HGK23199_A Life Well Lived: The Remarkable Cellar of Melina and Dr N.K. Yong

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卓越人生:N.K. Yong 醫生伉儷窖藏珍釀

SATURDAY 26 OCTOBER 2024  星期六 2024 年 10 月 26 日


Saturday 26 October 2024 2024年10月26日(星期六)

10.00am (Sale 23199, Lots 5001–5734)

上午10時(拍賣編號 23199,拍賣品編號 5001–5734)

Location: HONG KONG, 6/F, The Henderson, 2 Murray Road, Central 地點:香港,中環美利道2號 The Henderson 6樓

Tel 電話:+852 2760 1766 Fax 傳真:+852 2760 1767



Michelle Kim +852 2978 5342


A Life Well Lived Online: The Remarkable Cellar of Melina and Dr N.K. Yong – Outside of France.卓越人生:N.K. Yong醫生伉儷 窖藏珍釀網上拍賣—法國以外的精彩名酒 15–31 October 2024

2024年10月15至31日 (Sale 23197, Lots 1–210) (拍賣編號 23197,拍賣品編號 1–210)



Tracy Yan +852 2978 5349


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Adam Bilbey • Carmen Shek Cerne • Nicola Chan




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Saturday 26 October 2024 10AM

LOTS 5001–5734 SALE 23199


2024年10月26日(星期六) 上午10時

拍賣品編號 5001–5734 編號 23199

ONLINE SALE 15-31 October 2024

LOTS 1–210 SALE 23197


2024年10月15至31日 拍賣品編號 1–210 編號 23197


HONG KONG, 6/F, The Henderson, 2 Murray Road, Central 中環美利道2號 The Henderson 6樓

Please note that parcel bidding will be offered throughout Sale 23199.

請注意,本場拍賣(編號 23199)部份拍品將以組合形式推出。成功投得每個組合第一款拍品的買家,可選擇以同一價格購買餘下所有或部份拍品。





It is with great honour and pleasure that we present “A Life Well Lived: The Remarkable Cellar of Melina & N.K. Yong.”

Melina and the late Dr. N.K. Yong, pioneering wine collectors from Singapore, are names synonymous with passion, knowledge, and generosity in the world of fine wine. Over the course of more than forty years, their shared love for exceptional wine—and the fine food to accompany it—has culminated in a truly extraordinary cellar. This collection reflects their inquisitive minds and deep enthusiasm for exploring the people, places, and stories behind each bottle.

Long before many of these wines became iconic, Melina and N.K. were visiting Bordeaux and Burgundy, choosing bottles that resonated with their discerning palates. Their journey continued and their cellar grew to include the remarkable wines of Alsace, Germany (so great with Cantonese cuisine), Spain, Italy, and the New World. This cellar is a rich tapestry of regions and styles, with each wine selected for its significance, with a specific moment or memory in mind.

Those who speak of Melina and N.K. often mention their boundless generosity, humour, and zest for life. Many of us hold wonderful memories of being welcomed into their home, enjoying an eclectic array of wines from their cellar while savouring Melina’s stunning cooking. Their generosity extended far beyond their table, fostering a new generation of inquisitive wine lovers and collectors, both in Singapore and around the world.

In early 2023, we had the privilege of supporting Melina in hosting a charity auction, a tradition she and N.K. regularly organized before his passing. The event was a testament to the love and respect they inspired, with winemakers, family, and friends gathering in a celebration that was joyful and deeply moving. It underscored the profound impact Melina and N.K. have had on the wine community, both locally and globally.

We could not be prouder to present this sale, which works as a fitting new chapter in our journey at the Henderson Building. There could be no more appropriate tribute than to honour one of Asia’s most iconic and trailblazing collectors. It is our hope that the wines from this remarkable cellar will find new homes with those who, like Melina and N.K., appreciate and celebrate the beauty of these treasured bottles.

President, Christie’s Asia Pacific

佳士得十分榮幸本季為藏家呈獻「卓越人生:N.K. Yong醫生伉儷窖藏 珍釀」。

Melina和已故的N.K. Yong醫生是新加坡名酒收藏先驅,在葡萄酒界享 有盛譽。他們的熱忱、博學和慷慨在全球名酒藏家和酒商中都聲名遠揚。 四十餘年來,這對伉儷對名釀(以及與之相配的珍饈美味)的共同熱忱,造 就了這一非凡珍藏,他們滿懷激情與熱情,探索品味之旅,深入了解每一 瓶珍釀背後的釀酒師和不同產區,他們對名酒的求知之心與鑽研精神從 中可見一斑。

早在波爾多與布艮地產區的名釀蜚聲世界前,Melina和N.K. Yong醫生 就憑藉豐富的知識和自信,追隨自己的品味,開始探尋和採購這些名酒。 他們隨後又探索了阿爾薩斯和德國的美酒(與粵菜甚是相得益彰),並進 一步深入西班牙、意大利及新世界產區。此窖藏匯聚全球各地的佳釀,種 類繁多,風格迥異,每一瓶美酒都經過精心挑選,蘊含著特定理由和珍貴 時刻。

談到Melina和N.K. Yong醫生時,人們常用到「慷慨、幽默和愉快」這幾 個字眼。我們中的許多人都曾受邀赴宴,品嘗他們酒窖中的精選佳釀,享受 Melina精湛的烹飪技藝,留下了美好的回憶。他們慷慨地分享名酒知識, 為新加坡乃至全球培養了新一代具有探究精神的名酒藏家。

2023年初,我們很榮幸能夠協助Melina舉辦N.K. Yong醫生過世後 的第一場慈善拍賣會 (她和N.K. Yong醫生一直以來定期舉辦慈善拍賣 會),活動所傳遞的愛、喜悅和善意深深打動了每位嘉賓。從釀酒師到親朋 好友,這個美妙動人的場合讓我們深刻感受到 Melina 和 N.K. 對新加坡 及全球名酒界的貢獻和重要意義。

佳士得深感榮幸能與N.K. Yong醫生伉儷合作,在 The Henderson 全新亞太區總部呈獻其卓越窖藏,開啟佳士得嶄新篇章。我們希望將這些 備受珍視的佳釀,呈獻給同Melina和N.K.一樣熱愛和欣賞出眾名酒的藏 家,為它們找到新家。

Head of Wine & Spirits

Francis Belin


• All wines in this sale were purchased from directly from chateaux and domaines, Christie’s and other noted Auction Houses, and Retailers over the last forty years

• Since purchase the wines have been stored in professional temperature-controlled cellars as well as NK and Melina’s personal cellars in Singapore.

• All wines were inspected in Singapore and Hong Kong by Christie’s Wine Specialists Adam Bilbey, Fai Lo, and Fiona Hui.

• The wines for this sale were shipped to Christie’s wine storage at Crown Wine Cellars in Hong Kong via temperature-controlled air shipments.

來源 • 儲存 • 檢驗

• 此次拍賣的葡萄酒為藏家於過去四十年從各酒莊、佳士得和其他值得 信賴的拍賣行和零售商購入。

自購入以來,這些葡萄酒一直存放在新加坡的專業溫控酒窖,以及 NK和Melina的私人定制酒窖。

所有葡萄酒均經過佳士得名酒部專家貝安霖、羅震暉和許定怡於 新加坡和香港進行檢驗。

葡萄酒經檢驗後通過恆溫貨櫃,空運送抵香港佳士得於皇冠酒窖的 存倉。

First started collecting. Purchased 1982 en primeur First Growths and one of NK’s favourites, Yquem

Founded the Draycott Wine Club (DWC), four events were held this year.

1st wine trip to Bordeaux, unusually cold. Hosted by Paul Pontallier at Chateau Margaux and tasted 1983 barrel sample and 1982 in bottle; also tasted Chateau d’Yquem with Alexandre de Lur Saluces

DWC gaining international reputation and started receiving wine producers visiting from around the world

Hosted Christian Pol Roger from Champagne Pol Roger

Hosted Hubert Trimbach from Trimbach, Alsace, and Gerard Jaboulet from Domaine Paul Jaboulet Aîné, Rhone

1st trip to Rhone and Macon. Tasted with Gerard Jaboulet including his legendary Hermitage La Chapelle 1961

Hosted a 1982 Bordeaux wine charity dinner at the Raffles Hotel in Singapore

NK received the title of Officier de l’Ordre National du Merite (French National Order Of Merit) for his achievements in promoting French wines

For NK’s 90th birthday, hosted a wine gala dinner to benefit St Andrew’s Autism Centre in Singapore

1st auction with Christie’s – “Melina & NK Yong’s Cellar”

Hosted charity dinner & auction “Celebration of a Live Well Lived” at the Capella Hotel in Singapore

“A Life Well Lived” auction with Christie’s

For my late husband NK and me, wine has always been about people, and I cherish the memories it has given us.

Our journey with wine, spanning over four decades, led us to many wineries around the world. The friends we made along the way are truly priceless, bringing us immense joy and delight!

NK often emphasized that wine is more about sharing. One of his favourite quote was from Sir Winston Churchill, who said “We make a living from what we get, but we make a life by what we give”. This is why, over the decades, we took great pleasure hosting wine dinners to raise funds for charity, a privilege for us to give back to the community. God always provide ways to humble us.

With the same conviction and hope, this collection has been put up for auction. We intend to use part of the proceeds to give back to those who are less fortunate.

We invite you to partner us in this journey.

A toast to all with a love for wine: may you too create many joyful and treasured memories.

A votre sante!

Melina Yong 11th September 2024

對於先夫NK和我而言,美酒的意義在於友情和陪伴,我非常珍 視美酒帶給我們的寶貴回憶。

在跨越四十餘載的品酩之旅中,我們穿梭於世界各地的酒 莊之間,沿途收穫的友誼如同無價之寶,帶給我們無盡的喜悅 和歡樂!

NK常說,美酒的意義在於分享。他最鍾愛的一句名言來自 溫斯頓·丘吉爾爵士:「我們靠獲取維持生存,但靠奉獻開創人 生。」而這亦是我們數十年來舉辦品酒晚宴為慈善籌款的原因, 我們很榮幸能夠回饋社會。主總是能令我們感到謙卑。

秉持著同樣的信仰和希望,我們的珍藏如今登上拍場。我 們計劃將拍賣部分收益撥捐社會弱勢群體。


敬所有熱愛美酒的人:願各位也能收穫滿滿的歡樂和珍貴 的終生回憶。


Melina Yong 2024年9月11日



Château Lafite Rothschild 1928

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

u. ms, very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, slightly scuffed short capsule

5001 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (4cc) per lot


Mixed 1990 & 1996 Château Lafite Rothschild

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé 1990

Very slightly nicked label and lightly bin-soiled Singapore import slip beneath label, otherwise very good level, appearance, colour and clarity (1)


Slightly scuffed capsules otherwise excellent levels, appearance, colour and clarity (2)

5006 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Lafite Rothschild 1949

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

Very lightly bin-soiled label otherwise very good level, appearance, colour and clarity, slightly worn capsule, very slightly raised cork

5002 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Lafite Rothschild 1990

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

5007 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Lafite Rothschild 1982

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

u. 2bn, 2us, very good colour and clarity, 1 bottle comes from a different source, slightly scuffed labels and capsules

5003 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1981 & 1988 Château Lafite Rothschild

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé 1981

Slightly scuffed and slightly nicked label, slightly scuffed capsule (1) 1988

Very lightly bin-soiled labels (2)

5004 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Lafite Rothschild 1998

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé 1 very slightly bin-marked label

5008 2 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Lafite Rothschild 1989

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

1 slightly scuffed label, 1 depressed cork

5005 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Lafite Rothschild 2000

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

In original tissues, 4 minor signs of old seepage

5009 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Mixed 2000-2002 Château Lafite Rothschild

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé


Very slightly scuffed labels, marked capsules (3)

2001 (1)


1 very slightly stained label (5)

5010 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot


Château Lafite Rothschild 2003

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

Slightly scuffed labels

5011 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed 2000-2002 Carruades de Lafite 2000 1 slightly raised cork (2) 2001 (4) 2002 (2)

5012 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Château Latour 1949

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

u. hs, very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, slightly corroded and scuffed short capsule

5013 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1964 & 1966 Château Latour

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé


u. us, bin-soiled and slightly stained label (1) 1966

u. 1ts, no label, slightly scuffed capsules cut to reveal fully branded cork (2)

5014 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1952 & 1957 Château Latour

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé


u. ts, bin-soiled, taped, and slightly nicked label, slightly worn short capsule, Chateau and vintage legible on cork (1)


u. ts, bin-soiled and taped label, slightly worn and corroded short capsule, Chateau legible on cork, very minor sign of old seepage (1)

5013A 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1970 & 1975 Château Latour

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé 1970

u. 1bn, 1vts, very good colour and clarity, wine from different sources, 1 label bin-soiled and slightly glue-stained, 1 label lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked, with US import slip slightly covering bottom, 2 slightly corroded and scuffed capsules (3) 1975

u. 1bn, 1ts, 1 bottle slightly adhered to original tissue, 1 glue-stained, 1 very slightly nicked and slightly damp-stained label, 1 slightly depressed cork, 1 very minor sign of old seepage (2)

5015 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Château Latour 1982

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

u. 3us, 1 bottle from different release, 4 bin-soiled and 3 slightly damaged labels

5016 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Latour 1982

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

u. 1bn, very lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly creased label, slightly depressed corks, 1 creased capsule, 1 with sign of old seepage

5017 4 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Latour 1986

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

Slightly scuffed labels, 2 slightly creased labels

5018 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Latour 2002

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé 1 slightly scuffed and 2 scuffed labels

5024 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1987 & 1988 Château Latour

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

Very lightly bin-soiled label

5019 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$5,000-7,500

Château Latour 2003

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé In original tissues

5025 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot HK$55,000-80,000

Château Latour 1989

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé u. 1bn, slightly scuffed labels, 1 slightly stained, slightly scuffed capsules

5020 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Latour 1990

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

Slightly scuffed labels, 1 slightly damaged capsule

5021 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$9,500-14,000

Mixed 1990s Château Latour Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

5022 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (4cc) per lot


Château Latour 2003

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

Slightly scuffed labels (6)

Slightly scuffed and bin-marked label magnum (1)

5026 1 Magnum (150cl) and 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Château Latour 2000

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé In original tissues

5023 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Château Latour 2004

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

Very slightly scuffed labels

5027 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Latour 2005

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

Slightly scuffed labels

5028 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Latour 2005

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

In original tissues

5029 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Château Latour 2006

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

In banded owc

5030 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Château Latour 2007

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

In banded owc

5031 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Château Latour 2008

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé In banded owc

5032 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot



Mixed 1970s Les Forts de Latour

Pauillac 1975

Very lightly bin-soiled label otherwise very good level, appearance, colour and clarity, very slightly depressed cork (1) 1976

u. 1us, 1h/ms, very good colour and clarity, bin-soiled labels, slightly corroded and scuffed capsules, slightly depressed corks (2) 1977

u. vts, very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and slightly peeling label, slightly scuffed and worn capsule damaged at the top, slightly exposing top of cork (1)

5033 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Lot 5029

Mixed 1980s Les Forts de Latour


u. 1bn, very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly nicked capsule, very slightly depressed corks (2)


u. bn, very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label (1)


Very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled label (1)


Very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled label, very slightly depressed cork (1)


Very good level, appearance, colour and clarity (1)

5034 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Les Forts de Latour 2001


1 lightly bin-soiled label, 3 very slightly depressed corks (5)

Slightly stained and slightly scuffed front and back labels magnums (2)

5039 2 Magnums (150cl) and 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Mixed 1991 & 1995 Les Forts de Latour



Very lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly depressed cork (3) 1995

1 slightly nicked label, 2 styles of capsules, 2 very slightly depressed corks (4)

5035 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Mixed 2002-2004 Les Forts de Latour



1 slightly stained and 2 very slightly scuffed labels, 3 very slightly depressed corks (5)

2003 (2)


1 slightly nicked capsule (2)

5040 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot



Château Margaux 1947

Margaux, 1er Cru Classé

u. us, good colour and clarity, negociant bottling by Eschenauer, badly damaged label

5041 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Les Forts de Latour 1998


4 very slightly scuffed labels, 4 very slightly depressed corks

5036 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Les Forts de Latour 2001


4 very lightly bin-soiled labels

5037 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Mixed 1964 & 1966 Château Margaux

Margaux, 1er Cru Classé


u. vts, very good colour and clarity, bin-soiled and slightly torn label, slightly scuffed and corroded short capsule, sign of old seepage (1)


u. ts, very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, slightly scuffed and corroded short capsule (1)

5042 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Les Forts de Latour 2001


3 very slightly scuffed labels

5038 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Château Margaux 1982

Margaux, 1er Cru Classé

u. 1bn, 1vts, lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly scuffed capsules

5043 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Château Margaux 1986

Margaux, 1er Cru Classé

3 lightly bin-soiled, 3 stained and damaged, 6 stained labels, of which 1 scuffed and 1 with handwritten vintage labels, 6 corroded capsules, 6 capsules covered with tape

5044 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Mixed 1983, 1985, 1989 Château Margaux

Margaux, 1er Cru Classé 1983

Scuffed and slightly stained label


Damaged label


Wine stained and damaged label, slight sign of old seepage (1)

5045 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Margaux 1990

Margaux, 1er Cru Classé

3 very slightly stained labels, 1 bottle with US importer slip, very slightly worn capsules

5046 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Margaux 1996

Margaux, 1er Cru Classé

Slightly scuffed labels and capsules

5047 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Mixed 1990s Château Margaux

Margaux, 1er Cru Classé 1994

Scuffed label


Scuffed and slightly stained label


Slightly scuffed and nicked labels, slightly scuffed capsules (3) 1999

Scuffed label (1)

5048 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Château Margaux 2000

Margaux, 1er Cru Classé

Banded prior to inspection, slightly scuffed capsules due to case dividers, 5 very minor signs of old seepage

5049 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Château Margaux 2002

Margaux, 1er Cru Classé

Very slightly scuffed labels

5050 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc)

Mixed 2003 & 2004 Château Margaux

Margaux, 1er Cru Classé 2003

Slightly scuffed label, slightly torn capsule at the top


scuffed labels, 1 slightly nicked

5051 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Pavillon Rouge du Château Margaux


Mixed 2005 & 2009 Pavillon Rouge du Château Margaux



Château Mouton Rothschild 1982

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

Slightly scuffed labels

5054 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Mouton Rothschild 1986

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

From 2 sources, 2 stained and scuffed integrated US import labels, 1 slightly scuffed label, 1 corroded capsule

5055 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Mouton Rothschild 1989

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

u. 7ts, 3us, 2m/us, in slightly torn original tissues, slightly creased labels, 10 corroded capsules, 9 signs of old seepage

5056 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (wc) per lot


Château Mouton Rothschild 1989

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

u. 2bn, 1vts, slightly wrinkled labels, slightly corroded capsules, 2 minor signs of old seepage

5057 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1990 & 1997 Château Mouton Rothschild

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé 1990

u. vts, slightly nicked label (1) 1997

Very slightly scuffed label (1)

5058 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$5,500-8,500

Château Mouton Rothschild 1998

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

In original tissues, slightly wrinkled labels

5059 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Mouton Rothschild 2000

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

5060 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 2001 & 2003

Château Mouton Rothschild

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

1 in original tissue, 1 very slightly scuffed label

Creased labels of which 1 slightly stained

5061 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Château Mouton Rothschild 2002

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

In original tissues, CRD capsules

5062 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$16,000-24,000

Mixed 2004-2006

Château Mouton Rothschild

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

Very lightly bin-soiled labels

Very slightly nicked label

5063 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot


Lot 5059


Château Haut-Brion 1949

Pessac-Leognan, 1er Cru Classé

u. h/ms, very good colour and clarity, bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label, slightly worn and scuffed short capsule, minor sign of old seepage

5064 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1990's Château Haut-Brion

Pessac-Leognan, 1er Cru Classé 1990

Lightly bin-soiled label (1)


Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label (1) 1999

Lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly stained and bin-marked (3)

5069 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Château Haut-Brion 1961

Pessac-Leognan, 1er Cru Classé

u. 5.5cm, very good colour and clarity, bin-soiled, slightly stained, and slightly scuffed label, slightly corroded and worn capsule, sign of old seepage

5065 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$10,000-15,000

Château Haut-Brion 1998

Pessac-Leognan, 1er Cru Classé

1 very slightly stained and 3 very slightly loosed labels

5070 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Mixed 1974 & 1980 Château Haut-Brion

Pessac-Leognan, 1er Cru Classé 1974

u. 4.5cm, very good colour and clarity, bin-soiled, slightly stained, slightly nicked, and taped label, pen-marked "1974" while vintage on label also legible, slightly corroded and worn capsule, very slightly depressed cork, minor sign of old seepage (1) 1980

u. 3cm, bin-soiled and slightly torn label, slightly scuffed capsule, very minor sign of old seepage (1)

5066 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$3,500-5,500

Château Haut-Brion 2000

Pessac-Leognan, 1er Cru Classé

2 very lightly, 4 lightly bin-soiled and 1 slightly stained labels, 2 very slightly nicked capsules, 1 capsule covered by CRD capsule

5071 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1982 & 1989 Château Haut-Brion

Pessac-Leognan, 1er Cru Classé 1982

Slightly stained label (1) 1989

Lightly bin-soiled, slightly scuffed, and slightly paper adhered labels, 1 slightly stained, 1 very minor sign of old seepage (2)

5067 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Château Haut-Brion 2003

Pessac-Leognan, 1er Cru Classé4 slightly stained and slightly scuffed labels, 1 stained label

5072 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Haut-Brion 1989

Pessac-Leognan, 1er Cru Classé

Very lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly glue-stained, slightly scuffed capsules, slightly depressed corks

5068 2 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Haut-Brion 2009

Pessac-Leognan, 1er Cru Classé

Slightly scuffed front and back labels

5073 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Haut-Brion 2014

Pessac-Leognan, 1er Cru Classé

5074 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2owc) per lot


Château Cos d'Estournel 2009

Saint-Estephe, 2eme Cru Classe

3 slightly scuffed and 1 damaged labels, slightly scuffed and 1 stained back labels

5079 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Château Bahans Haut-Brion 1998

5075 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot



Mixed Château Ducru-Beaucaillou 1966

From 2 sources, bin-soiled labels, 1 de Luze slip label (2) 1982

Slightly scuffed label and capsule (1)

5080 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1989 & 2000 Château Bahans Haut-Brion 1989

Lightly bin-soiled label, slightly scuffed capsule (1) 2002

Slightly scuffed and nicked labels, 1 minor sign of old seepage (5)

5076 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Ducru-Beaucaillou 2005 4 very slightly nicked labels

5081 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Mixed 2001 & 2004 Château Bahans Haut-Brion 2001

Slightly scuffed and nicked labels (3) 2004

Slightly scuffed labels and capsules (6)

5077 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot



Mixed 1961 & 1990 Château Gruaud-Larose Saint-Julien, 2eme Cru Classe 1966

u. 1x4cm, 1x5cm of old style bottles, very good colour and clarity, 1 negociant and 1 chateau bottled, lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 very slightly nicked, very slightly corroded capsules (2) 1990

Very lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly scuffed capsules (2)

5082 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed 1996, 1997, 2001 Château Cos d'Estournel

Saint-Estephe, 2eme Cru Classe


Slightly scuffed labels

Slightly scuffed label

Scuffed front and back labels

5078 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$3,800-5,000


Château Léoville Barton 2000 Saint-Julien, 2ème Cru Classé

CRD capsules

5083 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot HK$5,500-8,000


Mixed Château Léoville Las Cases

Saint-Julien, 2ème Cru Classé 1947

u. ls, bin-soiled and scuffed label, slightly worn capsule (1) 1970

u. ms, damp-stained label with handwritten vintage on label, corroded and scuffed capsule (1) 1975

Stained and damaged label, slightly scuffed capsule (1) 1977

u. us, bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed capsule (1) 1991

Very slightly scuffed label


Very slightly scuffed label (1) 1999 (1)

5084 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$7,500-11,000

Mixed 1982 & 1990 Château Léoville Las Cases

Saint-Julien, 2ème Cru Classé 1982

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed labels (2) 1990

Lightly bin-soiled label (1)

5085 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$6,500-9,500

Mixed 1990 & 2000 Château Léoville Las Cases

Saint-Julien, 2ème Cru Classé 1990

Damp-stained and wine stained label, worn capsule, depressed cork, sign of old seepage magnum (1) 2000

2 slightly stained and scuffed labels, slightly worn CRD capsules magnums (3)

5086 4 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cc,cn) per lot



Mixed Château Montrose

Saint-Estephe, 2eme Cru Classe 1985

Bin-soiled, creased and slightly nicked label, slightly scuffed capsule (1) 1996

Slightly scuffed capsule (1) 1997

Bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label (1) 2004

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked labels (6)

5087 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot


Château Montrose 2005

Saint-Estephe, 2eme Cru Classe

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed labels, stained back labels

5088 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$8,000-12,000

Château Montrose 2005

Saint-Estephe, 2eme Cru Classe

5089 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot HK$6,000-9,000


Mixed Château Pichon Baron

Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé


u. ts, very good colour and clarity, detached and damp stained label, reattached with tape, stained and scuffed Calvet neck slip label, slightly corroded capsule (1) 1982

u. bn, very good colour and clarity, very lightly bin-soiled label (1) 2002 (1) 2006 (2)

5090 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$5,500-8,000


Mixed Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande

Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé


u. vts, missing label, slightly worn capsule, previously cut to reveal fully branded cork, rebouche in chateau in 1982, good colour and clarity (1) 1961

u. us, very good colour and clarity, bin-soiled, slightly nicked, and taped label, slightly corroded short capsule (1) 1964

u. ts, very good colour and clarity, missing label, slightly corroded short capsule, revealing vintage on cork (1) 1978

u. bn, very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and slightly damp-stained label, slightly scuffed capsule (1)

5091 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$8,500-12,000

Mixed Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande and Pichon

Comtesse Reserve


Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 1983

Heavily damp-stained label, slightly scuffed capsule (1)

Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 1989

u. vts, very slightly nicked and lightly bin-soiled label (1)

Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 1999 (1)

Pichon Comtesse Reserve 2000

Slightly scuffed labels (4)

5093 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 1982

Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé

u. 1vts, 1ts, very good colour and clarity, bin-soiled labels

5092 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$10,000-15,000 Lot 5092

Mixed 2000s Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé


Slightly scuffed labels



Slightly scuffed labels (4)


Slightly scuffed label, CRD capsule (1)

5094 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$9,500-14,000


Château Calon Segur 1982

Saint-Estephe, 3eme Cru Classe

u. 2vts, 1 very lightly and 2 lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly corroded capsules, 1 slightly depressed cork, 2 with minor signs of old seepage

5095 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Château Palmer 1957

Margaux, 3ème Cru Classé

Believed late release, slightly scuffed label, slight sign of old seepage

5096 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Mixed 1950s-1970s Château Palmer

Margaux, 3ème Cru Classé 1955

u. ls, bin-soiled, faded and damaged label reattached with tape, damaged and badly corroded capsule, good colour and clarity (1) 1966

u. us, very good colour and clarity, taped label, Sichel slip, slightly worn capsule, very slightly depressed cork (1) 1970

u. ts, very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled label, Mahler Besse slip, slightly worn capsule, very slightly depressed cork (1)


Believed late release, very good colour and clarity, slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed capsule (2)

5097 1 Magnum (150cl) and 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc, 1owc) per lot


Château Palmer 1975

Margaux, 3ème Cru Classé

u. 4vts, 6ts, 1us, 10 very lightly bin-soiled and slightly peeling labels, 1 missing label, capsule cut to reveal fully branded cork, Mahler Besse neck slips, slightly corroded and scuffed capsules

5098 11 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$12,000-18,000

Château Palmer 1990

Margaux, 3ème Cru Classé

From 2 sources, 2 scuffed integrated Mahler-Besse labels, 2 damaged capsules at the top with exposed corks

5099 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$14,000-22,000

Château Palmer 1998

Margaux, 3ème Cru Classé

2 slightly scuffed Mahler-Besse slips

5100 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Mixed 2000 & 2004

Château Palmer

Margaux, 3ème Cru Classé


CRD capsules (3)


1 very slightly nicked label (4)

5101 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Lot 5099

Château Palmer 2005

Margaux, 3ème Cru Classé 2 very slightly nicked labels

5102 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed 1989, 1990, 2010 Château Prieuré-Lichine

Margaux, 4eme Cru Classe


u. 2bn, lightly bin-soiled label, 2 slightly nicked, 2 capsules previously cut at the top, exposing top of corks (3)


Lightly bin-soiled labels, capsules previously cut at the top, exposing top of corks (2)


Scuffed labels, CRD capsules (2)

5107 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1989 & 2008 Château Palmer Margaux, 3ème Cru Classé


Scuffed integrated Peter Sichel import front label (1) 2008

Damaged capsule with exposed cork (1)

5103 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed 1996 & 2010 Château Talbot

Saint-Julien, 4eme Cru Classe 1996

Slightly scuffed label (1) 2010

Slightly scuffed and slightly stained label, CRD capsule (1)

5108 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Palmer 2009

Margaux, 3ème Cru Classé

Wines from different sources, 3 very slightly nicked labels, 9 CRD capsules

5104 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc,cn) per lot


Château Palmer, Historical XIXth Century Wine 2006 1 slightly scuffed label

5105 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed 1959 & 1961 Château Lynch-Bages

Pauillac, 5eme Cru Classe


u. ms, good colour and clarity, negociant bottling, badly damaged label (1)


u. 1 ts, 1 ls, 1 stained and 1 bin-soiled labels, 1 creased label reattached with tape, 1 Chateau bottling and 2 negociant bottling, 1 original capsule and 2 slightly scuffed capsules (3)

5109 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Château Lynch-Bages 2005

Pauillac, 5eme Cru Classe

5110 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot



Mixed 1961 & 1983 Château Malescot St. Exupery Margaux, 3eme Cru Classe


u. ts, very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, slightly corroded capsule, slightly raised cork (1)


u. 1bn, very good colour and clarity, bin-soiled and partially torn labels, slightly depressed corks (2)

5106 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$3,200-4,800

Mixed 2002 & 2009 Château Lynch-Bages

Pauillac, 5eme Cru Classe 2002

Lightly bin-soiled labels of which 5 slightly scuffed labels (7) 2009

Scuffed label (1)

5111 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed 1996, 2000, 2005 Château Pontet-Canet

Pauillac, 5eme Cru Classe


Lightly bin-soiled labels



Slightly bin-marked labels, 4 CRD capsules (5)


Slightly bin-marked labels (2)

5112 11 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot


Mixed 2001 & 2003 Château Pontet-Canet

Pauillac, 5eme Cru Classe


Lightly bin-soiled labels (4)


Very slightly scuffed labels, 3 slightly depressed corks (7)

5113 11 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot



Mixed 1947 & 1949 Château La Mission Haut-Brion


u. hs, very good colour and clarity, bin-soiled and very slightly nicked label, slightly worn and scuffed capsule, cork with vintage legible below capsule (1)


u. vts, very good colour and clarity, bin-soiled label, slightly worn and scuffed capsule (1)

5114 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Mixed 1953 & 1955 Chateau La Mission Haut-Brion 1953

u. 2us, from 2 releases, very good colour and clarity, bin-soiled and slightly scuffed labels, slightly worn and scuffed capsules, 1 very slightly depressed cork, both corks with vintage legible below capsules (2) 1955

u. ts, very good colour and clarity, bin-soiled and very slightly scuffed label, slightly worn and scuffed capsule, cork with vintage legible below capsule (1)

5115 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Mixed 1960s Château La Mission Haut-Brion

Pessac-Leognan, Cru Classé 1964

u. vts, good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and taped label, slightly scuffed and corroded capsule, slightly depressed cork (1)


u. vts, good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and slightly dampstained label, slightly scuffed capsule (1)


u. vts, good colour and clarity, bin-soiled, slightly nicked, and taped label, slightly scuffed capsule (1)

