本 立軸



鈐印:玄賞齋、知制誥日講官 藏印:郭枻(1883-1974):郭彝民印、則生所藏 其他:傳鑑堂、之邁珍藏


BAO RONG (1573-1620)

Cursive Script Calligraphy

Hanging scroll, ink on paper

351.2 x 98 cm. (138 ¼ x 38 ⅝ in.)

Signed, with two seals of the artist Colophon by Wang Jingxi (1867-1932)



明 包容 草書唐錢起詩 水墨紙本 立軸

釋文:紫微晴雪帶恩光,繞仗偏隨鵷鷺行。 長信月留寧避曉,宜春花滿不飛香。 獨看積素凝清禁,已覺輕寒讓太陽。 題柱盛名兼絕唱,風流誰繼漢田郎。


鈐印:包容之印、包氏蒙吉 王景禧(1867-1932)題跋:包先生書一氣呵成,縱橫不可一世。乙巳 (1905年)春日得於保昜,河村先生見而 愛之,即以奉贈。壬子(1912年)夏日, 琅琊王景禧識。

註:包容,字蒙吉,號虛中,永嘉(今浙江溫州)人。萬曆年間授中 書舍人。書畫俱工,尤精篆刻。張居正以玉章相屬,已鐫就, 促之急,乃磨而還之,拂衣歸。晚客吳門,與周天球、王穉登交 好。傳世作品稀見,今存見僅北京故宮博物院及溫州博物館各藏 有一,可資參考。


ZHA SHIBIAO (1615-1698)

Calligraphy in Running Script

Hanging scroll, ink on paper

133 x 43 cm. (52 ⅜ x 16 ⅞ in.)

Signed, with three seal of the artist



清 查士標 行書明馮琦詩 水墨紙本 立軸





WEN ZHENGMING (1470-1559)

Calligraphy in Small Regular Script

Album of nine leaves, ink on paper

18.5 x 9.8 cm. (7 ¼ x 3 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dated second day, sixth month, yisi year (1545)

Dedicated to Kongjia

Colophons by Wang Shu (1668-1742), Yi Wenrui (19th C.), Zhu Changyi (1784-1855), Pan Zengshou (19th C.), Xu Naizhao(1799-1878), Tao Fuheng(19th C.), Wang Qingling (19th C.), Zhang Xianghe(1785-1862), Pan Zengying(1808-1878), Gu Kui (19th C.), Gu Jiongshi (19th C.), Zhuang Jindu (1799-1852), Yun Yuding (1862-1917), Kuroki Yasuo (1866-1923), Yi Shunding (1858-1920), with a total of twenty-four seals

Seventeen collector’s seals, including two of Peng Nian (1505-1566), six of Xiang Yuanbian (1525-1590), one of Wang Shu (1668-1743), five of Yamamoto Teijiro (1979-1937)

Titlieslip by Yuan Lizhun (1878-1935), with one seal



明 文徵明 小楷《離騷經》 水墨紙本 冊頁九開


題識:比歲為孔加書《離騷》,僅得數行而疾作,遂置不省,乃是稍閑,為補書之。自戊戌 (1538)坻今八年,年七十有六,日老日頹,目昏指弱,所書大小不倫,可笑也。嘉靖 乙巳(1545年)六月二日徵明識。




王澍(1668-1742)、易文濬(19世紀)、朱昌頤(1784—1855)、潘曾綬(19世紀)、許乃釗 (1799-1878)、陶福恆(19世紀)、王慶麟(19世紀)、張祥河(1785-1862)、潘曾瑩(18081878)、顧夔(19世紀)、顧煚世(19世紀)、莊縉度(1799-1852)、惲毓鼎(1862-1917)、 黑木安雄(1866-1923)、易順鼎(1858-1920)題跋,共鈐印二十四方。


項元汴(1525-1590):墨林子、神、品、墨、林、子京父印 王澍(1668-1743):虛舟

山本悌二郎(1879-1937):觀此真跡始覺偽者為可笑也、二峰鑑藏法書名畫之印、秘 笈、二峰清賞、香雪書屋書畫印    其他:沈堪審定、蘿邨鑑賞、醉鄉矦印 註:上款人孔加為彭年(1505-1566),字孔嘉,一說字子素,號隆池山樵,南直隸蘇州府長 洲(今江蘇蘇州)人。好學工書,少與文征明友善,以詞翰名,時稱長者。年書名亞於徵 明,然當時鮮有稱其詩者。獨王世貞《序》稱,徵明詩以韻勝,而年詩以邊幅勝;其詞亦 頗有抑揚矣。又據世貞《序》,稱徵明孫子悱乃年女婿。


WANG CHONG (1494-1533)

Calligraphy in Running Script

Fan leaf, mounted for framing, ink on gold-flecked paper

18.6 x 51.8 cm. (7 ⅜ x 20 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist



明 王寵 行書自作詩 水墨灑金箋 扇面鏡片






DONG QICHANG (1555-1636)

Calligraphy in Running-Cursive Script

Album of sixteen leaves, ink on dragon and phoenix roundel-patterned paper

Each leaf measures 22.8 x 12.8 cm. (9 x 5 in.)

Signed, with one illegible seal



明 董其昌 行書 水墨龍鳳團紋箋紙本 冊頁十六開

釋文:白香山《池上篇》。十畝之宅,五畝之園。 有水一池,有竹千竿。勿謂土狹,勿謂地偏。 足以容膝,足以息肩。有堂有庭,有橋有船。 有書有酒,有歌有弦。有叟在中,白鬚飄然。 識分知足,外無求焉。如鳥擇木,姑務巢安。 如龜居坎,不知海寬。靈鶴怪石,紫菱白蓮。 皆我所好,盡在吾前。時飲一杯,或吟一篇。 妻孥熙熙,雞犬閒閒。優哉遊哉,吾將終老乎其間。



題跋:董學士書法如天女遊空。出於危相之□,求於嬉媚風神,橫生 骨□大□,此書家能世之寶□□觀題。


WEN ZHENGMING (1470-1559)

Running Script Calligraphy

Handscroll, ink on paper 26 x 634.5 cm. (10 ¼ x 249 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Dated mid-autumn, jiazi year (1504)

Nine collector’s seals, including two of Li Zhaoheng (1592-1664), two of Li Qizhi (1622-1692) and two of Shi Song (18th-19th Century)



明 文徵明 行書 水墨紙本 手卷 一五〇四年作 釋文:酹江月。商颷微度,筭九十秋光,今宵餘半,已辦虛庭吸桂 華,剛被晚雲瀰漫。人何負月,月負佳期,不與人相見。空

懸望眼,安得破雲弦管,莫道嫦娥無意,意為仙郎,留取清光 滿。十里輕風送馬蹄,屈指明年非遠。兩袖天香,滿身金粟, 直抵瑤華館,眼前諸台,揔是看花仙伴。右癸亥(1503)中秋 無月。

桂花浮玉,正月滿天街,夜涼如洗,風泛䰅眉病骨寒,人在水 晶宮裡,蛟龍偃蹇,觀闕嵯峨,縹緲笙歌沸。霜華滿地,欲跨 彩雲飛起。記得去年今夕,釃酒溪亭,淡月雲來去。千里江山 昨夢非,轉眼秋光如許。青雀西來,嫦娥報我,道佳期近矣。



鈐印:徵明、徵仲、停雲 藏印:李肇亨(1592-1664):李珂雪珍藏、嘉禾李氏珍藏、檇李李李 氏鶴夢軒珍藏記    李琪枝(1622-1692):李琪枝字雲連 施嵩(18-19世紀):少峰審定墨寶、玉溪施嵩審定真跡 其他:東涯鑒賞之章(二次)、秀芝堂珍藏書畫印 註:李肇亨,號珂雪,又號醉鷗,明萬曆著名鑒藏家李日華(15651635)之子。工書法、善山水、品鑒,書畫與趙左齊名。

李琪枝,字雲連,號奇峰,李肇亨之子,康熙年間著名畫家,工 畫墨梅、墨竹。


In Pursuit of Antiquities:

The Importance of Fu Shan’s Shuang Hong Kan Notes 好古敏求:傅山《霜紅龕》札記的內容與 價值

傅山(160 7- 1684), 原 名 鼎 臣,後改名山,字青主,山 西 陽曲

人,明末清初學者,入清後以遺民自居,於 五峰 山拜 道 教北 派 郭靜中修真 , 道 號 真 山,以避清剃髮令, 又 衣 紅 衣,人 稱 朱衣 道 人。清順 治 十 一年 (16 5 4)傅山受 牽 連入 獄 , 是為 “ 甲午 朱衣 道 人 案 ”, 為 戴 廷 栻等友人 營救 ,乃雲遊歸隱,不涉 時 事。康 熙 召 舉 “ 博 學 鴻 儒”,傅山 稱 病堅辭,乃得歸家,七十八歲終老於山 西 。

傅山六世祖傅天錫以《春秋 》立業 ,祖父傅霖(1 5 32 - )乃嘉

靖四十 一年 (1 5 62)進士,歷吏部主事 、陝西 參議 、 山東布政 使 司 參政等。傅山 生 長於書香 官 宦門第, 博 學強記,十 五 歲 中 童子

試 , 一生舉 凡經學 、 佛學 、道 教 、 諸子 、 詩 詞、 書 畫、 醫學 、 武

術 等 皆有建樹 , 時 人 譽之為 “學 海 ”, 有 《霜 紅 龕 集》、 《女

科》、 《青 囊秘 決 》、 《傅 氏拳 譜 》 等 著作傳 世。

佳 士得秋 拍 自 海外徵集 明末清初傅山《霜 紅 龕 》 札記,共十

冊 , 計一 百六十開, 裝成 四 函 , 置原木箱 。 每 種 函套題 “傅青主

徵君墨蹟 , 關中胡氏晚 香書 室 藏,弟某 函 ”, 每冊題簽 “傅山《

霜 紅 龕 》 札記 真蹟 , 宣統己酉 (1909)春 仲 重 題 ,弟某 冊 ”, 冊

頁為 清末 裝裱題簽 , 百 多年來均 由家 族傳承收 藏。

《霜 紅 龕 》 十 一冊讀 書札記,總 計約有二 百四十 多篇 長

短不 的 手跡 , 呈現 傅山好 古 敏 求 的 治 學 態度 。 約 略 按

傳統 四 分 法, 計有 經學 如 《 周 禮 》、 《詩經 》 等 ;史 學

如 《 史 記 》、 《 國語》 等 ;集 部 如 《 離騷》 ,子部 如 《 莊 子 》、 《 尸 子 》 。 其他 記 錄 諸書 所 見的 文 字 、讀音較多 , 也

有引 述《 黃帝內 經 》與 詩 詞 等, 可 見傅山 讀 書 廣 采 博覽 ,不名 家。

舉例如 第四 冊 “妄 治 ” 條 :“《 內 經 》徵 四 失論 : ‘ 妄 治時愈 , 愚 心自得。 ’寫盡 醫家 奴態 ”。 又 後 一條 “ 鼻 名天 牝 ”:“《

內 經 》 遺 編刺 法 論曰 : ‘ 天 牝從來 , 復 得 其往 。 氣 出於 腦 , 即 不邪 干 。 ’ ”後世 僅 知傅山於醫 道 以婦 科 得 盛 名, 而忽 略 了他

醫 道 本 源 於《 黃帝內 經 》 , 又廣泛 參 考 《 金匱 要略 》、 《 千金 方》、 《本 草 綱目 》 諸醫書, 方成 名 手 。 中國國 家圖書 館和 北 京大學圖書 館 藏 有 傅山 手 批《 黃帝內 經 》 , 可 以視 為 傅山研究

《 黃帝內 經 》之 明證(見《 傳 山全書第十八 冊》 )。《霜 紅 龕 》手

札 多 處批 引 述 和 批校《 黃帝內 經 》 ,此處 僅引錄 兩 條文 字略見

斑 ,或 可與 北京 館 藏傅山 手 批 文 字相互 印 證, 也再再說 明《霜 紅 龕》手札的珍貴與重要。

中國文 字兼 有 字形 、 字 音、 字義三者, 古 人 先 教孩童識字, 而 後 方能 誦書。因此, 古 人 說一 字 之 不知,士 之 恥 也 , 可 見 文 字 是 學 習 的基礎。《霜 紅 龕 》 第八 冊 記述 文 字最 多 , 如 “炱字”:“

《馬懷素 傳 : ‘ 炱朽蟫斷。 ’ 《 廣 韻 》 : ‘ 炱煤 ’ 。”此處傅山 所引 《馬懷素 傳》 出自《 新 唐書 ˙ 儒學 》 ,由歐陽 修 等人 編 撰 而 成 , 所 以 又引 宋 真 宗重 修 的《 廣 韻 》釋 義“炱”字。 又 同 冊 “ 㔨 字”:“石勒本名 㔨 。 音如 背。”石勒 為 後趙開 國君 主, 㔨 為 罕 僻字,後世 多 不知 曉 ,更莫 論讀音了 。

手 札 之中 , 據所 知見,亦 有 見於今人 編訂 《傅山全書 》之中 , 如 第十 冊 “風自火出家人” 條 ,見於《傅山全書 》 第三 冊 第七七 頁 “家人”,講解《 周易》 第三十七卦卦象 之 義。 又如 第十 一冊 末 頁有 《想甚 》 詩:“想甚鳧盟見,兼無雞澤書。春風到洺水,

明 月 勞昭餘。詩句定何 似 ,乾 坤 誰不知。鶯花 所 偏處,知 為 喻 山居。”見於《傅山全書 》 第 一冊 第 二 〇 八 頁 。鳧盟 為 申 涵 光

(1619 - 16 77 )字號, 與 傅山友好, 有 《懷 太 原 傅青主 》 詩。

清 劉䬠咸豐 三 年 (18 5 3)撰 〈 霜 紅 龕 集 備 存小 引 〉 云 :“傅青主 先生 足 迹半天下,詩 文隨 筆 隨 擲,家無藏 稿 ,甚 有 執 所著 以 問 先

生 , 而先生 已 忘 為己作 。雖 臨 終以 收 拾 遺 文 ,勗 孫蓮 蘇 , 然 散之

數 十 年 , 徵 諸 一方 亦非 易 致 之 事 也 。” 可 見傅山 早 年 歷經兵 燹 離 亂 , 手 稿 隨 筆 散 佚難存 , 晚 歲 為了 教 導孫 兒 蓮 蘇 , 整理 舊作 ,但 是 仍然 散失尤多 。傅山曾 囑 咐 孫 兒 說 :“凡 我 與 爾 父 所為文 詩, 無 論 長 章 大 篇、一 言半句, 爾須 收 拾 無遺, 為 山右傅 氏之文獻可 也 。”(見《霜 紅 龕家訓 》 ) 可 見傅山 晚 歲 對 於自家 手 稿 的重 視。三百四十 年 後的今天,傅山 片紙 短 文 , 愈 顯 珍貴,更何 況 傳 承了一 百 多年 的十 一冊一 百六十開 手 札, 具 有撼 人心 魄 的歷 史和 學 術文獻 的 價值 。

A native of Yangqu, Shanxi province, Fu Shan (1607-1684), was a great scholar during the late Ming and early Qing period. Born into a scholar-official family, he was proficient in Classics, Buddhist and Taoist teachings, Masters’ writings, poetry and verses, calligraphy and painting, medical science and martial arts.

Accompanied with a tailor-made wooden box and four book sleeves, Fu Shan’s Shuang Hong Kan Notes comprises eleven books with a total of one hundred and sixty leaves, stipulated more than two hundred forty pieces of manuscripts by the artist. The notes are organized according to the four traditional categories: Classics (e.g. The Rites of Zhou, The Book of Songs), Histories (e.g. Records of the Grand Historian, Discourses of the States), Letters (e.g. Encountering Sorrow) and Masters (e.g. The Writings of Zhuangzi). There are also notes and quotes on other books, like Huangdi Neijing, the oldest medical classic of ancient China, as well as various poems and verses.

Many of Fu Shan’s manuscripts had been lost due to political chaos throughout his early years. Thanks to the efforts of his grandson, Fu Liansu in preserving his works, this very rare and important Shuang Hong Kan Notes has been kept in private hands for more than a hundred years.


FU SHAN (1607-1684)

Shuang Hong Kan Notes

Eleven books totalling one hundred and sixty double leaves, ink on paper

Each leaf measures 23.2 x 11.2 cm. (9 ⅛ x 4 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with twenty-one seals of the artist

Titleslip inscribed and signed by Zhu Zongxiang (19th-20th Century), with one seal

Five collector’s seals



明/清 傅山 霜紅龕札記 水墨紙本 十一冊共一百六十對開




每冊封面朱宗祥(19-20世紀)題簽:霜紅龕札記真蹟,宣統己酉 (1909)春仲重題,弟某冊。 鈐印:味笙

藏印:劉天繡、天繡印、蓮舟鑒賞(二次)、蔚泉珍藏 註:清華大學藝術博物館藏傅山絹本書法一件,上世紀八十年代經由 啟功等七人鑒定小組鑒定為國家二級藏品,其中“劉天繡、蓮舟 鑒賞、蔚泉珍藏”三印,與《霜紅龕札記》相同。

《霜紅龕札記》題簽者“味笙”,當係朱宗祥,字味笙,浙江秀 水人,擅書畫刻印。(見吳耦汀《近三百年嘉興印畫人名錄》) 清陶保廉1891-1896年間隨父新疆巡撫陶模前往新疆、陝西、甘 肅等地,記撰成《辛卯侍行記》一書,其中記肅州臨水驛堡內行 館,權知州事秀水朱味笙宗祥,乃城守營游擊以下各武員均來。 則朱宗祥曾任清肅州權知州事,為從五品官員。




Southern Tour

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk

45.6 x 56.8 cm. (18 x 22 ⅜ in.)

Without signature or seal

Two collector’s seals on the reverse of the cover of wooden box


Hiromitsu Ogawa and Masaaki Itakura ed., Comprehensive Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Paintings: Third Series Vol.5 Japanese Collections, University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, March 2019, pp. V-222 and V-418, pl. JP115-017.


明 無款(前傳趙伯駒)


江南離宮圖 設色絹本 立軸

木盒蓋內藏印:墨香樓、一印漫漶 出版:小川裕充、板倉聖哲編,《中國繪畫總合圖錄三編第五卷: 日本篇》,東京大學出版社,東京,2019年3月,第V-222、 V-418頁,圖版JP115-017。



Playing Chess

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk

79.6 x 40 cm. (31 ⅜ x 15 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal

Three collector’s seals, one of which on the reverse of the cover of wooden box


Hiromitsu Ogawa and Masaaki Itakura ed., Comprehensive Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Paintings: Third Series Vol.5 Japanese Collections, University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, March 2019, pp. V-225 and V-419, pl. JP115-042.


US$7,700-10,000 明/清 方椿年(款) 美人看碁圖 設色絹本 立軸 題識:紹興十二年秋月畫院待詔方椿年制。

鈐印:椿年 藏印:陸、永祖 木盒蓋內藏印:人西圖書之記 出版:小川裕充、板倉聖哲編,《中國繪畫總合圖錄三編第五卷: 日本篇》,東京大學出版社,東京,2019年3月,第V-225、 V-419頁,圖版JP115-042。




Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk

97.5 x 47 cm. (38 ⅜ x 18 ½ in.)

Without signature of seal


Hiromitsu Ogawa and Masaaki Itakura ed., Comprehensive Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Paintings: Third Series Vol.5 Japanese Collections, University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, March 2019, pp. V-224 and V-419, pl. JP115-029.

HK$120,000-200,000 US$15,000-26,000

明 無款(前傳孫君澤) 溪山雅趣 設色絹本 立軸

出版:小川裕充、板倉聖哲編,《中國繪畫總合圖錄三編第 五卷:日本篇》,東京大學出版社,東京,2019年3 月,第V-224、V-419頁,圖版JP115-029。


YANG JIN (1644-1728)

Barren Trees and Crows

Fan leaf mounted as hanging scroll, ink on paper 17.8 x 53.6 cm. (7 x 21 ⅛ in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dated seventh month, guiwei year (1703)

Dedicated to Tianchun


Hiromitsu Ogawa and Masaaki Itakura ed., Comprehensive Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Paintings: Third Series Vol.5 Japanese Collections, University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, March 2019, pp. V-223 and V-419, pl. JP115-025.



清 楊晉 枯樹寒鴉 水墨紙本 扇面立軸 一七〇三年作 題識:枯樹寒鴉。癸未(1703年)七月畫應天純先生大人指教。西亭 老人楊晉橅元人本。

鈐印:子隺、楊晉 出版:小川裕充、板倉聖哲編,《中國繪畫總合圖錄三編第五卷: 日本篇》,東京大學出版社,東京,2019年3月,第V-223、 V-419頁,圖版JP115-025。


DAI XI (1801-1860)

Reading in a Mountain Studio

Fan leaf mounted as hanging scroll, ink on paper 20 x 57.5 cm. (7 ⅞ x 22 ⅝ in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dated summer, wuwu year (1858)

Dedicated to Chungao


Hiromitsu Ogawa and Masaaki Itakura ed., Comprehensive Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Paintings: Third Series Vol.5 Japanese Collections, University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, March 2019, pp. V-226 and V-419, pl. JP115-050.



清 戴熙 山館吟秋圖 水墨紙本 扇面立軸 一八五八年作

題識:山館吟秋圖。戊午(1858年)夏至,春皋先生屬正。醇士戴熙。 鈐印:醇士、戴熙

出版:小川裕充、板倉聖哲編,《中國繪畫總合圖錄三編第五卷:日 本篇》,東京大學出版社,東京,2019年3月,第V-226、V419頁,圖版JP115-050。


LU ZHI (1496-1576)


Handscroll, ink and colour on paper 24.5 x 141.5 cm. (9 ⅝ x 55 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Colophons inscribed and signed by Wen Jia (1501-1583), with two seals

Five collector’s seals, including tow of Chu Deyi (1871-1942) and two of Chen Jingtao (19th-20th Century)



明 陸治 溪山泛舟 設色紙本 手卷


鈐印:包山子、陸氏叔平 文嘉(1501-1583)題跋:叔平翁與余契厚,偶留酌間得見此卷,翛然 清遠,其筆意跌宕風塵之外,漫濡拙句,以 表其佳。茂苑文嘉。


藏印:褚德彝(1871-1942):松窗審定(二次) 陳景陶(19-20世紀):愨齋收藏、陳愨齋圖書記 其他:清河郡圖書記

註:褚德彝,原名德儀,字守隅、松窗、號禮堂,浙江餘杭人,光緒 二十一年(1905)舉人,善書法、繪畫,精於金石考證,兼工篆刻, 有《竹人續錄》、《松窗遺印》等。

陳景陶,號愨齋,清末民初浙江上虞人,喜好收藏金石碑帖,與褚 德彝友好,常同觀賞金石碑帖並題跋,如吳炳本《定武蘭亭》、國 家圖書館藏《張通妻陶貴墓志》等。

From an American Private Collection 美國私人珍藏 (Lots 185-187)


JIANG CHENYING (1628-1699)

Running-Cursive Script Calligraphy

Hanging scroll, ink on paper

80.4 x 33.6 cm. (31 ⅝ x 13 ¼ in.)

Signed, with two seals of the artist



清 姜宸英 行書唐王維詩 水墨紙本 立軸





HONG LIANGJI (1746-1809)

Seal Script Calligraphy

Hanging scroll, ink on paper

91.4 x 20.6 cm. (36 x 8 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dated dingsi the second year of the Jiaqing period, year (1797)

Dedicated to Qingwen



清 洪亮吉 篆書 水墨紙本 立軸 一七九七年作


題識:嘉慶二年(1797)歲在丁巳三伏日,壽泉廣文屬篆即正。洪亮 吉。



FU SHAN (1607-1684)

Calligraphy in Running-Cursive Script

Hanging scroll, ink on silk

166.2 x 46.2 cm. (65 ⅜ x 18 ¼ in.)

Signed, with one seal of the artist

One collector’s seal



清 傅山 行草書《詩經 殷其雷》 水墨絹本 立軸

釋文:殷其雷,在南山之陽。何斯違斯,莫敢或遑?振振君子,歸哉 歸哉!






Almanac of the Sixth Year of the Yongzheng Period

One book with book sleeve totalling three hundred and ninety-eight leaves, ink and vermilion on paper

Each leaf measures 19 x 8.5 cm. (7 ½ x 3 ⅜ in.)

Dated sixth year of the Yongzheng period (1728)



清 內府 大清雍正六年時憲曆 朱墨精寫本 一函一冊共三百九十八開 一七二八年作 註:清朝自順治元年(1644)至1910年,皆採用西人湯若望(Johann

Adam Schall von Bell)重訂之《西洋新法曆書》,編製頒布“時憲 曆",至乾隆元年(1736)避“弘曆"諱,改名“時憲書"。 此冊《大清雍正六年時憲曆》為朱墨精寫本,乃是欽天監上呈皇 帝御覽之用,是為御覽時憲曆,皇帝確認無誤,乃頒布臣民。按 此曆尺寸當為黃綾袖珍本,黄綾函套、黄綾封面,原裝原函尤為 罕見,民間稱之為“皇曆"者,即是此書。皇帝受命於天,曆書 彰顯皇帝代天頒行正朔之職權,旨在授民以時,使民順時耕作和 休息。



Running Script Calligraphy

Hanging scroll, ink on satin

150 x 37 cm. (59 x 14 ½ in.)

Signed, with three seals of the artist HK$100,000-200,000 US$13,000-26,000

清 許王猷 行書 水墨綾本 立軸 釋文:碧簡雕仙,名繫東王之籍。瑤天紀瑞,光騰南極之星。賜玉杖 而刻鳩,恩隆尚齒,餐金鉶而斟雉,道重延齡。是以頌啓奚 斯,三壽共全。昌熾疇承,箕子五福,兼備康寧。


鈐印:許王猷印、賓穆、心跡喜雙清 註:許王猷,字賓穆,號竹君,上海楓涇鎮人。康熙五十二年(1713) 進士,授編修,官至內閣學士兼禮部侍郎。工詩文,擅書法,筆 力可追李北海。

From the Kwok Family Collection 郭氏琴硯齋藏中國書畫 (Lot 190)


HE SHAOJI (1799-1873)

Clerical Script Calligraphy

Hanging scroll, ink on paper 122 x 45 cm. (48 x 17 ¾ in.)

Signed, with two seals of the artist

Six collector’s seals, including two of Wang Wenxin (1888-1974), one of Kwok Zhongyi (1900-1994) and one of Kwok Chun-Po (1938-2022)


清 何紹基 隸書《西狹頌》

釋文:郡西狹中道,危難阻峻,緣崖俾閣,兩山壁立,隆崇造雲,下 有不測之溪,阨芒促迫,財容車騎。進不能濟,息不得駐。 款識:子貞何紹基。

鈐印:何紹基印、子貞 藏印: 王文心(1888-1974):蒙泉書屋收藏金石書畫之章、文心審定、荊門 王氏收藏之章


水墨紙本 立軸

郭仲易(1900-1994):琴硯齋 郭春浦(1938-2022):春浦珍藏 其他:子孫保之


ZHAO ZHIQIAN (1829-1884)

Calligraphic Couplet

A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on paper 131.8 x 31.5 cm. (51 ⅞ x 12 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dedicated to Huanyuan



清 趙之謙 書法對聯 水墨紙本 立軸兩幅 釋文:此時此日人共得 ,山鳥山花吾友于。

題識:華原一兄大雅屬書,集少陵句,趙之謙。 鈐印:趙之謙印、益甫手段


ZHAO ZHIQIAN (1829-1884)

Calligraphy in Clerical Script

Handscroll, ink on paper 17.2 x 85.2 cm. (6 ¾ x 33 ⅝ in.)

With one seal of the artist

Colophons by Wang Geyi (1897-1988) and Sha Menghai (1900-1992), with a total of four seals


Yu I ed., Calligraphy of Chao Pei-An, Chung Hua Calligraphy and Painting Publishing Association, Taipei, 1977, p.119.

Calligraphy of Chao Pei-An: Reprint, Tokyodo, Tokyo, 25 January 1982, pl.122.

Sha Menghai, Book Anthology on Sha Menghai, Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Publishing, Shanghai, June 1997, p.629.

Zhou Tao (ed.), Chronology of Zhao Zhiqian, Rongbaozhai Publishing, Beijing, October 2003, p.189.

Chen Zhenlian (ed.), Selected Works by Zhao Zhiqian in Japan, Seal Engraver’s Society Publishing House, June 2008, pp.60-61.

Collection of Zhao Zhiqian, Vol. 1, Zhejiang Ancient Books Publishing, Hangzhou, September 2015, p.156.

Sha Maoshi, Stroll in the Sea of Books – Life of Sha Menghai, Tianjin People’s Fine Art Publishing, Tianjin, November 2017, p.87.

HK$500,000-700,000 US$64,000-90,000

清 趙之謙 隸書 水墨紙本 手卷




王个簃(1897-1988):悲盦此卷筆墨高渾,古意可掬,確是精心傑 構。最(近)遊覽武夷風景歸來,重展斯圖, 反覆觀賞,更多餘味。為書數語於卷末,志我 欽佩。壬戌(1982年)四月維夏王个簃八十有 六。最下奪近字。

鈐印:啟之、个簃 沙孟海(1900-1992):撝叔文章書翰皆原本六代,才情魄力奇一世, 嘗製印曰漢後隨前有此人,自道如此,見者 亦無間言。

大聲世講攜示此三字室額,蓋取謙字切音, 以顏居室。彼自有用意。余獨愛其筆致沉鬱 飛動,風格遒上,正似漢後隨前人作,驩憙 讚歎,題字歸之。壬戌(1982年)之秋沙孟海 同客杭州。


著錄:沙孟海,《沙孟海論書文集》,上海書畫出版社,上海,1997 年6月,第629頁。

鄒濤編,《趙之謙年譜》,榮寶齋出版社,北京,2003年10月, 第189頁。

清趙之謙著、戴家妙整理,《趙之謙集》第1冊,浙江古籍出版 社,杭州,2015年9月,第156頁。

出版:《悲盦滕墨第一集》,中華書畫出版社,台北,1977年, 第119頁。

《趙之謙-覆刻悲盦滕墨》,東京堂,東京,1982年1月25日, 圖版122。

陳振濂主編,《日本藏趙之謙金石書畫精選》,西泠印社出版 社,杭州,2008年6月,第60-61頁。

沙茂世,《書海漫步——沙孟海的世紀人生》,天津人民美術 出版社,天津,2017年11月,第87頁。 192


《惲氏父子書札》合冊共收錄惲日 初 、惲壽平父子書札十八通。惲日 初 書跡罕見,而父子 合冊更為難得。惲日 初 十五札十六紙,落款皆為方外明曇。內容多為邀集朋友清談 以及答 謝 饋贈等,並多次 提 及兒曹,可見其時居於常州 家 鄉。史稱日 初 「晚歲不得 已歸 常州, 仍服浮 圖 服,而言學者多宗之」,十五札 正 是 此一時期作品。 受 信人為君知、 若 營等。君 知即唐獻恂,字君知,號潔庵,武進人,明廩 生 。明 亡 後棄諸 生 業,黃冠遁世。君知為日 初 好友。史 載 唐獻恂「與同郡 楊 雪臣、惲遜庵等六七人砥 礪 名節」,而札中有「 吾 輩 屈 指 不過數人,而弟與翁則庶幾 晨 星之 配殘 月 也 」(第十札)、「倏忽 便已 三 春 ,每 當 岑 寂 無 聊 , 輒念老兄 不置。知 兄 於同人快聚時 亦 必 念我也 」等語,可知二人 關係 之 密 切。 若 營

則為唐 宇 肩,字 若 營,獻恂子,名畫 家 唐 宇 昭從弟, 工 書 法 ,明 亡 後終身不 應 試, 鬻 書自 給。惲壽平三札十九紙,皆為 長 箋,分 別緻存 翁、親 家楊興 翁、 長婿楊叔 美三人,內容涉

及人情 酬酢 、 家 族事 務 、個人 生活 等, 具 體而 生 動,細 微 地 呈 現 出 惲氏 的 日常 生活 、 心理 變 化 等,可視為 研 究其晚年 行 跡 的 重 要材料 , 具 有 特 殊 的 史 料價值 。

值 得一 提的 是 ,在清代 所 刻 的 《 甌香 館 法 書》中,收錄有一札( 參 見《容庚藏 帖 · 甌香 館

法 書》第二冊 5 4- 58 頁, 廣東 人 民出版 社, 20 16年6月),與此冊中惲壽平第二札不 但 內容 完 全 致 ,而且從字 形 、結構 到 佈局均 無二 致 , 唯 的 不同 是 刻 帖 本 用 筆 多以圓、 肥 之 筆

出 之, 猶如 常見清人 仿 惲 偽 作 的 圓 甜 之 態 ,而細 諦 此冊 墨 跡,其用 筆 則 柔 中寓 剛 ,潔 淨 爽 利 ,平 和 清 秀 之中 蘊 含瀟灑空靈 之 趣 。兩者 的 差 距 目 瞭 然 。 由 此可知刻 帖 本是 以此冊 墨 跡為 底本 的 摹 刻 本 , 摹 刻 水 準較 為低下。在 20 1 5 年 出版的 《惲壽平 全 集》中, 編 者 曾 據 刻 帖 將 此札內容 輯 入 此書。

參 考 萬新華 教 授《新見惲壽平信札三通 初 考 》,《美術大 觀 》第3期, 2022 年。


YUN RICHU (1601-1678), YUN SHOUPING (1633-1690)

Album of Correspondences

A set of thirty-five leaves mounted as an album, ink on paper

Various sizes

With seven seals of the artists

Inscription on the mounting by Wu Yun (1811-1883), with two seals

Seven collector’s seals, including six of Zong Yuanhan (1834-1897)

HK$1,300,000-1,600,000 US$170,000-210,000

清 惲日初、惲壽平 信札冊 水墨紙本 信札冊頁三十五開

鈐印:曲阿遺民(二次)、黍庵、山中學士之章(二次 )、江左傲夫、鑑湖泊者







RUAN YUAN (1764-1849)

Calligraphy in Running Script

Hanging scroll, ink on paper 120 x 53 cm. (47 ¼ x 20 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with five seals of the artist Dated twentieth day, first month, guimao year (1843)

Dedicated to Shouzhai

Inscription on wooden box by the Japanese painter Anan Chikuda (1864-1928), with one seal


This lot may be the one mentioned in a handwritten letter dated 25 March 1922 from Hakubundo to Abe Fusajiro (1868-1937).

HK$300,000-500,000 US$38,000-64,000

清 阮元 行書 水墨紙本 立軸 一八四三年作

釋文:人生八十古更稀,古賢論德雖與齊。 林泉田舍天許歸,草廬安得高榱題。 四間新構杉板扉,草簷竹笮塗白泥。 繩床愁夢心息機,夜聾不聞犬與雞。 此間佳趣得幾希。紙窗況無風雨淒。 春初梅瘦麥葉肥,松竹下壓香茅低。 茶隱則是酒則非,夕陽又暖桑榆西。 萬條楊柳春依依,絳老後算誰能齊。稽。

題識:道橋別業愛吾草廬避喧作。癸卯(1843年)正月 廿日句。小雪日守齋老表弟屬書,愚兄元。

鈐印:阮元印、元、頤性延齡、湖光山色阮公樓、癸卯 年整八十

日本畫家阿南竹垞(1864-1928)題木盒: 癸亥(1923年)夏日觀並題簽,竹垞。


註:本拍品或是博文堂於1922年3月25日給阿部房次郎 (1868-1937)之書信中提及的書法中堂。

此書法創作於癸卯年(1843)正月廿日,根據阮元 年譜記載,此日適逢阮元八十歲壽辰,其子阮福及 阮祜皆到軍機處恭領諸多御賜賞品,其中包括「頤 性延齡」扁額一面。


ZENG GUOFAN (1811-1872)

Running Script Calligraphy

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on silver-flecked paper

45.4 x 133.2 cm. (17 ⅞ x 52 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dedicated to Renzhi



清 曾國藩 行書 水墨灑銀紙本 鏡框

釋文:推誠。天地之所以不息,國之所以立,聖賢之德業所以可大可久,皆誠為之也。 故曰:“誠者,物之始終,不誠無物。”




WEN ZHENGMING (1470-1559)

Bamboo and Orchid

Hanging scroll, ink on paper

56.3 x 29.8 cm. (22 .1/8 x 11 .3/4 in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Two collector’s seals

One seal of sutra paper


Lot 17, 22 September 1997, The C. C. Wang Family Collection of Important Chinese Paintings – To Benefit a Charitable Trust, Sotheby’s New York.


Zhou Daozhen (ed.), Poems by Wen Zhengming Revised Edition Vol.3, Book 1, Shanghai Classics Publishing, Shanghai, December 2014, p. 1581.

Famous Chinese Paintings in Overseas Collection Vol. 6 (Ming II), Hunan Fine Art Publishing, Changsha, December 1998, pp.40-41.



明 文徵明 雙清圖 水墨紙本 立軸 題識:幽蘭生高原,亭亭秀雙玉。下有碧琅 玕,清風伴幽獨。徵明。

鈐印:文徵明印、徵仲 藏印:王季遷(1906-2003):王季遷海外 所見名跡 其他:達人秘玩 金栗山藏經紙印一方。

來源:紐約蘇富比,王季遷家族藏重要中國 書畫—收益歸慈善基金,1997年9月 17日,編號22。

著錄:文徵明著、周道振輯校,《文徵明集 增訂本(下)》,續輯卷上,上海 古籍出版社,上海,2014年12月,第 1581頁。

出版:胡光華本卷主編,《海外藏中國歷代 名畫》第六卷明下,湖南美術出版 社,長沙,1998年12月,第40-41頁。


SHITAO (1642-1707)

Plum Blossoms and Bamboo

Hanging scroll, ink on paper

130 x 30.5 cm. (51 ⅛ x 12 in.)

Inscribed and signed, with four seals of the artist

Five collector’s seals, including two of Wang Jiqian (1906-2003)



清 石濤 梅竹圖 水墨紙本 立軸

題識:芳香留逋客,瀟灑伴書生。竹外一枝斜更好,便是坡僊一竹梅。圖率意一抹 並識。大滌子石濤。

鈐印:頭白依然不識字、大滌子極、癡絕、四百峰中箬笠翁圖書 藏印:王季遷(1906-2003):曾歸竹里館、王季遷海外所見名跡 其他:笙波、燕氏寶蒙堂真賞、古越梁之望字蕙賓鑒藏印 簽條:石濤上人墨筆梅竹精品。德簠


LI SHAN (1686-AFTER 1757)

Five Pines

Hanging scroll, ink on paper

216.7 x 109.6 cm. (85 ⅜ x 43 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dated autumn, ninth month, dingmao twelfth year (1747) of the Qianlong period (1747)



清 李鱓 五松圖 水墨紙本 立軸 一七四七年作

題識:有客要余畫五松,五松五樣都不同。一株 勁直大臣功,搢笏垂紳立辟雍。頹如名將 老龍鍾,卓筋露骨心膽雄。森森羽戟奮軍 容,側者臥者似蛟龍。爪鱗變幻有無中。 白雲一片青針縫。電旌雷鼓鞭雨風,傍有 蒲團一老翁。哀猿野鶴枯僧逢。不有百岳 藏心胸,安能屈曲盤蒼穹。吁嗟!空山萬 古多遺蹤,我將墨汁一斗邀群公。兔毫九 折雕癡蟲,五松五老盡呼嵩,懸之君家桂 堂東,俯視百卉兒女叢。有客要余索畫 五松者,余以直者比之大臣,禿者比之名 將,一側一臥,如蛟如龍,蒲圖之松,或 仙或佛。爰作長歌以題。

乾隆十二年(1747)歲次丁卯秋九月仿天 池生筆意,寫於城南昇仙浮漚館。復堂懊 道人李鱓。



ZHA SHIBIAO (1615-1698)

Landscape in the Rain Handscroll, ink and colour on paper 31.2 x 276 cm. (12 ¼ x 108 ⅝ in.)

Inscribed, with three seals of the artist Dated autumn, gengzi year (1660)

Colophons by Gao Xie (1879-1958) and Ke Yuan, with a total of six seals

Four collector’s seals, three of which on the mounting Frontispiece and titleslip by Gao Xie, dated spring, guiwei year (1943)


Lot 92, September 1997, Fine Chinese Classical Paintings and Calligraphy, Christie’s New York.

Lot 569, 19 September 2013, Fine Classical Chinese Paintings, Sotheby’s New York.



清 查士標 苔會雨色 設色紙本 手卷 一六六〇年作

題識:苔會雨色樹餐煙,山吐晴雲水沐天。 惟有扁舟不來去,無年無月釣松邊。 庚子(1660年)秋日寫於丹霞之天海山堂。



高燮(1879-1958):澹宕孤舟入野煙,茆亭宛在水中天。此間欲喚高 人出,吟到荒寒蕭散邊。癸未(1943年)二月初 九日飯於怡詠精舍,主人出示查梅壑山水長卷, 即次卷中梅壑自題詩韻書於尾。吹萬居士高燮。 鈐印:格簃、葩廬、燮印 可園:梅壑人品高潔,筆致䟽落而氣韻澹蕩,無意於求工,而人自不 可及。廿九年(1940)四月於行篋中撿得,奉贈思鶴吾兄,當 能首肯吾言,可園。 鈐印:焉 藏印:清虛活計 裱邊藏印:祝桐孫鑒定真跡、魯珊珍賞、吳縣祝少英收藏秦漢六朝金 石文字記

高燮題引首:查梅壑山水卷。癸未(1943年)春仲,吹萬居士高燮題。    鈐印:格簃、吹萬居士 高燮題簽:查二瞻先生山水長卷。怡詠精舍藏。癸未(1943年)春吹 萬居士題。



註:高燮,字時若,號吹萬,又號寒隱、黃天、葩叟,別署志攘,金山 張堰鎮人。作家、藏書家,南社成員。創國學商兌會,結寒隱社。 中年在家鄉建吹萬樓。著有《吹萬樓詩集》、《吹萬樓文集》、 《吹萬樓日記節鈔》、《金山邑志》、《詩經大義》等二十餘種。

Learning from the East and the West:

Wu Li’s Cultivation and the Lineage of Landscape with Pines and Chrysanthemums for Taopu

學兼東西:吳歷學養與《陶圃松菊圖》的 流傳

Amongst the six masters of the early Qing period, Wu Li (1632-1718) is the only one who learnt from the East and West. Initially he pursued the learning path of the literati: studying poetry with Qian Qianyi (1582-1644), painting with Wang Shimin (1592-1680) and Wang Jian (1598-1680), qin with Chen Min (17th-18th C.), ethics with Chen Hu (1613-1675). He lived next to a church and became a Catholic at around the age of forty-four. When he was fifty years old he went to Macau and in 1682, he joined the Jesuits and eventually became a Jesuit priest with the name Simon Xavierius a Cunha, and discharged his pastoral assignments in the Jiangnan region.

Wu Li executed Landscape with Pines and Chrysanthemums for Taopu in 1704 when he was seventy-three years old. Located in Jiading, Jiangnan region, Taopu was a villa built by Lu Peiyuan (17th-18th C.) whose spectacular views of chrysanthemums, pines, bamboos and cypresses were praised by his contemporaries. According to the inscription, this painting was commissioned by the eldest son of Lu Peiyuan, Lu Tingcan (c.1678-1743), a student of Wang Shizhen and Song Luo and a tea connoisseur. Upon completion, the painting was sent through Lu Daohuai (17th-18th C.), a student of Wu Li and Wang Hui.

The provenance of Landscape with Pines and Chrysanthemums for Taopu was well documented. According to Chong Yi’s Notes on Painting and Calligraphy of Select Learning Studio, it once belonged to Lu Yuqing (18th-19th C.), son of Lu Shihua (1714-1779) the renowned painting and calligraphy collector and author of Paintings and Calligraphy Examined in Wuyue. Then Liang Zhangju (17751849), an important scholar-official of the Qing court, took the possession before it entered into the collection of Sun Yumin (18331899), an important late Qing official. Later it belonged to Guan Mianjun (1871-1933), also an important late Qing official and painting and calligraphy collector whom documented it in his Painting and Calligraphy Records of Three Autumns Pavilion. With reference to Zhang Heng’s  Notes on the Authentication of Painting and Calligraphy from the Muyan Studio 4, Guan probably had arranged photography of the painting prior to passing on its ownership to Zhang Xueliang (1901-2001), an illustrious political figure during the 1930s. Zhang impressed six collector’s seals on this work and one of them indicated his possession since 1931. Laurence C. S. Tam’s publication in 1986  Six Masters of Early Qing and Wu Li stipulated that this painting was formerly in the collection of Mr. Chang Tingchen. Eventually it belonged to C. C. Wang (1907-2003).

