Appleton Estate Jamaican Rum Marketing Campaign

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Kelsey Chapman, Sara Hahn, Kimmy Kirkwood, Elyse Mueller, Chelsea Phillips, Zachary Reusing 1

ADrenaline advertising

ADrenaline prides itself on being a small agency that produces large results. The team of six places focus on excellent creative solutions and innovative media placements. Founded in 2009, ADrenaline runs a small boutique agency in historic Orange, CA. Agency members have varying creative backgrounds, ranging from graphic design to film production. ADrenaline brings more than just traditional creativity to every one of their campaigns. Non-traditional marketing and buzzworthy promotions set this agency apart from the rest.


table of contents executive summary 4 research 5 creative 12 B2B 28 promotions & public relations 30 media 36 budget 40 evaluation 41


executive summary Through extensive research of the rum industry, the Appleton brand, and the 25 to 34 year-old white rum market, ADrenaline found that rum is perceived as a “young, party booze.” The existing Appleton name has low brand awareness. Based on these findings, we developed a new premium white rum product as a subcategory of the Appleton brand to change these perceptions.

Our research also showed that within the 25-34 year-old white rum market, the highest consumption levels lie with single, post-graduate, professional, affluent women living in rural areas. From here, we chose to target these same women, but in potential urban areas to steer away from the rural geographic markets dominated by existing rum brands like Bacardi and Captain Morgan. These women are “Fluid Socialites.”

We introduce to you: rŏk rum. We also discovered that rum consumers primarily drink white rum in mixed drinks rather than by itself. Also, people are frequently opting to drink at home, and prefer not mixing their own cocktails. From these insights, we developed the following barriers: Barrier of Consumption Barrier of Location Barrier of Preparation


our big idea “Wherever you are, rŏk is there.” We had to position the rŏk brand in a way that would connect with our target market of Fluid Socialites. These women divide their time between work, home, bars, clubs, parties, and various other social situations. We developed this Big Idea to tailor the rŏk brand to this fast-paced lifestyle. To make rŏk accessible at any time in any locale, we created a line of rŏktail mixers that consumers can combine with rŏ k rum to easily make their own drinks.

our creative vision “rok is there.” The rŏk brand is minimalist, sleek, classy, and sophisticated to appeal directly to Fluid Socialites and to distinguish rok as a premium, high-end rum brand. All creative executions maintain this vision and create a strong, unified campaign across multiple mediums, including print, television, outdoor, non-traditional, online, mobile, and also in our B2B, promotions, and public relations strategies. The sleek bottle designs includes the appearance of gemstones to provide a luxurious aesthetic that relates to the rŏk brand, and also to stand apart from other rum packaging on store shelves.

in the end... The “rŏk is there” campaign will provide synergy between rŏk and its consumers, establish brand awareness, and increase product sales and consumption to create a successful brand beneath the Appleton Estates umbrella.

objectives and research objectives and strategy Our objectives are not to change Appleton’s brand but to successfully introduce a new brand as a subcategory. This new brand aims to create synergy between brand and consumer as well as increase product consumption and sales by twenty-five percent. Increasing consumption will create a direct competitior with Bacardi as well as the entire vodka market, who holds the largest market share within the rum category.

brand excavation

secondary research

Appleton rum started in 1749 and is an imported Jamaican Rum. It is a midpremium priced rum that features dark, white, spiced, and aged varieties.

Appleton and its competitors were researched based upon brand identity, products, promotions, PR, media, creative, website, and consumers. We also looked at the market consumer trends, market analysis, trade articles and media, as well as the industry projections.

primary research We conducted more than two-hundred individual surveys, executed ten man-onthe-street interviews, and held professional inside-industry interviews.


industry analysis In order to determine how to position the brand and who to sell the product to, we had to assess the current alcohol industry and consumption patterns.


consumer shifting

consumer knowledge

We first evaluated the rum industry as a whole, then differentiated the white and dark rum into two categories.

Rum is tipped as the next hot international category and has a consumption growth of fifty percent above averages of other popular spirits. Based on our research we found that Bacardi is the only known international brand. Improved production methods and presentation have closed the gap between other spirits. Variables that affect rum consumption include tourism, cocktail popularity, flavors, and changing consumer demographics.