5117 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$6,000-8,500

Mixed 1970 & 1974 Château La Mission Haut-Brion

Pessac-Leognan, Cru Classé


u. 1bn, 2ts, very good colour and clarity, badly bin-soiled and damp-stained labels, slightly corroded and scuffed capsules, 1 slightly damage at the top, minor signs of old seepage (3) 1974

u. 1ts, 1ms, 2 slightly stained, 1 stained and 1 slightly damaged label (3)

5118 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château La Mission Haut-Brion 1961

Pessac-Leognan, Cru Classé

u. 1ts, 1us, very good colour and clarity, bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly torn, 1 very slightly nicked and with Nicolas stamp, slightly worn and corroded capsules, different printings on corks, 1 with vintage legible below capsule

5116 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1975 & 1977 Château La Mission Haut-Brion

Pessac-Leognan, Cru Classé


u. 1bn, 1vts, good colour and clarity, bin-soiled, damp-stained, and slightly nicked labels, slightly scuffed and corroded capsules, very minor signs of old seepage (2) 1977

Good level, colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed and corroded capsule, slightly depressed cork (1)

5119 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château La Mission Haut-Brion 1982

Pessac-Leognan, Cru Classé

u. 1bn, otherwise very good levels, colour and clarity, very lightly binsoiled labels, 2 very slightly nicked, slightly scuffed capsules, 3 slightly torn

5120 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Mixed 1980 & 1989 Château La Mission Haut-Brion

Pessac-Leognan, Cru Classé


u. 1ts, 1us, good colour and clarity, bin-soiled and slightly scuffed labels, slightly worn and corroded capsules, 1 bottle with very minor sign of old seepage (2)


Very good level colour and clarity, slightly scuffed and wrinkled label, slightly scuffed capsule cut at the top, exposing top of cork (1)

5121 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2000

Pessac-Leognan, Cru Classé

Very slightly scuffed labels, slightly scuffed capsules

5122 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot HK$42,000-65,000

Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2004

Pessac-Leognan, Cru Classé

Slightly scuffed labels and capsules

5123 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$7,000-11,000


Château La Tour Haut-Brion 1975

Pessac-Leognan, Cru Classé

u. 1bn, 1vts, very good colour and clarity, slightly scuffed labels, slightly scuffed and corroded capsules, 1 slightly depressed cork, signs of old seepage

5124 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Château Potensac 1996

Very lightly bin-soiled labels 5129 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Château La Tour Haut-Brion 1982

Pessac-Leognan, Cru Classé

Very good levels, colour and clarity, slightly scuffed labels and capsules

5125 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Château Pape Clement 1986

Pessac-Leognan, Cru Classé

Very lightly bin-soiled labels, signs of old seepage

5126 3 Double-Magnums (300cl) per lot - (owc) per lot HK$8,500-13,000

Château Pape Clement 1986

Pessac-Leognan, Cru Classé

2 very lightly and 1 lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 damaged wax capsule with exposed cork

5127 3 Double-Magnums (300cl) per lot - (owc) per lot HK$8,500-13,000

Mixed Château Pape Clement

Pessac-Leognan, Cru Classé 1990 Bin-soiled label, depressed cork

5128 15 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc,cn) per lot

Mixed Château Sociando-Mallet Haut-Medoc 1982

u. bn, bin-soiled label, slightly corroded capsule (1) 2000

Lightly bin-soiled labels (3) 2003

Very lightly bin-soiled labels of which 3 very slightly scuffed (12) 2005

Slightly scuffed labels (2) 2006

Very lightly bin-soiled labels (9)

5130 27 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (4cc, 1cn) per lot



Mixed 1952 & 1964 Domaine de Chevalier

Pessac-Leognan, Cru Classé


u. ts, very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled, slightly torn, and taped label, slightly worn short capsule (1) 1964

Very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, slightly scuffed capsule (1)

5131 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Château Angélus 1989

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A 1 very slightly scuffed and 1 stained and scuffed labels

5132 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1990's Château Angelus

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A

1bn, 1 very slightly scuffed label, 1 slightly scuffed capsule (7)

5133 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot HK$19,000-28,000

Mixed 1998 & 1999 Château Angelus

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A 1998 (2) 1999 (2)

5134 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 2000 & 2003 Château Angélus

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A 2000 magnum (1) 2003 magnums (3)

5135 4 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cn,wc) per lot HK$20,000-30,000

Mixed 2000's Château Angelus

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A

1 very slightly scuffed label

Very slightly scuffed label

5136 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$13,000-18,000

Château Angélus 2009

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A

Very slightly scuffed front and back labels

5137 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Angélus 2009

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A

5138 3 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cn) per lot HK$14,000-22,000


Mixed Château Ausone

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A 1979

No label, capsule cut to reveal fully branded cork, depressed cork (1)

1980 u. us, stained and slightly scuffed label, scuffed capsule, depressed cork (1) 2000

From 2 releases, 1 very slightly scuffed and 1 scuffed labels, 1 damaged back label (2)

5139 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Château Ausone 1998

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A

Slightly scuffed labels, 6 slight peeling on the edge, slightly scuffed capsules

5140 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Château Ausone 2000

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A

From 2 releases, 2 slightly and 4 scuffed labels, 4 damaged back labels

5141 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Ausone 2000

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A

3 slightly scuffed labels caused by wooden dividers

5142 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Mixed 2001-2003 Château Ausone

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A 2001

Very slightly scuffed label, scuffed back label (1) 2002

1 slightly scuffed back label (2) 2003

Slightly scuffed front and back labels magnum (1)

5143 1 Magnum (150cl) and 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot HK$18,000-28,000


Château Cheval Blanc 1929

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A

u. bn, very good colour and clarity, slightly scuffed and bin-soiled label, slightly worn short capsule

5148 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Ausone 2005

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A 4 in slightly torn original tissues

5144 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$45,000-70,000

Château Cheval Blanc 1948

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A

u. vts, very good colour and clarity, bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label and Calvet slip, slightly scuffed and corroded capsule

5149 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Ausone 2012

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A In damaged original tissues

5145 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$16,000-22,000

Château Cheval Blanc 1949

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A

u. ms, very good colour and clarity, heavily bin-soiled and torn label, slightly worn and corroded capsule

5150 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Chapelle de Château Ausone

Chapelle d'Ausone, Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2003

Slightly scuffed labels, CRD

5146 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$8,000-12,000

Château Cheval Blanc 1949

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A

u. h/ms, very good colour and clarity, slightly scuffed and bin-soiled label, slightly torn Cruse neck slip, slightly worn short capsule

5151 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Chapelle de Château Ausone 2012 Chapelle d'Ausone, Saint-Emilion Grand Cru

In damaged original tissues

5147 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$4,500-7,000

Château Cheval Blanc 1961

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A

Very good level, colour and clarity, bin-soiled Calvet label, slightly chipped wax capsule

5152 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$11,000-17,000

Mixed 1964 & 1966 Château Cheval Blanc

Chateau Cheval Blanc Premier Grand Cru Classe A, Saint-Emilion

Grand Cru


u. us, bin-soiled and slightly damaged label, nicked and slightly corroded capsule (1)


u. 2us, good colour and clarity, bin-soiled labels US import slips, slightly corroded capsules, 1 slightly depressed cork (2)

5153 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Cheval Blanc 1998

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A

2 slightly stained and 1 wine stained labels, scuffed capsules, 1 sign of old seepage

5157 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Mixed 1986 & 1990 Château Cheval Blanc

Chateau Cheval Blanc Premier Grand Cru Classe A, Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 1986

3 lightly bin-soiled and 3 stained labels (6) 1990

Very lightly bin-soiled label (1)

5154 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$24,000-35,000

Château Cheval Blanc 1994

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A

Bin-soiled labels, slightly scuffed capsules

5155 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Cheval Blanc 1995

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A

Very slightly scuffed capsules due to case dividers

5156 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Lot 5157

Château Cheval Blanc 2000

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A

In original tissues

5158 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot



Mixed Château Belair-Monange

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé B 1989 (Chateau Belair)

Lightly bin-soiled labels, CRD capsules (4) 2012

1 very slightly stained label (2)

5163 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$2,400-3,500

Château Cheval Blanc 2005

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A Slightly scuffed labels, scuffed back labels

5159 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Château Canon

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé B 1989

Scuffed and lightly bin-soiled label (1) 2003

Slightly scuffed and slightly stained label magnum (1) 2005

Very lightly bin-soiled label (1) 2009

Slightly scuffed label (1) 2010

Very slightly scuffed front and back label (1)

Château Cheval Blanc 2007

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé A In Cheval-Blanc wooden case with hand-writing, very lightly bin-soiled label

5160 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (wc) per lot



Le Petit Cheval

Saint-Émilion Grand Cru 2004 (5) 2005 (5)

5161 10 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


5164 1 Magnum (150cl) and 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot



Château Figeac 1982

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé B

1 damp stained and 1 slightly scuffed labels (2)

1 slightly scuffed and slightly stained label, 1 bin-soiled bottle and label, 1 slightly corroded and 1 scuffed capsule, 1 slightly depressed cork magnums (2)

5165 2 Magnums (150cl) and 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc, 1owc) per lot



Château Beausejour 1995

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé B u. 1bn, slightly scuffed labels and capsules

5162 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1980s & 1990s Château Figeac

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé B 1985

1 stained and nicked label (2) 1986

Lightly bin-soiled labels of which 1 slightly scuffed (2) 1989

u. ts, slightly scuffed label, damaged capsule with exposed cork (1) 1990

Slightly scuffed label (1) 1999

Slightly scuffed labels (2)

5166 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$8,000-12,000

Mixed 2000, 2009, 2010 Château Figeac

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé B

2000 (2)


Worn CRD capsule magnum (1)


Very slightly scuffed front and back labels (2)


Very slightly scuffed front and back labels (2)

5167 1 Magnum (150cl) and 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Figeac 2009

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé B

Slightly scuffed labels

5168 6 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Château Figeac 2010

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé B

Very slightly scuffed labels

5169 3 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Château Tertre Roteboeuf

Saint-Émilion Grand Cru


u. bn, very lightly bin-soiled and very slightly nicked label, slightly corroded capsule (1)


Very lightly bin-soiled and very slightly nicked label, slightly scuffed capsule (1)


Very lightly bin-soiled labels (2)


3 lightly bin-soiled labels (6)

5170 10 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Château Tertre Roteboeuf 2006

Saint-Émilion Grand Cru 3 lightly bin-soiled labels

5171 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc,cc) per lot HK$7,500-11,000

Château Tertre Roteboeuf 2010

Saint-Émilion Grand Cru

5176 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2owc) per lot


Mixed 2007 & 2008 Château Tertre Roteboeuf

Saint-Émilion Grand Cru 2007 In owc (6) 2008

Very slightly scuffed labels (7)

5172 13 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc,cn) per lot HK$9,500-15,000

Château Tertre Roteboeuf 2010

Saint-Émilion Grand Cru

6 bottles in owc, 3 very slightly scuffed labels

5177 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc,cn) per lot


Château Tertre Roteboeuf 2009

Saint-Émilion Grand Cru

5173 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2owc) per lot HK$9,500-14,000

5174 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2owc) ”


Mixed 1996-1999 Château Valandraud Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé B 1996

Very slightly scuffed labels, slightly depressed corks

5178 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot HK$5,500-8,500

Château Tertre Roteboeuf 2009

Saint-Émilion Grand Cru

2 very slightly scuffed labels

5175 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1997-1999 Château Valandraud Magnums Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé B


In owc, slightly depressed cork

magnum (1) 1998

In owc, very slightly scuffed label

magnum (1) 1999

Lightly bin-soiled label

5179 3 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (1cc, 2owc) per lot

magnum (1)


Mixed 2000 Château Valandraud

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé B 2000 magnum (1) 2000 (5)

5180 1 Magnum (150cl) and 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$7,000-11,000


Le Plus de La Fleur de Bouard 2005

3 very slightly scuffed labels

5184 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$7,000-11,000

Château Valandraud 2001

Saint-Émilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé B

1 very slightly nicked label, CRD capsules

5181 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$4,800-7,000

Mixed 2000s Château Valandraud

Chateau Valandraud Premier Grand Cru Classe B, Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2003

Slightly depressed corks (2) 2004

1 very slightly nicked label (3) 2006 (1) 2009 CRD capsule (1)

5182 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$5,500-8,500


Virginie de Valandraud 2001

Saint-Émilion Grand Cru

Very lightly bin-soiled labels, CRD capsules

5183 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$1,500-2,200

Lot 5184


Lots 5192, 5193, 5195, 5198, 5200


Petrus 1947


u. m/ls, very good colour and clarity, bin-soiled and slightly scuffed

Vandermeulen label, slightly worn capsule

5185 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Petrus 1964


u. 2bn, lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 very slightly peeling on top left corner, slightly scuffed and corroded capsules, 1 covered with duck tape, very minor signs of old seepage

5187 2 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Petrus 1949


u. ts, very good colour and clarity, slightly torn and bin-soiled label, slightly worn capsule

5186 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Petrus 1970


u. ts, lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, slightly scuffed and corroded capsule, covered with duck tape, very minor sign of old seepage

5188 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Petrus 1971


u. 1bn, 1us, from 2 releases, lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly torn, slightly corroded and scuffed capsules, with Scotch tape on top, very minor signs of old seepage

5189 3 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Petrus 1989


Excellent appearance and levels

5193 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Petrus 1978


u. ts, lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, slightly scuffed and corroded capsule, covered with duck tape, very minor sign of old seepage

5191 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Petrus 1989


Very lightly bin-soiled labels and very slightly corroded capsules, otherwise very good levels, appearance, colour and clarity

5194 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1970 & 1975 Petrus



Very good level, colour and clarity, missing label, slightly worn and corroded capsule, cut to reveal fully branded cork (1)


u. h/ms, very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled label, slightly scuffed and corroded capsule, minor sign of old seepage (1)

5190 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Petrus 1990


Two slightly worn capsules otherwise excellent appearance

5195 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Petrus 1983


Lightly bin-soiled and very slightly scuffed labels, 2 slightly scuffed capsules, slightly depressed corks

5192 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Petrus 1990


Very good levels, appearance, colour and clarity, 1 bottle with a Singapore importer integrated label, slightly corroded capsules

5196 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Petrus 1993


Slightly scuffed label otherwise very good levels, appearance, colour and clarity

5197 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Petrus 1998


Banded prior to inspection, in original tissues

5198 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Petrus 1998


Very slightly scuffed labels

5199 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Petrus 2004


Wines come from different sources, 3 very slightly scuffed labels

5200 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Petrus 2005


In banded owc

5201 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Petrus 2009


In banded owc

5202 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Petrus 2010


In banded owc

5203 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Lot 5198 & 5199

Petrus 2011


In banded owc

5204 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Mixed 1978 & 1979 Château Lafleur

Chateau Lafleur, Pomerol


Very good level, colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and glue-stained label, slightly scuffed capsule, slightly depressed cork (1)


Very good level, colour and clarity, very slightly nicked, lightly binsoiled and slightly glue-stained label, very slightly corroded capsule, very slightly raised cork (1)

5209 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Petrus 2012


In banded owc

5205 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Mixed 1980 & 1986 Château Lafleur

Chateau Lafleur, Pomerol


u. 1vts, 1ts, good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly torn, slightly scuffed capsules, very slightly depressed corks (2)


u. bn, lightly bin-soiled label, very slightly scuffed capsule (1)

5210 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot



Château Lafleur 1966


u. vts, very good colour and clarity, very slightly nicked, heavily binsoiled, and glue-stained label

5206 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Lafleur 1982


u. 2bn, 1vts, very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and slightly glue-stained labels, slightly scuffed capsules, slightly depressed corks

5211 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1973 & 1974 Château Lafleur



Good levels, colour and clarity, heavily bin-soiled and glue-stained labels, 1 slightly torn, slightly scuffed capsules, slightly depressed corks (2)


Good levels, colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and glue-stained labels, 1 very slightly torn and 1 slightly peeling on bottom left, slightly scuffed capsules, slightly depressed corks (2)

5207 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Lafleur 1982


u. 2vts, glue-stained labels, 1 very slightly nicked, 1 very slightly and 2 slightly depressed corks

5212 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Lafleur 1975


Good level, colour and clarity, slightly nicked and lightly bin-soiled label, slightly depressed cork

5208 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$12,000-18,000

Château Lafleur 1982


Lightly bin-soiled and glue stained labels, slightly scuffed and corroded capsules, 2 with remnants of adhesive, 1 slightly depressed cork

5213 3 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Lafleur 1983


Bin-soiled labels, slightly scuffed capsules, 1 with very minor sign of old seepage, very slightly depressed corks

5214 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Château Lafleur 1985


u. 1bn, 1vts, six slightly bin-soiled and 3 bin-soiled labels, 1 creased label, very slightly depressed corks

5215 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc,wc) per lot


Château Lafleur 1986


Glue stained, lightly bin-soiled and very slightly scuffed labels, 2 damaged capsules

5216 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Lafleur 1989


Scuffed and heavily damp-stained labels

5217 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Lafleur 1990


Very lightly bin-soiled and slightly glue-stained labels

5218 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Lafleur 1995


Very lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly scuffed capsules, 1 slightly depressed cork

5219 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Lafleur 2000


CRD capsules

5220 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Lots 5193, 5195, 5211, 5215, 5228, 5229

Château Lafleur 2001


Very lightly bin-soiled labels, 2 slightly scuffed, 2 slightly depressed corks

5221 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot



Le Pin 1989


u. 1bn, 1vts, lightly bin-soiled labels with original tissue residue, 2 slightly glue-stained, slightly corroded capsules, 2 very slightly depressed corks

5228 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Lafleur 2001


2 slightly scuffed capsules due to case dividers

5222 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Château Lafleur 2004


5223 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Le Pin 2004


1 slightly stained label

5229 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Lafleur 2005


In banded owc

5224 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Le Pin 2005


2 very lightly bin-soiled labels

5230 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Lafleur 2008


In banded owc

5225 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


5226 No Lot

Le Pin 2007


2 slightly stained labels

5231 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Pensees de Lafleur



2 very slightly scuffed labels (4)

1 slightly scuffed label (4) 2003

Slightly stained labels, stained back labels (5)

5227 13 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot


Le Pin 2009


1 very lightly bin-soiled label

5232 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Lot 5229 & 5230


Château Certan de May 2015 Pomerol

5233 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot HK$5,500-8,000


Mixed Château L'Eglise-Clinet Pomerol

1970 u. 2us, 1u/hs, very good colour and clarity, Negocient bottling, lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed labels, slightly worn capsules, 2 slightly depressed corks (3) 1989

Slightly scuffed label and capsule

1995 Slightly scuffed labels

Mixed Château Certan de May Pomerol


Glue stained and slightly damaged labels, 1 loosed capsule (2) 1982

Glue stained and slightly damaged label (2) 1990

2 slightly damaged and 1 damaged integrated Singaporean import front labels (3)

5234 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$4,800-7,500

Slightly scuffed labels and capsules

5235 11 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$10,000-15,000

Château L'Eglise-Clinet 2005 Pomerol

Slightly stained labels, stained back labels

5236 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$10,000-15,000


Mixed 1970s & 1980s Château L'Evangile

Chateau L'Evangile, Pomerol


Very good level, colour and clarity, bin-soiled and slightly wrinkled label, slightly corroded capsule (1) 1978

Very good level, colour and clarity, slightly stained and slightly scuffed label, slightly worn capsule, sign of old seepage (1) 1982

Very good levels, colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed labels, slightly scuffed capsules (2) 1986

u. vts, very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed capsule, very slightly depressed cork (1)

5237 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Château L'Evangile Pomerol 1998

Very lightly bin-soiled labels, very slightly scuffed capsules (2) 2001

Very lightly bin-soiled label (1) 2003

Very lightly bin-soiled labels (2) 2004

2 very slightly scuffed labels (3) 2005

Very lightly bin-soiled labels (2)

5238 10 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château L'Evangile 2009 Pomerol

2 very slightly scuffed labels

5239 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot



Mixed Château La Conseillante Pomerol 1970

u. hs, very good colour and clarity, missing label, slightly corroded and scuffed capsule, cut to reveal fully branded cork (1) 1983

Very good colour and clarity, missing label, capsule previously cut to reveal fully branded cork (1) 1997

Lightly bin-soiled and very slightly scuffed labels (2) 1999 (1)

5240 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Château Nenin Pomerol


u. m/ls, good colour and clarity, bottled by Grands of St. James Ltd, bin-soiled labels, 1 damaged and 1 heavily damaged, scuffed capsules (2)


Glue stained and bin-soiled label (1)


u. us, glue stained and bin-soiled label (1) 2003

1 very slightly scuffed label, stained back labels (2) 2012 (8)

5242 14 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc, cn) per lot



Mixed 1961 & 1982 Château Le Gay



u. ts, very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and very slightly scuffed label, slightly stained and corroded capsule, sign of old seepage (1)


u. 1vts, very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed capsule, 1 very slightly depressed cork (2)

5243 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Château Trotanoy 1959


u. very ls, negociant bottling, good colour and clarity, damaged and heavily damp-stained label, reattached with tape, corroded capsule

5244 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Trotanoy 1961


u. ms, excellent colour and clarity, damp-stained label, slightly creased capsule

5245 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château La Conseillante 2009


In banded owc

5241 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Mixed 1962 & 1970 Château Trotanoy



u. us, bin-soiled and damaged label (1)


u. m/us, stained label, slightly corroded capsule (1)

5246 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Trotanoy 1975


u. 3ts, 1us, bin-soiled labels of which 1 slightly scuffed, 2 slightly depressed cork

5247 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$14,000-20,000

Mixed Château Trotanoy



u. 1 ts, bin-soiled labels of which 1 slightly damaged, slightly worn capsules, 1 slightly depressed cork (2) 1989

Lightly bin-soiled label, slightly depressed cork (1) 1996

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed labels (2)

5248 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$6,000-8,500

Mixed 2000s Château Trotanoy



Very slightly scuffed labels (3) 2004

2 very slightly scuffed labels (3) 2005

Very slightly scuffed labels, slightly stained back labels (3)

5249 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot HK$11,000-16,000


Vieux Château Certan 1945


u. m/us, heavily bin-soiled label, slightly scuffed capsule

5250 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Vieux Château Certan 1948


u. ts, bin-soiled and very slightly scuffed label, damaged capsule, good colour and clarity

5251 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Vieux Château Certan 1955


u. us, stained and slightly damaged labels, damaged capsule, slight sign of old seepage

5252 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Lot 5243

Mixed Vieux Château Certan Pomerol 1978

u. 1 us, very slightly bin-soiled labels, of which 1 slightly nicked, 1 scuffed capsule (2)

Very slightly scuffed label

u. us, stained label, slightly corroded capsule (1) 1986 Very slightly scuffed label (1)

5253 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot

Mixed 2004 & 2007 Vieux Château Certan Pomerol

7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot

Vieux Château Certan 2009 5258 10 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot

Mixed 1990s Vieux Château Certan Pomerol

From 2 sources, 1 nicked label, 1 BBR import slip

5254 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Roc de Cambes 2005

Vieux Château Certan 2000 Pomerol 1 damaged label

5255 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot

Mixed 2005 & 2006 Roc de Cambes

(2) 5260 11 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot

Mixed 2008-2010 Roc de Cambes

5 very slightly scuffed labels (11)

Vieux Château Certan 2005

5256 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc)


Duclot Collection 2009

Chateau Haut-Brion (4)

Chateau Mouton Rothschild (4)

Petrus (4)

5262 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2owc) per lot



Mixed Bordeaux Left Banks

Chateau Cantemerle 1979

Stained and slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed capsule magnum (1)

Chateau Chasse Spleen 1966

u. ms, in-soiled and stained label, slightly scuffed CRD capsule magnum (1)

Chateau La Tour Haut Brion 2001

Slightly scuffed label (1)

Chateau La Tour Haut Brion 2005

Slightly scuffed labels (2)

Chateau Pontet-Canet 1966

u. 1us, 1hs, very good colour and clarity lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly scuffed capsules (2)

Chateau Rauzan Segla 2000

In 3-magnum owc magnum (1)

5263 3 Magnums (150cl) and 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (4cc, 1owc) per lot


Mixed 1982 Bordeaux

Chateau Beau Site

u. m/us, stained and damaged label, corroded capsule (1)

Chateau Chasse-Spleen

Stained label (1)

Chateau L'Arrosee

u. us, damp-stained label, slightly scuffed capsule (1)

Chateau Le Bon Pasteur

Stained label (1)

Chateau Potensac

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label, slightly depressed cork (1)

Chateau St. Pierre

Stained and slightly scuffed labels, scuffed capsules (2)

Chateau Grand Puy Lacoste

Damp-stained label, depressed cork (1)

5265 9 bottles per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Bordeaux Right Banks

Chateau Cheval Blanc 1998

Very slightly scuffed label (1)

Chateau Clinet 1995

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed labels (3)

Chateau Latour a Pomeral 1977

u. 2ts, excellent colour and clarity, bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly torn, slightly worn capsules magnums (2)

Chateau Monbousquet 1996

Very slightly scuffed labels, 2 slightly depressed corks (5)

5264 2 Magnums (150cl) and 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (4cc) per lot


Mixed Bordeaux

Chateau La Gaffeliere 1966

Good colour and clarity, bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label, reattached with tape, US import slip, damaged neck label, raised cork (1)

Clos Fourtet 1966

u. ms, good colour and clarity, 1 stained label, 1 heavily stained and damaged label reattached with tape, 1 scuffed capsule, 1 depressed cork (2)

Chateau Giscours 1970

u. m/us, heavily stained, scuffed capsule (1)

Chateau Pavie 1989

Slightly scuffed label, depressed cork, damaged capsule with exposed cork (1)

Chateau Leoville Poyferre 1996

Slightly scuffed label (1)

Chateau Pavie Macquin 2000

Very slightly scuffed label (1)

Chateau Trotte Vieille 2010

Very slightly scuffed label, slightly depressed cork (1) L'if 2015 (1)

5266 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot




5268, 5271, 5279, 5284


Mixed 1980 & 1987 Château Haut-Brion Blanc



Stained and torn labels, 1 reattached with tape, slightly depressed cork (2)


Damaged label, damaged capsule with exposed cork (1)

5267 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Bordeaux White

Pavillon Blanc de Margaux 2005

Slightly scuffed label (1)

Pavillon Blanc de Margaux 2006

Very slightly scuffed label, "Ex-Chateau" sticker on capsule (1)

Pavillon Blanc de Margaux 2008

Scuffed label (1)

Chateau Cos d'Estournel Blanc 2006

Very slightly scuffed label and scuffed back label (1)

Les Plantiers du Haut Brion 2007

Very lightly bin-soiled and very slightly scuffed label (1)

Vin Blanc de Chateau Palmer 2009

Very slightly scuffed and slightly stained label (1)

Vin Blanc de Chateau Palmer 2013

Scuffed and stained label (1)

5271 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Haut-Brion Blanc 1983


Bin-soiled and scuffed labels

5268 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot




Mixed Château Laville Haut-Brion Blanc

Creme de Tete, Graves 1980

u. 1ts, 1us, bin-soiled, stained and slightly scuffed labels, 1 slightly scuffed capsule, 1 missing and 3 scuffed neck slip labels (4) 1982

u. ts, bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed capsule (1)

5269 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$5,000-7,000


Château d'Yquem 1929

Sauternes, 1er Cru Superieur u. us, bin-soiled, slightly scuffed, and slightly torn label, worn and corroded short capsule, revealing fully branded cork, sign of old seepage

5272 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château d'Yquem 1934

Sauternes, 1er Cru Superieur

u. ts, missing label, worn, slightly corroded, and wine-stained short capsule, revealing fully branded cork, sign of old seepage

5273 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Château Pape Clement Blanc 1999


6 bottles in original wooden case, 1 damp-stained and slightly nicked label, 1 very slightly scuffed label, 1 lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, 1 capsule cut at the top and exposing top of cork, 1 bottle with slightly more advanced colour

5270 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château d'Yquem 1945

Sauternes, 1er Cru Superieur

u. ts, missing label, worn and slightly corroded short capsule, revealing fully branded cork, sign of old seepage

5274 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château d'Yquem 1948

Sauternes, 1er Cru Superieur

u. vts, only remnants of mouldy label intact, slightly damaged short capsule, revealing fully branded cork, rasied cork, sign of old seepage

5275 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château d'Yquem 1949

Sauternes, 1er Cru Superieur

u. us, scuffed and detached label reattached with tape, slightly depressed cork

5276 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château d'Yquem 1973

Sauternes, 1er Cru Superieur

Damaged label, slightly raised cork

5277 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Château d'Yquem Sauternes


u. us, no label, worn capsule with handwritten 1965 sticker attached (1) 1976

u. ts, scuffed and lightly bin-soiled label (1) 1988

Scuffed and lightly bin-soiled label (1) 2005

Lightly bin-soiled label (1)

5278 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Lot 5268


Mixed d'Yquem "Y" Y, Bordeaux


u. ts, lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label, slightly corroded and scuffed capsule, slightly depressed cork (1)


u. 1bn, 1ts, slightly stained and slightly nicked label, 1 US import slip, slightly corroded and scuffed capsule, slightly depressed corks (2)


u. bn, stained and slightly torn label, slightly corroded and scuffed capsule, slightly depressed cork (1)

5279 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed 1947 & 1952 Château Coutet

Premier Cru Classe, Barsac


u. ms, bin-soiled, partially torn, and taped label, Chateau and vintage legible, pen-marked "1947", slightly worn and corroded short capsule, minor sign of old seepage (1)


u. ts, bin-soiled, slightly nicked and torn, and taped label, slightly worn short capsule (1)

5280 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Château Coutet 1998

Barsac, 1er Cru Classé

Slightly damp-stained bottles

5281 20 Half-Bottles (37.5cl) per lot - (cn) per lot



Mixed Bordeaux Sweet Wines

Chateau Filhot 1923

u. ts, lightly bin-soiled, slightly scuffed, and slightly nicked label, slightly corroded and worn short capsule, revealing fully branded cork (1)

Chateau Filhot 1983

u. 1bn, lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed labels, 1 nicked and 1 partially torn, missing capsules, revealing fully branded corks (3)

Chateau Coutet 1983

u. 1bn, bin-soiled, slightly nicked and torn label, slightly corroded and worn capsules (2)

Chateau Coutet 1997

Slightly scuffed labels, 1 label with hand writing (2)

Chateau de Fargues 1990


Château La Tour Blanche 1989

Sauternes, 1er Cru Classé

Very lightly bin-soiled labels, very slightly scuffed capsules

5282 24 Half-Bottles (37.5cl) per lot - (owc) per lot HK$2,800-4,200

Slightly scuffed labels, of which 1 slightly stained (2)

Chateau Doisy-Vedrines 1983

1 lightly bin-soiled and 1 damp-stained labels, 1 slightly depressed cork (2)

Chateau Doisy-Vedrines 1989

Stained and slightly scuffed reattached label (1)

Chateau Guiraud 1986

Slightly corroded capsule (1)

Chateau Guiraud 1989

u. ls, scuffed label, capsule cut with cork exposed, signs of old seepage (1)

5285 15 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (6cc) per lot



Mixed Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey

Sauternes, Premier Cru Classe 1927

Scuffed and stained label (1) 1983

Bin-soiled and scuffed labels, 1 scuffed and 1 damaged capsules (2)

5283 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$6,000-9,500


Mixed Château Suduiraut

Premier Cru Classe, Sauternes 1970

Bin-soiled and stained labels, of which one reattached with tape, slightly corroded capsules (2) 1971

Bin-soiled and slightly scuffed labels, corroded capsules of which 1 damaged (4)

5284 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$1,900-3,000

Mixed Bordeaux Sweet Wines

Chateau de Rayne Vigneau 1917

u. m/ls, stained label (1)

Chateau Climens 1936

u. ms, stained label (1)

Chateau Caillou 1947

Bin-soiled label (1)