吳歷(1632-1718 ) 是清初六 家 裡 面 唯一一位“學兼東西”的 文人畫 家 。他早年隨錢謙益(1582-1644 ) 學詩,受畫 於 王時敏 (1592-1680 ) 和王鑑(1598-1677 ) ,學琴 於 陳岷(17-18 世 紀 ) ,習義理 於 陳瑚(1613-1675 ) ,行逕完全 符 合傳統 讀 書人的學 習路途。但是,他早年居鄰教堂,中年約四十四歲(1675 ) 入天 主教,繼後五十歲赴澳門修道,1682年加入耶穌會、受洗,改教 名“ Simon Xavierius a Cunha ”,晚歲 在 江南一帶傳播天主教教 義,卻又與傳統文人修道學佛不同。因此,吳歷作為清初重 要的六 位傳統畫 家 代表之一,他 富 有傳奇色彩的受學經歷與思想轉變,也 再再受到後人的 關 注和研究。

秋拍 所 見吳歷《陶圃松菊圖 》 立軸,題詩一首並年款“時康熙甲 申年(1704 ) 正月”,屬 於 他七十三歲時的作品。陶圃為清初陸培 遠(生卒不詳 )所 建莊園名稱, 在 嘉定南翔東林莊橋北,陸氏以 植菊聞名,兼有松竹 柏 ,時人稱譽有“不鎖松筠三徑 開 ,林 泉 招 我 共徘 徊”之 景 色。吳歷此畫為 其 子 扶照 陸 廷 燦(約1678-1743 ) 寫 , 廷 燦 幼從 王 士 禎、 宋 犖學習, 曾編 《 續 茶經 》 ,有“茶 仙 ”之 譽。而“託上游 寄 去”的“上游”乃陸道 淮 (生卒不詳 ) ,也是嘉 定人, 師從 吳歷、王 翬 ,為吳歷 編 刻《 墨井 詩 鈔》 、《三巴 集》 。

《陶圃松菊圖 》 清代以 來 藏 印 與 著錄 和傳 承 斑斑可 考 ,據《 選 學 齋 書畫寓 目 記 》 記 錄 :

此 幅曾 經平原陸 愚卿所 藏,後歸 梁 茝林中 丞 ,又歸孫 萊 山尚書, 其 後人力不 能守 , 致落 長 安 市上,為 蒼 梧 關 氏 所收 。

陸 愚卿 (18-19 世 紀 ) 為陸時 化 子, 家富收 藏, 其 父 編 有《吳 越

所 見書畫 錄》 ,有譽藝林。 梁章 鉅(1775-1849,字茝林 ) 歷經 乾隆 、嘉慶、道 光 三 朝 ,乃清中 期福 建籍重要 官宦士 人,兼 富著 述 。孫 毓 汶(1833-1899,字 萊 山 ) , 官至 晚清 總 理各國事 務 衙 門 大 臣、兵 部 尚書 等 ,一時重臣。而 蒼 梧 關 氏為晚清 民 初 關冕鈞 (1871-1933 ) ,清 光 緒二十年(1894 ) 進 士 , 曾 任京 張張 綏 鐵 路 總辦 、梧 州關 監督 等 , 幼 好書畫,晚歲 編 撰《三秋 閣 書畫 錄》 (1928 ) 記 錄 整 理 自 家收 藏書畫,吳歷《陶圃松菊圖 》 見 於 書中 卷 下。 關 氏 當 時 似 曾 拍 攝 照 片 流傳,據《 木雁 齋 書畫鑒賞筆記 》 卷 四 記 載 文字, 末 有“三秋 閣 照 片 ” 數 字。 張 珩(1915-1963 ) 又 說 “ 關 氏 舊 藏,後歸 張 漢 卿 ”。 張 漢 卿 即 張 學 良 (1901-2001 ) ,上 世 紀三十年代初 期 ,正是 舉 國軍政 矚 目 的人物, 今 畫上 鈐 有 張 氏藏 印

六 枚 , 其 中一 枚 為“ 毅庵 主人 九 一八後 得 品”,則 關 氏早 於 1931年 在世 前 已 將 吳歷《陶圃松菊圖 》 出 讓 張 學 良庋 藏,一 九 八六年 前 為 張鼎 臣先生


WU LI (1632-1718)

Landscape with Pines and Chrysanthemums for Taopu Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 178.3 x 74 cm. (70 ¼ x 29 ⅛ in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Dated first month, jiashen year of the Kangxi period (1704)

Seventeen collector’s seals, including one of Liang Jiangju (17751849), one of Sun Yumin (1833-1899), seven of Zhang Xueliang (19012001) and three of Wang Qiqian (1906-2003)


Chen Yuan, Chronology of Wu Li Vol. 2 in Engraving Series of Li Yun Studio Chapter 2, 1934, p.83.

Laurence C. S. Tam, Six Masters of Early Qing and Wu Li, Urban Council, Hong Kong, 1986, pp. 91, 96, 344, 345, fig.37, 41, pl. 34.

Guan Mianjun, Painting and Calligraphy Records of Three Autumns Pavilion (San Qiu Ge) Book II, in Lidai shuhua lu xubian Vol. 14, National Library Publishing, Beijing, July 2010, pp.259-260.

Chong Yi, Notes on Painting and Calligraphy of Select Learning Studio (Xuanxuezhai shuhua yumu biji) Book II, in Lidai shuhua lu xubian Vol. 12, National Library Publishing, Beijing, July 2010, pp.412-415.

Zhang Heng, Notes on the Authentication of Painting and Calligraphy from the Muyan Studio 4, Cultural Relics Publishing, Beijing, September 2014, p.2973.

Xu Bangda, Xu Bangda (9): Important Notes on Classical Painting and Calligraphy (Yuan, Ming and Qing Paintings), Palace Museum Publishing, Beijing, July 2015, p.581.

Tian Hong ed., Painting Collection of Wang Jiqian 2, Tianjin People’s Publishing, Tianjin, June 2018, p.333, pl.132.

Yang Renkai, R ecord of Reviewed Chinese Classical Paintings and Calligraphy, Liaoning People’s Publishing House, Shenyang, June 2019, p.401.

Wang Jiqian, Wang Yiqiang (ed.), Painting and Calligraphy Reviewed by Wang Jiqian, Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Publishing, Shanghai, July 2021, p.120.

HK$25,000,000-35,000,000 US$3,200,000-4,500,000

清 吳歴 陶圃松菊圖 設色紙本 立軸

題識:陶圃松菊。 漫擬山樵晚興好,菊松陶圃寫秋華。 研朱細點成霜葉,絕勝春林二月花。 陶圃先生長君扶照索寫叔明幾四載,不以促迫,蓋知繪事之 難,而念予道修之少暇也。廿七日雪窗畫成,托上游寄去。時 康熙甲申年(1704)正月,墨井道人並題。

鈐印:延陵、墨井道人、吳歷之印 藏印:陸愚卿(18世紀 -19世紀):平原陸氏珍藏印



張學良(1901-2001):定遠齋、心賞、珍祕、張學良印、漢卿 所藏、毅庵主人九一八後得品、看畫軒

王季遷(1906-2003):震澤王氏寶武堂圖書記、王季遷家珍 藏、王季遷氏審定真跡    其他:半禪室上乘書畫、賜燮淵亭書屋鑒藏真蹟、如此至寶存 豈多、塔影硯齋心賞 簽條:吳漁山陶圃松菊圖。三秋閣藏。

著錄:陳垣,《勵耘書屋叢刻》第2集《吳漁山先生年譜二卷》, 1934年勵耘書屋鋟版,第83頁。 關冕鈞,《三秋閣書畫錄》卷下,見《歷代書畫錄續編》第14 冊,國家圖書館出版社,北京,2010年7月,第259-260頁。 崇彝,《選學齋書畫寓目筆記》卷下,見《歷代書畫錄續編》 第12冊,國家圖書館出版社,北京,2010年7月,第412-415頁。

張珩,《木雁齋書畫鑑賞筆記4》,文物出版社,北京,2014年 9月,第2973頁。

徐邦達,《徐邦達集》第9冊,《古書畫過眼要錄 元明清繪 畫》,故宮出社版,北京,2015年7月,第581頁。

楊仁愷,《中國古代書畫過眼錄》,遼寧人民出版社,瀋 陽,2019年,第255頁。

出版:譚志成,《清初六家與吳歴》,市政局,香港,1986年, 第91、96、344、345頁,圖37、41,圖版34。

田洪編,《王季遷藏畫集》2,天津人民美術出版社,天津, 2018年6月,第333頁,圖版132。

王季遷著、王義強編,《王季遷書畫過眼錄》,上海書畫出版 社,上海,2021年7月,第120頁。

註:梁章鉅,字閎中,又字茝林,號茝鄰,晚號退庵。福建長樂人, 清朝政治人物、學者。


I Did It My Way: A Brief Analysis of Gong Xian’s A Thousand

Peaks and Myriad Ravines


A native of Kunshan, Jiangsu province, Gong Xian (1618-1689) moved to Nanjing when he was a child. After the collapse of the Ming dynasty he moved to Yang Zhou and other places. In 1668 he returned to Nanjing and built a home, the Half-Acre Garden under Mount Qingliang for his secluded retirement, sometimes teaching students to paint.

At sixteen, Gong Xian was introduced to Dong Qichang (15551636) through Yang Wencong (1596-1646). Learnt from the landscapes of the Southern School, his painting style evolved from simple and elegant with light ink for his early works, to aloof and forbidding for his landscapes of the late period, characterized by the use of dense and moist ink.

The majestic A Thousand Peaks and Myriad Ravines is a very good example of his late period work. Measuring more than two metres high, one is captivated by the rich and moist ink from afar. The lush mountain ranges and valleys are wakened up by the precipitous waterfalls and plunging cascades. With an upright brush, the peaks, rocks, trees and houses are rendered in straight and oblique brushstrokes with contrasting ink washes, which create a verdant and luxuriant landscape full of power and sentiments.

Amongst the old masters of the Five Dynasties as well as Song, Yuan and Ming periods, Gong Xian particularly admired Dong Qichang. Based on the ink dotting method of the Song masters Mi Fu (1051-1107) and his son Mi Youren (1086-1151), he eventually developed his ink accumulation method, which made a profound impact on the modern masters such as Huang Binhong (1868-1955) and Li Keran (1907-1989).

龔賢(1618-1689),字半千,號半畝等,明末清初江蘇崑 山人。童年移居南京,後因參與復社恐受牽連,遷居揚州等 地,五十歲後回南京清涼山下,築半畝園繪畫授課終老。

龔賢十六歲時隨楊文驄(1596-1646)拜見當時藝壇盟主董 其昌(1555-1636),得受誨益,終生受用。畫學南宗山水, 初為“白龔”,清簡峻逸,中歲後漸有所得,參以變化,至 晚歲返居清涼山下時已成“黑龔”面目。龔賢繪畫強 調四 要,《柴丈畫說》:“一曰筆,二曰墨,三曰丘壑,四曰氣 韻。筆法宜老,墨氣宜潤,丘壑宜穩,三者得而氣運在其中 矣。”可謂渡人金針。

秋拍所見龔賢巨幅山水《萬壑千峰圖》,雖 無 年款, 從 風 格來看正是晚歲“黑龔”,畫高兩米有餘,遠觀滿紙墨氣淋 漓,橫嶺幽壑,鬱鬱蔥蔥,密黑透白,氣 韻 叢生,慰眼明 心。近觀山石樹屋,筆勢或正或斜,或橫或豎,淺深積墨而 成,交叉疊置,筆筆全用中鋒,線條圓渾厚重,力道遒勁沉 實,氣韻蒼鬱。龔賢認為“筆要中鋒為第一,惟中鋒乃可以 學大家……中鋒乃藏,藏鋒乃古,與書法無異。”(見《柴 丈畫說》)《萬壑千峰圖》的用筆用墨,是他理論真正實踐 的體現。

龔賢說:“我用我法,我法盡,而我即為後起之古人。”他 師古五代宋元,又近師明代諸家,對於董其昌尤為佩服,並 最終在米家雲山的基礎上以積墨法形成了自家的“黑龔”面 目,這種以黑顯白,以黑見沈厚的山水畫法,影響深遠至近 代黃賓虹(1868-1955)、李可染(1907-1989)等名家。


GONG XIAN (1618-1689)

A Thousand Peaks and Myriad Ravines Hanging scroll, ink on paper 233 x 93 cm. (91 ¾ x 36 ⅝ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Three collector’s seals of Wang Jiqian (1906-2003) Titleslip by Wang Jiqian, with one seal


Bao Wu Tang – Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, Poly Fine Art Museum, Beijing, 2010, pp.66-67, pl.18.

Tian Hong, Ershi Shiji Haiwai Cangjia – Wang Jiqian Cang Zhongguo Lidai Minghua Part II, Tianjin People’s Fine Art Publishing, Tianjin, November 2013, p.393, pl.238.

Tian Hong, Gong Xian Shu Hua Ji, Tianjin People’s Fine Art Publishing, Tianjin, November 2014, p.202.



清 龔賢 萬壑千峰圖 水墨紙本 立軸 題識:萬壑千峰只一家,樓臺隱隱閟青霞。






鈐印:王季遷印 出版:《寶五堂藏中國古代書畫》,保利藝術博物館,北京, 2010年,第66-67頁,圖版18。

田洪,《二十世紀海外藏家-王季遷藏中國歷代名畫》下 卷,天津人民美術出版社,天津,2013年11月,第393頁, 圖版238。

田洪,《龔賢書畫集》,天津人民美術出版社,2014年 11月,第202頁。


NI TIAN (1855-1919)

Magu’s Birthday Offerings

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 148 x 79 cm. (58 ¼ x 31 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Dated mid-winter, dingwei year of the Guangxu period (1907)

One collector’s seal



清 倪田 麻姑獻壽 設色紙本 立軸 題識:光緒丁未(1907年)仲冬之吉,邗上 倪田墨畊寫於璧月盦。

鈐印:墨耕、倪田之印、江都縣人 藏印:震澤王氏義元心賞


REN XIONG (1823-1857)


Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

159.4 x 92.8 cm. (62 ¾ x 36 ½ in.)

Signed, with one seal of the artist



清 任熊 高仕閒讀 設色紙本 立軸




ZHAO ZHIQIAN (1829-1884)

Peach Blossom / Pumpkin

Folding fan, ink and colour on paper 17.4 x 48.2 cm. (6 ⅞ x 19 in.)

Inscribed on both sides and signed, with a total of two seals of the artist

Dated seventh month, yichou year (1865)

Dedicated to Lanyan



清 趙之謙 春桃芳菲/瓜瓞綿綿 設色紙本 成扇 一八六五年作


1 餳簫聲潤竹樓西,斷續和風百鳥啼。卯酒半醒簾半卷,澹煙微雨 望蘇堤。蘭嵒三兄一笑,撝叔並題。

2 慶門集嘉況,異瑞呈瓜田。生五而成十,奇偶出自然。合形表同 休,雅詠流綿綿。乙丑(1865年)七月,撝叔再博蘭嵒三兄一粲。 鈐印:之謙印人、之謙印信 註:蘭喦,即白恩佑(1808-1880),字蘭巖、蘭言,號石仙,山西介休 人,清道光二十七年(1847)進士,曾任湖南學政,鹽運道,有 《進修堂詩集》。趙之謙同治元年(1862)入京應試,便是寓居白 氏家中。見(龔軍輝《劉昆與晚清著名歷史人物》第288-290頁。)




Album of ten leaves, ink and colour on silk

Each leaf measures 22.6 x 26.8 cm. (8 ⅞ x 10 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with a total of ten seals of the artist

Colophon by Gu Wenbin(1811-1889),with one seal

Titlieslip by Lu Hui(1851-1920), with two seals



明 李士達 山水 設色絹本 冊頁十開



顧文彬(1811-1889)題跋:李士達號仰懷,姑蘇人,畫山水人物有聲藝苑。嘗論畫云山水有 五美:蒼也、逸也、奇也、圓也、韻也。山水有五惡:嫩也、板 也、刻也、生也、癡也。可謂深得畫理。仰槐吳縣人,長於人物 兼寫山水,能自愛重,權貴求索,雖陳幣造廬,終不可得。萬曆 間織璫孫隆在吳集眾史,咸屈膝,獨士達長揖而出,尋為收捕, 以庇者獲免。年八十碧瞳秀腕,舉體欲仙,此以品勝者也。無聲 詩史明畫錄各一則。乙卯(1855年)秋日,顧文彬錄。





WEN ZHENGMING (1470-1559)

Bamboo and Orchid

Handscroll, ink on paper

26 x 406.5 cm. (10 ¼ x 160 in.)

Inscribed and signed, with eight seals of the artist

Dated fourth day, twelfth month, yiwei year (1535)

Three collector’s seals of Weng Tonghe (1830-1904)on the mounting



明 文徵明 蘭竹 水墨紙本 手卷 一五三五年作

題識:□亭翰長寄此紙索畫蘭竹,且云見嚴子寅所藏,不覺垂涎,故須此以為敵。病中謝客, 漫爾塗抹頗以得意,不識所見子寅者何物,恐此紙既出,子寅不能擅場矣,呵呵。嘉靖 乙未(1535年)臘月四日徵明記。




SHEN ZHOU (1427-1509)

Cloudy Landscape

Hanging scroll, ink and light colour on paper 157 x 73 cm. (61 ¾ x 28 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Inscription on the reverse of the cover of the wooden box by Uzan Nagao (1864-1942), with one seal


Selection of Renowned Chinese Painting, Volume 3, Bunkado, Kyoto, 1929, pl.7.



明 沈周 雲山萬疊 淺絳紙本 立軸 題識:千個芙蓉雲萬疊,淋漓元氣太陰垂。


鈐印:啓南、石田、煮石亭 王聞達(1663-1741)藏印:東吳王蓮涇藏書畫記 長尾雨山(1864-1942)題木盒蓋內:

石田書法出於北苑,參以梅華道人,其沉著痛快全明諸 家,莫與京焉。此幀雲山出入海嶽、敷文,前林樹石仍 是自家面目也。其蚤年所作皆為小幅,中年以後始作巨 幀,儲力而發無不如意,但後人未有此用功耳!其不易 及,不亦宜乎?長尾甲題。


出版:《考槃社支那名畫選第三集》,文華堂書店,京 都,1929年,圖版7。

註:王聞遠(1663-1741)字聲宏,又作 聲弘,王叔子,號蓮涇、蓮涇居士, 吳縣(今江蘇蘇州)人。精鑒賞、富 收藏,故宮博物院藏沈周《喬木慈烏 圖》有同一藏印。


Professor L. Y. Chiu (Chiu Ling Yeong, 1935-2019), originally from Chenghai, Guangdong, and born in Shanghai, was a renowned scholar of Chinese literature and history, admired both in Hong Kong and abroad. He obtained his PhD in 1968 from the Department of Oriental Studies at the University of Sydney and later taught at the University of Hong Kong, where he served as Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Head of the Department of Chinese, and as chair professor. He retired in 2001 and received the title of Professor Emeritus. Professor Chiu’s academic achievements and his influence were widely praised and recognized. Through his broad scholarly connections, he acquired many works of calligraphy and painting from esteemed artists, which provided invaluable insights into his life and social circle. Other paintings and calligraphy from the collection by renowned 20th-century artists, including Qi Gong and Rao Zongyi, will be offered in Christie’s Fine Chinese Modern and Contemporary Ink sale (lots 601-609) and Chinese Paintings Online sale.

趙令揚(1935-2019),籍貫廣東澄海,生於上海,乃享 譽海內外之 著名中國文史學者。趙令揚1968年於雪梨大學東方學系獲得博士學 位,後於香港大學任教,並擔任港大文學院院長、中文系系主任、講 座教授。2001年退休,獲大學頒授“榮休教授”銜。趙教授學術聲譽 遠揚,影響頗巨。基於廣泛的學術交誼,趙教授得贈諸多名家書畫 作 品,今日釋出,可一窺一代文史大家之生平交遊,彌足珍貴。趙令揚 教授收藏啟功、饒宗頤等近世名人書畫,將於中國近現代及當 代書畫 拍賣(編號601-609)及中國書畫網上拍賣呈現。


WEN ZHENGMING (1470-1559)

Bamboo, Tree and Rock Hanging scroll, ink on paper 83 x 28.4 cm. (32 ⅝ x 11 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist One collector’s seal on the back of the scroll



明 文徵明 枯木竹石圖 水墨紙本 立軸 題識:歲晚山堂靜,幽懷殊未降。踈枝搖落日,清影在西窗。徵明。 鈐印:文徵明印、徵仲 簽條:明文徵明。枯木竹石圖妙品。 畫背藏印:老梅院藏



Autumn Landscape

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk

139.7 x 63 cm. (55 x 24 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated spring, dingyou year (1597)

HK$500,000-700,000 US$64,000-90,000

明 胡宗仁 秋色 設色絹本 立軸 一五九七年作

題識:門外晚晴秋色老,萬條寒玉弌谿煙。丁酉(1597 年)春胡宗仁寫為□□先生。

鈐印:彭舉父、胡宗仁印 註:胡宗仁,字彭舉,號長白,明上元(南京)人,隱居 冶城山下,工詩畫,山水師倪瓚、王蒙、黃公望諸 家。傳世作品有明萬曆二十六年(1598)寫送張隆父 《歸武夷山水圖》,萬曆四十六年(1612)作《蘿月 軒圖》等。


SHEN ZHOU (1427-1509)

Landscape for Donglin Handscroll, ink and colour on paper 30.5 x 189 cm. (12 x 74 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

Dated spring, third month, wuchen year of the Zhengde period (1508) Dedicated to Donglin Frontispiece by Wen Zhengming (1470-1559), with two seals Colophons by Liu Rongsi (1570-1638), Chang Yu (19th C.) and Qian Qing (19th C.), with a total of six seals

Five collector’s seals, including two of Chen Lianbi (16th C.) and one of Chang Yu


Collection of Duan Fang (1861-1911).

Lot 181, 23 June 2016, Asian Art, Sotheby’s Paris.


Duan Fang , Renyin Xiaoxia Lu, Cultural Relics Press , 2004, Vol XI.



明 沈周 東林圖 設色紙本 手卷 一五〇八年作




劉榮嗣(1570-1638):何年何士住東林,沈公寫圖契誼深。松筠遶屋 交清陰,溪流澄徹斷飛塵。促膝對坐何所云, 我思其友羲皇人。童子燒茶桂作薪,爐煙縹緲 上孤岑。小橋曲徑誰抱琴,幽芳恍入桃花津。 隔水跫聽喜足音,知與人間世作鄰。但覺心遠 地自偏,當是唐之磐谷深。鹿門優游不續湘水 吟,望之神飛體為輕,安能與子歸處返吾真。 戊寅(1638年)立秋日書於天放廬。

鈐印:劉榮嗣印、天心生 常煜(19世紀):怡怡堂晴川常煜珍藏。




年喜法北苑兼取大癡之長,晚年高古簡淡,前無古 人,非畫史所能夢見。當時聲價極重,偽作已多,






語以誌相念。進齋三兄有道清鑒。光緒辛巳(1881 年)中秋後日,江北錢青識。

鈐印:吳越世家、錢青之印 文徵明(1470-1559)題引首:東林。 鈐印:文徵明印、徵仲

藏印:陳聯璧(16世紀):陳聯璧印、孚尹 常煜:晴川真賞 其他:崔諶□號容齋字鳳儀、泫氏米□山人





註:劉榮嗣,字敬仲,號簡齋,別號半舫,直隸曲周(今河北省) 人,明朝政治人物。

陳聯璧,字孚尹,號玨庵,應山人,明末清初官員,後辭官歸應 山,以栽花種竹為樂。著述甚富,有《伊蘭畫舟集》、《玨庵 集》及主纂《應山縣誌》八卷本等。




Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

95 x 53.3 cm. (37 ⅜ x 21 in.)

Signed, with one seal of the artist

One collector’s seal of Wu Hufan (1894-1968)


Lot 2570, Fine Classical Chinese Paintings, 28 May 2018, Sotheby’s Hong Kong.

Lot 259, 25 April 1999, Fine Chinese Classical Paintings and Calligraphy, Christie’s Hong Kong.


清 汪之瑞 重崖飛瀑





CHENG ZHENGKUI (1604-1676)

Kiosk under Willow

Hanging scroll, ink on satin

52.3 x 38 cm. (20 ⅝ x 15 in.)

Two seals of the artist

Frontispiece inscribed with poems and signed by the artist, with one seal

Dated jihai year (1659)


Lot 997, 28 May 2018, Fine Chinese Classical Paintings and Calligraphy, Christie’s Hong Kong.



設色紙本 立軸




清 程正揆 柳蔭草亭 水墨綾本 立軸 一六五九年作 鈐印:正、揆 詩堂:采石詩。

野艇青溪客,孤峯太白翁。清平三絕調,采石一江風。 峭壁淡今月,寒潮泣古崧。唐朝三百載,零落酒杯空。 石納千帆影,山留萬古春。文章扶世運,天地報才人。 江韻何曾歇,松風故自淳。不知桑海後,廟貌幾迴新。 青溪翁此己亥(1659年)江行詩也。




ZHANG YIN (1761-1829)

Pavilion in Bamboo Forest

Handscroll, ink and colour on paper

30 x 140.5 cm. (11 ¾ x 55 ¼ in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

Dated spring, renshen year of the Jiaqing period (1812)

Dedicated to Xiangdong

One collector’s seal of Xiao Longyou (1807-1960)

Titleslip by Wu Xizeng (1904-1972), dated summer, xinmao year (1951), with one seal



清 張崟 天真閣圖 設色紙本 手卷 一八一二年作

題識:天真閣圖。仿王蒙天真高士圖法。張崟呈香東大人鈞鑒。時嘉 慶壬申春(1812年)二月。


蕭龍友(1807-1960)藏印:息園醫隱 吳熙曾(1904-1972)題簽:張夕庵為孫原湘畫天真閣圖卷精品。辛卯 (1951年)長夏,鏡汀題籖。


註:蕭龍友,本名方駿,祖籍四川三台,曾任山東淄川縣知縣、農商 部秘書,中國醫學會副會長等,有京城四大名醫之譽,也是名畫 家蔣兆和岳父。

局部 detail


QIAN DU (1763-1844)


Album leaf mounted as a handscroll, ink and colour on paper

20 x 27 cm. (7 ⅞ x 10 ⅝ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

Dated the first month, dinghai year (1827) and dedicated to Xianghu Colophons by Liu Daguan (1753-1834), Wang Fengsheng (1776-1834), Yuan Tong (1775-1829), Chen Daolong (18th-19th C.), Wang Shi, Jiang Yujian (19th C.), Jiang Yinpei (1768-1839), Liu Dunyuan (1779-?), Shan Qi, Cao Maojian (1786-1853) and Wang Zhi’an (18th-19th C.), with a total of twenty seals

Four collector’s seals, three of which are on the mounting


Jean-Pierre Dubosc (1903-1988) Collection (no. 334).

Kaikodo, New York, 2006.

Lot 1050, 16 September 2010, Fine Chinese Works of Art, Christie’s New York.

Lot 1018, 25 November 2013, Fine Chinese Classical Paintings and Calligraphy, Christie’s Hong Kong.


Kaikodo Journal IX, Kaikodo, New York, 1998, pp. 82, 83, 207-209, no. 24.


清 錢杜 河陽灌園圖


題識:衙齋寂歷無塵事,靜掩閒園野客知。一室小營高卧地,千金難 易荷鋤時。雨晴綠映烏皮几,春過香濃麂眼籬。欲訪桃花潭上 路,與君剪韭細論詩。湘湖尊兄索畫河陽灌園圖。丁亥(1827 年)正月錢杜。

鈐印:叔美 劉大觀(1753-1834)、王鳳生(1776-1834)、袁通(1775-1829)、 陳道隆(18-19世紀)、王栻、蔣予檢(19世紀)、蔣因培(17681839)、劉敦元(1779-?)、善祺、曹楙堅(1786-1853)、汪治安 (18-19世紀)各題跋,共鈐印二十方。

藏印:徐傳文印 裱邊藏印:瑞秀樓珍藏書畫之印、宜子孫、宜 來源:Jean-Pierre Dubosc (1903-1988) 收藏(編號334)。


紐約佳士得,中國瓷器工藝品,2010年9月16日,編號1050。 香港佳士得,中國古代書畫,2013年11月25日,編號1018。

出版:《懷古堂通訊第9期》,懷古堂,紐約,1998年,第82、83、 207-209頁,圖24。


DAI XI (1801-1860)

Watching the Waterfall

Handscroll, ink on paper

33.2 x 133.5 cm. (13 ⅛ x 52 ⅝ in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Dated ninth month, twenty-seventh year of the Daoguang period (1847)

Colophons by Wu Zhongjun (1798-1853), Zhang Xianghe (1785-1862), Xu Naipu(1787-1866), Jia Zhen (1798-1874), Shen Zhaolin (1801-1862), Du Shoutian (1787-1852), Sun Ruizhen (1783-1858), Chang Dachun (1792-1853), Zhao Guang (1797-1865), He Shaoji (1799-1873), with a total of eighteen seals

Frontispiece by Qi Junzao (1793-1866), with two seals



清 戴熙 龍湫觀瀑 水墨紙本 手卷 一八四七年作


雁湖浙東陲,萬古與海戰。森森數百峰,意外窮雕絢。擁衛龍 湫瀑,日夜走飛霰。謝公屐不到,幸駐使君傳。忘歸觀不足( 龍湫二亭),過眼憶掣電。就余商繢事,異境媿未面。君日子 浙人,龍湫一家眷。同出造化手,霛秀所陶煉。非搜胸臆奇, 孰印蛟蝺變。遂攜剪刀峰,剪取一匹練。匹練余神交,賦歸終 當見。剔蘚尋題名,逥望玉堂彥。委虵方退食,懷人開畫卷。

吳夝舫同年視學吾浙,遊雁蕩山觀龍湫之勝,歸屬寫圖並坿詩 句。道光二十七年(1847)九月錢唐戴熙作於都下。


吳鍾駿(1798-1853)、張祥河(1785-1862)、許乃普(1787-1866)、 賈楨(1798-1874)、沈兆霖(1801-1862)、杜受田(1787-1852)、 孫瑞珍(1783-1858)、常大淳(1792-1853)、趙光(1797-1865)、 何紹基(1799-1873)題跋,共鈐印十八方。

祁寯藻(1793-1866)題引首:龍湫觀瀑圖。道光二十七年(1847年) 九月為夝舫七兄大人題,愚弟祁寯藻。 鈐印:寯藻、淳父

註:晴舫為吳崧甫(1798—1853),名鍾駿,江蘇吳縣人。字崧甫, 號晴舫。清道光十二年(1832)狀元,授翰林院修撰。道光十四 年,出任福建鄉試主考官。


CHEN HONGSHOU (1768-1822)

Flowers and Fruits

Album of twelve leaves, ink and colour on paper

Each leaf measures 21 x 28 cm. (8 ¼ x 11 in.)

Each leaf inscribed and signed, with a total of twelve seals of the artist

Last leaf dated spring, dingmao year of the Jiaqing period (1807)

One collector’s seal



清 陳鴻壽 擬古花果冊 設色紙本 冊頁十二開 一八〇七年作 題識:

1 樓高自有紅雲護,花好何須綠葉扶?家古漁詠牡丹句。鴻壽。

2 聽雨聽風聽不得,道人何苦畫芭蕉?曼生。

3 一粥一飯當思來處不易。朱柏廬先生治家格言語。曼道人。

4 秋雨滿池塘,殘荷委流水。可憐君子花,衰來亦如此。曼公。

5 梅雨初收日正長,枇杷子熟映簷黃。折來未許全枝贈,寫作湘南 五月香。西子湖上漁者。

6 擬冬心先生怪石菖蒲灋。陳鴻壽。

7 學文待詔僊桂新枝圖意。鴻壽。


郝陵川論書云:無意皆意,不灋皆法,此妙諦也。余謂畫之道亦 然,須無意中仍有意,無灋中仍有法,則得之矣。陳鴻壽並記。

9 茶已熟,菊正開,賞秋人,來不來?曼生。

10 芝石延年。曼生。

11 綠楊解語應相咲,漏洩春光恰是誰?曼生。

12 虯松圖。嘉慶丁卯(1807年)春日擬古十二幀。錢唐陳鴻壽。 鈐印:陳鴻壽印(十次)、曼生(二次) 藏印:屑清珍藏

註:李屑清( -1945),浙江寧波府鎮海縣人,事業有同餘錢莊, 1906年捐建上海基督教會所,1907年又於上海創辦增盛地產股份 有限公司,辛亥革命後,歷任北京造幣廠長,南京、天津中國銀 行副行長。


YUN SHOUPING (1633-1690)


Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk

191.2 x 98.2 cm. (75 ¼ x 38 ⅝ in.)

Inscribed with a poem and signed, with three seals of the artist


Lot 22, 8 April 1918, Auction from the X Collection, Tokyo Art Club.


Catalogue for Auction from the X Collection, Tokyo Art Club, Tokyo, 8 April 1918, pl. 22.



清 惲壽平 芬芳清輝 設色絹本 立軸

題識:疑是霓裳月下看,誰家紅袖倚䦨干。 瓊簫碧落吹瑤海,露掌清輝映玉盤。


鈐印:惲壽平印、正叔、寄岳雲 來源:東京美術俱樂部,某子爵家、某大家藏 品拍賣,1918年4月8日,編號22。

出版:某子爵家、某大家藏品拍賣圖錄,東 京美術俱樂部,東京,1918年4月8日, 圖版22。


SHEN QUAN (1682-1762)

Flowers and Birds

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk

107 x 50 cm. (42 ⅛ x 19 ¾ in.)

Signed, with three seals of the artist



清 沈銓 雀躍圖 設色絹本 立軸




LI FANGYING (1695-1755)

Plum Blossom

Hanging scroll, ink on paper

87.6 x 35.6 cm. (34 ½ x 14 in.)

Inscribed with a poem and signed, with one seal of the artist

Dated eleventh month, ninth year of the Qianlong period (1744)



清 李方膺 梅香傲骨 水墨紙本 立軸 一七四四年作

題識:玉骨冰枝天上春,人間彩筆那傳神。嶺頭萬古無痕月,寫幅 鬚眉鐵面人。乾隆九年(1744)十一月寫於梅花樓。晴江李方 膺。




Plum Blossom and Bamboo

Hanging scroll, ink on silk

126.5 x 56.5 cm. (49 ¾ x 22 ¼ in.)

Entitled, with two seals of the artist


US$7,700-10,000 明 劉世儒 歲寒雙雅 水墨絹本 立軸 題識:歲寒弍雅。

鈐印:雪湖、雪湖之印 註:劉世儒〔明〕,字繼相,號雪湖。山陰(今浙江紹興)人。少時 見王冕畫梅而悅之,至廢寢食。學成,遂負笈賈履,走名山幽 谷,扁訪梅花之奇,盡得其情態。王思任謂其行年九十,畫梅八 十年,蓋紀實也。著雪湖梅譜,嘉靖三十四年(1555)成書。石 渠寶笈三編載有天啟三年(1623)作先春報喜畫(梅)圖。



Running-Cursive Script Calligraphy

Hanging scroll, ink on paper

41.2 x 58.8 cm. (16 ¼ x 23 ⅛ in.)

Signed, with three seals of the artist



明/清 王登瀛 行草書 水墨紙本 立軸 釋文:花迎劍佩星初落,柳拂旌旗露未干。


鈐印:一生學拙、邦菴、留畊 註:王登瀛,福建人。字閬洲,與陳元輔、程順則等交遊,書法宗董香光,嘗 游琉球等國,曾輯《中山詩文集》十八種十八卷,嘗序跋《晚香園梅詩》 《梅花百詠》等文傳世。


FANG SHISHU (1692-1751)


Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk

147.6 x 43 cm. (58 ⅛ x 16 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist



清 方士庶 遠浦歸帆 設色絹本 立軸




BIAN SHOUMIN (1684-1752)


Hanging scroll, ink on paper

86 x 115 cm. (33 ⅞ x 45 ¼ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

One collector’s seal



清 邊壽民 荷花 水墨紙本 立軸

題識:花中君子卻相宜,不染纖塵白玉姿。最愛聞香初過雨,晚涼池館月來時。葦間邊壽民。 鈐所:頤公、壽民、潑墨 藏印:包氏□□審定

Property from an Asian Private Collection 亞洲私人珍藏 (Lot 224)

Lotus and Birds : The Spiritual World of Bada Shanren


Bada Shanren (1626-1705) is the most exploratory artist of the late Ming and early Qing period. Research on his name, life experience, devotion, signatures, seals and terrestrial views have been conducted by modern scholars far and near.

A critical artist, Bada Shanren’s landscape, lotus, fish, deer and bird are stern and unyielding, which reveal his alienated attitude towards the outside world. Being a descendent of the Ming imperial family, he escaped to a Buddhist monastery after the downfall of the Ming dynasty and became a monk for more than thirty years. When the perils of persecution receded, he renounced his monkhood and became a professional painter. His paintings have always been a means of protest, expressing his idiosyncrasies as he never adapted to secular life.

Lotus and Birds depicts two little birds standing on a rock and chatting beneath two lotuses that peeping through a canopy of lotus leaves. In Buddhism lotus symbolizes purity and flexibility, while bird represents tranquility and free of worldly concerns. For Bada Shanren, they stand for seclusion, which exemplifies his state of mind. His inscription on the painting tianouzi (unworthy of the seagulls), affirmed by Wang Fangyu and Liu Jiu’an, was deciphered by Zhang Daqian as tianxin ouzi (carefree seagulls). In either interpretation, Lotus and Birds presents Bada Shanren’s longing for spiritual detachment from the secular life.

八大山人(1626-1705)是明末清初最富探究性的藝術家,他 的姓名、身世、信仰、款字、印章、僧俗世界觀等,一直都是 現代學者關注的話題,有的學者甚至用盡一生時間在整理、蒐 集、研究八大山人。

八大山人是當時冷眼旁觀世界的藝術家,筆下的山水、荷花、 魚、鹿、鳥顯得特別的冷峻,在熟悉的筆墨與題材之 間,卻始 終與外界保持著疏離的心態。這種既傳統又孤立的 藝術畫面, 與他具備朱明血裔的身份有關,迫使他一直曲心遊離在世俗與 自我之間。所以,他在還俗後的瘋顛是無法適應世俗真實心 態 的外在呈現。

秋拍八大山人《荷花小鳥》,左右荷葉交疊於上,兩朵荷花 露 出數瓣,搖曳浮現於墨葉之間,下繪岸石,兩只水鳥相對, 低首,一開口,仿佛正在說話與聆聽,畫圖在靜中生動。荷花 與水鳥是八大常見的繪畫題材,荷花在佛教世界具有清淨和不 執著的寓意,而水鳥則是閒適恬淡與忘機自得的意象。繪製 荷 鳥的題材既是一種隱世的寓意,也是自家心境修行的呈現。 畫 上題“忝鷗茲,八大山人”,張大千解讀是“天心鷗茲”, 王方宇與劉九庵俱認為“天心”當是“忝”。詩無達詁畫 也如 是,不同的研究與解讀,其實並不妨礙八大山人畫中表現對於 鷗茲閒適忘機的精神嚮往。


BADA SHANREN (1626-1705)

Lotus and Birds

Hanging scroll, ink on paper

166 x 77.5 cm. (65 ⅜ x 30 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Four collector’s seals, including one of Wang Chunxie (19th-20th Century)


San Francisco, The Asian Art Museum, Master of the Lotus Garden: The Life and Art of Bada Shanren (1626-1705), 22 August – 28 October 1990.

New Haven, The Yale University Art Gallery, The Asian Art Museum, Master of the Lotus Garden: The Life and Art of Bada Shanren (1626-1705), 25 January - 24 March 1991.


Kei Suzuki ed., Comprehensive Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Paintings Vol. 4 Japanese Collections: Temples and Individuals, University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, 1983, pp. IV-527, IV-653, pl. JP 71-002.

Wang Fangyu and Richard M. Barhart, Master of the Lotus Garden: The Life and Art of Bada Shanren (1626-1705), Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1990, Appendix pp.137-138, fig.73 (cat. 28).


清 八大山人



藏印:王春澥(19-20世紀):春澥審定 其他:黎碧祥家藏、□畫、一印漫漶



紐黑文,耶魯大學美術館,“荷園主人:八大山人的生命與藝術”,1991年1月25日 - 3月24日。

出版:鈴木敬編,《中國繪畫綜合圖錄卷四:日本篇II寺院·個人》,東京大學出版社,1983年,東 京,第IV-527、IV-653頁,圖版JP 71-002。

王方宇、班宗華,《荷園主人:八大山人的生命與藝術》,耶魯大學出版社,紐黑文及倫 敦,1990 年,第137-138頁,圖73 (圖錄28)。




Scholar under Pine

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

130.4 x 33.4 cm. (51 ⅜ x 13 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with four seals


In view of the brushwork, this painting was possibly executed by Zhang Daqian (1899-1983).



清 石濤(款) 松下高仕 設色紙本 立軸 題識:獨立懸崖一老松,千蒼枝茂葉葱蘢。只緣心正根豎固,不惧嚴 霜與酷冬。濟。

鈐印:清湘濟、石濤、湘泉谷口人、大滌堂 註:細觀此作品筆墨,或是張大千(1899-1983)仿造。


YU ZHIDING (1647-1716)


Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on patterned satin

133.7 x 47.6 cm. (52 ⅝ x 18 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Four collectors’ seals, including one of Lin Xiongguang (1897-1971) Dedicated to Qingweng

Dated autumn, guiwei year (1703)

HK$300,000-500,000 US$38,000-64,000

清 禹之鼎 擬關山話古圖 水墨花綾 鏡框 一七〇三年作

題識:癸未(1703年)秋擬關山話古圖。為晴翁老先生教粲。廣陵禹 之鼎。

鈐印:禹之鼎印、慎齋 藏印:林熊光(1897-1971):朗庵所藏 其他:淡園鑑賞、陳天賜珍藏書畫印記、只可自怡悅


GONG XIAN (1618-1689)

The Life of Solitude

Scroll, mounted for framing, ink on paper 27.2 x 19.4 cm. (10 ¾ x 7 ⅝ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

One collector’s seal



清 龔賢 隱居圖 水墨紙本 鏡片 題識:結一樓,在雲頭,山乍見,雲乍收。問斯世何世尚不知,懷葛 豈敢擬襟次。於黔婁,誰為友,與天游。龔賢自題。

鈐印:龔賢 藏印:可亭珍賞


WANG XUEHAO (1754-1832)

Landscape after Yuan Master Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 140.5 x 80.5 cm. (55 ⅜ x 31 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dated, summer, fifth month, jiashen year (1824)

One collector’s seal



清 王學浩 仿元人山水 設色紙本 立軸 一八二四年作

題識:甲申(1824年)夏五,仿元人青綠法于山南老屋之易畫軒。椒 畦王學浩。

鈐印:椒畦、王學浩印、鴻爪 藏印:省廬心賞

Property of a Japanese Private Collector 日本私人藏品 (Lot 229)


YONG RONG (1744-1790)


Album of eight leaves, ink on paper

Each leaf measures 7.2 x 12.6 cm. (2 ⅞ x 5 in.)

Signed, with two seals of the artist



清 永瑢 山水 水墨紙本 冊頁八開




EMPRESS CIXI (1835-1908)

Lotus Root

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

163.8 x 83.5 cm. (64 ½ x 32 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed, with five seals of the artist Dated summer, of the Guangxu era, guiwei year (1883) Frontispiece by Liang Yaoshu (1832-1888), with two seals


Lot 838, 27 May 2013, Fine Chinese Classical Paintings and Calligraphy, Christie’s Hong Kong.


Tokyo, Tokyo National Museum, Jixiang-Auspicious Motifs in Chinese Art, 12 October- 23 November 1998.


Jixiang-Auspicious Motifs in Chinese Art exhibition catalogue, , Tokyo National Museum, Tokyo, 13 October 1998, p.63, pl.39.



清 慈禧太后 菡萏荷藕圖 設色紙本 立軸





梁耀樞(1832-1888)題詩堂: 十里荷風起,披襟快欲當。花光銜兩岸,人影立中央。 雪藕將盈盞,裁筩擬泛觴。憑欄真適意,如住綠雲鄉。


鈐印:臣梁耀樞、翰林供奉 來源:香港佳士得,中國古代書畫,2013年5月27日,編 號838。

展覽:東京,東京國立美術館,“吉祥—中國美術象徵意 味”,1998年10月13日-11月23日。

出版:《吉祥—中國美術象徵意味》特展圖錄,東京國立 美術館,東京,1998年10月13日。

註:梁耀樞(1832-1888)是廣東歷史上的三大狀元之 一,字冠祺,號斗南,順德杏壇光華村人。清同治十 年(1871)狀元,授翰林編修。官至侍讀學士、參事 府詹事。梁耀樞中狀元後先後在北方多個地方做過主 考官,後被晉升為翰林院侍講,接著又改任侍讀。梁 耀框不僅文才好,而且長得眉清目秀,氣度非凡,甚 得兩宮太后重用。


DONG QICHANG (1555-1636)

Poem in Running-Cursive Script

Hanging scroll, ink on silk

148 x 51 cm. (58 ¼ x 20 ⅛ in.)