People do not drink rum, they drink mixed drinks that contain rum. Consumers are not aware, nor do they care, that Rum has a large presence in many popular consumer mixed drinks such as a Mojitos, Daiquiris, Pina Colada, Mai Tai, and Blue Hawaiians.

Our findings show that, when it comes to white rum, there are more women than men drinkers. From there we specifically narrowed down the category of women drinkers in the Appleton rum market itself.

economic effect Surprisingly the recent economic crisis has had no affect on the alcohol market, and the percentage of US adults who consume alcohol is fairly steady. While people might be cutting back or switching brands, they are still enjoying their daily indulgences.

“Motivated by high gas prices and expensive bar tabs more Americans are opting to drink at home.� - Mintel Report


competitive analysis To more fully understand the current state of Appleton and the rum market in comparison to major opportunities, we found allthe strengths and weakenesses of the company as well as opportunities and threats within the alcohol industry. From there we were able to see a specific direction to take Appleton Estates.



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Appleton has been around since 1749 All rums are produced on a geographically defined estate where they can claim weather, soil, etc Spirit competition panels and spirit experts consistently single out Appleton rums

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There are holes in the rum categories that could be filled by a new product Interest in super-premium spirits has grown 92% in the past 5 years There are growing opportunities in high-end market



• •

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Has no brand awareness Ads have a feminine approach, but sell a masculine product Most consumers do not care about country of origin Appleton name has no marketable appeal to it People drink more white rum in mixed drinks than dark or spiced rum alone

• • •

existing Appleton ads

Bacardi & Captain Morgan own the rum industry and continue to have strong brand awareness Vodka will always have a strong market share There is room in the market for other unique rum brands to take a share People don’t mix drinks at home

What we mainly gathered from this was that Appleton prides itself on the high quaility of its rum, while consumers are eager to find a brand they can be loyal to. Taking this strength and opportunity, ADrenaline is aiming to create a strong brand that is backed by the quality of the product.


rum market barriers Through our extensive primary and secondary research, we have discovered three main barriers that are keeping Appleton (and other rums) from successfully capturing consumers and creating a product that can be used at the same rate as vodka.

the barrier of consumption People do not drink rum: they drink rum-based mixed drinks

the barrier of location People are increasing alcohol consumption in their homes, either alone or in small groups

the barrier of preparation People do not mix drinks on their own


market insights We began our research by looking at the rum market as a whole, and found that majority of revenues was coming from the white rum market. From there we looked at who was primarily consuming white rum and compared that to who was drinking Appleton white rum.




64% 60%



Under $75K

$75K to $150K


It became apparent that women were the primary consumers of white rum. On average these women were making between $75,000 to $150,000 annually and resided in the rural south. This information helped us to understand the white rum market.


target market segment After analyzing the important information we gathered about the brand and the rum market, we proposed a target audience based entirely on our key insights. This target market would not only help break down the three barriers, but would also be willing to welcome a new brand of rum into their lifestyle. We took core elements from the current rum market’s highest consumers, and adapted them to the needs of the rĹ?k brand. In accepting the fact that women in the rural south comprise the largest group of consumers in the white rum market, we stayed within the constraints of their demographics; yet we altered certain aspects, such as geographic location, to create a new market in which consumption can be raised.

fluid socialites

The Fluid Socialite audience is women ages 25-34. They are unmarried and have an annual income ranging from $75K to $150K. They are recently graduated, young professionals living in various urban areas across the United States.

We’re calling these women Fluid Socialites because of their never-ending desire to find the newest, hottest venue. They flow through the city, hitting a new destination each night; and flirty socialization is their key objective. Fluid Socialites also enjoy hosting dinner parties at home, and love to impress friends by serving delicious and innovative drinks.


target market profile allow us to introduce Zoe She’s a Fluid Socialite who lives in New York City. A recent graduate from NYU, Zoe now earns $100K a year as a fashion editor for Elle magazine. She describes herself as independent, single, and social. Zoe loves indie music, following fashion trends, and shopping at local boutiques. But most importantly, Zoe and her friends frequently visit local bars and clubs after work to relax and catch up.

