Woodfield Infant School
‘Woodfield Infants is a purposeful school that wishes to ensure their commitment to ‘every child’ Parent
Contents Welcome/School Profile
School Curriculum
School Expectations
Contact Details
Children’s Progress
Home School Links: Parent Partnerships
Children’s Testimonials
Special Educational Needs
Extra Curricular Activities
School Governors
Including Disabilities
Extended Schools Provisions
School Aims
Behaviour Management
Key Policies: Statutory Information
Admission Arrangements
Children’s Welfare
Complaints Procedure
Class Organisation
‘Love to learn, Learn to love and Learn for life’
Welcome! Choosing a school for your child is very important, one of the most important decisions you will ever make, and we know that the foundations to a successful life are set in the early stages of education. Our school is a warm and welcoming place, where each child is respected as an individual and where we to aim provide a learning environment that values each child. We are a large infant school, with 340 children. We serve a lively and diverse population and have children who originate from many different countries, speaking a variety of languages and celebrating most major world religions. This makes our school a vibrant and exciting place to be. We are fully committed to working with parents to give children the very best start in their education as well as supporting children to be well-rounded individuals and good citizens of the future. We strive for excellence and achievement in all areas of school life.Visitors often comment on the good attitude to learning the children have and how welcoming and wellbehaved Woodfield children are. So, thank you for enrolling your child at the school and we know that by selecting Woodfield as the place where your child will begin their learning journey, you have made a wise choice! We hope you will find this prospectus helpful in finding out more about our school and that it will support you during your child’s time with us. 4
School Profile: What is the school’s history? Woodfield Infant school is located in the Penn area of the City. We share our site with Woodfield Junior School, functioning as two separate schools. However we share a Governing body, this ensures that our children receive continuity from the Infant School to the Junior School. Woodfield is a three-form entry Infant School which is maintained by the Local Education Authority. The school, which opened in 1913, is situated in pleasant grounds, with adjacent woodland and has access to a field and an attractive garden area. As well as drawing from the immediate area, the school also attracts a significant number of children form outside it. The children at Woodfield come from a wide mix of cultural backgrounds. There are 9 classrooms in school and we have a separate 35-place nursery unit on site, which was built in the 1960s. Our school admission numbers are 90 and this provides us with 3 classes of 30 children in each year group.
School Website: Telephone: Fax: Email:
Woodfield Avenue Penn Wolverhampton WV4 4AG www.woodfield-inf@wolverhampton.sch.uk 01902 558635 01902558636 woodfieldinfantschool@wolverhampton.gov.uk
Pupils on roll:
340 in September 2010
Type of School & Age Range:
Infant School, 3-7 years
Head Teacher:
Ms S Patel
Chair of Governors: Mr Paul Goddard-Patel School Hours: Wolverhampton Local Education Office: Telephone:
Morning: 08.45 - 12.00 Afternoon: 13.00 - 15.15 Civic Centre St Peter’s Square Wolverhampton WV1 1RR 01902 556556
‘Love to learn, Learn to love and Learn for life’
Childrens Testimonials
OFSTED Inspection (October 2010)
A letter from the Chair of Governors
Our school was very successfully inspected in October 2010, being judged as good with outstanding features. A summary of the Inspection Report is available on our school web site www. woodfield-inf.wolverhampton.sch.uk
Dear Parents/Carers, s their you to Woodfield Infant School as your child begin On behalf of the Governing Body may I welcome ate your child. educ to place the choosing Woodfield Infant School as ble to you.We educational journey. May I also thank you for availa ls schoo of e choic a have nsibility and that you We are aware both that this is an enormous respo have placed in us. will strive to live up to the confidence that you are a local authority children of the area for almost 100 years.We Woodfield Infant School has been serving the separate schools two are ol Scho r Junio Infant and Woodfield maintained community school. Although Woodfield r school, the joint rity of the Infant children progress to the junio we have a joint Governing Body. As the vast majo ition between the two schools. Governing Body helps to provide a smooth trans gic decisions, with day basis. Governors are responsible for key strate The Head teacher runs the school on a day to committees that rning Body twice a term and have a number of advice from the head teacher.We meet as a Gove issues.The ises prem standards and welfare, the budget and unity governors deal with more detailed matters such as the pupil comm and (4) ority parents (7), staff (5), Local Auth . If you are Governing Body consists of 20 members including arise they when rtised adve are term of office.Vacancies nce. (4). Parents and staff are elected for a four year insta e contact our Head teacher, Ms Patel in the first interested in the work of the Governing Body pleas ling them to individual child a rich and diverse curriculum enab The aim of the Governing Body is to give each ren, parents and child the with ips onsh relati Body has strong positive experience the “joy of learning”.The Governing onship between home life and school life. staff.We appreciate the importance of the relati Woodfield Infant l community and thank you again for choosing We look forward to welcoming you into our schoo School.
The Governing Body: ‘Who are the Governors?’ The Governors are a voluntary body who meet together at least once a term to discuss and make decisions on school issues. In order to adequately fulfil their roles a number of subcommittees have been created with specific term of reference they are: • Resources Committee: monitoring the school budget & considering staffing issues, pay, premises • Curriculum Committee: monitoring what is taught in school, subject policies and schemes of work These sub-committees meet on a regular basis and report back to the full Governing body. Governors have legal duties and responsibilities as a joint body but not individually. They give freely of their time in support of the school and are welcome visitors who share their expertise with us. Most are elected every four years and represent the Local Authority, parents and teachers and support staff. A number of Governors are ‘coopted’ which means they are elected, by the governing body, to represent the local community and businesses. The current list of school governors can be found on the loose leaf sheet at the back of this booklet.You can contact the governors through the Head teacher or the school office.