Chateau Climens 1966

u. us, stained label, damaged capsule (1)

5286 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$4,800-7,500

Lot 5292, 5296, 5298, 5299, 5301



Mixed 2002 & 2003

Domaine Anne Gros, Richebourg

Grand Cru


Slightly scuffed label, CRD capsule, very minor sign of old seepage (1) 2003

Slightly scuffed label, CRD capsule (1)

5287 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Anne Gros, Richebourg 2005

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very lightly bin-soiled labels

5288 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Anne Gros, Richebourg 2006

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Slightly bin-marked labels

5289 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Domaine Anne Gros

Richebourg 2009

Very slightly bin-marked label (1)

Echezeaux 2010

Slightly depressed cork (1)

5290 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot



Domaine Armand Rousseau, Gevrey-Chambertin Clos Saint-Jacques 1992

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru

Lightly bin-soiled label, very slightly nicked capsule

5291 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Armand Rousseau, Gevrey-Chambertin Clos Saint-Jacques 1993

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru

Lightly bin-soiled label, slightly scuffed capsule, very slightly depressed cork

5292 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Armand Rousseau, Gevrey-Chambertin Clos Saint-Jacques 1995

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly stained label, slightly scuffed capsule, very slightly depressed cork, very minor sign of old seepage

5293 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Armand Rousseau, Gevrey-Chambertin Clos Saint-Jacques 2003

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru

Slightly scuffed labels, slightly wine-stained vintage slips, CRD capsules, minor signs of old seepage

5294 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Armand Rousseau, Gevrey-Chambertin Clos Saint-Jacques


Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru

Very slightly bin-marked label

5295 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Armand Rousseau, Mazis-Chambertin 1993

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Slightly nicked label

5296 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Armand Rousseau, Chambertin 1992

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very slightly scuffed label and capsule

5297 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Armand Rousseau, Chambertin 1993

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very slightly scuffed labels, slightly wine-stained capsule

5298 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Armand Rousseau, Chambertin 1999

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very slightly scuffed label and capsule

5299 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$28,000-42,000

Domaine Armand Rousseau, Chambertin 2017

5300 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (owc) per lot HK$35,000-50,000

Domaine Armand Rousseau, Chambertin-Clos de Bèze 1993

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed capsule

5301 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$32,000-48,000

Domaine Armand Rousseau, Chambertin-Clos de Bèze 1995

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Slightly scuffed and stained label

5302 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$17,000-26,000

Domaine Armand Rousseau, Chambertin-Clos de Bèze 2016

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very lightly bin-soiled label

5303 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$17,000-26,000


Mixed Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton 1986

u. 3cm, bin-soiled label, slightly corroded capsule (1) 1991 magnum (1)

5304 1 Magnum (150cl) and 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$4,200-6,500

Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton 2001

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru 1 very slightly scuffed label

5305 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$3,500-5,500

Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton 2005

5306 3 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton 2010

5307 5 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton 2014

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

In original tissues

5308 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2owc) per lot




Christophe Roumier, Charmes-Chambertin Mazoyeres 2005

Slightly stained label

5309 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Camille Giroud, Clos Saint-Denis 1978

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Excellent levels, appearance, colour and clarity, CRD capsules

5310 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$18,000-26,000

Lots 5305-5307


Mixed Climats du Coeru Red 2009

Gevrey Chambertin 1er Cru

Wine produced by Domaine Dujac at Morey-Saint-Denis & Maison Faiveley at Nuits-Saints-Georges, very slightly stained label magnums (2)

Vosne Romanee 1er cru

Wine produced by Domaine de la Romanee-Conti at Vosne-Romanee & Maison Joseph Drouhin at Beaune, slightly scuffed label magnums (2)

5311 4 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cn) per lot HK$13,000-19,000


Comte Armand, Pommard, Clos des Epeneaux 2009

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

2 very slightly scuffed, 2 very slightly stained and 1 stained labels

5312 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$5,000-7,500


Mixed Domaine de Montille

Pommard Les Rugiens-Bas 2005

Slightly scuffed label

Volnay Les Mitans 2005

Very slightly scuffed labels

Corton Pougets 2006

Very slightly scuffed labels

5313 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$5,500-8,000


Domaine de La Pousse d'Or, Volnay, Clos des 60 Ouvrées 2005

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

Slightly scuffed labels, CRD capsules

5314 2 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Lots 5316, 5318, 5321, 5324, 5332, 5333


Mixed 1997 & 2002 Domaine de la Romanee-Conti

Romanée-Saint-Vivant 1997

Slightly scuffed and lightly damp-stained label (1)

Grands Echézeaux 2002

Slightly scuffed front and back labels (1)

Vosne-Romanée Cuvée Duvault-Blochet 2002

Scuffed front and back labels (1)

5315 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot


Mixed Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Echézeaux 1997

Bin-soiled and slightly scuffed front and back labels, slightly depressed cork (1) 1998

Slightly scuffed front and back labels (1)

5316 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Echézeaux 2009

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Consecutive bottle numbers, slightly scuffed front and back labels

5317 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Grands Echézeaux 1997

Slightly scuffed front and back labels, pen marked label (1) 1998

Lightly bin-soiled front and back labels (1)

5318 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Grands Echézeaux 2009

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

5319 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Grands Echézeaux 2010

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Slightly scuffed front and back labels

5320 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Romanée-Saint-Vivant 2002

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Slightly scuffed label

5321 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Romanée-Saint-Vivant 2009

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very slightly scuffed labels

5322 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Richebourg 1964

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

u. 5cm, missing label, worn capsule cut to reveal branded cork

5323 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Richebourg 1997

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Slightly scuffed front and back labels

5324 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Richebourg 2003

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Scuffed front and back label

5325 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Richebourg 2009

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

1 very slightly scuffed and 1 slightly scuffed back label

5326 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Richebourg 2015

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very slightly scuffed label

5327 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, La Tâche 2009

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

1 very lightly bin-soiled label, slightly stained back labels

5328 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Romanée-Conti 1969

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru u. 4.5cm, good colour and clarity, missing label, taped Lebegue neck slip, capsule cut to reveal fully branded cork

5329 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Romanée-Conti 1989

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Bottle #05701, lightly bin-soiled label, vintage neck slip very slightly peeling at top left

5330 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Romanée-Conti 1996

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Bottle #01776, slightly scuffed and slightly stained label, slightly scuffed vintage neck slip, very slightly peeling at top left

5331 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Romanée-Conti 1998

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Bottle #02081, slightly scuffed label

5332 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Romanée-Conti 2002

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Bottle #02592, slightly scuffed label

5333 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Romanée-Conti 2003

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Bottle #02306, slightly scuffed label

5334 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Romanée-Conti 2009

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Bottle #04863, very lightly bin-soiled label

5335 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Romanée-Conti 2015

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Bottle #02946

5336 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot



Mixed Dugat-Py

Charmes Chambertin 1996

Slightly scuffed label (1)

Gevrey Chambertin VV 1996

Slightly scuffed labels (3)

Gevrey Chambertin VV 1999

Slightly scuffed labels, 1 wine-stained vintage slip, CRD capsules, 1 with sign of old seepage (4)

5337 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Domaine Dujac, Clos de la Roche 1985

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

u. 3.5cm, lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, very slightly depressed cork

5338 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Dujac, Clos de la Roche 1988

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

u. 2x3cm, lightly bin-soiled labels

5339 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Dujac, Clos de la Roche 1990

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very slightly depressed cork

5340 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Dujac, Clos de la Roche 1995

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Slightly scuffed and bin-marked labels

5341 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$18,000-26,000

Domaine Dujac, Clos de la Roche 1996

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Slightly scuffed label

5342 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Domaine Dujac Echezeaux 1989

u. 3.5cm, lightly bin-soiled label, very slightly depressed cork (1)

Bonnes Mares 1996

Slightly scuffed label (1)

Morey-Saint-Denis 1999

Slightly scuffed labels of which 1 stained, 1 damaged capsule with exposed cork (2)

Vosne-Romanee Aux Malconsorts 2010

Very lightly bin-soiled label (1)

5347 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (4cc) per lot


Domaine Dujac, Clos de la Roche 2002

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Slightly scuffed labels, very slightly depressed corks

5343 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Emmanuel Rouget, Nuits-Saint-Georges 2005

Côte de Nuits

Very slightly depressed corks

5348 11 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Dujac, Clos Saint-Denis 1988

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

u. 1x4cm, lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly creased, 1 very slightly scuffed and 1 very slightly corroded capsule

5344 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Emmanuel Rouget, Vosne-Romanée 1999

Very lighlty bin-soiled labels, 1 very slightly depressed cork (2) 2005

Very lighlty bin-soiled labels, CRD capsules, slightly depressed corks (2)

5349 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Dujac, Clos Saint-Denis 2001

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very slightly scuffed labels, slightly depressed corks

5345 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Dujac, Clos Saint-Denis 2002

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Lightly bin-soiled labels

5346 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Emmanuel Rouget, Vosne-Romanée Cros Parantoux 1996

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru

Very lightly bin-soiled and very slightly scuffed labels

5350 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Emmanuel Rouget, Vosne-Romanée Cros Parantoux 1998

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru

Very lightly bin-soiled labels

5351 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Emmanuel Rouget, Vosne-Romanée Cros Parantoux 2005

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru CRD capsules, very slightly depressed corks

5352 10 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Domaine Faiveley, Corton Clos des Cortons Faiveley

Very slightly scuffed label

Emmanuel Rouget, Echézeaux 2005

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very slightly scuffed labels, CRD capsules, 8 very slightly depressed corks

5353 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


10 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot

Mixed Domaine Faiveley, Echézeaux

scuffed label

scuffed labels

Very slightly scuffed labels

5355 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot

Mixed Domaine Faiveley, Latricières-Chambertin 1990

Slightly scuffed label and vintage slip (1)

Slightly scuffed label (1)

1 slightly stained and 1 damaged labels, 1 slightly damaged back label (2)

5356 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Mixed Domaine Faiveley, Mazis-Chambertin 1998

Slightly scuffed labels, 1 very slightly nicked (4) 2001

Slightly stained label and vintage slip (1) 2005 (3)

5357 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Mixed 2009 & 2013 Domaine Faiveley, Mazis-Chambertin


Slightly scuffed labels, 1 very slightly and 1 slightly depressed cork (2) 2013

Slightly scuffed labels (3)

5358 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Domaine Faiveley, Chambertin-Clos de Bèze 2002

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

5359 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 2009 Domaine Faiveley, Chambertin-Clos de Bèze


Slightly nicked label magnum (1) 2009

Very slightly scuffed label (2)

5360 1 Magnum (150cl) and 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc,cn) per lot HK$9,500-14,000

Mixed Domaine Faiveley, Chambertin-Clos de Bèze 2005 (2) 2010

Very slightly scuffed label (1) 2011

Very slightly scuffed label, very slightly depressed cork (1)

5361 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Domaine Faiveley, Musigny 2007

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very slightly scuffed label

5362 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Faiveley

Clos de la Roche 1989

Very lightly bin-soiled label (1) Clos de Vougeot 2005 (2)

Beaune Clos de L'Ecu 2005

Very slightly scuffed label (1) Pommard Les Rugiens 2010

7 slightly scuffed labels (9)

5363 13 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot



Mixed Robert Groffier, Bonnes Mares 2002

Slightly scuffed label, very slightly depressed cork (1) 2006

Very slightly scuffed label, very slightly depressed cork (1) 5364 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$5,500-8,500

Mixed Robert Groffier, Chambertin-Clos de Bèze

Slightly scuffed labels, slightly depressed corks

6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per

Mixed Robert Groffier, Chambolle-Musigny Les Amoureuses

2007 (2)

2008 (3)

Slightly scuffed labels, slightly depressed corks

5366 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Robert Groffier

Chambolle-Musigny Les Sentiers 2004

Slightly scuffed labels, very slightly depressed corks (2)

Chambolle-Musigny Les Hauts Doix 2004

Slightly scuffed labels, very slightly depressed corks (4)

Chambolle-Musigny Les Hauts Doix 2005

Very slightly scuffed label, very slightly depressed cork (1)

5367 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Domaine Gros Frère et Soeur, Echézeaux 2016

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Slightly scuffed labels, 2 slightly torn, CRD capsules

5368 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Gros Frère et Soeur, Echézeaux 2018

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

In banded oc

5371 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (oc) per lot


Domaine Gros Frère et Soeur, Echézeaux 2016

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

2 very slightly scuffed, 4 scuffed and 5 damaged labels, CRD capsules

5369 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 2016 Domaine Gros Frère et Soeur

Grands-Echézeaux 2016

2 slightly stained and 1 damaged labels, 1 scuffed vintage slip, CRD capsules (3) Richebourg 2016

4 very slightly scuffed labels, CRD capsules (6)

5372 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Domaine Gros Frère et Soeur, Vosne-Romanée Premier Cru 2016

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru

5 slightly scuffed and 2 damaged labels, CRD capsules

5373 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Gros Frère et Soeur, Vosne-Romanée Premier Cru 2016

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru

Slightly scuffed labels, of which 4 slightly torn, CRD capsules

5374 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Domaine Gros Frère et Soeur, Echézeaux 2017

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

In sealed oc

5370 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (oc) per lot


Mixed Domaine Gros Frère et Soeur, Vosne-Romanée 1999

Slightly scuffed label (1) 2016

2 very slightly stained and 1 damaged labels, CRD capsules (6)

5375 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot



Lots 5389, 5390, 5391, 5393, 5394

Georges & Henri Jayer, Nuits-Saint-Georges 1994

Côte de Nuits

Very lightly bin-soiled label

5376 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Georges & Henri Jayer, Echézeaux 1983

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Slightly stained and slightly scuffed label

5377 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Georges & Henri Jayer, Echézeaux 1990

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

u. 1x3.5cm, 2x4cm, 1x4.5cm, 7 stained and 2 slightly scuffed labels, 1 damaged and 3 slightly stained vintage slips, corroded capsules, 3 signs of old seepage

5381 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Georges & Henri Jayer, Echézeaux 1983

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

u. 4cm, damaged label

5378 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Georges & Henri Jayer, Echézeaux 1994

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru Bin-soiled label

5382 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Georges & Henri Jayer, Echézeaux 1988

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Lightly bin-soiled label

5379 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Georges & Henri Jayer, Echézeaux 1989

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very lightly bin-soiled label

5380 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Lots 5383 & 5384

Georges & Henri Jayer, Echézeaux 1996

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Scuffed and lightly bin-soiled label

5383 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Georges & Henri Jayer, Echézeaux 1998

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru 1 bottle with different style of label. Very lightly bin-soiled labels, 2 very slightly scuffed

5385 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Georges & Henri Jayer, Echézeaux 1996

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Lightly bin-soiled and very slightly scuffed label, slightly depressed cork

5384 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Georges & Henri Jayer, Echézeaux 1998

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very slightly stained label

5386 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Lots 5377, 5379, 5380, 5384, 5386, 5387

Georges & Henri Jayer, Echézeaux 1999

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

1 very lightly bin-soiled and 1 glue-stained label, loose capsules

5387 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$140,000-200,000

Georges & Henri Jayer, Echézeaux 1999

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Creased and slightly stained label

5388 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$35,000-55,000


Henri Jayer, Nuits-Saint-Georges 1989

Côte de Nuits

Very slightly marked label, slightly scuffed vintage slip

5389 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Henri Jayer, Vosne-Romanée Cros Parantoux 1990

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru

u. 4cm, lightly bin-soiled label, slightly worn CRD capsule

5390 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$90,000-140,000

Henri Jayer, Vosne-Romanée Cros Parantoux 1992

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru

Very lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, CRD cpasule, very minor sign of old seepage

5391 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Henri Jayer, Vosne-Romanée Cros Parantoux 1996

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru

Stained label, US import slip covered part of front label, creased CRD capsule

5392 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$70,000-110,000

Henri Jayer, Echézeaux 1988

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

u. 1x3.5cm, 1x4cm, bin-soiled and slightly stained labels, 1 slightly scuffed, 1 scuffed vintage slip

5393 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Henri Jayer, Echézeaux 1989

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

u. 3cm, lightly bin-soiled and very slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed capsule

5394 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Hospices de Beaune, Beaune Cuvèe Maurice Drouhin By Drouhin 2015 (6) 2017

3 very lightly bin-soiled labels (6)

5395 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2oc) per lot HK$5,500-8,500

Hospices de Beaune, Mazis-Chambertin Cuvée Madeleine Collignon by Henri Boillot 2000

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very slightly bin-soiled and very slightly creased label, sign of old seepage, in slightly damaged owc

5396 1 Jeroboam (300cl) per lot - (owc) per lot



Mixed 2005 Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier, Nuits-Saint-Georges Clos de la Maréchale 2005 2005

Slightly stained labels (3) 2005 magnum (1)

5397 1 Magnum (150cl) and 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier, Chambolle-Musigny 2013

Côte de Nuits

2 very lightly bin-soiled labels

5398 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier, Chambolle-Musigny Les Fueés 2005

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru

Very slightly bin-marked labels

5399 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier, Chambolle-Musigny Les Fueés 2008

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru

Very slightly scuffed labels

5400 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$9,000-14,000

Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier, Chambolle-Musigny Les Fueés 2009

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru

1 very slightly and 1 slightly scuffed label

5401 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier, Chambolle-Musigny Trente Deux 2016

Côte de Nuits

Very lightly bin-soiled labels

5402 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$15,000-22,000

Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier, Chambolle-Musigny Les Amoureuses 2010

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru

Very slightly scuffed label

5403 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier, Musigny 2001

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very lightly bin-soiled label, slightly raised cork

5404 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier, Musigny 2004

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

1 very slightly stained label

5405 2 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier, Musigny 2005

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very slightly scuffed labels

5406 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier, Musigny 2005

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very lightly stained label on bottom right

5407 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier, Musigny 2007

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very slightly scuffed labels, 1 slightly stained vintage slip, stained Singaporean import back labels, very slightly scuffed capsules

5408 2 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed 1993 Domaine Jean Grivot

Clos Vougeot (1)

Richebourg (1)

Slightly scuffed labels

5413 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier, Musigny 2009

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very lightly bin-soiled label

5409 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier, Musigny 2009

5410 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Domaine Jean Grivot, Richebourg 1999

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Slightly scuffed labels, 2 slightly depressed corks

5414 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier, Musigny 2010

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very slightly scuffed label

5411 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Jean Grivot, Richebourg 2000

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Lightly bin-soiled and scuffed labels, slightly depressed corks

5415 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Joseph Drouhin, Beaune Le Clos des Mouches 1980

Bin-soiled and nicked label (1) 1989

Lightly bin-soiled label (1) 2001

Slightly nicked label and vintage slip, CRD capsule (1)

5416 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Joseph Drouhin, Vosne-Romanée Les Beaux Monts 1999

Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier, Musigny 2010

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very slightly bin-marked label

5412 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Very slightly scuffed labels (2) 2014

Slightly depressed cork (1)

5417 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Joseph Drouhin, Chambolle-Musigny Les Amoureuses 2015

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru

1 very slightly scuffed label, 1 torn back label

5418 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$7,500-11,000

Mixed Joseph Drouhin, Musigny

2013 (1)

2015 (1)

Very slightly scuffed labels

5423 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Joseph Drouhin, Grands Echézeaux 2009

1 very slightly scuffed label (2) 2015

Scuffed back labels (2)

5419 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$10,000-15,000

Mixed 1980s Joseph Drouhin Grand Crus Bonnes-Mares 1981

u. 3cm, stained and slighyly scuffed label, stained vintage slip (1) Chambertin 1988

Stained and slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed vintage slip (1)

Clos de Vougeot 1988

Slightly stained and slightly scuffed label and vintage slip, damaged capsule with exposed cork (1)

5424 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Joseph Drouhin, Chambertin-Clos de Bèze


Very lightly bin-soiled label magnum (1)

2009 (3)


1 very slightly stained label (2)

5420 1 Magnum (150cl) and 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Joseph Drouhin, Musigny 1978

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very good level, colour and clarity, slightly nicked label, CRD capsule

5421 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 2015 Joseph Drouhin Grand Crus Charmes-Chambertin

Very slightly scuffed labels (2) Griottes-Chambertin

1 stained back label (2)

5425 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$7,000-10,000

Joseph Drouhin, Musigny 2009

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

2 slightly scuffed labels, 1 slight sign of old seepage

5422 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Domaine des Comtes Lafon Monthelie-Les Duresses 2005

Very slightly scuffed label (1)

Volnay Champans 2003

Slightly scuffed label (1)

Volnay Champans 2005 (1)

Volnay Champans 2010

1 slightly nicked label (2)

Volnay Santenot du Mileu 2010 (2)

5426 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Domaine du Comte Liger-Belair, La Romanée 2005

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Slightly scuffed labels, slightly damaged wax capsules

5427 2 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Domaine Meo-Camuzet, Vosne-Romanée

1999 magnum (1)

2002 (2)

Scuffed labels and vintage slips

5431 1 Magnum (150cl) and 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc,cn) per lot



Maison Louis Jadot, Echézeaux 1998

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Lightly bin-soiled labels of which 3 slightly damaged, 1 wine stained and 1 slightly scuffed vintage slips, 5 signs of old seepage

5428 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$4,800-7,000

Domaine Méo-Camuzet, Clos de Vougeot 1996

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Scuffed and slightly stained labels, 2 slightly scuffed vintage slips, slightly scuffed back labels

5432 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Louis Jadot

Beaune Clos des Couchereaux 1988

Slightly scuffed label, slightly depressed cork (1)

Gevrey-Chambertin Laville St. Jacques 1988

Slightly scuffed labels, 1 wine stained neck slip, slightly depressed cork (2)

Gevrey-Chambertin Laville St. Jacques 1999

Very lightly bin-soiled label (1)

Clos Vougeot 1986

Slightly nicked and damp-affected label, misaligned vintage slip, believed to be reattached, slightly depressed cork (1)

Clos Vougeot 2002

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label (1)

Clos de la Roche 2006

Very slightly bin-marked label (1)

Clos St. Denis 2007

Slightly scuffed label, CRD capsule (1)

Chapelle-Chambertin 2009

CRD capsule (1)

Mazis Chambertin 2012

Slightly scuffed label (1)

5429 10 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot


Domaine Méo-Camuzet, Richebourg 1988

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Stained and slightly scuffed front and back labels, 1 slightly depressed cork

5433 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$45,000-65,000

Domaine Méo-Camuzet, Richebourg 1998

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Stained and slightly scuffed front and back labels

5434 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Domaine Méo-Camuzet, Nuits-Saint-Georges Aux Murgers 1996 (3) 1998 (2)

Stained and slightly scuffed labels

5430 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$8,500-13,000

Mixed Domaine Méo-Camuzet Nuits-Saint-Georges 1988

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label (1) Echézeaux Rouges du Bas 1998

Scuffed label, 1 bottle with sign of old seepage (2)

5435 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Domaine Michel Gros, Chambolle-Musigny 2004

Lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 very slightly raised cork

magnums (3) 2005

Very slightly scuffed labels

magnums (5) 2006

Very slightly scuffed label, slightly raised cork magnum (1)

5436 9 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (2cc, cn) per lot HK$7,000-10,000

Mixed 2003 Domaine Michel Gros, Vosne-Romanée Clos des Reas 2003

Slightly scuffed labels, 1 very slightly raised cork (2) 2003 magnums (2)

5442 2 Magnums (150cl) and 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc,cn) per lot HK$6,000-9,000

Domaine Michel Gros, Nuits-Saint-Georges Les Chaliots 2009

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru

Slightly scuffed labels

5437 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot HK$3,200-5,000

Mixed 2006 Domaine Michel Gros, Vosne-Romanée Clos des Reas 2006

Slightly scuffed label (1) 2006

Very slightly scuffed labels magnums (4)

5443 4 Magnums (150cl) and 1 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc,cn) per lot HK$9,000-14,000

Domaine Michel Gros, Vosne-Romanée Aux Brûlées 2002

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru

Very slightly scuffed labels

5438 3 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cn) per lot HK$6,000-9,000

Mixed 2010 Domaine Michel Gros, Vosne-Romanée Clos des Reas 2010

Slightly scuffed labels (2) 2010

Very slightly scuffed labels magnums (4)

5444 4 Magnums (150cl) and 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc,cn) per lot


Mixed Domaine Michel Gros, Vosne-Romanée Aux Brûlées 2004

1 very slightly scuffed label

magnums (2) 2006

magnums (2)

5439 4 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (2cn) per lot HK$7,000-10,000

Domaine Michel Gros, Vosne-Romanée Aux Brûlées 2009

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru

1 slightly scuffed label

5440 3 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cn) per lot HK$6,500-10,000

Mixed Domaine Michel Gros, Vosne-Romanée Clos des Reas 1999

Very slightly scuffed labels (2) 2000

Very slightly scuffed labels (3) 2004

Slightly scuffed labels (2) 2008

Slightly scuffed label (1)

5445 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (4cc) per lot HK$8,500-13,000

Domaine Michel Gros, Vosne-Romanée Aux Brûlées 2010

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru

Very slightly scuffed labels

5441 4 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Mixed Domaine Michel Gros, Vosne-Romanée Clos des Reas Magnums 2002 magnums (4) 2009 magnums (2)

5446 6 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (2cn) per lot


Mixed Domaine Michel Gros

Vosne-Romanée 2004

Slightly scuffed label, raised cork magnum (1)

Bourgogne Hautes Cote de Nuits 1999

Slightly scuffed labels magnums (2)

Bourgogne Hautes Cote de Nuits 2002 magnum (1)

Bourgogne Hautes Cote de Nuits 2004

Slightly scuffed labels (4)

Bourgogne Hautes Cote de Nuits 2008

Slightly scuffed labels (4)

Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er Cru 2012

Slightly scuffed labels (4)

Clos Vougeot 2014

1 very slightly stained label (3)

5447 4 Magnums (150cl) and 15 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc, 2cn) per lot HK$6,000-8,500


Pierre Amiot, Gevrey Chambertin Aux Combottes 2006

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru

Very lightly bin-soiled labels

5451 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot



Mixed 2000s Domaine Ponsot, Chapelle-Chambertin 2000

Slightly scuffed label (1) 2005

Slightly scuffed labels, 1 slightly torn, 2 very slightly depressed corks (3) 2006

Slightly scuffed label, slightly depressed cork (1)

5452 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed 1988 Mongeard Mugneret

Grands Echézeaux

Lightly bin-soiled label, slightly scuffed capsule (1)


Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed and corroded capsule (1)

5448 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$7,000-12,000

Mixed 1993 & 2004 Domaine Ponsot, Clos de la Roche 1993

Slightly scuffed label, minor sign of old seepage (1) 2004

Very slightly scuffed labels, 1 very slightly and 1 slightly depressed cork (3)

5453 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Nicolas Potel, Latricières-Chambertin 1992

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very lightly bin-soiled and very slightly scuffed labels

5449 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$5,000-7,500


Mixed Philippe Pacalet


Very slightly scuffed labels, CRD capsules

5450 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$3,000-4,500

Mixed 2006 & 2012 Domaine Ponsot, Clos de la Roche 2006

Slightly scuffed labels, 1 minor sign of old seepage (2) 2012

Very slightly scuffed label (1)

5454 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1988 & 1990 Domaine Ponsot, Griotte-Chambertin 1988

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label, slightly corroded and scuffed capsule, slightly depressed cork (1) 1990

Very lightly bin-soiled and very slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed capsule, slightly depressed cork (1)

5455 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$8,500-13,000

Mixed 2000 & 2004 Domaine Ponsot, Griotte-Chambertin


Slightly scuffed label, very slightly depressed cork (1) 2004

Slightly scuffed labels

5456 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$5,000-7,500

Mixed 2005 Domaine Ponsot Grand Crus

Clos de la Roche 2005

Slightly scuffed labels

Clos St. Denis Cuvee du Centenaire 2005

Very slightly cracked wax capsule, bottle number 301 of 596 (1)

5457 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot

Mixed Domaine Ponsot Grand Crus

Clos St. Denis 2004

Slightly scuffed label

Clos Vougeot 2005

Slightly scuffed label (1)

Chambertin 2005

Very slightly scuffed label

Charmes Chambertin 2005

Slightly scuffed label (1)

5458 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$9,500-14,000


Mixed 1990s Maison Roche de Bellène, Clos de la Roche 1992

Very lightly bin-soiled label, slightly depressed cork (1) 1996

Very lightly bin-soiled label, slightly depressed cork (1) 1997

Very lightly bin-soiled label, slightly depressed cork (1) 1998

Very lightly bin-soiled label, slightly depressed cork (1) 1999

Very lightly bin-soiled label (1)

5459 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$5,000-7,500

Mixed Maison Roche de Bellène, Clos de la Roche

Slightly bin-marked label

Very lightly bin-soiled label

Very slightly nicked label

depressed cork

scuffed label

6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Maison Roche de Bellène Grand Crus

Clos Saint-Denis 2010 Slightly scuffed label

Clos Saint-Denis 2011

Very slightly scuffed label (1)

Griotte-Chambertin 2010

Lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 very slightly nicked capsule (2)

Griotte-Chambertin 2011

Lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly stained (2)

5461 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Rossignol-Trapet, Chambertin 2006

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru 2 very slightly scuffed labels

5462 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Domaine Rossignol-Trapet, Latricières-Chambertin 2015

5463 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2oc) per lot HK$13,000-20,000


Thibault Liger-Belair, Richebourg 2008

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

1 very slightly scuffed label

5464 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed 1999 & 2002 Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Chambolle-Musigny

1999 (1)


Denmark importer integrated labels, 1 lightly bin-soiled, 1 very minor sign of old seepage (3)

5465 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$9,500-14,000

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Chambolle-Musigny Les Amoureuses 2005

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru

Slightly bin-marked and slightly nicked label

5470 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$7,000-11,000

Mixed Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Chambolle-Musigny


1 very lightly bin-soiled label (3)


Very lightly bin-soiled and very slightly nicked label (1)


Very lightly bin-soiled label (1)


Very lightly bin-soiled and very slightly nicked label (1)

5466 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$11,000-16,000

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Musigny Cuvèe Vieilles Vignes 1999

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Wine from different sources, 3 very lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly torn and heavily damp-stained label detached and reattached with glue, 1 scuffed capsule

5471 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$42,000-65,000

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Assortment 2009


Chambolle-Musigny 1er Cru

Bourgogne Blanc (1)

In original tissues

5467 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot HK$20,000-30,000

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Musigny Cuvèe Vieilles Vignes 2001

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Slightly scuffed and tissue-stained London importer integrated labels

5472 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Chambolle-Musigny Premier Cru 2017

Côte de Nuits, Premier Cru In original tissues

5468 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (oc) per lot

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Musigny Cuvèe Vieilles Vignes 2005

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

In original tissues, 3 Corney & Barrow labels

5473 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc,cn) per lot


Mixed Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Chambolle-Musigny


5469 7 Bottles (75cl) per

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Musigny Cuvèe Vieilles Vignes 2005

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

2 very lightly bin-soiled labels, of which 1 very slightly nicked

5474 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Musigny Cuvèe Vieilles Vignes 2009

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

In original tissue, in individual oc

5475 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (oc) per lot


Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Musigny Cuvèe Vieilles Vignes 2010

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

Very slightly scuffed label

5476 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$6,000-9,000

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Musigny Cuvèe Vieilles Vignes 2018

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

In original tissues

5480 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2owc) per lot


Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Musigny Cuvèe Vieilles Vignes 2019

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

In original tissues

5481 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot HK$35,000-55,000

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Musigny Cuvèe Vieilles Vignes 2012

5477 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot HK$15,000-22,000

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Bonnes Mares 2004

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru Lightly bin-soiled Corney & Barrow integrated labels, 1 slightly torn

5482 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$8,500-13,000

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Bonnes Mares 2005

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

In original tissues

5483 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot HK$11,000-17,000

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Musigny Cuvèe Vieilles Vignes 2014