The important thing about Zoe is that she has never heard of Appleton Rum.



introducing rŏk rŏk is the new addition to the Appleton brand. It will appeal to a new target audience and expand upon the market share for the rum product. By introducing a new brand name, we are opening up the doors to allow Appleton (and rŏk) to re-invent the rum market.

the rŏk name

bottle design

The brand name was created from taking at look at the basic elements involved in distilling the actual rum. In taking back to basics, we found that a mineral approach was fitting as it also pertains to the the target audience. In simplifying all aspects of the brand, we also aimed to bring the name “rock” to its simplest form. The dictionary phonetic spelling of the word is “rŏk.”* We chose to keep all of the letters lowercase in order to keep consistency with the simplicity of the brand. This idea was created to incorporate the idea of being a standard in the lives of the target audience. In essence, it will become a “rŏk” in their drinking lifestyles.

The design of the rŏk rum bottle is classy, minimalist, and sleek. The concept of the “rŏk” is represented as a gemstone in the bottom indent of the bottle, reflecting the luxurious nature of the rŏk brand. A minimal color palette of silver and white is featured on a clear glass bottle to show that the product is unflavored white rum, and also to continue the modern, sleek aesthetic. The glass bottle and stainless steel cap are reusable and/or recyclable as a part of the brand’s environmental efforts.

*The American Heritage® Dictionary, 1997. Published by Houghton Mifflin


bottle packaging rŏk will be releasing an exclusive line of six non-alcoholic “rŏktail mixers” for consumers to mix their own drinks at home. Each mixer is a different jewel-tone color, and each flavor is a creative twist on a popular rum cocktail that the target market already enjoys.

ruby rŏktail

amber rŏktail

sapphire rŏktail

A perfect blend of zesty citrus and poppin’ pomegranate makes this mixer an updated twist on a classic daquiri. Serve chilled, tossed, and strained in a frosted martini glass. Garnish with a twist of lime.

The tart combination of pineapple and lime make this mixer a savory allusion to the vintage mai tai. Shake and serve on the rocks in a highball glass. Garnish with a sugar rim and slice of lime.

opal rŏktail

emerald rŏktail

A creamy tropical fusion of pineapple and coconut make this mixer a vibrant replacement of the pina colada. Blend with equal part ice and serve in a chilled collins glass. Garnish with a wedge of pineapple.

This is not your mama’s mojito. The classic sparkling lime drink gets a modern-day makeover with a hint of green apple and raw sugarcane syrup. Serve over the rocks in a chilled collins glass. Garnish with a sprig of mint.

An explosion of tropical flavors make this mixer an exciting new rendition of the wellknown blue Hawaiian. Pineapple, cherry, orange, and coconut are just a few of the flavors bursting from this drink. Blend with equal part ice and serve in a hurricane glass. Garnish with a wedge of pineapple and a cherry.

The rŏktail bottles are shaped slightly different than the main white rum bottle to prevent confusion on the shelves. Their bright colors will help attract consumers to the rŏk section in grocery stores and specialty beverage retailers. The caps of both the rŏk rum bottle and the mixers are designed to create a complete rŏktail. The cap of the main rŏk bottle is designed to hold the correct measurements of a typical shot glass, while the proportions of the mixer bottle cap measures a perfect complement of mixer. Together, they make the perfect rŏktail.



brand positioning The rŏk brand is positioned to coincide with our research. It allows Appleton’s qualities to utilize opportunities within the rum market. The brand reflects similar imagery to Vodka bottles and packaging. rŏk departs from the caribbean feel of most other rum brands and adapts a thinner, sleeker bottle and logo design. The color palette reflects this idea by implementing silver for the main bottle, and deeper colors for the rŏktails. To create synergy between brand and consumer, we created a design that is consistent and appealing to the target audience. Examining their attitudes and behaivors enables us to seamlessly integrate the rŏk brand into their daily lives.

