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retailing: Signs by the Sea

Handcrafted signs from Signs by the Sea can ma thoughtful award or gift idea. Ronald Beck, PG at Fox Hopyard Golf Club in East Haddam, Conn the best feel-good gift items” he has ever promo shop. “I gave the president of our parent compa Sea sign with his family name and the club logo housewarming gift,” says Beck. “He was visibly taken aback when he opened it.” That reaction inspired Beck to start looking for other ways to utilize Signs by the Sea. So far, he has given them to his best customer in the golf shop and club championship winners. He adds: “I look forward to my members catching Signs by the Sea fever and making it a nice little profit center for the golf shop.” Suggested retail: $89 and up


February 2013 |


ClubCrown Every golfer’s swing is uniquely theirs, and their clubs can be just as unique with ClubCrown. This first-of-its-kind product makes it possible for golfers to attach almost any design to the top of their drivers, fairway woods and/or hybrids. LPGA Professional Stephanie George, the first assistant at Ibis Golf & Country Club in West Palm Beach, Fla., was among the first to use and install ClubCrowns. “The installation process is easy. All you need is a heat gun, and the company provides a compact tool kit containing everything else you need,” says George, who has been installing and sporting ClubCrowns for the last year. “We display it right on the front counter. Nine out of 10 members who came in asked about it. It caused a lot of buzz.” ClubCrowns are durable, long lasting and they don’t leave any residue when you remove or change them out. Suggested retail: $39.99 (including installation)


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DON’T FANCY A WHITE DRIVER? You could choose one of 350 different designs to stick on the crown ➔


golfing world by storm in the last couple of years and with Nike’s red Covert and Cobra’s colourful AMP range it was only a matter of time until driver crowns got even more artistic. But this raises the bar to a new level. ClubCrown has created 350 designs on an adhesive film which sticks on the top of a driver. Launched in the US in January, they should be arriving in Europe later this year. Creator Andrew Glaser told us: “The consumer reaction has been absolutely incredible. Since the PGA Show in January our phone lines have not

stopped ringing. There are 350 designs in 15 broad categories – such as camouflage, carbon fibre and flags – that give every consumer an option that resonates with them. Our best sellers are flames, spiders, country flags and licensed sports team products.” The adhesive film is applied to the crown of your club in 10-15 minutes by a professional fitter – you can’t do it yourself. But it is easily removable without any damage to the club if you want to go back to the original look. It’s also very durable, and will withstand the impact of a skied tee shot. When we saw them we were impressed

with the quality and finish, and the number of options you can choose from. ClubCrown is constantly working with designers to expand its catalogue of designs, and there are plans to let you create any design you want – from patterns and logos to lettering and photographs of the kids. It conforms to R&A rules and retail at around $39.99 each in the US. They are available to fit right and left-handed clubs and one size fits all drivers, fairway woods and hybrids. It adds about two grams, or one swing weight, to a driver. ■ Details: TODAYSG OLFER .CO.U K ❘ IS SU E 3 06

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