Signed, with three seals of the artist

HK$120,000-180,000 US$15,000-23,000

明 董其昌 行草唐人詩 水墨絹本 立軸 釋文:金溪碧水玉潭沙,鳧舄翩翩弄日華。闘雞陌 上行春倦,為摘東園桃李花。




JU JIE (1527-1586)


Hanging scroll, ink on paper

92 x 31.5 cm. (36 ¼ x 12 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated spring, bingyin year (1566)

HK$200,000-300,000 US$26,000-38,000

明 居節 雲雨山居 水墨紙本 立軸 一五六六年作




FANG DAYOU (1597-AFTER 1678)


Hanging scroll, ink on satin 97.5 x 48 cm. (38 ⅜ x 18 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dated autumn, bingchen year (1676)

HK$200,000-300,000 US$26,000-38,000

明/清 方大猷 山水 水墨綾本 立軸 一六七六年作

題識:丙辰(1676)新秋,恭祝炳翁老祖臺壽,治 弟方大猷。

鈐印:涂雅、方大猷印、歐餘 註:方大猷,字歐餘,號崦藍,烏程人,崇禎丁丑 進士,入清官至山東巡撫,山水學董,間為倪 黃,多濕筆。

此幅山水作品款字與印鑑,為《中國書畫家印 鑑款識》採用,見書第191頁。


ZHU HENIAN (1760-1844)

Reading in the Autumn

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

97 x 40 cm. (38 ¼ x 15 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dated bingwu year (1786)

Colophons by Weng Fanggang (1733-1818), with eight seals in total

Three collector’s seals

Colophons by Yao Wentian (1758-1827), with two seals



清 朱鶴年 漁洋先生秋林讀書圖 設色紙本 立軸 一七八六年作 題識:野雲道人為石谿詩舫摹。戊申(1668)八月為阮亭先生寫,文 點。



秋林讀書圖,康熙七年戊申(1668)長洲文點與也為漁洋先生祝嘏作 也。先生生於閏八月廿八日,時年三十五歲,官禮部儀制司員外郎, 正其在都門與汪苕文、梁曰緝諸君子為詩文社集時也。圖有汪苕文、 葉訒庵、施愚山諸公題句。乾隆丙午(1786)新城劉邑宰購此軸携歸 滇南,桂未谷倩友摹其本以相贈,予屢題詠而原軸未得見,耿耿於 懷。至今年春,劉君忽自滇南寄此原軸來京師,屬予題之,於是以未 谷所摹同挂蘇齋之(齋)壁,既重摹絹素為軸,又別摹為冊,梧門詩 龕與蘭雪石谿詩舫又皆同時倩友,重摹以志此共拈一瓣香之墨緣。嘉 慶十一年(1806)丙寅八月廿八日同拜先生生日品畫賦詩,小石帆亭 學人翁方綱記。

鈐印:覃溪、蘇齋墨緣 藏印:虞琴經眼、不著一字盡得風流、流水今日明月前身 千點桃花尺半魚,拈來詩舫汎紅蕖。畫煩與也誰堪繼,髓得蓮洋我不 如。萬古仙才傳乳滴,三椽茆屋瓣香初。商量真實筌蹄外,履道琴亭 插架書。


因蓮府視學山左屬其重校予所定新城四十二種書也,是午 又改定數字,對客作書,每多誤耳。

鈐印:翁方綱印、覃谿 石谿喻迦葉,崑山仿新津。我借崑山寫,以悟迦葉因。王 官廿四品,此喻孰主賓。昨圖茶陵李,亦並竹舫陳。當時 文與也,未謀著錄人。陽羨詩鈔鐫,蘇齋信誓申。石帆不 傳秘,要共石谿論。蓮洋所得髓,恐尚非其真。

予所校訂五言七言古詩鈔卅二卷,適得鋟版成而崑山盛 誠齋小像並得□,摹於石帆詩意軸,故及之。廿八日午 後又書。


詩境詩龕又詩舫,千川一月孰前身。石谿萬樹梅花影,箇 是秋空為寫真。

淡入秋空一字無,憑誰指似讀書圖。羚羊挂角初何有,詩 夢何如室寶蘇。(仍以催研辱詩作偈請下轉語)方綱。

鈐印:翁方綱、寶蘇室 姚文田(1758-1827)題跋: 嘉慶丙寅(1806)八月廿六日同人集蘇齋小石帆亭拜王文 簡公生日,品畫賦詩。歸安姚文田題記。





Hanging scroll, ink on paper

130.5 x 60 cm. (51 ⅜ x 23 ⅝ in.)

Signed, with three seals of the artist

HK$50,000-70,000 US$6,500-9,000

清 郭朝祚 書法 水墨紙本 立軸 釋文:田承君有廬在亂山中,前有竹,傍有溪,溪畔有大 石,樹以梨棗,日與二弟穿竹渡溪,倦坐石上。


鈐印:雲籬草堂、汾州郭氏、朝祚字恬庵 註:郭朝祚,字恬庵,山西汾州府孝義縣瑤圃村,漢軍鑲 紅旗,監生,總督郭世隆(1644-1716)子。


ZHANG ZONGCANG (1686-1756)


Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk

140 x 63.5 cm. (55 ⅛ x 25 in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dated twelfth month, renzi year (1732)

HK$350,000-450,000 US$45,000-58,000

清 張宗蒼 白雲圖 設色絹本 立軸 一七三二年作




REN YI (1840-1895)

Wisteria and Sparrow

Round fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink and colour on silk

26.3 cm. (10 ⅜ in.) in diameter

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

Dated renchen year (1892)

Dedicated to Shaobi


The Foh Collection, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2023, p.137, pl.99.

HK$100,000-200,000 US$13,000-26,000

清 任頤 紫藤麻雀 設色絹本 圓光鏡框 一八九二年作

題識:少璧仁兄大人雅正,光緒壬辰(1892年), 任頤。


出版:《傅氏家族珍藏中國書畫》,佳士得香港, 2023年5月,第137頁,圖版99。


REN YI (1840-1895)


Round fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink and colour on silk

28 cm. (11 in.) in diameter

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dated summer, renwu year (1882)

Dedicated to Fengsun


The Foh Collection, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2023, p.137, pl.100.



清 任頤 斑鳩 設色絹本 圓光鏡框 一八八二年作 題識:鳳孫仁兄大人雅正,光緒壬午(1882年)夏 仲,伯年任頤。

鈐印:頤印 出版:《傅氏家族珍藏中國書畫》,佳士得香港, 2023年5月,第137頁,圖版100。



Amorous Pursuits

A set of three album leaves, ink and colour on silk

Each leaf measures 35 x 33 cm. (13 ¾ x 13 in.)

One leaf signed Colophons by Yingsha, with five seals

Two collector’s seals



清 陳枚(款) 競春圖 設色絹本 散冊頁三開 一頁款識:枚。





Anonymous 無款 107, 110, 160, 162, 163, 164, 166, 167, 168, 169

Anonymous (previously attributed to Ma Lin) 無款(前傳馬麟) 109

Anonymous (previously attributed to Sun Junze) 無款(前傳孫君澤) 181

Anonymous (previously attributed to Zhao Boju) 無款(前傳趙伯駒) 179

Anonymous (previously attributed to ZhaoYong) 無款(前傳趙雍) 111

Bada Shanren

八大山人 224

Bao Rong 包容 172

Bian Shoumin 邊壽民 223

Chen Chun

Chen Gongyin

Chen Hongshou

陳淳 117

陳恭尹 133

陳鴻壽 216

Chen Mei (with signature of) 陳枚(款) 239

Cheng Zhengkui 程正揆 212

Dai Xi 戴熙 183, 215

Deng Shiru

Dong Qichang

鄧石如 139

董其昌 124, 125, 171, 176, 231

Empress Cixi 慈禧太后 230

Fang Chunnian (with signature of) 方椿年(款) 180

Fang Dayou 方大猷 233

Fang Shishu 方士庶 222

Fei Erqi (attributed to)

費而奇(傳) 104

Fu Shan 傅山 178, 187

Gai Qi

Gong Xian

改琦 150

龔賢 201, 227

Gu Yuan 顧原 157

Guo Chaozuo

郭朝祚 235

He Shaoji 何紹基 141, 142, 190

He Wuzou

Hong Chengjun

Hong Liangji

何吾騶 128

洪承畯 130

洪亮吉 186

Hongren 弘仁 121

Hu Zongren

Hua Yan

Huang Shen

Hui Chong (attributed to) / Lou Guan (attributed to)

胡宗仁 209



惠崇(傳)/ 樓觀(傳)

Imperial Almanac 雍正憲曆 188

Jiang Chenying 姜宸英 185

Jin Nong 金農

Ju Jie 居節

Kuncan 髡殘 122

Li Fangying 李方膺

Li Hongzhang

Li Shan



Lin Liansun

Liu Shiru



Xu Wangyou

Yisun 楊沂孫

Bingshou 伊秉綬


Yong Xing 永瑆(成親王)

Yun Richu, Yun Shouping 惲日初、惲壽平

Yun Shouping 惲壽平

Zeng Guofan

Zha Shibiao 查士標 173, 199

Zhang Ruitu


Zhang Yin 張崟

Zhang Zhao 張照

Zhang Zongcang 張宗蒼

Zhao Zhichen

Zhao Zhiqian

Zhu Henian 朱鶴年

Zhu Yu (with signature of)


Zuo Zongtang 左宗棠




28 NOVEMBER 2024


Professor L. Y. Chiu (1935-2019) 趙令揚教授(1935-2019)

Professor L. Y. Chiu (Chiu Ling Yeong, 19352019), originally from Chenghai, Guangdong, and born in Shanghai, was a renowned scholar of Chinese literature and history, admired both in Hong Kong and abroad. He obtained his PhD in 1968 from the Department of Oriental Studies at the University of Sydney and later taught at the University of Hong Kong, where he served as Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Head of the Department of Chinese, and as chair professor. He retired in 2001 and received the title of Professor Emeritus. Professor Chiu’s academic achievements and his influence were widely praised and recognized. Through his broad scholarly connections, he acquired many works of calligraphy and painting from esteemed artists, which provided invaluable insights into his life and social circle. Wen Zhengming’s painting Bamboo, Tree and Rock (Lot 208) from the collection will be offered in Fine Chinese Classical Paintings and Calligraphy sale on 27 November 2024, other paintings and calligraphy from the collection by renowned 20th-century artists, including Qi Gong, Rao Zongyi, Zhuang Yan, Liu Haisu, and Xie Zhiliu, will be offered in Christie’s Chinese Paintings Online sale in December 2024. 趙令揚( 1935-2019 ),籍貫廣東澄海,生於上海,乃享譽 海內外之著名中國文史學者。趙令揚 1968 年於雪梨大學東方 學系獲得博 士 學 位 , 後 於 香港 大學 任教 , 並擔任港 大文學 院院長、 中文系系 主任、講座教授 。 2001 年 退休 ,獲大學 頒 授“榮休教授”銜 。趙 教授 學 術聲 譽 遠 揚, 影響頗巨 。 基 於廣 泛的 學 術交誼 ,趙 教授 得 贈諸多 名 家書畫 作品,今日釋 出,可一窺一代文史大 家 之生平 交 遊,彌足珍貴。趙令揚 教 授 收藏文徵明《枯木竹石圖》,將於 2024 年 11 月 27 日 “ 中國 古代 書畫 拍賣 ” 呈現(編號 208 ),另有啟功 、 饒宗頤 、 莊 嚴 、 劉海粟 、 謝稚柳等近世名人 書畫 十九組,將於佳 士 得 2024 年 12 月網上拍賣呈現。


QI GONG (1912-2005)

Seven-character Calligraphic Couplet in Running Standard Script

A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on paper

Each scroll measures 126 x 32 cm. (49 ⅝ x 12 ⅝ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dedicated to Lingyang (Prof. L. Y. Chiu)


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent. HK$80,000-120,000 US$11,000-16,000

Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy from the Collection of Prof. L. Y. Chiu 趙令揚教授藏中國書畫 (Lots 601-609) 601

啓功 七言行楷聯 水墨紙本 立軸兩幅



鈐印:啟功之印、元白、前賢句 來源:直接得自書法家,並由家族傳承。

Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy from the Collection of Prof. L. Y. Chiu 趙令揚教授藏中國書畫 (Lots 601-609)


QI GONG (1912-2005)


Hanging scroll, ink on paper 95 x 48 cm. (37 ⅜ x 18 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist and one dated seal of dingmao year (1987)

Dedicated to Lingyang (Prof. L. Y. Chiu)


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.



啓功 書法-蘭亭詩 水墨紙本 立軸 一九八七年作




鈐印:元白詞翰、啟功之印信、堅淨居、丁卯(1987年) 來源:直接得自書法家,並由家族傳承。


QI BAISHI (1863-1957)


Hanging scroll, ink on paper 97 x 34 cm. (38 ¼ x 13 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

One collector’s seal

Dated spring, third month, gengchen year (1940) Dedicated to Zhimai (Chen Chih-Mai, 1908-1978)


According to the family of Prof. L. Y. Chiu, the painting was acquired directly from Chen Chih-Mai.

HK$220,000-350,000 US$29,000-45,000 齊白石 贈之邁群蝦圖 水墨紙本 立軸 一九四〇年作

題識:之邁世兄雅屬,庚辰(1940年)春三月,八十老人齊 璜白石山翁。

鈐印:齊大 陳之邁鑑藏印:之邁珍藏

來源:據趙令揚家人介紹,本幅由趙教授直接得自陳之邁 (1908-1978)。

註:上款人即陳之邁,筆名微塵,天津人,中華民國外交 官。1928年畢業於清華學校留美預備部,旋赴美留學。1934 年獲哥倫比亞大學哲學博士學位。歸國後任教清華大學。

1944年任駐美使館參事。1946年後派駐聯合國擔任各種職 務。1955年後,先後任駐菲律賓、澳大利亞、紐西蘭、日本 等國大使。1978年返台,同年,病逝於台北。


QI BAISHI (1863-1957)


Hanging scroll, ink on paper

104 x 34 cm. (41 x 13 ⅜ in.)

603 604

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Two collector’s seals

Dated wuzi year (1948)

Dedicated to Madam Xianchu


According to the family of Prof. Chiu, the painting was acquired directly from Chen Chih-Mai, the recipient of this painting, Madam Xianchu was the wife of Mr Chen.



齊白石 贈憲初群蝦圖 水墨紙本 立軸 一九四八年作


鈐印:齊大、吾年八十八 陳之邁鑑藏印:之邁珍藏、傳鑑堂 來源:據趙令揚家人介紹,本幅由趙令揚教授直接得自陳之邁。上 款“憲初女士”即陳之邁夫人。

Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy from the Collection of Prof. L. Y. Chiu 趙令揚教授藏中國書畫 (Lots 601-609)



RAO ZONGYI (1917-2018)

Five-character Calligraphic Couplet in Oracle Bone Script

A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on paper

Each scroll measures 114 x 20.5 cm. (44 ⅞ x 8 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dedicated to Lingyang (Prof. L. Y. Chiu)


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.



饒宗頤 甲骨文五言聯 水墨紙本 立軸兩幅







TAI JINGNONG (1903-1990)

Five-character Calligraphic Couplet

A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on paper

Each scroll measures 93.5 x 20 cm. (36 ¾ x 7 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dedicated to Lingyang (Prof. L. Y. Chiu)


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.



臺靜農 書法五言聯 水墨紙本 立軸兩幅



鈐印:靜者、臺靜農、龍坡 來源:直接得自書法家,並由家族傳承。


QIAN MU (1895-1990)


Hanging scroll, ink on paper

107 x 33.3 cm. (42 ⅛ x 13 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Dedicated to Lingyang (Prof. L. Y. Chiu) Titleslip by Luo Kanglie (1918-2009), with one seal


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.



錢穆 書法 水墨紙本 立軸

釋文:船下清江竹節灘,長煙漠漠水漫 漫。人家斷岸斜陽好,客子中流 薄暮寒。






來源:直接得自書法家,並由家族傳 承。


DING YANYONG (1902-1978)

Bamboo, Rock and Frog

Hanging scroll, ink on paper 140 x 34.5 cm. (55 ⅛ x 13 ⅝ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

Dedicated to Lingyang (Prof. L. Y. Chiu)


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.



丁衍庸 竹石蛙趣 水墨紙本 立軸






DING YANYONG (1902-1978)

Mandarin Ducks in Lotus Pond

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper

70 x 138.5 cm. (27 ½ x 54 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dedicated to Shiming


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.


The recipient of the painting, Shiming, refers to Chiu Sai Ming (1905-2004), father of Prof. L. Y. Chiu, and a native of Chenghai, Guangdong. He graduated from the Western Painting Department of the Guangzhou Municipal School of Fine Arts in 1926, being a member of the first graduating class of that school. His younger brother is the renowned Lingnan school artist Zhao Shiguang (19162007).



丁衍庸 荷塘鴛鴦 水墨紙本 鏡框


鈐印:叔旦 來源:直接得自畫家,並由家族傳承。

註:上款人“世銘”即趙令揚父親趙世銘(1905-2004),廣東澄海 人,1926年畢業於廣州市立美術學校西洋畫系,乃該校第 屆畢業 生。其弟乃嶺南畫派著名書畫家趙世光(1916-2007)。

Property From The M K Lau Collection 梅潔樓珍藏中國書畫 (Lots 610-614)


DING YANYONG (1902-1978)

Bird on Bamboo Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 137.5 x 68.8 cm. (54 ⅛ x 27 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dated summer, bingchen year (1976)


Charlotte Horstmann & Gerald Godfrey Gallery, Hong Kong, 1987. Private American Collection.

Sotheby’s Hong Kong, Contemporary Ink Art, 5 October 2015, Lot 2866.


Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Joys of the Southern Brush - Paintings and Calligraphy from the M K Lau Collection, 3-8 October, 2022.


Joys of the Southern Brush - Paintings and Calligraphy from the M K Lau Collection, M K Lau Collection, Hong Kong, 2022, pp. 186-187.



丁衍庸 竹鳥圖 設色紙本 立軸 一九七六年作



來源:Charlotte Horstmann & Gerald Godfrey Gallery,香港,1987年。



展覽:香港會展中心, “粵色畫意—梅潔樓藏書畫展覽”,2022年10月 3日至8日。

出版:《粵色畫意—梅潔樓藏書畫集》,梅潔樓,香港,2022年, 第186-187頁。


DING YANYONG (1902-1978)

Pheasant and Magnolia

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 139.2 x 69.9 cm. (54 ¾ x 27 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated summer, wuwu year (1978)

Two collector’s seals of Hsiao Chin (1935-2023)


Christie’s Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Modern Paintings, 26 May 2008, Lot 1087.





蕭勤(1935-2023)鑑藏印:悟無居、得意忘形 來源:香港佳士得,中國近現代畫,2008年5月26日,編號1087。


DING YANYONG (1902-1978)

Travelling Among Mountains

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

137.5 x 69 cm. (54 ⅛ x 27 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dated jiayin year (1974)


Christie’s Hong Kong, Fine Modern Chinese Paintings, 30 October 2000, Lot 110.


Hong Kong Museum of Art, No Frontiers: The Art of Ding Yanyong, 19 December 2008-5 April 2009.

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Joys of the Southern Brush - Paintings and Calligraphy from the M K Lau Collection, 3-8 October, 2022.


No Frontiers: The Art of Ding Yanyong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, 2008, p.206, pl.116. Joys of the Southern Brush - Paintings and Calligraphy from the M K Lau Collection, M K Lau Collection, Hong Kong, 2022, pp. 172-173.

HK$60,000-80,000 US$7,800-10,000

丁衍庸 遊山樂 設色紙本 鏡框 一九七四年作


何日重遊此,問天天不應。 甲寅(1974年)丁衍庸。


來源:香港佳士得,中國近現代畫,2000年10月 30日,編號110。

展覽:香港藝術館,“跨越東西.遊戲古今 丁 衍庸的藝術時空”,2008年12月19日至 2009年4月5日。

香港會展中心,“粵色畫意—梅潔樓藏書 畫展覽”,2022年10月3日至8日。

出版:香港藝術館編,《跨越東西.遊戲古今一 丁衍庸的藝術時空》,康樂及文化事務署 及香港藝術館,香港,2008年,第206頁, 圖版116。

《粵色畫意—梅潔樓藏書畫集》, 梅潔樓,香港,2022年,第172-173頁。


DING YANYONG (1902-1978)

Dragon Boat Racing

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper 180 x 97 cm. (70 ⅞ x 38 ¼ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dated summer, dingsi year (1977)


Christie’s Hong Kong, Fine Modern Chinese Paintings, 30 October 2000, Lot 105.


Hong Kong Museum of Art, No Frontiers: The Art of Ding Yanyong, 19 December 2008 - 5 April 2009.

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, A Tribute to Ding Yanyong, Fine Art Asia 2021, 7-11 October 2021.

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Joys of the Southern Brush - Paintings and Calligraphy from the M K Lau Collection, 3-8 October 2022.


No Frontiers: The Art of Ding Yanyong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, 2008, p.256, pl.160.

A Tribute to Ding Yanyong, The Ink Society, Hong Kong, 2021, pp.42-43.

Exhibition catalogue, Joys of the Southern Brush – Paintings and Calligraphy from the M K Lau Collection, M K Lau Collection, Hong Kong, 2022, pp. 76-77.

Joys of the Southern Brush - Paintings and Calligraphy from the M K Lau Collection, M K Lau Collection, Hong Kong, 2022, pp. 184-185.

HK$150,000-250,000 US$20,000-32,000

丁衍庸 龍舟競渡圖 水墨紙本 鏡框 一九七七年作





來源:香港佳士得,中國近現代畫,2000年10月 30日,編號105。

展覽:香港藝術館,“跨越東西 遊戲古今 丁 衍庸的藝術時空”,2008年12月19日至 2009年4月5日。

香港會議展覽中心,“向丁衍庸致敬”, 水墨會及典亞藝博主辦,2021年10月7日至 11日。

香港會展中心,“粵色畫意—梅潔樓藏書 畫展覽”,2022年10月3日至8日。



及香港藝術館,香港,2008年,第256頁, 圖版160。

《向丁衍庸致敬》,水墨會,香港,2021年, 第42-43頁。







FENG ZIKAI (1898-1975)

Willow and Swallows

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 29 x 34 cm. (11 ⅜ x 13 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

Dated autumn, yiyou year (1945)

Dedicated to Zongyu (Xia Zongyu)

Frontispiece inscribed and signed by Feng Yiyin (1929-2021), with one seal


Xia Zongyu, a native of Henan, served as a reporter and editor for various newspapers and magazines in China starting from 1946, including Renmin Ribao. He edited the posthumous monographs for Hong Yi, Feng Zikai, and Ma Yifu, and had a close association with Feng Zikai.



豐子愷 翠拂行人首 設色紙本 鏡框 一九四五年作

題識:燕子呢喃,景色乍長春晝。覩園林,萬花如繡。海棠經雨胭脂 透。柳展宮眉,翠拂行人首。



此詞第三行可題此畫。晝靜人閑,窗明几淨。遂將全詞寫入, 並供宗禹仁弟欣賞。乙酉(1945年)新秋於沙坪,子愷。


豐 吟(1929-2021)

題詩堂:此描寫兩小無猜之柳燕圖,乃一九四五年父親畫給忘年交夏 宗禹之佳作。當時抗戰已勝利,而我家尚在重慶沙坪壩未歸

江南。此畫雖小,但書法佔據畫面 半。父親在晝靜人閑,

窗明几淨之環境中寫他喜愛之歐陽修《生查子.元夕詞》一 首,並指出第三行甚切畫意,實為精心之作也。己丑(2009

年)霜降,豐 吟題。

鈐印: 吟八十後作

註:夏宗禹,河南禹縣人。1946年後歷任重慶《商務日報》記者, 《新疆畫報》主編,《人民日報》記者。編輯選集《弘一大師遺墨》、 《豐子愷遺作》、《馬 浮遺墨》等,與豐子愷關係密切。


FENG ZIKAI (1898-1975)

Eldest Grandson Holding the Youngest Son

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

33.2 x 26.6 cm. (13 ⅛ x 10 ½ in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with one seal


Previously in the collection of Cai Longren (1905-1966).


Hong Kong, Poly Gallery, Reality, Goodness, Beauty: Love is Everywhere-Feng Zikai’s Art Exhibition, 25 November4 December 2018.


Reality, Goodness, Beauty: Love is Everywhere-Qi Yuji’s Collection of Feng Zikai’s Works, Poly International Auction Co. Ltd., 2018, pl.30, p.51.


Cai Longren, born in Dingcheng, Hunan, was a graduate of the Huangpu Military Academy. He served many key positions in

the army during the 1940s and moved to Taiwan after 1949. The auspicious theme symbolizes good health, happiness, and longevity, embodying heartfelt well wishes.



豐子愷 長孫抱幼子 設色紙本 鏡框





術展”,2018年11月25日 12月4日。

出版:《真•善•美:愛在人間-祁遇記珍藏豐子愷精品集》,北京 保利國際拍賣有限公司,2018年,圖版30,第51頁。

註:蔡隆仁,湖南鼎城人,黃埔軍校第四期畢業,中央憲兵學校研 究班畢業。1940年代在軍中擔任重要職務,包括憲兵第 團少將團 長。1949年下半年移居台灣。此畫內容頗有意趣,蘊含著健康、幸 福、長壽、福氣的美好祝願。


FENG ZIKAI (1898-1975)

Butterflies Love Flowers

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

34.6 x 27.6 cm. (13 ⅝ x 10 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dedicated to Gu Kai


The recipient of the painting refers to Gu Kai, former manager of Nanjing Antique Shop.



豐子愷 蝶戀花 設色紙本 鏡框





FENG ZIKAI (1898-1975)

Celebrating Harvest

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper

27 x 35.3 cm. (10 ⅝ x 13 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with four seals of the artist



豐子愷 豐收圖 水墨紙本 鏡框


鈐印:豐子愷居日月樓、緣緣堂 主、子愷書畫、子愷漫畫

Property of an Important and Distinguished European Noble Family 重要及顯赫歐洲貴族收藏 (Lots 618-619)


FANG ZHAOLING (1914-2006)

Wu Gorge

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 48.7 x 137.5 cm. (19 ⅛ x 54 ⅛ in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dated xinyou year (1981)


Acquired by the present owners in Hong Kong in November 1992.



方召麐 巫峽 設色紙本 鏡框 一九八一年作





SHI HU (1942-2023)

Lucky Day

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and acrylic on paper 153 x 95.5 cm. (60 ¼ x 37 ⅝ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dated 1991


Acquired by the present owners in Hong Kong in May 1991.



石虎 幸運日 水墨丙烯紙本 鏡框 一九九一年作








Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

119.5 x 23 cm. (47 x 9 in.)

Entitled, with one seal of the artist

Titleslip by the Master of the Water, Pine & Stone Retreat, with one seal


M K Lau Collection.


Taipei, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Chen Chi-Kwan Retrospective, 28 September-1 December 1991.


Chen Chi-kwan Retrospective, Taipei Fine Art Museum, 1991, pl. 20, p.100.

Han Mo: Special Study on Chen Chi-Kwan, Han Mo Xuan Publishing Co., Ltd., Hong Kong, September 1991, p. 100.






水松石山房主人題簽條:Chen Chikwan, “Village”, at the Water, Pine & Stone Retreat




出版:《陳其寬七十回顧展》展覽圖錄,臺北市立美術館,1991年9月,第100頁,圖版20。 《名家翰墨.陳其寬特集》,翰墨軒出版有限公司,香港,1991年9月,第100頁。



Misty and Snowy Landscape

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

69 x 136.3 cm. (27 ⅛ x 53 ⅝ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated xinchou year (2021)


蘇崇銘 寒煙晴雪






Fragrant Breeze Across the Wilderness Ford Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on silk 34.6 x 92.1 cm. (13 ⅝ x 36 ¼ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated 2023


Hong Kong, K & J Gallery, Reaching for the Clouds, Zhu Xiaoqing Solo Exhibition, 28 June -28 July, 2024.

LITERATURE: Zhu Xiaoqing’s Collection of Landscape Paintings, Zhu Jing Shan Fang, p.20.


朱曉清 薰風野渡 水墨絹本 鏡框 二○二三年作



展覽:香港,K & J Gallery,“攀雲─朱曉清個展”,2024年6月28日 至7月28日。

出版:《攀雲 朱曉清山水畫作品集》,鑄經山房,第20頁。



SUN HAO (B. 1980)

Let Your Dreams Lead You

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

123 x 96 cm. (48 ⅜ x 37 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

Dated 2024






Mountain Peaks on a Clear Day

Scroll, mounted for framing, ink on silk

45.2 x 292.3 cm. (17 ¾ x 115 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dated sixteenth day, ninth month, guisi year (2013)


Sotheby’s New York, Shuimo/Water Ink: Chinese Contemporary Ink Paintings - A Selling Exhibition, March 2013.


New York, Sotheby’s New York, Shuimo / Water Ink: Chinese Contemporary Ink Paintings – A Selling Exhibition, 14-28 March 2013.


泰祥洲 晴山列岫 水墨絹本 鏡片 二〇一三年作




展覽:紐約,紐約蘇富比,“水墨-中國當代水墨畫”,2013年3月 14-28日。




LI HUAYI (B. 1948)


Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

178.5 x 93.5 cm. (70 ¼ x 36 ¾ in.)

Signed, with one seal of the artist

Dated 2011


Li Huayi, Kwai Fung Publishing Hong Kong & Rizzoli International Publication Inc., March 2018, p.223. Hao Yang, “Eternal Landscape, Ink Aesthetics”, Life Magazine, Issue 94, September 2013, p. 157.


李華弌 山水 設色紙本 鏡框




出版:《李華弌:心寬山水遠》,香港季豐美術出版社與美國紐約Rizzoli International Publication Inc., 2018年,第223頁。 楊好,“山水不老 墨韻清遠”,《生活月刊》,第94期,2013年9月,第157頁。

Dramatic, almost vertical cliffs, dark crags, unusual rock formations, lone trees, and surreal clouds and mist are just a few of the striking visual elements in Li Huayi’s painting Landscape. Viewed from eye level, these elements combine to form a breathtaking composition that is both precise and abstract, reminiscent of the monumental landscapes of the Northern Song dynasty while also offering a contemporary sense of movement and three-dimensionality.

Landscape stands as a magnificent representation of Li Huayi’s artistic prowess in the 2000s. The landscape, rich in delicate details, is juxtaposed against an expressive splashed-ink background, with painstakingly added photorealistic elements using the gongbi technique to portray the pine trees and jagged rocks emerging from the depths. The artist once said he was “most attracted to the serenity and purity in Northern Song dynasty landscape – it is a purity of the heart that touches beyond the technique of the brush. The power of the ink manifests itself as pure expression.”

Originally from Shanghai, Li Huayi began his artistic journey by studying traditional Chinese painting under Wang Jimei, the son of the renowned artist Wang Zhen. At the age of sixteen, he was introduced to Western art through the artist Zhang Chongren, who had studied at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels. In the 1970s, Li worked as a propaganda artist, an experience that motivated him to seek a novel visual language in his artistry. In 1982, Li Huayi and his wife relocated to San Francisco, where he enrolled at the Academy of Art to study Western art, graduating with a master’s degree in 1984. As one of the most internationally renowned Chinese ink artists, Li Huayi has been the focus of prestigious solo exhibitions at esteemed institutions such as the Honolulu Museum of Art in 2019 and the Suzhou Museum in 2017.

深林幽谷,懸崖峭壁,奇石怪松,煙雲靉靆,本幅李華弌《山水》中的視覺元素可謂包 羅萬象, 引 人注 目。從觀眾的視角水平線出發,這些元素結合在一起,形成了令 人 歎為觀止的構圖,既精準又抽 象,讓 人 聯想到北宋時 期 宏偉的巨碑山水,同時也 呈現 出 當代藝 術的 動態 感和立體感。

秉承文 人 傳統,在《山水》一作中李華弌以工筆筆法描繪疊起的奇石 和飽經風霜的古松,運筆精緻細 膩,極有攝影般的寫實感,是其 2000 年 代 的傑作。李華弌作品中往往羣山雲煙 籠 罩,光線效果與明暗 對比富有戲劇性。而此幀中的懸崖峭壁則以淺淺淡化的顏色勾勒出,突顯 極為寫實的石與松。李華弌 曾道,北宋山水畫最吸 引 他的是 “ 畫面 呈現 的意境、安靜,山水 寄情 ,北宋 人 對山水的 純淨 ,到心 田

的 純淨 ,是最感 動人 的 地方 ,不 只 是 學習 筆意 技 法, 更應 體 會 墨 韻 的 力量 , 客 觀 純淨 的 表現 出 來 。 ” 李華弌 原籍上海 ,他 自 幼鍾 情 中國 書 畫, 六歲 時在 上海 隨著名 藝 術 家王震之子王 季 眉 習 畫 ;十六歲 時, 亦師 從曾 就讀布魯塞爾皇家 美術 學 院 的畫 家張充仁 , 學習 西 方藝 術 及理論 , 因 而 得 以從一 位 中國

藝 術 家 的角 度 體 會 西 方藝 術 之 美。 1982 年,李華弌和 家 人 搬 到 三藩市 , 就讀於 當地 的美術 學 院 學習 西

方藝 術, 並於 1984 年 獲得碩士 學 位 。作為國 際 上 最 著名 的中國水墨 藝 術 家之 一,李華弌曾 於 2019 年 檀

香山 藝 術 博物館 和 2017 年 蘇州博物館等重要機 構 舉辦個展 ,成為 藝 術 界 的 盛事 。

Mr. Chow On Kiu (b. 1950) graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor of Social Sciences. He joined The Wharf (Holdings) Limited in 2006 and held various key positions in the company, including Director, Vice Chairman, Deputy Chairman, and Chairman of Wharf China Development Limited until his retirement. Mr. Chow is a seasoned expert in the banking, finance, trading, investment, and real estate industries.

In addition to his professional portfolio, Mr. Chow is an avid arts enthusiast and supporter. He has played a crucial role in bringing Mainland Chinese artists, such as Liu Haisu, Huang Yongyu, and Fan Zeng, to Hong Kong for organizing art exhibitions. As a token of gratitude, Mr. Chow has received numerous artworks from these artists, many of which bear dedications to him.

周 安 橋先 生 ( 生 於 1950年 ) 畢業 於 香港 大 學, 取得 社會 科 學文學 士 學 位 。他 於 200 6 年 加入九龍倉集團 , 歷 任董事 、 副主席 、第一 副主席兼 九龍倉 中國地 產 發 展 有 限公司主席直至退休 。 周先 生在 銀行 、 金融 、

貿易 、 投 資及 地 產 投 資 方面有 豐 富 經 驗 。

周先 生 亦 是 藝術 愛 好 者 和 支持者 ,他曾 數次協助 中國 內 地 藝術 家 來港

舉辦展覽 ,包 括劉 海 粟 、 黃 永玉 和 范 曾 等 畫 家 , 因 此 受贈 作品 頗多 ,

周先 生 所蓄 作品 多由 畫 家 直 接 上款 送贈 。


LI XIONGCAI (1910-2001)

Pine Trees in the Mountains

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 66.7 x 132.8 cm. (26 ¼ x 52 ¼ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated winter, yichou year (1985) Dedicated to Anqiao (Chow On Kiu)


Acquired directly from the artist.



GUAN SHANYUE (1912-2000)

A Farm Girl

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

101 x 55 cm. (39 ¾ x 21 ⅝ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

One collector’s seal

Dated autumn, thirty-fifth year (of the Republic, 1946)

PROVENANCE: M K Lau Collection.


Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Joys of the Southern BrushPaintings and Calligraphy from the M K Lau Collection, 3-8 October 2022.


Joys of the Southern Brush - Paintings and Calligraphy from the M K Lau Collection, M K Lau Collection, Hong Kong, 2022, pp. 92-93.



關山月 農家女 設色紙本 立軸 一九四六年作

題識:卅五年(1946)深秋於流花橋畔寫生, 嶺南關山月。

鈐印:嶺南布衣、關山月、關山無恙明月 長圓



展覽:香港會展中心,“粵色畫意 梅潔樓藏 書畫展覽”,2022年10月3日至8日。

出版:《粵色畫意 梅潔樓藏書畫集》,梅 潔樓,香港,2022年,第92-93頁。

1959 年 與 傅抱 石 在北 京 人 民大 會 堂 合作 完 成 的 鉅製 《 江 山 如 此 多嬌 》 奠定 了 關 山月代 表

嶺南 藝術 的 地 位 和 肯定 。當年 三十四歲 的 關 山月 ,繪畫 已露過 人 之處 。在發 揚新 中 國 畫 推 動方面 ,他 主張首先要具備 時代 特 色, 再

以現實 主義思維處理 藝術 創 作 達至積 極 意

義 , 並且 藝術 家 應 要肩負 起 社會 責任 。

《 農 家女 》 便 是這 創 作 方 向 的作 品 , 標 榜 著 勞 動 帶 來的 收 穫 , 整 幅以描線 著 色技 法 完

成 , 留 意 描寫 農 家女 輪廓 精 簡 流 利 的 行 線 ,

對比 肩 上 禾稻密 而不 亂 的 勾描 , 疏 與 密 的 組

合, 編織 成 有力的 主 體 部份 ,更 欣 賞那破 格

的構圖, 以 大小 懸 殊 的人 物 比 例 , 推 遠田 野

背景 曠闊 的 空間 感, 三 種 主 色,石 青 、 豆 青

及 赭黃 , 位 置分佈講 究 , 雅 淡的色 彩 襯托 農

家女 潤澤 的 肌膚 ,來自 勞 動 的 血氣神 彩 。 好

幅 平中 見巧 之 作 。

何百里,《粵色畫意 梅潔樓藏書畫集》,

第 92頁 。


LI XIONGCAI (1910-2001)

Pine and Waterfall

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

67.5 x 136 cm. (26 ½ x 53 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Dated spring, jisi year (1989)

Dedicated to Zhu Qitang



黎雄才 松壑飛瀑 設色紙本 鏡框 一九八九年作 題識:朱啟堂醫師屬正。己巳(1989年)之春,雄才寫於廣州。


Fine Lingnan Paintings from the Collection of Dr. Lee Tek Loon 馬來西亞李德倫醫生收藏嶺南藝術精品 (Lots 629-631)

This collection of Lingnan paintings belongs to Dr. Lee Tek Loon, a veteran art collector from Malaysia. Dr. Lee has a particular fondness for Lingnan art. He has established friendships with many Lingnan artists while acquiring paintings from private collections in Singapore and Malaysia. Over the past few decades, Dr. Lee has zealously built a large and magnificent collection of Lingnan paintings of exceptional quality. This collection has not been seen by the public for many years. Dr. Lee has privately published a catalog as a memento to share with friends, family, and like-minded collectors. Tigers by Yang Shanshen and Zhao Shao’ang (Lot 631) was chosen as the catalog cover.

本 輯 三 幅 嶺南 佳 作 出 自 馬 來 西 亞 資 深 藏家 李 德倫醫

生 之收藏 。 藏家 對 嶺南 藝術情有 獨 鍾 , 方面 與 畫

家 建 立 友誼 , 另 方面 留 意 星馬 本 地 藏 品, 數十 年

來 經心 竭 力, 瑰 集 起 質 精 量 豐 之收藏 , 蔚 為 大 觀 。

此收藏多年來未有公開,僅藏家以 己之力,精印圖




ZHAO SHAO’ANG (1905-1998)

Gladiolus and Bees

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

83.5 x 40.5 cm. (32 ⅞ x 16 in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Dated winter solstice, guimao year (1963)

Dedicated to Peihong

Further inscribed and signed in miniature script by Wen Yongchen (1922-1995)

Dated May 1979


Lingnan Paintings, Dr Stephen Lee Tek Loon, Malaysia, February 2020, p.33.

HK$80,000-120,000 US$11,000-16,000

趙少昂 劍蘭 設色紙本 立軸 一九六三年作

題識:癸卯(1963年)冬至,沛洪先生屬畫以紀念 其先母鄭王秀英太夫人,生前雅愛劍蘭,故 以此為題也。趙少昂於香島嶺南藝苑。



赤辳吾兄出示其所愛少昂之作,屬題以留紀念。永 琛書於 九七九年五月。

出版:《嶺南繪畫》,李德倫醫生出版,馬來西亞, 2020年2月,第33頁。

The collector, his wife, and Zhao Shao’ang in Zhao’s residence in Shanghai, November 1993

現藏家夫婦與趙少昂 於畫家香港寓所, 1993年11月

Fine Lingnan Paintings from the Collection of Dr. Lee Tek Loon


(Lots 629-631)

ZHAO SHAO’ANG (1905-1998)

Two Egrets in Lotus Pond

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 104.3 x 59.5 cm. (41 ⅛ x 23 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dated seventh month, thirty-fourth year (of the Republic, 1945)


Lingnan Paintings, Dr Stephen Lee Tek Loon, Malaysia, February 2020, p.15.



趙少昂 比潔 設色紙本 立軸 一九四五年作

題識:鷺潔蓮尤潔,湖清心更清。秋來無限意,憂樂 兩般情。三十四年(1945)七月,少昂桂湖歸 後。

鈐印:少昂 出版:《嶺南繪畫》,李德倫醫生出版,馬來西亞, 2020年2月,第15頁。


YANG SHANSHEN (1913-2004) AND ZHAO SHAO’ANG (1905-1998)

Tigers Den

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

154 x 76.3 cm. (60 ⅝ x 30 in.)

Inscribed and signed by Zhao Shao’ang, with one seal One seal of Yang Shanshen

Dated July, thirty-eighth year (of the Republic, 1949) Dedicated to Shuheng


Lingnan Paintings, Dr Stephen Lee Tek Loon, Malaysia, February 2020, cover.


Yang Shanshen, deeply influenced by his teachers Gao Qifeng and the Lingnan master Gao Jianfu, had a profound passion for painting and excelled in capturing the essence of tigers. His depictions of these majestic creatures carried an ancient and profound Japanese charm. In his masterpiece, Tiger Den, Yang portrays a fierce tiger alongside two vulnerable cubs amidst deep mountains and dense forests. Employing delicate brushstrokes, he captures a fleeting moment of the tigers’ movement and utilizes a blend of ink, water, and white powder to bring to life the realistic texture of their fur. Yang believed that achieving lifelike representation in animal painting was paramount, as he sought to convey the inner emotions of his subjects through colours, ink, and lines.

This painting was painted in 1949 on a grand scale, symbolizing a rare early collaboration between two esteemed Lingnan masters. The current owner acquired this piece from Shuheng, to whom the painting was dedicated, in 1993. Liu Shuheng, a

Chinese medicine practitioner from Hong Kong, initially commissioned Zhao Shao’ang to paint a tiger for him, but Zhao instead recommended Yang Shanshen for the task. Yang regarded this painting as one of his finest works on the subject, where the imposing presence of the formidable tiger contrasts with the tender vulnerability and warmth emanating from the cubs. Yang felt immense joy upon receiving a photograph of the painting from the current collector and subsequently journeyed to Malaysia to see the painting again four decades after its completion.



楊善深、趙少昂 虎穴 設色紙本 立軸 一九四九年作


成之並誌,時在三十八年(1949)七 月同寓香島。



出版:《嶺南繪畫》,李德倫醫生出版,馬 來西亞,2020年2月,封面。





瞬,以撞水撞粉之嶺南獨有技法表現皮毛 之逼真質感。楊善深曾提到“寫動物畫貴在

傳神”,務求用色、墨、線將動物的內心情 感捕捉出來,以達到呼之欲出的至高境界。 此幅作品,猛虎有威嚴之姿,而幼虎則添輕 鬆溫馨之態,為楊氏寫虎題材中之特別範 例。

畫作寫於1949年,尺幅巨大,以善深寫虎, 少昂補景成之,可謂兩位嶺南畫家不多見的 早年合作精品。現馬來西亞藏家1993年自上 款人“淑衡”獲得此作後,將照片寄送楊善 深,楊旋即決定飛赴藏家家中觀賞此作。畫 家向現藏家回憶:原藏家“淑衡”,全名劉 淑衡,乃香港中醫師,當時邀請好友趙少昂 創作一幅虎畫,趙轉而推薦楊善深創作而 成。楊氏亦表示,此幅乃其生涯最佳畫虎作 品,時隔40年重見舊作畫影,激動之餘決定 親赴馬國借觀。

The collector and his wife with Yang Shanshen in collectors’ residence in Malaysia,



GAO JIANFU (1879-1951)

Skulls / Flying Fish

Two scrolls, mounted as a hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

Each scroll measures 34.6 x 47.6 cm. (13 ⅝ x 18 ¾ in.)