We developed a set of specific, aesthetic qualities that unifiy the rŏk brand identity. rŏk is luxury simplified, simplicity refined The brand and bottle design take the idea of luxury and simplifies it in a way that is classy and tasteful. It then refines the idea of simplicity to a sleek aesthetic with our bottle and logo. rŏk is sophisticated and classy The idea behind the brand is to convey sophistication. It portrays luxury in a simple and mature way, rather than appearing ostentatious. The brand appeals to the target market through these elements


The incorporation of diamonds and gemstones strengthen the feeling of luxury and sophistication By using a diamond in the main rŏk bottle, as well as using different gemstones for each rŏktail bottle, all packaging has the appeal of luxury. Each diamond or gemstone appears at the bottom indent of the bottle.

rŏk is rum grown up Brands such as Bacardi and Captain Morgan target a young audience, thus creating bottle and brand identities that resonate with that age group. rŏk is going to be a “grown up” more mature version, as it needs to appeal to the older demographic. rŏk’s image is minimalist and sleek, and so is its bottle The rŏk branding and bottle maintain a minimalist look, with as little text as possible and expansive negative space. This visual identity for the brand can be carried through all elements of the campaign.

We created a communication architecture to maintain a consistent look and feel for the brand and advertising campaign.

big idea “wherever you are, rŏk is there” We are giving consumers more than a spirit drink alone. rŏk provides a mixed drink that can be concocted anywhere. rŏk will be in their favorite bars, clubs and restaurants as well as at parties they host or attend. It has the ability to be anywhere. We aren’t telling consumers that they need to be where the drink is, but we respect and accomodate their fast-paced lifestyles by telling them that wherever they are, rŏk is there.

tagline rŏk is there. A simplified version of the big idea, the tagline will be present on all advertisements as well as implemented in all public relations and promotional strategies.

copy tone minimalist & direct Through all areas of the campaign there is minimal copy. All executions include the tagline and call to action. The campaign will reflect rŏk’s brand aesthetic and bottle design.

art direction tastefully seductive The art direction for this campaign is extremely important. The photographic style, modeling and position of the rŏk products will be seductive.


print Every print advertisement features a full-bleed, striking photograph of Fluid Socialites enjoying rŏktails. The women are always in the foreground, focusing on the drink, while men are a side-note. The main rŏk bottle is paired with a different flavored rŏktail bottle in the bottom-left corner, along with the rŏk website address for further information. Print advertisements will be placed in magazines read by the target market, including Cosmopolitan, Glamour, and Vogue.


w w w. ro k r u m . c o m

w w w. ro k r u m . c o m

w w w. ro k r u m . c o m

w w w. ro k r u m . c o m


television The 30-second spot for rŏk rum brings the print advertisements to life. It shows Fluid Socialites enjoying rŏktail mixers in similar locations to those featured in our print advertisements, unifying the campaign. rŏk products are the main focus of the commercial spot, highlighted by the women drinking them. Of course, men are at the women’s beck and call. Because our 30-second spot is broken down into five locations that transition from one to another, it will be easy to cut the spot down for shorter online placements and 15-second spots.


art direction


The full spot contains five different locations, each one seen in the print ads. These include the women on a yacht, by the pool, at a rooftop party, in a bar, and at a house gathering. In each location, one of five rŏktails is highlighted. The commercial follows the drink as it travels through each party or gathering. When the camera transitions to a new location, the drink is passed from one person’s hand to another in a new location. All of the scenes represent the main urban cities targeted in our campaign.

The commercial is filmed completely in black and white, except for the color of the rŏktails. This emphasizes the rŏk products and creates a classy aesthetic. The rŏk packaging is highlighted at the end of the commercial, displaying the entire line of rŏktail mixers in color alongside the rŏk rum logo.

The background music is an excerpt from the electronica song “Where you Belong” by Robot Repair. This music sets a chic, contemporary, urban mood to the commercial, and the tempo provides a steady, upbeat pace to the movements and transitions. There is no spoken dialogue, placing heavy focus on the imagery and maintaining the simple, minimalist aspects of the rŏk brand.



The spot opens on the yacht, where attractive male bartenders serve the sun-bathing socialites a rŏktail

We then transition to a hoppin’ house party, where a group of ladies await their freshly made rŏktails...

...which they share with the flirtatious young man who delivered them

Next we show our rŏk ladies dancing with friends on a New York rooftop, rŏktails in hand

A waiter, carrying a full rŏktail, transitions us to a pool party...

...where our rŏk lady is lounging in the pool, waiting for her rŏktail to arrive

Finally, we finish up at a chic bar, where our ladies flirt with an attractive male bartender...