Yours sincerely Paul Goddard-Patel Body. Chair Woodfield Schools Federated Governing
A letter from the Vice-Chair of Governors
Dear Parents, On behalf of the Governing Body may I welcome you to Woodfield Infant Scho ol as your child journeys through their early years in education. Although Woodfield Infant and Woodfield Juni or School are two separate schools we have a joint Governing Body. As the vast majority of the Infant children progress Body helps to provide a smooth tran to the Juniors the joint Governing sition between the two schools. The aim of the Governing Body is to give each individual child a rich and diverse curriculum enabling them to experience the “joy of learning”.The Governing Body has strong positive rela tionships with the children, parents and staff.We appreciate the importa nce of the relationship between hom e life and school life.We look forward welcoming you into our school commun to ity. Yours sincerely Karen Preston Vice-Chair of the Governing Body
‘Governors give outstanding support to the school because of their range of skills and their deep understanding of the local community’ Ofsted 2010
‘Love to learn, Learn to love and Learn for life’
School Vision, Mission Statement & Aims The Vision
Quality of Provision (including teaching & learning, assessment, curriculum and EYFS)
Woodfield Infant School aims to provide a stimulating and creative learning environment, for children, where everyone is safe, secure, happy and valued.
‘We aim to ensure all our children benefit from high quality inclusive teaching and learning experiences so that they can achieve to their full potential across all areas of learning. We aim to meet the needs of all our pupils by involving them in an appropriate, broad and balanced curriculum’
We welcome and encourage the involvement of parents/ carers and the wider community and celebrate the diversity of our school family.
As a school we are committed to: • providing for all our children the quality education that is their entitlement • providing children with the opportunities to develop the essential Literacy, Numeracy and Information and Communications Technology skills, which are used across the curriculum • providing children with the opportunities to develop the essential skills that will enable them to become
Personnel and Premises (includes Safeguarding, Leadership & Management of Teaching & Learning, Governance, Resource deployment) ‘We aim to achieve efficient management of school finances and to recruit high quality staff so we can provide a pleasant, safe and stimulating learning environment for everyone’ As a school we are committed to: • developing staff • recognising that staff well-being is central to our children’s success • providing a comfortable, safe and stimulating learning environment for children and staff
effective learners • providing high quality teaching and support to enhance innovative and creative learning, stimulate independence and develop the whole child • having high expectations of all children, to enable them to achieve and make progress in all areas of learning • providing an enriching varied curriculum that nurtures the whole child and increases the joy of learning and living
Pupils development & well being
Parents, the community & partnerships
(includes ECM aspects,Welfare, Care, Guidance & Support)
(includes engagement with parents/carers, partnerships to promote learning/well being, community cohesion)
‘We aim to ensure every child feels safe and listened to, is cared for and respected within a nurturing environment’
‘We aim to foster partnerships with parents/ carers and the wider community which support children’s development and help them to understand their future role in society and to develop into global citizens’
As a school we are committed to: • ensuring equality of access and to celebrating all achievements • fostering confidence and self-esteem in our children • encouraging the children to value and respect the thoughts and feelings of others • Developing, hearing and responding to the voice of our pupils.
As a school we are committed to: • promoting positive community links • enhancing parent partnerships • celebrating the diversity within our school and beyond, to prepare our children for the multicultural society in which we live.
‘Love to learn, Learn to love and Learn for life’
Admission Arrangements: ‘When and how can my child start school?’ Allocations to our school for Reception, year 1 and year 2 children are administered by the Local Authority and NOT by the school. Places are allocated following strict criteria laid down by Admission and Appeals.
Wolverhampton Local Authority. When you have been allocated a place you will be invited to school to attend an induction meeting to give you information to help your child settle into their new class.
Admissions to other year groups
There are currently 70 part-time places in the Nursery for children between the ages of 3 and 4. Children aged 3 on the 1st September are eligible for a place in our nursery class.You can register your child by completing an application form and presenting your child’s birth certificate at the school office. It is important that you register your child early as we usually have a long waiting list. Parents are advised about how to prepare their children for nursery by the staff who will also make home visits as part of the nursery induction programme.
There are 90 full-time places in Reception for children between the ages of 4 and 5. Children must be 4 on the 1st September to be eligible for a place. It is important to remember that a place in the Nursery does not guarantee a place in Reception. The Local Authority allocates places for our Reception classes and all parents must apply to
‘I feel that the teachers have been very approachable and I have been able to discuss any issues I or my child is experiencing’ Parent
Admissions to other year groups are also allocated by the Local Authority. Parents who are considering sending their child to the school should complete the relevant forms at the Local Authority offices. Once you have been allocated a place at the school, the school secretary will contact you to arrange an appointment with the head teacher or deputy head teacher who will be able to tell you when your child can start school.
Admissions and Appeals Address:
Schools Admissions (Appeals) Civic Centre, St Peter’s Square Wolverhampton WV1 1RR
Schools Choice Advisor:
Emma Pearson emma.pearson@wolverhampton.gov.uk 01902 550941
‘Love to learn, Learn to love and Learn for life’
Class Organisation: ‘How are the classes organised? There are 340 children at Woodfield Infants and the school is organised in the following way: Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) caters for children aged 3 to 5 years old and is known as Nursery and Reception. Key Stage One (KS1) caters for children aged 5 to 7 years old and consists of Year 1 (5 to 6 year olds) and Year 2 (6 to 7 year olds) The children in each year are grouped into 3 mixed ability classes. The admissions limit has been set to 90 in the year groups from Reception to Year 2. Consequently, class sizes do not exceed 30 children. Every class has a qualified teacher and all classes are supported by a teaching assistant for the majority of the time.