5478 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Musigny Cuvèe Vieilles Vignes 2017

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

In original tissues

5479 3 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (3owc) per lot


Mixed Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Bonnes Mares

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Bonnes Mares 2012

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

In original tissues

5485 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2owc) per lot


Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Bonnes Mares 2012

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

In original tissues

5486 3 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (3owc) per lot


Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Bonnes Mares 2014

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru

In original tissue

5487 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (owc) per lot



Mixed Matured Burgundy Reds Lagoute, Chambertin 1923

u. 7.5cm, good colour, slightly scuffed label, slightly corroded capsule (1)

Bouchard Pere et Fils, Gevrey Chambertin Clos St. Jacques 1927

Good colour and clarity, stained label (1) Jules Belin, Nuits-Saint-Georges Clos de L'arlot Tete de Cuvee 1928

u. 4.5cm, good colour and clarity, slightly marked and slightly scuffed label (1)

Remoissenet Vosne-Romanee Clos des Reas 1949

Good colour and clarity, stained and slightly scuffed label, corroded capsule (1)

5488 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Burgundy Reds

Jaboulet Vercherre, Mazis Chambertin 1976

Very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and slightly torn label, very slightly depressed cork (1)

Moillard-Grivot, Chambertin Clos de Bèze 1978

Very good colour and clarity, bin-soiled label, CRD capsule, slightly depressed cork (1)

Louis Trapet, Chapelle Chambertin 1981

Very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked

label, very slightly depressed cork (1)

Claude Dugat, Gevrey-Chambertin Lavaux Saint-Jacques 1995

Very slightly scuffed and slightly stained label, sign of old seepage (1)

Maume, Charmes Chambertin 1997

Very lightly bin-soiled label (1)

Domaine Trapet, Chambertin 2004

Slightly depressed cork (1)

Chateau de Marsannay, Chambertin 2008

Slightly scuffed label and capsule (1)

5490 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Burgundy Reds

Michel Gavignet, Nuits St. Georges 1986

Slightly torn and peeling label, CRD capsule (1)

Georges Mugneret-Gibourg, Nuit Saint Georges Les Chaignots 1988

u. 3.5cm, very slightly scuffed label and capsule (1)

Domaine Rapet, Corton 1988

Slightly scuffed and nicked label, very minor sign of old seepage (1)

Simon Bize, Savigny-les-Beaune Aux Vergelesses 1996

Lightly bin-soiled and marker-marked label (1)

Albert Bichot, Domaine du Clos Frantin Les Malconsorts 1998

Bin-marked label (1)

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Volnay santenots du milieu 1999

Very slightly bin-marked label (1)

Anne Gros, Chambolle-Musigny La Combe d'Orveau 2006

Very slightly scuffed label (1)

Roblet-Monnot, Volnay Premier Cru Saint Jean 2013

Slightly depressed cork (1)

Hudelot-Noellat, Vosne-Romanée 2014

Very lightly bin-soiled label, remnants of sticker on capsule (1)

5491 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Mixed Burgundy Reds

Moillard, Echézeaux 1990

Lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 very slightly scuffed (2) Rossignol-Trapet, Beaune Les Teurons 1998

Very slightly nicked and lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly scuffed capsules (2)

Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier, Nuits-Saint-Georges Clos Fourches 2007

Scuffed labels, slightly depressed corks (3) Hospices de Beaune, Corton Cuvee Charlotte Dumay by Thibault Liger-Belair 2017 magnum (1)

5489 1 Magnum (150cl) and 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (4cc) per lot


Mixed Burgundy Grand Crus

Georges Lignier, Clos Saint-Denis 1985

u. 3.5cm, lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, slightly worn capsule (1)

Domaine des Lambrays, Clos des Lambrays 2002

Lightly bin-soiled label, minor sign of old seepage (1)

Pierre Amiot, Clos St. Denis 2006

Lightly bin-soiled label (1)

5492 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Lots 5569, 5577, 5581, 5582, 5588, 5594, 5600



Mixed 1991 & 1997 Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton-Charlemagne

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

5493 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton-Charlemagne 1998

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru In original tissues

5494 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot HK$11,000-16,000

Mixed 1990s Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton-Charlemagne

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

stained and very slightly scuffed label

5495 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 2000, 2001 & 2006 Domaine Bonneau du Martray, CortonCharlemagne

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

5496 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$8,500-14,000

Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton-Charlemagne 2007

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

In original tissues

5497 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2owc) per lot


Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton-Charlemagne 2009

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru u. 5cm, very lightly bin-soiled label

5499 1 Jeroboam (300cl) per lot - (owc) per lot HK$9,000-13,000

Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton (Blanc) 2009

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

2 very slightly scuffed and 1 slightly stained labels, label printed "Corton" instead of "Corton Charlemagne"

5498 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot HK$13,000-20,000

Mixed 2008 & 2009 Domaine Bonneau du Martray, CortonCharlemagne

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru 2008

Slightly scuffed labels (3) 2009

5 bottles in original tissues (7)

5500 10 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Mixed Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton-Charlemagne Magnums

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru 2004

Slightly scuffed label, CRD capsule magnum (1) 2006 magnum (1)

2009 magnum (1)

5501 3 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot


Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton-Charlemagne 2010

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

Slightly scuffed labels, 1 slightly marker-marked, 2 very slightly depressed corks, 1 slightly raised cork

5502 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton-Charlemagne 2011

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

5503 10 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton-Charlemagne 2011

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

Lightly bin-soiled labels

5504 3 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cn) per lot



Mixed Climats du Coeur Whites 2009

Meursault 1er Cru

Produced by Domaine Roulot at Meursault & Maison Louis Latour at Beaune, slightly scuffed label magnum (1)

Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru

Produced by Domaine Leflaive at Puligny-Montrachet & Maison Louis Jadot at Beaune, slightly scuffed label magnum (1)

5505 2 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cn) per lot



Mixed Coche-Dury, Bourgogne

Bourgogne Aligote 1992

Slightly damaged label, slightly worn capsule (1)

Bourgogne Blanc 2017 (1)

5506 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Coche-Dury, Bourgogne, Chardonnay 2016

5507 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Coche-Dury, Corton-Charlemagne 1989

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru u. 3cm, slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed CRD capsule

5508 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Coche-Dury, Corton-Charlemagne 1991

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

u. 3cm, slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed CRD capsule

5509 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Coche-Dury, Corton-Charlemagne 1992

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

Slightly scuffed label, slightly nicked vintage slip, slightly scuffed CRD capsule, slightly depressed cork

5510 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Coche-Dury, Corton-Charlemagne 1993

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

Slightly scuffed and nicked label, slightly nicked vintage slip, slightly scuffed CRD capsule

5511 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Coche-Dury, Corton-Charlemagne 1994

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

Slightly scuffed and nicked label, slightly torn vintage slip, missing capsule, revealing chateau and vineyard branded cork, slightly depressed cork

5512 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Coche-Dury, Corton-Charlemagne 1995

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

u. 3.5cm, damaged label, missing vintage slip, corroded and damaged capsule cut to reveal Domaine and vineyard branded cork, believed to be 1995 vintage

5513 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Coche-Dury, Meursault Côte de Beaune


Damaged label, slightly scuffed CRD capsule (1)


Damaged label, slightly worn CRD capsule (1)


1 slightly scuffed label, 1 creased and 1 stained vintage slips, 1 sign of old seepage, slightly worn capsules (2)

5514 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot


Mixed 2000's Coche-Dury, Meursault Côte de Beaune


Very slightly nicked label

5515 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (4cc) per lot


Coche-Dury, Meursault, Les Rougeots 1986

Côte de Beaune

Very lightly bin-soiled label, slightly scuffed CRD capsule

5517 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$12,000-18,000

Coche-Dury, Meursault, Les Rougeots 1987

Côte de Beaune

5518 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Coche-Dury, Meursault, Les Chevalières 1989

Côte de Beaune

Very slightly scuffed label and vintage slip, slightly worn CRD capsule

5516 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Coche-Dury, Meursault, Les Rougeots 1989

Côte de Beaune

u. 2x3cm, 1x3.5cm, slightly scuffed CRD capsules

5519 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Coche-Dury, Meursault, Les Rougeots 2005

Côte de Beaune

Very slightly pen marked label

5520 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Vincent Dauvissat, Chablis

Chablis La Forest 1987

u. 1x3cm, 1 very slightly scuffed and slightly damp-stained label, 1 slightly torn and heavily damp-stained label, slightly scuffed and damp-stained vintage slips, slightly worn capsules, 1 slightly raised cork (2)

Chablis Les Clos 1987

u. 1x3cm, slightly torn, damp-affected, and taped labels, 1 with "1987" written and believed reattached, taped slightly scuffed vintage slips, damaged wax capsules with only top parts intact (2)

Chablis Les Clos 1988

Taped and lightly bin-soiled label, pen marked "1988", missing vintage slip, damaged wax capsule with only top part intact, believed to be 1988 (1)

5521 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Montrachet 2001

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

u. 1x3.5cm, 1x4cm, in original straws, bottle #s 01295-01297, 2 winestained capsules, 2 signs of old seepage

5522 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Montrachet 2002

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

Jero #00004, very lightly bin-soiled label, slightly corroded capsule, slightly depressed cork, minor sign of old seepage

5523 1 Jeroboam (300cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Montrachet 2004

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

u. 1x4cm, in original straws, bottle #s 02541, 02543

5524 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot



Mixed Domaine Faiveley, Corton-Charlemagne

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru 1988

Very slightly scuffed label, very slightly corroded capsule (1) 1990 (1)


Very slightly scuffed labels (2)

5525 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$6,000-9,000

Mixed 2010s Domaine Faiveley, Corton-Charlemagne

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru


Very slightly scuffed labels (2)


1 scuffed label (2)


2 very slightly scuffed labels (3)

5526 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot



Mixed 1992 Domaine François Raveneau Premier Crus

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

Chablis Vaillons

Very good colour and clarity, slightly damaged wax capsule exposing half of top of cork (1)

Chablis Montmains

u. 3cm, very good colour and clarity, slightly scuffed and dampstained label and vintage slip, slightly chipped wax capsule (1)

5527 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$13,000-20,000


Hospice de Beaune Meursault Genevireves by Roulot 2010

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

Very lightly bin-soiled label

5529 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Joseph Drouhin Whites

Puligny Montrachet Les Folatieres 1983

u. 3cm, bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, slightly corroded capsule (1)

Corton-Charlemagne 1986

u. 3.5cm, lightly bin-soiled label, slightly worn CRD capsule (1)

Corton-Charlemagne 1988

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, slightly scuffed capsule, very minor sign of old seepage (1)

Meursault Genevrieres 2015

Very slightly nicked label, CRD capsule (1)

5530 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine François Raveneau, Chablis, Montmains 2006

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

Slightly chipped wax capsules

5528 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Joseph Drouhin, Montrachet, Marquis de Laguiche 1995

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

1 very slightly scuffed label, 1 damp stained and 1 slightly wine stained vintage slips, 1 stained Singaporean import back label, signs of old seepage

5531 2 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Joseph Drouhin, Montrachet, Marquis de Laguiche 2002

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

Lightly bin-soiled label of which 1 very slightly scuffed, very slightly stained vintage slips

5532 3 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Joseph Drouhin, Montrachet, Marquis de Laguiche 2007

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

1 slightly scuffed label, 1 slightly stained vintage slip

5533 2 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Joseph Drouhin, Montrachet, Marquis de Laguiche 2008

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

1 very slightly scuffed label

5534 2 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Joseph Drouhin, Montrachet, Marquis de Laguiche 2010

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

5 very slightly scuffed labels

5535 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Joseph Drouhin, Montrachet, Marquis de Laguiche 2014

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

Very slightly scuffed label

5536 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Clos de la Barre

Côte de Beaune


Good colour and clarity, damp-spotted, slightly torn, and taped label, slightly worn capsule, slightly depressed cork (1)


Lightly bin-soiled label (1)


Very slightly scuffed label (1)

5541 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$4,000-6,000

Mixed 2006-2009 Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Clos de la Barre

Côte de Beaune

1 very lightly bin-soiled label, 1 slightly depressed cork (2)

1 slightly raised cork

Very slightly scuffed labels

5542 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$10,000-15,000


Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Les Bouchères 2012

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

5537 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$2,800-4,200

Mixed 2010-2012 Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Clos de la Barre Côte de Beaune

5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Les Bouchères 2013

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

5538 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Charmes 2003

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

Very slightly scuffed labels

5539 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Desirees Côte de Beaune

Damp-stained and pen marked label, slightly marked capsule (1)


slightly scuffed label

slightly scuffed label

5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Charmes 2006

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

2 very slightly scuffed labels

5540 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Charmes Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

u. 3cm, glue stained label, damaged capsule missing at top, depressed cork (1)

Slightly damaged label, slightly depressed cork (1)


3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot

Mixed 1983 & 1996 Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Genevrières

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru 1983

Slightly scuffed and slightly stained label, depressed cork (1) 1996

Slightly scuffed label (1)

5546 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$6,000-9,500

Mixed 2000s Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Genevrières

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

depressed cork

5547 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Genevrières 2008

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

Very lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 very slightly nicked

5548 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$9,500-14,000

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Genevrières 2010

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

1 slightly raised cork

5549 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$5,500-8,500

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Genevrières 2011

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

1 very slightly pen-marked label, 1 very slightly raised cork

5550 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Genevrières 2012

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

5551 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$4,800-7,000

Mixed Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Les Gouttes d'Or Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru 2003

Slightly depressed cork (1)


Very lightly bin-soiled label (1)

5552 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Perrières Blanc 2004

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

Very lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 very slightly nicked

5553 4 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$20,000-30,000

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Perrières Blanc 2008

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

2 very slightly scuffed labels

5554 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Perrières Blanc 2010

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

1 very slightly raised cork

5555 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Perrières Blanc 2011

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

5556 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1982 & 1987 Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Perrières Blanc

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru 1982

Very good colour and clarity, bin-soiled, taped, and partially torn label, slightly worn capsule, slightly depressed cork (1) 1987

Lightly bin-soiled and very slightly pen-marked label (1)

5557 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$9,000-14,000

Lots 5540, 5543, 5550, 5552, 5558, 5563

Mixed 1996 & 1999 Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Perrières Blanc

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru 1996

Very lightly bin-soiled label


Very lightly bin-soiled label

5558 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$7,500-11,000

Mixed 2003 & 2005 Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Perrières


Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru 2003 (1) 2005 (1)

5559 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$5,500-8,000

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Porusot 2011

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

5560 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$6,000-9,000

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Porusot 2012

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

5561 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$7,500-11,000

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Porusot 2013

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

5562 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$5,000-8,000

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Montrachet 2010

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

In original tissue

5563 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot HK$20,000-30,000

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Montrachet 2012

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

In original tissue

5564 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot



Mixed Domaine Leflaive, Bourgogne, Blanc


Very slightly scuffed labels (4)


Very lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 very slightly nicked, 1 slightly stained vintage slip (2)

5565 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$4,800-7,500

Mixed Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet Côte de Beaune


u. 4cm, very good colour and clarity, slightly scuffed label (1) 2005

Very slightly scuffed labels


Very slightly scuffed label


1 very slightly scuffed label

2008 (1)

5566 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 2009 & 2012 Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet Côte de Beaune


Very slightly scuffed labels, slightly depressed corks (5)


1 very lightly bin-soiled label, slightly depressed corks (2)

5567 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1991 & 1994 Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Clavoillon Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru 1991

Stained and scuffed front and back labels, stained vintage slip, slightly worn capsule (1) 1994

Scuffed front, back and vintage slip labels (1)

5568 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 2005 & 2006 Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Clavoillon Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru 2005

Slightly scuffed labels, 1 slightly nicked vintage slip (4)


Very slightly scuffed label and vintage slip 1 magnum

5569 1 Magnum (150cl) and 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Clavoillon 2007

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

Very slightly scuffed labels and vintage slips

5570 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Clavoillon 2009

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

Very lightly bin-soiled labels, 2 very slightly nicked

5571 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Mixed 1976 & 1979 Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Les Pucelles

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru


u. 3.5cm, stained and slightly scuffed integrated Frederick Wildman label (1)


u. 3.5cm, torn and damp-stained label, damaged vintage slip, corroded capsule (1)

5572 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 2001 & 2002 Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Les Pucelles

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru 2001

Slightly scuffed and very slightly stained labels and vintage slips (3) 2002

1 slightly scuffed label (2)

5573 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$12,000-18,000

Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Les Pucelles 2006

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

Slightly stained labels

5575 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Les Pucelles 2008

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

4 very slightly scuffed and 1 slightly damaged labels

5576 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Les Pucelles 2010

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

5577 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Mixed 2010s Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Les Pucelles

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru 2010

Very slightly scuffed labels (3) 2011

Very slightly scuffed labels, of which 1 very slightly stained (4) 2013

Very slightly nicked label (1)

5578 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot


Mixed 2004 & 2005 Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Les Pucelles

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru 2004

2 slightly scuffed labels, very slightly scuffed vintage slips (3) 2005

1 slightly scuffed label (2)

5574 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$15,000-22,000

Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Les Pucelles 2017

Côte de Beaune, Premier Cru

5579 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Domaine Leflaive, Bienvenues-Bâtard-Montrachet 2008

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

Very slightly scuffed labels

5580 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Leflaive, Bienvenues-Bâtard-Montrachet 2014

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

2 very slightly scuffed labels

5581 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Leflaive, Bâtard-Montrachet 2007

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

Very slightly stained labels

5586 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$13,000-20,000

Domaine Leflaive, Bâtard-Montrachet 1981

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

Slightly stained label and vintage slip

5582 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Leflaive, Bâtard-Montrachet 2008

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

Very slightly stained label

5587 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Leflaive, Bâtard-Montrachet 1986

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

Damaged and slightly stained label, stained vintage slip

5583 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Leflaive, Bâtard-Montrachet 2009

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

5588 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Domaine Leflaive, Bâtard-Montrachet 2005

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

5584 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Leflaive, Bâtard-Montrachet 2010

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

Very slightly scuffed labels

5589 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Leflaive, Bâtard-Montrachet 2006

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

5585 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Leflaive, Bâtard-Montrachet 2011

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

2 very slightly scuffed labels

5590 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Leflaive, Bâtard-Montrachet 2013

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

Very lightly bin-soiled labels

5591 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Leflaive, Chevalier-Montrachet 1998

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

Slightly scuffed label

5592 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$5,500-8,500

Domaine Leflaive, Chevalier-Montrachet 2008

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

Very slightly stained and very slightly scuffed labels and vintage slips

5598 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Leflaive, Chevalier-Montrachet 2001

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

Very slightly stained and very slightly scuffed labels and vintage slips

5593 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$22,000-32,000

Domaine Leflaive, Chevalier-Montrachet 2004

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

Slightly scuffed label and vintage slip

5594 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Leflaive, Chevalier-Montrachet 2009

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

3 very slightly scuffed labels

5599 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Leflaive, Chevalier-Montrachet 2005

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

Very slightly stained and very slightly scuffed labels and vintage slips

5595 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$20,000-32,000

Domaine Leflaive, Chevalier-Montrachet 2010

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

4 very slightly scuffed labels

5600 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Leflaive, Chevalier-Montrachet 2013

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

Very slightly scuffed labels

5601 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Leflaive, Chevalier-Montrachet 2017

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

In banded owc

5602 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Domaine Leflaive, Chevalier-Montrachet 2006

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

Very slightly scuffed labels

5596 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$14,000-20,000

Domaine Leflaive, Chevalier-Montrachet 2007

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru

Slightly scuffed label

5597 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$7,000-11,000


Mixed Louis Jadot Whites

Côte de Beaune

Chevalier-Montrachet Les Demoiselles 2009

Scuffed CRD capsule (1)

Corton Charlemange 2010

Scuffed labels (2)

5603 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$4,800-7,500


Mixed Louis Latour and Louis Michel Whites

Louis Michel Chablis Vaudesir 1984

Bin-soiled and slightly stained label and vintage slip, slightly corroded capsule magnum (1)

Louis Latour, Corton-Charlemagne 1990

Bin-soiled and slightly nicked labels, slightly worn and corroded capsules (2)

5604 1 Magnum (150cl) and 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot



Mixed Michel Gros Hautes Cotes de Nuits Blanc 2004

Slightly scuffed labels (3)


Very slightly scuffed labels, 1 very lightly damp-stained (5)


Slightly scuffed labels (3)


1 very slightly scuffed label (4)

5605 15 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot HK$3,800-5,500


Mixed Robert Ampeau and Verget

Robert Ampeau, Volnay-Santenots 1993

1 very slightly scuffed label (3)

Robert Ampeau, Meausault Perrieres 1993

Very slightly sucffed labels (3)

Verget, Batard-Montrachet 1996

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label (1)

Verget, Chassagne-Montrachet 1996

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, CRD capsule (1) Verget, Meursault 1996

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, CRD capsule (1)

5606 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$9,000-13,000


Mixed Maison Roche de Bellène, Chevalier-Montrachet

Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru


Slightly scuffed label


Slightly scuffed label (1)

5607 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$2,400-3,500


Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Bourgogne, Blanc 2004

1 very slightly wine-stained and 3 very lightly bin-soiled labels, 6 Corney & Barrow integrated labels, 2 very minor signs of old seepage

5608 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot HK$18,000-26,000

Mixed Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Bourgogne, Blanc 1996

Very lightly damp-stained label (1) 1999

In original tissue (1) 2008

Very slightly scuffed label (1) 2010

Very lightly damp-stained label (1)

5609 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed White Burgundy

Emmanuel Rouget, Bourgogne Aligote 1988

Slightly bin-marked and scuffed labels, slightly worn capsules, 1 slightly raised and 1 slightly depressed cork (2)

Joseph Faiveley Meursault Charmes 2009

From two sources, 2 slightly scuffed and 1 damaged labels, 1 stained back label (3)

Chateau de Puligny-Montrachet, Puligny-Montrachet

Les Folatieres 2014

Slightly scuffed label magnum (1)

Domaine des Heritiers du Comte Lafon Macon

Milly-Lamartine 2015

2 very lightly damp-stained labels magnums (4)

5610 5 Magnums (150cl) and 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc, 1cn) per lot


Mixed White Burgundy

Jean-Noel Gagnard, Chassagne-Montrachet Morgeot 1986

Stained label and vintage slip (1)

Domaine Tollot-Beaut Corton-Charlemagne 1987

u. 3.5cm, damaged label (1)

Bouchard Pere & Fils, Meursault Genevrieres 1993

u. 3cm, slightly scuffed label and vintage slip (1)

Bruno Clair Corton-Charlemagne 1995

Scuffed label and vintage slip (1)

Vincent Dancer, Chevalier-Montrachet 2004

Lightly bin-soiled label (1)

Francois Mikulski, Meursault Les Genevrieres 2011 (1)

5611 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Chablis

Domaine Long-Depaquit, Chablis La Moutonne 1980

u. 3cm, bin-soiled and heavily torn label, depressed cork (1)

Domaine Laroche, Chablis Les Blanchots 1987

Lightly bin-soiled and scuffed front and back labels (1)

Domaine Laroche, Chablis Les Fourchaume 1988

Lightly bin-soiled and scuffed front and back labels (1)

J. Moreau, Chablis Moreau 1989

Lightly bin-soiled and scuffed front and back labels (1)

Albert Bichot, Domaine Long-Depaquit Chablis 1995

Slightly scuffed label and vintage slip (1)

5612 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$3,800-5,500


Lots 5659, 5660, 5661, 5662, 5663


Bollinger, RD 2000

5618 1 Jeroboam (300cl) per lot - (owc) per lot

HK$9,500-14,000 Bollinger, La Grande Annee 1999

5613 2 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1970 & 1975 Bollinger R.D. 1970

Reverse ullage: 1.5cm, very good colour and clarity, scuffed label and foil, partly torn back label (1) 1975

In owc, reverse ullage: 1cm, very good colour and clarity, disgorged on 25 June 1985 (1)

5614 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc,cc) per lot



Mixed 2000's Cristal 2000

In original carton (1) 2002

Very slightly scuffed front and back labels (1) 2004

1 in original presentation case, 1 in original carton (2) 2006

In original carton (1)

5619 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Bollinger, RD 1975

Reverse ullage: 1x0.5cm, 1x1cm, both disgorged on 05 July 1993, very slightly scuffed labels

5615 2 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (2owc) per lot


Mixed 2007 Cristal 2007

In individual original cartons (3) 2007

In individual original wooden cases, from different releases magnums (2)

5620 2 Magnums (150cl) and 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc,oc) per lot


Bollinger, RD 1979

Reverse ullage: 0.5cm, 1 magnum in individual original wooden case, disgorged on 04 June 1993 and 01 July 1994, slightly scuffed labels

5616 2 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (owc,cn) per lot


Bollinger, RD 1988

Reverse ullage: 1cm, disgorged on 29 April 1999, very slightly scuffed label

5617 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Cristal & Cristal Rosé 2009

1 very slightly and 1 slightly scuffed label (3) 2012 (2) 2002 Rosé

1 bottle in original cellophane and original carton, the other bottle with slightly scuffed label and foil (2)

5621 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc, 3oc) per lot



Mixed 1988 & 1990 Dom Perignon


u. 0.5cm below foil, DFS sticker on front label, oc sealed prior to inspection (1)


In damp stained original carton, sealed prior to inspection, DFS sticker on front label (1)


u. 0.5cm below foil magnum (1)

5622 1 Magnum (150cl) and 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3oc) per lot


Dom Perignon 1990 In original tissues

5623 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (oc) per lot


Dom Perignon 1996 In sealed individual original cartons

5624 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3oc) per lot


Lot 5623

Mixed 2000's Dom Perignon 2005 In

5625 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc, 4oc) per lot


Mixed Dom Perignon

Dom Perignon Oenotheque 1995

In worn oc, slightly scuffed foil capsule, disgorged in 2006 (1)

Dom Perignon P2 2002 (2)

Dom Perignon Limited Edition 2004

u. 0.5cm below foil, DFS sticker on front label, oc sealed prior to inspection (1)

5626 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2oc, 2opc) per lot


Krug 1961

Reverse ullage: 2cm, very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and taped label, worn and nicked foil exposing part of cork

5630 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 2000 & 2004 Dom Perignon Rosé 2000

Slightly corroded foil capsules (2) 2004 (1)

5627 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3oc) per lot


Krug 1976

Reverse ullage: 1cm, in original tissue, very slightly scuffed label, otherwise very good level, appearance, colour and clarity

5631 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (oc) per lot


Krug 1981

Reverse ullage: 0.8cm, very good colour and clarity, 1 label with Duty Free Singapore sticker

5632 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2oc) per lot



Jacques Selosse, Blanc de Blancs 1990

u. 4cm below foil capsule, bin-soiled and damaged label

5628 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Krug 1982

Reverse ullage: 0.5cm, very good colour and clarity, slightly scuffed label, slightly nicked back label, slightly worn and scuffed foil

5633 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Krug Grande Cuvee Mixed Releases 162eme

Reverse ullage: 1cm, 1 bottle in original carton (2) 163eme

Reverse ullage: 1cm, in slightly worn original carton, very slightly scuffed foil (1) 2004-2011 Release

Reverse ullage: 1cm, in original carton (1)

5629 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot HK$6,000-9,000 KRUG

Krug 1985

In individual original cases within 6-bottle original cartons, 1 creased label

5634 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2oc) per lot


Krug 1985

Reverse ullage: 2x0.5cm, in original tissues

5635 3 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (3owc) per lot


Krug 1988

Reverse ullage: 1cm or better, 2 labels with DFS sticker, 1 CRD foil

5636 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (6oc) per lot


Krug 1996

Reverse ullage: 1cm, very slightly scuffed labels, 2 bin-soiled bottles

5641 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Krug 1988

DFS stickers covered part of front labels

5637 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2oc) per lot


Krug 2002

In individual original cartons, 1 slightly damaged

5642 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (6oc) per lot


Krug 1988 In original tissues

5638 3 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (3owc) per lot


Krug, Clos du Mesnil 1979

Reverse ullage: 1cm, slightly corroded foil

5643 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Krug 1989

Reverse ullage: 4x0.8cm, 3 bottles in individual oc, 1 very slightly and 1slightly scuffed label, 2 labels with DFS sticker

5639 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (oc,cc) per lot


Krug, Clos du Mesnil 1981

4 scuffed foil capsules, 3 slightly damaged and 1 damaged labels, 1 owc without original booklet

5644 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (9owc) per lot


Krug 1990

Reverse ullage: 4x1cm, very slightly scuffed labels

5640 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Krug, Clos du Mesnil 1981

In owc within oc

5645 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3owc) per lot


Krug, Clos du Mesnil 1985

Reverse ullage: 1cm or better, 1 very slightly damp-affected label, slightly damp-affected foils

5646 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3owc) per lot


Krug, Clos du Mesnil 1988

Reverse ullage: 2x0.8cm, 1 slightly damp-affected foil

5647 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2owc) per lot


Krug, Clos du Mesnil 1989

Reverse ullage: 2x0.8cm, slightly damp-affected labels and foils

5648 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2owc) per lot


Krug, Clos du Mesnil 1998

5649 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Mixed 1985 Krug Vintage and Clos du Mesnil

Krug 1985 In oc (1)

Krug Clos du Mesnil 1985 In owc, damp-affected foil (1)

5650 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc,oc) per lot


Krug, Collection 1949

Reverse ullage: 2.5cm, good colour and clarity, very slightly scuffed label, slightly corroded foil

5651 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Krug, Collection 1964

Slightly scuffed label and slightly corroded foil, otherwise very good level, appearance, colour and clarity

5652 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Krug Rosé Mixed Releases 1st Generation

Reverse ullage: 1.5cm, very good colour and clarity, scuffed label and foil (1)


1 bottle in slightly scuffed oc, 2 very slightly scuffed labels (2) 26eme

Very slightly scuffed label (1)

5653 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Lots 5631, 5643, 5645, 5649, 5651


Mixed Philipponnat

Sublime Reserve 1995

Reverse ullage: 0.5cm, slightly scuffed label, heavily bin-soiled back label, CRD foil (1)

Clos des Goisses 1996

u. 3cm, very lightly bin-soiled label, CRD foil (1)

Clos des Goisses 1996

Very slightly scuffed label, CRD foil magnum (1)

5654 1 Magnum (150cl) and 2 bottles (75cl) - (cc) per lot HK$8,000-12,000


Pol Roger 1949

In slightly damaged oc, lightly bin-soiled label

5655 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (oc) per lot


Pol Roger, Sir Winston Churchill 1988

Jero #12/1000, slightly peeling label

5656 1 Jeroboam (300cl) per lot - (owc) per lot HK$14,000-20,000

Mixed 1996 Pol Roger, Sir Winston Churchill 1996

In oc (1) 1996

In individual oc, 1 oc scuffed, slightly scuffed foil capsule magnums (2)

5657 2 Magnums (150cl) and 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (3oc) per lot HK$14,000-20,000

Mixed Pol Roger

Pol Roger 2008

Very slightly scuffed labels magnums (2)

Pol Roger Winston Churchill 2004

In oc magnum (1)

5658 3 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (oc,cc) per lot HK$5,000-7,500


Salon, Le Mesnil-sur-Oger 1973

u. 1cm below base of foil, slightly scuffed label and foil capsule

5659 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Salon, Le Mesnil-sur-Oger 1982

Reverse ullage: 0.5cm

5661 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (oc) per lot


Salon, Le Mesnil-sur-Oger 1976

Reverse ullage: 0.5cm, very good colour and clarity, slightly scuffed label and foil

5660 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Salon, Le Mesnil-sur-Oger 1985

In original presentation case no. 8/160

5662 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Salon, Le Mesnil-sur-Oger 1988

5663 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Taittinger Comtes de Champagne 1999

Reverse ullage: 0.8cm (2) 2000

Reverse ullage: 0.8cm, very slightly scuffed label (1) 2007

Reverse ullage: 0.5cm, very slightly nicked label (1)

5669 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Salon, Le Mesnil-sur-Oger 1995

