QR Codes -Thinking in the box

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QR codes, thinking in the box

QR codes, what are they? They come to us from Japan where they are very common. QR is short for Quick Response (they can be read quickly by a mobile phone). They are used to take a piece of information from a transitory media and put it in to your mobile phone. You may soon see QR Codes in a magazine advert, on a billboard, a web page or even on someone’s t-shirt. Once it is in your mobile phone, it may give you details about that business (allowing users to search for nearby locations), or details about the person wearing the t-shirt, show you a URL which you can click to see a trailer for a movie, or it may give you a coupon which you can use in a local outlet. The reason why they are more useful than a standard barcode is that they can store (and digitally present) much more data, including url links, geo coordinates, and text. The other key feature of QR Codes is that instead of requiring a chunky hand-held scanner to scan them, many modern mobile phones can scan them.

firstly The process to activate any QR code you come across is quick and easy. Simply use a mobile device, such as your mobile phone, to take a picture of the QR code, and the information the code holds will appear instantly in the palm of your hand. You firstly need to download a QR code reader, see the list below.

iphone - qr reader search through the “apps store”

android - qr droid search through “market place”

other web enabled phones search through phones mobile internet search engine

how to use them QR codes can be added to any artwork, ideally as part of the design process Example: The Hustings Event poster for the Youth Council was designed without the QR code

Who will you vote for?

It still holds all of the relevent information, however, adding a QR code allows the reader to interact and gather the information quicker

MEET YOUR CANDIDATES IN THE YOUTH ELECTIONS The Candidates standing in the Youth Elections will be available for you to meet and they will be campaigning for your votes. Come along to On


DECIDE WHO WILL REPRESENT YOUR VIEWS BEST Voting will take place between Monday 21 February 2011 and Sunday 6 March 2011. You can cast your vote at a polling station in Schools, Youth Clubs and voluntary groups.

It can be stored on the phone as a bookmark or favourite for future reference

For details see www.wolverhampton.gov.uk/youthelections or you can vote online or by text

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CAST YOUR VOTE Have your say in how Wolverhampton should be run for young people.

The poster on the right contains the QR code We’ll see shortly where it links to

Hustings Event Who will you vote for?

view the candidate list here

MEET YOUR CANDIDATES IN THE YOUTH ELECTIONS The Candidates standing in the Youth Elections will be available for you to meet and they will be campaigning for your votes. Come along to On


DECIDE WHO WILL REPRESENT YOUR VIEWS BEST Voting will take place between Monday 21 February 2011 and Sunday 6 March 2011. You can cast your vote at a polling station in Schools, Youth Clubs and voluntary groups. For details see www.wolverhampton.gov.uk/youthelections or you can vote online or by text CAST YOUR VOTE Have your say in how Wolverhampton should be run for young people.

Hustings Event

Hustings Event Who will you vote for?


view the candidate list here

MEET YOUR CANDIDATES IN THE YOUTH ELECTIONS The Candidates standing in the Youth Elections will be available for you to meet and they will be campaigning for your votes. Come along to On

DECIDE WHO WILL REPRESENT YOUR VIEWS BEST Voting will take place between Monday 21 February 2011 and Sunday 6 March 2011. You can cast your vote at a polling station in Schools, Youth Clubs and voluntary groups. For details see www.wolverhampton.gov.uk/youthelections or you can vote online or by text CAST YOUR VOTE Have your say in how Wolverhampton should be run for young people.

taking the picture select your downloaded app from your phones menu your screen will open as if you are using your camera the software varies from phone to phone, however on the vast majority of phones you simply point the screen at the qr code and the phone will do the rest your phone will then decode the image

the result you can now save the web page, contact details, phone number etc. to your phone now, you can view the information on the move, contact the venue or share the information with others

working examples of the code

youth clubs

child line

for more information on how QR codes can help you, please contact us at the Document Centre Jay Morgan Customer Services Manager 01902 558280

wolverhampton council website


30 MAY 3 JUNE 10AM - 3PM


aldersley.leisurevillage@wolverhampton.gov.uk http://www.wolverhampton.gov.uk/leisure_culture/sports/facilities/centres/aldersley PHONE US


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