School Curriculum: ‘What will my child learn?’ At Woodfield Infant School we aim to provide a stimulating environment so that all children can achieve to their maximum potential. We strive to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum for the children, taking into consideration their cultural and linguistic diversity. Children’s achievements are celebrated and everyone enjoys success and praise regularly during their time in the school. We encourage children to 10
become independent and confident in both their work and social development. We also ensure that both EYFS and the national curriculum are appropriately planned, delivered and assessed. We endeavour to teach to the highest standards in ways which match each child’s aptitude and ability. Children are taught using a variety of methods which include whole class teaching, group work and individual work. Teachers choose the most appropriate methods to suit the needs of the children in the context of the subject being taught and expect a variety of responses from the children. We aim to provide a solid foundation in the basic tools of learning in particular of literacy, numeracy and oracy (speaking and listening). Our timetables and routines allow children to produce work of quality and depth. Children’s personal qualities are also valued and we aim to help children to develop a sense of consideration and self-confidence so that they value themselves and their abilities to make a full contribution to the life of the school. All children will be encouraged to exercise choice, make decisions and express their points of view clearly. The school recognises the local and wider environment as a rich source of learning. Each year classes visit various places in the locality to support their learning such as local places of worship, Penn library, Kingswood Outdoor Education Centre, Ash End Farm, Bantock Park and Museum, local allotments etc, as well as wider places such as the seaside!
‘The themed curriculum is developing well and becoming increasingly stimulating.There is a strong emphasis on developing literacy and numeracy skills.’ Ofsted 2010
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) In Nursery and Reception, the learning is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. The prime areas of learning are - Communication - Personal, Social, Emotional Development - Physical Development - Problem Solving, Reasoning and Number Other areas of learning include - Literacy - Knowledge of the World - Expressive Arts Further details of these will be part of the information you receive during your child’s induction into Nursery or Reception. The EYFS makes a crucial contribution to children’s early development and learning. We provide children with a rich variety of teaching and learning experiences that are appropriate to their needs. The EYFS is about developing key learning skills such as listening, speaking, concentrating, persistence and learning to work and co-operate with others.
Key Stage One (ages 5-7 yrs) In years one and two all classes follow the National Curriculum which includes the subjects: English Mathematics Science Information and Communication Technology Design Technology History Geography Physical Education Music Art Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education We also follow the local curriculum for Religious Education. An overall plan of topics covered throughout the school is included at the back of this brochure and parents receive an overview of the work their child will be covering at the beginning of each half term in the form of a curriculum diary.
Family & Relationships (Sex) Education With younger children our policy is to answer children’s questions in a simple but straightforward manner as they arise. We are aware that parents may have many questions to ask and to reflect this we will provide information prior to the start of the topic. We will also be willing to discuss with parents and carers the syllabus and resources to be used in school.
Drugs Education At key stage 1 the children learn about the role of drugs as medicines. They are taught that all medicines are drugs but not all drugs are medicines. They will learn that all substances can be harmful if not used properly and will discuss simple safety rules about medicines, tablets and household substances.
‘Love to learn, Learn to love and Learn for life’
Collective Worship and Assemblies Collective worship takes place each day, in keeping with the 1988 Education Act, either within the classroom or in the year group. As a school with children from many faith backgrounds we make sure that our assemblies build on the strengths of our children’s beliefs. We share stories from different traditions and draw out the similar values and experiences that are common to all people. Each week we hold a Praise Assembly for each phase group and in most weeks there is a class assembly to which parents are invited. Parents do have a right to withdraw children from collective worship and are invited to discuss this with the Headteacher if they wish to consider this.
The Hidden Curriculum Some of the most important learning that takes place in school is concerned not with knowledge and skills but rather with attitudes; respect for other people and their property, tolerance, honesty, diligence, reliability, sense of fair play and team spirit. At Woodfield Infant School we place great emphasis on such values and we have high expectations of pupils in terms of their attitude, behaviour and consideration for others.
Children’s Progress: ‘How will I know how well my child is doing?’ Your child’s progress is carefully monitored in the following ways:
Teachers make regular assessments of children’s progress throughout the year using a variety of methods including observation, formal tests and samples of work. They set targets for improvement based on these assessments. At the end of each term, the progress is reviewed and priorities are set for the next term.
Each term the class teacher will identify curricular targets for each child and these will be sent to parents so that you can be fully involved in supporting your child.
An open evening is held each term for you to look at your child’s work and discuss their progress with the class teacher.
At the end of the year parents receive a formal written report on their child’s progress throughout the year. This will identify the aspects of the curriculum that have been covered and how well children are meeting national expectations for their age. In year two, parents also receive the results of the end of key stage assessments (SATs) in the core subjects. At the end of Reception year children are assessed against the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) and results are shared with parents.
You are always welcome to approach the class teacher, Assistant Head, Deputy Head or Head teacher if you have concerns about your child’s progress or welfare in school.
‘Good assessment helps pupils to know how well they have done and what they must do to improve their work.Teacher’s track pupil’s progress carefully and ensureb that all groups make good and sometimes outstanding progress.’ Ofsted 2010
Special Education Needs: ‘What if my child needs additional help?’ At Woodfield Infants, we believe that all children have the right to an environment in which they will be able to reach their full potential and we recognise that children have different needs at different times. Children’s progress is constantly monitored and assessed and careful records are kept. Occasionally we find that a child does not make the progress we expect. When this is the case, parents will be consulted and appropriate steps taken to support the child.