5664 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Mixed 1996 & 1997 Salon 1996

Damaged label (1) 1997

Very slightly scuffed label (1)

5665 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot



Mixed Veuve Clicquot

Veuve Clicquot 1989

Reverse ullage: 1.5cm, very good colour and clarity, scuffed label magnum (1)

La Grande Dame 1990

u. 1x4.5cm, 1x5.5cm, 1 slightly scuffed label (2)

La Grande Dame 1998

u. 4cm, very slightly nicked label (1)

5670 1 Magnum (150cl) and 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$5,500-8,000

Salon, Le Mesnil-sur-Oger 1999

5666 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot



Mixed Champagne

Delamotte 1996

Slightly scuffed label

Joseph Perrier 1982

Slightly nicked label

5671 2 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot

magnum (1)

magnum (1)


Salon, Le Mesnil-sur-Oger 1999

5667 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Salon, Le Mesnil-sur-Oger 2002

Scuffed front and back label

5668 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Champagne Jacques Selosse Initial NV u. 2cm below foil capsule, slightly scuffed label, disgorged in 2012 (1) Jacquesson Avize Grand Cru 1996

Disgorged in 2006 (1)

5672 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Lots 5677, 5684, 5695, 5702, 5709


Mixed E. Guigal, Cote Rotie, La Landonne 1980

Very good colour and clarity, bin-soiled label, slightly torn in the centre and right edge, very slightly corroded capsule (1) 1983

Very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and very slightly nicked label (1) 1987

Very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled label, slightly stained vintage slip, slightly corroded capsule, very minor sign of old seepage, slightly depressed cork (1)

5673 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


E. Guigal, Cote Rotie, La Landonne 1990

Lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly corroded capsules, minor signs of old seepage

5674 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


E. Guigal, Cote Rotie, La Landonne 1991

Excellent levels, colour and clarity, slightly scuffed labels, 4 slightly depressed corks, signs of old seepage

5675 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed E. Guigal, Cote Rotie, La Mouline 1980

Very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled label, slightly corroded capsule, very minor sign of old seepage (1) 1983

Very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled label, slightly corroded CRD capsule, very minor sign of old seepage (1)

5676 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


E. Guigal, Cote Rotie, La Mouline 1989

Bin-soiled and slightly scuffed labels and vintage slips, 1 label winestained, slightly corroded capsules, signs of old seepage

5677 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed E. Guigal, Cote Rotie, La Turque 1987

Bin-soiled and badly damaged label (1) 1989

Stained labels, 1 badly stained vintage slip, Singaporean import slips, signs of old seepage, depressed corks (2)

5678 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot

Lots 5674 & 5675

E. Guigal, Cote Rotie, La Turque 1991

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed labels, 2 very slightly scuffed and 1 wine stained vintage slips, signs of old seepage

5679 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot




Mixed Domaine Rostaing

Cote Rotie 1998

Bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label (1)

Cote Rotie Cote Blonde 1990

Bin-soiled label, scuffed vintage slip and capsule (1)

Cote Rotie Cote Blonde 1999

Slightly stained and very slightly scuffed label (1)

5680 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Michel & Stephane Ogier, Cote Rotie, Lancement 2001

5681 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Chapoutier

Hermitage 1964

Ex Sotheby's, scuffed label and vintage slip, both reattached with tape, corroded capsule, slightly depressed cork (1)

Cote Rotie La Mordoree 1990

Lightly bin-soiled label, depressed cork (1)

Cote Rotie La Mordoree 1994

Scuffed label (1)

Ermitage Le Pavillon 1991

Stained label, slightly depressed cork (1)

5682 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Chapoutier Blanc

Hermitage Velours Blanc 1982

Slightly scuffed labels (3)

Hermitage Chante-Alouette Blanc 1983

Stained and scuffed label, damaged vintage slip (1)

Hermitage Chante-Alouette Blanc 1989

Lightly bin-soiled and scuffed label, scuffed vintage slip magnum (1)

Hermitage Chante-Alouette Blanc 1989

Slightly scuffed and corroded CRD capsules (4)

5683 1 Magnum (150cl) and 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc,cn) per lot



Mixed 1983 & 1989

Domaine Jean Louis Chave, Hermitage, Rouge 1983

Stained and scuffed label, slightly creased vintage slip (1) 1989

Very lightly bin marked label, wine stained vintage slip, sign of old seepage (1)

5684 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Domaine Jean Louis Chave, Hermitage, Blanc 2004

Very slightly bin marked labels of which 1 slightly scuffed

5689 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Jean Louis Chave, Hermitage, Blanc 2005

Very slightly bin marked labels

5690 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Jean Louis Chave, Hermitage, Rouge 1997

Very slightly scuffed and very slightly stained label and vintage slip, slightly worn capsule

5685 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Jean Louis Chave, Hermitage, Blanc 2006

3 very slightly stained labels, 1 slightly nicked capsule

5691 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Jean Louis Chave, Hermitage, Rouge 2007

5686 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (oc) per lot


Domaine Jean Louis Chave, Hermitage, Blanc 2007

5692 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Domaine Jean Louis Chave, Hermitage, Blanc 1996

Very lightly bin-soiled and very slightly scuffed label and vintage slip (1) 1997 (1) 1999

2 stained, 2 slightly stained and 1 very slightly scuffed labels, 1 nicked vintage slip (4) 2002

Very lightly bin-soiled label (1)

5687 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Jean Louis Chave, Hermitage, Blanc 2001

Lightly bin-soiled labels

5688 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Domaine Jean Louis Chave, Hermitage, Blanc 2008

2 very slightly scuffed labels

5693 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Delas Freres

Crozes-Hermitage Le Clos 2001

Very slightly scuffed labels (6)

Marquise de la Tourette Blanc 2000

Slightly stained label (1)

5694 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Paul Jaboulet Aine, Hermitage,

Very good level, colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label, slightly corroded CRD capsule, slightly depressed cork

5695 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$26,000-38,000

Paul Jaboulet Aine, Hermitage, La Chapelle Rouge 1961

Very good colour and clarity, bin-soiled and scuffed labels, slightly corroded capsules, slightly depressed corks

5696 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$65,000-95,000

Mixed Paul Jaboulet Aine, Hermitage, La Chapelle Rouge 1969

Very good colour and clarity, bin-soiled label, slightly depressed cork (1) 1973

Very good colour and clarity, bin-soiled, nicked, and taped label, heavily bin-soiled neck slip, slightly corroded capsule, slightly depressed cork (1) 1975

Very good colour and clarity, bin-soiled and very slightly nicked label, slightly corroded capsule, slightly depressed cork (1) 1983

u. 1x3cm, slightly scuffed labels (2) 1988

u. 3cm, bin-soiled label, capsule previously cut at the top, exposing top of cork (1)

5697 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$12,000-19,000

Lots 5695 & 5696
La Chapelle Rouge 1949

Paul Jaboulet Aine, Hermitage, La Chapelle Rouge 1990

Slightly scuffed labels

5698 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Domaine du Pegau, Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Inspiration 2010

Grapes from cuvees Reservee, Laurence, & Da Capo

5702 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Paul Jaboulet Aine, Hermitage, La Chapelle Rouge 1990

Lightly bin-soiled labels of which 1 slightly scuffed, 1 scuffed and 1 heavily wine stained neck labels, signs of old seepage

5699 2 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Marc Sorrel

Hermitage Le Greal 2000

Lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly wine-stained

Hermitage Le Greal 2001

Very lightly bin-soiled and very slightly wrinkled labels, 1 very slightly nicked (3)

Hermitage 2003

1 very slightly scuffed label

Hermitage Les Rocoules 2003

Lightly bin-soiled labels, very minor signs of old seepage (3)

5700 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$4,500-7,000

Domaine du Pegau, Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Cuvee Da Capo 1998

Creased and scuffed front and back labels, creased and damaged vintage slip

5703 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Henri Bonneau, Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Reserve Celestins 1995

Slightly stained label, stained and nicked vintage slip, creased capsule

5704 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Chateau Rayas, Cotes du Rhone, La Pialade 2001

Stained and slightly scuffed label, slightly depressed cork (1) 2002

Lightly bin-soiled labels, of which 2 slightly nicked and 1 slightly peeling at bottom right corner, slightly depressed corks (7) 2003

Lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly depressed corks (5) 2004


Mixed Chateau de Beaucastel Rouge, Chateauneuf-du-Pape

5701 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc)

5 very lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly stained label, slightly scuffed capsules, slightly depressed corks, 1 bottle with sign of old seepage (8)

5705 21 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (4cc) per lot


Chateau Rayas, Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Pignan 2001

Very slightly wrinkled labels, 2 very slightly nicked

5706 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Chateau Rayas, Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Pignan 2002

2 slightly and 3 damp stained labels

5707 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Chateau Rayas, Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Blanc 2001

Lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly peeling vintage slips, slightly depressed corks

5712 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Chateau Rayas, Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Blanc 2005

Very lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly depressed corks

5713 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Chateau Rayas, Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Pignan 2004

Lightly bin-soiled labels, 2 very slightly torn, slightly depressed corks

5708 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Chateau Rayas, Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Blanc 2006

Very lightly bin-soiled labels

5714 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Chateau Rayas, Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Pignan 2005

Very slightly stained labels, of which 1 very slightly nicked and 1 creased

5709 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Chateau Rayas, Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Pignan 2006

1 very lightly bin-soiled and 12 slightly wrinkled labels, 1 slightly wrinkled and loose capsule

5710 13 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc,cn) per lot


Chateau Rayas, Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Blanc 2007

Slightly scuffed labels

5715 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Chateau Rayas, Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Pignan 2007

Very slightly wrinkled labels, very slightly peeling at corners

5711 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Rhone

Jaboulet, Muscat Beaumes de Venise 1988

u. 3.5cm, bin-soiled and slightly scuffed integrated Singapore import front label and vintage slip (1)

Jaboulet, Muscat Beaumes de Venise 1994

Bin-soiled and scuffed label and vintage slip (1)

Domaine de Marcoux, Chateauneuf-du-Pape Vieilles Vignes 1993

Lightly bin-soiled label, badly damaged wax capsule (1)

Domaine du Colombier, Hermitage 1998

Bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label (1)

Domaine du Vieux Telegraphe, Chateauneuf-du-Pape La Crau 1998

Slightly stained and slightly scuffed label (1)

Domaine de la Vieille Julienne, Chateauneuf-du-Pape Cuvee

Reserve 1998

Scuffed label (1)

Domaine de la Vieille Julienne, Chateauneuf-du-Pape 2000

Lightly bin-soiled label (1)

Domaine de la Vieille Julienne, Chateauneuf-du-Pape 2001

Damaged label (1)

Domaine de la Vieille Julienne, Chateauneuf-du-Pape 2002

Bin-soiled, slightly stained and very slightly scuffed label, 1 damaged capsule with exposed cork (2)

5716 10 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot


Lot 5709 & 5710

Mixed Domaine Huet, Vouvray, Demi-Sec & Moelleux

Le Haut Lieu Demi-Sec 1959

Very lightly bin-soiled label, slightly worn and damaged foil, raised cork (1)

Le Haut Lieu Demi-Sec 1961

Bin-soiled label, slightly worn foil, slightly depressed cork (1)

Clos du Bourg Moelleux 1969

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label (2)

Clos du Bourg Moelleux 1985

Bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed capsule (1)

Le Mont Moelleux 1961

Bin-soiled and scuffed label and vintage slip (1)

Le Mont Moelleux 1961

Damaged label (1)

5717 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$7,000-10,000

Mixed 1989 Domaine Huet, Vouvray, Moelleux

Le Haut Lieu Moelleux 1989

Slightly scuffed labels (2)

Cuvee Constance Moelleux 1989

Bin-soiled, slightly stained and slightly scuffed labels and vintage slips, 1 scuffed back label (2)

Clos du Bourg Moelleux 1989

Lightly bin-soiled labels and vintage slips (2)

Le Mont Moelleux 1989

Slightly scuffed labels (3)

5718 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Lots 5720, 5722, 5726, 5727, 5734


Domaine Huet, Vouvray, Cuvee Constance Moelleux 1989

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed labels, CRD capsules

5719 6 Half-Bottles (37.5cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$1,400-2,000


Mixed Hugel & Fils Gewurztraminer

Selection de Grains Nobles 1985

u. 3cm, very lightly bin-soiled and very lightly damp-stained label, CRD capsule, slightly depressed cork, sign of old seepage magnum (1)

Selection de Grains Nobles 1988

Lightly bin-soiled and very slightly nicked label, marker-marked "SGN", minor sign of old seepage (1)

Selection de Grains Nobles 1989

Lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 pen-marked, 1 CRD capsule, 1 very slightly depressed and 1 raised cork, very minor signs of old seepage (2)

Selection de Grains Nobles 1997

Very slightly scuffed labels (2)

Vendanges Tardives 1976

u. 1x4cm, very lightly bin-soiled labels, of which 1 very slightly nicked, capsules heavily corroded at the top (2) Vendanges Tardives 1983

u. 2x3.5cm, very lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly damaged and corroded capsules, minor signs of old seepage (3) Vendanges Tardives 1994

Lightly bin-soiled labels, of which 1 very slightly nicked, slightly scuffed CRD capsules (2) Vendanges Tardives 2000

Very slightly scuffed labels, slightly wrinkled capsules (2) Vendanges Tardives 2002

Slightly scuffed label, CRD capsule (1) 5720 1 Magnum (150cl) and 15 Bottles (75cl) - (1cc, 2cn) per lot HK$5,500-8,500

Mixed Hugel & Fils Riesling

Riesling Jubilee 1983

u. 3cm, very slightly nicked label, slightly scuffed capsule (1)

Riesling Jubilee 1988

u. 3cm, slightly nicked label, slightly scuffed capsule, sign of old seepage (1)

Riesling Jubilee 1998

Very slightly scuffed label (1)

Riesling Jubilee 2004

Very slightly scuffed label, import slip, and capsule (1)

Riesling Selection de Grains Nobles 1976

Very slightly scuffed label and capsule, very slightly raised cork, very minor sign of old seepage (1)

Riesling Selection de Grains Nobles 1988

1 very slightly scuffed and 1 slightly stained label, slightly wine-stained capsules, slightly depressed corks, signs of old seepage (2)

Riesling Vendanges Tardives 1976

Very lightly bin-soiled and very slightly nicked label, minor sign of old seepage (1)

Riesling Vendanges Tardives 1976

Very slightly nicked and lightly bin-soiled labels of 2 different styles, 1 with very minor sign of old seepage (2)

Riesling Vendanges Tardives 1988

Slightly nicked and wrinkled label, top of capsule cut, exposing top of cork, slightly depressed cork (1)

5721 11 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$3,800-5,500

Mixed Hugel & Fils Tokay

Tokay Pinot Gris 1996

Slightly nicked label and capsule (1)

Tokay Pinot Gris 1997

Very lightly bin-soiled label, slightly nicked CRD capsule, very minor sign of old seepage (1)

Tokay Pinot Gris 1998

Slightly nicked label, very minor sign of old seepage (1)

Tokay Pinot Gris Selection de Grains Nobles 1976

Slightly nicked SGN slip otherwise very good level, appearance, colour and clarity (1)

Tokay Pinot Gris Selection de Grains Nobles 1989

Slightly nicked and corroded label, slightly scuffed CRD capsule, very slightly raised cork, very minor sign of old seepage (1)

Tokay d'Alsace Vendanges Tardives 1981

Slightly nicked and damp-spotted label, slightly nicked and corroded capsule, slightly depressed cork, minor sign of old seepage (1)

Tokay d'Alsace Vendanges Tardives 1983

u. 1x3cm, lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked labels, slightly corroded capsule, 1 slightly depressed cork, minor signs of old seepage (2)

Tokay Pinot Gris Vendanges Tardives 1983

u. 1x4cm, very lightly bin-soiled labels, of which 1 slightly nicked, 2 corroded capsules, minor signs of old seepage (2)

Tokay Pinot Gris Vendanges Tardives 1986

Very lightly bin-soiled label, slightly nicked capsule, slightly raised cork, very minor sign of old seepage (1)

5722 11 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$3,500-5,000


Mixed Domaine Marcel Deiss Grand Crus Altenberg de Bergheim Gewurztraminer 1994

CRD capsules (2)

Altenberg de Bergheim Riesling 1996

CRD capsules, 1 slightly nicked (2)

5723 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$800-1,200


Mixed Domaine Weinbach Gewurztraminer Clos des Capucins

Clos des Capucins Cuvee Theo Selection de Grains Nobles 1988

1 slightly stained and 1 nicked labels, 2 stained vintage slips half-bottles (8) Clos des Capucins Cuvee Theo Quintessence de Grains Nobles 1989

Lightly bin-soiled labels, 2 bottles from different source with CRD capsules half-bottles (10)

5727 18 Half-Bottles (37.5cl) per lot - (cn) per lot HK$2,800-4,000


Mixed Trimbach Gewurztraminer

Cuvee des Seigneurs de Ribeaupierre 1976

u. 4.5cm, lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, slightly corroded capsule, minor sign of old seepage (1) Vendange Tardive Reserve Personnelle 1976

u. 2x3cm, lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed labels, slightly corroded capsules, slightly depressed corks, minor signs of old seepage, 1 bottle with slightly more advanced colour (2) Selection de Grains Nobles 1989

u. 7cm, slightly wine-stained vintage slip, slightly scuffed capsule, depressed cork, sign of old seepage (1)

5724 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$1,300-2,000

Mixed Trimbach Riesling Clos Sainte Hune


Lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, slightly scuffed and corroded capsule, minor sign of old seepage (1) 1979

u. 4.5cm, bin-soiled and slightly torn label, slightly scuffed and corroded capsule, sign of old seepage (1) 1985

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, slightly scuffed and corroded capsule, slightly raised cork, minor sign of old seepage (1) 1999

Slightly nicked and heavily bin-soiled label, slightly scuffed and corroded capsule, sign of old seepage (1)

5725 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Mixed 2001 & 2013 Trimbach Riesling

Clos Sainte Hune 2001

Very lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly scuffed capsules, 2 slightly depressed cork, 1 with minor sign of old seepage (3) Cuvee Frederic Emile 2001

Very slightly scuffed labels, 1 slightly depressed cork (3)

Cuvee Frederic Emile 2013

In oc, slightly scuffed labels, very minor signs of old seepage magnums (3)

5726 3 Magnums (150cl) and 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc, 1oc) per lot HK$12,000-18,000

Mixed Domaine Weinbach Gewurztraminer

Altenbourg Cuvee Laurence 1995

Slightly scuffed label (1)

Altenbourg Cuvee Laurence 1997

Very lightly bin-soiled labels (2)

Cuvee Theo 1999

Slightly scuffed label, slightly nicked vintage slip (1)

Cuvee Theo 2000

Very lightly bin-soiled label (1)

Selection de Grains Nobles 1983

Very lightly bin-soiled label, very slightly nicked vintage slip, slightly scuffed CRD capsule, slightly depressed cork, sign of old seepage half-bottle (1)

Vendanges Tardives 1983

Bin-soiled label, slightly torn and taped vintage neck slip, slightly depressed cork (1)

Vendanges Tardives 1985

u. 5cm, very slightly nicked and lightly bin-soiled label, very slightly nicked vintage slip, corroded capsule, slightly depressed cork, sign of old seepage (1)

Vendanges Tardives1989

Very lightly bin-soiled labels (2)

5728 9 Bottles (75cl) and 1 Half-Bottle (37.5cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Mixed Domaine Weinbach Riesling & Pinot Gris

Riesling Cuvee Sainte Catherine 1987

Lightly bin-soiled, slightly nicked, and marker-marked label, slightly worn capsule, slightly depressed cork (1)

Riesling Cuvee Sainte Catherine 1998

Very lightly bin-soiled label (1)

Riesling Cuvee Sainte Catherine 2004 (2)

Tokay d'Alsace 1983

Lightly bin-soiled label, 1 very slightly nicked, slightly worn capsules, slightly depressed corks (2)

Tokay Pinot Gris Cuvee Sainte Catherine 1989

Bin-soiled label, slightly worn capsule, very minor sign of old seepage (1)

5729 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot HK$2,000-3,000


Mixed Trimbach & Zind-Humbrecht Pinot Gris

Trimbach Tokay Pinot Gris Vendanges Tardives 1983

u. 4.5cm, slightly nicked and bin-soiled label, slightly stained and torn vintage neck slip, slightly nicked and corroded capsule, slightly depressed cork, sign of old seepage (1)

Trimbach Tokay Pinot Gris Vendanges Tardives 1985

u. 7cm, slightly scuffed and lightly bin-soiled label, slightly stained and torn vintage neck slip, slightly corroded capsule, slightly depressed cork, sign of old seepage (1)

Zind-Humbrecht Clos St. Urbain Tokay Pinot Gris 1985

u. 3cm, very lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, slightly nicked capsule (1)

Zind-Humbrecht Clos St. Urbain Tokay Pinot Gris 1990

u. 1x4cm, lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly scuffed and corroded capsules, of which 1 cut at the top, exposing top of cork, 1 slightly raised cork, 2 with minor signs of old seepage (3)

Zind-Humbrecht Clos St. Urbain Pinot Gris 2000

Very lightly bin-soiled label, slightly scuffed capsule (1)

Zind-Humbrecht Clos Jebsal Tokay Pinot Gris 1988

u. 1x3cm, lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked labels, slightly corroded capsule, 1 slightly depressed cork, 2 with very minor signs of old seepage (3)

Zind-Humbrecht Clos Jebsal Tokay Pinot Gris Vendanges Tardives 1989

Lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 very slightly nicked and 1 nicked, slightly worn capsules, 1 slightly corroded, slightly depressed corks, 1 with very minor sign of old seepage (2)

5730 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc,cn) per lot



Mixed Domaine Zind-Humbrecht Gewurztraminer

Clos Windsbuhl 1989

In owc, u. 4cm, sign of old seepage

Herrenweg de Turckheim Vendanges Tardives 1986

magnum (1)

Lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly worn capsules (2)

Herrenweg de Turckheim 1990

u. 3.5cm, very lightly bin-soiled and very slightly nicked label, slightly nicked capsule, slightly depressed cork (1)

5731 1 Magnum (150cl) and 3 Bottles (75cl) - (owc,cc)per lot HK$1,900-2,800

Mixed Domaine Zind-Humbrecht Pinot Gris & Riesling

Tokay Pinot Gris Rotenberg Vendanges Tardives 1992

Stained and slightly damaged label, creased and damaged capsule, raised cork (1)

Pinot Gris Heimbourg 1997

Slightly damaged label (1)

Riesling Brand 1984

u. 6cm, lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed capsule, sign of old seepage (1)

Riesling Brand 1990

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed capsule (1)

Riesling Brand 1998

Slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed capsule, very minor sign of old seepage (1)

5732 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Domaine Zind-Humbrecht, Riesling Clos Windsbuhl Selection de Grains Nobles 1989

Slightly scuffed and lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly scuffed capsules, 2 slightly depressed corks, very minor signs of old seepage

5733 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Domaine Zind-Humbrecht

Pinot Gris Rotenberg Selection de Grains Nobles 1986

Very slightly corroded and slightl worn capsule, very minor sign of old seepage (1)

Tokay Pinot Gris Windsbuhl Vendanges Tardives 1989

Slightly scuffed and lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly scuffed capsules, 2 slightly depressed corks, very minor signs of old seepage (1)

Tokay Pinot Gris Windsbuhl 2000

Very slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed capsule (1) Sylvaner 1992

Slightly scuffed label and capsule, very minor sign of old seepage (1)

5734 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot HK$1,600-2,600




卓越人生:N.K. YONG 醫生伉儷窖藏珍釀 網上拍賣—法國以外的精彩名酒



Lots 3, 14, 18, 23, 26, 30


Donnhoff, Hermannshohle Riesling GG

Very slightly depressed corks, 4 bottles with very minor signs of old seepage

1 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Donnhoff Riesling

Niederhauser Hermannshohle Riesling Spatlese GK 1998

Very lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly corroded capsules, slightly depressed corks, minor signs of old seepage (6)

Niederhauser Hermannshohle Riesling Auslese GK 1989

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked labels, slightly corroded capsules, signs of old seepage (2)

Niederhauser Hermannshohle Riesling Beerenauslese GK 1989

Very slightly nicked and lightly bin-soiled label, slightly corroded capsules, slightly depressed cork, sign of old seepage (1)

Niederhauser Hermannshohle Riesling Beerenauslese Eiswien GK 1975

Lightly bin-soiled, detaached and taped label, slightly corroded capsules, minor sign of old seepage (1)

Oberhauser Brucke Riesling Eiswein Goldkapsule 1983

Slightly nicked label, slightly corroded capsule, minor sign of old seepage (1)

Oberhauser Brucke Riesling Eiswein Goldkapsule 1996

Lightly bin-soiled, marker-marked, and taped label, slightly corroded capsule, slightly depressed cork, sign of old seepage (1)

Oberhauser Brucke Riesling Eiswein Goldkapsule 2001

Very slightly scuffed and marker-marked label, slightly corroded capsule, slightly depressed cork, sign of old seepage (1)

Oberhauser Brucke Riesling Eiswein Goldkapsule 2002

Very lightly bin-soiled and marker-marked label, slightly corroded capsule, slightly depressed cork, sign of old seepage (1)

2 14 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot



Dr. Loosen, Erdener Pralat Riesling Auslese GK 2010

Very slightly nicked label, slightly corroded capsule, minor sign of old seepage

3 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (cn) per lot HK$700-1,100


Mixed Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Kabinett

4 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$9,500-14,000

Mixed Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Kabinett Auction 1996

Slightly scuffed label, Japanese import neck slip (1) 1997

Very lightly bin-soiled label (1) 1999

Very lightly bin-soiled label, minor sign of old seepage (1) 2000

Very lightly bin-soiled label (1) 2001

Very slightly scuffed label, minor sign of old seepage (1) 2002

Very lightly bin-soiled label (1)

5 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Mixed 1990 & 1999 Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Spatlese 1990

Slightly scuffed label (1) 1999

Slightly scuffed and slightly stained label (1)

6 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1993 & 1994 Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Spatlese Auction 1993

Scuffed label, sign of old seepage, Grosser Ring 1994 (1) 1994

Slightly damaged label, worn capsule, Grosser Ring 1995 (1)

7 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 2001 & 2004 Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Spatlese Auction 2001

Slightly scuffed labels, of which 2 slightly stained, Grosser Ring 2002 (3) 2004

In individual oc magnums (2)

8 2 Magnums (150cl) and 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (1cc, 2oc) per lot


Mixed 1985, 1988, 1989 Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Auslese 1985

Bin-soiled and slightly stained label, slightly sign of old seepage (1) 1988

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly damaged label (1) 1989

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly damaged label (1)

3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$10,000-15,000

Mixed 1990, 1993, 1998 Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Auslese 1990

Scuffed and stained label (1) 1993

Slightly scuffed label, sign of old seepage (1) 1998

Very slightly scuffed label, slight sign of old seepage (1)

10 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1971 & 1975 Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Auslese Goldkapsule 1971

Bin-soiled and damaged label (1) 1975

Bin-soiled and torn label (1)

11 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Mixed 1989 & 1991 Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Auslese Goldkapsule 1989

Bin-soiled and damaged label (1) 1991

Bin-soiled and torn label (1)

12 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Auslese Goldkapsule Auction 1980

Damaged and heavily bin-soiled label, corroded and slightly damaged capsule

13 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1993 & 1999 Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Auslese Goldkapsule Auction 1993

Bin-soiled, slightly stained and slightly damaged label, Grosser Ring 1994, slightly creased capsule (1) 1999

Lightly bin-soiled label, Grosser Ring 2000, slight sign of old seepage (1)

14 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$13,000-19,000

Mixed Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Auslese Goldkapsule Auslese Goldkapsule Auction 2001

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed labels, slightly corroded capsules, Grosser Ring 2002 (2)

Auslese Goldkapsule 2010

Slightly scuffed and very slightly torn label, slightly cracked wax capsule magnum (1)

15 1 Magnum (150cl) and 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc,cn) per lot


Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Beerenauslese Goldkapsule 1971

Bin-soiled and slightly damaged label, creased capsule, slight sign of old seepage

16 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Beerenauslese Goldkapsule 1976

Heavily bin-soiled and slightly damaged label, slightly scuffed capsule

17 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Beerenauslese Goldkapsule 1979

Lightly bin-soiled label

18 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Beerenauslese Goldkapsule 1999

Stained and slightly damaged label

19 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese

Goldkapsule 1959

Bin-soiled and slightly damaged label, glue stained capsule

20 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$70,000-110,000

Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese

Goldkapsule 1975

Bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label, Taiwanese import sticker on top left corner

21 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$55,000-85,000

Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese

Goldkapsule 1995

Bin-soiled label, corroded capsule

22 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese

Goldkapsule (Auction) 1990

Lightly bin-soiled label, sign of old seepage, Grosser Ring 1998

23 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1993 & 1995 Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Eiswein Goldkapsule 1993

Stained and slightly scuffed label, slightly corroded capsule (1) 1995

Slightly stained and damaged label, slightly corroded capsule (1)

24 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$32,000-48,000


Mixed Fritz Haag Brauneberger Juffer Sonnenuhr Riesling Auslese

Riesling Auslese 1976

Bin-soiled and slightly torn label, slightly scuffed capsule (1)

Riesling Auslese 1979

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, slightly raised cork (1) Riesling Auslese 1988

Very lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, slightly scuffed capsule, slightly raised cork (1) Riesling Auslese Goldkapsule 1988

Very slightly nicked and lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly corroded capsules, minor signs of old seepage (2) Riesling Auslese Goldkapsule 1990

Very slightly scuffed labels, very slightly depressed corks, very minor signs of old seepage (2) Riesling Auslese Goldkapsule 1992

Very lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly corroded capsules, 1 very slightly raised cork, minor signs of old seepage (2) Riesling Auslese Goldkapsule 1999

Lightly bin-soiled, slightly nicked, and signed label, slightly corroded capsule, very minor sign of old seepage magnum (1)

Riesling Auslese Goldkapsule 2001

Very lightly bin-soiled labels, of which 1 very slightly nicked and slightly stained, slightly corroded capsules, minor signs of old seepage (2)

25 1 Magnum (150cl) and 11 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc, cn) per lot HK$8,000-12,000

Mixed Fritz Haag Brauneberger Juffer Sonnenuhr Riesling Auslese Goldkapsule Auction 1993

Very slightly scuffed label, slightly corroded capsule, slightly raised cork, minor signs of old seepage (1) 1994

Very lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly corroded capsules, very slightly depressed corks, minor signs of old seepage (2) 1995

1 very lightly bin-soiled and 1 bin-soiled label, both signed, slightly corroded capsules, raised corks, minor signs of old seepage magnums (2) 1996

Very slightly nicked label, slightly corroded capsule, very slightly depressed cork, minor sign of old seepage (1) 1996

Very lightly bin-soiled and signed label, slightly corroded capsule, sign of old seepage magnum (1) 2001

Very lightly bin-soiled labels (1) 2002

Very lightly bin-soiled labels, one slightly nicked, very slightly corroded capsules, very slightly depressed corks, very minor signs of old seepage (2)

26 3 Magnums (150cl) and 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc, 3oc) per lot HK$8,000-12,000

Mixed Fritz Haag Brauneberger Juffer Sonnenuhr Riesling BA & TBA Goldkapsule

Beerenauslese Goldkapsule 1989

Lightly bin-soiled label, slightly corroded capsule, very slightly raised cork, minor sign of old seepage (1)

Beerenauslese Goldkapsule 1990

Lightly bin-soiled label, slightly corroded capsule, slightly depressed cork, minor sign of old seepage (1)

Trockenbeerenauslese 1989

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, slightly corroded capsule, minor sign of old seepage (1)

Trockenbeerenauslese Auction 1993

Slightly nicked labels, 1 lightly bin-soiled and 1 heavily stained, slightly corroded capsules, 1 slightly raised cork, minor signs of old seepage (2)

