Women's annex expands beyond film annex

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Women's Annex Expands Beyond Film Annex

Women's Annex, an interactive platform and online film network that promotes and supports women's empowerment, has grown to become its own entity, and has recently grown outside its origins. Founded by Roya Mahboob, a 2013 Time 100 honoree, the website hosts 6,000 license-free professional films across a variety of topics. Women in Central Asia are encouraged to write articles for the site and host videos on their WebTV. Both actions help them earn money, increasing their agency by allowing them to be financial self-starters. Women in developing countries, much like in the economy of Afghanistan, have traditionally had very few opportunities to earn money outside the home. Women's Annex is poised to change that by giving women a jumpstart on digital media while working within the educational system in Afghanistan. To that end, Women's Annex sponsors the Afghan Development Project. This initiative helps with building schools in Afghanistan. Currently, 10 classrooms have been built, with a goal of 40 total. In addition to their education outreach efforts, Women's Annex is the official online distributor of the Esteqlal Football Team's games, interviews and videos. Although typically, football clubs are operated by men, the Esteqlal Football Team has women managing its social media, advertising and watch movies online presence. Mahboob, who has previously founded and is currently CEO of the Afghan Citadel Software Company, says: "The goal of this project is to empower the women of Afghanistan and Central Asia by educating them in all facets of society, whether it be economics, health, business, or education. With the power of the internet, Women's Annex will reach women on a global scale." Women's Annex is currently seeking corporate partners to accomplish its goals of building the schools Afghanistan needs. With this funding, Women's Annex will be able to bring social media, filmmaking and other technology education information to students in Afghanistan and throughout Central Asia. Women's Annex is also seeking 501(c)3 status, which will help facilitate building these classrooms, as well as Women's Annex Training Centers.

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