One scroll inscribed and signed, the other scroll signed, with a total of three seals of the artist


Christie’s New York, Fine Chinese Paintings, 9 November 2018, Lot 53. HK$120,000-180,000 US$16,000-23,000

高劍父 骷髏/飛魚 設色紙本 雙挖立軸

1. 題識:朱門酒肉臭,野有凍死骨。嗟乎。富者愈富,窮者愈窮。

芸芸眾生,寧有平等。我與骷髏同聲 笑之。劍。 鈐印:侖之鉥、劍父

2. 款識:劍父。


來源:紐約佳士得 , 中國書畫拍賣,2018年11月9日,編號53。



YANG SHANSHEN (1913-2004)

Longevity Crane

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

140 x 59.8 cm. (55 ⅛ x 23 ½ in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Dated bingchen year (1976)

Frontispiece by Feng Kanghou (1901-1983), with two seals



楊善深 千歲雅樂壽 設色紙本 立軸 一九七六年作






ZHAO SHAO’ANG (1905-1998)

Birds on Branches

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 57.5 x 7 cm. (22 ⅝ x 2 ¾ in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dated winter, eleventh month, jiachen year (1964)


Christie’s Hong Kong, Fine Modern Chinese Paintings, 31 May 2011, Lot 2645. M K Lau Collection.


Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Joys of the Southern Brush - Paintings and Calligraphy from the M K Lau Collection, 3-8 October 2022.


Joys of the Southern Brush - Paintings and Calligraphy from the M K Lau Collection, M K Lau Collection, Hong Kong, 2022, pp. 82-83.



趙少昂 雨餘虹影 設色紙本 立軸 一九六四年作



來源:香港佳士得,中國近現代畫,2011年5月31日, 編號2645。


展覽:香港會展中心,“粵色畫意—梅潔樓藏書畫 展覽”,2022年10月3日至8日。

出版:《粵色畫意—梅潔樓藏書畫集》,梅潔樓, 香港,2022年,第82-83頁。

《 雨餘虹 影 》 以 乾濕 淡墨 筆 觸 及 飛白 筆 法 繪 寫 枝 椏 , 行 筆 迅疾率放 ; 麻雀避雨棲息樹枝 之 上, 姿 態

各異 ,活 靈 活現,深 得 寫生 意 趣 。畫面 施 以淺淡 色 墨 渲染 , 表 示雨後虹 影。 麻雀枝幹穿插 空間 配 置得

宜 , 雨餘氣氛 經 營 得 法,顯 示 嶺南 派 畫 家 擅 於 表 現

瞬 間 情韻的風 格 。

鄧 海 超 , 《 粵 色 畫 意 —梅潔樓藏書 畫 集 》 , 第 82頁。

Singaporean collector Mr. Tan Sin Liou (1922-1992) had familial ties to Fujian, China. His grandfather immigrated to Singapore, where he operated a palm tree business, later also became the owner of the Supreme House in the city’s commercial district. Apart from his entrepreneurial pursuits, Mr. Tan held a keen interest in traditional Chinese culture, as evidenced by his collection of Chinese calligraphy, paintings, and folding fans. Since the 1960s, numerous painters such as Zhao Shao’ang, Yang Shanshen, Guan Shanyue, Li Xiongcai, and Rong Shushi showcased their works in Singapore due to its proximity to China. Mr. Tan, recognized for his generosity and hospitality towards these artists, notably fostered a close relationship with Yang Shanshen. A portion of Mr. Tan’s collection will be available for bidding in Christie’s online auction in December 2024.

陳 新 燎 先 生 ( 1922 - 1992 ) ,原籍 福

建 , 祖父早 年 定 居 新加 坡 ,經 營棕

櫚 有 關 生意, 並 擁 有 新加 坡商 業 區 著名之首 邦 大 廈 。 陳 先 生極 重 視中

國文化傳統, 營商 之 餘 , 喜 好 收藏 中國 書 畫, 尤 喜 各 種 畫 扇 。 陳 先 生

待 人 接物 熱 情有 禮 ,對 由 祖 國 訪問

新加 坡 的 畫 家 尤 其 親近 。 在 諸 位嶺 南 畫 派 畫 家之 中, 與楊 善 深 先 生 感 情 甚篤 , 所獲 作 品 質 精 量豐。 陳 新

燎 先 生 珍藏 作 品 亦 將 於 佳 士得 2024 年12月 網 上 拍賣 中呈現。

Collector Mr Tan Sin Liou and artist Yang


YANG SHANSHEN (1913-2004)


Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 50 x 54 cm. (19 ¾ x 21 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

Dated fifteenth day, ninth month, dingwei year (1967)


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.

HK$60,000-80,000 US$7,800-10,000

楊善深 叱石成羊 設色紙本 鏡框 一九六七年

題識:黃初平,年十五,牧羊。有道士將至金華山,其兄 初起歷年不見,乃隨道士求弟相見。問羊何在,初 平曰:羊近山東。初起曰:不見。初平叱,皆起,






YANG SHANSHEN (1913-2004)


Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 92 x 39 cm. (36 ¼ x 15 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dated tenth month, guichou year (1973) Dedicated to Xinliao (Mr Tan Sin Liou)


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.



楊善深 雄鷄 設色紙本 鏡框 一九七三年作

題識:朝朝雞向五更啼,處處春來山花秀。新燎吾兄正。 癸丑(1973年)十月畫於星洲首邦大廈十四樓,深。




ZHAO SHAO’ANG (1905-1998)

Flying Eagle

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper 101 x 46.5 cm. (39 ¾ x 18 ¼ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dedicated to Shaolin


The recipient of this painting is Ouyang Shaolin, a Hong Kong entrepreneur, and a good friend of artists such as Yang Shanshen and Zhao Shao’ang, and collected many fine paintings.



趙少昂 飛鷹 水墨紙本 鏡框






Dr. Ta-lin Hsu was the founder and chairman of H&Q Asia Pacific, who played a pivotal role in the development of the venture capital and private equity industry in Asia. A visionary leader and philanthropist, his achievements include introducing Starbucks to China. Together with his wife Joyce, a playwright and cartoonist, Dr. Hsu supported social ventures and fostered communities. The present paintings were acquired during their time in Asia.

徐大 麟 博士 , 漢鼎 亞太 主席及創辦 人,對 亞 洲 創投及 私募 行業 發 展 甚 為 關 鍵 。 徐博士 成 就 非凡 ,曾 協助 星 巴克打 開 中國 市 場 ,而 夫 人 沈悅 為劇作 家 、 漫 畫 家 。 徐 氏 伉儷 積 極 推 動 慈 善 事業 , 熱 心 回 饋 社會, 亦 雅 好藝術。 兩 件 作品 均 得 自 亞 洲 。



ZHAO SHAO’ANG (1905-1998)

Maple Leaves and Birds

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 46 x 96.3 cm. (18 ⅛ x 37 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Dated spring, third month, dingmao year (1987)

Dedicated to Dalin and Madam Shen Yue



趙少昂 楓葉小鳥 設色紙本 鏡框 一九八七年作




鈐印:趙、少昂、我之為我自有我在 From a Private California Collection 加州私人收藏 (Lots 638-639)



LIN FENGMIAN (1900-1991)

Lady Holding Mirror

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

68 x 68.4 cm. (26 ¾ x 26 ⅞ in.)

Signed, with one seal of the artist


Acquired from Caves Art Center in Taipei in 1989.



林風眠 攬鏡仕女 設色紙本 鏡框




Receipt of collector’s purchase from Caves Art Center in Taipei. 藏家自台北敦煌藝術中心 購入此作的收據


WU GUANZHONG (1919-2010)

Three Friends in Company in Wintry Times

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

68.5 x 137.1 cm. (27 x 54 in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dated 1993


Christie’s Hong Kong, Fine Modern and Contemporary Chinese Paintings, 30 April 2000, Lot 105.


The Complete Works of Wu Guanzhong Vol. VII, Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House, August 2007, p. 220.



吳冠中 歲寒三友 設色紙本 鏡框 一九九三年作

題識:歲寒三友舊傳統,翠竹青松梅花 瘦,雪裡共享太陽紅。一九九三, 吳冠中。


來源:香港佳士得,近現代中國書畫, 2000年4月30日,編號105。

出版:《吳冠中全集VII》,湖南美術出版 社,2007年8月,第220頁。

The 1990s marked a decade of transformation in Wu Guanzhong’s creativity and a rise in his status as an internationally acclaimed artist. In 1992, he presented his solo exhibition at the British Museum, becoming the first living artist to receive this honor. In 1993, he was invited to exhibit at the Musée Cernuschi in Paris, a city that enriched him with artistic skills and sensibilities.

Starting in the 1990s, Wu Guanzhong’s artistic expression grew bolder, leading to more abstract and larger-scale works. The tools he used to convey Eastern aesthetics—points, lines, and planes— became even more prominent, freely and widely employed in his ink paintings during this period. This shift is clearly visible in “Three Friends in Company in Wintry Times,” where Wu’s ink dots, lines, and planes filled every inch of the composition. Additionally, Wu expanded his repertoire to include non-landscape themes.

Three Friends in Company in Wintry Times serves as a poignant and successful example of Wu’s work in the 1990s, showcasing the artist’s carefree brushwork, bold composition, and a daring departure from the familiar landscapes that propelled him to fame in the 1980s. Employing black ink to outline the painting’s structure, Wu Guanzhong then embellished the scene with colors— utilizing pastel green strokes for pine needles and bamboo leaves, and dots of of pink and dark red to depict plum blossoms. The “three friends of winter” symbol, originating from the “Record of Fine-cloud Plum Cottage” by Song Dynasty writer Lin Jingxi, praises individuals who exhibit resilience in adverse environments, much like how pine, bamboo, and plum blossoms persistently grow and blossom during harsh winters.


二 十 世 紀 九十 年 代 標 誌 著 吳冠 中 創 作的 轉 型 ,他 的影 響 力 超 越 國

門 , 逐漸崛 起 為國 際 知 名 的中國 當 代 畫 家 。 1992 年,他在 大 英 博物

館舉辦個展 , 成為 首位獲 此 殊 榮 的 在 世 藝術 家 。 1993 年,他 受 邀 在

巴 黎 賽努 奇 博物館舉辦展覽 , 此時 距離 他 四十 年 代 在 巴 黎 求 學 , 已

相 隔 半 個 世 紀 。

從 九十 年 代 開 始 , 吳冠 中的藝術表現 變 得 更 加大 膽 , 創 作 出 更為抽

象 、 尺 幅更 大 的作品 。他 用 來表現 東 方美學的 工 具 , 點 、線、面,在

這一 時 期 的 水墨 創 作中 變 得 更 加 突出, 更 加 普遍 。這 種 轉 變 在 本幅

《 歲 寒 三 友 》 中更 加 清 晰 可 見 , 點 線面 組 成 了畫面 的 主 體, 題 材 更 超

出了 過 往 常 作的山 水 局 限 。

《 歲 寒 三 友 》是 吳冠 中 九十 年 代作品 特殊 的 個例 , 展 示 了畫 家無 拘 無 束 的 筆 法 、 大 膽 的 構 圖 ,以 及 對 他 對 題 材 的 大 膽革 新 和突 破 。畫 家先 用 墨線勾勒出 輪廓 結構, 然 後用 色 彩 點綴 不同元 素 : 用 淡 綠 色 筆 觸 描繪松 針 和 竹葉 , 用粉 紅 和 深 紅點綴 梅花 。 “ 歲 寒 三 友 ” 出自

宋 代林 景 熙 的 《 王 雲 梅 舍記 》, 其 後 歷 代文人 讚頌 在 嚴 寒 中 依然堅 強 生 長 的松 竹 梅 , 象 徵 著 在 逆 境中 堅韌 不 拔 的 可 貴 品 質 , 成為 歷 來 畫 家 筆 下 的 題 材 。


WU GUANZHONG (1919-2010)

Scene of Jiangnan

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

45.2 x 87.3 cm. (17 ¾ x 34 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated 1987


Christie’s Hong Kong, Fine Modern and Contemporary Chinese Paintings, 30 April 2000, Lot 104.




鈐印:冠中寫生、荼 來源:香港佳士得,近現代中國書畫,2000年4月30日,編號104。

Lin Fengmian Paintings from the Van Roosbroek Family Collection 范羅斯布魯克家族藏重要林風眠作品 (Lots 642-644)

The collection of Lin Fengmian paintings belongs to the Van Roosbroek family from Belgium. Frank Van Roosbroek (1919-2008) moved to Shanghai from Belgium in 1948 to take up the position as the head of the Shanghai branch of the Banque Belge pour l’Etranger (Belgian Bank for Lands Abroad). He met his Korean wife, Linda, in Shanghai. The couple had four children and settled in an apartment in Grosvenor House on Rue Cardinal Mercier in the French Concession in the 1950s. Mrs. Van Roosbroek was an artist and art lover who took painting classes whilst in Shanghai. Through this artistic connection, the Van Roosbroeks met the artist Lin Fengmian and acquired a few of his works in Shanghai in the late 1950s.

The Korean War, which began in 1950, led to a dispute between the bank and Chinese authorities that lasted over 20 years. During this time, the bank’s branches in Tianjin and Shanghai were suspended, and their management staff was not allowed to leave the country. Mrs Van Roosbroek was allowed to leave Shanghai in 1961 with three of her children and brought some of their belongings to Belgium, including the Lin Fengmian paintings. In 1966, she accompanied her youngest child to Belgium to attend school. After spending 24 years in Shanghai, Frank Van Roosbroek was released in April 1972 and returned to Belgium to reunite with his family via Hong Kong.

On 8 December 1971, Lin Fengmian penned the following in prison: “In 1956, my wife accompanied our daughter and son-in-law to Brazil. Following their departure from Shanghai, I continued selling paintings, engaging directly with foreign buyers. Before my wife’s departure, a Belgian named Roosbroek frequently purchased paintings from me, and I got to know him then. Subsequently, many other foreigners who acquired paintings from me were introduced by Roosbroek.”

Excerpt from the essay “The autobiography of Lin Fengmian written in prison” in Zheng Chong’s Biography of Lin Fengmian, Oriental Publishing House, Shanghai, October 1999, p. 240.

此一批林風眠畫作來自於比利時范羅斯布魯克家族收藏。 Frank van Roosbroek (1919-2008)於1948年從比利時來到上海,擔任比利時 華比銀行上海分行的負責人。在上海,他結識未來的韓裔妻子琳達 ( Linda ),兩人育有四個孩子,一家人於20世紀50年代定居於原法 租界邁 爾 西愛路(今茂名南路)峻嶺寄廬的公寓。琳達范羅斯布魯克 夫人是一位畫家和藝術收藏家,閒暇時參加繪畫課。透過藝術界的 聯 繫,范羅斯布魯克一家結識了藝術家林風眠,在上海期間從藝術家手 中收藏了多幅林風眠畫作。

1950年爆發的韓戰導致華比銀行與政府產生分歧,共持續了2 0多 年。在此期間,銀行在天津和上海的分支機搆被停業,管理人員滯 留中國。范羅斯布魯克夫人於1961年陪同三個孩子離開上海,同時 將這批林風眠作品帶回,其後於1966年將最小的孩子送回比利時上 學。 Frank van Roosbroek 於1972年結束在上海長達24年的生活,途徑 香港回到比利時與家人團聚。

1971年12月8日,林風眠在看守所寫的自傳中 提到: “1956年愛人隨女兒、女 婿因 生活關 係 ,同他 們 到巴西去了(女 婿 系 奧 地利人)。他 們 離開上海 之 後, 我 還是 繼 續賣畫,此時由 我 自己直 接和外國人接洽,在 我 愛人未離開上海時,有比利時人羅斯布 洛 常來 賣( 買 )畫, 因 此 我也 認識了他,後來有外國人 要 來 買 畫時,多由他 介紹認識的 ” 。

《 林風眠在看守所寫的自傳》, 引 自 鄭 重 著 , 《 林風眠傳》,東方 出版 社,上海,1999年10月,第240 頁 。


LIN FENGMIAN (1900-1991)

Farewell My Concubine

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 65.4 x 64 cm. (25 ¾ x 25 ¼ in.)

Signed, with one seal of the artist


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.

HK$2,600,000-3,600,000 US$340,000-470,000



鈐印:林風瞑印 來源:直接得自藝術家,並由家族承傳。

An article in The New York Times dated April 30, 1972, announced the release of Frank Van Roosbroek and his return to Belgium.

《紐約時報》1972年4月30日刊登 文章,宣佈Frank Van Roosbroek 離開中國、返回比利時的新聞。

Constructed in 1935 by the Sassoon family, Grosvenor House stood as a distinguished Art Deco apartment building in Shanghai, representing one of the most prestigious residential addresses in the city. In the 1950s, the Van Roosbroek family established their residence within an apartment in this renowned building.

峻嶺寄廬乃1935年由沙遜家族建造,乃装飾風藝術風格 的建築,是彼時上海最為顯赫的公寓住宅之一。上世紀 50年代,范˙羅斯布魯克家族在此居住。

Frank and Linda Van Roosbroek in their apartment in Brussels in 1972, with Lin Fengmian’s Farewell My Concubine (current lot) in the background. 范羅斯布魯克夫婦,1972年攝於

布魯塞爾寓所中,背後懸掛即本 拍品林風眠《霸王別姬》。

Lin Fengmian Paintings from the Van Roosbroek Family Collection 范羅斯布魯克家族藏重要林風眠作品 (Lots 642-644)


LIN FENGMIAN (1900-1991)

Opera Figure

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

35.1 x 22.2 cm. (13 ⅞ x 8 ¾ in.)

Signed, with one seal of the artist


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.



林風眠 戲曲人物 設色紙本 鏡框 款識:林風眠。

鈐印:林風瞑印 來源:直接得自藝術家,並由家族承傳。



LIN FENGMIAN (1900-1991)

Sailing on Riverbank

Scroll, mounted on woodboard and framed, ink and colour on paper

67.8 x 67.9 cm. (26 ¾ x 26 ¾ in.)

Signed, with one seal of the artist


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.

HK$900,000-1,200,000 US$120,000-160,000

林風眠 江岸歸帆 設色紙本 木板鏡框 款識:林風眠。 鈐印:林風瞑印 來源:直接得自藝術家,並由家族承傳。



BAI XUESHI (1915-2011)

Mountains of Li River

Scroll, mounted for framing, ink and colour on paper

Painting measures 33.7 x 277.1 cm. (13 ¼ x 109 ⅛ in.)

Frontispiece measures 32.6 x 84.8 cm. (12 ⅞ x 33 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dated twelfth month, jiazi year (1984)

Frontispiece inscribed and signed by the artist, with three seals Dated Mid-Autumn Festival, jimao year (1999)


Bai Xueshi, The Selection of Rong Bao Zhai Paintings, No. 34, Rong Bao Zhai, Beijing, 1989, pp.32-33.

Dong Yulong ed., Research on Bai Xueshi’s Landscape Art, People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, Beijing, 2009, pp. 294-295.



白雪石 灕江群山 設色紙本 鏡片 一九八四年作 題識:江作青羅帶,山如碧玉簪。



畫家題引首:余畫漓江山水主幅構圖較多,而漓江之美當以多峰百 妙。此圖力求構圖多變以多種山形連續不斷之勢為之而 成此卷。此圖完成於甲子(1984)。己卯(1999)中秋 再題數字。雪石時年八五。

鈐印:雪石、雪石長年、惜陰 出版:白雪石繪,《榮寶齋畫譜(三十四)風景範畫部分》,榮寶 齋,北京,1989年,第32-33頁。

董玉龍主編,《白雪石山水畫藝術研究》,人民美術出版社, 北京,2009年,第294-295頁。


BAI XUESHI (1915-2011)

Pine and Clouds of Mount Huang

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

49.7 x 136.7 cm. (19 ⅝ x 53 ⅞ in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Dated spring, renshen year (1992)



白雪石 黃山松雲 設色紙本 鏡框 一九九二年作

題識:黃山松雲。壬申(1992)仲春,雪 石于何須齋。


Property From The M K Lau Collection 梅潔樓珍藏中國書畫 (Lots 647-654)


SONG WENZHI (1919-1999)

Evergreen in Jinggang Mountain Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

71.3 x 180 cm. (28 ⅛ x 70 ⅞ in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with six seals of the artist

PROVENANCE: M K Lau Collection.


Hong Kong Art Centre, Rendering Change - The Arts of New China 1949-79, 3-13 April, 2015.



宋文治 茨坪常青 設色紙本 鏡框

題識:茨坪常青。井岡山茨坪是當年毛主席領 導革命鬥爭地之一。婁江文治。

鈐印:師造物、松石齋、好山河、文治、 宋灝之印、風景這邊獨好 來源:梅潔樓珍藏。

展覽:香港藝術中心,“河山色染─繪出新 中國”,2015年4月3至13日。


YE QIANYU (1907-1995)

Indian Dancer

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

68.5 x 45 cm. (27 x 17 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dated 1979

PROVENANCE: M K Lau Collection.


Collection of Paintings by Ye Qianyu, People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, Beijing, 1981, p.12.



葉淺予 印度舞 設色紙本 立軸 一九七九年作


鈐印:葉、淺予、舞墨 來源:梅潔樓珍藏。



LI KERAN (1907-1989)


Hanging scroll, ink on paper 97 x 44.5 cm. (38 ¼ x 17 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated Lunar New Year’s Eve, 1972

PROVENANCE: M K Lau Collection.


Hong Kong Art Centre, Rendering Change - The Arts of New China 1949-79, 3-13 April, 2015.

Beijing, Dadu Museum of Art, Rendering Change - The Arts of New China 1949-79, 10-30 October, 2015.

Shanghai, Long Museum, Rendering Change - The Arts of New China 1949-79, 26 November-20 December, 2015.



648 649

李可染 行書-詠梅 水墨紙本 立軸 一九七二年作

釋文:風雨送春歸,飛雪迎春到。已是懸崖百丈冰,猶有花枝俏。 俏也不爭春,只把春來報。待到山花爛熳時,她在叢中笑。




展覽:香港藝術中心,“河山色染 繪出新中國”,2015年4月3至 13日。

北京,大都美術館,“河山色染 繪出新中國”,2015年10 月10至30日。

上海,龍美術館,“河山色染 繪出新中國”,2015年11月 26日至12月20日。


LI KERAN (1907-1989)

Five Buffaloes

Hanging scroll, ink on paper 66 x 98 cm. (26 x 38 ⅝ in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with five seals of the artist

PROVENANCE: M K Lau Collection.



李可染 五牛圖 水墨紙本 立軸


牛也,力大無窮,俯首孺子而不逞強。終身勞瘁事農,而安不 居功。性情溫馴,時亦強犟,穩步向前,足不踏空,皮毛骨 角,無不有用。形容無華,氣宇軒宏,吾崇其性,愛其形,故 屢屢不厭寫之。可染。

鈐印:李、可染、孺子牛、白髮學童、七十二難 來源:梅潔樓珍藏。


SHI LU (1919-1982)


Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 130.3 x 70.6 cm. (51 ¼ x 27 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

PROVENANCE: M K Lau Collection.



石魯 牡丹 設色紙本 立軸

題識:文章壽考,其華若神, 寫實為精,然乎。石魯。 鈐印:石魯畫印、石魯 來源:梅潔樓珍藏。


SHI LU (1919-1982)

Girl Picking Mulburry

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 65 x 50.2 cm. (25 ⅝ x 19 ¾ in.)

With seven painted seals


Christie’s Hong Kong, Fine Modern Chinese Paintings, 30 October 2000, Lot 77.

M K Lau Collection.



石魯 採桑圖 設色紙本 鏡框

鈐印:手繪印七方 來源:香港佳士得,中國近現代畫,2000年10月30日,編號77。 梅潔樓珍藏。



HUANG ZHOU (1925-1997)

The Celebration

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

63.5 x 141.5 cm. (25 x 55 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dated 1958


M K Lau Collection.

HK$2,000,000-3,000,000 US$260,000-390,000

黃冑 歡 圖 設色紙本 鏡框 一九五八年作 題識:黃胄,1958。

鈐印:黃、胄 來源:梅潔樓珍藏。



HE HAIXIA (1908-1998)

Conquering the Yellow River

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

136.4 x 68.7 cm. (53 ¾ x 27 in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Dated spring, third month, jiwei year (1979)


M K Lau Collection.


Hong Kong Art Centre, Rendering Change - The Arts of New China 1949-79, 3-13 April, 2015.

Beijing, Dadu Museum of Art, Rendering Change - The Arts of New China 1949-79, M K Lau Collection, 10-30 October, 2015. Shanghai, Long Museum, Rendering Change - The Arts of New China 1949-79, 26 November-20 December, 2015.


Rendering Change - A New China under the Brush III, M K Lau Collection, Hong Kong, 2022, pp.76-77.



何海霞 征服黃河 設色紙本 鏡框 一九七九年作 題識:征服黃河。己未(1979年)春三月, 何海霞寫於西安美協,時年已七十一 歲。

鈐印:何瀛、海霞、大有作為 來源:梅潔樓珍藏。

展覽:香港藝術中心,“河山色染 繪出新 中國”,梅潔樓,2015年4月3至13日。

北京,大都美術館,“河山色染 繪 出新中國”,梅潔樓,2015年10月10 至30日。

上海,龍美術館,“河山色染 繪出 新中國”,梅潔樓,2015年11月26日 至12月20日。

出版:《河山色染 繪出新中國(三)》, 梅潔樓,香港,2022年,第76-77頁。

HUANG ZHOU (1925-1997)

Doctor Visiting Her Patients Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

97 x 61.8 cm. (38 ¼ x 24 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dated autumn, yimao year (1975)


From an important Southeast Asian collection.



題識:乙卯(1975年)深秋於北京西郊,黃胄第二十五稿出診圖。 鈐印:黃胄、黃胄寫意 來源:重要南洋私人收藏。

Property from the Tokutomi Soho Museum, Japan



QI BAISHI (1863-1957)


Scroll, mounted on woodboard and framed, ink on paper

62.5 x 32.6 cm. (24 ⅝ x 12 ⅞ in.)

Signed, with one seal of the artist



QI BAISHI (1863-1957)

Lotus and Frogs

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

67.9 x 30.9 cm. (26 ¾ x 12 ⅛ in.)

Signed, with one seal of the artist



齊白石 雛雞 水墨紙本 木板鏡框




齊白石 荷塘蛙趣 設色紙本 立軸



The present collection has been thoughtfully assembled by Bill and Wea Sun Wong, the proprietors of Asia Book Store, one of San Francisco’s pioneering Chinese language bookshops located on Washington Street in the city’s Chinatown. Originally from Taishan, the Wongs arrived in San Francisco in the early 1950s, bringing with them an appreciation for Chinese art and culture. Bolstered by their extensive networks within the literary circles of China and Hong Kong, the Wongs embarked on a collecting journey throughout the 1950s and 1960s. Known for their leadership within the Chinese American community, the collectors often welcomed visiting artists from Asia. The cherished collection has remained in the family since.

黃炳洲與夫人梁佩珊原籍台山,五十年代初移居三藩市後,在市 區華盛頓街創辦亞洲書局,該書店是三藩市最早及最有開創性的 華語書店之一。得益於黃氏夫婦在亞洲積聚的廣泛文學界人脈, 他們在五十、六十年代開始收藏中國書畫。黃氏夫婦熱心公益, 在灣區華人社區中頗有影響力,亦時常歡迎自亞洲來訪灣區的藝 術家。書畫珍藏由家族傳承,延續至今。


QI BAISHI (1863-1957)

Autumn Delights

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 101.5 x 34.2 cm. (40 x 13 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with tow seals of the artist



齊白石 秋興圖 設色紙本 立軸 題識:寄萍堂上老人齊白石八十六歲時畫於京華。



QI BAISHI (1863-1957)

Blessings from the Sky

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 128 x 48.3 cm. (50 ⅜ x 19 in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

HK$1,500,000-3,000,000 US$200,000-390,000

齊白石 福自天來 設色紙本 鏡框



From a Private Singaporean Collection 新加坡私人收藏


XU BEIHONG (1895-1953)


Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 35.5 x 14 cm. (14 x 5 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dated twenty-eighth year (of the Republic, 1939)

Dedicated to Huaizhun



徐悲鴻 芝蘭 設色紙本 鏡框 一九三九年作

題識:槐準先生存玩,廿八年(1939),悲鴻。 鈐印:徐

註:上款人韓槐準(1892-1970)為新加坡華僑,著名考古學家、歷史 學家及種植專家,廣交文人雅士,與徐悲鴻交情深厚,其“愚趣園”、 “愚趣齋”之匾額便出自徐悲鴻之手。1942年日軍占領新加坡期間,韓 氏更幫助徐悲鴻保存及運出其留於星洲之收藏文物及作品,今徐悲鴻紀 念館中不少作品便是當時所保存下來的。

Property from the Family Collection of Loke Wan Tho 新加坡陸運濤家族珍藏


XU BEIHONG (1895-1953)


Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 84 x 42 cm. (33 ⅛ x 16 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dated spring, xinmao year (1951)

Dedicated to Mr and Mrs Yuntao (Loke Wan Tho)


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.



徐悲鴻 雄雞獨立 設色紙本 鏡框 一九五一年作




Tan Sri Loke Wan Tho (1915–1964) was a Malaysian-Singaporean business magnate, ornithologist, and photographer. He founded Cathay Organization in Singapore and Malaysia and Motion Picture and General Investments Limited (MP&GI) in Hong Kong. On 20 June 1964, Loke and his wife were killed in a plane crash in Taiwan. Loke was passionate about promoting education for the Chinese population and donated generously to Singapore Nanyang University. Xu Beihong once painted a portrait for Loke’s first wife, Ms Li Huiwang (Christina Lee). The painting is kept at the Xu Beihong Memorial Museum and is considered one of Xu’s representative oil paintings. The present lot was a gift from Xu Beihong to Loke and his wife; their family has cherished it to this day.

陸運濤(1915-1964),星馬地區電影製片人、鳥類學家 及攝影 家。祖籍廣東鶴山,1915年生於馬來亞吉隆坡。1940年代至1960年 代陸運濤是新加坡和香港著名電影製片人,國泰機構、永華電 影 和國際電影 懋業 有 限 公 司 (電 懋 )創 辦 人。1964年 因飛 機 失 事 逝 於 台灣 。陸運濤 熱心 華僑教育事 業 , 捐資 助建新加坡 南 洋 大 學。 徐悲鴻曾為陸運濤第 任夫人李惠望(Christina Lee)繪製油畫肖 像 , 現 存於徐悲鴻紀念館, 乃 徐氏油畫代 表 作之 。本作 《雄雞 獨立圖》乃徐悲鴻送贈陸運濤夫婦,後由其家族珍藏至今。

XU BEIHONG, Portrait of Christina Lee, wife of Mr Loke Wan Tho, collected by Xu Beihong Memorial Museum, Beijing. 徐悲鴻,《陸運濤夫人像》,北京 徐悲鴻紀念館藏。

Mrs Loke (Christina Lee) sitting for the portrait at Xu Beihong’s studio.

徐悲鴻在江夏堂中為陸運濤夫人 畫像。


HUANG YONGYU (1924-2023)

Fragrance of Spring Flowers

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

136.5 x 69 cm. (53 ¾ x 27 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with four seals of the artist

Dated Lunar New Year’s Day, xinchou year (2021)


According to the present owner, the painting was acquired directly from the artist.



黃永玉 繁花春芳 設色紙本 鏡框 二〇二一年作

題識:盡日尋春不見春,芒鞋踏破隴頭雲。 歸來笑拈梅花嗅,春在枝頭已十分。    宋朝一位失名女尼所作,這裡譬喻尋 找真理的意思。到處去找真理,其實 真理就在眼前。

今天年初一,自我放假一天,祝老友 否極泰來。辛丑年(2021)初一,黃 永玉九十七作於北京太陽城。

鈐印:黃永玉印、上善若水、老子刀槍不入、 萬荷堂主

來源:據現藏家介紹,本作直接得自畫家本 人。


HUANG YONGYU (1924-2023)

Red Lotus

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 90 x 96.5 cm. (35 ⅜ x 38 in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Dated 1994

Dedicated to Madam Caixue (Wife of Mr. Su Tu)


Acquired directly from the artist.


Su Tu (1921-2014) was a native of Nan’an, Fujian Province. During the War of Resistance, Huang Yongyu came to the Xiamen Jimei School, where he worked with Su Tu together as text and art editors for the school magazine and became friends. In 1947, Su Tu came to Taiwan with the Nationalist government, and the two lost connections with each other. In 1990 they were reconnected through a newspaper. In the end of 1993, after being separated for sixty years, Su Tu brought his entire family to Hong Kong to reunite with Huang Yongyu. The couple and their three daughters each received an artwork from Huang Yongyu as a gift. The recipient of current lot, Madam Caixue, was the wife of Mr Su Tu.



黃永玉 紅荷 設色紙本 鏡框 一九九四年作

題識:一九九四年贈彩雪嫂,黃永玉於香港。 鈐印:黃、永玉、黃永玉 來源:直接得自畫家本人。

註:蘇篤(1921-2014),福建南安人。抗戰期間,時年僅十幾歲的黃 永玉,來到廈門集美學校讀初中,蘇篤與黃永玉同為校刊的文字和插 圖編輯,結下同窗友誼。1947年蘇篤跟隨國民政府來台,兩人失去聯 繫,直到1990年才通過報紙重新建立聯繫。1993年底,在分離近六十 載後,蘇篤攜全家到香港與黃永玉重逢。黃永玉贈與夫婦二人及三位 女兒每人一幅作品留念。部分作品已於佳士得拍賣中釋出。此作品上 款人“彩雪嫂”乃蘇篤先生夫人。

Su Tu’s family and Huang Yongyu at Huang’s Hong Kong residence, 1993 蘇篤一家與黃永玉在畫 家香港寓所中,1993年

Formerly from the Collection of Pok Shau-Fu 卜少夫舊藏書畫 (Lots 664-666)

Pok Shau-fu (Bu Shaofu, 1909-2000), a native of Jiangsu Province, was a prominent figure in journalism. After graduating from Meiji University in Japan in 1937, Pok served as an editor for numerous newspapers and magazines throughout his career. In 1945, he founded News World, the highest-selling and longest-running modern magazine. Following 1949, Pok resided in Hong Kong for many years. He transitioned into journalism education in 1969 and later served in the Taiwan Legislative Yuan from 1981 to 1986. Due to his active roles in journalism and politics across Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, Pok cultivated a broad network of friends and received artworks from renowned artists. A portion of Pok Shau-fu’s collection will be featured in Christie’s online auction in December 2024.

卜少夫(1909-2000),江蘇江都縣人,筆名邵芙 、龐舞陽,1937年 畢業於日本明治大學新聞科,乃知名作家、新聞出版 界人士。卜少夫 長期活躍於新聞出版界,先後擔任眾多報紙、雜誌編輯,並於1945年 創辦《新聞天地》,出刊直至2000年卜氏辭世,創下了近代雜誌銷售 量最高、壽命最長的紀錄,留下大量政治與社會史料。卜氏自1946年 起,亦涉足新聞教學工作,又在1981年至1986年間成為台灣立法院委 員。1949年後,卜氏長年定居香港。基於他長期活躍於兩岸三地出版 界、文藝界和政界,卜氏交遊廣泛,得贈眾多名 人書畫作品,涵蓋各 家各派不同時期之作品,包羅萬象。卜氏舊藏中部 分作品亦將於佳士 得2024年12月網上拍賣呈現。


HUANG YONGYU (1924-2023)

Drunken Rooster

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 67 x 68.5 cm. (26 ⅜ x 27 in.)

Inscribed and signed, with five seals of the artist Dated renshen year (1992)

Dedicated to Shaofu (Pok Shau-fu) HK$100,000-200,000 US$13,000-26,000 黃永玉 醉雞 設色紙本 立軸 一九九二年作 題識:既是酒翁又壽翁,醉罷香港過九龍。 強盜呼來不上船,笑稱本命是雞公。 風雨如磐四十年,不抱佛腳抱酒罈。 何來頭髮青如許,只為胸中有濟顛。 癸酉(1993年)雞年是少夫翁本命, 唔話唔知,捉雞以賀,是為醉雞。 壬申(1992年)歲暮,黃永玉於香港山之半居。 鈐印:黃永玉、小名觀保、壽、聊發少年狂、不瓦全


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Letter to Pok Shau-fu

Two scrolls, mounted as hanging scroll, ink on paper

Each scroll measures 33.5 x 68 cm. (13 ¼ x 26 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed by the artist Dated 10th September, 1971


Newsdom (issue 1232), Newsdom Publishing House, Hong Kong, 25 September 1971, p. 25.


An article titled Zhang Daqian Weeping was published by the newspaper Newsdom edition No. 1229 on 4 September 1971, in which Pok Shau-Fu was the editor. Upon reading the article, Zhang Daqian responded to Pok with a letter (the present lot) to clarify the content of the article, dated 10 September. This letter was subsequently published in the same newspaper (Fig).

HK$100,000-200,000 US$13,000-26,000

張大千 致卜少夫信

釋文:少夫我兄著席,別久念切,惟興居勝常,為頌為 慰。頃間有友見示,月之四日,貴刊刊有《張大千 流眼淚》一則,至為驚詫。弟與嶺梅交垂三十年, 從無半點誤會,更談不到惡感。而嶺梅於弟襄助實 多,即兩家子弟,亦以父執相尊重,未嘗稍有越禮 也。惟乃去年其三公子責其少弟,出語略重。弟以 長輩身份曾為誡勸。偶有傳說,謂嶺梅與弟交情有 裂痕矣。弟曾去函台港,為澄清之。今讀貴刊,又 不知自何處傳來三人市虎,將以為實,若出諸弟 口,則弟誠為小人矣。兄與嶺梅,總角至交,弟亦 愛末,望賜撰一文,為更正之,感莫大焉。九月十 日率書即叩撰安。大千弟張爰上。

再者其公子創店東方藝術中心,更無與弟稱貸事 況。弟貧無立錐,日日過大年夜者,無不知者,何 從言借,此尤誤傳之甚者也。弟大千又上。

著錄:《新聞天地》第1232期,新聞天地社,香港,1971 年9月25日,第25頁。

註:信函上款者卜少夫主理之《新聞天地》,於1971年9月4 日(總號1229期)刊登《張大千流眼淚》一文(樂山撰)。

大千頃悉此聞,致函卜少夫,加以澄清。三週過後, 《新聞天地》(總號1232期)刊登大千信函內容(圖),以 告讀者,即為本拍品。信函只錄日期為 “九月十日”, 並無年份,根據兩篇文章的出版日期,可推斷此信寫於1971 年9月10日。

Newsdom issue 1232, published on 25 September 1971.

《新聞天地》,總第1232 期,1971年9月25日出版。


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Sailing Across Gorge

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

91 x 48.5 cm. (35 ⅞ x 19 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Dated third month, xinchou year (1961)



張大千 江帆濃影 設色紙本 鏡框


濃影江帆面面開,眼前憶著蜀山來。 赤鹽莫漫矜天塹,會有潛龍破怒雷。 辛丑(1961年)三月橫濱偕樂園僦居遣 寂,蜀人張大千爰。


The three works by Zhang Daqian in this collection come from a private collection in Taiwan. They cover different subjects and were created between 1981 and 1982, each bearing the dedication to the members from the family. These works have been preserved by the family to this day and have never been publicly revealed before, which represents one of the examples of Zhang Daqian’s social interactions in Taiwan in his later years.

本輯三幅張大千作品來自台灣私人收藏,題 材不同,寫於1981-1982年,均俱家族成員 上款。作品為現藏家家族保存至今,之前從 未公開,為張大年晚年在台灣交遊的實例之 一。


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Scholar and Chrysanthemums

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

99.6 x 55.1 cm. (39 ¼ x 21 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with five seals of the artist and one dated seal of renxu year (1982) Dated twelfth month, seventy-one year (of the Republic, 1982)

Dedicated to Jixun


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.


The recipient of this painting, Jixun, is also known as Xiaowei. Both the present lot and Scholar by a Lush Tree (Lot 669) were dedicated to him by Zhang Daqian.



張大千 淵明賞菊圖 設色紙本 鏡框 一九八二年作

題識:采采東籬間,寒香愛盈把。 人與境俱忘,此語語誰者。 七十一年(1982)嘉平月寫似濟勳仁 兄方家教正,大千弟張爰。

鈐印:壬戌(1982年)、張爰之印、 大千居士、摩耶精舍、大千豪髮、 己亥己巳戊寅辛酉


註:本作上款人“濟勳仁兄”與編號669張大 千《喬木芳暉》上款人“孝威吾兄”為同一 人,“孝威”乃其表字。


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Cat and Butterfly

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

69.2 x 34.8 cm. (27 ¼ x 13 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist and one dated seal of renxu year (1982)

Dated twelfth month, seventy-one year (of the Republic, 1982)

Dedicated to Maosong


Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner.



張大千 春萱耄耋圖 設色紙本 鏡框 一九八二年作

題識:茂松宗兄教正,七十一年(1982)嘉平月 大千弟爰台北摩耶精舍寫寄。

鈐印:壬戌(1982年)、張大千長年大吉又日利、 摩耶精舍 來源:現藏家直接得自畫家。


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Scholar by a Lush Tree

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

137.4 x 69.5 cm. (54 ⅛ x 27 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with five seals of the artist and one dated seal of xinyou year (1981) Dated seventieth year (of the Republic, 1981)

Dedicated to Xiaowei


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.


The recipient of this painting, Xiaowei, is also known as Jixun. Both the present lot and Scholar and Chrysanthemums (Lot 667) were dedicated to him by Zhang Daqian.



張大千 喬木芳暉 設色紙本 鏡框 一九八一年作 題識:七十年(1981)歲不盡日寫頌孝威吾兄壬戌(1982年)開春百福并乞教正,大千弟張爰。

鈐印:春長好、辛酉(1981年)、張爰之印、大千居士、己亥己巳戊寅辛酉、摩耶精舍 來源:直接得自畫家,並由家族傳承。

註:本作上款人“孝威吾兄”與編號667張大千《淵明賞菊圖》上款人“濟勳仁兄”為同 人,“孝 威”乃其表字。

Scholar by a Lush Tree is among Zhang Daqian’s most beloved themes in his later years. The Chinese title of the piece implies relaxation beneath a majestic tree, referencing towering trees and the scent of fresh moss. The title stems from a poem by Tang Dynasty poet Siku Tu (837-908), a verse often inscribed by Zhang Daqian in his paintings. In interpreting Zhang’s art, modern scholar Fu Shen (1936-2024) suggested that the poem was heavily influenced by Taoist principles, emphasizing a return to nature and a detachment from worldly ties. Zhang Daqian, akin to many scholars in Chinese history, adhered to Confucian ideals while also holding a deep appreciation for Taoist philosophy, particularly in his later years.

ZHANG DAQIAN, Lofty Scholar by Lush Trees, dated 1982, sold for HK$ 21,700,000 in Christie’s 2018 Spring auction. 張大千,《喬木芳暉》 ,1982年作 佳士得香港2018年春季拍 賣,成交價港幣2170萬。

Dated 1981, this current piece showcases Zhang Daqian’s mastery in portraying figures, especially scholars, alongside his splashed ink and colour technique that he honed since the 1960s. It presents a lone scholar standing beneath a towering tree, gazing upon a verdant landscape. The artwork employs a rich layer of mineral blue pigment, establishing a striking contrast with the void on the right side of the composition, unveiling the profound and secluded forest. Contrasting with another work by the artist in 1982 featuring the same theme, Scholar by a Lush Tree captures a distinct contemplative stance of the scholar and a mystical ambiance. Zhang encapsulated profound meanings in this painting and dedicated it to his close friend Xiaowei.

