Ozone generator Say goodbye to vehicle interior odors By Mike Mavrigian
to place the unit approximately even with the face of the dash. The unit does not gennstead of trying to mask objectionable erate enough heat to damage the resting odors from a vehicle interior, an atsurface, so it’s safe to place it on the dash tempt to actually eliminate the odor is or directly onto a seat. obviously preferable. Raise all windows, leaving one window An ozone generator (also called an ozone down about two inches and close the doors. machine) is, as the term implies, a unit that The unit will create O3 (ozone), which will neutralize odors such as tobacco smoke, generates ozone. Ozone (O3) is sometimes referred to as “activated oxygen.” Ozone is mildew, etc., and also will neutralize simply three oxygen atoms linked together, allergens. as opposed to O2 (oxygen), which is two Leaving one window cracked open (which oxygen atoms linked together. also provides a path for the electrical cord) Ozone is a natural air cleansing agent assists the process, since the machine feeds found in nature (ozone is created during from oxygen in the air to create ozone. thunderstorms, created by waterfalls, etc.). The run-time will depend on the size of By generating ozone within a vehicle intethe vehicle and the intensity of the odors, rior, odors are eliminated at the source. When ozone encounters another compound, one oxygen atom will break away, attaching itself to the compound and oxidizing it. In other words, ozone breaks down odor-causing compounds, thereby removing the objectionable odor.
Putting it to the test Ozone generators are available from a number of sources and are offered in a variety of shapes and sizes for removing odors and allergens from small enclosed spaces, up to servicing large rooms. For During our test, I placed the ozone machine on my purposes of removing odors from truck’s center console, raised all windows except the a vehicle interior, I chose Malco’s front passenger window, which was cracked open by about two inches. After turning the machine on, I Uvonaire Ozone Machine, part closed all doors and allowed the unit to run for about number 800035. This unit is spe20 minutes. After “airing out” the interior for another cifcally designed for automotive fve minutes, I noticed that the tobacco odor was gone. interior applications. The unit is AC powered. Simply position but on average, allow the unit to run for the machine in the vehicle interior, in a approximately 15 to 30 minutes. relatively centered location (for example on Upon entering the vehicle after running a front seat, raised up on a cardboard box the ozone machine, you’ll notice a metallic
62 | May/June 2013