The school works in partnership with parents in establishing and meeting children’s special needs and when appropriate, consulting and liaising with other professionals such as the school Doctor/Nurse, Speech Therapists and Educational Psychologists. The school has developed a framework for identifying, assessing, making appropriate provision, monitoring and record keeping for each child. Due regard is given to the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice. Once a child has been identified as having Special Educational Needs, their progress is closely monitored by the class teacher and the Special Needs Coordinator (SENCO). An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is drawn up to meet a child’s specific needs. The plan is implemented by the class teacher and/or with the support of specialist teachers or assistants. The IEP is reviewed termly by the class teacher and the SENCO to ensure the suitability of the programme. Parents are kept informed from the initial first stage when their child is identified. Parents are encouraged to maintain their awareness of and involvement in their child’s progress. A copy of our SEN Policy is available from the main school office and the school web site.. If you are concerned that your child may have a special need, please talk to the class teacher so that we can work together to meet their needs.
Arrangements for Pupils with Disabilities The Governors are aware of their legal responsibilities to include children with disabilities and will endeavour, at all times, to ensure they are educated in this school and integrated into all aspects of school life where possible. All children with disabilities access the full curriculum, differentiated and/or modified to meet their needs. The SENCO is responsible for monitoring the progress of children with disabilities and will report to the parents and the Head teacher regularly. Where it is appropriate, support services will be involved in the child’s education and parents will be involved in all major decision making. The school has some ramps that allow access to some ground floor areas and there is a toilet with improved access for disabled people in the main building. The Governors have an Accessibility Plan, in line with Government guidelines. All future changes and modifications to the buildings will take the needs of disabled individuals into account.
‘Support for vulnerable pupils and those with special educational needs and /or disabilities and their families is effective and appreciated by parents and carers’ Ofsted 2010
‘Love to learn, Learn to love and Learn for life’
‘Pupils development of personal, social and emotional skills is good because of the consistency of the excellent relationships between all in the school.’ Ofsted 2010
Behaviour Management: ‘How does the school expect children to behave?’ Early learning must be happy learning. We plan our curriculum to achieve a happy working atmosphere. We give opportunities for children to develop the courage to try new things and to be independent. The range of our children’s ability is amazing but they also need time to be children. CHILDHOOD WILL NEVER COME AGAIN! 14
The Infant School has a behaviour policy based on the following principles: •
We believe that teaching pupils the skills of self-discipline, cooperation, respect and tolerance are an important part of the curriculum. These skills will enable our academic objectives to be achieved. We believe that everyone in school has the right to be treated as an individual and with respect and that good relationships are vital to the successful working of the schools.
We recognise that problems are normal when young people are learning and testing the boundaries of acceptable behaviour. Our success as a school should be measured not by the absence of problems but by the way we deal with them. School rules are most effective if they are phrased as positive expectations for the behaviour of everyone in the school. We prefer to have a few, well chosen rules rather than long lists of prohibitions. THE MAIN RULE FOR ALL OF US IN SCHOOL IS THAT EVERYONE WILL ACT WITH COURTESY AND CONSIDERATION TO OTHERS AT ALL TIMES. Wherever possible, we aim to be positive in our approach
• •
and to notice and reward good behaviour rather than take it for granted. We believe that pupils feel more secure if they are aware of what is right and wrong and what sanctions will be used if they misbehave. We believe that punishment is most effective if it is applied fairly, calmly and quickly. Pupils need to know why they are being punished and to be given an opportunity to make amends. Punishment will be applied in a way that maintains self-respect and will not be used to humiliate. Parental involvement in all aspects of school life is valued. It is considered to be particularly important in promoting good behaviour. The schools behaviour policy can only be truly effective if actively supported by parents.
‘Pupils behave well around school, welcome visitors and speak enthusiastically about what they are learning and of how much they enjoy the school’ Ofsted 2010
Woodfield ‘Golden Rules’ Our School Rules were developed from the children’s ideas. These rules are agreed with the children at the beginning of the year. They are dated and attractively displayed in class together with the rewards and sanctions. They are as follows: 1. Follow instructions immediately. 2. Move carefully, quietly and safely around school. 3. Look after our own and other people’s property. 4. Be kind and caring towards others. 5. Enter and leave the assembly hall in a quiet manner. 6. Always walk around the school. 7. We look after our school, keeping it clean and tidy. 8. If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours. 9. Always return to a teacher if you cannot find the person who is meeting you at 3.15pm.
Parents will be informed if their child’s behaviour is a cause for concern after positive steps have been taken in school. With very serious incidents or repeated unacceptable behaviour the final action of the school would be temporary or permanent exclusion of a child. Parents have a legal right of appeal and details are available at the school. In most cases this is not necessary as
children generally respond after a reprimand and a great deal of positive reinforcement.
Bullying Our children are encouraged to develop respect for each other and themselves, and to cooperate. We seek to praise good behaviour in order to foster self-esteem. Although there is little evidence of bullying at Woodfield, there are procedures in our Personal Social Health Education Policy (PSHE) on bullying & behaviour management to deal with such an occurrence which include help for both the offender and victim. This includes swift intervention to prevent the victim becoming frightened to come to school. Offensive language, name calling (racist, sexist and cultural), violence and bullying are unacceptable and staff will deal with these in a serious manner. The school policy on behaviour and bullying is available for parents from the main school office and on the school website. If staff become aware of or have a need to become involved in situations where a child may be at risk of hurting themselves or others, or if the behaviour of a child seriously disrupts good order in the school, or causes damage to property, staff may need to take steps to intervene physically. In such circumstances staff will follow the School’s Policy for dealing with such situations. The Policy can be found on the school website.