此 作雖未題畫 名 , 但觀 其 構 圖, 實 乃畫家 筆下 常 為之 “喬 木 芳暉 ” , 亦 是 大千晚年最鍾愛題材之一。“喬木芳暉”的畫題與大千常題寫的詩句 “少 有 道氣 ,終與俗違 ; 亂山喬 木 , 碧苔 芳暉 ” 四 句 , 系出於唐代詩論 家司空

圖(837-908)的名著《詩品》。據傅申先生介紹,“探此文意,屬於道家 思想 的氣 息極 為 濃厚,旨在回歸自然,不 屑 與俗世俗 人為 伍。大千所以對 此 情有獨鍾,就像中國史 上 許多士大夫或文 人 ,雖遵儒家 的 入世思想, 但 是在某 種 程度 上 ,也往往嚮往老莊式 的道 家 出 世思想,這 種 隱伏 於 內心深 處的意識,愈趨晚年就愈發浮現出來。 ”

此作融匯大千擅長的高士題材與晚年至臻成熟的潑彩技法,描繪矗立參天的 巨樹下,有一高士孑然駐足觀望之 刻。高士佇立之地,林木蒼鬱,青綠蓊 翠,芳草如茵。大千以濃厚石青、花青顏料潑灑而成,顏料流動、停滯、凝 固,仿如透光的琉璃寶石,散發出瑰麗色彩,與畫面右側的空靈形成強烈反 差對比,盡顯林深境幽。“喬木芳暉”題材多出於大千晚年,佳士得曾釋出 壬戌本(1982年),唯高士側立靜止,與本幅凝觀之態略有不同(圖)。本 幅寫於1981年,大千在暮年以此題材寫贈好友“孝威”,意趣深遠。


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Bamboo and Orchid

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

87.6 x 43.5 cm. (34 ½ x 17 ⅛ in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

Dated first month, yisi year (1965)


Christie’s Hong Kong, Fine Modern and Contemporary Chinese Paintings, 30 April 2000, Lot 171.



張大千 雙清 設色紙本 鏡框 一九六五年作

題識:雙清。乙巳(1965年)上元摩詰山園作,大千居士爰。 鈐印:大千唯印大年



ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983) Peonies

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

96.5 x 48.5 cm. (38 x 19 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with five seals of the artist and one dated seal of wuwu year (1978)

Dated autumn, eighth month, sixty-seventh year (of the Republic, 1978)

Dedicated to Madam Xiuzhen


US$52,000-78,000 張大千 芍藥圖 設色紙本 鏡框 一九七八年作



拈蔡君謨句,六十七年(1978)秋八月寫與琇珍小妹妹清玩, 八十叟爰。

鈐印:張爰之印、大千居士、戊午(1978年)、大千豪髮、 己亥己巳戊寅辛酉、摩耶精舍


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Ink Lotus

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper 135.4 x 69.5 cm. (53 ¼ x 27 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dated second month, guimao year (1963)


Gifted by the artist in Brazil, thence by descent.


The original collector was from Shanghai and was active in the 20th century. He worked in the manufacturing industry and moved to Brazil for business in the 1950s. During his stay in Brazil, the collector met the artist Zhang Daqian through mutual friends. The collector was passionate about Chinese art. He received the present lot from Zhang Daqian as a token of friendship and the painting has stayed in the same family ever since.



張大千 墨荷 水墨紙本 鏡框 一九六三年作 題識:癸卯(1963年)二月寫,大千居士。 鈐印:張爰私印、大千、大千父 來源:於巴西直接得自畫家,並由家族傳承。

註:原藏家來自上海,上世紀活躍於製造 業,並於1950年代移居巴西從商。在巴西期 間,藏家通過共同的朋友認識張大千。藏家 對中國藝術充滿熱情,並從畫家處獲得此幅 作品,成為二人友誼的象征。此作之後一直 保留在藏家家族中,從未公開。

May Chang is the daughter of Zhang Xuesen (1920-1995), the younger brother of Zhang Xueliang (Chang Hsueh-liang, 19012001). She led tours at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and often travelled to Taiwan with her family to visit her uncle. Likely acquired during one of her trips to Taiwan, the present work is dedicated to May and her husband Paul. 張閭芳,張學良(1901-2001)五弟張學森(1920-1995)次 女,曾任職紐約聯合國總部負責導覽工作。她時常攜家人往返 台灣探親,與伯父張學良感情尤深。大千先生寫此幀贈世講張 閭芳與夫婿保羅,亦見證先生與少將家族深厚交情。

May Chang and her husband Paul 張閭芳女士與先生保羅


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Lake and Mountains in Spring

Scroll, mounted on cardboard and framed, ink and colour on paper 44.6 x 74.9 cm. (17 ½ x 29 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist and one dated seal of jiwei year (1979)

Dated summer, sixty-eighth year (of the Republic, 1979)

Dedicated to Baoluo and Madam Lufang


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.



張大千 湖山春色 設色紙本 紙板鏡框 一九七九年作 題識:保羅閭芳世講儷賞,六十八年(1979)夏日,八十一叟爰。 鈐印:摩耶精舍、己未(1979年)、張爰、大千居士 來源:直接得自畫家,並由家族傳承。


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Scholar under Willows

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

90.5 x 45.3 cm. (35 ⅝ x 17 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dated fifteenth day, third month, renchen year (1952)

Further inscribed and signed on the mounting by the artist, with one seal


Christie’s Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Paintings, 29 November 2016, Lot 1293.


Please refer to christies.com for full English text.



張大千 行吟貫酒圖 設色紙本 鏡框 一九五二年作


渚花凄艷柳輕柔,小步徐行得自由。 一卷新詩一壺酒,老夫生計不須愁。 壬辰(1952年)三月既望,蜀人張大千客 貝宜樂斯愛麗斯。

鈐印:張爰長壽、大千富昌大吉 裱邊又題:行吟貫酒之圖。 大千居士裝成再題。


來源:香港佳士得,中國書畫拍賣, 2016年11月29日,編號1293。

註:張大千曾慨歎:眼中恨少奇男子,腕 底偏多美婦人。他一直認為,在人物畫各 種題材中,要畫好一個高士,是非常難 的。因畫高士,不能有酸苦氣,不能有村 野氣,不能有脂粉氣,必須神怡氣閒,眉 清目秀,瀟灑而簡遠,猶如魏晉六朝人物 之風流 ,方可稱為高士。大千自四十年代 開始,高士畫風已經趨於成熟,面部大多 為橢圓形,豐滿圓潤,三綹秀鬚,頭上結 髮,為大千心目中所追求的高士,也是比 擬為自己的寫照。

張大千1949年離開中國大陸,輾轉香港、 印度多地,尋找安身之所。因當時南美地 廣人稀,鼓勵移民,大千於1952年2月前 往阿根廷貝宜諾斯愛麗斯,生活遂趨於穩 定。本幅寫於1952年3月,畫家以工細筆 法寫成,高士鬚髮清楚,左手持葫蘆,右 手握書卷,衣紋以石青填染。高士閒庭信 步,姿態從容,背景垂柳依依,如春風拂 面,或正是畫家彼時心態寫照。

Liu Piji (1904-1976), styled Shoushi, was born in Jingjiang County, Jiangsu Province. He and his brother, Liu Jingji (1902-1997), were both well-known modern textile industrialists. In 1930, Liu Guojun founded the Da Cheng Textile Company, with Liu Piji serving as an inspector. In 1936, he became the director of the fourth factory of Da Cheng in Hankou. In 1948, he was elected as a member of the first Legislative committee. In May 1952, he returned from Shanghai to Hong Kong for business and engaged in real estate development in Kwun Tong. Besides his business ventures, influenced by his brother Liu Jingji, Liu Piji had a passion for art collecting. He had close relationships with famous painters and calligraphers from Shanghai and Suzhou areas, including Xie Zhiliu, Pan Boying, Zhang Shizhao, among others, and received a substantial number of art pieces as gifts. Paintings and calligraphy dedicated to Liu couple by Zhang Shizhao and Ma Wanli, will be offered in Chinese Paintings online sale in December 2024.

劉丕基(1904-1976),字壽石,江蘇省靖江縣人,與其兄劉靖基(1902-1997)均為近 代著名的 紡織實業家。1930年,劉國鈞創辦大成紡織公司,劉丕基擔任稽查。1936年,任漢口大成四廠廠 長。1948年當選第一屆立法委員。1952年5月,自上海 返回香港經商,在觀塘從事房地產開發事 業。劉丕基先生在經營實業之餘,受其兄劉靖基影響,雅好藝術收藏 ,多與海上、江南等地的書 畫名家相交甚篤,包括謝稚柳、潘伯鷹、章士釗等名士,獲贈作品頗豐。另有送贈劉丕基夫婦之 章士釗、馬萬里作品,將於2024年12月中國書畫網上拍賣呈現。


XIE ZHILIU (1910-1997)

Bamboo, Plum Blossoms and Birds Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 121.5 x 25.5 cm. (47 ⅞ x 10 in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dated autumn, jiashen year (1944)

Dedicated to Madame Liu Yiyi


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.


The recipient of the painting, Madame Yiyi, was the wife of Mr Liu Piji. A painting dedicated to Madam Yiyi by Ma Wanli, will be offered in Chinese Paintings online sale in December 2024.



謝稚柳 雙清 設色紙本 立軸 一九四四年作

題識:雙清。甲申(1944年)秋日,寫似亦 宜劉夫人雅賞,稚柳謝稚。

鈐印:遲燕、燕白衣 來源:直接得自畫家,並由家族傳承。

註:上款人亦宜劉夫人即劉丕基夫人。另 有上款“亦宜嫂夫人”之馬萬里作品,將 於2024年12月中國書畫網上拍賣呈現。


XIE ZHILIU (1910-1997)

Lady in the Song Style Hanging scroll, ink and colour on gold-flecked paper 83 x 49.5 cm. (32 ⅝ x 19 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated sixth month, bingxu year (1946)


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.


Xie Zhiliu Dunhuang Liufeng, People’s Fine Art Publishing House, Beijing, September 2021, pp.98-99.


According to the inscription, this work was painted by Xie Zhiliu during his stay at the Shoushi Tang, the studio of Liu Piji, in 1946. This work was painted on gold-flecked paper with delicate curtains as its backdrop. The lady was depicted in fine brushwork, displaying a serene expression and an elegant posture – a carefully crafted gift from the artist to his host. This piece has been treasured by the Liu family in Shoushi Tang for several decades and has been passed down through generations to this day.



謝稚柳 效宋人宮樂圖 設色灑金箋 立軸 一九四六年作

題識:丙戌(1946年)六月效宋人宮樂圖,謝稚柳 壽石堂借居。

鈐印:謝稚、稺柳 來源:直接得自畫家,並由家族傳承。

出版:《謝稚柳敦煌流風》,人民美術出版社, 北京,2021年9月,第98-99頁。

註:據本作題識,此幅為謝稚柳1946年客居“壽石 堂”時所作。劉丕基字壽石,“壽石堂”乃其堂 號。此作寫於灑金紙上,輕染簾幕,仕女以工筆細 繪,神情安然,姿態優雅,實為客人寫贈主人的精 心之作。此作珍藏於“壽石堂”中數十載,後於家 族傳承至今。

Pu Ru Paintings and Calligraphy from a Private Taiwanese Collection 台灣私人收藏溥儒書畫 (Lots 677-679)


PU RU (1896-1963)

Seven-character Calligraphic Couplet in Cursive Script

A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on paper

Each scroll measures 90 x 21.5 cm. (35 ⅜ x 8 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dedicated to Rude (Yang Rude, 1926-2010)


The recipient Rude refers to Yang Rude (1926-2010), a renowned figure in the journalism industry who was also a close friend of Zhang Daqian.



溥儒 草書七言聯 水墨紙本 立軸兩幅




出版:《溥心畬書畫集.卷下》,故宮博物院、紫禁城出版社, 1997年4月,第115頁。

註:上款人“汝德先生”,即羊汝德(1926-2010),著名新聞界人士, 亦為張大千至交好友。


PU RU (1896-1963)

Amitayus Buddha

Hanging scroll, ink on paper

88.8 x 45.3 cm. (35 x 17 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Two collector’s seals by Tsai Chen-Yang (1949-2016)


The Paintings of Pu Xinyu, Zhen Shan Mei Publishing, Taipei, April 1966, pl.3.

HK$150,000-250,000 US$20,000-32,000

溥儒 無量壽佛 水墨紙本 立軸




蔡辰洋(1949-2016)鑑藏印:民國七十一年歲次壬戌、交友帶三分俠 氣作人存一點童心

出版:《溥心畬先生墨寶》,真善美出版社,台北,1966年4月, 圖版3。


PU RU (1896-1963)

Flower in a Vase

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk

77.1 x 37.4 cm. (30 ⅜ x 14 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated fourth day, first month, gengzi year (1960) Dedicated to Moyun (Lee Moyun)


The Paintings of Pu Ru, Bao Dao Wen Yi Publishing, Taipei, 20 June 1992, p.53.


According to the inscription, this painting was a birthday present that Pu Ru painted for his wife, Lee Moyun. The painting features red Taiwan firethorn, an auspicious plant commonly associated with Chinese New Year, arranged in a coralcoloured vase adorned with the God of Longevity meticulously rendered in fine lines.

HK$500,000-700,000 US$65,000-91,000

溥儒 歲朝獻壽 設色絹本 立軸 一九六〇年作


孟光井臼為勤日,猶似西山伴讀書。 庚子(1960年)正月初四日,墨雲夫人初度, 為寫案上歲朝瓶枝為壽。西山逸士溥儒并題。


出版:《溥儒書畫集》,寶島文藝出版社,台北, 1992年6月20日,第53頁。

註:據題識,本作乃溥儒為夫人李墨雲繪製的生日 祝壽禮物。畫中繪有台灣特有的節慶吉祥花卉“狀 元紅”,置於工筆繪製的壽星胭脂紅瓶中,可謂經 心之作。


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Scholar under a Banana Tree

Hanging scroll, ink on paper

132.5 x 67 cm. (52 ⅛ x 26 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dated summer, jihai year (1959)

Dedicated to Songming



PU RU (1896-1963)

Journey in the Mountains

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk

62.5 x 27.6 cm. (24 ⅝ x 10 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist



張大千 高士圖 水墨紙本 立軸 一九五九年作




溥儒 遊南亭 設色絹本 立軸

題識:密林含餘青,遠峰隱半規。謝康樂。心畬。 鈐印:舊王孫、溥儒、松巢客

K.C. Wu (1903-1984), a prominent politician, reformer and historian, left an indelible mark on modern Chinese history. Born in Hubei, he was educated at Grinnell College and Princeton University, where he earned his doctorate in political science in 1926. His career in public service began in Hankou. He later served as the wartime Mayor of Chongqing and became Mayor of Shanghai in 1946. In 1949, he was appointed the Governor of Taiwan. An outspoken advocate for liberal reforms, he was one of the key architects of postwar Taiwan society. His wife Edith Huang Wu (1912-2002) was an accomplished artist. She studied under Zheng Manqing and Pu Ru, whose teachings greatly influenced her work. The present collection has been cherished by the family until today.

吳國楨( 19 03 -19 8 4 ) , 湖 北人, 近代 中 國 重 要歷史政治 人物 、改 革家 、歷史學 家。 早 年 留學 美 國 格 林內爾學 院,1926年獲普 林 斯 頓大 學政治學博 士 學 位。回 國 後從 政 , 歷 任漢口市市長 、 重慶市市長 、 上海市市長等

要 職。1949年,他 出 任 台 灣省 政 府主席,並 致 力進行地方建設 、 推動 改 革,為戰後 台 灣 發展奠定堅實基 礎 , 曾 登上《時 代 》雜誌封 面。 吳 夫人黃卓羣 ( 1912-2 00 2 )出身 於書 香 門 第,尤其善畫, 曾 師從鄭曼青 、 溥儒。

吳 氏夫婦收藏之書畫作 品 多直接 得 自藝 術 家,由後人 珍 藏 傳承 至 今 。


PU RU (1896-1963)

Horse and Groom

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on silk

30 x 17.5 cm. (11 ¾ x 6 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist



溥儒 胡人馴馬圖 設色絹本 鏡框

題識:邊風吹雪渡桑乾,昨夜單于射獵還。 奮鬣長鳴思戰鬥,胡兒騎過萬重山。 心畬。



HUANG JUNBI (1898-1991)

Landscapes in Four Seasons

A set of four hanging scrolls, ink and colour on paper

Each scroll measures 113.8 x 25.7 cm. (44 ¾ x 10 ⅛ in.)

Each scroll inscribed and signed, with a total of eight seals of the artist

Dated winter, wuzi year (1948)



黃君璧 四季山水 設色紙本 立軸四幅 九四八年作


1. 白雲還憶去年春,冷雨楊花踏作塵,十 二橋頭絃管散,可憐猶有蕩舟人。戊子 (1948年)冬寫甌香館句,君璧於台灣。

2. 兩岸猿聲啼不住,輕舟已過萬重山。戊子 (1948年)冬月寫於台灣,黃君璧。

3. 山色入空濛,江聲貫蒼翠,悠然遊雲來, 與我若相待。戊子(1948年)冬寫於台 灣,黃君璧。

4. 戊子(1948年)冬寫於台灣,黃君璧。


K.C. Wu Meeting U.S. Navy Admiral, with current lot hanging on the wall in background



CHIANG KAI-SHEK (1887-1975)

Letter from Chiang Kai-Shek to K. C. Wu

Letter with eleven leaves, ink on paper

Each leaf measures 30 x 20.5 cm. (11 ¾ x 8 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed by Chiang Kai-Shek

The lot is also accompanied by a letter with three leaves from K. C. Wu


Please refer to christies.com for full English text.



蔣介石 蔣介石致吳國楨信函 水墨紙本 信紙十一開 題識:國楨同志弟勛業。昨晨此設台行人事 尚未與俞總裁提及,以此事關乎院部 職權,如中提出,未免越權干涉。 (後文不錄。)如得暇,下午能來庽 一談也。弟函原件交還,請檢收是 前。順頌政祺,中正手草,二月十五 日。


註:本信函內容提及1950年代初期,時任台 灣省政府主席吳國楨及由陳誠(1898-1965) 主持的行政院之間在經濟金融政策和省政府 人事案上的紛爭,吳國楨向蔣介石報告說明 後,獲得蔣介石的訓勉及處理方針之建議。 此拍品附有吳國楨信函三開,將有助於進一 步認識與理解1950年代初期台灣經濟發展的 歷史脈絡以及主要人物之間的關係。

Property of an American Private Collection 美國私人珍藏


WANG JINGWEI (1883-1944)

Five-character Self-composed Poem in Running Script

Hanging scroll, ink on paper

122.8 x 40.2 cm. (48 ⅜ x 15 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dated tenth month, nineteenth year (of the Republic, 1930)

Dedicated to Shaoyu

HK$60,000-80,000 US$7,800-10,000 汪精衛 行書自作詩 水墨紙本 立軸 一九三〇年作

釋文:明明天邊月,蕩蕩海上波。 白雲與之潔,清風與之和。 有如赤子心,萬事相涅磨。 憂患雖已深,坦白仍靡它。 君看寒光徹,碧海成銀河。 一葦縱所如,萬里無坎軻。

題識:十九年(1930年)十月錄海上舊作以 應紹虞同志之屬,汪兆銘。


註:上款人為郭紹虞(1893-1984),江蘇 人,語言文學家、教育家,曾任燕京大學、 復旦大學教授。


SUN WEN (1866-1925)

Calligraphy in Standard Script

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on silk

27.5 x 79.5 cm. (10 ⅞ x 31 ¼ in.)

Signed, with one seal of the artist


Previously in the collection of Moriyama family in Kesennuma, Japan.


Sanriku Shimpo #6808, 3 August 1968, p.1.


According to the report in Sanriku Shimpo, the Moriyama family is a rice merchant in Kesennuma City. After the failure of the Second Revolution, Sun Wen was forced to flee to Japan, and received assistance from the Moriyama family. Wong Tong (1884-1957), an important subordinate of Sun Wen in Japan, had a close relationship with one of the members of the Moriyama family, and were referred to as brothers in their correspondences.







註:據《三陸新報》的報導記載,森山家族為氣仙沼市米穀商。孫文 在二次革命失敗後逃亡日本,得到森山家族其中一位長輩已代吉先生 的援助。孫文在日本期間的重要下屬王統(1884—1957)與已代吉先 生關係密切,書信中都以兄弟相稱。


KANG YOUWEI (1858-1927)

Seven-character Self-composed Poem in Running Script Hanging scroll, ink on paper 80 x 42.2 cm. (31 ½ x 16 ⅝ in.)

Signed, with one seal of the artist



康有為 行書自作詩 水墨紙本 立軸 釋文:溪橋歕雪薄寒添,樹色葱蘢照畫簾。 清淨身中廣長舌,又聞說法現華嚴。


鈐印:康有為印 687



LIANG QICHAO (1873-1929)

Calligraphy in Regular Script

Hanging scroll, ink on gold-flecked red paper

68 x 30.2 cm. (26 ¾ x 11 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

Dated sixteenth day, seventh month, jiazi year (1924)

Further inscribed and signed on the mounting by Yang Shanshen (1913-2004), with one seal

Dated autumn, nineth month, jiaxu year (1994)

Titleslip by Yang Shanshen, with one seal

Dated jiaxu year (1994)





水墨灑金紅箋 立軸 一九二四年作




楊善深(1913-2004)題裱邊:任公先生書法精品,甲戌(1994年)秋 九月,善深觀後拜題於春風草堂。





KANG YOUWEI (1858-1927) / XU SHUZHENG (1880-1925)


Horizontal scroll / hanging scroll, ink on paper

1. Kang Youwei:

19 x 120.2 cm. (7 ½ x 47 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed by Kang Youwei, with two seals

Dated first month, bingyin year (1926)

2. Xu Shuzheng

163.5 x 41 cm. (64 ⅜ x 16 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed by Xu Shuzheng, with two seals



康有為/徐樹錚 書法 水墨紙本 橫批/立軸

1. 康有為《書法》釋文: 徐又錚專使像讚。

其雄略足以橫一世,其霸氣足以隘九 州,其才兼乎文武,其識通乎新舊,既 修內而拓外,翳杜斷而房謀,又敭歷 乎域外,增學識于四洲,其飛動高歌擅 崐曲,其嫵媚清䛐追柳周,雖一蹶而不 振,實百折而彌遒,嘗言:非君主不能 安中國兮,吾愿從先生之郵,惟吾受恩 不能背所事兮,容有俟于春秋,惜所忠 事之非人兮,坐視慘戮不報仇,橫觀中 國之艱危兮,長為才難之歎憂,得一士 若得敵國兮,寶愛過於琳璆,大盜竟殺 吾猛士兮,人亡邦瘁令吾愁,假生百年 之前兮,為人龍而寡儔,哀世亂而內爭 兮,永碎明月于九幽。

題識:丙寅(1926年)正月康有為撰并 書。

鈐印:康有為印、維新百日出亡十六年 三周大地遊遍四洲經三十一國行 六十萬里

2. 徐樹錚《書法》

釋文:一睡清風直萬錢,無人肯買北窗 眠。開心煖胃門東飲,知是東坡 手自煎。




RAO ZONGYI (1917-2018)


Handscroll, ink on paper

Painting measures 18 x 133.4 cm. (7 ⅛ x 52 ½ in.)

Colophon measures 18 x 81.5 cm. (7 ⅛ x 32 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dedicated to Yujian Colophon by the artist, with two seals

Dated summer, yichou year (1985)

PROVENANCE: You Yi Tang Collection.

HK$60,000-80,000 US$7,800-10,000

饒宗頤 湖山孤舟圖 水墨紙本 手卷



畫家題跋: 不澹無以見濃,不疎無以見密,惟奇情橫溢 者,始能驚破鴻濛耳,所謂 味筆墨禪時,拈 放活心,隨處可以印證畫理之不可思議,如是 書之,以博知者一笑。乙丑(1985年)夏仲寫 於疾風週雨中。選堂並識。

鈐印:饒宗頤、選堂 來源:游藝堂珍藏。



RAO ZONGYI (1917-2018)

Five-character Calligraphic Couplet in Seal Script

A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on paper

Each scroll measures 228.8 x 51 cm. (90 ⅛ x 20 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dated yihai year (1995)


You Yi Tang Collection.



饒宗頤 篆書五言聯 水墨紙本 立軸兩幅 一九九五年作

釋文:門外滄浪水,胸中懵懂山。 題識:歲在乙亥(1995年)選堂以茆龍管作。

鈐印:饒宗頤、固盦 來源:游藝堂珍藏。 2


CHEN YINKE (1890-1969)

Five-character Poem by Su Shi in Regular Script

Hanging scroll, ink on paper

122.3 x 40.2 cm. (48 ⅛ x 15 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dated fourth month, dinghai year (1947)

Dedicated to Commander Nozoe



陳寅恪 楷書 蘇軾《春帖子詞.皇太妃閣》 水墨紙本 立軸 一九四七年作



題識:野副司令官閣下雅囑。丁亥(1947年)四月,寅恪。 鈐印:陳寅恪印


WU CHANGSHUO (1844-1927)

Bamboo and Rock

Hanging scroll, ink on paper 138 x 48.5 cm. (54 ⅜ x 19 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Further inscribed and signed by the artist, with two seals

Dated spring, xinyou year (1921)

Dedicated to Guanqing


US$26,000-39,000 吳昌碩 竹石圖 水墨紙本 立軸 一九二一年作







WU CHANGSHUO (1844-1927)

Ink Lotus

Hanging scroll, ink on paper

78 x 38.5 cm. (30 ¾ x 15 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist



吳昌碩 墨荷 水墨紙本 立軸




WU CHANGSHUO (1844-1927)

Wisteria and Rocks

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

285.3 x 129.5 cm. (112 ⅜ x 51 in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Dated spring, third month, gengshen year (1920)

Two collectors’ seals

Further inscribed and signed on the mounting by Namerikawa Tachi (1868-1936)


Please refer to Chinese text.


Residing in Shanghai, Namerikawa Tachi maintained close relationships with notable figures such as Yang Xian, Wu Changshuo, and Lu Hui. Many of his seals were carved by Wu Changshuo and his disciple Xu Xinzhou, attesting to their deep connection. Tachi was skilled in calligraphy, painting, and seal carving, and was widely recognized for his erudition and literary talent. His abilities in collecting and appraising art were highly regarded.

HK$400,000-600,000 US$52,000-78,000

吳昌碩 紫氣東來 設色紙本 立軸 一九二〇年作


庚申(1920年)孟春三月,安吉吳昌碩年七十七。 鈐印:俊卿之印、倉碩、破荷亭 鑑藏印:小坂順造賞鑒、禾魚草堂藏 滑川達(1868-1936)題裱邊:

此缶翁所繪紫藤巨作,其原為小坂順造君所藏,吾與其 多次洽商,終達成以明人沈周繪山水圖卷易,實屬來之 不易,望子孫永寶之。滑川達題於青山南麓禾魚草堂。

出版:《近現代名家花鳥作品精選》,天津楊柳青畫社, 2016年4月,第8頁。

註:滑川達,別號禾魚草堂、多聞室,為僑寓上海之日 本人,與楊峴、吳昌碩、陸恢等名士交往甚密,其多枚 印,都由吳昌碩和其徒弟徐新周所刻,可見關係密切。

滑川氏工書畫,精篆刻,博學能文,其收藏鑒賞之才能 頗具盛名。


TANG YUN (1910-1993)

Strolling Among Pine Trees

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 130 x 69 cm. (51 ⅛ x 27 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dated winter, dinghai year (1947) Dedicated to Erkang

Further inscribed and signed by Tang Yilan (b.1942) on the mounting, with two seals Dated autumn, jiashen year (2004)

PROVENANCE: M K Lau Collection.


Please refer to Chinese text.



唐雲 松蔭扶仗圖 設色紙本 立軸 一九四七年作

題識:松老陰濃白日昏,鶴雛啄破舊苔痕。 紅塵不到雲深處,萬壑千峰獨閉門。 談禪獨向梵王家,來往山中每日斜。 一逕雲深春澗急,有人扶仗看松花。 丁亥(1947年)冬,為爾康先生雅 教,杭人唐雲。

鈐印:唐雲私印、唐花盦、耳視 唐逸覽(1942年生)裱边題跋: 先父唐雲先生四十年年代山水真跡。筆墨清 秀灑脫,承清湘老人筆意,獨創自家面目, 是 幅不可多得的早年山水精品也。甲申 (2004年)秋,逸覽題於勝緣齋。

鈐印:唐 、逸覽 來源:梅潔樓珍藏。

出版:《20世紀山水畫集》,上海書畫出版 社,2006 年6月,第185頁。

《大樸不雕-中國山水畫通鑒33》, 上海書畫出版社,2006年6月, 第40頁。


LIU HAISU (1896-1994)

Mount Huang

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

136.3 x 68.4 cm. (53 ⅝ x 26 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with seven seals of the artist

Dated autumn, renxu year (1982)

PROVENANCE: M K Lau Collection.


Hong Kong Museum of Art, The Grandeur of Chinese Art Treasures: Min Chiu Society Golden Jubilee Exhibition, 25 September 20102 January 2011.


The Grandeur of Chinese Art Treasures: Min Chiu Society Golden Jubilee Exhibition, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, September 2010, p.188.




黃山絕景 設色紙本 鏡框 一九八二年作





壬戌(1982年)新秋九上黃山寫,劉海粟 年方八七。

鈐印:海粟歡喜、武進劉氏、海粟之印、 存天閣主、心迹雙清、曾經滄海、 九上黃山絕頂人 來源:梅潔樓珍藏。

展覽:香港藝術館,“博古存珍:敏求精舍金 禧紀念展”,2010年9月25日-2011年1月 2日。

出版:《博古存珍:敏求精舍金禧紀念展》,康 樂及文化事務署,2010年9月,第188頁。


ZHU QIZHAN (1892-1996)


Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 68 x 68 cm. (26 ¾ x 26 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dated summer, xinwei year (1991)


Collection of Paintings by Famous Modern Chinese Artists, Jinxiu Culture Enterprise, March 1994, pl.52. Collection of Paintings by Famous Modern Chinese Artists, People’s Fine Art Publishing House, June 1996 (1st ed.); September 2000 (2nd ed.), p.63.

Zhu Qizhan, Chinese People’s University Publishing House, December 2003, p.86.

Paintings Collection of Zhu Qizhan Vol. II, People’s Fine Art Publishing House, June 2005, Table of Contents; p.253.

HK$80,000-150,000 US$11,000-19,000

朱屺瞻 牡丹 設色紙本 立軸 一九九一年作



鈐印:朱屺瞻、屺瞻期頤後作、太倉一粟 出版:《中國近現代名家畫集—朱屺瞻》,錦繡文化 企業,1994年3月,圖版52。

《中國近現代名家畫集—朱屺瞻》,人民美術 出版社,1996年6月(第1版);2000年9月 (第2版),第63頁。

《朱屺瞻》,中國人民大學出版社,2003年 12月,第86頁。

《朱屺瞻畫集》下卷,人民美術出版社,2005年 6月,目錄頁;第253頁。


LIU HAISU (1896-1994)

Misty Mount Huang

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 68.6 x 136.3 cm. (27 x 53 ⅝ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dated summer, gengshen year (1980)



劉海粟 黃山雲壑 設色紙本 鏡框 一九八〇年作 題識:不見文殊獅背坐,獅壓蒼松碧空林。


庚申(1980年)大暑七上黃山桃溪別墅潑彩寫北海 白雲。




LIU HAISU (1896-1994)

Red Plum Blossom

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 178 x 79 cm. (70 ⅛ x 31 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with four seals of the artist

Three collector’s seals


The collector’s seals belong to Man Chung Yin (b. 1948), a famous Chinese medicine doctor and an art collector in Hong Kong.

HK$200,000-300,000 US$26,000-39,000

劉海粟 鐵骨紅梅 設色紙本 立軸











鈐印:劉海粟、曾經滄海、心跡雙清、藝海堂 鑑藏印:文氏鍾然藏畫記、鍾然珍藏、文鍾然鑑藏書畫印 註:藏印屬文鍾然(1948年生),香港著名中醫師及著名 收藏家。浙江杭州人。曾師從余任天學習書畫鑒賞。現 為香港中醫師公會永遠名譽會長、中國中醫針灸學術研究 會、中國黃賓虹學術研究會、中國徽學研究會、中國錢幣 研究會會員。


DENG FEN (1894-1964)

Night at Typhoon Shelter

Fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 18 x 50.8 cm. (7 ⅛ x 20 in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

Dated summer, guimao year (1963) Dedicated to Zhancheng


Christie’s Hong Kong, Fine Modern Chinese Paintings, 25 April 2004, Lot 58. M K Lau Collection.


Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Joys of the Southern Brush -

Paintings and Calligraphy from the M K Lau Collection, 3-8 October, 2022.


Exhibition catalogue, Joys of the Southern Brush – Paintings and Calligraphy from the M K Lau Collection, M K Lau Collection, Hong Kong, 2022, pp. 94-95.

Joys of the Southern Brush - Paintings and Calligraphy from the M K Lau Collection, M K Lau Collection, Hong Kong, 2022, pp. 246-247.



鄧芬 避風塘小景 設色紙本 扇面鏡框 一九六三年作


癸卯(1963年)夏夜,銅鑼灣燈下, 展程老兄一笑,曇殊芬。

鈐印:鄧芬 來源:香港佳士得,中國近現代畫,2004年 4月25日,編號58。


展覽:香港會展中心,“粵色畫意—梅潔 樓藏書畫展覽”,2022年10月3日至 8日。

出版:《粵色畫意—梅潔樓藏書畫》展覽刊 物,梅潔樓,香港,2022年,第94-95 頁。

《粵色畫意—梅潔樓藏書畫集》,梅 潔樓,香港,2022年,第246-247頁。


PU RU (1896-1963)

Tropical Fish

Fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

18.5 x 52 cm. (7 ¼ x 20 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with five seals of the artist



溥儒 神仙魚 設色紙本 扇面鏡框






ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Lotus / Calligraphy in Running Script

Round fan, ink on silk

24.5 cm. (9 ⅝ in.) in diameter

Lotus inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

Calligraphy in Running Script inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Both dedicated to the wife of Tang Cheng




墨荷/行書書法 水墨絹本 團扇 《墨荷》


鈐印:張爰 《行書書法》




註:唐誠先生為台灣汽車產業巨擎汎德永業集團創辦人。唐氏於1954 年創辦汎德永業集團,於1973年與同業創組汽車代理商公會,並被推 選為首屆理事長,為推動產業發展貢獻巨大。

Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy from the Kwok Family Collection

Kwok Zhongyi (1900-1994), also known as Xiaoqing, Zhongyi, with studio name Qin Yan Zhai (Studio of Qin and Inkstone), was a distinguished art connoisseur from Shanghai during the Republican period. He was closely associated with esteemed artists such as Wu Hufan, Xie Zhiliu, Zhang Daqian, Pu Ru, and Peking Opera performer Mei Lanfang, which helped enrich his artistic pursuits and inspiration. Kwok’s diverse interests extended beyond art, encompassing music, chess, calligraphy and painting. As a result, his home exuded an atmosphere of vibrant artistic expression.

Following in his father’s footsteps, Kwok Chun-Po (1938-2022) inherited and continued the artistic traditions and knowledge of Qin Yan Zhai. He graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and became a celebrated tenor. After relocating to Hong Kong, he actively immersed himself in the world of collecting antiques and paintings. The Kwok family’s relationship with Wu Hufan grew stronger, with Wu cherishing Kwok Chun-po as his godson. The Qin Yan Zhai collection includes exceptional Wu Hufan artworks, along with many classical paintings and seals bearing his colophons. A calligraphy by He Shaoji from the collection will be offered in the Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy sale (Lot 190).

(Lots 704-705)

郭仲易(1900-1994),籍貫江蘇上海,字效 青 、仲 逸, 民 國時期著 名 鑒藏家,號 “ 琴硯 齋 ”,精 書 畫 、印 石鑒賞,與吳湖帆 、 謝稚 柳等滬 上名 家往 還 密切,亦與 民 國畫壇 名 家 張大 千、 溥儒,京劇 名 家梅蘭 芳 友好。 郭 氏 興趣 廣 泛,琴棋 書 畫, 無 不雅愛,家 中 藝術 氛圍濃厚。其子郭春浦先生(1938-2022), 幼承庭 訓 ,紹繼 “ 琴硯 齋 ”家學,於藝文及 收藏 用力尤 多。 郭 氏早年畢業於 上海 音樂學 院,乃享 有 時 譽 之男 高 音 歌 唱家, 後 輾轉赴 港,活躍於 書 畫古玩收藏界。 郭 氏一家 尤其 與吳湖帆關係親密, 郭春 浦先生 深 得吳湖帆 喜愛,收 為 義子。琴硯 齋所 蓄吳氏作品乃至 精之作,古 書 畫 、印 石收藏也多 有 吳湖帆鑒 賞題 跋 。琴硯 齋 藏 何 紹基 書 法亦將於 中 國古 代書畫拍賣中呈現(編號190)。


YU FEI’AN (1888-1959), HUANG BINHONG (1865-1955), CHEN BANDING (1876-1970) AND OTHERS

Various Subjects

Folding fan, ink and colour on paper / ink on paper 24.5 x 67 cm. (9 ⅝ x 26 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed by the artists, with a total of seventeen seals

Dated 1944-1945

All leaves dedicated to Xiaobo


This folding fan consists of six painting and five calligraphy segments created by different artists. It is larger than the standard folding fan and its fan rib is crafted from exquisite spotted bamboo. With the exception of Huang Binhong, all the artists showcased on the fan were esteemed personalities from Beijing during the 1940s. Each segment was dedicated to Xiaobo, suggesting that he might have been a notable figure in Beijing, given the artists’ renown who contributed to the fan.



于非闇、黃賓虹、陳半丁等 格錦扇 設色紙本/水墨紙本 成扇 一九四四至四五年作

1. 吳幻蓀(1905-1975)





2. 于非闇




3 葉昀(1901-1983)



4 陳半丁



5. 黃孝紓(1900-1964)



6. 黃賓虹




7. 釋文:正其誼不謀其利,明其道不計其功。




8. 張海若(1877-1943)





9 吳雷川(1870-1944)





10 高毓浵(1877-1956)





11. 陳集(二十世紀)

釋文:公讌鄴臺漳水秋,清華體氣壓應劉。 五官能以詩鳴世,何必生兒似仲謀。


鈐印:陳顯集印 註:此格錦扇尺寸巨大,以湘妃竹製骨,裝池精良,配以錦飾方盒, 可謂精美。除黃賓虹或為特別邀請外,作者均上世紀四十年代北京名 家。諸家創作均上款“筱波”,署辭恭敬,雖其身份待考,可見“筱 波”應是北京相當有影響力之人物。

Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy from the Kwok Family Collection


WU HUFAN (1894-1968)/ YE GONGCHUO (1881-1968)

Flowers and Rock/ Calligraphy

Two fan leaves, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper / ink on gold paper

Flowers and Rock measures 19.5 x 53.5 cm. (7 ⅝ x 21 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed by Wu Hufan, with one seal

Dated summer, gengyin year (1950) Calligraphy measures 17.5 x 51.5 cm. (6 ⅞ x 20 ¼ in.)

Inscribed and signed by Ye Gongchuo, with one seal

Both leaves dedicated to Zhongyi (Kwok Zhongyi)


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.




花石圖/書法 設色紙本/水墨金箋 扇面鏡框兩幅 一九五〇年作


題識:庚寅(1950年)立夏為仲易 兄畫扇卻暑,以消炎威,以 入清涼境界,快哉,快哉! 吳湖帆。



釋文:若夫城南杜曲,郭內張田,坊 名履道,地類平泉,上宰欽賢 之館,相公獨樂之園,開丙 舍於廣陸,尋午橋之通川, 綠野匪伊闕之舊,藍田出輞 水之間。


鈐印:遐盦 來源:直接得自藝術家,並由家族 傳承。



QI BAISHI (1863-1957)


Fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

20.5 x 54.5 cm. (8 ⅛ x 21 ½ in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist



齊白石 天壽圖 設色紙本 扇面鏡框




QI BAISHI (1863-1957)

Flowers and Insects

Two fan leaves, mounted and framed as one, ink and colour on paper

Each leaf measures approximately

18.5 x 52 cm. (7 ¼ x 20 ½ in.)

Each leaf inscribed and signed, with a total of two seals of the artist

One scroll dated guiwei year (1943), dedicated to Zhong’an

PROVENANCE: Collection of Duosheng Zhai.

HK$400,000-600,000 US$52,000-78,000

齊白石 花卉工蟲 設色紙本 鏡框雙挖 一九四三年作

1. 款識:白石山人畫。


2. 題識:仲安先生清屬。癸未(1943年)白石老人。



The Foh Collection, assembled by Singapore-based collectors Mr Foh Kim Hong and his wife, Ms Chan Siew Fong, celebrates five decades of life and partnership. Mr Foh, a Malaysian-born cellist, settled in Singapore after graduating from Taiwan Normal University and became a member of the Singapore Symphony Orchestra. Ms Chan studied design in London and began collecting Chinese contemporary art in the late 1960s.

Their diverse collection showcases Chinese paintings from the late Qing Dynasty to the late 1990s, featuring traditional and modern works. In the early 1990s, the Fohs founded Yuen Gallery, which hosted exhibitions and advised collectors on Chinese art. Yuen Gallery organized many exhibitions featuring modern and contemporary ink artists such as Wu Guanzhong, Zhao Shao’ang, Hong Yi, Li Keran, Lu Yanshao, Wu Zuoren, Zhu Qizhan, and Wang Jiqian. Since Mr and Mrs Foh’s retirement in the last few years, their son, Foh Kai Lik, has taken an active role in managing and shaping the future of the collection. The Foh family will donate all sale proceeds to benefit the children with autism and special needs and the elderly living with cognitive decline.

傅氏家族中國書畫珍藏記錄了來自新加坡的收藏家傅金 洪 及陳秀 芳 伉 儷近半世紀的收藏和情誼。傅金 洪先 生出生於馬來西亞,在臺灣修 讀 音樂畢 業 後定 居 新加坡,於新加坡交響樂 團 擔任大提琴 手 。陳秀 芳 女士成長於新加坡,後前往倫敦著 名 中央聖馬丁藝術學院學習設計。 傅氏家族中國書畫珍藏向大 眾 展示了橫 跨 清末至當代各個時期的傑 作,上至傳統文人畫作,下至前衛、現代及抽象的 油 畫作品。九十 年 代初,他們 創 立了“緣畫廊”,舉辦了多場展 覽 ,展出了吳冠中、弘 一、李可染、 陸 儼少、吳作人、 朱 屺瞻、王己 千 等多位近現代及當代 水墨畫家的作品。自傅氏夫婦榮休後,兒子傅凱立傳承二人的衣 缽 , 繼續管理和拓展傅氏家族的藝術收藏。傅氏家族決定將其拍賣所 得 用 作慈善用 途 ,期望幫助患有自閉症、有特殊 需 要的兒童,以及有認知 能 力障礙的老 年 人。


LU YANSHAO (1909-1993)

Sailing / Plum Blossoms

Folding fan, ink and colour / ink on paper

18 x 65.6 cm. (7 ⅛ x 25 ⅞ in.)

Sailing inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

Dated third month, yisi year (1965)

One collector’s seal

Plum Blossoms inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

One collector’s seal

Both dedicated to Julai


Plum Blossoms: The Complete Works of Lu Yanshao, Vol.3, Zhejiang

People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, October 2008, p. 23.

The Foh Collection, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2023, p.148, pl.114.


The recipient of this work is Chen Julai (1904-1984), an important seal carver in Shanghai.



陸儼少 雲水泛舟/寒梅 設色/水墨紙本 成扇 一九六五年作


題識:於時乙巳(1965年)三月晴窓間適偶憶昔時峽江之行,冲冒險 水,性命俄頃。而方諸今日平灘設標,恬波安瀾未可並論,情 動乎中,慨然命筆。即似巨來兄正,陸儼少并記。









出版:《寒梅》:《陸儼少全集.三》,浙江人民美術出版社, 2008年10月,第23頁。

《傅氏家族珍藏中國書畫》,佳士得香港,2023年5月, 第148頁,圖版114。

註:上款人應為陳巨來 (1904-1984),號塙齋,別署安持,安持老人、 牟道人等,浙江平湖乍浦鎮人,寓居上海。20世紀著名篆刻家、書畫 家、詩人,其篆刻被譽為“三百年來第一人”。他曾任上海中國畫院畫 師、西泠印社社員、上海書法篆刻研究會會員。

The Foh Collection of Chinese Paintings


QI KUN (1901-1944) / ZHU BAOCI (1880-1950)

Landscapes / Calligraphy

Folding fan, ink and colour on paper / ink on gold-flecked colour paper

19 x 49 cm. (7 ½ x 19 ¼ in.)

Landscapes entitled, inscribed and signed by Qi Kun, with a total of three seals

Dedicated to Shaoting

Calligraphy inscribed and signed by Zhu Baoci, with a total of two seals

Dated autumn, xinwei year (1931)

Dedicated to Shaoting


The Foh Collection, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2023, p.153, pl.119.


Fan rib inscribed by Wang Zhu’an.