27 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot



Mixed JJ Prum Riesling Kabinett & Auslese

Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling Kabinett 2001

Slightly scuffed label, slightly worn and corroded capsule, minor sign of old seepage (1)

Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling Kabinett 2002

Slightly scuffed label (1)

Graacher Himmelreich Riesling Auslese 1997

Slightly scuffed labels and capsules, 1 with minor sign of old seepage (2)

Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling Auslese 1983

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, slightly scuffed capsule, minor sign of old seepage (1)

Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling Auslese 1988

Very slightly nicked and lightly bin-soiled label, slightly scuffed capsule, minor sign of old seepage (1)

Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling Auslese 1990

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label, slightly stained and corroded capsule, minor sign of old seepage (1)

Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling Auslese 1995

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label, slightly stained and corroded capsule, minor sign of old seepage (1)

Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling Auslese 1997

Slightly scuffed label and capsule, very minor sign of old seepage (1)

Slightly scuffed and slightly torn label, slightly depressed cork magnum (1)

Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling Auslese 1999

Slightly scuffed label and capsule, minor sign of old seepage (1)

28 1 Magnum (150cl) and 10 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (4cc) per lot HK$6,500-9,500

Mixed JJ Prum Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling Auslese Goldkapsule


Bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, slightly scuffed capsule, slightly depressed cork (1) 1983

Slightly scuffed label (1) 1988

Slightly scuffed and lightly bin-soiled label, slightly scuffed capsule, very minor sign of old seepage (1) 1990

Slightly scuffed and lightly bin-soiled label, slightly peeling on bottom left corner, slightly scuffed capsule, very minor sign of old seepage (1) 1995

Slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed capsule, very minor sign of old seepage (1) 1998

Very slightly scuffed label (1)

Auction 1999

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, minor sign of old seepage (1)

Auction 2001

Slightly scuffed label, slightly depressed cork, minor sign of old seepage (1)


Slightly scuffed label (1) 2010

Very slightly scuffed label magnum (1)

29 1 Magnum (150cl) and 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot HK$11,000-16,000

Mixed JJ Prum Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling BA & Eiswein Goldkapsule

Beerenauslese Goldkapsule 1976

Damp-stained and slightly scuffed label (1)

Beerenauslese Goldkapsule 1997

Very slightly scuffed label (1)

Beerenauslese Goldkapsule Auction 2001

Grosser Ring 2003 1 half-bottle

Eiswein Auslese Goldkapsule 1975

Bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label (1)

Eiswein Goldkapsule 1983

Stained and slightly scuffed label, sign of old seepage (1)

30 4 Bottles (75cl) and 1 Half-Bottle (37.5cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$19,000-28,000

Mixed JJ Prum Riesling TBA & Eiswein Goldkapsule

Graacher Himmelreich Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese Goldkapsule


Slightly nicked and stained label, slightly raised cork, sign of old seepage (1)

Bernkasteler Johannisbrunnchen Riesling Eiswein Goldkapsule 1990

Slightly nicked and stained label, slightly raised cork, sign of old seepage (1)

31 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$19,000-28,000


Mixed 1989 & 1995 Maximin Grunhauser Abtsberg Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese


Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed capsule covered by tape (1)


Lightly bin-soiled and slightly damaged label, slightly raised cork (1)

32 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$6,500-9,000



Mixed F.X. Pichler

Gruner Veltliner Smaragd 1997

u. bn, slightly scuffed label, missing capsule, very slightly raised cork magnum (1)

Riesling Smaragd M 2002

Very slightly scuffed label, missing capsule magnum (1)

Durnsteiner Kellerberg Riesling Smaragd 2003

Slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed capsule, slightly raised cork (1)

Durnsteiner Kellerberg Riesling Smaragd 2007

Slightly nicked label (1)

Durnsteiner Kellerberg Riesling Smaragd 2008

Slightly nicked labels (2)

Durnsteiner Kellerberg Riesling Smaragd 2010

Very slightly nicked label (1)

33 2 Magnums (150cl) and 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$2,400-3,500

Lots 35, 41, 62, 75, 78, 86


Mixed 1988 & 1993 Aldo Conterno Barolo

Barolo Soprana 1988

Lightly bin-soiled label, slightly scuffed capsule magnum (1)

Barolo Romirasco 1993

Very slightly scuffed label (1)

34 1 Magnum (150cl) and 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$2,800-4,000


Mixed 1990 Bruno Giacosa Barbaresco Riserva

Barbaresco Asili Riserva

u. bn, scuffed label, very slightly depressed cork (1)

Barbaresco Riserva Santo Stefano

Very slightly scuffed label

magnum (1)

35 1 Magnum (150cl) and 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$20,000-30,000

Mixed 1990 & 2007 Bruno Giacosa Barolo

Barolo Riserva Collina Rionda 1990

Slightly scuffed label and capsule (1)

Barolo Falletto 2007

Slightly scuffed label (1)

36 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$11,000-16,000


Mixed Ceretto Bricco Rocche Barolo & Barbaresco

Barbaresco Asili 1990 (1)

Barbaresco Asili 1995 (1)

Barolo Rocche Prapo 1997

Very lightly bin-soiled label

magnum (1)

37 1 Magnum (150cl) and 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$3,500-5,000


Gaja Sori San Lorenzo 1999

38 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (owc) per lot HK$3,500-5,500


Giacomo Conterno Barolo Cascina Francia 2006

Very slightly scuffed labels

39 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$13,000-20,000

Giacomo Conterno Monfortino 1988

40 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Giacomo Conterno Monfortino 1997

Believed signed by Roberto Conterno

41 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Giacomo Conterno Barolo Monfortino Riserva 1998

42 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Giacomo Conterno Monfortino 1999 u. 1bn, 2 very slightly nicked labels

43 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Giacomo Conterno Barolo Monfortino Riserva 1999

44 3 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Giacomo Conterno Monfortino 2013

45 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed 1980s-1990s

Mixed 2001 & 2003 Luciano Sandrone Barolo Cannubi Boschis Sibi et Paucis

Sibi et Paucis

Mixed 2004 & 2005 Luciano Sandrone Barolo Cannubi Boschis

Sibi et Paucis


Slightly scuffed labels (2) 2005

Very slightly scuffed labels (2) 2005

In original tissues, slightly damaged owc

double-magnum (1)

48 1 Double-Magnum (300c) and 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc, 1owc) per lot HK$7,500-11,000

Mixed Luciano Sandrone Barolo Le Vigne 2000

1 very slightly and 1 slightly scuffed label (3)

2002 (3)

2005 (3)


Very slightly scuffed labels (2)

53 11 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc, 1owc) per lot



Mixed 1995 & 1996 Luciano Sandrone Barolo Le Vigne 1995

Slightly scuffed label, missing capsule, revealing fully branded cork (1) 1996

3 very slightly scuffed labels (4)

49 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$5,500-7,500

Mixed 1998 & 1999 Luciano Sandrone Barolo Le Vigne 1998

4 bottles in owc and original tissues (6) 1999 (3) 1999 magnum (1)

50 1 Magnum (150cl) and 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc, wc, 2owc) per lot HK$8,500-13,000

Mixed 2003 Luciano Sandrone Barolo Le Vigne 2003 (3) 2003

In individual banded owc magnums (3)

51 3 Magnums (150cl) and 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (1cc, 3owc) per lot HK$6,500-10,000

Mixed 2004 Luciano Sandrone Barolo Le Vigne 2004

Slightly scuffed labels (8) 2004

In individual owc

magnums (3) 2004

In original tissue double-magnum (1)

52 1 Double-Magnum (300cl), 3 Magnums (150cl) and 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (1cn, 4owc) per lot HK$15,000-22,000

Mixed 1990 & 2001 Paolo Scavino Barolo

Barolo Cannubi 1990

Very slightly scuffed label (1)

Barolo Riserva Rocche dell Annunziata 1990

Very slightly scuffed label (1)

Barolo Riserva Rocche dell Annunziata 2001

Very slightly scuffed labels (3)

54 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$4,200-6,500


Pio Cesare Ornato 1998

In original tissues

55 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot



Vietti Barolo Lazzarito 1990

Very lightly bin-soiled label, slightly corroded capsule

56 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (owc) per lot



Mixed Roberto Voerzio Barolo

Barolo La Morra 1996

1 very slightly bin-marked labels magnums (2)

Barolo La Morra 1999

Lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 very minor sign of old seepage magnums (2)

Barolo Cerequio 1997

1 very slightly stained label (2)

Barolo La Serra 1998

Very lightly bin-soiled and very slightly creased labels (4)

57 4 Magnums (150cl) and 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc,cn) per lot HK$12,000-18,000

Mixed Roberto Voerzio Barolo Riserva Vecchie Viti dei Capalot e delle


1997 magnum (1)


Very lightly bin-soiled label magnum (1)

58 2 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cn) per lot



Mixed Salvioni and Costanti Brunello di Montalcino

Salvioni Brunello di Montalcino 1987

u. 1bn, slightly scuffed labels, 1 slightly raised cork (2)

Salvioni Brunello di Montalcino 1988

Very slightly scuffed label and capsule (1)

Salvioni Brunello di Montalcino 1990

Very slightly scuffed labels and capsules (2)

Costanti Brunello di Montalcino 2003 magnum (1)

Costanti Brunello di Montalcino Riserva 2006 magnum (1)

Mixed Roberto Voerzio

Vignaserra 1996

Bin-marked label, slightly raised cork (1)

Barolo Riserva Vecchie Viti dei Capalot e delle Brunate 2000

Lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly raised cork magnums (2)

Sarmassa di Barolo 2001

Lightly bin-soiled labels magnums (2)

59 4 Magnums (150cl) and 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (1cc, 2cn) per lot



Mixed 1995-1997 Castello di Ama

Chianti Classico Vigneto Bellavista 1995

Slightly stained label magnum (1)

Chianti Classico Vigneto La Casuccia 1995

Slightly stained label magnum (1)

L'Apparita 1996

Slightly stained label magnum (1)

Chianti Classico Vigneto La Casuccia 1995

Bin-soiled labels magnums (2)

60 5 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (1cc, 2owc) per lot



Cerbaiona Brunello di Montalcino 1990

u. 1us, slightly scuffed labels and capsules, 1 bottle with sign of old seepage

61 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$6,500-9,500


Soldera Brunello di Montalcino Riserva 2002

Very slightly scuffed labels

62 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$11,000-17,000

64 2 Magnums (150cl) and 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot HK$6,500-9,500


Mixed Fontodi Flaccianello 1997

u. 3bn, very lightly bin-soiled labels magnums (2) 2003

u. 1bn magnums (2) 2005 In owc double-magnum (1) 2006 In owc magnum (1)

Soldera Brunello di Montalcino Riserva 2004

Very slightly scuffed labels, 2 bottles with minor signs of old seepage

63 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


65 1 Double-Magnum (300cl) and 6 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (2cc, 3owc) per lot


Mixed 2006 & 2007 Fontodi Vigna del Sorbo Chianti Classico Riserva 2006 magnums (2) 2007 1 magnum in owc magnums (3)

66 5 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (1cc, 3owc) per lot HK$4,000-6,000


Mixed Frescobaldi Montesodi Chianti Rufina 1988

u. ts, lightly bin-soiled label (1) Lamaione 1991

No label, capsule cut to reveal branded cork, believed 1991 vintage (1) Lamaione 2000 (1) Mormoreto 1988

u. 2bn, slightly scuffed labels (2) Mormoreto 2001 (2)

Mormoreto 2003 (2)

Mormoreto 2006 (2)

67 11 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot HK$4,000-6,000


Mixed 1988 Isole e Olena Cepparello, IGT

Collezione de Marchi Cabernet Sauvignon 1988

Lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly worn capsules (4) Cepparello 1988

Very slightly scuffed labels (3)

68 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$3,800-5,000

Mixed Isole e Olena Cepparello Cepparello, IGT 1989

Lightly bin-soiled label, very slightly corroded capsule (1) 1990 Very lightly bin-soiled label, slightly scuffed capsule

Lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 very slightly nicked, slightly scuffed capsules

69 15 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$7,500-11,000


Mixed 1990 & 1998 Masseto 1990

u. bn, slightly scuffed and heavily stained label (1) 1998


Mixed 1985 & 1990 Le Pergole Torte

Montevertine,Toscana IGT


u. vts, missing label, heavily torn back label, vintage illegible, damaged capsule cut to reveal fully branded cork (1)


u. 1bn, 2vts, lightly bin-soiled labels (3)

70 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$12,000-17,000

Mixed 1994 & 1997 Le Pergole Torte Montevertine, Toscana IGT 1994

u. bn, very lightly bin-soiled label (1) 1997

u. 1bn, lightly bin-soiled and slightly stained labels (3)

71 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$7,000-10,000

Le Pergole Torte 1995

Montevertine, Toscana IGT

u. bn or better, very lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 very slightly nicked

72 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$8,000-12,000

Le Pergole Torte 2019

Montevertine, Toscana IGT

73 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$7,000-11,000

Scuffed front and back labels (1) 74 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot

Masseto 1996


75 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Masseto 1999

Toscana 1 damaged back label

76 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Masseto 1999


u. bn, very slightly creased label, damaged wax capsule, exposing top of cork, cork slightly raised

77 1 Double-Magnum (300cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Masseto 2003


Sign of old seepage

78 1 Double-Magnum (300cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Masseto 2006


1 scuffed label

79 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$17,000-24,000

Masseto 2010

Toscana In banded owc

80 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot HK$15,000-22,000

Mixed 2010 & 2011 Masseto


In banded owc 1 magnum

81 1 Magnum (150cl) and 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc, 1owc) per lot


front and back labels

82 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot

& 2001 Ornellaia

83 1 Magnum (150cl) and 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc, 1owc) per lot

Mixed 2003 & 2004 Ornellaia


2003 (3)

2004 (3) 2004 magnums (2)

84 2 Magnums (150cl) and 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc, 2owc) per lot HK$13,000-20,000

Mixed 2005 Ornellaia

Bolgheri 2005 (3) 2005

Very slightly scuffed gold printing magnum (1)

85 1 Magnum (150cl) and 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc,cc) per lot HK$6,500-9,500


Sassicaia 1985

Tenuta San Guido, Bolgheri

Lightly bin-soiled label, slightly corroded capsule, very minor sign of old seepage

86 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$32,000-48,000

Mixed 1988 Sassicaia

Tenuta San Guido, Bolgheri

Very lightly bin-soiled label (1)

Very slightly corroded capsule, slightly raised cork, very minor sign of old seepage magnum (1)

87 1 Magnum (150cl) and 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$9,500-14,000

Mixed 1990 & 1998 Sassicaia

Tenuta San Guido, Bolgheri 1990

Slightly corroded capsule

magnum (1) 1998 magnum (1)

88 2 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$8,000-12,000 Lot 86

Mixed 1997 Sassicaia

Tenuta San Guido, Bolgheri

u. 1bn, lightly bin-soiled labels (3)

Very slightly bin-marked label magnum (1)

89 1 Magnum (150cl) and 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$10,000-15,000


Mixed Italian Reds

Castelgiocondo Brunello di Montalcino Riserva 1985

Lightly bin-soiled label (1)

Castelgiocondo Brunello di Montalcino 2010

Slightly scuffed label, slightly depressed cork (1)

Mascarello Barolo Monprivato 1987

Slightly scuffed label (1)

Lisini Brunello di Montalcino Riserva 1988

Slightly scuffed label (1)

Dal Forno Romano Valpolicela Superiore 2002

Slightly scuffed label (1)

Mixed 1999 Sassicaia

Tenuta San Guido, Bolgheri

1 very slightly stained label (3)

Very slightly nicked and slightly damp-stained label, very minor sign of old seepage magnum (1)

90 1 Magnum (150cl) and 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Mixed 2000 & 2001 Sassicaia

Tenuta San Guido, Bolgheri 2000

u. 2bn, very lightly bin-soiled labels (2) 2001

In original tissues, 1 slightly scuffed label (2)

91 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$7,000-10,000


Mixed Solaia



u. bn, very slightly scuffed and very slightly damp-stained label (1) 1988

u. bn, very slightly scuffed and slightly damp-stained label (1) 1990

Slightly nicked and wine-stained labels (2) 1991

Slightly nicked label (1) 1996

Slightly scuffed labels (1) 1997

Slightly scuffed labels (2)

92 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$14,000-20,000


Tenuta di Trinoro 2006

93 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot HK$4,500-7,000

Soldera Toscana IGT 2006 (1)

94 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$8,000-12,000

Mixed Italian Reds

Altesino Alte d'Altesi 1987

u. vts, very lightly bin-soiled and very slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed capsule (1)

Altesino Palazzo Altesi 1987

Very lightly bin-soiled and very slightly scuffed label (1)

Biondi Santi Brunello di Montalcino 1970

Refilled on 22 June 2007, slightly scuffed label (1)

Bruno Rocca Barbaresco Rabaja 1996

Lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly depressed corks (2)

Conterno Fantino Monpra Langhe Rosso 1996

u. vts, very lightly bin-soiled label, slightly depressed cork (1)

Conterno Fantino Barolo Vigna del Gris 2005

Very lightly bin-soiled label, slightly depressed cork (1)

95 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$5,000-8,000



Mixed Alvaro Palacios

Finca Dofi 1997

In owc (6)

Les Terrasses 1997

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label (1)

Les Terrasses 2004

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label (1)

Vi de Vila Gratallop 2011

Slightly stained label (1)

96 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$600-900


Mixed Artadi Grandes Anadas 1999

Two very slightly scuffed labels (6) Grandes Anadas 2001

Slightly stained front and back labels (1) Pagos Viejos 2003

Stained and scuffed label (1)

97 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot



Mixed Descendientes de J. Palacios

La Faraona 2011

Lightly bin-soiled label (1)

Las Lamas 2007

Lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly nicked (2)

Las Lamas 2011

Lightly bin-soiled label, very slightly torn at top right (1)

Moncerbal 2003

Slightly scuffed labels (2)

Moncerbal 2004

Slightly scuffed labels (2)

San Martin 2004

Slightly scuffed and slightly stained labels (3) Villa de Corullon 2003

Slightly stained labels, 1 damaged back label (3)

98 14 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc,cn) per lot HK$5,000-8,000


Mixed Faustino I Gran Reserva 1968 (1)

1982 (1)

Bin-soiled labels

99 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Dominio de Pingus, Pingus 2010

Slightly bin-marked and slightly stained label

100 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Flor de Pingus 2004

u. 2bn, very lightly bin-soiled labels

101 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Castillo Ygay Gran Reserva Especial 1970

Lightly bin-soiled label, very slightly peeling at corners

103 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot



Mixed Marques de Murrieta

Castillo Ygay Blanco Gran Reserva 1970

u. 2us, lightly bin-soiled and very slightly scuffed labels, slightly scuffed capsules, 1 bottle with the wire wrapping (4) Reserva 1960

u. ts, bin-soiled label (1) Reserva 1980

u. 1ts, 1ms, bin-soiled labels of which 1 damaged (2)

104 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot



Tinto Pesquera Reserva 1996

Very minor sign of old seepage

105 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (owc) per lot



Mixed 1998 & 2001 Torres, Grans Muralles 1998

Slightly scuffed labels, 1 Chinese back label, 1 slightly depressed cork (2) 2001

In sealed owc (6)

106 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc,cc) per lot


Mixed Torres, Gran Coronas Mas La Plana 1989

u. 1x4cm, 1 slightly glue stained label (4) 1990 (1)

107 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Flor de Pingus 2001

2 very slightly scuffed labels (6) 2002

Slightly scuffed labels (3) 2005

5 very slightly scuffed labels, 3 very slightly and 3 slightly depressed corks (6)

102 15 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc, cn) per lot


Mixed Torres, Gran Coronas Mas La Plana 1999

In owc, 3 slightly scuffed labels (6) 2000

Lightly bin-soiled label magnum (1) 2002

Slightly scuffed labels, 1 capsule previously cut at the top, exposing top of cork, 1 slightly depressed cork (3)

108 1 Magnum (150cl) and 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc, 1owc) per lot



Vega Sicilia, Unico 1990

Very lightly bin-soiled label

109 1 Double-Magnum (300cl) per lot - (owc) per lot


Mixed Vega Sicilia, Valbuena 5° Magnums 2000


Mixed Port Fonseca 1985

Scuffed label (1)

Fonseca 1997 (1)

Graham's 1966

u. bn, lightly bin-soiled BBR label, bottled in 1968, slightly scuffed capsule, minor sign of old seepage (1)

Graham's 1980

magnum (1)

magnum (1) 2003

110 2 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (2owc) per lot



Mixed Spanish

CVNE Vina Real Reserva 1959

Very good colour and clarity, slightly stained and slightly nicked label, slightly worn capsule (1)

Marquis de Caceras 1982

Slightly corroded capsule (1)

Marques de Riscal Reserva 1986

Very lightly bin-soiled label, slightly corroded capsule (1)

Tondonia 1989

u. bn, slightly scuffed label, slightly worn capsule (1)

Vina Pedrosa 1998

Very slightly scuffed and lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 dated and signed by a member of Perez, slightly corroded capsules (2)

Clos Mogador 2005

In owc magnum (1)

Roda I Reserva 2006

Very lightly bin-soiled label (1)

111 1 Magnum (150cl) and 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc, 1owc) per lot HK$6,500-10,000



Barbeito Malvasia Madeira 1834

Damaged wax capsule

112 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Taylor's Port 1945

Bin-soiled and slightly damaged label, damaged wax capsule

113 1 Bottle (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$5,500-8,500

Mixed 1966, 1977, 1994 Taylor's Port 1966

u. us, no label, slightly scuffed wax capsule (1) 1977

Bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label (1) 1994

Slightly stained front and back labels (1)

114 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Stained labels, 1 slightly torn, 1 damaged neck slip label, 1 sign of old seepage (2)

Warre's 1980

Stained and slightly scuffed front and back labels (1)

Warre's 1983

Stained and slightly scuffed front and back labels (1)

115 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot




Mixed Sadie Columella 2002

Slightly scuffed label (1) Columella 2004 (1) Columella 2005 (1) Columella 2006 3 in original tissues (6) Palladius 2007 (2) Palladius 2008 2 in original tissues (4)

116 15 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc,cn) per lot HK$3,500-5,000


Mixed 1999, 2000, 2002 Almaviva 1999

Slightly scuffed label (1) 2000

Slightly scuffed label (1) 2002 magnum (1)

117 1 Magnum (150cl) and 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc, 1owc) per lot HK$1,800-2,800



Mixed 2008 & 2009 Chacra Pinot Noir Treinta y Dos 2008

In original tissues (3) 2009

9 bottles in original tissues, 1 slightly scuffed and 2 slightly stained labels (11)

118 14 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc,cc) per lot


Lots 137, 142, 150, 152, 159


Mixed Eisele Vineyard, Altagracia Napa Valley


Mixed Araujo Eisele Vineyard, Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley

Slightly scuffed front and back labels

Very slightly scuffed and slightly stained label

Very slightly scuffed label

120 1 Magnum (150cl) and 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc,cc) per lot HK$6,000-9,000

Mixed Araujo Eisele Vineyard Syrah Napa Valley 1999

Very slightly scuffed labels, slightly depressed corks (2) 2000

Slightly scuffed labels, slightly depressed corks (2) 2004

Slightly scuffed and very slightly stained labels (2) 2007

Very lightly bin-soiled label, very slightly depressed cork magnum (1) 2009

Damaged labels, 1 heavily damp-stained (2)

121 1 Magnum (150cl) and 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot


Mixed Beaulieu Vineyard, Georges de Latour Private Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon, Napa Valley 1973

Stained and slightly scuffed label

slightly scuffed label

2 very slightly scuffed and 1 slightly stained label, 1 slightly nicked vintage slip and back label (3)

122 10 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cn) per lot


Mixed Beringer

Beringer Cabernet Sauvignon 1986

1 slightly depressed cork (2)

Beringer Cabernet Sauvignon 1987

u. 2bn, 1 very slightly nicked label, slightly scuffed neck slips (2)

Beringer Cabernet Sauvignon 1991

u. 1bn, 1 slightly nicked neck slip, slightly depressed corks (3)

Beringer Cabernet Sauvignon 1992

Very lightly bin-soiled label (1)

Beringer Chabot vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 1982

u. bn, very lightly bin-soiled label (1)

Beringer Chabot vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 1991

u. 1bn, 1vts, 1 slightly stained label (2)

Beringer Merlot Howell Mountain Bancroft Ranch 1989

u. bn, very slightly scuffed label

123 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Cakebread Cellars

Cakebread Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon 1980

u. ts, slightly bin-marked and bin-soiled label (1)

Cakebread Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon 1987

Slightly scuffed label, very slightly corroded capsule, slightly depressed cork (1)

Cakebread Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon 1990

Lightly bin-soiled label, slightly worn and wrinkled capsule, minor sign of old seepage magnum (1)

Cakebread Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon Rutherford Reserve 1985

u. vts, slightly scuffed label, very slightly corroded capsule, slightly depressed cork (1)

Cakebread Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon Rutherford Reserve 1986

Slightly scuffed label, very slightly corroded capsule, slightly depressed cork (1)

Cakebread Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon Rutherford Reserve 1988

Slightly scuffed label, very slightly corroded capsule, slightly depressed cork (1)

124 1 Magnum (150cl) and 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot



Calera Jensen Vineyard Pinot Noir 1987

Very lightly bin-soiled and very slightly wrinkled labels, slightly depressed corks 125 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per


Mixed 1980s & 1990s Caymus, Special Selection Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley 1981

Lightly bin-soiled label, slightly corroded capsule (1) 1982

Bin-soiled and slightly damaged label (1) 1987

Slightly scuffed label, slightly corroded capsule (1) 1989

Slightly scuffed label (1) 1994

3 slightly scuffed and 1 slightly damaged labels (4)

126 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Colgin, Cariad Napa Valley

Mixed 2009 & 2010 Colgin, IX Estate Syrah

Mixed 2014-2016 Colgin, IX Estate Syrah

129 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3owc) per lot HK$13,000-22,000

Colgin, IX Estate 2009

130 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot

Colgin, IX Estate 2014 In original tissues

132 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot

Colgin, IX Estate 2015 In original tissues 133 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot

Mixed Colgin, Tychson Hill

Colgin, IX Estate, 2010 5 bottles in original tissues

131 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc)


Mixed Dalla Valle, Maya

Slightly depressed cork

135 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per


Mixed Diamond Creek

Red Rock Terrace Cabernet Sauvignon 1990

Slightly scuffed label

Red Rock Terrace Cabernet Sauvignon 1991

Slightly scuffed label

Red Rock Terrace Cabernet Sauvignon 1992

Slightly depressed cork

Volcanic Hill Cabernet Sauvignon 1990

Slightly nicked label

Volcanic Hill Cabernet Sauvignon 1992

Slightly scuffed label

136 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc)

Dominus 1991

Very slightly depressed corks 137 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot

Mixed 1980's - 1990's Dominus 1985

u. bn, very lightly bin-soiled label slightly corroded capsule, very minor sign of old seepage (1) 1989 Slightly scuffed label and capsule

Very slightly depressed cork

Very lightly bin-soiled labels

1997 Very slightly nicked label

6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per

Dominus 2004

139 6

Mixed 1976 & 1978 Heitz Cellar, Martha's Vineyard


Dominus 2008

140 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot

Dominus 2009

141 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per


Mixed Dunn Vineyards

Howell Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon 1986

Slightly chipped wax capsule (1)

Howell Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon 1991

Slightly chipped wax capsule (1)

Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 1983

Slightly corroded capsules (2)

Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 1987 (1)

Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 1988

2 slightly nicked labels, 1 slightly wine-stained label (4)

Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 1990

Lightly bin-soiled label (1)

Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 1991 (2)

142 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$9,500-14,000


Hundred Acre, Kayli Morgan Vineyard 2013 146 3


Mixed Joseph Phelps Johannisberg Riesling Late Harvest 1988

Lightly bin-soiled label, slightly worn capsule, minor sign of old seepage (1)

Napa Valley Chardonnay 1990

Slightly scuffed label (1)

Insignia 1994

Slightly scuffed label, slightly depressed cork magnum (1) Insignia 1997

Very slightly scuffed labels (2)

Cabernet Sauvignon 2000

Lightly bin-soiled label, loose capsule (1)

Backus Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 2012

Slightly nicked label (1)

147 1 Magnum (150cl) and 6 Bottles (75cl) - (2cc) per lot HK$6,500-9,500


Mixed Château Montelena, Cabernet Sauvignon


Mixed Heitz Cellar

Cabernet Sauvignon 1973

u. ts, bin-soiled and damaged label (1)

Martha's Vineyard 1975

Bin-soiled and damaged label (1)

143 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$4,500-7,000

Mixed Château Montelena Cabernet Sauvignon Magnums


Very lightly bin-soiled labels


magnum (1)

Slightly creased label, slightly scuffed capsule magnum (1)

149 2 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Ridge Monte Bello 1982

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly wine-stained label, slightly worn capsule, slightly depressed cork (1) 1996

Very lightly bin-soiled label, slightly depressed cork (1) 2002

Very slightly scuffed label (1) 2002

Slightly scuffed label, minor sign of old seepage magnum (1)

150 1 Magnum (150cl) and 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$9,000-13,000

Ridge, Monte Bello, Chardonnay 2000

Very slightly scuffed labels

151 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed 1980s Robert Mondavi, Cabernet Sauvignon

Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 1985

Slightly scuffed label and capsule (1)

Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 1987

u. 1bn, 1vts, slightly corroded capsules, slightly depressed corks (2) Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 1989

u. bn, slightly scuffed label and capsule (1)

Cabernet Sauvignon 1983

u. us, lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed capsule (1)

Cabernet Sauvignon 1987

Engraved bottle to celebrate 50th harvest, slightly scuffed label and capsule, slightly depressed cork (1)

152 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Robert Mondavi Merlot 1992

Lightly bin-soiled label (1)

Merlot 1998

Lightly bin-soiled labels (4)

Chardonnay Reserve 1987

Bin-soiled label, scuffed back label, very slightly scuffed capsule (1)

Chardonnay Reserve 2005

Lightly bin-soiled and scuffed label, slightly scuffed back label, very slightly scuffed capsule (1)

Johannisberg Riesling Late Harvest 1991

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed back label, very slightly scuffed capsule, minor sign of old seepage (1)

154 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot



Shafer, Hillside Select, Cabernet Sauvignon 1993

1 very slightly nicked label

155 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Silver Oak, Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 1981

u. 1bn, slightly scuffed labels, slightly corroded capsules (2) Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 1994

Slightly scuffed labels (2)

Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 1986

Lightly bin-soiled label, slightly corroded capsule, slightly depressed cork (1)

Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 1996

Slightly scuffed label magnum (1)

156 1 Magnum and 5 Bottles per lot - (2cc) per lot



Spottswoode, Cabernet Sauvignon 1993

Lightly bin-soiled labels

157 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1990s Robert Mondavi, Cabernet Sauvignon

Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 1991

Very slightly scuffed labels, 1 slightly wine-stained, slightly scuffed capsules, very slightly depressed corks, 1 with sign of old seepage (2)

Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 1994

Slightly scuffed labels (2)

Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 1999

Very slightly scuffed label (1)

Cabernet Sauvignon 1999

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed labels (2)

153 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Mixed Stag's Leap Wine Cellars, Cask 23 1985

u. bn, slightly scuffed label, slightly corroded capsule (1) 1993

Very lightly bin-soiled label (1) 1994

Very lightly bin-soiled labels (2)

158 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1993 & 1994 Stag's Leap Wine Cellars, Cask 23 Magnums 1993

Very lightly bin-soiled label, slightly depressed cork magnum (1) 1994

1 bottle signed by founder Warren Winiarski, 1 very lightly and 1 lightly bin-soiled label, slightly depressed corks magnums (2)

159 3 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cn) per lot



Mixed USA Reds

Far Niente Cabernet Sauvignon 1986

Lightly bin-soiled label, slightly scuffed and corroded

capsule magnum (1)

Justin Vineyards & Winery Isosceles 1994

1 very slightly scuffed label (5)