‘Warm relationships and good humour between adults and children create an enjoyable learning environment.’ Ofsted 2010
‘Love to learn, Learn to love and Learn for life’
Children’s Welfare ‘What happens if my child is unwell at school?’ Children’s health and welfare are important to all staff at Woodfield Infants. We therefore work closely with parents to ensure that we are able to support individual and medical needs. We have a large number of qualified first aid staff in school and regular visits by the school nurse take place. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their child is well enough to attend school e.g. If your child has a high temperature or they have been sick during the night they should not be at school. Please notify the school if your child has an infectious disease or illness e.g. chicken pox, mumps, measles, ringworm. Please speak to the Deputy Head if you need advice.
The school should be fully informed of a child’s medical needs. It is important for the school to have sufficient information about the medical condition of any child with long term medical needs. The school has established a system of medical care plans so please let us know if your child has a serious or recurring medical condition. If your child is asthmatic he/she will be encouraged to bring his/ her inhaler to school and it will be stored so that he/she can have easy access to it. Non prescribed medication, including aspirin, paracetamol and calpol are not administered in school. Other prescribed medicines may be administered by the school but each case is dealt with separately and a strict procedure is followed. Please see the Administration of Medicines Guidelines in the loose leaf section of this prospectus.
Accidents and Emergencies The qualified first aid staff in school deal with day to day minor cuts, bumps and scratches. Parents are informed at the end of the day by letter or verbally if their child has had a significant accident or injury. If your child is taken ill or seriously injured while at school, we will contact you as soon as possible. Please help us by making sure that we have at least two up-to-date emergency telephone numbers. We may advise you to take your child to see your doctor or attend a hospital accident department. For more serious injuries we will phone for an ambulance so that the child can be treated by paramedics and a decision taken as to whether they need to be taken to hospital. If this is the case then a member of staff will stay with your child until you (or an adult you nominate) is able to get to the school or hospital.
Child Safety & Security We ask for parents’ understanding and cooperation in our efforts to make our school open and welcoming whilst ensuring the security and safety of the children, staff and visitors. Locks on the external doors and the use of the intercom on the front entrance and the wearing of authorization badges are part of the governors ‘ security plan for the school. This has been drawn up with a view to ensuring no one is put at risk by activities or practices in our buildings. In the interests of fire safety in our small building we ask parents/carers not to bring prams or buggies into the school corridors.
All children MUST be brought to and collected from school by a responsible adult to ensure their safety. A responsible adult is someone that is at least 18 years of age and parents must write a letter to confirm that they give this person permission to collect their child. Children will not be released into the care of friends or neighbours unless a letter from the parent, giving permission, is received. It is our policy to provide a safe and secure school for all our children and so we are sure you will understand if you are asked to identify yourself whilst you are on the school site. If you need help or information would you please go to the Secretary’s Office in the Main Building.
School Health Service During your child’s time at school he/she will undergo regular health check-ups relating to sight, hearing, growth and dental hygiene. Parents are not required to be present on all occasions, but will be informed by the school if follow up treatment is necessary. Parents can also ask for their children to be seen by the school nurse/doctor. The nurse no longer performs head inspections, so please make sure that you check your children’s hair regularly. The school nurse can be contacted
through the school and will be pleased to discuss your concerns at any time.
School Site PLEASE note that the school, including the playground and drive, is a NO SMOKING AREA. Please help us to protect the health of the children by keeping this rule. Parents must not to bring dogs into the school grounds. Even well behaved dogs can be frightened and dangerous when surrounded by large numbers of children.
Child Protection The school has a child protection policy and staff have regular training. There is a named senior teacher responsible for child protection in the school. If the school has any concerns about a child then it is our duty to contact Social Services for advice. We follow the recommendations in the current Welfare and Safeguarding of Children legislation. Our first priority is your child’s welfare and therefore there may be occasions when our concern about your child means that we have to consult other agencies even before we contact you. The procedures we follow have been laid down by the Wolverhampton Area Child Protection Committee. If you want to know more about this procedure, please speak to the Head Teacher.
‘Love to learn, Learn to love and Learn for life’
Mid-Day Break: ‘What happens at lunchtimes?’
Home Dinners
The facility to take children home at lunchtimes still exists. Where this is the case we ask for your co-operation by ensuring that children who go home for dinner return to school in adequate time for the start to the afternoon: 12.55pm.
School dinners
The school has its own kitchen and a good selection of food is provided daily. The cook makes every effort to cater for the varied diets of the children in our school. A range of vegetarian and non-vegetarian hot and cold food is provided. Our cook works hard to ensure that all meals are healthy and conform to national nutritional standards. Menus are available to view in the school office or on the school website. Dinner money should be sent to school on a Monday morning and any cheque’s should be made payable to “Wolverhampton City Council.” A month’s notice in writing (preferably at half-term or end of the term) is needed for any change from school dinners to packed lunches. The price of school meal changes from time to time, so please ask for the up to date amount at the school office.
Free School Meals
Entitlement to free school meals has changed recently, if you are in receipt of: • Income Support • Income Based Jobseekers Allowance • Child Tax Credit-but not entitled to a working tax credit and your income does not exceed £16,190. • National Asylum Seekers Support (NASS) • Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit Your child may be entitled to free school meals. 18
Lunchtime Supervision
Please ask the school office for a Free School Meals application form if you think you may be eligible. If in doubt or you have any queries please contact the Free Schools Meals Service, Marlborough House, Leicester, telephone number is 0116 252 7865. Children who receive free school meals will also receive free milk.