祁崑/朱葆慈 山水/書法 設色紙本/設色灑金色箋 成扇 一九三一年作


鈐印:祁崑 《書法》釋文:平沙落雁。(文不錄)。浪淘沙詞。(文不錄)。     鈐印:新甌

《江天暮雪》題識:江天暮雪。摹王安節筆意作於鷲峰別墅。紹廷道 兄方家正之,井西祁崑。

鈐印:祁崑之印、井西 《書法》釋文:江天暮雪。(文不錄)。浪淘沙詞。(文不錄)。


鈐印:朱德父 出版:《傅氏家族珍藏中國書畫》,佳士得香港,2023年5月,第153頁, 圖版119。


上款人“紹廷道兄”即章紹廷,民國時期銀行家章瑞庭次子,平 生好藏摺扇,藏扇不拘古今,且講究配上各式扇骨、扇匣,所藏 當代書畫扇逾千,明清人書畫扇過百,號“皕箑盦主人”。傅氏 收藏瑰集多把章紹廷皕箑盦舊藏成扇。



PU RU (1896-1963)

Boating in Autumn River / Calligraphy

Folding fan, ink and colour on paper / ink on gold-flecked paper 17.6 x 43.5 cm. (6 ⅞ x 17 ⅛ in.)

Boating in Autumn River inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

Dated summer, fifth month, jihai year (1959)

Dedicated to Maolan

Calligraphy signed, with one seal of the artist


The Foh Collection, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2023, p.151, pl.117.




溥儒 秋江放棹/書法 設色紙本/水墨灑金箋 成扇 一九五九年作




浩然懷吾廬,雲壑何時返。己亥(1959年)夏五月,懋嵐先生 屬,心畬。













款識:心畬 鈐印:溥儒

出版:《傅氏家族珍藏中國書畫》,佳士得香港,2023年5月,第151頁, 圖版117。

The Foh Collection of Chinese Paintings 傅氏家族珍藏中國書畫 (Lots 708-718)


ZHU MEICUN (1911-1993) / ZHAO SHURU (1874-1945)

Scholars by Riverside / Calligraphy

Folding fan, ink and colour on gold-flecked paper / ink on paper 18.3 x 46.5 cm. (7 ¼ x 18 ¼ in.)

Scholars by Riverside inscribed and signed by Zhu Meicun, with two seals

Datd spring, jiashen year (1944)

Calligraphy inscribed and signed by Zhao Shuru, with two seals

Dedicated to Yongqing


The Foh Collection, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2023, p.140, pl.104.



朱梅邨/趙叔孺 臨流獨坐/書法 設色灑金箋/水墨紙本 成扇 一九四四年作




鈐印:梅邨、花野漁父 《書法》釋文:獨尋招提遊,果得世外歡。昔賢所栖集,畫象塵屋端。

山僧啓鎖魚,不待啜茗乾。修廣各異製,精采俱生完。 堂堂大蘇公,英氣邈難干。


鈐印:趙叔孺、大雅 出版:《傅氏家族珍藏中國書畫》,佳士得香港,2023年5月, 第140頁,圖版104。


XIE ZHILIU (1910-1997)

Landscape / Calligraphy

Folding fan, ink and colour on gold paper / ink on paper

19.5 x 49.3 cm. (7 ⅝ x 19 ⅜ in.)

Landscape inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dedicated to Qiuwu

Calligraphy signed, with one seal of the artist


The Foh Collection, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2023, p.144, pl.110.


The dedication refers to Shi Qiuhuo (B. 1941). Shi and his wife, Zhang Huixing, are renowned painters and Chinese painting connoisseurs in Changzhou, Jiangsu province. They grew up in scholarly families and received a traditional education in China.



謝稚柳 松亭雲起/書法 設色金箋/設色紙本 成扇


鈐印:稚柳、壯暮 《書法》釋文:雜彩紛華落落勻,迷迷煙雨墨痕新。




出版:《傅氏家族珍藏中國書畫》,佳士得香港,2023年5月, 第144頁,圖版110。

註:上款人乃史秋鶩(1941年生)。“二閑堂”主人史秋鶩、張慧行 夫婦二人均為江蘇常州書畫名家,出身書香世家,自幼即浸淫傳統文 化,學養深厚,與蘇滬間前輩耆宿、藝壇同道多有論藝往還。

“此寫桂林象鼻山,以焦墨、宿墨寫出。 此時,賓虹目疾已深,全畫出自內心靜默 所得,尤是難得。”



HUANG BINHONG (1864-1955)


Hanging scroll, ink on paper 70.9 x 32.7 cm. (27 ⅞ x 12 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated xinmao year (1951)


Formerly in the collection of Singapore’s collector Tan Keng Cheow (1907-1972)


The Foh Collection, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2023, p.119, pl.86.


According to the Foh family, the present lot was acquired from Tan Keng Cheow’s daughter. Tan Keng Cheow (1907-1972), born in Guangdong, graduated in law from Shanghai Public Jit Nan University. Before moving to Singapore, he taught at various colleges and universities, including Kwang Chew University. There, he served as principal at Tuan Mong High School and taught at Chung Cheng High School. Son of the renowned calligrapher and painter Tan Teo Ngo, Tan excelled in calligraphy and painting from a young age. In Shanghai, he studied under painters like Huang Binhong and Ye Gongchuo. A respected educator, artist, and art collector, he held key positions in art institutions and was a prominent collector of Huang Binhong’s works. His extensive collection earned his home the monikers “Hundred Huang’s Building” and “The Studio of Three Hundred Paintings.”





山 水墨紙本 立軸 一九五一年作

題識:臨桂巖岫雄奇,以禿豪宿墨寫之,舊楮饒有古 趣。辛卯(1951年)八十八叟,賓矼。



出版:《傅氏家族珍藏中國書畫》,佳士得香港, 2023年5月,第119頁,圖版86。

註:據傅氏手記,本作得自陳景昭女兒。 陳景昭(1907-1972),新加坡著名藏家,原籍廣東 省潮安縣,早年畢業於上海國立暨南大學,獲法學士 學位,歷任多間大學講師。後南來新加坡,繼續服務 教育事業,出任端蒙中學校長十餘年,及中正中學總 校教席。陳氏家學淵源,於書畫夙具心得,旅學滬上 時,課餘從名家黃賓虹、葉恭綽,深得指授。陳先生 的寓所稱“百虹樓”,乃因收藏其師黃賓虹達百幅以 上,又稱“三百畫齋”。


XIE ZHILIU (1910-1997)

Autumn River

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 39.2 x 27.4 cm. (15 ⅜ x 10 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed by the artist, with two seals

One collector’s seal of Y. C. Gallery


Y. C. Gallery Collection Vol. 1, Y.C. Gallery, Taipei and Singapore, August 1989, p.15.

The Foh Collection, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2023, p.100, pl.72.

HK$500,000-700,000 US$65,000-91,000

謝稚柳 雲峰秋濤圖 設色紙本 鏡框

題識:此十五年前所作,乙丑(1985)春日,壯暮翁 稚柳時年七十有六。

鈐印:壯暮、稚柳 鑑藏印:賜荃堂

出版:《賜荃堂藏書畫》第一集,賜荃堂,台北及新 加坡,1989年8月,第15頁。 《傅氏家族珍藏中國書畫》,佳士得香 港,2023年5月,第100頁,圖版72。


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)


Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper 135.7 x 69.5 cm. (53 ⅜ x 27 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated twelfth month, gengxu year (1970)


Hong Kong City Hall, Chang Dai-chien: Exhibition of Chinese Paintings, 14-26 April, 1971.


Chang Dai-chien: Exhibition of Chinese Paintings Exhibition Catalogue, Hong Kong City Hall, April 1971, pl.13.

Paintings and Calligraphy by Chang Dai-Chien II, Yayun Tang, Taipei, 1972, pl. 20. The Foh Collection, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2023, pp.104-105, pl.76.



張大千 墨荷 水墨紙本 鏡框 一九七〇年作








The Foh Collection of Chinese Paintings


WU GUANZHONG (1919-2010)

The Canglong Ridge of the Hua Mountains

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper 39.5 x 28.3 cm. (15 ½ x 11 ⅛ in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed by the artist

Dated 1982


Sketches by Wu Guanzhong, L’Atelier Productions Pet. Ltd., Singapore, May 1993, p.67.

Dang Dai Su Xie Jing Cui, Rong Bao Zhai Publishing House, Beijing, 1997, p.30.

Wu Guanzhong Shan Shui Ji Hen, Guangxi Fine Arts Publishing House, January 2003, p.62.

Wu Guanzhong-Recent Works, Yan Gallery, Hong Kong, December 2003, pl. 19, pp.54-55.

The Complete Works of Wu Guanzhong Vol. I, Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House, August 2007, p. 197.

The Foh Collection, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2023, p.30, pl.17.



吳冠中 華山蒼龍嶺 碳素墨水、鋼筆紙本 鏡框 一九八二年作 題識:西嶽華山。一九八二年,荼。



《吳冠中美文美畫系列.山水屐痕》,廣西美術出版社,2003 年1月,第62頁。

《吳冠中近作集》,壹畫廊,香港,2003年12月,圖版19, 第54-55頁。


《傅氏家族珍藏中國書畫》,佳士得香港,2023年5月,第30 頁,圖版17。


WU GUANZHONG (1919-2010)

Huangshan - Fairy Points the Way Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 71.1 x 47.2 cm. (28 x 18 ⅝ in.)

Signed, with two seals of the artist


Wu Guanzhong-Connoisseurs’ Choice, People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 2003, pl. 31, p.63.

The Foh Collection, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2023, p.31, pl.18.



吳冠中 黃山仙人指路 設色紙本 鏡框 鈐印:八十年代、冠中寫生 出版:《吳冠中作品收藏集》,人民美術出版社,2003年,圖版31, 第63頁。

《傅氏家族珍藏中國書畫》,佳士得香港,2023年5月,第31 頁,圖版18。

Lin Fengmian loved flowers. He painted them often and he especially adored chrysanthemums. For Lin, flowers accompanied him through the highs and lows of his life. In Chinese culture, chrysanthemums often symbolize an upright character, and the artist likely wanted to express his pursuit and aspiration for this noble trait through his paintings of chrysanthemums. The present painting depicts a pot full of vibrant, multicolour chrysanthemums in full bloom. The elegant and harmonious tones of the flowers are enhanced by the contrast of the white flowerpot. The colours under Lin’s skilful brushwork are rich and luminous but reserved, just like the moral character chrysanthemum represents. Lin focused on enriching a composition on the two-dimensional plane, using the translucency of ink and colour pigments to represent spatial dimension coupled with a dark background. The calmness exuded by the painting aptly echoes the artist’s personality. This work originally belonged to Zheng Yingquan, the owner of the renowned Y. C. Gallery collection in Singapore and was published in Y.C. Gallery Collection Vol. 2 in 1990. It was later acquired by the Foh family.

林風眠愛花,他不僅頻頻畫花,還熱愛養花,花卉陪伴他走過人生的起伏跌宕。林風眠筆下的花卉多 種多樣,但是最常見的還是菊花,菊花在中國文化中常代表品行高潔,這或許也是畫家想 要表現和追 求的特質。此幅《百菊圖》寫花盆中綻放之各色雛菊,百菊簇擁在白色花盆中, 色彩千變萬化,十分 熱鬧。菊花花朵幼小,顏色變幻,但是畫家用色謹慎含蓄,萬花簇擁下無一點妖 嬈艷麗之感。在表現 花朵時,林風眠不追求過多層次變化,而是用墨彩虛實表現前後關係 ,再用深色塗抹背景,呈現出迷 人的深邃空間感。整幅作品傳達出深邃幽靜的特質,畫如其 人,名副其實。此作原屬著名新加坡藏家 賜荃堂主人鄭應荃,收錄於1990年出版之《賜荃 堂藏畫》,後由傅氏伉儷入藏。


LIN FENGMIAN (1900-1991)


Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

67 x 63 cm. (26 ⅜ x 24 ¾ in.)

Signed, with one seal of the artist


Y.C. Gallery Collection Vol. 2, Y.C.Gallery, Taipei and Singapore, 1990, pl.34. The Foh Collection, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2023, pp.18-19, pl.9.



林風眠 百菊圖 設色紙本 鏡框



出版:《賜荃堂藏畫集》第二集,賜荃堂,台北及新加坡,1990年,圖版34。 《傅氏家族珍藏中國書畫》,佳士得香港,2023年5月,第18-19頁,圖版9。


LIN FENGMIAN (1900-1991)

Lady Playing Qin

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 68 x 65.1 cm. (26 ¾ x 25 ⅝ in.)

Signed, with one seal of the artist


Christie’s Hong Kong, Fine Modern and Contemporary Chinese Paintings, 29 October 2001, Lot 160.



林風眠 撫琴仕女 設色紙本 鏡框 款識:林風眠。

鈐印:林風瞑印 來源:香港佳士得,近現代中國書畫,2001年10月29日,編號160。


LIN FENGMIAN (1900-1991)

Small Village in the Forest Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 67.7 x 68.6 cm. (26 ⅝ x 27 in.)

Signed, with one seal of the artist


Christie’s Hong Kong, Fine Modern and Contemporary Chinese Paintings, 27 October 2002, Lot 214.


Shanghai Museum of Art, The Approach of Lin Fengmian, November 1999.


The Collected Works of Lin Feng Mian Vol. 2, Tianjin Renmin Fine Arts Publishing House, October 1994, pp. 216-217.

The Approach of Lin Fengmian, National Academy of Fine Arts Publishing House, October 1999, p.256.

HK$1,500,000-2,500,000 US$200,000-320,000

林風眠 山村 設色紙本 鏡框 款識:林風眠。



展覽:上海美術館,“林風眠之路:林風眠百歲誕辰紀念展”, 1999年11月。



Property of an Important and Distinguished European Noble Family

Wu Guanzhong’s Sunrise over Guilin, along with a selection of modern and contemporary ink paintings by Chinese artists, is part of a collection that belongs to a European noble family. This family, with close ties to Austrian friends residing in Hong Kong during the latter half of the 20th century, found themselves deeply fascinated by Chinese culture and the very good quality of food, furniture, silk products, even everyday objects due to the influence of their friends. Driven by a passion for art, the family frequently explored museums, galleries, private collections, and art dealers. They also visited Hong Kong to explore the treasures of China firsthand. The present collection was assembled in Hong Kong from the 1980s to the early 2000s.

The family recalls the excitement of unpacking boxes of the purchased works of art as they arrived from Hong Kong. The Chinese paintings and objects were displayed beautifully on the premises of their baroque estate alongside European antiques but also works by internationally renowned contemporary artists. The collection has accompanied the family for decades and has been an integral part of their household in Europe, embodying an elegant fusion of artistic expressions and cultural influences. The current sale features lot 619 (Shi Hu), lot 618 (Fang Zhaoling), and lot 721 (Wu Guanzhong), with additional works set to be offered in our upcoming Chinese Paintings online auction on 12 December 2024.

本拍品吳冠中《桂林日出》,以及一組中國現當代水墨作品,乃出自歐洲貴族收 藏。此家族與20世紀 下 半葉寓 居香港的奧地利友人聯繫密 切 ,受其影 響 ,對中國文化、美食、傢俱、絲綢,甚至日用品深感著迷。 出於對藝 術的熱愛,此家族流連於博物館、畫廊、私人藏家和藝術品行家 之間。他們亦曾親赴香港搜集中國藝術品。此 收藏即於上世紀 8 0年代至21世紀初於香港瑰集而成。 家族成員仍記得,自香港購 買 的藝術品 抵達 家中, 拆 箱 查看時 的 興奮場 面。此一批中國繪畫和藝術品 展示 於家 族巴 羅克 風格的 莊園內 ,與歐洲古 董 以及國際 知 名當代藝術家的作品一起 呈 現。此收藏 陪 伴家族數十年, 已 然 深入家族文化,體現了東西方藝術和文化之 融 合。此收藏 包括 619號拍品 ( 石 虎 )、61 8 號拍品 ( 方 召麟 )和721 號拍品 ( 吳冠中),另 有更 多作品 將 在佳士得202 4 年12月12日的中國 書 畫網上拍 賣 中 呈 現。


WU GUANZHONG (1919-2010)

Sunrise over Guilin Oil on woodboard, framed

35.3 x 54.1 cm. (13 ⅞ x 21 ¼ in.)

Inscribed and signed by the artist Dated 1978


Christie’s Swire Hong Kong, Fine 19th and 20th Century Chinese Paintings (Part II), 19 March 1990, Lot 219. Acquired by the present owner in Hong Kong on 15 June 1990.


Modern and Contemporary Masters in China - Wu Guanzhong, People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, June 1996, p. 153.

The Complete Works of Wu Guanzhong Vol. III, Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House, Changsha, August 2007, pp.136-137.

Wu Guanzhong Volume 2, Jiang Xi Mei Shu Chu Ban She, Beijing, March 2008, p. 322.


吳冠中 桂林日出 油彩木板 鏡框


來源:香港太古佳士得,中國十九二十世紀繪畫 (II),1990年3月19日,編號 219。


出版:《中國近現代名家畫集:吳冠中》,人民美術出版社,北京,1996年 6月,第153頁。

《吳冠中全集III》,湖南美術出版社,長沙,2007年8月,第136-137頁。 《吳冠中畫集(下卷)》,江西美術出版社,北京,2008年3月,第 322頁。


WU GUANZHONG, Guilin, dated 1991, sold for HK$ 18,450,000 at Christie’s in November 2022. 吳冠中,《桂林》,1991年作,佳士得 2022年11月拍賣,成交價港幣18,450,000。

Wu Guanzhong first visited Guilin in 1972 when he went to see his mother-in-law in Guiyang with his wife. While passing through Guilin, he was captivated by its scenic beauty and decided to sketch for a few days at Yangshuo Mountain. Subsequently, he returned to Guilin twice more. The stunning landscapes of Guilin became Wu’s most iconic and significant subject matter. His works on this theme can be categorized into those painted in the 1970s and those in the 1990s.

The earlier works, including the present lot created in 1978, are characterized by a focus on sketching, featuring complex compositions and detailed depictions of the scenes. In Sunrise over Guilin, Wu Guanzhong seamlessly integrated towering peaks, lush lakes, and village life into a single composition. Capturing the landscape of mountains, lakes, and villages from an aerial viewpoint posed a significant challenge. Wu Guanzhong remarked, “The great mountains cradle the villages, concealing their vibrant hues within the deep valleys. The scenery is enchanting and picturesque. However, truly conveying this grandeur in a painting and guiding viewers to explore its mysteries necessitates capturing only a glimpse, as it is impossible to encapsulate the entire scene. My relentless pursuit is to encapsulate the entirety, observing and sketching from all angles—front, back, left, right, above, and below the mountains. I then dedicated two days to constructing the composition and painting. This was the mid-1970s.”

These sentiments likely reflect Wu’s mindset while painting Sunrise over Guilin. Contrasted with Wu’s 1991 creation of Guilin (Fig), the present lot represents a masterpiece from Wu’s formative years, signifying the commencement of his exploration of this subject matter.

吳冠中與桂林的不解之緣始於1972年。當時吳冠中與妻子前往貴陽探 望岳母,途經桂林便因其風光美景流連忘返,停留在陽朔山寫生數 日。之後數年又兩次回到桂林采風創作。冠絕天下的桂林山水由此成 為吳冠中的重要畫題。吳冠中畫桂林山水,七十年代成一組,九十年 代成一組。前者重寫生,畫面構建複雜,景物繪寫詳細,本幅正是 這 一時期中的佼佼者。

本作創作於1978年,吳冠中在畫幅之間舉重若輕地將峻峰、青江、民 居巧妙匯於一隅。以如此俯瞰的視角將江景、山景、 村景收於咫尺畫 面並非易事,吳冠中曾說:“大山懷抱人家村 落,藏鮮豔色塊於黑壓 壓的深谷中,景色宜人,風光入畫。但果真要在畫幅中表現此江山 勝 景,導遊人探幽,則僅寫生某一角落只窺其一斑,不見全豹。我一味 想捕獲全豹,便前、後、左、右、山上山下採各種視角形象 構建畫 面,兩日之工專心於構建、繪寫,那是七十年代中期。”(《畫 外 話 吳冠中卷》,人民文學出版社,北京,1999年,第31頁)。相信這 正是此幅《桂林日出》創作時的註解。相較於1991年創作的油畫《桂 林》(圖),此1978年版本乃吳冠中盛年時期寫生創作的結晶,標誌 著這一宏大題材的開端。


秀麗江山盡收眼底, 看山前,看山後, 層次分明,卻亦朦朧。”



GUAN LIANG (1900-1986)

Scenery at the Factory

Oil on paperboard, framed 28 x 35.5 cm. (11 x 14 in.)

Signed by the artist

PROVENANCE: M K Lau Collection.

Christie’s Hong Kong, 20th Century Chinese Art, 25 April 2004, Lot 713.



關良 工廠一隅 油彩紙板 鏡框





DING YANYONG (1902-1978)

Fish IV

Oil on canvas, mounted on woodboard, framed 29.7 x 39.8 cm. (11 ¾ x 15 ⅝ in.)

Inscribed and signed by the artist Dated 1941

PROVENANCE: You Yi Tang Collection.


Shanghai, The Sun Gallery Company, Modern Painting Exhibition, 16-22 June 1941.


The Young Companion (issue 167), Liangyou Book Company, Shanghai, 15 June 1941, p. 34.

Shun Pao, Shun Pao Press, Shanghai, 21 June 1941, P. 10.

Rita Wong ed., Ting Yin Yung: Catalogue Raisonné, Oil Paintings, Hatje Cantz Verlag / The Li Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Berlin/Taipei, September 2020, p. 438, pl. R.




丁衍庸 魚 IV 油彩布本 鏡框 一九四一年作

題識:Ding 41。


展覽:上海,大新畫所,“現代繪畫展覽”, 1941年6月16-22日。

出版:《良友》第167期,良友圖書印刷公 司,上海,1941年6月15日,第34頁。 《申報》,申報館,上海,1941年6月 21日,第10版。

衣淑凡編,《丁衍鏞:油畫全集》, Hatje Cantz出版社/立青文教基金會, 柏林/台北,2020年9月,第438頁, 圖版R。

As the Second Sino-Japanese War broke out, the Chinese government encouraged artists and art associations to participate in propaganda art and activities. Western oil painting, known for its emphasis on artistic originality, was gradually sidelined. Nevertheless, artists like Ding Yanyong and Guan Liang remained actively engaged in the movement. In June 1941, an exhibition named “Modern Painting Exhibition was organized in Shanghai,” featuring works by Ding Yanyong, Ni Yide, Guan Zilan, Guan Liang, and Zao Wou-ki. This event held significance for modern artists in the foreign concessioned areas of Shanghai, untouched by the Japanese army. Prominent periodicals of that era in Shanghai, such as Shun Pao and the Young Companion, covered the exhibition, underlining its enduring importance in 20th-century Chinese art history.

抗戰爆發之後,國家倡 導的 藝 術 宣傳活動和全國性 的 美 術 家組織 成為大勢所趨,強調藝 術 獨創性 的 西畫運動被 逐 步邊緣化, 但 丁 衍庸、關 良 等畫家在 此期 間仍然積 極 介入西畫運動。1941年6月 上 海舉 辦 “現代繪畫展覽會 ” ,丁衍庸、倪貽德、關紫蘭、關 良 、 趙無 極 等人作品參展,成為“孤島時 期” 現代藝 術 家 陣 營 的 重要 事件,本作 即是當 時參展作品,並為《 良友》 、《申報 》 等 主 流 報 紙用 於報 道此次 畫展,在美 術史上具有 重要 意義 。

Ye Qianyu, a distinguished 20th-century cartoonist, served as the editor of Jiumang Manhua (Rescue Cartoon) in Shanghai, as he boldly showcased anti-Japanese artworks on the streets of Nanjing. Following the fall of Shanghai, Ye sought refuge in Hong Kong alongside a group of artists, including Ding Chong, in 1939. However, the Japanese invasion of Hong Kong forced Ye and his wife to flee to Guilin. Safe in Guilin, Ye documented their arduous journey through 23 poignant scenes titled “Escape from Hong Kong” capturing moments like hunger, a month-long concealment in a village, departure from Kowloon, and the hopeful path to freedom in China. In January 1943, an art exhibition titled “Suffering of Hong Kong was hosted in Guilin, featuring over a hundred artworks such as oil paintings, wood carvings, watercolours, sketches, and cartoons created by artists who had firsthand experiences during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong. The present lot was probably part of this exhibition, stirring patriotic sentiments in wartime China.

葉淺予,二十世紀著名漫畫家,曾擔任《救亡漫畫》主編,他大膽在 南京街頭展示反日藝術作品。上海淪陷後,葉淺予於1939年與丁聰等 藝術家前往香港避難。然而,日軍入侵香港迫使葉淺予與妻子逃往桂 林。在桂林安全後,葉淺予記錄了他們艱難的旅程,創作了23幅名為 《逃出香港》的作品,記錄了忍饑挨餓、村莊躲避月餘、及後離開九 龍,最終返回中國等特別時刻。

1943年1月,桂林舉辦名為“香港的受難”藝術展,展出了上百幅由 親歷日軍佔領香港經歷的藝術家創作的油畫、木刻、水彩、素描和漫 畫等作品。本作或是此展覽作品,激起了戰時中國的愛國情緒。


YE QIANYU (1907-1995)

Escape from Hong Kong

A set of twenty-three leaves, each leaf mounted and framed, ink / ink and colour on paper

Each leaf measures 27.5 x 22 cm. (10 ⅞ x 8 ⅝ in.)

Each leaf inscribed, with a total of twenty three seals of the artist


Ye Qianyu, Artist Publishing, Hong Kong, 1992, pl. 32, p.70 (one scroll). Collection of Paintings by Ye Qianyu, Vol. 1, Beijing Arts and Crafts Press, Beijing, 2005, p.1.

Ye Qianyu, Autobiography of Ye Qianyu, Qunyan Press, Beijing, 1992, pp.140-141.




葉淺予 逃出香港 設色紙本 鏡框二十三幅 一九四二年作


1. 離家。

2. 沙田前線。

3. 避難山尾洪道英家一月,自十二月九日 至一月八日。

4. 一件襯衫,一條短褲,一本魯迅全集。

5. 山尾之獵。

6. 山尾村。

7. 亞美遭遇。

8. 石龕。

9. 出九龍。

10. “來!來!來!姑娘。”

11. 拉夫。

12. 臂章階級,狗,淺予。

13. 饑餓。

14. 碼頭。

15. 上海街。

16. 澳門日本特務機關人員。

17. 入中山。

18. 石岐。

19. 過石岐。

20. 敵運糧船。

21. 檢查。

22. 自由中國之路。

23. 民盛渡。

鈐印:葉淺予(二十三次) 出版:《葉淺予》,美術家出版社,香港, 1992年,圖版32,第70頁(一開)。 《葉淺予畫集(上卷)》,北京工藝 美術出版社,2005年,第1頁。

著錄:葉淺予著,《細敘滄桑記流年》,群 言出版社,1992年,第140-141頁。

The Chinese Painting Collection of

Harold Wong, Hong Kong, 1990s


A prominent figure in the Chinese art scene both in Hong Kong and internationally, Harold Wong (1943-2022) was a distinguished connoisseur, collector, advisor, gallerist, and artist. Raised in a cultured and educated family, he delved into classical Chinese art and literature from a young age. In 1957, he apprenticed under the esteemed painter Madam Koo Tsin-yaw. Wong’s father, Wong Pao-hsie (1907-1979), a Shanghai native and renowned collector who was a member of the prestigious Min Chiu Society, assembled the esteemed collection of classical artworks and calligraphy, Lok Tsai Hsien, with part of the collection published in Hong Kong as early as 1967.

Educated in both Hong Kong and the UK, Harold Wong devoted his life to the study, authentication, and sharing of his Chinese art knowledge to individuals passionate about the subject. He served as the Chairman of the Management Committee and Advisory Committee at the Art Museum of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and was an active member of the Min Chiu Society. In 1977, Wong co-founded Hanart Gallery in Hong Kong, which quickly became a hub for enthusiasts of Chinese painting. By 1990, he shifted his focus away from the gallery business to concentrate on his own artistic endeavors, collecting, and advisory pursuits.

Harold Wong’s collection Lechangzai Xuan, with its foundation in his father’s Lok Tsai Hsien, underwent significant expansion during the latter decades of the 20th century, reflecting his education, personal taste, and evolving preferences. This evolution culminated in a comprehensive and diverse compilation of Chinese paintings, with a particular emphasis on the following categories:

˙ The Literati Tradition of the Ming and Qing Dynasties

˙ Calligraphy

˙ Mid to Late Qing Paintings from the Harold Wong Collection

˙ Modern and Contemporary Ink Paintings

Within each thematic segment of the collection, Harold Wong’s exceptional connoisseurship and refined taste for literati art were prominently showcased through his selections. These attributes were shaped by his upbringing, educational background, and experiences as an artist. Notably, the collection boasts works by highly esteemed figures in Chinese art history, including Wen Zhengming, Chen Chun, Tang Yin, Dong Qichang, Wang Duo, and numerous other luminaries.

Wong’s immersion in art, culture, and interactions with important 20th century artists during his upbringing significantly influenced his collection of modern Chinese paintings. With strong ties to Shanghai, Huang Binhong’s Verdant Mountains, a work dedicated to Wong Pao-hsie in 1949, stands out in the group. Other artists affiliated with Shanghai such as Lu Yanshao, Wu Hufan and Pan Tianshou are well represented in the collection. During his youth, Harold Wong had the privilege of engaging with Zhang Daqian, a family friend, who inscribed and gifted paintings to him on multiple occasions.

Harold Wong is fondly remembered in the art world as a dedicated connoisseur of Chinese art, known for his kindness, expertise, and generosity in sharing his profound knowledge of Chinese painting. Throughout his lifetime, Wong extensively exhibited and published his collection, aiming to share the joy of collecting and the outcome of his systematic and well-researched collection. His calligraphic couplets were showcased at the Art Museum of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2003, 2007, and 2016, while many of his paintings were featured in the renowned Min Chiu Society exhibition series at the Hong Kong Museum of Art from the 1980s to the 2000s. As a luminary in Chinese art connoisseurship in Hong Kong and beyond, Harold Wong’s legacy as a contemporary literati will be celebrated through his exceptional collection and the profound influence he had on many collectors.

黃仲方(1943-2022)是香港和國際藝術界的知名 人士 , 亦是傑出的鑒賞家 、 收 藏 家 、 顧問 、 畫廊主 和藝術家。他出生在文化底蘊深厚 、 重視教育的 家庭 , 自幼便深入研究 中 國古典藝術和文學。1957 年 , 他在著名畫家顧青 瑤 女士門下拜師學藝。黃仲 方的父親黃寶 熙 (1907-1979)乃上 海 人 , 亦是著 名收 藏 家 , 曾是香港頂級收 藏 團體 敏 求精舍成員 , 其“樂在軒”收 藏 包含了一 系 列珍罕古 代 繪畫和書 法 作 品 , 其 中部 分早在19 6 7 年 就在香港結 集 出 版 。 黃仲方在香港和 英 國接受教育 , 一生 致 力於研究 、 鑒定 ,並 樂於 與 同好分 享 交流。他曾 擔 任香港 中 文 大學藝術博 物 館管理 委 員會和顧問 委 員會主席 ,並 是 敏 求精舍的活躍成員。1977 年 , 黃仲方在香港聯 合 創 辦 漢雅 軒畫廊 ,迅速 成 為中 國繪畫愛好 者 的 聚

集地 。到了1990 年 , 他將注意力從畫廊 業務 轉向自 己的繪畫 、 收 藏 和藝術諮詢事 業 。

黃仲方的樂常在軒收 藏, 以父親建立的樂在軒收 藏 為 基礎 , 在20世紀後半葉得到顯著發展。此收 藏 反 映了他的教育背景 、 個人品味和不斷 演 進的喜好 ,

最終形成了涵蓋廣 泛 、 多樣的 中 國書畫收 藏, 尤其 專注於以下類別:

˙ 明清文人繪畫

˙ 歷 代 書 法

˙ 清 中 晚 期 繪畫

˙ 近當 代 書畫

此收 藏 之不同主 題 的構建 , 顯示了黃仲方卓越的鑒 賞眼光和對文人藝術的極 致 品味。這些特質受他的 成長背景 、 教育背景和藝術家經歷的影響。值得 一提的是 , 此收 藏 包含藝術史上如雷貫耳的名家 作 品 , 包括文徵明 、 唐寅 、 陳 淳 、 董其昌 、 王鐸等。 黃仲方在成長過程 中 受到的藝術文化熏 陶 , 以 及 與 20世紀重要藝術家的 互 動 , 對他的收 藏 產生了深遠 影響 , 這尤其體 現 在他的近 現 代中 國書畫收 藏中 。

與 上 海 有 密 切 聯 繫 的畫家黃 賓虹 , 1949 年創作贈 與 黃寶 熙 的山水 作 品 《 疊山 積翠》 , 是其 中 的亮 點 。 其他 與 上 海 有關 的藝術家 , 如 陸 儼 少、 吳 湖帆 和潘 天 壽 , 在此 系 列 中 也 有 精 彩 作 品。 年 輕 時 的黃仲方 有 幸結 識張 大 千 , 後 者既 是他的家 族朋友 , 同 時 亦 多次 為 他 題 字 並 贈 予 作 品。

黃仲方在藝術界 享有 極高聲譽 , 他對 中 國藝術的鑒 賞 充 滿 熱情 ,並 慷 慨 分 享 他的專 業 知 識 和深刻理 解。其一生 中 不吝公 開 展出 並 出 版 他的 藏 品 , 旨 在 分 享 收 藏 的樂 趣 以 及 他 系 統 且深入研究的成果。他 的對聯 作 品曾於2003 年、 2007 年 和201 6 年 在香港 中 文大學文 物 館展出 , 而他收 藏中 許 多繪畫 作 品則曾 在19 8 0 至 2000 年 代 的香港藝術博 物 館 敏 求精舍 系 列 展 覽中 展出。 作 為 香港 及 全球中 國藝術鑒賞界的傑 出人 物, 黃 仲方 必 將 作 為 當 代 文人 的典 範,繼 續 透過其精 彩 的 藏 品對 世界產生深 遠影響。

Harold Wong with Zhang Daqian, circa 1960

黄仲方與張大千, 約1960年


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Banana Plant, Rock, Bird and Bamboo Hanging scroll, ink on paper 122.2 x 45.2 cm. (48 ⅛ x 17 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated twentieth day, first month, renyin year (1962)


Acquired from the artist by Harold Wong.


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Honouring Tradition and Heritage: Min Chiu Society at Sixty, 18 December 2020-28 April 2021.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25-30 May 2024.


Honouring Tradition and Heritage: Min Chiu Society at Sixty Volume II, Min Chiu Society, Hong Kong, December 2020, pp.122123, pl.245.

From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 190-191.



張大千 芭蕉竹石小鳥 水墨紙本 立軸 一九六二年作

題識:壬寅(1962年)元月廿日寫似仲方世兄兼呈令師青瑤大家教 正。大千張爰。





香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書 畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《聚道傳承:敏求精舍六十周年》冊二,敏求精舍,香港, 2020年12月,第122-123頁,圖版245。

《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年 5月,第190-191頁。

The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong 黃仲方珍藏中國書畫 (Lots 725-737)


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Plantain Lily

Hanging scroll, ink on paper

43.8 x 33 cm. (17 ¼ x 13 in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 192-193.



張大千 玉簪花 水墨紙本 立軸

題識:愛此玉簪花,清姿潔更幽。何當晚粧罷,斜插箇人頭。 大千居士。


展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書 畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年 5月,第192-193頁。



ZHANG SHANZI (1882-1940)

Mount Huang

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 65.5 x 32.5 cm. (25 ¾ x 12 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated autumn, ninth month, jiaxu year (1934) Dedicated to Sanyuan (Chen Sanli, 1853-1937)


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 186-187.


The recipient of the painting, Sanyuan, should be Chen Sanli (1853-1937). Chen hailed from a prominent family in the Jiangxi Province, and was widely regarded as the last poet of the traditional school in China. Chen was the father of the painter Chen Hengke (Shizeng) and scholar Chen Yinke.

HK$60,000-80,000 US$7,800-10,000

張善孖 黃山 設色紙本 立軸 一九三四年作

題識:奇松叔姪數梅家,父子松門筆畫沙。 千古黃山好顏色,幾人肝肺幻雲赮。

甲戌(1934年)秋九月寫奉散原老伯誨 政,愚姪張澤。


展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑— 黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”,2024年5月25-30 日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》, 香港佳士得,2024年5月,第186-187頁。

註:上款人散原應為陳三立(1853-1937),中 國近代詩人,字伯嚴,號散原,江西義寧人。清 光緒十五年(1889年)進士,官吏部主事。維新 變法時期,協助其父湖南巡撫陳寶箴推行新政, 革除時弊,興辦實業。戊戌政變之後,父子同被 革職。晚年目睹山河破碎,不勝悲憤,拒藥絕食 而死。他是近代著名畫家陳衡恪(師曾)和著名 學者陳寅恪的父親。

The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong 黃仲方珍藏中國書畫 (Lots 725-737)


YU FEI’AN (1888-1959)

Five Colour Lotuses

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

133.2 x 69.5 cm. (52 ½ x 27 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Two collector’s seals


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Auspicious Emblems: Chinese Cultural Treasures –45th Anniversary Exhibition of the Min Chiu Society, 25 November 2005 –19 July 2006.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


Auspicious Emblems: Chinese Cultural Treasures – 45th Anniversary Exhibition of the Min Chiu Society, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, November 2005, p.304, pl.202.

From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 182-183.


The two collector’s seals belonged to Mu Zhongqin (1906-1990), a native of Tianjin. Mu learned to paint portraits as an apprentice in a portrait studio in 1925 and studied under Han Ruitian. Subsequently, Mu worked in many advertising and design companies in Tianjin.

After 1960, he taught at Tianjin Institute of Arts and Crafts and Tianjin Arts and Crafts School. In 1972, he became a full professor at Tianjin Arts and Crafts School. He was a member of the Chinese Artists Association and director of the Tianjin Branch of the Artists Association. He was known to excel in flower and bird painting.




和合同心圖 設色紙本 立軸





展覽:香港,香港藝術館,“千祥雲集:中國吉祥圖案文物—敏求精舍四十五週年紀念展”, 2005年11月25日至2006年7月19日。


出版:《千祥雲集:中國吉祥圖案文物—敏求精舍四十五週年紀念展》,康樂及文化事務署, 2005年11月,第304頁,圖版202。


註:藏印屬穆仲芹(1906-1990),天津人,1925年在畫像館當學徒,畫人物肖像。師從 韓瑞田先生,並於天津多間廣告及設計公司任職。1960年後在天津工藝美術學院和天津工 藝美術學校任教。1972年成為天津工藝美術學校正教授。中國美術家協會會員,美協天津 分會理事。擅長花鳥畫。

The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong 黃仲方珍藏中國書畫 (Lots 725-737)


CHEN SHAOMEI (1909-1954)

Visiting Friends

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk

91.6 x 9.4 cm. (36 ⅛ x 3 ¾ in.)

Signed, with three seals of the artist Colophon by Wan Yitang (1877-1948), with one seal

Dedicated to Mr. Hidaka


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 184-185.

HK$200,000-300,000 US$26,000-39,000



鈐印:衡山陳五、 陳、少梅




展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方 珍藏中國書畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳 士得,2024年5月,第184-185頁。


HUANG BINHONG (1864-1955)

Verdant Mountains

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

59.5 x 47 cm. (23 ⅜ x 18 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated jichou year (1949)

Dedicated to Baoxi (Mr Wong Pao-hsie)


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition

Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 166-167.

NOTE: Wong Pao-hsie (1907-1979), Harold Wong’s father, was a native of Shanghai and an anthropologist trained at Sorbonne in Paris. In 1948, Wong relocated from Shanghai to Hong Kong with his family. He was a dedicated collector and a member of the Min Chiu Society. Wong assembled a remarkable collection of classical paintings and calligraphy, with a particular emphasis on his collection of calligraphic couplets. His collection, Lok Tsai Hsien, holds high esteem among collectors and scholars alike. In 1967, he published Lok Tsai Hsien Collection of Chinese Paintings: Volume One Ming Dynasty, followed by Lok Tsai Hsien Collection of Calligraphy in Couplets in 1972. The Wong family had close ties with numerous artists, including Zhang Daqian. The present lot, dedicated by Huang Binhong to Wong Pao-hsie, possibly served as a keepsake to symbolize Wong’s departure from Shanghai.



黃賓虹 疊山積翠 設色紙本 立軸 一九四九年作



鈐印:黃賓虹印、冰上鴻飛館 來源:直接得自畫家,並由家族傳承。

展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”, 2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月, 第166-167頁。

註:上款人寶熙即黃寶熙(1907-1979),黃仲方父親,上海人,曾在 巴黎索邦大學接受人類學訓練。1948年,黃寶熙與家人從上海遷居香 港。黃氏乃勤奮的收藏家,亦是著名收藏團體敏求精舍的成員。黃寶熙 收藏了眾多傳統繪畫和書法作品,其中尤為注重對聯書法作品。他的“ 樂在軒”收藏享有極高聲譽。1967年,他出版了《樂在軒珍藏(天) 畫》,隨後於1972年出版了《樂在軒藏聯》。 黃家與張大千等諸多藝術家聯繫密切。本幅黃賓虹作品上款黃寶熙, 或是黃家離開上海遷往香港之際,畫家寫贈留念。

The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong 黃仲方珍藏中國書畫 (Lots 725-737)


HUANG BINHONG (1864-1955)

Landscapes of Anhui

A set of four scrolls, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

Each scroll measures 23.2 x 21.5 cm. (9 ⅛ x 8 ½ in.)

Each scroll inscribed and signed, with a total of four seals of the artist


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 168-169.



1. 題識:距春穀城十餘里,溪浦通大江,余曾泊舟其際,圖之以 歸。濱虹。


2. 題識:黃山諸峯,日色照燿,每作深黝濃紫,奇采驚目,不可逼 視。濱虹。


3. 題識:自九華山下嶺入陵陽境,林壑幽邃,流泉淜湃,清絕可 愛。濱虹。


4. 題識:漁亭山色近白嶽,皆奇峰卓峙,翠絳如畫。濱虹。


展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”, 2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年5月, 第168-169頁。


WU HUFAN (1894-1968)

Landscapes after Old Masters

A set of two scrolls, mounted as a hanging scroll, ink on paper / ink and colour on paper

Each measures 22.8 x 30 cm. (9 x 11 ¾ in.)

Each inscribed and signed, with a total of three seals of the artists

One scroll dedicated to Julai Colophons by Zhang Heng (1915-1963) and Shen Wei (18621945), with a total of three seals


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 172-173.


The recipient of this work was Chen Julai (1904-1984), an important seal carver in Shanghai.

HK$80,000-100,000 US$11,000-13,000

吳湖帆 臨古山水 水墨紙本/設色紙本 立軸雙挖

1. 題識:思翁平生,無不以松雪規襲,文采風流,異代相 映。湖帆以松雪設色法,為巨來道兄作。


2. 題識:黃鶴山樵筆底鋒鋩,自能照燿妙諦,何夫復何 言。吳湖帆。


張珩題跋:醜簃先生畫,深得元人冷逸之趣,如此冊諸幀, 尤其善者機也。壬申(1932年)寒食,吳興張珩 獲觀題記。

鈐印:西村、張氏蔥玉 沈衛題跋:今之所謂畫家,能寫幾筆工細青綠山水,便自詡 摹仿宋元,至若大癡之雄奇、雲林之澹遠,誰復 能夢見者。嗚呼!惟我湖颿得之矣。甲戌(1934 年)正月兼巢老人沈衛題。

鈐印:兼翁七十三歲以後書 展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏 中國書畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得, 2024年5月,第172-173頁。

註:上款人為陳巨來 (1904-1984),號塙齋,別署安持, 安持老人、牟道人等,浙江平湖乍浦鎮人,寓居上海。20世 紀著名篆刻家、書畫家、詩人,其篆刻被譽為“三百年來第 一人”。他曾任上海中國畫院畫師、西泠印社社員、上海書 法篆刻研究會會員。

The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong 黃仲方珍藏中國書畫 (Lots 725-737)


PAN TIANSHOU (1897-1971)


A pair of scrolls, mounted and framed, ink on paper Each scroll measures 24.4 x 32.2 cm. (9 ⅝ x 12 ⅝ in.)

With a total of three seals of the artist Colophon by Zhou Changgu (1929-1985), with two seals


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 178-179.