...who makes each of them a delicious rŏktail

Fade to white as our product line streams in, introducing the brand and tagline.


outdoor The outdoor placements are cohesive with the print campaign, featuring the Fluid Socialites in luxurious locales. Outdoor placements include subway stops, taxis, bus sides, bus stops, billboards, a Times Square placement, and mall placements. There is a high frequency of outdoor advertising in order to reach the target market of Fluid Socialites in urban areas.



non-traditional The non-traditional placements bring attention to the rŏk brand in unconventional, memorable ways. The rŏk bottle is featured on top of a city bus in order to reach Fluid Socialites who look out the window while at work in high office buildings, and look forward to enjoying rŏk after work. The subway tunnel animation is a unique way to highlight the rŏk television spot outdoors: as the subway car speeds by, sequential frames from the commercial are placed strategically along the tunnel walls and will appear in motion to those inside. Once passengers arrive at the terminal, they will witness a complete rŏk take-over, with ads placed on pillars and walls.


mobile rŏk’s iPhone application offers rŏk drinkers an outlet to create their own personal rŏk experience. It has tools for planning a rŏk party including food pairings and decor to complement each rŏktail served, moodsetting music playlists, and a rŏk rum locator to find the nearest rŏk retailer, bar or club.


online Online rŏk placements include a take-over of; a personalized radio website. A rŏk playlist station will be available to listeners, with rŏk advertisements in the background of the webpage. Additional online placements will include banner ads on high traffic websites frequently visited by our target market, such as, facebook, and more.


website The rŏk website maintains the same simple aesthetic as the packaging. Visitors will find links to information about the rŏk company, rŏktail products, events sponsored by rŏk, press releases, promotions and further information.


business-to-business In order to capitalize rŏk within the market, we created a business-to-business plan that will broaden the scope of the campaign. We will target business owners, restaurants, lounges, bars, clubs, and retailers to carry and promote rŏk.

We will begin by having a large presence at all national alcohol trade shows. Tradeshow booths showcase rŏk products and include information about the brand and Appleton Estates. Examples of the campaign and details about the point-of-purchase displays will be available. By implementing a business-to-business plan into our campaign, we will maximize placement of the rŏk brand to truly ensure that “rŏk is there” for consumers.


point-of-purchase The business-to-business plan will also include in-store point-of-purchase displays and a plan for venue promotions. The instore displays will be placed in grocery and liquor stores in large urban areas. As the rŏk brand grows, we will provide more displays to retailers. Stores that opt not to showcase rŏk in the P.O.P. displays can carry the rum on standard shelves, in which case we will utilize optimal shelf space and location. The point of purchase displays will emulate the bottle. The rŏk diamond will be located at the bottom of the display, with the rŏk logo at the top. The back will be a glass wall, and three shelves will be available for the bottles to be placed in.


promotions objective rŏk rum will build a relationship with fliud socialites with promotions reflecting their key interests and desires. Through different in-house promotions, special events and sweepstakes, rŏk will be where our socialites want to be.

distribution rŏk rum will be featured in the hottest bars, restaurants, and lounges (similar to the images provided) that our fluid socialite target thrives in. These places are chic and sophisticated serving only the finest foods and beverages. rŏk rum’s specialized mixed drinks will be served in these bars including opal, emerald, sapphire, amber and ruby rŏktails.


rŏk men & giveaways rŏk men Attractive male promoters will be present on the hot nights out at these bars and lounges. They will provide ladies with a drink on rŏk. These men are good looking, flirtatious, classy and smooth with words. They will promote rŏk through conversation and charm rather than the typical in-your-face alcohol promoters. Women’s first impression of rŏk will be an all-around pleasant, memorable experience. These men will reflect the profile of our socialites’ desires. Girls who have interacted with these promoters will walk away with a free drink and a rŏk business card including information that will lead them to rŏk’s website and social media pages.

giveaways We will provide bars, restaurants and lounges serving rŏk with specialized cocktail glasses and napkins. The rŏktails will stand out among other drinks served in bars because it will have a unique glass shape, similar to the rŏk bottle, with a diamond at the bottom and the logo engraved on the side of the glass. Simple cocktail napkins and a rŏk business card will also be provided with the beverage, giving them the opportunity to connect with rŏk after they leave the bar. The business card directs them to the rŏk website, Facebook and Twitter account for more information. The business card will also offer 10% off in-store purchases when presented to the cashier.