Packed Lunches
Some parents prefer to send their child with a packed lunch and we welcome this. However, in view of our status as an Enhanced Healthy School, we request that parents provide only healthy meals. Sweets, crisps, chocolates and fizzy drinks are discouraged. Samosas, chappatis/paranthas, sandwiches, fresh fruit, low fat crisps, fruit juice, yoghurt, milk etc would form the best basis for a meal. We request that parents do not send drinks in glass bottles or in cans. All children who have a packed lunch must have a proper lunchbox.
There is always a member of senior staff on duty at lunchtime and your child will be under the immediate care of the lunchtime supervisors, who are organised by our senior Midday Supervisor.A Learning Mentor is also on duty during the lunchtime period to deal with any issues. We have a policy of positively encouraging meaningful play and have a wide variety of equipment available for the children to use and when weather permits the children use the extensive school playing fields.
‘Pupils have an outstanding understanding of how to keep themselves healthy.They talk knowledgeably about what food they should eat and why.They understand that exercise keeps them healthy and take every opportunity to engage in physical exercise.’ Ofsted 2010
School Expectations: ‘How can I support my child?’
assembly to children who have achieved 100% attendance.
Attendance and Punctuality
It is vitally important that children attend school regularly and on time in order to access the full curriculum. Children who are frequently kept away from school do not make the progress they should. We are aware that children miss school sometimes because of illness.You must ensure that you notify the school if your child is absent for any reason. Shopping trips, haircuts and other outings are considered to be unauthorised absences and should be kept to weekends and holidays. We monitor attendance and punctuality regularly and will inform parents if we have concerns. If the situation continues we are required to report our concerns to the School Education Welfare Officer. Each term attendance certificates are presented in
The school’s data on absence for the last academic year is included at the back of this brochure.
Your child must arrive punctually at the start of each school session. Late arrivals miss essential parts of the lesson and also disturb the concentration of others. The register closes at 9.00am every morning. If your child arrives after that they will be recorder as absent. If your child has come into school after the session has started, please note that he/she must report to the school office, accompanied by a parent/carer or a note confirming the reasons for lateness.
Collections during the School Day
If a child needs to be collected during the school day, the office staff will get them from class after the parent/carer has arrived at the school office. Children will only be allowed to leave with a responsible adult. ie. over 18 years of age
Extended Holidays
Parents are strongly discouraged from taking their children out of school for long periods of time. Family holidays or trips abroad MUST be taken in the school holidays. The Headteacher can authorise up to TEN days holiday, in exceptional circumstances only. Authorisation will not be given if: your child’s attendance is lower than 90-95%; they have already had 10 days holiday within the academic year; if there are concerns about your child’s progress; or if they are in Year 2 (due to national assessments). Children who are absent from school without authorisation may be removed from the school roll. This may result in children not being able to get back into the school as we have waiting lists for many year groups. Please ask at the school office for a Holiday Request Form (an example is included in this booklet. Authorisation must be gained before you book your holiday.
‘Love to learn, Learn to love and Learn for life’
Clothing / School Uniform We believe that staff, parents and children should be proud of being part of Woodfield Infant School and that the wearing of a school uniform is a natural outgrowth of that pride. The wearing of a school uniform also has a number of advantages: • It provides separate clothes for school • It gives all the children the same standard of dress • The wearing of a uniform gives the children a visibly equal footing • On school trips it makes it much easier of staff to identify ‘our’ children and preserve a sense of group The governors have set the dress code for the compulsory school uniform. All children, including nursery children, attending Woodfield Infant School will be required to wear: • White shirt or white blouse • Grey trousers or a green skirt or pinafore dress • Green/yellow striped tie • Green pullover or cardigan • Grey or white socks • Suitable shoes for use throughout the school day, not trainers • Green and white checked summer dresses are optional (to be worn after Easter to end of September) These items should be ‘school wear’ in Woodfield colours. Clothing must not have any logo other than the Woodfield Logo. 20
Children must wear shoes to school and not trainers. The P.E. kit is part of the dress code with every child wearing a plain white, round necked ‘T’ shirt, black shorts and elasticated pumps for indoor PE and trainers for the outdoors. Please provide a pump bag for the PE kit. PE kits are usually kept in school and taken home only for cleaning purposes. Track suits; designer jeans; fashion jeans or trousers; flashing or open toed shoes; hipster trousers or jeans; combat trousers; accessories such as chains or fashion belts would be unsuitable for school. All items of clothing should be clearly marked with your child’s name to reduce the risk of loss.
For reasons of safety jewellery should not be worn to school. If your child has pierced ears, please ensure that only studs are worn, otherwise they may have to be removed for Physical Education lessons.
Toys and Valuables
Staff cannot be responsible for any valuables brought into school by pupils. If it is valuable, leave it at home. This rule also applies to those precious things that are of sentimental value to your child. As part of our approach to positive behaviour management, children at KS1 are allowed to bring in a special toy on Friday afternoons at Golden Time. Toys and other items are not allowed in school at any other time.
Contact Details & School Texting Service We ask that all parents ensure that the school office has the most recent mobile and emergency contact details for you/ your child as we regularly use a texting service to communicate about events or sudden school closures.
School & Class Website The school has a website where information about relevant events and dates can be found. Every class in school also has an individual class website and children are given a password to access it when they are admitted to our school.