HK$80,000-120,000 US$11,000-16,000

潘天壽 書法 水墨紙本


1. 釋文:松間意看愁,愁柳下風。渚竹為雀開籠,當肅 肅已付龐會,會隨曾赴同一壑,從過庾主家, 已茲山乎,所築不與眾丘。

鈐印:天壽 周昌穀題跋:潘天壽先生臨池墨跡,周昌穀識。 鈐印:藏之倉谷

2. 釋文:本體某云:不不遷,不貳貳,上是箇學識。 如何從此得見本見,在學識上用工者,到底底 箇,用工工者,到底是箇過怒。怒在前日,嘗 言在過怒上用工者,到底復不可頻悔,不可祇 耳。仲旭云。

鈐印:天壽、金石之壽 周昌穀(1929-1985) 題跋:潘天壽先生臨池墨跡,昌穀識。

鈐印:藏之倉谷 出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得, 2024年5月,第178-179頁。


LU YANSHAO (1909-1993)

Landscape of Mount Yandang

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 96.5 x 35 cm. (38 x 13 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Titleslip by Sha Menghai (1900-1992), with one seal


Christie’s Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Painting from the Tsi Ku Chai Collection - A 40th Anniversary Celebration, 2 November 1998, Lot 6007.


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 180-181.

HK$700,000-1,000,000 US$91,000-130,000

陸儼少 雁蕩一角 設色紙本 立軸


鈐印:陸印、儼少、愛新就新 沙孟海(1900-1992)題簽條:陸儼少雁蕩一角。孟海署檢。


來源:香港佳士得,集古齋藏中國書畫四十週年紀念拍賣,1998年 11月2日,編號6007。

展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書 畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士得,2024年 5月,第180-181頁。

The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong 黃仲方珍藏中國書畫 (Lots 725-737)


GUAN LIANG (1900-1986)

Opera Figures

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

33.3 x 69 cm. (13 ⅛ x 27 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated winter, xinyou year (1981)


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 196-197.

HK$60,000-80,000 US$7,800-10,000 關良 戲劇人物 設色紙本 立軸 一九八一年作

題識:香港藝術中心留念。辛酉(1981年)冬 月寫戲劇人物圖於香江,番禺關良。


展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰 鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫”,2024年5月 25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》, 香港佳士得,2024年5月,第196-197頁。


PANG XUNQIN (1906-1985)

Dancing Lady

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

32.8 x 38 cm. (12 ⅞ x 15 in.)

Signed by the artist


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 198-199.


There are a few works by Pang Xunqin in Mr Harold Wong’s collection, presumably obtained directly from the artist Wong Pao-hsie (1907-1979), Harold Wong’s father. According to the Chronology of Pang Xunqin (Li Lixin, January 17, 1992), during the summer of 1948, Pang Xunqin “went to

Hong Kong to meet old friends Zhang Guangyu, Ding Cong, and Huang Baoxi,” indicating a close relationship between the two.

HK$60,000-80,000 US$7,800-10,000 龐薰琹 舞姿蹁躚 設色紙本 鏡框 款識:龐薰琹。

展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方 珍藏中國書畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士 得,2024年5月,第198-199頁。

註:黃氏樂常在軒收藏多幅龐薰琹作品,應為黃仲方先 生父親黃寶熙直接得自畫家。據《龐薰琹年譜》(李立 新,1992年1月17日)錄:1948年暑期,(龐薰琹)“赴港 與老友張光宇、丁聰、黃寶熙敘”,可見二人關係匪淺。


CHEN WEN HSI (1906-1991)


Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 176 x 95.6 cm. (69 ¼ x 37 ⅝ in.)

Signed, with one seal of the artist


Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, From Protégé to Master – The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, 25 – 30 May 2024.


From Protégé to Master - The Chinese Painting Collection of Harold Wong, Christie’s Hong Kong, May 2024, pp. 200-201.


With the mission to promote classical and contemporary Chinese art, Hanart Gallery, co-founded by Harold Wong, promoted Singaporean artist Chen Wen-Hsi and held a solo exhibition for him at the Hong Kong Arts Centre entitled The Art of Chen Wen-hsi in October 1989.”



陳文希 山水 設色紙本 鏡框



展覽:香港,香港會議展覽中心,“丹青冰鑑—黃仲方 珍藏中國書畫”,2024年5月25-30日。

出版:《丹青冰鑑—黃仲方珍藏中國書畫》,香港佳士 得,2024年5月,第200-201頁。

註:由黃仲方先生創辦的漢雅軒畫廊致力推廣中國傳統 及當代藝術,畫廊於1989年10月在香港藝術中心為新加坡 華裔畫家陳文希舉辦名為《陳文希藝術》的個展。


HUANG YONGYU (1924-2023)

Plum Blossoms

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on red paper

201.5 x 38.5 cm. (79 ⅜ x 15 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dated wuzi year (2008)


Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner.



黃永玉 金梅報春 設色紅箋 鏡框 二〇〇八年作

題識:花開天下正風雪,冷煞長安市上人。 笑倒牡丹無福命,開時雖暖已殘春。白石老人梅花題句。 戊子(2008年)作於玉氏山房,黃永玉。

鈐印:黃永玉印、福壽康寧、黃 來源:現藏家直接得自畫家。


HUANG YONGYU (1924-2023)

The Happy Prince in Retirement Oil on canvas, framed 99 x 99 cm. (39 x 39 in.)

Inscribed and signed by the artist

Dated 1990

Entitled on the reverse by the artist


T. T. Tsui Collection, acquired in 1999.


Huang Yongyu, From the Seine to Firenze, Next Publications Limited, May 1992 (1st ed.); June 1993 (2nd ed.), p.65.

Huang Yongyu, Old Tree Book Co., 1993, pp. 142-143, pl. 9.

Huang Yongyu, From the Seine to Firenze, The Writers Publishing House, November 2006, p.83.

Huang Yongyu, From the Seine to Firenze, Chung Hwa Book Co. (H.K.) Ltd., November 2017 (1st ed.), p.113.




退休的快樂王子號 油彩畫布 鏡框

題識:黃永玉,1990 翡冷翠。



出版:黃永玉,《沿著塞納河到翡冷翠》,壹出版有限公司,1992年5月 (第一版);1993年6月(第二版),第65頁。


黃永玉,《沿著塞納河到翡冷翠》,作家出版社,2006年11月, 第83頁。

黃永玉,《沿著塞納河到翡冷翠》,中華書局(香港)有限公司, 2017年11月,第113頁。

Huang Yongyu spent over six months travelling in different parts of France and Italy in 1990. During his trip, he recorded his travels through short essays, sketches and paintings, eventually compiled them into the book From the Seine to Firenze. In this book, Huang mentioned his plan to create thirty acrylic paintings in Italy, each measuring one meter square. This painting is one of the abovementioned pieces, and is described in the book as follows:

“The Happy Prince in Retirement is an old, retired bus that always brings me joy whenever I pass by it. Despite its age, it is dressed quite elegantly. The owner has chosen an interesting location to display it, allowing the local residents to greet it everyday and appreciate its history.”

1990年黃永玉前往法國和意大利長達半年,一邊遊歷、將其 所見所聞以短篇文字記錄下來,期間持續寫生創作,最後集 成《沿著塞納河到翡冷翠》一書。據書中提及,畫家當時計 劃要在意大利畫三十幅塑膠彩畫,每幅大小一樣,都是一米 見方的尺寸。本幅正是其中之一。畫家在書中對作品有以下 描述:


每次經過它面前時的確也使我產生快樂。它老了,卻穿戴的 那麼體面。主人挑選了那麼有趣的所在來安置它,使這一地 區跟它同齡而受惠的居民每天都有機會向它問好。”


HUANG YONGYU (1924-2023)

Moon Over Lake

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 144 x 150 cm. (56 ¾ x 59 in.)

Inscribed and signed, with four seals of the artist

Dated summer, yichou year (1985)


Acquired from Yanjing Studio, Beijing by the present Singaporean owner in 1985, with receipt enclosed (e-copy)



黃永玉 一江明月碧琉璃 設色紙本 立軸 一九八五年作

題識:湖山信是東南美,一望彌千里。 使君難得幾回來?便使尊前醉倒更徘徊。 沙河塘裏燈初上,水調誰家唱。 夜闌風靜欲歸時,唯有一江明月碧琉璃。 蘇東坡詞意。黃永玉,乙丑(1985年)初 夏於北京。

鈐印:黃永玉、梅玉館、老黃六十、 流光過隙

來源:現新加坡藏家1985年購自北京燕京書畫 社,並附收據(電子版)。




Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

69 x 34.5 cm. (27 ⅛ x 13 ⅝ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with four seals of the artist

Dated summer, gengzi year (2020)



尉曉榕 達爾文無心傷害上帝 設色紙本 鏡框 二〇二〇年作 題識:達爾文無心傷害上帝。 庚子(2020年)夏月,司雨堂主。

鈐印:尉押、了、司雨堂、尉 註:尉曉榕,筆名瀟乙、號司雨堂主。1957 年生於福建福州,1977年考入浙江美術學院 (今中國美術學院)國畫系。首任中國美術 學院中國畫與書法藝術學院院長,中國美術 學院碩、博研究生導師,首屆中國畫創作與 理論博士,二級教授。曾獲中國美術學院哲 匠金獎。享受國務院特殊津貼。


GUAN LIANG (1900-1986)

Opera Figures

A set of five unmounted scrolls, ink and colour on paper

Four scrolls measure approximately 17.1 x 16.1 cm. (6 ¾ x 6 ⅜ in.)

One scroll measures 13.6 x 12 cm. (5 ⅜ x 4 ¾ in.)

Each scroll signed by the artist, with a total of five seals





關良 戲曲人物 設色紙本 未托裱鏡片五幅


WANG XUETAO (1903-1984)

Flowers and Birds

Album of eight loose leaves, ink and colour on paper

Each leaf measures 36 x 26 cm. (14 ⅛ x 10 ¼ in.)

Seven leaves signed, one leaf inscribed and signed by the artist, with a total of eight seals



王雪濤 花鳥冊 設色紙本 散冊頁八開

1. 款識:雪濤。


2. 款識:雪濤。


3. 題識:雪濤寫。


4. 款識:雪濤。


5. 款識:雪濤。


6. 款識:雪濤。


7. 款識:雪濤。


8. 款識:雪濤。

鈐印:王雪濤印 743


QI GONG (1912-2005)


A pair of scrolls, mounted and framed, ink and colour / ink on paper

Each scroll measures 31 x 20 cm. (12 ¼ x 7 ⅞ in.)

One scroll inscribed and signed, with a total of four seals of the artist

Dated autumn, guiyou year (1933)


Please refer to Chinese text.



啓功 山水 設色/水墨紙本 鏡框兩幅

1. 鈐印:元白居士

2. 題識:癸酉(1933年)新秋雜擬宋元諸家筆,應松風主人鈞教, 啓功元白學。

鈐印:啓功、元白居士、非曰能之 展覽:北海公園畫舫齋,“京派正傳 啟功先生繪畫精品展”,2024


註:上款“松風主人”即溥伒(1893-1966),號雪齋、雪道人,筆名 松風主人,1925年組松風畫會,風靡京城,啟功亦是會員。

746 745


LI KERAN (1907-1989)

Viewing Mountains

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

51 x 33.5 cm. (20 ⅛ x 13 ¼ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

One collector’s seal

Titleslip by Feng Kanghou (1901-1983), with one seal



李可染 看山圖 設色紙本 立軸






Property from a Private East Coast Collection 美國東岸私人收藏


JIANG ZHAOHE (1904-1986)

Portrait of A Lady

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 59 x 42.5 cm. (23 ¼ x 16 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

Dated Christmas, 1945 Dedicated to Madam Guanmeirui

Further inscribed and signed in English by the artist


Acquired in Beijing in 1945, and thence by descent.

HK$400,000-600,000 US$52,000-78,000 蔣兆和 關美瑞小姐像 設色紙本 立軸 一九四五年作 題識:關美瑞小姐留念。一九四五年聖誕節,兆和。

鈐印:兆龢畫印 又題:Chiang Chao Ho, Peiping China, December 1945 來源:1945年得自北京,並由家族珍藏至今。

From the Collection of Sun Ruihuang 孫瑞璜收藏

Sun Ruihuang (1900-1980), known as Zu Ming, was a native of Chongming County, Shanghai. Sun was admitted to the Tsinghua School in Beijing in 1917, graduated in 1921, and went to the U.S. at public expense to study banking. He studied banking at New York University and Columbia University, obtaining a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree, respectively. Upon his return to China, he served as a professor at Nankai University, Chief Auditor of the National Construction Commission of the Republic of China, and Deputy Director of the Accounting Department of the General Bureau of Postal Savings and Exchange. In 1930, when Sin Hua Bank was restructured, Sun was invited to serve as Deputy Manager and Deputy General Manager. He remained an influential figure in the banking industry in Shanghai until 1949. The paintings in this collection are from Sun’s family, and many of them were dedicated to Sun.

孫瑞璜(1900-1980),名祖銘,字瑞 璜,上海市崇明縣人。1917年考取北京清 華學校,1921年畢業,公費赴美留學。先 後在紐約大學和哥倫比亞大學攻讀銀行 學,分別獲得學士和碩士學位。回國後先 後擔任南開大學教授、國民政府建設委員 會總稽核、郵政儲金匯業總局會計處副 處長等職。1930年新華銀行改組,孫瑞璜 應邀任副經理、副總經理。一直到1949年 後,在上海銀行界具影響力。本輯作品出 自孫瑞璜家族後人,多俱上款,可謂是傳 承有序的佳作。

Mr and Mrs Sun


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Six-character Calligraphic Couplet in Running Script

A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on paper

Each scroll measures 100.1 x 19.1 cm. (39 ⅜ x 7 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated second month, dinghai year (1947)

Dedicated to Ruihuang


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.

HK$80,000-160,000 US$11,000-21,000

水墨紙本 立軸兩幅 一九四七年作


題識:瑞璜仁兄法家正之,丁亥(1947年)二月,大千張爰。 鈐印:張爰私印、大千居士 來源:直接得自藝術家,並由家族傳承。

Ruihuang 孫瑞璜夫婦


QI BAISHI (1863-1957)

Five-characher Calligraphic Couplet in Seal Script

A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on paper Each scroll measures 135.5 x 33.7 cm. (53 ⅜ x 13 ¼ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Dedicated to Ruihuang


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.


Four Qi Baishi paintings from the collection of Sun Ruihuang, were sold in Christie’s 2024 Autumn Auction, Lots 1021-1024.



齊白石 篆書五言聯 水墨紙本 立軸兩幅 釋文:治道由衡石,汫響起豐山。


鈐印:悔烏堂、肖形印(牽牛不飲洗耳水)、 白石 來源:直接得自藝術家,並由家族傳承。

註:孫瑞璜收藏多幅齊白石佳作,已於佳士得 2023年秋拍中善價釋出(編號1021-1024)。


BAI JIAO (1907-1969)

749 750

Eight-character Calligraphic Couplet in Running Script

A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on paper

Each scroll measures 138.4 x 22.1 cm. (54 ½ x 8 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with four seals of the artist

Dated guiwei year (1943)



白蕉 行書八言聯 水墨紙本 立軸兩幅 一九四三年作





MEI LANFANG (1894-1961) AND YE GONGCHUO (1881-1968)

Plum Blossoms, Bamboo and Rock

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 68 x 41 cm. (26 ¾ x 16 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed by Ye Gongchuo, with one seal of the artist

Further inscribed and signed by Mei Lanfang, with three seals

Dated New Year’s day, bingxu year (1946) Dedicated to Ruihuang


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.

HK$10,000-20,000 US$1,300-2,600 梅蘭芳、葉恭綽 紅梅竹石 設色紙本 立軸 一九四六年作 葉恭綽題識:遐翁作竹石,畹華補紅梅。

鈐印:恭綽 梅蘭芳題識:瑞璜先生雅正。丙戌(1946年)元旦,梅蘭芳。

鈐印:蘭芳、綴玉軒、梅蘭芳畫記 來源:直接得自藝術家,並由家族傳承。


Fang-Yu Niu Wu, a renowned actress and Peking opera star, was known for her many performances in Chinese media during the 1960s and 1970s, most notably, in movies such as The Master Sword and Life and Death Entrance. Her husband Chia-Chi Wu was also an actor who often starred alongside her. Her success was greatly celebrated by adoring fans, including artists Zhang Daqian and Tai Jingnong. An admirer of Fang-Yu, Zhang Daqian had specifically painted and gifted this splashed-colour landscape in dedication to her as a token of appreciation.

鈕方雨,著名女演員和京劇明星,以上世 紀六七十年代在中國媒體上的眾多表演而 聞名,尤其在《大劍師》和《生死門》等 電影中。她的丈夫武家麒也是一位演員, 經常與她合作出演。她的成功受到了熱情 的粉絲們的熱烈歡迎,其中包括藝術家張 大千和臺靜農。作為方雨的崇拜者,張大 千特意繪製並贈送了這幅潑彩山水,以此 作為對她的讚賞之情。


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Versing in River

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 32.4 x 68 cm. (12 ¾ x 26 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dated fifth month, yimao year (sixty-fourth year of the Republic, 1975) Dedicated to Madam Fangyu (Niu Fangyu)



張大千 溪山覓句 設色紙本 鏡框 一九七五年作 題識:六十四年乙卯(1975)五月寫似方雨女士哂正,蜀郡張大千爰 年七十有七。



TAI JINGNONG (1903-1990)

Eight-character Calligraphic Couplet in Clerical Script

A pair of scrolls, mounted and framed, ink on gold-flecked colour paper

Each scroll measures 66.8 x 15.9 cm. (26 ¼ x 6 ¼ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist and two seals of Zhang Foqian (1907-2003)

Dedicated to Jiaqi and Madam Fangyu (Niu Fangyu)


Zhang Foqian (1907-2003), whose real name is Zhang Yingrui, a native of Anhui province, was a famous calligraphic couplet writer in Taiwan.




隸書八言聯 水墨灑金色箋




鈐印:愛晚齋、方夜讀書、張佛千印、臺靜農印信 註:張佛千(1907-2003),本名張應瑞,安徽省盧縣人,為台灣制 楹聯名家。

From a Private Japanese Collection 日本私人收藏


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Landscape in the Style of Shitao Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 133 x 51.2 cm. (52 ⅜ x 20 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated autumn, gengwu year (1930)


Additional works from the collection will be offered in the Fine Chinese Classical Paintings and Calligraphy sale (lots 219-222) and Chinese Paintings online auction.

HK$300,000-500,000 US$39,000-65,000 張大千

石濤筆意山水 設色紙本 立軸 一九三〇年作

題識:石溪石濤八大山人為畫家三大變相,論者多以 為別派,至屏之不得列於南宗。自予論之, 則石溪實出於石田,石濤出於思翁,八大出 於倪迂。神明規矩,運用從心,固應推為大 家,學者知其所自出,不僅於本家用功,則 思過半矣。

庚午(1930年)秋日,偶憶石師筆法寫此, 大千居士。


註:另有劉世儒、王福厂等作品,將於中國古代書畫 (拍品編號219-222)、中國書畫網上拍賣呈現。

Property of a Senior Malaysian Collector 馬來西亞私人收藏


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Boating under Cliff in the Style of Shitao

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

151.5 x 71.3 cm. (59 ⅝ x 28 ⅛ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with four seals of the artist

Dated thirteenth day, first month, wuyin year (1938)



張大千 仿石濤筆意松崖泛舟 設色紙本 鏡框 一九三八年作 題識:生煙老樹掛高坡,漁艇牽風盪晚波。 極得意時揮灑去,自然丘壑不須多。 戊寅(1938年)正月十三日燈下寫,蜀郡張 爰。

鈐印:張爰、爰居士、三千大千、浪花無際似清湘 註:本作觀其畫法、構圖及書法,均為仿石濤筆意 的山水作品。畫面左下鈐“浪花無際似清湘”白文 印,常用於大千生涯早期,與“苦瓜滋味”、“未 始有極”等印多鈐於臨仿石濤作品上。


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Calligraphic Couplet

A pair of scrolls, mounted and framed, ink on patterned paper

Each scroll measures 137 x 35 cm. (53 ⅞ x 13 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dated spring, first month, renxu year (1982)


In the lower left corner of the left couplet, there is a red character seal stating the paper was “Made by Moye Jingshe.” After settling in Moye Jingshe in Taipei in his later years, Zhang Daqian ordered a batch of custommade couplet paper to be used for writing.



張大千 書法對聯 水墨花箋 鏡框兩幅 一九八二年作 釋文:養鶴除堦長淂伴,種魚池院不輸租。 題識:壬戌(1982年)春正月,八十四叟爰。 鈐印:張爰之印、大千居士 註:下聯左下角見“摩耶精舍製”朱文印 記,張大千晚年定居台北摩耶精舍後,曾專 門訂製一批摩耶精舍對聯紙,用以書寫。


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983) / WANG JINGWEI (1883-1944)

Landscape / Letter to Ruan Yicheng

Scroll, mounted on cardboard and framed / scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper/ink on paper

1. Landscape measures 39 x 30 cm. (15 ⅜ x 11 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed by Zhang Daqian, with two seals

Dated spring, yiwei year (1955)

Dedicated to Yicheng

Further inscribed by the artist on reverse

2. Letter to Ruan Yicheng measures 28 x 17.8 cm. (11 x 7 in.)

Inscribed and signed by Wang Jingwei

Dedicated to Yicheng


Previously from the Ruan Yicheng (19051988) Collection.


Panorama Magazine Vol. 117, Panorama Publishing House, Hong Kong, 1 August 1983, p.16. (Wang Jingwei’s Letter to Ruan Yicheng)


Please refer to christies.com for full English text.



張大千/汪精衛 江磯帆影/致阮毅成函 設色/水墨紙本

紙板鏡框/鏡框 一九五五年作


題識:毅成仁兄法家正之。乙未(1955年)新春,將自東京還於三巴 之摩詰城,倚裝寫。蜀人張爰。





惠政於浙,詩意不欲先生作嚴子陵,而作能使大越山川重秀之 范蠡;不欲先生作謝皋羽,而作能為江左夷吾之王導,先生當 亦首肯也。此候近安。



著錄:《大成》雜誌第一一七期,大成出版社,香 港,1983年8月1日,第16頁(汪精衛《致阮 毅成函》)。

註:阮毅成(1905-1988),字靜生,號思寧,學 名冠華,浙江餘姚臨山人,法學家。1931年,於法 國巴黎大學獲法學碩士學位。回國後擔任國立中 央大學法學院教授、《時代公論》主編。抗戰勝 利後,參與籌建浙江大學法學院,並擔任首任院 長。1949年赴台。先後擔任《台灣日報》等多家報 紙主編、國立政治大學教授兼法律系主任等職。 本作畫背亦見張大千手書,推測此作原為張大千托 請高嶺梅贈易君左(1899-1972),或最終未能送 達,日後大千又贈阮毅成,並在畫面題識前另加 上款。

In the early 1940s, Zhang Daqian was encouraged by Ye Gongchuo, which prompted him to go to Dunhuang to copy and study murals. This was an important turning point for him to break the shackles of Ming and Qing painting styles and trace the ancient painting style of the Tang Dynasty and Northern Dynasties. Taiwanese writer Hsieh Chia-hsiao (1931-1994) wrote, “In the world of Zhang Daqian, the Dunhuang period is his most glorious, just as the Dunhuang period is the most glorious in the history of art. Dunhuang played an immensely important part in Zhang’s artistic development and laid down the foundations for his future creations.”

Staying in Dunhuang for two years and seven months, Zhang Daqian copied a total of about 276 murals from the Mogao Caves. The inscription of the current painting indicates that it was painted in the Mogao Caves on the nineteenth day of the ninth month in 1942, and it is an early representative work of his genre. The lines of the clothes are elegant, and one can see the changes in his brushstrokes. To mimic the colours of the original mural, the paints he used were specially prepared by Tibetan painters, and Zhang learnt the techniques to prepare the mineral pigments such as azurite, malachite, and cinnabar, which laid the foundation for his subsequent development of his use of colours. The figure has a bulging chest, a thin waist, wide hips, and a plump and healthy body. In addition, its head-to-body ratio is moderate, with the upper body and lower body accounting for roughly half each. These Buddhist figures are meant to be looked up and worshipped. This body

1940年代初,張大千得到葉恭綽的鼓勵,促成他前往敦煌臨摹和學習壁 畫,是其打破明清畫風的枷鎖,上溯唐代、北朝高古繪畫氣息的重要轉 折點。謝家孝曾寫:“張大千的世界中,敦煌是最重要最輝煌的一章, 正如敦煌在文藝歷史中佔著高峰地位,敦煌在張大千個人藝術生命中, 也是最結實的一環!”

在敦煌 長達兩 年 七個月期 間, 張 大千一共臨摹莫高窟 壁 畫作 品約 276 幅。本幅《觀音造像》題識上註明是一九四二年農曆九月十九日造於莫 高窟中,應為上述作品其中之一,也是他這類型較早期的代表作品。《

觀音造像》的衣紋線條飄逸,能看到當中筆觸與毛筆提按的變化。為了 更接近壁畫原作,他所用的顏料是特別聘請藏族畫師準備,色彩與原來 的壁畫非常相似。畫家因此也學習到對石青、石綠、硃砂等礦物顏料的 運用方法,對他後來色彩的發展定下基礎。造像有鼓胸、細腰、寬胯、


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Portrait of Bodhisattva

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 112.2 x 65.2 cm. (44 ⅛ x 25 ⅝ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated nineteenth day, ninth month, renwu year (1942)

PROVENANCE: Previously in the collection of Lee Fa, movie director from Hong Kong.

The Songde Tang Collection


Thirty Years in Asia 1986-2016, Christie’s, p.232.


Lee Fa (1909-1975) was born in Xinhui, Guangdong, and was one of the great Cantonese movie directors and movie makers in Hong Kong. Lee founded Emei Film Company in the 1960s, and directed many black and white movies adapted from the martial arts novels by Jin Yong and Liang Yusheng, a pioneer of the Hong Kong movie industry. Lee moved to Macau in 1968 and passed away in 1975.


proportion combined with the viewpoint from low to high can better express the solemn image of the Buddha statue.

The nineteen day of the ninth month is one of the dates of the Guanyin Festival, usually marked as the date he attained nirvana. Zhang Daqian specially painted this portrait of Guanyin on this day, which is particularly meaningful for him as he had previously spent a hundred days as a Buddhist monk. According to the current collector, this painting was kept by the artist for many years and was sold to director Lee Fa in the 1960s. Later, the work was introduced by Mr. Jiang Chao, a famous calligraphy and painting intermediary in Macau, and was sold to Master of the Songdetang collection in the early 1970s.

According to the current collector, this painting was kept by Zhang Daqian ever since it was finished, until Lee Fa purchased it in the 1960s. After Lee passed away, the owner of the Songde Tang Collection purchased the painting through the help of Jiang Chao, a famous Chinese painting intermediary of Macao.

Zhang Daqian donated 336 and 62 Dunhuang copies painted in the Mogao Grottoes and Yulin Grottoes to the Sichuan Museum and the National Palace Museum in Taipei in 1955 and 1969 respectively. Figure paintings donated to the Sichuan Museum are similar stylistically to the present work, which can be used as a reference. “Flying Immortals” from the family of H. H. Kong can also be used as reference. (Christie’s Hong Kong, November 30, 2010, No. 2641) (Fig).

身軀豐滿健康的體型特徵。此外,其頭身比例適度,上半身和和下半身 基本各佔一半。造像本是讓世人仰望膜拜,這種身材比例配合從下向上 的角度更能表現出佛像莊嚴肅穆的形象。

農曆九月十九日乃觀音誕,“觀音三會”中的涅槃成佛出家之日,大千 特意在此日為觀音菩薩誠心造像,對於曾為百日和尚的大千來說別具深 意。據現藏家介紹,本幅由畫家自藏多年,直到上世紀六十年代才割愛 售予李化導演。後來作品經由澳門名書畫中介人蔣超先生介紹,於七十 年代初轉讓給頌德堂收藏。

張大千分別於1955年及1969年捐贈了336幅及62幅寫於莫高窟及榆林窟的 敦煌臨摹作品與四川博物院和臺北故宮博物院。大千捐贈與四川博物院 的人物畫中亦見有相同畫風的人物仕女可做參考。另一幅可參見孔祥熙 家族舊藏的《飛仙》(香港佳士得2010年11月30日編號2641)(圖)。


張大千 觀音造像 設色紙本 鏡框 一九四二年作

題識:壬午(1942年)九月十九日,蜀郡清信弟子張大千爰敬造於莫 高窟。


來源:香港電影導演李化舊藏。 頌德堂珍藏。

出版:《佳士得亞洲三十年1966-2016》, 佳士得,第232頁。

註:李化(1909-1975),祖籍廣東新會, 為粵語片大導演、編劇、製片。與李鐵、 胡鵬等為香港電影初年“十大導”的一

批,李氏於六十年代創辦峨眉影片公司, 曾執導多部金庸和梁羽生筆下的黑白武俠 片,是香港製作武俠電影的先驅。1968年 李導演移居澳門,並於1975年離世。

Zhang Daqian Paintings from a Distinguished Asian Private Collection 影漢廔藏張大千畫 (Lots 758-762)

Collector’s family studio name inscribed by Zhang Daqian 張大千為藏家題寫之“影漢廔”堂號

Zhang Daqian arriving Seoul with family, the first man from the right is collector’s third son, who assisted with translation during the trip, photographed in Seoul, Korea, 1978 張大千與家人抵達韓國,照片右立者為藏家 三子,負責翻譯工作,1978年攝於韓國漢城 (今首爾)

The five Zhang Daqian paintings belong to a Chinese family based in Korea. The family met Zhang Daqian through the artist’s solo exhibition in Seoul in 1978. At that time, the exhibition organiser entrusted the family to take care of the artist during his visit to Seoul in preparation for the exhibition. The family and Zhang Daqian became acquainted and later acquired several works directly from the artist. The family has cherished the collection for decades until this day, and it testifies to the decades-long friendship between them and the artist. In addition to the five paintings offered in the present auction, part of the collection was sold at Christie’s Hong Kong in May 2022 (Lots 1157-1159).

此五幅大千佳作 來自 旅韓華僑家族 收 藏。藏家家族原在韓國漢城(今 首爾 )經營畫 廊 ,受韓國《東亞日報 》之 托, 鼎力 相 助 大千197 8 年韓 國畫 展 ,悉心 安排 畫家在韓 行 程,深 得 信任。藏家二 子負 責畫作經 紀 與 銷 售 ,三 子協助翻 譯 工 作, 均為 大千在韓 得力助手 。從此藏家 與 畫 家及兩家後人結 下 交情,綿延數十年,往還密切。張大千 曾為 藏家題 寫 橫額“影漢廔”。有此因緣,藏家家族入藏大千精品甚夥,部分作 品已於佳士 得 2 0 22年春拍中釋出(編號1157-1159)。此批作品 由 家 族庋藏數十載,未付公 開 ,本 次 呈獻,別有意義。


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Elegant Lotus

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

99.1 x 33.8 cm. (39 x 13 ¼ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist and one dated seal of xinyou year (1981)

Dedicated to Zhencai


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.



張大千 清荷 設色紙本 鏡框 一九八一年作 題識:振財仁弟雅正,八十三叟爰台北寫寄。

鈐印:辛酉(1981年)、張爰之印、大千居士 來源:直接得自畫家,並由家族傳承。

Zhang Daqian and his wife with collector’s family, photographed in Korea in 1978 張大千夫婦與藏家家人合影,1978年攝 於韓國

Collector’s family viewing Zhang Daqian creating calligraphy, photographed in Taipei in 1980-1981.

藏家父子於台北摩耶精舍觀賞張大千題寫書 法,1980至1981年間攝於台北


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)


Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

69.4 x 41 cm. (27 ⅜ x 16 ⅛ in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dated tenth month, wuwu year (1978)

Further inscribed and signed by the artist, with a total of three seals

Dedicated to Zhencai


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.



張大千 利市三倍 設色紙本 鏡框 一九七八年作 題識:利市三倍。此兩漢人吉語也,爰翁亦 不能無此望,可咲也矣。戊午(1978 年)十月。


畫家又題:十一月二十二日將別漢城,還歸台 北,行篋中撿此以贈振財仁弟,相 期有如此畫也。八十叟爰。

鈐印:張爰、大千居士 畫家再題:百忙中印遂倒置,當兆弟倒發一 千年也。大千居士又記。




ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Scholar and Chrysanthemums

Scroll, mounted for framing, ink and colour on paper

69.5 x 39.1 cm. (27 ⅜ x 15 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated tenth month, wuwu year (1978) Dedicated to Zaizhun



題識:南山山已暗塵埃,那得東籬稱意栽。花到夷荒無氣節,仰人顏 色四時開。

予居南美,四時有菊,因拈小詩。戊午(1978年)十月寫似在 準先生兩正,蜀郡張大千爰。 鈐印:張爰之印、大千居士



ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Strolling in the Mountains

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

90.9 x 49 cm. (35 ¾ x 19 ¼ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with four seals and one dated seal of renxu year (1982)



張大千 人家在仙掌 設色紙本 鏡框 一九八二年作 題識:人家在仙掌,雲氣欲生衣。 偶憶王右丞逸詩,以黃鶴山樵筆意圖 之,似頗有入處。大千爰杜多。

鈐印:壬戌(1982年)、張爰、大千居士、 大千豪髮、摩耶精舍 註:戊午(1978)韓國畫展一事,藏家與張 大千結下深厚友誼,綿延一生。藏家家族日 後受邀赴台,參觀摩耶精舍,並與大千一家 遊覽寶島風景名勝,留下眾多合影,親切之 態,溢於紙上。此後多年,畫家相贈山水作 品數幅,包括是次拍品《人家在仙掌》(編 號761)與《煙江疊嶂》(編號762),均寫 於1982年。大千於生涯暮年寫贈異國至交好 友,畫中山巒清秀,殿宇朦朧,數年前與友 人徜徉山水之境,是否重現眼簾?山川不 言,其情永在,畫中情愫,觀者或能感知一 二,然藝術久遠醇厚之感染力,又非特當年 親歷者心有戚戚焉!

藏家家族陪同張大千一家遊覽台灣, 約1979年拍攝 Collector’s family and Zhang Daqian’s family travelling together in Taiwan, photographed in around 1979


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Misty Landscape by the Lake Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 40.2 x 84.8 cm. (15 ⅞ x 33 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with four seals of the artist Dated Double Ninth Festival, renxu year (1982)


The present lot was painted on a patterned paper manufactured in the style of the Song Dynasty. Zhang Daqian commissioned Japanese artisans to custommake this paper to his specifications. A faint watermark displaying the artist’s seal “Da Feng Tang” can be seen in the middle of the right edge of the painting.

HK$2,500,000-3,000,000 US$330,000-390,000

張大千 煙江疊嶂 設色紙本 鏡框 一九八二年作 題識:碧樹低雲屋,平岡逆遠天。


壬戌(1982年)重九登高感賦寫此,爰翁。 鈐印:摩耶精舍、大千豪髮、張爰、大千父 註:本幅寫於1982年,潑寫兼施,融合晚年開創的潑墨潑 彩技法與傳統山水中的林木殿宇,為大千晚年常作之風 格,亦是送贈華人朋友之慣常選擇。藏家家族曾於70年代 末陪伴大千一家遊覽台灣,畫家相贈山水作品多幅,或有 誌念之意! 作品寫於仿宋羅紋紙上。此紙為張大千特意向日本匠人訂 製。畫面右側靠近邊緣處隱約可見該紙特有的“大風堂” 浮水印。

Collector’s family and Zhang Daqian’s family travelling together in Taiwan, photographed circa 1979


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Scholar and Attendant Carrying a Qin Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 133.1 x 67.3 cm. (52 ⅜ x 26 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with six seals of the artist, and one dated seal of guichou year (1973)


Hong Kong City Hall, Chang Dai-chien, Exhibition of Chinese Paintings, 1-7 January 1974.


Chang Dai-chien, Exhibition of Chinese Paintings, Hong Kong, 1974, pl. 23.

HK$1,500,000-2,000,000 US$200,000-260,000

張大千 攜琴賞菊 設色紙本 鏡框 一九七三年作 題識:南渡誠草草,長沙想艱難。 松風自度曲,我琴不須彈。 遠公香火社,遺民文字禪。 雖非老翁事,幽尚亦可觀。 客來欲關說,觴至不得言。 山谷詩,借題畫上 ,爰翁。

鈐印:大風堂、癸丑(1973年)、張爰之印、大千居士、 環蓽盦、一隻眼、得心應手

展覽:香港大會堂,“張大千書畫展覽”,1974年1月1至 7日。

出版:《張大千書畫展覽》展覽圖錄,香港,1974年,圖 版23。


ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Symbols of Longevity

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 47 x 64 cm. (18 ½ x 25 ¼ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated second month, nintieth day, gengxu year (1970)

Further entitled, inscribed and signed by the artist, with two seal Dedicated to Zulai


From the collection of Li Zulai and Lee Te Ying. Christie’s Hong Kong, Fine Modern Chinese Paintings, 30 October 2000, Lot 22.



張大千 芝仙祝壽 設色紙本 鏡框 一九七〇年作 題識:庚戌(1970年)二月十九日,目疾方甚,不能細寫也。

鈐印:張爰之印、大千居士 又題:芝仙祝壽。祖萊七弟六十初度,爰。

鈐印:大千唯印大年、以介眉壽 來源:李祖萊、李德英夫婦收藏; 香港佳士得,中國近現代畫,2000年10月30日,編號22。


YU FEI’AN (1888-1959)

Apricot Blossom and Parrot

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

27 x 24 cm. (10 ⅝ x 9 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

Dated spring, xinsi year (1941)



于非闇 杏花鸚鵡 設色紙本 鏡框 一九四一年作 題識:宋徽宗五色鸚鵡卷題字多而精,為晚年所作。


近幸展轉乞得影片聊以慰情,寫此圖略參其意也。 辛巳(1941年)春,玉山硯齋非闇。




HUANG JUNBI (1898-1991)

Viewing Waterfall

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 53 x 89.5 cm. (20 ⅞ x 35 ¼ in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Dated winter, gengxu year (1970) Dedicated to Gongxuan


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.



黃君璧 觀瀑圖 設色紙本 鏡框 一九七〇年作 題識:觀瀑圖。功鉉三姪清賞。 庚戌(1970年)冬日畫於白雲堂,君璧。

鈐印:黃君璧印、君翁、白雲堂 來源:直接得自畫家,並由家族傳承。



HUANG JUNBI (1898-1991)

Viewing Waterfall in Autumn Mountains

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 91 x 182.5 cm. (35 ⅞ x 71 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Dated autumn, jiazi year (1984)


Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner’s husband in 1980s in Taipei, and accompanied by a photo of artist and the collector in front of present lot (e-copy).



黃君璧 秋山觀瀑 設色紙本 鏡框 一九八四年作 題識:尋秋莫說我來遲,谿閣閒吟任所之。


甲子(1984年)新秋畫於白雲堂,君翁黃君璧時年八十七。 鈐印:黃君璧印、君翁、白雲堂 來源:現藏家丈夫於1980年代台北直接得自黃君璧,並附黃君璧、藏 家在本作前之留影(電子版)。


PU RU (1896-1963)

Viewing Wild Geese Return

Unmounted scroll, framed, ink and colour on silk

24.7 x 24.7 cm. (9 ¾ x 9 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

HK$300,000-500,000 US$39,000-65,000

溥儒 停舟送歸雁 設色未裱絹本 鏡框




PU RU (1896-1963)

Mountain Cloud

Unmounted scroll, framed, ink and colour on silk

24.9 x 24.5 cm. (9 ¾ x 9 ⅝ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

HK$300,000-500,000 US$39,000-65,000

溥儒 風靜雲初合 設色未裱絹本 鏡框 題識:風靜雲初合,山深樹轉幽。心畬。



PU RU (1896-1963) / JIANG ZHAOSHEN (1925-1996)

Calligraphy in Regular Script / Autumn Scenery

Handscroll, ink on paper / ink and colour on paper

1. Calligraphy in Regular Script measures 21.6 x 77.8 cm. (8 ½ x 30 ⅝ in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed by Pu Ru, with two seals

2. Autumn Scenery measures 21.6 x 96.7 cm. (8 ½ x 38 ⅛ in.)

Entitled, inscribed and siged by Jiang Zhaoshen, with three seals

Dated winter, gengshen year (1980)

Dedicated to Aiyun (Wang Aiyun, 1906-2004)

Frontispiece by Tai Jingnong (1903-1990), with two seals

Dated spring, xinyou year (1981)

Dedicated to Aiyun

Four colophons by Tai Jingnong, Wang Zhuangwei (1909-1998), Liu Taixi (1899-1989), and Wang Jingzhi (1916-2002), with a total of nine seals

Titleslip by Wang Zhuangwei, with one seal


Formerly from the collection of Wang Aiyun (1906-2004); M K Lau Collection.


Beijing, Guardian Art Center, Intimate Encounters: An Exhibition of Handscrolls and Albums from the M K Lau Collection, 7-22 November, 2017.

Hong Kong, PMQ, Intimate Encounters: An Exhibition of Handscrolls and Albums from the M K Lau Collection, 24 March-5 April, 2018.


A native of Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Wang Aiyun (1906-2004) worked under educator and activist Luo Jialun at the National Central University, National Central University of Governance in Nanjing, and later at the National Taiwan University. During his tenure at the National Central University, Wang had frequent exchanges with artists including Xu Beihong, Zhang Daqian, Huang Junbi and Fu Baoshi. In 1948, Wang moved to Taiwan to work at the National Taiwan University. While in Taiwan Wang became close friends with Pu Ru. Wang retired in 1968 and was widely known for his passion in collecting Chinese paintings and calligraphy.



溥儒/江兆申 楷書《秋懷賦》/龝霖圖 水墨紙本/設色紙本 手卷

1. 溥儒楷書《秋懷賦》 釋文:秋懷賦。乙未(1955年)之秋予遊日本,道出東京,止於澀 谷,感秋霖之不晴,歎逝興懷愴然而賦其辭曰。(文不錄。) 題識:予昔在西山,每成一文必寫寄章一山左丞、陳蒼虬侍郎,議其 存否,或塗改二三字焉。今兩公相隨謝世,雖有述作,孰與切 磋,時人所輕覆瓿宜矣。溥儒拜識。


2. 江兆申《龝霖圖》 題識:龝霖圖。靄雲先生珍藏先師西山先生小楷書《秋懷賦》,庚 申年(1980)冬出以見示,并命補秋霖圖,筆墨殊不足以稱尊 意。茮原江兆申敬識。


臺靜農(1902-1990) 題引首:晉唐逸韻。藹雲先生清賞,辛酉(1981年)春暮,靜農於龍 坡里。


臺靜農題跋:(文不錄。)辛酉(1981年)黃梅雨時,藹雲先生屬 題,臺靜農。


王壯為(1909-1998) 題跋:(文不錄。)藹雲兄宜並寶之,癸亥(1983年)秋日獲觀假歸 重陽前日敬題。漸翁弟王壯為時年七十又五。

鈐印:王壯為印、墨(宰)、老自有餘態 劉太希(1899-1989) 題跋:(文不錄。)藹雲吾兄屬題,甲子(1984年)三月劉太希。 鈐印:劉、太希 王靜芝(1916-2002) 題跋:(文不錄。)丁丑(1997年)孟春,王靜芝拜觀敬跋。 鈐印:王靜芝印、霜茂廔、延年 王壯為題簽條:寒玉靈漚師弟秋懷書畫卷。藹雲藏,漸齋題。 鈐印:壯為

來源:王靄雲舊藏; 梅潔樓珍藏。

展覽:北京,嘉德藝術中心,“方寸之間 梅潔樓藏手卷冊頁”, 2017年11月7至22日。

香港,元創方,“方寸之間 梅潔樓藏手卷冊頁”,2018年3月 24日至4月5日。

註:王藹雲(1906-2004),齋號自怡室,浙江杭州人。追隨羅家倫從 事教育行政及文化工作,先後於國立中央大學、國立政治大學、國立 台灣大學及政府部門擔任要職。熱愛藝術,於國立中央大學期間跟徐 悲鴻、張大千等藝術家有密切交流。1948年王氏受聘於國立台灣大學 主任秘書,在台期間與溥儒交往深厚。1968年退休後專注書畫藝術,



ZHANG SHANZI (1882-1940)


Handscroll, ink on paper

19.8 x 260 cm. (7 ¾ x 102 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Dated autumn, yihai year (1935)

Further inscribed and signed by Wu Hufan (1894-1968), with two seals

Dated autumn, yihai year (1935)

Frontispiece by Ye Gongchuo (1881-1968), with four seals

Two colophons by Huang Binhong (1865-1955) and Luo Changming (1904-1971), with a total of four seals

One collector’s seal


Beijing, Guardian Art Center, Intimate Encounters: An Exhibition of Handscrolls and Albums from the M K Lau Collection, 7-22 November, 2017.

Hong Kong, PMQ, Intimate Encounters: An Exhibition of Handscrolls and Albums from the M K Lau Collection, 24 March-5 April, 2018.


Huang Binhong Chronology, Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Publishing House, 2005, pp.364-365.



