Beware! The Home Security System You Use May be a Scam

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Beware! The Home Security System You Use May be a Scam Ever thought of installing home security system? Everyone wants to feel safe in their home and a home security system can be the source of great peace of mind. Here are a few facts why you should invest in home security companies in Sydney. •

Nearly 66% of all burglaries are residential (home) break-ins.

Homes without security systems are up to 300% more likely to be broken into.

One in four Australian households have been burgled and there are over 10,000 house fires every year leading to death and injury.

According to the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics only 5 per cent of break and enter crimes are solved by the police, so the chance of recovering your stolen possessions is very low.

According to the RACV, in Victoria on average, one in 71 homes is burgled each year – equating to a burglary every nineteen minutes.

There are numerous such facts that insist the need of having a proper home security system but are they reliable and safe? Many home security or alarm companies hire travelling agents to go door-to-door use deceptive sales tactics to get potential customers buy expensive and false equipment that they don’t need. So, before you let someone inside your home ask for their identification and documentations. 5 Signs that Denote Your Security System is ‘Scam’ •

They proclaim a time-limited offer and urge you to act ‘now’. They will get you a FREE alarm and make you to sign a long-term contract which is expensive and untrustworthy.

A fraudulent sales person may pressure his way into your home and refuses to leave until you sign the contract.

Uses scare tactics to make you feel panic and rashly talks about the burglaries in your neighbourhood.

Some of the sales agents tell you that they are from your existing security company and want to upgrade the systems. In such cases verify their identification and enquire your security company about the unannounced visit.

The fake sales agents may also state that your company has gone out of service and they’ve taken over the accounts. So don’t regret to confirm with your current security company.

Thinks to Consider While Choosing a Security Company Get References It’s always recommended to collect information from your friends, family, neighbours, colleagues or the current clients about the services provided by the company you are going to choose. Research If you are not satisfied with one then check out for other companies online or search for the best through other people’s experience with a particular concern. If you found one online, clarify your queries and service details offline. Enquire your states Attorney General and local consumer protection agency to find out whether there are any complaints or fraudulence files against the company that you hire. Get Estimates Get written estimates from the companies to check whether they can meet your needs. Ask questions about cost, warranty, repairs and upgrade, type of service they offer and more. Lastly, once you decide to choose a security company, make sure that the written contract comprises all the oral promises they made. Even if you are not satisfied with the service they offer you’ve the right to terminate the contract. Keep these simple tips in your mind and select your security service in Sydney wisely!

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