Opus One, Overture NV

Very lightly bin-soiled labels (3)

164 1 Magnum (150cl) and 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot


Stag's Leap Wine Cellars FAY, Cabernet Sauvignon 1994

1 bottle signed by founder Warren Winiarski, 2 slightly stained labels

160 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Mixed Stag's Leap Wine Cellars, S.L.V. 1988

u. bn, slightly corroded capsule, slightly depressed cork (1) 1990

u. 1bn, very slightly scuffed labels, 1 slightly depressed cork (4) 1993

Very slightly scuffed labels (5)

161 10 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Stag's Leap Wine Cellars, S.L.V. 1994

1 bottle signed by founder Warren Winiarski, 1 very slightly stained label

162 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Stag's Leap Wine Cellars Whites

Chardonnay Reserve 1994

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed labels, slightly scuffed capsules (2)

Chardonnay Reserve 1996

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed labels (3)

Beckstoffer Vineyards Chardonnay 1995

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed labels (3)

Beckstoffer Vineyards Chardonnay 1996

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed labels (3)

163 11 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot HK$3,000-4,500

Mixed USA Reds

Conn Creek Cabernet Sauvignon 1980

Slightly scuffed labels, 1 slightly stained, slightly corroded capsules, slightly depressed corks (2)

Clos du Val Merlot 1986

Very slightly torn label, slightly scuffed capsule magnum (1)

Ravenswood Pickberry Vineyards 1988 (1)

Clos du Val Cabernet Sauvignon 1998

Slightly scuffed label and capsule (1)

Domaine Drouhin Pinot Noir 1988

Slightly scuffed label (1)

Grace Family Cabernet Sauvignon 1993

Very slightly scuffed label (1)

Peter Michael Les Pavots 1996

Lightly bin-soiled and very slightly torn label, slightly corroded capsule, minor sign of old seepage (1)

Quilceda Creek Cabernet Sauvignon 1998

Slightly scuffed and loose capsule (1)

Bryant Family Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 2005

Slightly scuffed label (1)

165 1 Magnum (150cl) and 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot




Mixed Araujo and Cloudy Bay, Sauvignon Blanc

Cloudy Bay 1992

Damaged and stained label (1)

Cloudy Bay 1996

Stained and slightly scuffed label (1)

Araujo Eisele Vineyard 2010

Very slightly scuffed label (1)

Araujo Eisele Vineyard 2011 (1)

166 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot



Mixed Providence Reds

Providence Matakana Merlot/Cabernet Franc/Malbec 1994

Wine stained label, sign of old seepage, slightly depressed cork (1)

Providence Marangai Matakana 1995 (2)

Providence Matakana Syrah 1996

Slightly scuffed label (1)

Providence Matakana Merlot/Cabernet Franc/Malbec 1997

Slightly scuffed labels (2)

Merlot/Cabernet Franc/Malbec 1998 (2)

Merlot/Cabernet Franc/Malbec 1999

Slightly scuffed labels (2)

167 10 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc,cn) per lot




Mixed 1980s Bannockburn Vineyards

Chardonnay 1986

u. 3cm, bin-soiled label, nicked capsule (1)

Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 1985

1 slightly scuffed and 1 wine stained label, 1 sign of old seepage (2)

Pinot Noir 1989 1 scuffed label (2)

168 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$1,100-1,600


Bass Phillip Estate Pinot Noir Old Vines 2020 1 slightly creased label

169 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Bass Phillip Pinot Noir Au Jardin Les Amis 1998

Bin-soiled and scuffed front and back labels (2) Belrose 2000

Stained and slightly scuffed labels, 1 damaged back label, 1 missing capsule, 1 depressed cork (4)

170 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$7,000-10,000

Mixed 1993 & 2012 Bass Phillip Premium Pinot Noir 1993

Stained and damaged front and back labels, cracked wax capsule (1) 2012

1 very slightly scuffed label (2)

171 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$4,200-6,500

Mixed 1996 & 2000 Bass Phillip Premium Pinot Noir Magnums 1996

Stained and slightly scuffed front and back labels, damaged wax capsule magnum (1) 2000

Stained and slightly scuffed front and back labels, damaged wax capsule magnums (2)

172 3 Magnums (150cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Bass Phillip Premium Pinot Noir 2019

173 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2oc) per lot


Mixed 2010's Bass Phillip Reserve Pinot Noir 2012

1 very slightly scuffed label, very minor signs of old seepage half-bottles (2) 2014

Very slightly scuffed back labels (2) 2015

1 slightly scuffed label (2)

174 4 Bottles and 2 Half-Bottles (37.5cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$20,000-30,000

Bass Phillip Premium Chardonnay 2019

175 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2oc) per lot HK$6,500-10,000


Mixed 1995-1997 Clarendon Hills Astralis 1995 (1) 1996 (1) 1997 1 slightly scuffed label (2)

176 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Clarendon Hills Astralis 1996 1 bottle with sign of old seepage thus 3cm ullage, slightly wine-stained label and capsule 177 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2oc) per lot HK$11,000-16,000

Mixed 1996 Clarendon Hills

Merlot 1996

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed labels, UK import back labels (2)

Shiraz 1996

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed labels, UK import back labels (7)

178 9 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$1,800-2,600


Mixed Australian Shiraz

Grant Burge Meshach 1994

u. 1ts, 2 slightly scuffed and 1 scuffed labels, 1 slight sign of old seepage (7)

Hardy's Eileen Hardy Shiraz 1994

Very slightly scuffed label (2)

Jim Barry The Armagh Shiraz 1994

Very lightly bin-soiled label (1)

Jim Barry The Armagh Shiraz 1997

Slightly scuffed label (1)

Jim Barry The Armagh Shiraz 1998

Slightly scuffed label (1)

180 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (3cc) per lot HK$5,500-8,500


Mixed De Bortoli Dessert Wines

Sauternes 1982

Slightly scuffed label, worn capsule, sign of old seepage (1)

Noble One Botrytis Semillon 1990

Lightly bin-soiled label (1)

179 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$800-1,600


Mixed Henschke 'Cyril Henschke' Cabernet Sauvignon

Mixed 1995 &1996 Henschke Keyneton Estate 1995

2 very slightly scuffed labels, 1 very slightly depressed cork (3) 1996

4 very slightly scuffed labels, 2 very slightly depressed corks (5)

182 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot HK$4,800-7,000

Mixed 1990's Henschke Mount Edelstone Shiraz 1990

Slightly scuffed label, slightly corroded capsule


Very slightly scuffed labels, slightly depressed corks


183 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc)

Mixed 1973 & 1976 Henschke Hill of Grace 1973

u. vts, very good colour and clarity, reconditioned in 1994, 1 slightly scuffed and slightly stained label (2) 1976

Very good colour and clarity, reconditioned in 1994, slightly scuffed label (1)

184 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc)

Mixed 1980's Henschke Hill of Grace 1982 Museum release, slightly scuffed label, slightly depressed cork

185 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot

Henschke Hill of Grace 1992 3 slightly scuffed labels, 2 slightly depressed corks, 1 sign of old seepage 187 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot HK$17,000-24,000

Mixed 1990's Henschke Hill of Grace 1990 Slightly scuffed labels, slightly depressed corks

1991 Slightly scuffed label


Very slightly scuffed labels

186 5 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Lakes Folly Cabernet Sauvignon 1983

Bin-soiled and very slightly scuffed label, slightly corroded capsule

188 1 Magnum (150cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$2,000-3,000

Lot 187


Mixed 1980s-1990s Leeuwin Estate Art Series Cabernet Sauvignon 1986

Slightly scuffed labels, slightly corroded capsules (2) 1987

Very lightly bin-soiled label, slightly corroded capsule (1) 1988

Lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly corroded capsules, 1 slightly nicked (2) 1990

Lightly bin-soiled label, slightly corroded capsule (1) 1992

Very lightly bin-soiled labels, slightly corroded capsule (2)

189 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$3,800-5,500

Mixed 2001 & 2007 Leeuwin Estate Art Series Cabernet Sauvignon 2001

4 very slightly scuffed labels (5) 2007 (5)

190 10 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot HK$4,800-7,500

Mixed Leeuwin Estate Red Wines

Cabernet Sauvignon 1979

Lightly bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly nicked, corroded capsules (2) Cabernet Sauvignon 1983

u.2bn, slightly bin-marked and scuffed labels, corroded capsules (2)

Art Series Pinot Noir 1983

Very slightly scuffed and lightly bin-soiled label, slightly corroded capsule (1)

Art Series Shiraz 2004 (1)

191 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$1,300-2,000

Mixed Leeuwin Estate Art Series Chardonnay 1983

Very good colour and clarity, 1 damp-stained and 1 slightly scuffed label, slightly scuffed and corroded capsules, minor signs of old seepage (2) 1986

Slightly scuffed labels, 1 damp-stained, 1 slightly scuffed and 1 slightly corroded and stained capsule, 1 sign of old seepage (2) 1987

Slightly scuffed label and capsule (1) 1990

Lightly damp-stained and slightly scuffed labels, one pen-marked (2) 2006

3 very slightly scuffed and 2 slightly nicked labels (5)

192 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot


Leeuwin Estate Art Series Chardonnay 2001

Very slightly scuffed labels, 1 bottle with more advanced colour

194 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cn) per lot



Mixed 1985 & 1990 Penfolds Magill Estate Shiraz 1985

Lightly bin-soiled and slightly scuffed labels (3) 1990

Stained and slightly damaged labels, 2 bottles with tissue stain attached on bottle (5)

195 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Penfolds Bin 920

In individual owcs

196 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (4owc) per lot


Mixed 1965 & 1969 Penfolds Grange


u. vts, very good colour and clarity, bin-soiled label, slightly corroded and slightly damaged capsule, very slightly depressed cork (1)


u. hs, very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and slightly nicked label, slightly worn capsule, very slightly depressed cork (1)

197 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1973 & 1978 Penfolds Grange 1973

u. bn, very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and partially torn label, slightly worn capsule, slightly depressed cork (1) 1978

u. bn, very good colour and clarity, lightly bin-soiled and very slightly nicked label, slightly worn capsule (1)

198 1 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Leeuwin Estate Art Series Chardonnay 2001

193 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Penfolds Grange 1988

6 in original tissues and owc, 2 minor signs of old seepage

199 7 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc,cc) per lot


Penfolds Grange 1989

Very slightly scuffed labels, very slightly depressed corks

200 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot



Wolf Blass Black label Limited Edition 1996

With certificate from Wolf Blass, bottle number 253 of 480, very slightly cracked wax capsule

207 Double-Magnum (300cl) per lot - (wc) per lot HK$8,000-12,000

Penfolds Grange 1990 In original tissues

201 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (owc) per lot



Mixed Yarra Yering Reds

Dry Red No. 1 1983 (1)

Penfolds Grange 1990 2 very slightly scuffed labels

202 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed 1991 & 1992 Penfolds Grange 1991

Very slightly bin-marked labels (2) 1992

Slightly scuffed and creased label, very slightly depressed cork (1)

203 3 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$7,000-10,000

Mixed 1996, 1998, 2001 Penfolds Grange 1996

u. vts, very slightly depressed cork (1) 1998

Very slightly scuffed labels, very slightly depressed corks (2) 2001

Very slightly depressed cork (1)

204 4 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$9,000-14,000


Mixed 1995 & 1999 Torbreck Runrig 1995

Slightly damp-spotted label magnum (1) 1999

Very slightly scuffed labels (2)

205 1 Magnum (150cl) and 2 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$7,000-11,000

Mixed Torbreck

The Factor 1999 Slightly scuffed label (1) The Descendant 2000 Slightly stained label

The Descendant 2002 (6) The Steading 2018

1 creased and 1 slightly stained label (4)

206 12 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc,cn) per lot


Dry Red No. 1 1984 (1)

Dry Red No. 1 1985

Red No. 1 1986

Red No. 1 1991

Red No. 2 1982

Red No. 2 1984

Red No. 2 1986

Noir 1994

208 11 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot


Mixed Australian Red Wines

Moss Wood Pinot Noir 1986

Slightly scuffed label, slightly corroded capsule (1)

Moss Wood Pinot Noir 1987

Slightly scuffed label, slightly corroded capsule (1)

Moss Wood Pinot Noir 1988

Slightly scuffed label, very slightly depressed cork (1)

Mount Mary Quintet 1996

Lightly bin-soiled label (1)

Parker Coonawarra Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 1993 (2)

209 6 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (cc) per lot HK$1,600-2,400

Mixed Australian Wines

Seppelt Great Western Claret 1966

u. hs, bin-soiled, stained, and slightly nicked label, slightly worn label, minor sign of old seepage (1)

Wynns Black Label Cabernet Sauvignon 1966

u. vts, bin-soiled label, worn capsule, slightly depressed cork (1) Petaluma Coonawarra Merlot 1990

Bottles with remnants of original tissues, 2 slightly torn vintage slips (3) Yeringberg Pinot Noir 1992

Lightly bin-soiled label (1)

Penfolds Bin 138 2011

Slightly scuffed label (1)

Cullen Kevin John Chardonnay 2017

Very slightly scuffed label (1)

210 8 Bottles (75cl) per lot - (2cc) per lot HK$2,400-3,500




Mixed 2008 & 2009 Chacra Pinot Noir Treinta y Dos, 118



Mixed 2001 & 2013 Trimbach Riesling, 5726

Mixed Domaine Marcel Deiss Grand Crus, 5723

Mixed Domaine Weinbach Gewurztraminer, 5728

Mixed Domaine Weinbach Gewurztraminer Clos des Capucins, 5727

Mixed Domaine Weinbach Riesling & Pinot Gris, 5729

Mixed Domaine Zind-Humbrecht, 5734

Mixed Domaine Zind-Humbrecht Gewurztraminer, 5731

Mixed Domaine Zind-Humbrecht Pinot Gris & Riesling, 5732

Mixed Hugel & Fils Gewurztraminer, 5720

Mixed Hugel & Fils Riesling, 5721

Mixed Hugel & Fils Tokay, 5722

Mixed Trimbach & Zind-Humbrecht Pinot Gris, 5730

Mixed Trimbach Gewurztraminer, 5724

Mixed Trimbach Riesling Clos Sainte Hune, 5725


Domaine Zind-Humbrecht, Riesling Clos Windsbuhl Selection de Grains Nobles, 5733



Mixed 1973 & 1976 Henschke Hill of Grace, 184

Mixed 1973 & 1978 Penfolds Grange, 198

Mixed 1980’s Henschke Hill of Grace, 185

Mixed 1980s Bannockburn Vineyards, 168

Mixed 1980s-1990s Leeuwin Estate Art Series Cabernet Sauvignon, 189

Mixed 1985 & 1990 Penfolds Magill Estate Shiraz, 195

Mixed 1990’s Henschke Hill of Grace, 186

Mixed 1990’s Henschke Mount Edelstone Shiraz, 183

Mixed 1991 & 1992 Penfolds Grange, 203

Mixed 1993 & 2012 Bass Phillip Premium Pinot Noir, 171

Mixed 1995-1997 Clarendon Hills Astralis, 176

Mixed 1996 & 2000 Bass Phillip Premium Pinot Noir Magnums, 172

Mixed 1996, 1998, 2001 Penfolds Grange, 204

Mixed 2001 & 2007 Leeuwin Estate Art Series Cabernet Sauvignon, 190

Mixed 2010’s Bass Phillip Reserve Pinot Noir, 174

Mixed Australian Red Wines, 209

Mixed Australian Shiraz, 180

Mixed Australian Wines, 210

Mixed Bass Phillip Pinot Noir, 170

Mixed De Bortoli Dessert Wines, 179

Mixed Henschke ‘Cyril Henschke’ Cabernet Sauvignon, 181

Mixed Leeuwin Estate Art Series Chardonnay, 192

Mixed Leeuwin Estate Red Wines, 191

Mixed Torbreck, 206

Mixed Yarra Yering Reds, 208

Wolf Blass Black label Limited Edition, 207


Lakes Folly Cabernet Sauvignon, 188


Henschke Hill of Grace, 187


Clarendon Hills Astralis, 177

Mixed Clarendon Hills, 178


Leeuwin Estate Art Series Chardonnay, 193-194


Bass Phillip Premium Chardonnay, 175

Bass Phillip Premium Pinot Noir, 173


Bass Phillip Estate Pinot Noir Old Vines, 169



Mixed F.X. Pichler, 33



Mixed 1999, 2000, 2002 Almaviva, 117



Château Montelena, Cabernet Sauvignon, 148-149

Colgin, Tychson Hill, 134

Dalla Valle, Maya, 135

Dominus, 138

Mixed 1976 & 1978 Heitz Cellar, Martha’s Vineyard, 144

Mixed 1980s & 1990s Caymus, Special Selection Cabernet Sauvignon, 126

Mixed 1980s Robert Mondavi, Cabernet Sauvignon, 152

Mixed 1985 & 1989 Heitz Cellar, Martha’s Vineyard, 145

Mixed 1990s Robert Mondavi, Cabernet Sauvignon, 153

Mixed 1993 & 1994 Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars, Cask 23 Magnums, 159

Mixed 2009 & 2010 Colgin, IX Estate Syrah, 128

Mixed 2014-2016 Colgin, IX Estate Syrah, 129

Mixed Araujo Eisele Vineyard Syrah, 121

Mixed Araujo Eisele Vineyard, Cabernet Sauvignon, 120

Mixed Beaulieu Vineyard, Georges de Latour, 122

Mixed Cakebread Cellars, 124

Mixed Colgin, Cariad, 127

Mixed Diamond Creek, 136

Mixed Dunn Vineyards, 142

Mixed Eisele Vineyard, Altagracia, 119

Mixed Heitz Cellar, 143

Mixed Joseph Phelps, 147

Mixed Ridge Monte Bello, 150

Mixed Robert Mondavi, 154

Mixed Silver Oak, Cabernet Sauvignon, 156

Mixed Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars Whites, 163

Mixed Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars, Cask 23, 158

Mixed Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars, S.L.V., 161

Mixed USA Reds, 164-165


Calera Jensen Vineyard Pinot Noir, 125 1991

Dominus, 137 1993

Shafer, Hillside Select, 155

Spottswoode, Cabernet Sauvignon, 157 1994

Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars FAY, Cabernet Sauvignon, 160

Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars, S.L.V., 162 2000

Ridge, Monte Bello, Chardonnay, 151 2004

Dominus, 139 2008

Dominus, 140 2009

Colgin, IX Estate, 130

Dominus, 141 2010

Colgin, IX Estate, 131 2013

Hundred Acre, Kayli Morgan Vineyard, 146


Colgin, IX Estate, 132


Colgin, IX Estate, 133



Mixed 1996 & 1997 Salon, 5665

Krug Grande Cuvee Mixed Releases, 5629

Krug Rosé Mixed Releases, 5653

Mixed 1970 & 1975 Bollinger R.D., 5614

Mixed 1988 & 1990 Dom Perignon, 5622

Mixed 2000 & 2004 Dom Perignon Rosé, 5627

Mixed 2000’s Cristal, 5619

Mixed 2000’s Dom Perignon, 5625

Mixed Cristal & Cristal Rosé, 5621

Mixed Champagne, 5671-5672

Mixed Dom Perignon, 5626

Mixed Philipponnat, 5654

Mixed Pol Roger, 5658

Mixed Taittinger Comtes de Champagne, 5669

Mixed Veuve Clicquot, 5670


Krug, Collection, 5651

Pol Roger, 5655


Krug, 5630


Krug, Collection, 5652


Salon, Le Mesnil-sur-Oger, 5659


Bollinger, RD, 5615


Krug, 5631

Salon, Le Mesnil-sur-Oger, 5660


Bollinger, RD, 5616

Krug, Clos du Mesnil, 5643


Krug, 5632

Krug, Clos du Mesnil, 5644-5645


Krug, 5633

Salon, Le Mesnil-sur-Oger, 5661


Krug, 5634-5635

Krug, Clos du Mesnil, 5646

Mixed 1985 Krug Vintage and Clos du Mesnil, 5650

Salon, Le Mesnil-sur-Oger, 5662


Bollinger, RD, 5617

Krug, 5636-5638

Krug, Clos du Mesnil, 5647

Pol Roger, Sir Winston Churchill, 5656

Salon, Le Mesnil-sur-Oger, 5663


Krug, 5639

Krug, Clos du Mesnil, 5648


Dom Perignon, 5623

Jacques Selosse, Blanc de Blancs, 5628

Krug, 5640


Salon, Le Mesnil-sur-Oger, 5664


Dom Perignon, 5624

Krug, 5641

Mixed 1996 Pol Roger, Sir Winston Churchill, 5657


Krug, Clos du Mesnil, 5649


Bollinger, La Grande Annee, 5613

Salon, Le Mesnil-sur-Oger, 5666-5667


Bollinger, RD, 5618


Krug, 5642

Salon, Le Mesnil-sur-Oger, 5668


Mixed 2007 Cristal, 5620 GERMANY

Mixed Egon Muller Scharzhofberger Riesling Beerenauslese Goldkapsule, 18

Mixed 1971 & 1975 Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Auslese Goldkapsule, 11

Mixed 1985, 1988, 1989 Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Auslese, 9

Mixed 1989 & 1991 Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Auslese Goldkapsule, 12

Mixed 1989 & 1995 Maximin Grunhauser Abtsberg Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese, 32

Mixed 1990 & 1999 Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Spatlese, 6

Mixed 1990, 1993, 1998 Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Auslese, 10

Mixed 1993 & 1994 Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Spatlese Auction, 7

Mixed 1993 & 1995 Egon Muller Scharzhofberger Riesling Eiswein Goldkapsule, 24

Mixed 1993 & 1999 Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Auslese Goldkapsule Auction, 14

Mixed 2001 & 2004 Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Spatlese Auction, 8

Mixed Donnhoff Riesling, 2

Mixed Egon Muller Scharzhofberger Riesling Auslese Goldkapsule, 15

Mixed Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Kabinett, 4

Mixed Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Kabinett Auction, 5

Mixed Fritz Haag Brauneberger Juffer Sonnenuhr Riesling Auslese, 25

Mixed Fritz Haag Brauneberger Juffer Sonnenuhr Riesling Auslese Goldkapsule Auction, 26

Mixed Fritz Haag Brauneberger Juffer Sonnenuhr Riesling BA & TBA Goldkapsule, 27

Mixed JJ Prum Riesling Kabinett & Auslese, 28

Mixed JJ Prum Riesling TBA & Eiswein Goldkapsule, 31

Mixed JJ Prum Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling Auslese Goldkapsule, 29

Mixed JJ Prum Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling BA & Eiswein Goldkapsule, 30 1959

Egon Muller Scharzhofberger Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese Goldkapsule, 20 1971

Egon Muller Scharzhofberger Riesling Beerenauslese Goldkapsule, 16 1975

Egon Muller Scharzhofberger Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese Goldkapsule, 21 1976

Egon Muller Scharzhofberger Riesling Beerenauslese Goldkapsule, 17


Egon Muller, Scharzhofberger Riesling Auslese Goldkapsule Auction, 13 1990

Egon Muller Scharzhofberger Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese Goldkapsule (Auction), 23 1995

Egon Muller Scharzhofberger Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese Goldkapsule, 22 1999

Egon Muller Scharzhofberger Riesling Beerenauslese Goldkapsule, 19 2007

Donnhoff Hermannshohle Riesling GG, 1


Dr. Loosen, Erdener Pralat Riesling Auslese GK, 3



Mixed 1980s-1990s Luciano Sandrone Barolo Cannubi Boschis, 46

Mixed 1985 & 1990 Le Pergole Torte, 70

Mixed 1988 & 1993 Aldo Conterno Barolo, 34

Mixed 1990 & 1998 Masseto, 74

Mixed 1990 & 1998 Sassicaia, 88

Mixed 1990 & 2001 Paolo Scavino Barolo, 54

Mixed 1994 & 1997 Le Pergole Torte, 71

Mixed 1995 & 1996 Luciano Sandrone Barolo Le Vigne, 49

Mixed 1995-1997 Castello di Ama, 60

Mixed 1998 & 1999 Luciano Sandrone Barolo Le Vigne, 50

Mixed 2000 & 2001 Ornellaia, 83

Mixed 2000 & 2001 Sassicaia, 91

Mixed 2001 & 2003 Luciano Sandrone Barolo Cannubi Boschis, 47

Mixed 2003 & 2004 Ornellaia, 84

Mixed 2004 & 2005 Luciano Sandrone Barolo Cannubi Boschis, 48

Mixed 2006 & 2007 Fontodi Vigna del Sorbo Chianti Classico Riserva, 66

Mixed 2010 & 2011 Masseto, 81

Mixed Ceretto Bricco Rocche Barolo & Barbaresco, 37

Mixed Fontodi Flaccianello, 65

Mixed Frescobaldi, 67

Mixed Isole e Olena Cepparello, 69

Mixed Italian Reds, 94-95

Mixed Luciano Sandrone Barolo Le Vigne, 53

Mixed Ornellaia, 82

Mixed Roberto Voerzio, 59

Mixed Roberto Voerzio Barolo, 57

Mixed Roberto Voerzio Barolo Riserva Vecchie Viti dei Capalot e delle Brunate, 58

Mixed Salvioni and Costanti Brunello di Montalcino, 64

Mixed Solaia, 92


Sassicaia, 86


Mixed 1988 Isole e Olena, 68

Mixed Sassicaia, 87 1990

Cerbaiona Brunello di Montalcino, 61

Mixed 1990 Bruno Giacosa Barbaresco Riserva, 35 Vietti Barolo Lazzarito, 56


Le Pergole Torte, 72 1996

Masseto, 75 1997

Giacomo Conterno Monfortino, 41

Mixed Sassicaia, 89 1998

Giacomo Conterno Barolo Monfortino Riserva, 42

Pio Cesare Ornato, 55 1999

Giacomo Conterno Barolo Monfortino Riserva, 44

Giacomo Conterno Monfortino, 43

Masseto, 76-77

Mixed Sassicaia, 90 2002

Soldera Brunello di Montalcino Riserva, 62


Masseto, 78

Mixed 2003 Luciano Sandrone Barolo Le Vigne, 51


Mixed 2004 Luciano Sandrone Barolo Le Vigne, 52

Soldera Brunello di Montalcino Riserva, 63


Mixed Ornellaia, 85


Giacomo Conterno Barolo Cascina Francia, 39 Masseto, 79

Tenuta di Trinoro, 93


Masseto, 80 2013

Giacomo Conterno Monfortino, 45


Le Pergole Torte, 73



Mixed 1989 Domaine Huet, Vouvray, Moelleux, 5718

Mixed Domaine Huet, Vouvray, Demi-Sec & Moelleux, 5717


Domaine Huet, Vouvray, Cuvee Constance Moelleux, 5719 NEWZEALAND


Mixed Araujo and Cloudy Bay, Sauvignon Blanc, 166

Mixed Providence Reds, 167 PORTUGAL


Mixed Port, 115

Taylor’s Port, 114 1834

Barbeito Malvasia Madeira, 112


Taylor’s Port, 113 REDBORDEAUX


Château Angelus, 5135

Château Ducru-Beaucaillou, 5080

Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande, 5091

Mixed 1947 & 1949 Château La Mission Haut Brion, 5114

Mixed 1950s-1970s Château Palmer, 5097

Mixed 1952 & 1957 Château Latour, 5013A

Mixed 1952 & 1964 Domaine de Chevalier, 5131

Mixed 1953 & 1955 Château La Mission Haut Brion, 5115

Mixed 1959 & 1961 Château Lynch-Bages, 5109

Mixed 1960s Château La Mission Haut Brion, 5117

Mixed 1961 & 1982 Château Le Gay, 5243

Mixed 1961 & 1983 Château Malescot St. Exupery, 5106

Mixed 1961 & 1990 Château Gruaud-Larose, 5082

Mixed 1962 & 1970 Château Trotanoy, 5246

Mixed 1964 & 1966 Château Cheval Blanc, 5153

Mixed 1964 & 1966 Château Latour, 5014

Mixed 1964 & 1966 Château Margaux, 5042

Mixed 1970 & 1974 Château La Mission Haut Brion, 5118

Mixed 1970 & 1975 Château Latour, 5015

Mixed 1970 & 1975 Petrus, 5190

Mixed 1970s Les Forts de Latour, 5033

Mixed 1973 & 1974 Château Lafleur, 5207

Mixed 1974 & 1980 Château Haut-Brion, 5066

Mixed 1975 & 1977 Château La Mission Haut Brion, 5119

Mixed 1978 & 1979 Château Lafleur, 5209

Mixed 1980 & 1986 Château Lafleur, 5210

Mixed 1980 & 1989 Château La Mission Haut Brion, 5121

Mixed 1980s & 1990s Château Figeac, 5166

Mixed 1980s Les Forts de Latour, 5034

Mixed 1981 & 1988 Château Lafite Rothschild, 5004

Mixed 1982 & 1989 Château Haut-Brion, 5067

Mixed 1982 & 1990 Château Leoville Las Cases, 5085

Mixed 1982 Bordeaux, 5265

Mixed 1983, 1985, 1989 Château Margaux, 5045

Mixed 1986 & 1990 Château Cheval Blanc, 5154

Mixed 1987 & 1988 Château Latour, 5019

Mixed 1989 & 2000 Château Bahans Haut-Brion, 5076

Mixed 1989 & 2008 Château Palmer, 5103

Mixed 1989, 1990, 2010Château Prieure-Lichine, 5107

Mixed 1990 & 1996 Château Lafite Rothschild, 5006

Mixed 1990 & 1997 Château Mouton Rothschild, 5058

Mixed 1990 & 2000 Château Leoville Las Cases, 5086

Mixed 1990’s Château Angelus, 5133

Mixed 1990’s Château Haut-Brion, 5069

Mixed 1990s Château Latour, 5022

Mixed 1990s Château Margaux, 5048

Mixed 1990s Vieux Château Certan, 5254

Mixed 1991 & 1995 Les Forts de Latour, 5035

Mixed 1996 & 2010 Château Talbot, 5108

Mixed 1996-1999 Château Valandraud, 5178

Mixed 1996, 1997, 2001 Château Cos d’Estournel, 5078

Mixed 1996, 2000, 2005 Château Pontet-Canet, 5112

Mixed 1997-1999 Château Valandraud Magnums, 5179

Mixed 1998 & 1999 Château Angelus, 5134

Mixed 2000 & 2004 Château Palmer, 5101

Mixed 2000 Château Valandraud, 5180

Mixed 2000-2002 Carruades de Lafite, 5012

Mixed 2000-2002 Château Lafite Rothschild, 5010

Mixed 2000, 2009, 2010 Château Figeac, 5167

Mixed 2000’s Château Angelus, 5136

Mixed 2000s Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande, 5094

Mixed 2000s Château Trotanoy, 5249

Mixed 2000s Château Valandraud, 5182

Mixed 2001 & 2003 Château Mouton Rothschild, 5061

Mixed 2001 & 2003 Château Pontet-Canet, 5113

Mixed 2001 & 2004 Château Bahans Haut-Brion, 5077

Mixed 2001-2003 Château Ausone, 5143

Mixed 2002 & 2009 Château Lynch-Bages, 5111

Mixed 2002-2004 Les Forts de Latour, 5040

Mixed 2003 & 2004 Château Margaux, 5051

Mixed 2004 & 2007 Vieux Château Certan, 5257

Mixed 2004-2006 Château Mouton Rothschild, 5063

Mixed 2005 & 2006 Roc de Cambes, 5260

Mixed 2005 & 2009 Pavillon Rouge du Château Margaux, 5053

Mixed 2007 & 2008 Château Tertre Roteboeuf, 5172

Mixed 2008-2010 Roc de Cambes, 5261

Mixed Bordeaux, 5266

Mixed Bordeaux Left Banks, 5263

Mixed Bordeaux Right Banks, 5264

Mixed Château Ausone, 5139

Mixed Château Belair-Monange, 5163

Mixed Château Canon, 5164

Mixed Château Certan de May, 5234

Mixed Château L’Eglise-Clinet, 5235

Mixed Château L’Evangile, 5238

Mixed Château La Conseillante, 5240

Mixed Château Leoville Las Cases, 5084

Mixed Château Montrose, 5087

Mixed Château Nenin, 5242

Mixed Château Pape Clement, 5128

Mixed Château Pichon Baron, 5090

Mixed Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande and Pichon Comtesse Reserve, 5093