Milk Wolverhampton Education Authority subsidise the provision of school milk at present. Semiskimmed and whole-milk are available. Milk money is collected at the beginning of each term. Whole milk is provided free of charge to children under
‘Communication between the school and parents is excellent, it is also great that healthy eating and exercise/fitness is positively promoted’ Parent
five and those children receiving free school meals.
School Fund School fund is £5 for the year. This helps us to provide the children with the little extras that might make learning more exciting and fun.
Home Learning Activities We believe that children learn best when their parents/carers are fully involved in their education and therefore we encourage children to do some work regularly at home. A copy of our school homework policy is available from the school office and the school website. The homework given to children will depend on the children’s age and ability and therefore each year group will do slightly different things. A home school reading diary is also a feature of our work. The diary has been developed in order to help parents become involved in the reading process with their child. The diary is given out with the child’s reading book. Home school curriculum diaries are sent to parents by class teachers at the start of each half term giving details of the learning across the curriculum that will be taking place at school.
What if my child has lost things at school? Children frequently mislay items of clothing so it is a good idea to name their garments. This will help us to trace the owner when property is lost. Items that are found are kept in the lost property box by the main school office.
Can my child bring snacks to school? Children all receive a free piece of fruit each day as we participate in the National Fruit in Schools Scheme. We do not allow children to have sweets, chocolate, fizzy drinks or highly coloured drinks in school (including in their lunch boxes for those who have packed lunch) Children may bring fruit juice to school, though we do provide every child with a water bottle.
‘Love to learn, Learn to love and Learn for life’
How Parents Can Help Children These are some of the ways you can help your child to make good progress in school:
Encourage a positive attitude to school (even if you didn’t enjoy it yourself)
Do make sure your child comes to school every day and on time
Talk to your child as much as you can. Turn off the television sometimes and play a game instead. Take them out to a museum or park at the weekends.
Shared reading - Your support is vital in helping your child to read. Nursery and
reception parents will be invited to a meeting during the school year to explain how you can support your child’s reading.
Support your child with home learning but don’t overdo it. A little on a regular basis is best for young children. See the Home Learning Policy for your child’s year group.
Make sure that you discuss the ‘golden rules’ with your child.
If you have any concerns please speak to the class teacher, it is better to sort out problems sooner rather than later.
Ensure your child goes to bed at a regular time and gets sufficient sleep to enable them to be able to learn at school.
Do make sure your child comes to school in the appropriate school uniform (see back of this brochure for details).
‘All concerns are taken seriously and acted upon quickly. Communication between staff and parents/ carers is excellent’ Parent
Home-School Links: Partnership with Parents: ‘How can I be involved in the work of the school?’ Education is a shared responsibility and at Woodfield Infants, we know that parents make a difference! You have already taught your children an enormous amount before they start school and you will continue to do so throughout their lives. We value your knowledge and experience and want to work in partnership with you. For this reason we have a home school contract which details our roles. The contract is signed when your child starts school; please see the back of this brochure for an example. We foster close relationships between home and school so that we can work together to support your child in developing and achieving their full potential. If you wish to see your child’s teacher, we will be happy to arrange this. It is difficult for staff to talk in the mornings when they are required to supervise the children, but staff
are usually available at the end of the day. The Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher and Assistant Head Teacher are normally available at the beginning and end of the day or by appointment at other times. The school holds regular information meetings and special events throughout the year and you will be given dates by newsletter well in advance. The school newsletter is a very important tool for communicating to parents and is delivered to your child at the start of every half term without fail, please make time to read it. We also have a school website where all newsletters and information about events is uploaded to and every class has a class website where information specific to each class can be found You will also be invited to discuss your child’s progress each term and to be involved in setting appropriate targets. Once each year you will receive a written report. For extended discussions with your child’s Class Teacher about progress at school (longer than the allotted 10 minutes) you are advised to make a separate appointment outside of the termly Parents’ Evenings.
Research shows that achievement is improved when parents actively support learning at home. All parents are involved in their child’s reading programme and are encouraged to comment in their reading diary. Parents also receive a half termly Curriculum Information Newsletter which describes the work we are undertaking at school and suggests activities which could be completed at home. There are additional activities that can be accessed via the school and class websites. At times, your child will be invited to complete some specific tasks at home. These opportunities will increase gradually as your child moves through the school.
Parents in school: ‘Can I volunteer my help?’ The school positively welcomes help in the classrooms, around school and on educational visits. Please speak to the Head Teacher or the Deputy Head Teacher, if you can spare the time; we will be delighted to discuss how you can help. Parents are always welcome to watch a particular lesson or event in the classroom and are always invited to celebration and class assemblies.You may have a particular skill or experience that you would be willing to share with the children - if so, please tell us about it! All regular volunteers in school will need to hold a current Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) certificate.
‘Love to learn, Learn to love and Learn for life’
Parent and Teacher Association Woodfield Infant School has a joint Parent and Teacher Association with the Junior school.The PTA aims to foster home, school and community relationships for the benefit of the children of the schools and organizes a variety of social and fundraising functions for both children and adults. We hope that the children, their families and carers find them sociable and fun and that you will find time to support us. All parents are automatically members of Woodfield Schools Parent Teacher Association but new faces and offers of help, however small, are always most welcome. Please speak to the Head or Deputy Head Teacher if you want to be more actively involved in the PTA: joining in with events is an easy way to make new friends and become involved with the school’s rapidly expanding community.
