Five Aspects that Negatively Impact your Oral Health

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Five Aspects that Negatively Impact your Oral Health In recent years, poor oral health has been a pertinent concern for scores of Australians. This has had dentists all around the country looking for ways to increase awareness about sound oral hygiene habits as a means to limit the number or extractions, cavities and instances of gum disease in young as well as senior citizens each year.

Refrain from these appalling oral habits to retain a healthy set of pearly whites for as long as possible! 1. Avoiding flossing Several dental care surveys report that the average adult experiences more cavities today than ever before. Studies show that though only 31.4 per cent of the adult populace had teeth rotting in the year 1994; the year 2008 saw this percentage increase to a shocking 39.9 per cent. Dentists attribute a large part of this to poor flossing habits. Forgetfulness or a busy lifestyle often gets in the way of oral hygiene. But the truth remains that a lack of flossing regimen can lead to conditions like gingivitis. 2. Improper brushing and cleaning of gums Although everyone may insist on brushing, not everyone follows the right brushing technique or the frequency of cleaning your pearly whites. Stale food crumbs, fibres and even fruit seeds stuck between teeth and gums result in decay while plaque can further deteriorate your oral health. Brushing after meals, using a dentist-approved mouthwash and mandating routine visits to a Sydney CBD dentist for can help you avoid this and keep your pearly whites and gums healthy.

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