Mixed Château Sociando-Mallet, 5130

Mixed Château Tertre Roteboeuf, 5170

Mixed Château Trotanoy, 5248

Mixed Pavillon Rouge du Château Margaux, 5052

Mixed Vieux Château Certan, 5253

Le Petit Chevel, 5161

Pensees de Lafleur, 5227


Château Lafite Rothschild, 5001


Château Cheval Blanc, 5148


Vieux Château Certan, 5250


Château Margaux, 5041

Petrus, 5185


Château Cheval Blanc, 5149

Vieux Château Certan, 5251


Château Cheval Blanc, 5150-5151

Château Haut-Brion, 5064

Château Lafite Rothschild, 5002

Château Lafleur, 5013

Petrus, 5186


Vieux Château Certan, 5252


Château Palmer, 5096


Château Trotanoy, 5244


Château Cheval Blanc, 5152

Château Haut-Brion, 5065

Château La Mission Haut-Brion Cru Classe, 5116

Château Trotanoy, 5245


Petrus, 5187


Château Lafleur, 5206


Petrus, 5188


Petrus, 5189


Château La Tour Haut-Brion, 5124

Château Lafleur, 5208

Château Palmer, 5098

Château Trotanoy, 5247


Petrus, 5191


Château Calon Segur, 5095

Château Figeac, 5165

Château La Mission Haut-Brion, 5120

Château La Tour Haut-Brion, 5125

Château Lafite Rothschild, 5003

Château Lafleur, 5211-5213

Château Latour, 5016-5017

Château Margaux, 5043

Château Mouton Rothschild, 5054

Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande, 5092


Château Lafleur, 5214

Petrus, 5192


Château Lafleur, 5215


Château Lafleur, 5216

Château Latour, 5018

Château Margaux, 5044

Château Mouton Rothschild, 5055

Château Pape Clement, 5126-5127


Château Angelus, 5132

Château Haut-Brion, 5068

Château Lafite Rothschild, 5005

Château Lafleur, 5217

Château Latour, 5020

Château Mouton Rothschild, 5056-5057

Le Pin, 5228

Petrus, 5193-5194


Château Lafite Rothschild, 5007

Château Lafleur, 5218

Château Latour, 5021

Château Margaux, 5046

Château Palmer, 5099

Petrus, 5195-5196


Petrus, 5197


Château Cheval Blanc, 5155


Château Beausejour, 5162

Château Cheval Blanc, 5156

Château Lafleur, 5219


Château Margaux, 5047

Château Potensac, 5129


Château Ausone, 5140

Château Bahans Haut-Brion, 5075

Château Cheval Blanc, 5157

Château Haut-Brion, 5070

Château Lafite Rothschild, 5008

Château Mouton Rothschild, 5059

Château Palmer, 5100

Les Forts de Latour, 5036

Petrus, 5199

Petrus, Pomerol, 5198


Château Ausone, 5141-5142

Château Cheval Blanc, 5158

Château Haut-Brion, 5071

Château La Mission Haut-Brion, 5122

Château Lafite Rothschild, 5009

Château Lafleur, 5220

Château Latour, 5023

Château Leoville Barton, 5083

Château Margaux, 5049

Château Mouton Rothschild, 5060

Vieux Château Certan, 5255


Château Lafleur, 5221-5222

Château Valandraud, 5181

Les Forts de Latour, 5037-5039

Virginie de Valandraud, 5183


Château Latour, 5024

Château Margaux, 5050

Château Mouton Rothschild, 5062


Château Haut-Brion, 5072

Château Lafite Rothschild, 5011

Château Latour, 5025-5026


Château La Mission Haut-Brion, 5123

Château Lafleur, 5223

Château Latour, 5027

Le Pin, 5229

Petrus, 5200


Château Ausone, 5144

Château Branaire-Ducru, 5081

Château Cheval Blanc, 5159

Château L’Eglise-Clinet, 5236

Château Lafleur, 5224

Château Latour, 5028-5029

Château Lynch-Bages, 5110

Château Montrose, 5088-5089

Château Palmer, 5102

Le Pin, 5230

Le Plus de La Fleur de Bouard, 5184

Petrus, 5201

Roc de Cambes, Cotes de Bourg, 5259

Vieux Château Certan, 5256


Château Latour, 5030

Château Palmer, Historical XIXth Century Wine, 5105

Tertre-Roteboeuf, 5171


Château Cheval Blanc, 5160

Château Latour, 5031

Le Pin, 5231


Château Lafleur, 5225

Château Latour, 5032


Château Angélus, 5137-5138

Château Cos d’Estournel, 5079

Château Figeac, 5168

Château Haut-Brion, 5073

Château L’Evangile, 5239

Château La Conseillante, 5241

Château Palmer, 5104

Château Tertre Roteboeuf, 5173-5175

Duclot Collection, 5262

Le Pin, 5232

Petrus, 5202

Vieux Château Certan, 5258


Château Figeac, 5169

Château Tertre Roteboeuf, 5176-5177

Petrus, 5203


Petrus, 5204


Chapelle de Château Ausone, 5147

Château Ausone, 5145

Petrus, 5205


Château Haut-Brion, 5074


Château Certan de May de Certan, 5233



Mixed Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Bonnes Mares, 5484

Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Grands Echézeaux, 5318

Mixed 1980s Joseph Drouhin Grand Crus, 5424

Mixed 1988 & 1990 Domaine Ponsot, Griotte-Chambertin, 5455

Mixed 1990s Maison Roche de Bellène, Clos de la Roche, 5459

Mixed 1993 & 2004 Domaine Ponsot, Clos de la Roche, 5453

Mixed 1993 Domaine Jean Grivot, 5413

Mixed 1997 & 2002 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti, 5315

Mixed 1999 & 2002 Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Chambolle-Musigny, 5465

Mixed 2000 & 2004 Domaine Ponsot, Griotte-Chambertin, 5456

Mixed 2000s Domaine Ponsot, Chapelle-Chambertin, 5452

Mixed 2006 & 2012 Domaine Ponsot, Clos de la Roche, 5454

Mixed 2009 & 2013 Domaine Faiveley, Mazis-Chambertin, 5358

Mixed 2015 Joseph Drouhin Grand Crus, 5425

Mixed 2016 Domaine Gros Frère et Soeur, 5372

Mixed Burgundy Grand Crus, 5492

Mixed Burgundy Reds, 5489-5491

Mixed Domaine Anne Gros, 5290

Mixed Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton, 5304

Mixed Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Chambolle-Musigny, 5466

Mixed Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue, Chambolle-Musigny Premier Cru, 5469

Mixed Domaine de la Romanée-Conti, Echézeaux, 5316

Mixed Domaine de Montille, 5313

Mixed Domaine des Comtes Lafon, 5426

Mixed Domaine Dujac, 5347

Mixed Domaine Faiveley, Chambertin-Clos de Beze, 5361

Mixed Domaine Faiveley, Corton Clos des Cortons Faiveley, 5354

Mixed Domaine Faiveley, Echézeaux, 5355

Mixed Domaine Faiveley, Latricières-Chambertin, 5356

Mixed Domaine Faiveley, Mazis-Chambertin, 5357

Mixed Domaine Gros Frère et Soeur, Vosne-Romanée, 5375

Mixed Domaine Meo-Camuzet, 5435

Mixed Domaine Meo-Camuzet, Nuits-Saint-Georges Aux Murgers, 5430

Mixed Domaine Meo-Camuzet, Vosne-Romanee, 5431

Mixed Domaine Michel Gros, 5447

Mixed Domaine Michel Gros, Chambolle-Musigny, 5436

Mixed Domaine Michel Gros, Vosne-Romanée Aux Brûlées, 5439

Mixed Domaine Michel Gros, Vosne-Romanée Clos des Reas, 5445

Mixed Domaine Michel Gros, Vosne-Romanée Clos des Reas

Magnums, 5446

Mixed Domaine Ponsot Grand Crus, 5458

Mixed Dugat-Py, 5337

Mixed Emmanuel Rouget, Vosne-Romanée, 5349

Mixed Faiveley, 5363

Mixed Hospices de Beaune, Beaune Cuvèe Maurice Drouhin By Drouhin, 5395

Mixed Joseph Drouhin, Beaune Le Clos des Mouches, 5416

Mixed Joseph Drouhin, Chambertin-Clos de Bèze, 5420

Mixed Joseph Drouhin, Grands Echézeaux, 5419

Mixed Joseph Drouhin, Musigny, 5423

Mixed Joseph Drouhin, Vosne-Romanée Les Beaux Monts, 5417

Mixed Louis Jadot, 5429

Mixed Maison Roche de Bellène Grand Crus, 5461

Mixed Maison Roche de Bellène, Clos de la Roche, 5460

Mixed Matured Burgundy Reds, 5488

Mixed Philippe Pacalet, 5450

Mixed Robert Groffier, 5367

Mixed Robert Groffier, Bonnes Mares, 5364

Mixed Robert Groffier, Chambertin-Clos de Bèze, 5365

Mixed Robert Groffier, Chambolle-Musigny Les Amoureuses, 5366


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Richebourg, 5323


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Romanee-Conti, 5329


Camille Giroud, Clos Saint-Denis, 5310

Joseph Drouhin, Musigny, 5421


Georges & Henri Jayer, Echezeaux, 5377-5378


Domaine Dujac, Clos de la Roche, 5338


Domaine Dujac, Clos de la Roche, 5339

Domaine Dujac, Clos Saint-Denis, 5344

Domaine Meo-Camuzet, Richebourg, 5433

Georges & Henri Jayer, Echezeaux, 5379

Henri Jayer, Echezeaux, 5393

Mixed 1988 Mongeard Mugneret, 5448


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Romanee-Conti, 5330

Georges & Henri Jayer, Echezeaux, 5380

Henri Jayer, Echezeaux, 5394

Henri Jayer, Nuits-Saint-Georges, 5389


Domaine Dujac, Clos de la Roche, 5340

Georges & Henri Jayer, Echezeaux, 5381

Henri Jayer, Vosne-Romanee Cros Parantoux, 5390


Domaine Armand Rousseau, Chambertin, 5297

Domaine Armand Rousseau, Gevrey-Chambertin Clos SaintJacques, 5291

Henri Jayer, Vosne-Romanee Cros Parantoux, 5391

Nicolas Potel, Latricieres-Chambertin, 5449


Domaine Armand Rousseau, Chambertin, 5298

Domaine Armand Rousseau, Chambertin-Clos de Beze, 5301

Domaine Armand Rousseau, Gevrey-Chambertin Premier Cru Clos Saint-Jacques, 5292

Domaine Armand Rousseau, Mazis-Chambertin, 5296


Georges & Henri Jayer, Echezeaux, 5382

Georges & Henri Jayer, Nuits-Saint-Georges, 5376


Domaine Armand Rousseau, Chambertin-Clos de Beze, 5302

Domaine Armand Rousseau, Gevrey-Chambertin Premier Cru Clos Saint-Jacques, 5293

Domaine Dujac, Clos de la Roche, 5341


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Romanee-Conti, 5331

Domaine Dujac, Clos de la Roche, 5342

Domaine Meo-Camuzet, Clos de Vougeot, 5432

Emmanuel Rouget, Vosne-Romanee Cros Parantoux, 5350

Georges & Henri Jayer, Echezeaux, 5383-5384

Henri Jayer, Vosne-Romanee Cros Parantoux, 5392


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Richebourg, 5324


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Romanee-Conti, 5332

Domaine Meo-Camuzet, Richebourg, 5434

Emmanuel Rouget, Vosne-Romanee Cros Parantoux, 5351

Georges & Henri Jayer, Echezeaux, 5385-5386

Maison Louis Jadot, Echezeaux, 5428


Domaine Armand Rousseau, Chambertin, 5299

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue, Musigny Cuvee Vieilles Vignes, 5471

Domaine Jean Grivot, Richebourg, 5414

Georges & Henri Jayer, Echezeaux, 5387-5388


Domaine Jean Grivot, Richebourg, 5415

Hospices de Beaune, Mazis-Chambertin Cuvée Madeleine Collignon by Henri Boillot, 5396


Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton, 5305

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue, Musigny Cuvee Vieilles Vignes, 5472

Domaine Dujac, Clos Saint-Denis, 5345

Jacques-Frederic Mugnier, Musigny, 5404


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Romanee-Conti, 5333

Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Romanee-Saint-Vivant, 5321

Domaine Dujac, Clos de la Roche, 5343

Domaine Dujac, Clos Saint-Denis, 5346

Domaine Faiveley, Chambertin-Clos de Beze, 5359

Domaine Michel Gros, Vosne-Romanee Aux Brulees, 5438


Domaine Armand Rousseau, Gevrey-Chambertin Premier Cru Clos Saint-Jacques, 5294

Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Richebourg, 5325

Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Romanee-Conti, 5334

Mixed 2003

Domaine Michel Gros, Vosne-Romanée Clos des Reas, 5442


Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue, Bonnes Mares, 5482

Jacques-Frederic Mugnier, Musigny, 5405


Christophe Roumier Charmes-Chambertin Mazoyeres, 5309

Domaine Anne Gros, Richebourg, 5288

Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton, 5306

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue, Bonnes Mares, 5483

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue, Chambolle-Musigny Les Amoureuses, 5470

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue, Musigny Cuvee Vieilles Vignes, 5473-5474

Domaine de La Pousse d’Or, Volnay Premier Cru, Clos des 60 Ouvrees, 5314

Domaine du Comte Liger-Belair, La Romanee, 5427

Emmanuel Rouget, Echezeaux, 5353

Emmanuel Rouget, Nuits-Saint-Georges, 5348

Emmanuel Rouget, Vosne-Romanee Cros Parantoux, 5352

Jacques-Frederic Mugnier, Chambolle-Musigny Les Fuees, 5399

Jacques-Frederic Mugnier, Musigny, 5406-5407

Mixed 2005 Domaine Ponsot Grand Crus, 5457

Mixed 2005 J.F. Mugnier, Nuits-Saint-Georges Clos de la Maréchale, 5397


Domaine Anne Gros, Richebourg, 5289

Domaine Rossignol-Trapet, Chambertin, 5462

Mixed 2006 Domaine Michel Gros, Vosne-Romanée Clos des Reas, 5443

Pierre Amiot, Gevrey Chambertin Aux Combottes, 5451


Domaine Faiveley, Musigny, 5362

Jacques-Frederic Mugnier, Musigny, 5408


Jacques-Frederic Mugnier, Chambolle-Musigny Les Fuees, 5400

Thibault Liger-Belair, Richebourg, 5464


Comte Armand, Pommard Premier Cru, Clos des Epeneaux, 5312

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue, Musigny Cuvee Vieilles Vignes, 5475

Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Echezeaux, 5317

Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Grands Echezeaux, 5319

Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, La Tache, 5328

Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Richebourg, 5326

Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Romanee-Conti, 5335

Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Romanee-Saint-Vivant, 5322

Domaine Michel Gros, Vosne-Romanee Aux Brulees, 5440

Jacques-Frederic Mugnier, Chambolle-Musigny Les Fuees, 5401

Jacques-Frederic Mugnier, Musigny, 5409-5410

Joseph Drouhin, Musigny, 5422

Michel Gros, Nuits-Saint-Georges Chaillots, 5437

Mixed 2009 Domaine Faiveley, Chambertin-Clos de Bèze, 5360


Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton, 5307

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue, Musigny Cuvee Vieilles Vignes, 5476

Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Grands Echezeaux, 5320

Domaine Michel Gros, Vosne-Romanee Aux Brulees, 5441

Jacques-Frederic Mugnier, Chambolle-Musigny Les Amoureuses, 5403

Jacques-Frederic Mugnier, Musigny, 5411-5412

Mixed 2010 Domaine Michel Gros, Vosne-Romanée Clos des Reas, 5444


Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue, Bonnes Mares, 5485-5486

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue, Musigny Cuvee Vieilles Vignes, 5477


Jacques-Frederic Mugnier, Chambolle-Musigny, 5398


Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton, 5308

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue, Bonnes Mares, 5487

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue, Musigny Cuvee Vieilles Vignes, 5478


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Richebourg, 5327

Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Romanee-Conti, 5336

Domaine Rossignol-Trapet, Latricieres-Chambertin, 5463

Joseph Drouhin, Chambolle-Musigny Les Amoureuses, 5418 2016

Domaine Armand Rousseau, Chambertin-Clos de Beze, 5303

Domaine Armand Rousseau, Gevrey-Chambertin Premier Cru Clos

Saint-Jacques, 5295

Domaine Gros Frere et Soeur, Vosne-Romanee Premier Cru, 53735374

Gros Frère et Soeur, Echezeaux, 5368-5369

Jacques-Frederic Mugnier, Chambolle-Musigny Trente Deux, 5402


Domaine Armand Rousseau, Chambertin, 5300

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue, Chambolle-Musigny Premier Cru, 5468

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue, Musigny Cuvee Vieilles Vignes, 5479

Gros Frère et Soeur, Echezeaux, 5370


Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue, Musigny Cuvee Vieilles Vignes, 5480

Gros Frère et Soeur, Echezeaux, 5371


Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue, Musigny Cuvee Vieilles Vignes, 5481



Mixed 1983 & 1989 Domaine Jean Louis Chave, Hermitage, Rouge, 5684

Mixed Chapoutier, 5682

Mixed Chapoutier Blanc, 5683

Mixed Château de Beaucastel Rouge, Châteauneuf-du-Pape, 5701

Mixed Château Rayas, Cotes du Rhone, La Pialade, 5705

Mixed Delas Freres, 5694

Mixed Domaine Jean Louis Chave, Hermitage, Blanc, 5687

Mixed Domaine Rostaing, 5680

Mixed E. Guigal, Cote Rotie, La Landonne, 5673

Mixed E. Guigal, Cote Rotie, La Mouline, 5676

Mixed E. Guigal, Cote Rotie, La Turque, 5678

Mixed Marc Sorrel, 5700

Mixed Paul Jaboulet Aine, Hermitage, La Chapelle Rouge, 5697

Mixed Rhone, 5716


Paul Jaboulet Aine, Hermitage, La Chapelle Rouge, 5695


Paul Jaboulet Aine, Hermitage, La Chapelle Rouge, 5696


E. Guigal, Cote Rotie, La Mouline, 5677


E. Guigal, Cote Rotie, La Landonne, 5674

Paul Jaboulet Aine, Hermitage, La Chapelle Rouge, 5698-5699


E. Guigal, Cote Rotie, La Landonne, 5675

E. Guigal, Cote Rotie, La Turque, 5679


Henri Bonneau, Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Reserve Celestins, 5704


Domaine Jean Louis Chave, Hermitage, Rouge, 5685


Domaine du Pegau, Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Cuvee Da Capo, 5703


Château Rayas, Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Blanc, 5712

Château Rayas, Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Pignan, 5706

Domaine Jean Louis Chave, Hermitage, Blanc, 5688

Michel & Stephane Ogier, Cote Rotie, Lancement, 5681


Château Rayas, Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Pignan, 5707


Château Rayas, Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Pignan, 5708

Domaine Jean Louis Chave, Hermitage, Blanc, 5689


Château Rayas, Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Blanc, 5713

Château Rayas, Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Pignan, 5709

Domaine Jean Louis Chave, Hermitage, Blanc, 5690


Château Rayas, Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Blanc, 5714

Château Rayas, Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Pignan, 5710

Domaine Jean Louis Chave, Hermitage, Blanc, 5691


Château Rayas, Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Blanc, 5715

Château Rayas, Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Pignan, 5711

Domaine Jean Louis Chave, Hermitage, Blanc, 5692

Domaine Jean Louis Chave, Hermitage, Rouge, 5686


Domaine Jean Louis Chave, Hermitage, Blanc, 5693


Domaine du Pegau, Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Inspiration, 5702



Mixed Sadie, 116 SPAIN


Mixed 1998 & 2001 Torres, Grans Muralles, 106


Mixed Alvaro Palacios, 96

Mixed Artadi, 97

Mixed Descendientes de J. Palacios, 98

Mixed Faustino I Gran Reserva, 99

Mixed Flor de Pingus, 102

Mixed Marques de Murrieta, 104

Mixed Spanish, 111

Mixed Torres, Gran Coronas Mas La Plana, 107-108

Mixed Vega Sicilia, Valbuena 5° Magnums, 110


Castillo Ygay Gran Reserva Especial, 103


Vega Sicilia, Unico, 109


Tinto Pesquera Reserva, 105


Flor de Pingus, 101


Dominio de Pingus, Pingus, 100 WHITEBORDEAUX


Mixed 1947 & 1952 Château Coutet, 5280

Mixed 1980 & 1987 Château Haut-Brion Blanc, 5267

Mixed Bordeaux Sweet Wines, 5285-5286

Mixed Bordeaux White, 5271

Mixed Château d’Yquem, 5278

Mixed Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey, 5283

Mixed Château Laville Haut Brion Blanc, 5269

Mixed Château Suduiraut, 5284

Mixed d’Yquem “Y”, 5279


Château d’Yquem, 5272


Château d’Yquem, 5273


Château d’Yquem, 5274


Château d’Yquem, 5275


Château d’Yquem, 5276


Château d’Yquem, 5277


Château Haut-Brion Blanc, 5268


Château La Tour Blanche, 5282


Château Coutet, 5281


Château Pape Clement Blanc, 5270



Domaine Faiveley, Corton-Charlemagne, 5525

Mixed 1976 & 1979 Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Les Pucelles, 5572

Mixed 1982 & 1987 Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Perrieres Blanc, 5557

Mixed 1983 & 1996 Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Genevrieres, 5546

Mixed 1990s Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton-Charlemagne, 5495

Mixed 1991 & 1994 Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Clavoillon, 5568

Mixed 1991 & 1997 Domaine Bonneau du Martray, CortonCharlemagne, 5493

Mixed 1996 & 1999 Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Perrieres Blanc, 5558

Mixed 2000, 2001 & 2006 Domaine Bonneau du Martray, CortonCharlemagne, 5496

Mixed 2000’s Coche-Dury, Meursault, 5515

Mixed 2000s Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Genevrieres, 5547

Mixed 2001 & 2002 Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Les Pucelles, 5573

Mixed 2003 & 2005 Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Perrieres Blanc, 5559

Mixed 2004 & 2005 Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Les Pucelles, 5574

Mixed 2005 & 2006 Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Clavoillon, 5569

Mixed 2006-2009 Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Clos de la Barre, 5542

Mixed 2008 & 2009 Domaine Bonneau du Martray, CortonCharlemagne, 5500

Mixed 2009 & 2012 Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, 5567

Mixed 2010-2012 Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Clos de la Barre, 5543

Mixed 2010s Domaine Faiveley, Corton-Charlemagne, 5526

Mixed 2010s Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Les Pucelles, 5578

Mixed Chablis, 5612

Mixed Coche-Dury Bourgogne, 5506

Mixed Coche-Dury, Meursault, 5514

Mixed Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue, Bourgogne, Blanc, 5609

Mixed Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Charmes, 5545

Mixed Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Clos de la Barre, 5541

Mixed Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Desirees, 5544

Mixed Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Les Gouttes d’Or, 5552

Mixed Domaine Leflaive, Bourgogne, Blanc, 5565

Mixed Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, 5566

Mixed Joseph Drouhin Whites, 5530

Mixed Louis Jadot Whites, 5603

Mixed Louis Latour and Louis Michel, 5604

Mixed Maison Roche de Bellene, Chevalier-Montrachet, 5607

Mixed Michel Gros Hautes Cotes de Nuits Blanc, 5605

Mixed Robert Ampeau and Verget, 5606

Mixed Vincent Dauvissat, Chablis, 5521

Mixed White Burgundy, 5610-5611

MixedDomaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton-Charlemagne Magnums, 5501


Domaine Leflaive, Batard-Montrachet, 5582


Coche-Dury, Meursault, Les Rougeots, 5517

Domaine Leflaive, Batard-Montrachet, 5583


Coche-Dury, Meursault, Les Rougeots, 5518


Coche-Dury, Corton-Charlemagne, 5508

Coche-Dury, Meursault, Les Chevalieres, 5516

Coche-Dury, Meursault, Les Rougeots, 5519


Coche-Dury, Corton-Charlemagne, 5509


Coche-Dury, Corton-Charlemagne, 5510

Mixed 1992 Domaine Francois Raveneau, 5527


Coche-Dury, Corton-Charlemagne, 5511


Coche-Dury, Corton-Charlemagne, 5512


Coche-Dury, Corton-Charlemagne, 5513

Joseph Drouhin, Montrachet, Marquis de Laguiche, 5531


Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton-Charlemagne, 5494

Domaine Leflaive, Chevalier-Montrachet, 5592


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Montrachet, 5522

Domaine Leflaive, Chevalier-Montrachet, 5593


Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Montrachet, 5523

Joseph Drouhin, Montrachet, Marquis de Laguiche, 5532 2003

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Charmes, 5539


Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue, Bourgogne, Blanc, 5608

Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Montrachet, 5524

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Perrieres Blanc, 5553

Domaine Leflaive, Chevalier-Montrachet, 5594


Coche-Dury, Meursault, Les Rougeots, 5520

Domaine Leflaive, Batard-Montrachet, 5584

Domaine Leflaive, Chevalier-Montrachet, 5595


Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Charmes, 5540

Domaine Francois Raveneau, 5528

Domaine Leflaive, Batard-Montrachet, 5585

Domaine Leflaive, Chevalier-Montrachet, 5596

Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Les Pucelles, 5575


Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton-Charlemagne, 5497

Domaine Leflaive, Batard-Montrachet, 5586

Domaine Leflaive, Chevalier-Montrachet, 5597

Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Clavoillon, 5570

Joseph Drouhin, Montrachet, Marquis de Laguiche, 5533


Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Genevrieres, 5548

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Perrieres Blanc, 5554

Domaine Leflaive, Batard-Montrachet, 5587

Domaine Leflaive, Bienvenues-Batard-Montrachet, 5580

Domaine Leflaive, Chevalier-Montrachet, 5598

Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Les Pucelles, 5576

Joseph Drouhin, Montrachet, Marquis de Laguiche, 5534


Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton-Charlemagne, 5498-5499

Domaine Comte Georges de Vogüé, Assortment, 5467

Domaine Leflaive, Batard-Montrachet, 5588

Domaine Leflaive, Chevalier-Montrachet, 5599

Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Clavoillon, 5571

Mixed Climats du Coeur Whites, 5505


Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton-Charlemagne, 5502

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Genevrieres, 5549

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Perrieres Blanc, 5555

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Montrachet, 5563

Domaine Leflaive, Batard-Montrachet, 5589

Domaine Leflaive, Chevalier-Montrachet, 5600

Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Les Pucelles, 5577

Hospice de Beaune Meursault Genevireves by Roulot, 5529

Joseph Drouhin, Montrachet, Marquis de Laguiche, 5535


Domaine Bonneau du Martray, Corton-Charlemagne, 5503-5504

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Genevrieres, 5550

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Perrieres Blanc, 5556

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Porusot, 5560

Domaine Leflaive, Batard-Montrachet, 5590


Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Les Boucheres, 5537

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Genevrieres, 5551

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Porusot, 5561

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Montrachet, 5564


Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Les Boucheres, 5538

Domaine des Comtes Lafon, Meursault, Porusot, 5562

Domaine Leflaive, Batard-Montrachet, 5591

Domaine Leflaive, Chevalier-Montrachet, 5601


Domaine Leflaive, Bienvenues-Batard-Montrachet, 5581

Joseph Drouhin, Montrachet, Marquis de Laguiche, 5536


Coche-Dury, Bourgogne, Chardonnay, 5507


Domaine Leflaive, Chevalier-Montrachet, 5602

Domaine Leflaive, Puligny-Montrachet, Les Pucelles, 5579



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購買一系列貨批的選擇權 一組貨批內含多批相同批量、瓶容量及種類的名酒。競 投將會由一系列貨批之中的第一貨批開始,成功競投的 買家有權以相同的落槌價購入系列中部分或全部貨批。 若果第一貨批的買家未有進一步購入,該系列貨批的餘 下貨批將會相似的方式開放競投。佳士得建議對貨批的 出價應在該系列貨批的第一貨批之上。如果出價被取 代,佳士得將會自動把買家的出價置在下一相同貨批, 如此類推。在所有情況下,有關出價均全權由拍賣官處 理。


內容中的波爾多分 類標 準僅 作 識別 之 用,並且根 據 Médoc 1855年正式的分類標準及其他標準來源。除註 明外,所有名酒均在莊園內裝瓶。 舊酒的自然耗損及酒塞 在本目錄內列明的名酒均在印刷前盡量確定內容正確, 惟舊酒買家必須對自然程度的耗損、酒箱狀況、標籤、 酒塞及名酒的差異作出包容。恕不接受退貨。


名酒水位未能達至滿的水位之差距,有關差距會根據名 酒之年期而有所不同,而在銷售前能通過檢驗確定的, 均會在目錄中註明。本目錄以圖表的形式詳細說明水位 與損耗量形容及解釋以方便閣下參考。


所有在此拍賣的名酒現儲存於佳士得委任的酒窖- Crown Wine Cellars Limited。

買家如欲直接從儲存設施提貨,請作提前通知以作安排。買家需要簽署由佳士得發出的提貨通知單,以便 Crown Wine Cellars Limited 發放拍賣品。買家支付 所有費用後可提出貨品付運的要求,但有關要求必需於付運日期前的兩個工作天提出。買家須負責提取或安排本地送遞及/或運送。所有運費、本地送遞、運 輸保險及包裝的費用將由買家負責。所有費用要在運送前預先繳付予佳士得,才會進行付運。所有破損或遺漏瓶數,必須在收到拍賣品後的三天內向佳士得報 告。有關安排運送及提取事宜,請聯絡 Crown Wine Cellars Limited 潘先生或林小姐,電話為 +852 2453 3530。 如果已購買的名酒在拍賣日後三十個日曆天內仍未提取,即表示授權 Crown Wine Cellars Limited 儲存該名酒,有關儲存費用會由買家支付,直至該名酒被提 取為止。Crown Wine Cellars Limited 將會向買家收取儲存費用並直接向買家發出發票。買家同意佳士得向 Crown Wine Cellars Limited 提供買家之資料,作為 發出發票和收取儲存費之用途。

本地普通運單付運費用(價格或有更改) 加急運單及其他不在運輸範圍內區域的運單,請向佳士得名酒部查詢。


數量 香港島 九龍及新界 愉景灣,馬灣,

1-6 瓶 港幣 320 港幣 220 港幣 340

7-12 瓶 港幣 370 港幣 280 港幣 400

13-48 瓶 港幣 480 港幣 380 港幣 500

49-240 瓶 港幣 660 港幣 560 港幣 680

* 241 瓶及以上,請向 Crown Wine Cellars 查詢 +852 2453 3530。 ** 送貨收費包括保險費。

送貨時間:星期一至五  上午十一時至下午五時      星期六    正午十二時前



聯絡人: 潘先生(kpun@crownww.com)


辦公室電話:+852 2453 3530

地址: 新界屯門建豐街 6 號

嘉柏中心 1 期 1 樓

酒窖辦公時間:星期一至五 上午十時正至下午十二時三十分及

下午二時正至下午五時三十分        星期六   上午十時正至下午十二時三十分


若付運到其他指定國家,在買方以清算現金全數付清所有欠款後,佳士得可依照買家之要求,代為安排包裝、付運及運輸保險事宜,買家須繳付有關收費。 佳士得會根據買家要求,提供報價給予買家。所有付運須於買家同意該運費及繳付後方作安排。佳士得會收取付運報價的 10% 以作行政費用。請注意所有付 運報價不包括任何稅項及/或出入口稅項。買家須負責取得所有相關的進出口牌照。

詳情請向香港佳士得售後服務部 +852 2760 1766 或 postsaleasia@christies.com 查詢。

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