Parents’ Forum Each class has at least one parent who has volunteered to be a member of this Forum. The Forum meets every half term with the Headteacher and senior leaders and discusses the strengths and the areas for development in the school. There is a particular focus on children’s learning, the curriculum and children’s welfare. If you would like to become involved please come along to the meetings which are publicised in the newsletters and the website or speak to one of the Parents’ Forum members.
Parent - Child Curriculum Workshops From time to time the school runs workshops called INSPIRE for parents and children to work together on activities linked to literacy and numeracy. Parent notice boards are located on the various buildings around the school. They detail the current work and events that are going in school. Please refer to these regularly as there will be many things displayed there, you can get involved with at school. This information is also available on the school website.
Parent Consultation Meetings These meetings offer you the chance to find out how your child is doing at school. A parent consultation meeting is held once every term.
‘Parents and carers speak of the good care their children receive from all staff. ‘Our children all enjoy coming to school and are developing into confident independent learners,’ is representative of parents’ and carers comments. Ofsted 2010 24
Out of Hours Learning Activities: ‘What other learning can my child become involved in?’ As well as the normal curriculum, the school encourages a range of additional activities during lunchtimes and after school. Some of the activities that have taken place in the past include: - Gardening clubs - Football club - Tri Golf - Book clubs - Dance - Fitness Clubs - Multi Skills - Cookery These activities are organised by our staff including the Learning Mentors that we have as well as through external agencies. After school activities usually run from 3.30 to 4.30pm.
Extended Schools Provisions Woodfield Infant School operates a successful Breakfast and After School Club called www.Club which is run by our own staff and open to both the Infant and Junior children. Children can be booked in up to 6.00pm for any number of sessions and for times to suit parents. Suitable activities are provided for children across the age ranges.
We also offer the facility for full day care for children in the nursery through our ‘Wrap Around’ care provision. Our extended schools provision is an extension of the good practice we already provide for our children and is run by skilled members of staff. Further information is available on the school website or from the school office and the www. Club prospectus which is in the loose leaf section of this prospectus.
‘The well managed and wellstaffed breakfast and after school clubs and wrap around care provide further support and enable pupils to feel part of a caring community where they can thrive academically and socially.’ Ofsted 2010 Key Policies: ‘Which documents are available for me to read and how can I obtain them?’ The Freedom of Information Act requires that information must be made available for parents and hence at Woodfield Infant School, ALL of
the school policy and curriculum documents are available to view, in full, by parents/carers on request. Many are also available on the school website. Information from some key policies is highlighted below.
CHARGING POLICY The Governors agree that all children have a right to free school education. This means that the activities offered to our children during normal school times must be made available to all regardless of their parents’ ability or willingness to pay. However, many activities will disappear without financial help from parents. In line with legislation and local authority guidelines charges are not made for any school activities except those listed below. Schools are entitled by law to invite voluntary contributions in support of school activities so from time to time you may be asked to make a voluntary contribution to cover the cost of the following. • • • •
Educational Visits Early Years Foundation Stage children Performing groups and visitors Breakages and fines for school property that is deliberately damaged
These activities play an important part in the education of our children and are carefully chosen to fit in with the curriculum. The cost of educational visits is always kept to a minimum. Parents are asked to consult with the Head teacher if they have difficulties in this respect.
‘Love to learn, Learn to love and Learn for life’
EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES We believe that all children, regardless of ethnic origin, language, religion, gender or disability should have full access to the wide variety of experiences offered. We want our children to be confident and articulate with a positive self-image. We will challenge racist and sexist attitudes and strive to fit every pupil for life in our multi-cultural society.
ANTI RACISM We are firmly opposed to racism both covert and latent. All racially offensive behaviour will be dealt with immediately. We will use these occasions to initiate discussions and to confront the issue rather than try to sweep it away. We recognise that challenging racism will require constant review of all our resources, staff and curricular development, ensuring that a continual active anti-racist programme is working throughout the school in order to prepare children to deal with the racism they may encounter in the wider society. The Governors are aware of their duty to implement the Race Relations Amendment Act: Serious racist incidents are monitored, recorded and reported to the Local Authority.
HEALTH AND SAFETY The Governors have adopted the LA Health and Safety Policy. Risk assessments of the site are carried out regularly.
SMOKING POLICY In order to protect all our children and adults who work on the school premises, Wolverhampton Education Department has asked all schools to adopt a “No Smoking “Policy. It would be helpful when you are visiting the school site or meeting with the staff or your children that you help us by not smoking. 26
COMPLAINTS PROCEDURES: ‘What do I do if I have a complaint?’ The responsibility for dealing with general school based complaints lies solely with the school. The Governing Body of Woodfield Infant School has established a complaints procedure to deal with any concerns that parents may have, as quickly as possible and in line with Wolverhampton City Council‘s recommended procedures. It is hoped that any complaints a parent may have about any aspect of school life or any incident which occurs will be dealt with informally through discussion with the Headteacher and staff concerned. However there is a formal procedure for dealing with complaints when the informal route does not resolve the issue and this is detailed in the school Complaints Policy which is available on the school website and from the school office.
VISION STATEMENT ‘‘Woodfield Infant School provides a stimulating and creative learning environment where children are secure and happy and where everyone is valued. We welcome and encourage the involvement of parents and the wider community and celebrate the diversity of our school community’’
Chair of Governors: Mr Paul Goddard-Patel Headteacher: Ms Shelpa Patel Woodfield Infant School Woodfield Avenue Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 4AG Telephone: 01902 558635 Fax: 01902 558636 Email: woodfieldinfantschool@wolverhampton.gov.uk Website: www.woodfield-inf.wolverhampton.sch.uk
Wolverhampton City Council’s
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