viral twitter page Consumers can easily connect and communicate with rŏk rum and fellow socialites though social media. We will have a Twitter and Facebook account that will give full details on the promotions and employ a viral campaign for consumers to demand rŏk at their favorite bars and clubs in their city (#demandrŏk). Our advertisements will provide a link to these accounts, leading the consumers to access instant information about rŏk’s product and promotions. It is also a place to upload and share pictures of rŏk socialites.

facebook fan page


rŏk parties & music rŏk parties rŏk will host numerous VIP parties, similar to the look and feel of those seen in our advertisements. These parties are based upon consumer demand through communication on our Facebook and Twitter pages. There will be a promotional code on each business card during the time of the promotion that rŏk drinkers can enter on the website to qualify for a drawing for VIP access to the rŏk parties.

rŏk music experience rŏk will host numerous concerts in select cities, entirely based on demand. rŏk drinkers will communicate their desires through our Facebook and Twitter pages. The top musical artists, cities and rŏkserving venues that are requested will be selected for an exclusive music experience held by rŏk.


launch & sweepstakes rŏk launch parties Upon the release of rŏk, we will host exclusive launch parties in select cities nationwide presenting rŏk rum to the media, critics, and VIP socialites. At these parties, award-winning bartenders will teach party-goers the simplicity of making a rŏktail, along with offering suggestions of what kinds of food are best served with each drink.

swarovski sweepstakes rŏk will partner with Swarovski for a diamond earring sweepstakes. Participation in the sweepstakes is based upon attendence at a rŏk-sponsored event, or by purchasing rŏk in stores to receive a promotional code that can be entered on the rŏk website. Every code entered will be submitted for the drawing to win a pair of one of the six limited edition Swarovski earrings. The grand prize winner will receive the “rŏk diamond” earrings, and five other winners will receive a pair of either opal, emerald, sapphire, amber and ruby gemstone earrings.


press kit & press release The press kit will include a single serving of both rŏk rum and a rŏktail mixer. A branded press book will also be included, providing basic information, rŏk’s communication architecture, press releases, samples of advertising, a company sell sheet, quotable statements, and a business card. These kits will be distributed to local press when rŏk is launched in various cities.


CONTACT: Elyse Mueller- Director of PR/ Promotions ADrenaline Advertising (714) 922-8064 information@rŏ

On Saturday, May 1, 2010 rŏk rum is pleased to host exclusive launch parties in the cities of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago, Miami and New York City presenting rŏk rum to media, critics and VIP socialites. Award-winning bartenders will demonstrate the simplicity of making rŏk rum’s specialty cocktails known as “rŏktails.” A press conference will be held immediately following. Drinks and appetizers will be provided. Admission is free and open to guests with invitations only. For additional information on rŏk launch parties, contact Elyse Mueller or visit www.rŏ ABOUT rŏk RUM rŏk rum is distiller Appleton Estate’s white rum, establishing a position in the alcohol market as rum grown up. rŏk rum is luxury simplified, simplicity refined. Its image is minimalist and sleek and so is its bottle. rŏk will also release a line of mixers that puts a twist on traditional rum beverages. -END-


product placement sex and the city rŏk will be placed in the next Sex and the City movie and featured as the new hot drink that the girls rave about. In correlation with the film, a limited edition Sex and the City rŏktail mixer will be released and promoted with specialized print spots.

tv placement rŏk will be featured in select tv shows such as Desperate Housewives, Entourage, Private Practice, The Hills and The City. These shows reflect the lifestyle and interests of a fluid socialite. When rŏk is seen as a part of the show’s character lifestyles our target socialites will want to include it in their own.


media objectives & strategy schedule We plan to implement a media schedule that gradually increases with the promotional calendar beginning May 1, 2010 and tapers off through January 2011. It will be divided into 3-tiers. The campaign will begin with an influx of advertisements a week prior to the premiere of Appleton’s new subcategory rŏk. We will embody Appleton’s new rŏk brand along with special promotional events during the launch, and continue pulse media saturating the market with rŏk after the initial launch. We hope to utilize the media to establish hype for the new brand and create awareness of the promotional events.

media breakdown

target audience Primary Market: Female Fluid Socialites ranging from ages 25-34.