張善孖 洩漏天機 水墨紙本 手卷 一九三五年作



南陽諸葛公,澹泊取自怡。乙亥(1935年)秋,虎癡張善子寫於吳門網師園中。 鈐印:大風堂、善子、虎癡

吳湖帆(1894-1968)又題:洩漏天機。乙亥(1935年)中秋快睹善子二兄妙筆奉題。 吳湖帆。








羅長銘(1904-1971)題跋:髯張昆弟季住吳門,澹泊能甘老瓦盆,不借丹青開爛漫,四時生意足琴 尊。善子二兄哂政。亡羊居士更。



展覽:北京,嘉德藝術中心,“方寸之間─梅潔樓藏手卷冊頁”,2017年11月7至22日。 香港,元創方,“方寸之間─梅潔樓藏手卷冊頁”,2018年3月24日至4月5日。


Loh Cheng Chuan, Xu Beihong, Guan Zhenmin, and Loh’s two sons, Penang, 1941 1941年,駱清泉與徐悲鴻、管震民、駱新民、駱覺民攝於檳城

XU BEIHONG, Portrait of Loh Cheng Chuan, dated 1941, Collection of Loh Cheng Chuan Family, Penang.

徐悲鴻,《駱清泉畫像》,1941年作,駱清泉家 族藏

Loh Cheng Chuan (1907-1966), also known as Zishi, was a distinguished art collector in Southeast Asia and the founding chairman of the Penang Art Society. Loh, a Chinese medicine practitioner recognized for his strong work ethic, played a significant role in the local art scene and in promoting Chinese culture. In the early 1940s, Xu Beihong journeyed to Penang to organize an art exhibition to support China’s resistance against Japan. During this time, Loh and Xu forged a deep friendship that transcended boundaries and endured over time. Even when Xu Beihong returned to China, their bond remained steadfast, with exchanged artworks and correspondence symbolizing their enduring friendship. Following the war, Loh cultivated close relationships with Chinese overseas artists like Zhao Shao’ang, Yang Shanshen, and Zhang Daqian, contributing significantly to the art community while championing Chinese cultural heritage. Loh’s profound dedication to art solidified his position as a prominent figure in northern Malaysia.

The friendship between Loh and Xu Beihong became a celebrated narrative in the art world. Their initial encounter was in February 1941, when a Penang Chinese association invited Xu Beihong to exhibit in an art exhibition. Loh’s meticulous preparations for the exhibition, ensuring the comfort of the artists’ accommodations, deeply touched Xu Beihong and thus, their brotherly friendship was formed. Despite a twelve-year age gap, their connection was characterized by unwavering trust and understanding. Xu Beihong gifted paintings to Loh and later became the godfather to Loh’s son, Lo Tuo. Alongside Huang Menggui and Huang Manshi, Xu discovered yet another kindred spirit in the region. The Loh Cheng Chuan collection of Xu Beihong paintings has remained private for decades, and the appearance of these two works in the auction offers invaluable insights into Xu Beihong’s artistic journey in Southeast Asia.

駱清泉(1 9 07-1 9 66),字子石,南洋著名藝術鑒藏家,檳城藝術協 會創會主席,喜詩書金石,精 醫 濟 世,為海內外友朋稱道。四十年代初,徐悲鴻���� 檳城為 ���������� 災開畫展,與駱 氏 一見如故,成為莫 逆之交,遂義結金蘭。徐 氏 寓南國旅社,創作出 多 幅代表作,回國後魚雁往還,書畫寄贈,情誼 彌堅。

戰後,駱 氏 與過往的海外藝術家如趙少昂、楊善深、張大千等, 相交甚篤,並為推動本地藝術發展,推 動中華文化不遺餘力,張大千讚其 “古 道 熱腸 ”,時有 “現 代 孟嘗 ” 及“北 馬藝術 保姆 ”之 譽 。駱 氏 本 人收 藏頗豐, 視 藝術如命,堪稱 北 馬一大家。

徐悲鴻與駱清泉的交往,成為一段藝 壇佳 話。徐駱二 人 結緣 於 1 9 41年2月,彼時徐悲鴻應檳城 ���� 團體 之邀,由新加坡至檳城舉辦義展。 �� 委會委託駱清泉負責 ���� 展覽, 駱 氏 將畫展繁瑣的細節佈置的井井 有條,畫家飲 食 安排妥當舒適,徐悲鴻深為感激和讚賞,自此結下友誼,後來 更在檳城 極 樂寺園瑛方丈 的主持下成為結盟兄弟。二 人 相差十二歲, 同 屬羊,情如兄弟,肝膽相照,徐 氏 相贈畫作不斷,後更 收 駱 氏 長子駱拓為義子,接去 北 京讀書生活。徐駱二 人 的交往,是徐悲鴻南洋旅途中的一段 佳 遇,乃繼黃 孟 圭、黃 曼 士兄弟後,徐 氏於 南洋的另一知音。駱清泉珍藏的徐悲鴻作品, 數 十年來鮮有公開。如今, 駱 氏 舊藏徐悲鴻重要作品 於佳 士得拍賣中呈 現 ,必將為徐悲鴻南洋藝途的研究,提供更 多 寶貴的資料。


XU BEIHONG (1895-1953)

Horse Scratching

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

128.5 x 75.3 cm. (50 ⅝ x 29 ⅝ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dated twenty-eighth year (of the Republic, 1939) Dedicated to Qingquan (Mr Loh Cheng Chuan)


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.



徐悲鴻 搔著癢處 設色紙本 立軸 一九三九年作





This painting, measuring over eight square feet, depicts a spirited horse scratching its head under the shade of a tree. Its posture is vigorous as it leans down to scratch, displaying a relaxed and comfortable demeanour amidst its strength. In the background, willow leaves sway in the wind, and lush grass lay like a carpet as if a refreshing breeze were brushing against the horse. As the horse and its background complement each other harmoniously, this painting serves as an excellent example of Xu Beihong’s horse-themed painting.

In February 1941, Xu Beihong travelled from Singapore to Penang to hold a charity exhibition to raise funds for war relief efforts. In Penang, he met with the local overseas Chinese leader Loh Cheng Chuan, the exhibition organiser. The two men connected instantly and formed a close friendship, with Xu gifting many works to Loh as tokens of friendship. Signed initially only with “Beihong,” this painting was later dedicated and gifted to Loh Cheng Chuan. Xu added an inscription on the left, stating: “For Brother Qingquan (Cheng Chuan) to enjoy an old work from the twenty-eighth year (1939).” This indicates that the artist completed this piece before coming to Penang, keeping it with him during his travels or intending to exhibit it in other places. Xu Beihong, known for his hard work and patriotic sentiments, often expressed deep emotions in his works, filled with concerns and indignation. However, this piece distinctly conveys a sense of leisure and elegance, illustrating rare moments of relaxation and joy during his time in Southeast Asia. The choice of this gift to Loh Cheng Chuan reveals Xu’s innermost emotions and reflects the profound camaraderie and closeness shared between them.

本幅以八尺巨幅,寫樹蔭下一駿馬搔癢之態。駿馬身姿強健,俯身搔癢,剛毅 中顯悠閒愜意之態。背 景隱約見柳葉隨風搖曳,芳草如茵,如感清風拂面。兩者互相 映照,詩意盎然,實為徐悲鴻畫馬題材 中之一精彩特例。

徐悲鴻於1941年2月,由新加坡至檳城舉辦抗日籌賑 義展,因此結識擔綱展覽籌備任務的當地僑領駱 清泉,二人心意相投,結為金石之盟,友誼綿長,作品相贈 不斷。本幅原應僅俱“悲鴻”款識,後贈 予駱清泉時,徐悲鴻於原本簽名左側再題:“清泉兄存玩,廿八年(1939)舊作。”由此可見,這應 是畫家來檳城前創作完成,隨身保留行筴,陪伴旅途的得意之 作,或是徐氏用於星馬各地展覽之物。

徐氏一生操勞,常抱家國情懷,筆下作品多有憂思激 憤之態,而本作盡顯閒情雅致之意,可見徐氏南 洋歲月包含了一生中為數不多的輕鬆愉悅時刻。徐 氏以顯露內心深處情感的作品相贈駱清泉,亦可見 二人情誼之深,交往之切。


XU BEIHONG (1895-1953)

Standing Horse

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 112 x 54.3 cm. (44 ⅛ x 21 ⅜ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated third month, thirtieth year (of the Republic, 1941)

Dedicated to Qingquan (Mr Loh Cheng Chuan)


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.








After Xu Beihong and Loh Ching Chuan met in February 1941, the two spent much time together, with Loh inviting Xu to stay long-term at his Nam Kok Hotel in Penang. Xu’s stay in Penang was a rare period of relaxation during his Southeast Asia journey. During this time, Loh’s young son often observed Xu Beihong painting in his room at the hotel. This painting was created and gifted to Loh by the artist in March 1941 during his stay. It depicts an energetic horse standing in solitude on the grassland, looking back, echoing the poetic phrase “In the autumn wind, turning back to look over a thousand miles to recall the old battleground.” The horse stands bravely against the wind, its mane blowing in the breeze, exuding a sense of heroic independence, expressing the artist’s resilience and passion during the challenging times of the war. The gifting of this painting at the beginning of Xu and Loh’s acquaintance reflects mutual respect and encouragement among the Chinese people.

徐悲鴻與駱清泉於1941年2月結識後,二人形影不離,駱氏更邀請徐悲鴻至駱家經營 的“南國大旅 社”長住。在南國旅社的歲月成為徐悲鴻南洋生涯不多的輕鬆愉快時刻。在 此期間,徐駱二人日日相 隨,駱清泉與幼子常常觀賞徐悲鴻於南國旅社房間中作畫。本幅寫於194 1年3月,正是這一時期創作 和相贈駱氏的作品。畫作寫駿馬獨立於草澤,回首眺望,正應和“秋風萬里頻回 顧,認識當年舊戰 場”的題詩。駿馬迎風獨立,毛髮為風吹起,頗有英雄獨立 的狹義之氣,也是畫家於抗戰相持的艱難 時刻抒發堅韌激昂之氣的體現。畫作相贈於徐駱相識之初,頗有華人間 惺惺相惜、互相砥礪之意。


Penang Nam Kok Hotel, Xu Beihong stayed in the right room at the end of corridor in this photo
Nam Kok Hotel, Penang


XU BEIHONG (1895-1953)

Two Sparrows and Reeds

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 44 x 55.5 cm. (17 ⅜ x 21 ⅞ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

來源:直接得自畫家,並由家族傳承。 Important Xu Beihong Paintings Formerly From The Collection Of Loh Cheng Chuan, Penang

徐悲鴻 雙飛圖 設色紙本 鏡框 一九四一年作 題識:悲鴻,辛巳(1941年)。



Dated xinsi year (1941)


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.





XU BEIHONG (1895-1953)

Magpie by Red Leaves Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 79 x 33.7 cm. (31 ⅛ x 13 ¼ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dated autumn, yiyou year (1945)


Sotheby’s Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Paintings, 5 April 2016, Lot 1328.


Paintings of Hsu Pei-Hung, China Painting Association, Taipei, January 1975, p. 72.

HK$700,000-900,000 US$91,000-120,000

徐悲鴻 紅葉喜鵲 設色紙本 立軸 一九四五年作



來源:香港蘇富比,中國書畫拍賣,2016年4月5日,編 號1328。

出版:《徐悲鴻畫集》,中華書畫出版社,台北,1975年 1月,第72頁。


FU BAOSHI (1904-1965)

Appreciating Paintings under Trees

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

47.3 x 66.3 cm. (18 ⅝ x 26 ⅛ in.)

Signed, with three seals of the artist



傅抱石 桐蔭讀畫圖 設色紙本 鏡框



In the painting, Fu Baoshi portrays an old pavilion nestled beneath towering trees. Within, three scholars open a painting amidst conversation, accompanied by attentive young attendants behind the screen. Nearby, two scholars engage in discussions. The foreground features two scholars gesturing towards the pavilion, while on the right, a poignant reunion unfolds between two scholars and an attendant carrying a qin, evoking a sense of long-awaited connection. The scene exudes an air of refined elegance under the shelter of the Tong trees.

The Orchid Pavilion Gathering holds a central place in the hearts of Chinese literati, offering Fu Baoshi solace during the societal upheaval when he was in Chongqing. This influence is palpable in this piece, where Fu deftly employs splashed ink and layered brushstrokes to depict towering trees alive with vitality. Subtle hues of green and ochre evoke a buzzing summer, juxtaposing the serene figures against the lively setting.

The painting brims with lush brushstrokes, effortlessly blending reality and abstraction—both vague and natural, yet precise and evocative—vividly capturing the elegance and leisure of literati gatherings. Each character exudes a distinct demeanour, radiating a noble and refined aura. Notably, their eyes convey lifelike emotions, adding depth to the scene. His work focuses on bold strokes, meticulous refinement, and profound contemplation, resulting in a whimsical piece infused with meticulous thought.

In April 1939, Fu Baoshi and his family settled in Chongqing’s western suburbs near Jingangpo for nearly eight transformative years. This period marked a zenith in Fu’s artistic journey as he embraced his distinctive methodology, transcending the limitations of ink and brush. Alongside other creations from his Chongqing era, this painting stands as the pinnacle of his lifelong artistic endeavours.

此幅《桐蔭讀畫圖》中,高樹下一椽老屋,三位高士正在展卷欣賞畫作,隔間的兩 位高士正低聲輕語,兩書童於旁陪侍。近景左側,二人姍姍來遲,談笑著指著堂屋 的幾人。右側二位感覺許久未見,正親密的交談。書童攜琴立於身後,桐蔭下一片 高古風雅。

此幅《桐蔭讀畫圖》正是來自蘭亭雅集的靈感。傅抱石以潑墨和多層次的豐富筆法 繪前後大樹七株,滿布枝葉,氣勢撼人,順勢粗筆勾出筋脈,一片 生 機 盎 然。間 以少許花青、赭石輔色,率性為之,營造出暑熱蟬鳴的盛夏濃蔭。點景人物細筆勾 寫,精妙洗練。其他人物神態各異,均氣宇軒昂,神態飄逸,氣質不凡。尤其是眼 神的刻畫,頗為傳神。從而與激蕩的大樹、粗放的坡石形成一種粗細、疏密、動靜 的對比趣味。整幅筆墨滋潤渾厚,實中有虛,虛中有實,既朦朧,自然,又概括, 具體,將多葉多枝多層次多表現得淋漓盡致,形象地表達了文人的雅集逸趣。 1939年4月,傅抱石攜家輾轉流徙,來到 重慶 西郊金剛坡下,羈留了近八年光陰。 金剛坡八年,成為他繪畫創作的轉折期與高峰期。他“我用我法”,豁然頓悟,逐 漸打開了一扇“打破筆墨約束的法門”。金剛坡時期的作品被視為傅抱石一生創作 中最重要的部分。《桐蔭讀畫圖》頗見奇趣,絕是精心營構的金剛坡時期佳作。


FU BAOSHI (1904-1965)

Reciting Poetry by the Willow Bank Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 47.7 x 49 cm. (18 ¾ x 19 ¼ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated autumn, guiwei year (1943)

Further inscribed and signed by the artist, with one seal Dedicated to Madam Huiru (Shum Wai Yu)


Previously from a private American collection. Sotheby’s Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Paintings, 11 October 2021, Lot 3148.


According to the note affixed at the back of the painting, the painting previously belonged to Ms Shum Wai Yu in Palo Alto, California, USA.



傅抱石 柳岸行吟圖 設色紙本 立軸 一九四三年作




鈐印:傅抱石印 來源:美國私人舊藏。


註: 根據貼於畫背的英文簡述,此作品的原藏家為於美國加州的沈慧如女士 (Shum Wai Yu)。

Fu Baoshi loved painting and excelled at depicting ancient figures. His portrayal of these figures drew inspiration from his studies of Gu Kaizhi and captured the essence of the art from the Six Dynasties. In his painting Reciting Poetry by the Willow Bank, a scholar with a clear and elegant visage, adorned with a five-stranded beard, exudes a carefree and refined demeanor as he strolls along the riverbank, emanating a sense of serenity and contentment. It is likely that the scholar depicted in the painting is a representation of the renowned poet Tao Yuanming of the Jin Dynasty (356-427 AD).

Tao Yuanming epitomizes the ideal of enlightenment for intellectuals throughout Chinese history. To those disenchanted with reality, Tao serves as a spiritual guidepost, celebrated for his retreat to the mountains, his passion for reading without the pursuit of profound knowledge, his love for wine, his reserved disposition, aversion to fame and wealth, and unwavering commitment to his principles. This philosophy of life deeply resonated with Fu Baoshi during his time in Jingangpo near Chongqing. Despite the challenges of the 1940s in war-torn Chongqing, characterized by heavy family responsibilities and poverty, this period proved to be remarkably fruitful for Fu Baoshi. He took pleasure in drinking and was often seen “preferring wine over tea during moments of leisure.” This enjoyment served as a significant source of motivation for his artistic endeavors. These anecdotes may shed light on the artist’s particular fascination with Tao Yuanming.

傅抱石愛畫、善畫古代人物。此幅《柳岸行吟圖》,畫面中一 高士,面目清秀,五綹鬚髯,瀟灑飄 逸。負手踱步于江畔,神色淡然,怡然自得。在抱石 灑脫奔放的皴染下,五棵粗壯的柳樹垂於岸上, 枝椏婆娑,樹幹的赭色與衣袍上淡淡的花青,配合畫面 清冷的色調,巧妙地表現出時值秋末冬初,柳 葉凋零的蕭瑟場景。

畫中高士想來應是畫家筆下的五柳先生。五柳先生陶淵明(356-427)係晉代大詩人,因厭惡 官 場奉 迎 諂媚惡習,不 願 為五斗 米折 腰 而辭官 歸隱。陶淵明 這 一人物, 似 乎是中國 歷 代 知 識份子 心 中的明月 光。 他 的為人 處 世的的態度,以 及 愛酒嗜酒的豪放 性情 ,與金剛坡時期滿 腹 才 華 、內 心 富 足 , 而 又生 活 貧 困 的傅抱石產生了 強烈 的 共鳴 。金剛坡也是傅抱石 精 品倍出的時期。 “往往醉後” 的 佳話已 為美 術界所津津樂道。 這 切 或 許已能 說明抱石先生 對 陶淵明 特 別有 興趣 的原因。


RAO ZONGYI (1917-2018)

Evening on the Lake Hanging scroll, ink and colour on coloured patterned paper

136.1 x 34.7 cm. (53 ⅝ x 13 ⅝ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated dinghai year (2007)


Formerly from the Collection of Prof. Wong Shiu Hon and Mrs Tsang Ying Ching


Please refer to Chinese text.

HK$80,000-120,000 US$11,000-16,000

饒宗頤 長天落彩霞 設色花色箋 立軸 二〇〇七年作

題識:長天落彩霞,遠水涵秋鏡。花如人面紅,山似 佛頭青。生色圍屏,翠冷松雲徑,嫣然眉黛 橫。但攜將旖旎濃香,何必賦橫斜瘦影。張可 久湖上晚歸曲子。丁亥(2007年)選堂。

鈐印:饒宗頤印、選堂 來源:黃兆漢、曾影靖教授夫婦舊藏。

出版:《長天落彩霞—任劍輝的劇藝世界》,三聯書 店(香港)有限公司,2009年11月,扉頁。

註:黃兆漢(1941年生),前香港大學中文系正 教授,著述等身,現居澳洲塔斯曼尼亞省霍巴特 (Hobart, Tasmania),從事中國書畫和文化授學與推 廣。曾影靖女士,曾任香港理工大學圖書館副館長。

Property from a Japanese Private Collection 日本私人珍藏


WU CHANGSHUO (1844-1927)

Bamboo and Rock

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on satin 164.1 x 40.1 cm. (64 ⅝ x 15 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dated spring, jiwei year (1919)

Inscribed and signed by Hitomi Shoka (1887-1968, a Japanese painting artist) on the wooden box, with one seal

HK$260,000-360,000 US$34,000-47,000

吳昌碩 竹石圖 設色綾本 立軸 一九一九年作 題識:風枝露篠淨無塵。吳昌碩寫於扈。 己未(1919)春年七十有六。


人見少華(日本畫家)題木盒蓋: 吳昌碩竹石圖。自黃絖本淡彩條幅。

木盒內蓋題字: 七十萬人一缶翁,乘興一揮能藏神。青黃翠石 雨 過,風枝露篠淨無塵。少華自題。


景 蘇 室 舊 藏

Yonezawa Akihiro (1923-1982) was a Japanese collector of Chinese painting and works of art. He once owned a Dong Qichang calligraphy in his collection, bearing the collector’s seals of Aoyama San’u (1912-1993), Lin Xiongguang (1897-1971), and his own. Akihiro’s sobriquet, Keisoshitsu, was inspired by Su Shi, a Song Dynasty artist and poet whom he greatly admired. Among his favorite paintings was a portrait of Su Shi by the Qing dynasty painter Gai Qi. It is rumoured that Yonezawa Akihiro had intended to acquire the renowned calligraphy by Su Shi, “The Cold Food Observance,” in Japan during the early 20th century before it was sold to Taiwan and was later acquired by the National Palace Museum in Taipei. Akihiro frequently visited Gyokusendo in Tokyo, an antique shop founded in 1818 that specialized in scholar’s objects. It was there that he met the artist Zhang Daqian, who taught him painting. Akihiro also had a close friendship with the distinguished collector Lin Xiongguang and was acquainted with the eminent American Chinese art scholar James Cahill (1926-2014).

From the same collection, a painting by Huang Shen will be offered in the Fine Chinese Classical Painting and Calligraphy auction on 27 November 2024 and a group of scholar’s objects will be offered in the Chinese Works of Art live and online auctions in Spring 2025.

景蘇室主人米澤彰洋(1923-1982)乃日本的中國繪畫和藝術品收 藏家。他曾收藏董其昌的書法作品,上有青山杉雨(1912-1993)、 林熊光(1897-1971)和他自己的鑒藏印。他的堂號“景蘇室” 乃 受到他非常崇拜的宋代藝術家、詩人蘇軾的啟發而得。在他鍾愛的 畫作中,有一幅清代畫家改琦所繪的蘇軾畫像。據傳言,米澤彰洋 於20世紀初期在日本曾嘗試收購蘇軾的名作《寒食帖》,但後來該 作品售到臺灣,後來又被臺北故宮博物院收藏。米澤彰洋經常 拜訪 東京的玉川堂,一家成立於1818年 專門經營文房四寶的古董店。在那 裡,他認識了藝術家張大千,後者 曾教授他繪畫。他還與著名藏家林 熊光保持密切友誼,並熟識著名的 美國中國藝術學者高居翰(19262014)。

米澤彰洋的收藏中,另有一幅黃慎 繪畫將於2024年11月27日的中國古 代書畫拍賣中呈現,一組文人器物 將於2025年春季在中國藝術品線上 及現場拍賣中呈現。

Yonezawa Akihiro (1923-1982) 米澤彰洋 (1923-1982)


WU CHANGSHUO (1844-1927)

Flower and Calligraphy

Album of eight leaves, ink and colour on paper

Each leaf measures 24.7 x 31.3 cm. (9 ¾ x 12 ⅜ in.)

Five leaves inscribed and signed, one leaf signed, with a total of ten seals of the artist

Dedicated to Xiaofang (Yan Xinhou, 1838-1906)

Nine collectors’ seals

Titleslip inscribed and signed by He Songhua (1858-1934), with one seal

Dated tenth month, xinchuo year (1901)

Three titleslips by He Songhua (1858-1934), Nishikawa Yasushi (19021989) and another Japanese collector, with a total of four seals


Previously in the collection of Kanayama Chusai (1916-2008). Previously in the collection of Yonezawa Akihiro (1923-1982).


Please refer to Chinese text.



吳昌碩 書畫合璧 設色紙本 冊頁八開

1. 題識:曉鏡嬌煙鬢濕,小廔聽雨眠遲,待到上林春信,一花先發




2. 題識:白菡蓞香(花)承露影,野慈姑葉刺菭衣。香氣消受夢初




3 題識:墻根鞠華可沽酒。昌碩。



4 題識:擬花之寺僧而神味不及。昌碩。



5. 釋文:雲孤依碧落,菭老結春冰。面此石壁者,不知何代僧。





直沽中夜雙輪發,未及雞鳴已度關, 幻蜃吸珠魚吐沬,腥風滿載過成山。《成山》


6. 釋文:金山亭子墖低昂,高躡春雲禮上方。









7. 釋文:缶廬讀書處,好鳥時幽探。病臂臨池活,遊心繞樹貪。



菜裹詩囊繞病身, 鐙漲雨絕來人。



8 釋文:蓉湖西去夕陽貧,嶼蓼汀葭刺眼新。









何頌華(1858-1934) 題簽條:吳昌碩詩畫冊。光緒辛丑(1901)十月。何頌華署簽。



西川寧(1902-1989) 題簽條:缶廬先生書畫合璧。鑄齋藏。寧題耑。




來源:金山鑄齋舊藏; 景蘇室米澤彰洋舊藏。

展覽:東京,上野之森美術館,“逝世五十年 吳昌碩記念展”,


東京國立博物館,“吳昌碩とその時代 苦鉄沒後90年展”, 2018年1月2-28日。

台東區立書道博物館,“吳昌碩とその時代 苦鉄沒後90年 展”,2018年1月30日至3月4日。

出版:《書籍名品叢刊・第161回配本「清 吳昌碩 尺牘/詩稿」》, 株式會社二玄社,1970年1月初版、1988年9月二版,第50-57頁。


謙慎書道会編,《吳昌碩のすべて》,株式會社二玄社,1977 年8月初版、1984年8月四版,第108-109頁。(其中繪畫四開) 《中国法書選60:清吳昌碩集》,株式會社二玄社,1990年

2月,圖版68。(其中一開) 《中国法書ガイド60:清吳昌碩集》,株式會社二玄社,1990年 2月,第58頁。(其中一開)



《第40回由源展記念「缶蘆先生書画合壁」》,近代書道研究 所,2016年6月,限量複製品500件。

註:上款人筱舫應為嚴信厚(1838-1906),原名經邦,字筱舫,浙江 寧波慈溪人。清末實業家、書畫家。中國近代企業的開拓者。晚清實 業家四大巨富之一。嚴信厚工書善畫,其書法筆力沉凝,纂有《小長


















Family Collection of an Important and Influential 20th Century Intellectual-Part II 二十世紀重要學者家族收藏·第二部分 (Lot 781)

The collection belongs to the descendent of an influential and progressive intellectual of 20th-century China. The scholar was associated with other intellectuals, thinkers, and artists of the time. All the works in this collection were directly gifted by the artists and were kept in the family for nearly a century.

本收藏來自二十 世 紀重要學者 之 後人。此學者亦與 當 時眾多知識 分 子 、思想家和藝術家交往 。本收藏中作品 均 為 直接得 自 藝術家 ,作品 保 留在 家族 中 近一個世 紀,識者 珍之 !


HONGYI (1880-1942) / MA XULUN (1885-1970) / YUAN XILIAN (?-1950)



Scroll, mounted and framed, vermilion on paper

27.5 x 32.5 cm. (10 ⅞ x 12 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

Dated autumn, renshen year (1932)

Dedicated to Longwen

Ma Xunlun:

A set of two scrolls, unmounted and framed as one, ink on paper

One scroll measures 35.5 x 25 cm. (14 x 9 ⅞ in.)

One scroll measures 30 x 18.3 cm. (11 ¾ x 7 ¼ in.)

Each inscribed and signed, with a total of two seals of the artist

Each dated thirtieth-first year (of the Republic, 1942)

Both dedicated to Mianzun

Yuan Xilian:

Two scrolls, mounted and framed, ink on paper

Each scroll measures 68.5 x 19.8 cm. (27 x 7 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dedicated to Mianzun


Acquired directly from the artist, thence by descent.


Ma and Yuan’s works are dedicated to Mianzun, whose full name is Xia Mianzun (1886-1946). Born in Songxia, Shangyu, Zhejiang Province, his real name is Xia Zhu and his courtesy name is Mianzhan. He later changed his name to Mianzun. He is known as a modern Chinese educator, prose writer, and Buddhist layman. Longwen refers to Xia Longwen, Xia Mianzun’s son.



弘一/馬敘倫/袁希濂 致夏龍文朱砂古德法語/致夏丏尊詩稿兩 通/書法對聯 朱砂紙本/水墨紙本 鏡框四幅 一九三二/四二年作

弘 《致夏龍文朱砂書法》 釋文:我愛山中行,安步不須馬。 有時訪怪石,有時趨樹下。 本無取境心,何勞更修捨。 嗤彼世塗中,鑽龜復打瓦。 我愛山中住,觀化俯且仰。 法不當情,萬緣同鏡像。 纔言獨露身,無端已成兩。 笑破太虛空,巖谷爭酬響。 風來萬壑鳴,月出千山皎。 笑此頑虛空,常為明動擾。 不動復是誰,豈居風月表。 離此既雙非,問君了不了。

題識:歲次壬申(1932年)早秋,安居伏龍 講苑,龍文居士書來云將築室楊谿, 埋名遯世,寫此付之。月臂。







1. 釋文:

訪丏尊歸後感賦即示丏尊。 當年豪氣已平常,袒臂攤書獨踞牀。酒興近來還似舊,瓦尊虛設不能嘗。 (丏尊癖酒,今不能具。) 回首風雲明遠樓,(明遠樓在故浙江貢院至公堂前院,廢為浙江兩級師範 學堂,復改為浙江省立弟一師範學校。余與丏尊及錢均夫、姜敬廬並嘗執 教焉。)眼前多少賤封侯。 身翰由櫱成杗棟,笑語何妨暫楚囚。嗸嗸何止是江鴻,行路時聞歎腹空。 為道頻年無水旱,只緣國命偶逢凶。平日何嘗有宿糧,如今筇仗掛空囊。 同嗟莫問淮南米,早辦終身辟穀方。誤身端是慕為儒,已分青山葬餓夫。 偏為妻兒成再誤,尚尋椎鑿發金珠。



2 釋文:(與上文同,不錄)。





著錄:林子青編,《弘 大師年譜》,中日文化協會上海分會,上海,1944年

9月,第124頁(弘 )。(後世弘 研究著作多引用此年譜,因此此作


註:馬敘倫、袁希濂作品上款人“丏尊”即夏丏尊(1886 1946),本名夏




弘一法師1931年受廈門廣洽法師邀請意欲赴閩,至滬後因時局不寧未果,轉而 至杭州,十月至紹興,臘月至鎮海龍山伏龍寺度歲,來年壬申(1932年)往返 伏龍寺與周邊寺院之間,至十一月方得往南閩。本幅書法作於“壬申早秋,安


年編輯出版《弘 大師年譜》,此年譜成為後世弘 研究的基礎,本作即收錄

於此年譜中,此後續見於後世弘 研究




袁希濂所書聯文“華枝春滿,天心月 圓”乃弘一圓寂前致夏丏尊遺劄中偈 語,全偈為“君子之交,其淡如水。執 象而求,咫尺千里。問余何適,廓爾忘 言。華枝春滿,天心月圓。” ,乃弘


此拍品所含三人書法、信劄以夏丏尊為 中心,是研究弘一及諸位文人學者生 平 與交遊的重要史料。


SU MANSHU (1884-1918)

Scholars Boating

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

55.4 x 30 cm. (21 ¾ x 11 ¾ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist

Dedicated to Mr. Zhou

One collector’s seal

HK$80,000-120,000 US$11,000-16,000

蘇曼殊 書生泛舟 設色紙本 鏡框

題識:周先生奉教,曼殊。 鈐印:元瑛 鑑藏印:許徵白師生畫展會印


LÜ FENGZI (1886-1959)

Buddhas and Lady Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 85 x 33.5 cm. (33 ½ x 13 ¼ in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Dated xinsi year (1941)

Further inscribed and signed by the artist, with one seal

Dedicated to Xifan (Ma Xifan, 1894-1945)

One collector’s seal of Ma Xifan


From an important Southeast Asian collection.



呂鳳子 維摩詰說法圖 設色紙本 立軸 一九四一年作



鈐印:老鳳、廿七年入蜀以後作、先生造物 又題:洗繁先生鑒之。鳳先生。


馬洗繁鑑藏印:洗繁清玩 來源:重要南洋私人收藏。

註:上款人“洗繁”應為馬洗繁(18941945),河北昌黎人,1913年入天津南開學 校,後於日本、美國、英國等地深造,獲政 治經濟學碩士學位。1923年回國,擔任朝陽 大學、中國法政大學教授。1932年羅家倫出 長國立中央大學,特聘馬洗繁到校任教,兼 政治系系主任、法學院院長、法科研究所所 長,歷時十一載。呂鳳子曾於中央大學任教 近十年,二人有共事之誼。


LÜ FENGZI (1886-1959)

Four Arhats

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 69 x 116 cm. (27 ⅛ x 45 ⅝ in.)

Entitled and signed, with one seal of the artist

PROVENANCE: M K Lau Collection.



呂鳳子 四阿羅漢圖 設色紙本 立軸 題識:四阿羅漢圖。鳳先生。

鈐印:江南鳳 來源:梅潔樓珍藏。

Property from a Private Southeast Asian Collection 東南亞私人收藏 (Lots 785-788)

The collector is a Southeast Asian Chinese who conducted business in mainland China in the 1980s. Due to his interest in Chinese paintings and calligraphy, he acquired works from various antique shops and galleries across the country. He also received many gifted works from artists, mainly focusing on painters from Shanghai and Jiangsu, in particular he had a close relationship with Huang Yongyu.


SONG WENZHI (1919-1999)

Pines and Clouds on Mount Huang

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

70.7 x 44.4 cm. (27 ⅞ x 17 ½ in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dated July 1979



宋文治 黃山松雲 設色紙本 立軸 一九七九年作



藏家為東南亞華人 , 上世紀80 年代在 中 國 內地經商 ,因 喜好書畫藝 術 , 自 各 地文物商店、畫 廊處購入作 品 ,同時亦 自畫家 處 得贈 作 品 良 多 ,主要集 中於上 海 、江 蘇 帶 畫家 ,亦與 黃永 玉關係密 切。


WEI ZIXI (1915-2002)

Waterfall by the Old Pine

90.6 x 48 cm. (35 .5/8 x 18 .7/8 in.)

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist

Dated, winter, gengshen year (1980)



魏紫熙 松下流泉 設色紙本 立軸 一九八〇年作 題識:亂流爭迅湍,噴薄如雷風。庚申(1980)大寒畫於南京。

魏紫熙。 鈐印:老魏、紫熙書畫、八十年代



LU YANSHAO (1909-1993)

Mountains and Running Streams

Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper

67.3 x 45.7 cm. (26 ½ x 18 in.)

Inscribed and signed, with four seals of the artist Dated October, 1978



題識:一九七八年十月。陸儼少寫記。 鈐印:儼少、宛若、穆如館、嘉定



HONGYI (1880-1942)

Calligraphy in Running Script

39 x 33.5 cm. (15 .3/8 x 13 .1/4 in.)

Hanging scroll, ink on paper

Signed, with one seal of the artist

HK$100,000-200,000 US$13,000-26,000

弘一 書法-饒益眾生 水墨紙本 立軸




From the Family Collection of Xu Zuguang 徐祖光家族珍藏 (Lots 789-791)


SHEN YINMO (1887-1971)


Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper 33.8 x 97.8 cm. (13 ¼ x 38 ½ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist HK$60,000-80,000 US$7,800-10,000

沈尹默 書法 水墨紙本 鏡框

釋文:劉夢得竹枝九章,詞意高妙,元和間誠可 以獨步。道風俗而不俚,追古昔而不愧, 比杜子美夔州歌,所謂同工而異曲也。昔 東坡嘗聞余詠第(一)篇,嘆曰:“此奔 軼絕塵,不可追也。”

此四章可以配黍離之詩,有國存亡之鑑 也。大㮣劉夢得樂府小章優於大篇,詩優 於他文耳。

題識:右黃魯直跋劉夢得所作竹枝歌三闕辭二 則。尹默。



SHEN YINMO (1887-1971)

Calligraphy in Running Script

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper

130 x 33 cm. (51 ⅛ x 13 in.)

Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dedicated to Zuguang



沈尹默 行書-正氣歌 水墨紙本 鏡框





SHEN ZENGZHI (1850-1922)

Calligraphic Couplet

A pair of scrolls, mounted and framed, ink on paper

Each scroll measures 143 x 34 cm. (56 ¼ x 13 ⅜ in.)

Signed, with three seals of the artist



沈曾植 書法對聯 水墨紙本 鏡框兩幅






Rubbing of the Stone Sculpture of the Heavenly Guardian

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper 122 x 58.5 cm. (48 x 23 in.)

Entitled, inscribed and signed by the artist, with a total of fourteen seals of the artist

Dated sixth month, twenty-sixth day, guimao year (2023)



季崇建 初唐力士造像 水墨紙本 鏡框 二〇二三年作 題釋:初唐力士造像。癸卯年(2023年)伏月廿六 隅中,海上慎堂季崇健題耑。

此力士造像雕鑿手法頗具特色,並敷彩繪 色,取以天然礦物質顏料。初觀,微見色 痕,若著水即顯本色,甚是好看。曾有鑒品 者觀之信口贗品,啊呀呀!如此眼力。其實 古佛雕之類藝術品,其中一大鑒定要點即是 辨色。彼時造像完畢皆會著色敷彩,石窟大 寺諸尊釋像並法界眷屬如此,寺院單體造像 亦如此,民間小像造作更是如此。初視之, 僅見痕跡,是因年久而褪卻不少,然若著水 則原色必顯也。故鑒佛之真贗,觀色實乃一 大要點矣。未知此而妄加斷判,實是水準所 限也。癸卯伏月崇建再題。

季按:此力士造像以漢白石雕鑿而成。據其雕工風 格與石材質地觀察研辨,產地應在河北不遠 處也。其通高三十九,最寬處約在二十一釐 米,雖手足皆殘缺,然主體部份均在,束高 髮髺,臉龐方正,面部凹凸明顯,雙眉高 翹,瞪目突睛,似有俗話“彈眼落睛”之 狀,面目猙獰可佈,身體健壯,額骨突出, 肌肉發達,腰束戰裙,尤見腹部多重肌肉, 無比硬(朗),猶如“秀肌肉圖”一般。而 裙褶紋理之刻劃與帔帛之表現極富動感,這 種如隨風揚起風動感乃唐時造像之一大特 徵。此品斷代顯見也。

鈐印:癸卯(2023年)、季氏(兩次)、崇建印 信、別部將軍、慎堂藏拓(三次)、季崇建 印、心血來潮、慎堂、崇建(兩次)、愛 不釋手



Dancing Cranes

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

96 x 126 cm. (37 ¾ x 49 ⅝ in.)

Signed, with two seals of the artist


US$34,000-45,000 林湖奎 起舞弄清影 設色紙本 鏡框 款識:湖奎。 鈐印:林湖奎印、近山堂



Leopard on Pine Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

84 x 187 cm. (33 ⅛ x 73 ⅝ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist Dated jiachen year (2024)


Hong Kong City Hall, Paintings and Calligraphy by Huang Guozhen and Liu Mengkuan, 9-12, August 2024 (illustrated in exhibition catalogue).



劉孟寬 南山豹隱 設色紙本 鏡框 二〇二四年作




展覽:香港大會堂,“黃國楨、劉孟寬書畫 展”,2024年8月9-12日(並刊於展覽 圖冊《劉孟寬畫集2024》)。



View from Clear Water Bay Studio Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 58 x 140 cm. (22 ⅞ x 55 ⅛ in.)

With three seals of the artist Dated 2024

HK$70,000-90,000 US$9,100-12,000

黃孝逵 清水居2024 0924 設色紙本 鏡框 二〇二四年作




Untrammeled Vision of Lotus (7)

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper

95 x 60 cm. (37 ⅜ x 23 ⅝ in.)

Signed, with one seal of the artist



麥羅武 脫穎之七 設色紙本 鏡框





Lotus at the Window

Scroll, mounted and framed, watercolour on paper

76.5 x 56.5 cm. (30 ⅛ x 22 ¼ in.)

Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist

Dated 2023


Guangdong Provincial Lingdong Museum of Arts, Sowing Lotus with Color – Tour Exhibition of Watercolor Paintings by Dr. Siu Fun Kee, April 27th to May 26th, 2024. Luohu Art Museum, Future of Interaction (4) – Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao Young Artists Exhibition, July 10-28, 2024.


Sowing Lotus with Color – Watercolor Paintings by Siu Fun Kee, Hong Kong Art and Culture Group Limited, January 2024, Lot 112. Future of Interaction (4) – Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao Young Artists Exhibition

Collection, Luohu Art Museum, 2024, Pages 186-187.



蕭芬琪 窗迥時見荷 水彩紙本 鏡框 二〇二三年作

題識:Funkee, 2023。


展覽:廣東省嶺東美術館,“播彩耕荷—蕭 芬琪博士水彩畫巡展”,2024年4月27 日—5月26日。

羅湖美術館,“交互的未來(第四 季)—深港澳青年藝術家作品展”, 2024年7月10日—28日。

出版:《播彩耕荷——蕭芬琪水彩畫集》, 香港藝苑集團有限公司出版,2024年 1月,圖112。

《交互的未來(第四季)—深港澳青 年藝術家作品展作品集》,羅湖美術 館,2024年,第186-187頁。



Bai Jiao 白蕉 749

Bai Xueshi 白雪石 645-646

Chen Banding 陳半丁 704

Chen Qikuan 陳其寬 620

Chen Shaomei 陳少梅 729

Chen Wen Hsi 陳文希 737

Chen Yinke 陳寅恪 692

Chiang Kai-Shek 蔣介石 684

Deng Fen 鄧芬 701

Ding Yanyong 丁衍庸 608-613, 723

Fang Zhaoling 方召麐 618

Feng Zikai 豐子愷 614-617

Fu Baoshi 傅抱石 776-777

Gao Jianfu 高劍父 632

Guan Liang 關良 722, 735, 742

Guan Shanyue 關山月 627

He Haixia 何海霞 654

Hongyi 弘一 781, 788

Huang Binhong 黃賓虹 704, 713, 730-731

Huang Junbi 黃君璧 683, 766-767

Huang Yongyu 黃永玉 662-664, 738-740

Huang Zhou 黃冑 653, 655

Ji Chongjian 季崇建 792

Jiang Zhaohe 蔣兆和 746

Jiang Zhaoshen 江兆申 770

Kang Youwei 康有為 687, 689

Li Huayi

李華弌 625

Li Keran 李可染 649-650, 745

Li Xiongcai 黎雄才 626, 628

Liang Qichao 梁啟超 688

Lin Fengmian 林風眠 639, 642-644, 718-720

Lin Hukui 林湖奎 793

Liu Haisu 劉海粟 697, 699-700

Liu Mengkuan 劉孟寬 794

Lü Fengzi 呂鳳子 783-784

Lu Yanshao 陸儼少 708, 734, 787

Ma Xulun 馬敘倫 781

Louis Mak 麥羅武 796

Mei Lanfang 梅蘭芳 750

Pan Tianshou 潘天壽 733

Pang Xunqin 龐薰琹 736

Pu Ru 溥儒 677-679, 681-682, 702, 710, 768-770

Qi Baishi 齊白石 603-604, 656-659, 706707, 748

Qi Gong 啓功 601-602, 744

Qi Kun 祁崑 709

Qian Mu 錢穆 607

Rao Zongyi 饒宗頤 605, 690-691, 778



Shen Yinmo 沈尹默 789-790

Shen Zengzhi 沈曾植 791

Shi Hu 石虎 619

Shi Lu 石魯 651-652

Siu Fun Kee 蕭芬琪 797

Song Wenzhi 宋文治 647, 785

Su Chung-Ming 蘇崇銘 621

Su Manshu 蘇曼殊 782

Sun Hao 孫浩 623

Sun Wen 孫文 686

Tai Jingnong 臺靜農 606, 752

Tai Xiangzhou 泰祥洲 624

Tang Yun 唐雲 696

Wang Jingwei 汪精衛 685, 756

Wang Xuetao 王雪濤 743

Wei Xiaorong 尉曉榕 741

Wei Zixi 魏紫熙 786

Wong Hau Kwei 黃孝逵 795

Wu Changshuo 吳昌碩 693-695, 779-780

Wu Guanzhong 吳冠中 640-641, 716-717, 721

Wu Hufan 吳湖帆 705, 732

Xie Zhiliu 謝稚柳 675-676, 712, 714

Xu Beihong 徐悲鴻 660-661, 772-775

Xu Shuzheng 徐樹錚 689

Yang Shanshen 楊善深 631, 633, 635-636

Ye Gongchuo 葉恭綽 705, 750

Ye Qianyu 葉淺予 648, 724

Yu Fei’an 于非闇 704, 728, 765

Yuan Xilian 袁希濂 781

Zhang Daqian 張大千 665-674, 680, 703, 715, 725-726, 747, 751, 753-764

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