5% online




reach Achieve a minimum goal of 65% for each of our 3-tiers of advertising. We will achieve this goal through a compilation of internet, outdoor, and magazine advertising.


frequency non-traditional

20% 25% 36


Achieve a minimum goal of 12 for each tier of advertising. National outdoor and cable placements will aid in achieving this goal.

geography geography The campaign will implement a national strategy and will include internet and magazine placements. Our six rĹ?k hubs throughout the country have been strategically selected based on their fluid socialite population to carry out individual promotions. We plan to enable consumers to demand rĹ?k in additional locations that will result in expanding our media. This strategy includes television, outdoor, and non traditional which will allow us to specifically target the Fluid Socialites in the areas they are most concentrated.

Austin Boston Chicago Dallas Denver Los Angeles Miami New York Portland San Francisco Seattle


media vehicles Our media budget will be 65% of the total allowance, coming in at $16 million.




Magazines are a convenient media outlet to reach Fluid Socialites, because they are heavy consumers of this particular medium.

Outdoor placements can be cost effective while building frequency and brand awareness amongst our target market. Outdoor media will be placed in the rĹ?k hubs and will include billboards, taxis and buses, subways, transit shelters, and malls. Our outdoor strategies will capture the Fluid Socialites while they are at work and out and about.

Website, banner ads, Pandora takeover, Facebook profile, Twitter

Our full page placements will engage our target markets nationwide and will develop strong brand awareness through reach and frequency. The ten magazines we have selected are highly ranked publications with a reasonable CPM among our Fluid Socialites. Scheduling will have a special emphasis in May and December, one month into the campaign and again half way through. Throughout the month of June when the rĹ?k premiere parties occur, ads will be placed in a total of six publications. In accordance with our sweepstakes and the holidays in December, we will place ads in four publications. The magazines we chose were based off of our MRI research of female rum drinkers.

30 second spot The same 30-second television spot will be placed on streaming online video sites that Fluid Socialites watch their favorite shows on. The traditional internet executions will be on the top 11 ranking websites.

television Product placements and 30 second spots will be placed in television shows such as The Hills, The City, Private Practice, Entourage and Desperate Housewives.


sex and the city Product placement in premiere of the latest Sex and the City movie.

The internet is an essential in the every day routines of Fluid Socialites. Their social lives, work and entertainment all revolve around it, making the internet one of the most commonly used mediums. The online placements will include streaming online ads of our 30-second spot and traditional placements like banner ads and prestitials.

media plan Placement Type

Media Vehicle Online Traditional Streaming Video Print Allure Cosmopolitan Elle Glamour Lucky Rolling Stone Vogue Outdoor - 50 Showings Chicago Los Angeles Miami New York San Francisco Seattle Television ABC Bravo Fox MTV NBC Non-Traditional Merchandise Subway Takeovers Bus Tops Wristbands B2B Tradeshows Bars In-Store POP Displays


Banner Ad Banner, Skyscraper, Leader Banner, Fan Page AD Words Banner Video Player Sponsorship Video Player Sponsorship Banner Site Skin Banner Expandable

$2,111 $19,466 $36,666 $18,333 $2,111 $8,333 $11,666 $3,777 $3,555 $2,200 $5,555

Interstitial 30-Second Spot Interstitial 30-Second Spot Pre-Roll 30-Second Spot Pre-Roll 30-Second Spot Interstitial 30-Second Spot

$11,666 $10,555 $7,666 $13,888 $10,722

Full-Page, 4 Color Bleed


Full-Page, 4 Color Bleed Full-Page, 4 Color Bleed Full-Page, 4 Color Bleed Full-Page, 4 Color Bleed Full-Page, 4 Color Bleed

$112,685 $170,080 $87,799 $165,775 $128,220

Two-Page Spread, 4 Color Bleed

$75,000 $150,000 $30,000 $250,000 $45,000 $20,000

30-Second Spot 30-Second Spot 30-Second Spot 30-Second Spot 30-Second Spot

$33,333 $33,333 $33,333 $33,333 $33,333

Branded Napkins and Glasses Subway Movie, Banners Non-Traditional Bus Wrap Club and Concert Venues

$14,750 $55,416 $18,450 $4,250

Booth, Banners Branded Materials Kiosks, Banners

$20,556 $9,388 $14,500


June 2010

July 2010

Aug 2010

Sept 2010

Oct 2010

Nov 2010

Dec 2010

Jan 2011

Feb 2011

Mar 2011

April 2011

Total Cost $1,024,000 $19,000 $175,200 $330,000 $165,000 $19,000 $75,000 $105,000 $34,000 $32,000 $19,800 $50,000 $490,500 $105,000 $95,000 $69,000 $125,000 $96,500 $8,035,934 $1,023,300 $1,295,000


Billboards, Transit, & OOH Billboards, Transit, & OOH Billboards, Transit, & OOH Billboards, Transit, & OOH Billboards, Transit, & OOH Billboards, Transit, & OOH


May 2010


special occasions

grand total:

$1,530,720 $526,794 $1,491,975 $1,153,980 $5,130,000 $675,000 $1,350,000 $270,000 $2,250,000 $405,000 $180,000 $1,500,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $92,866 $14,750 $55,416 $18,450 $4,250 $400,000 $185,000 $84,500 $130,500 $17,273,300





Online $1,514,500 Traditional $1,024,000 Streaming Video $490,500 Print (magazines) $8,035,934 Outdoor $5,130,000 Television $1,500,000 Out of Home $1,000,000 Non-Traditional $92,866 Promotions/Public Relations $6,250,000 Promoters $20,000 Giveaways $500,000 Events $3,000,000 Mobile $20,000 Sweepstakes $100,000 TV/Movie Placement $2,590,000 media Public Relations $20,000 B2B $400,000 promotions & pr Commission $888,350 B2B Contingency $588,350 commission

5% 1%








evaluation ADrenaline will evaluate the success of rŏk rum using the following means. post-testing


social media

Post-testing surveys and focus groups will be used to evaluate the campaigns creative aspects as well as general message. With these evaluation methods, ADrenaline seeks a positive impression rate of 65% within our defined demographic.

In partnership with Appleton Corporate, ADrenaline will monitor the sales of rŏk rum during its initial release in to the market. ADrenaline plans to see rŏk rum capturing four percent of the US rum market within the first three months, and 17 percent within the first year.

Using our custom hashtag on Twitter (#demandrŏk), ADrenaline is seeking a Tweet-Reach of 10 million impressions over the 3-month launch period. A twitter impression is defined as any time someone is witness to a tweet containing the specified hashtag.


about ADrenaline Zachary Reusing Senior Account Planner

Chelsea Phillips Media Strategist

Elyse Mueller Promotions Manager

BFA Film Production BA PR & Advertising December 2009

BA PR & Advertising Studio Art Minor December 2009

BA PR & Advertising Broadcast Minor May 2010

During his years at Chapman, Zach has developed an intense passion for account planning and research. He is extremely proud to be leading this years Account Planning team for the National Student Advertising Competition.

Elyse has a wide range of creative interests. She heads the promotions department for National Student Advertising Competition, has been in charge of planning campus-wide events, and has a passion for broadcast journalism.

Kimmy Kirkwood Creative Director

Sara Hahn Graphic Designer

Kelsey Chapman Graphic Designer

BA PR & Advertising BFA Graphic Design May 2010

BFA Graphic Design Advertising Minor May 2010

BFA Graphic Design Advertising Minor May 2010

Kimmy has spent the past four years as a member of Chapman’s National Student Advertising Competition team and is an Account Director this year. Last year she was a dual recipient of the Dwiggins award for excellence in the study of graphic design.


Chelsea has been involved with the National Student Advertising Competition for the last three years and has developed strong skills in account planning and promotions.She has acquired a passion for web design and online marketing.

Sara is passionate about art and design, including packaging design, book design, and illustration. She was recently honored with the Dwiggins Award for Excellence in Graphic Design by Chapman Univeristy.

Kelsey has spent her years at Chapman dividing her time between classwork and relative internships. She has worked with both public relations and advertising agencies, and has created logos for Distinct and

thank you

ADrenaline would like to thank those who helped with the development of this campaign, including Craig Whetter, Kate Eglen, Jon Blomgren, Holland Breed, Matt Irsfield, Jaime Kuntz, Connor Martin, Meg Miller, Jessica Riga, Andreas Robichaux, Rachel Roehl, Kurt Yacko, Eric Chimenti, and Ray Roschman. We truly appreciate their contributions. Drink Responsibly.


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