RADD Advertising Campaign

Page 1

solid Annie Green Brenna Cleary

Bryan Hume Mariana Netto

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Executive Summary Marketing Goals


Research Insights Target Markets



Research & Case Study Objectives

Big Idea & Creative Vision Tone & Tagline

10 4

Barriers & Foundations

SWOT Analysis

12 Media Markets

Media Strategy & Mix Campaign Cycles

13 14

35 Media Plan

Cycle 1



october | november | december

Cycle 2


Bar & Restaurant Outreach

31 36


Budget Breakdown Evaluation Strategy

january | february | march | april | may

Cycle 3



june | july | august | september

College Administration Outreach


Credits Social Media Guidelines & PR Strategy




executive summary At BBAM Branding & Advertising, we understand that solving a major global problem starts locally. Some call this starting small, but that’s not how we see it. You see, as most twentysomethings, we like to think big, differently, and innovatively. We take risks because we see the reward as just a leap, rather than a step away. And that’s exactly what we do for College is RADD in the Solid campaign. We take a leap towards ending drunk driving in California. You came to us with a goal to directly influence college students and increase your organization’s presence on college campuses, and we give you a solution with our targeted, 12-month integrated marketing campaign.

The marketing goals of this DUI prevention project are to:

Through interactive promotions, an extensive social media presence and a confident and fresh tone of voice, BBAM creates a two-way conversation not only with the alpha male, but also with a large community of college students. After this 12-month period, College is RADD will be the only road safety driving organization that effectively communicates with Millennials. So come with us, as we give you an exclusive tour inside this journey.

1. Grow program awareness among existing campuses and their surrounding community, especially local bars and restaurants frequented by students. 2. Increase level of participation with current partners via increased promotion of designated driver rewards, communication of program’s success opportunity and resulting partner benefits. 3. Grow number of participants, including number of campuses, active student teams, bars, restaurants and other appropriate partners.

Targeting the alpha males of the college world, these 21-year-old binge drinkers not only are reckless but also are key influencers in their friend groups. Through our Solid campaign efforts, we will show them that planning ahead will not only make their evening more enjoyable, but proves that a lack of intoxication doesn’t mean they cannot keep the party going.


research objectives

SWOT analysis

There are four things College is RADD wishes to accomplish with this new campaign:

1 Increase awareness among Millennials

2 Increase Millennials' interaction with the organization 3 Increase designated driver consideration 4 Increase partnerships with colleges and local businesses

case study objectives From looking at those four goals, we realized there was a lot to learn about Millennials and your organization to then begin to shape our campaign. With that in mind, we set out objectives we wanted to reach with our research:

1 Understand why Millennials drive after consuming alcohol 2 Understand what would convince Millennials to alter the previously mentioned behavior

3 Evaluate College is RADD's current voice and messaging style 4 Determine how to effectively position College is RADD for Millennials 5 Understand how Millennials use media to interact with brands and where College is RADD fits in this pattern

6 Understand how businesses can help College is RADD diminish drunk driving

7 Determine college administrations’ perspective on partnering with an outside organization such as College is RADD



Creating positive attitudes about road safety with the aid of athletes, celebrities, media partners, and sponsors intrigues target markets who associate with these advocates. The proposition also creates a sense of community bringing together many people under one uniting cause. This spans over college campuses as well as the overarching community in college towns, local business owners and law enforcement.

‘creates a sense of community bringing together many people under one uniting cause’

Competitive Advantages Over the years, RADD has been backed by several celebrities, giving the nonprofit a sense of authenticity. Over 500 celebrities saying "Your lifestyle is your business. Don’t take it on the road" and advocating positive attitudes about road safety have been associated with RADD.

College is RADD is funded by Cal Grant, giving the program more credibility and presenting it as a tangible asset when reaching out to new partners and target markets.

RADD has local, national and international programs such as College is RADD and RADD Australia giving it a presence across the world.

Pairing entertainment with cause allows RADD to be seen as fun but twithout sacrificing the seriousness of road safety.

Cultural Attitudinal Behavioural / Philosophy & Values RADD's "glass half full" mentality allows for a more relaxed and approachable tone when targeting Millennials. The ultimate "have fun, plan ahead" tone is something college-aged audiences can relate to, especially when it is used the right way.

RADD is one of the only nonprofits that advocates positive lifestyle choices with age-appropriate messages that promote safe, sane, and sober driving; "control on wheels."

Unique Selling Points

Advantages of Proposition

RADD's "Edu-tainment” aspect allows for access to musicians, athletes, and celebrities as spokespeople for cause. "Edu-tainment" also allows for media access, sponsors, communication channels to save lives, and reduce injuries by raising awareness about the importance of road safety.

While some see RADD's pro-safety stance as a weakness, the brand uses it as a strength by tying it to their positive mentality.

Innovative Aspects

Resources, Assets, People

RADD has a welcoming and refreshing openness to revamping and innovating the program, as long as it aids the nonprofit’s main goal of decreasing drunk driving.

RADD had over $7.1 million audited airtime in 2004, and has partnered with the National Association of Broadcasters, Advertising Council, CA Broadcast Association and USDOT for distribution of PSAs.

Also, partnership with law enforcement and California government allow for seminars and educational programs.

Partners such as Triple AAA, Budweiser, Chevron, Miller Brewing, and American Federation of Musicians, allow for ongoing and new partnerships in the future. The HBO backed documentary ‘Smashed’ features educational materials including survey questionnaires on pre viewing, post viewing, 30 days post viewing.



Multiple Platforms

When first googling RADD, the searcher encounters four to five different websites that carry RADD's name. This is confusing, especially if the searcher does not know much about the company.

Social Media Disconnect

Besides having multiple platforms for the audience to get lost in, RADD is experiencing severe social media disconnect from a generation that heavily relies on it. Their "College is RADD" Facebook page only has 68 likes [as of May 2014]. Although the pace of the posts is consistent, the range of mixed messages don’t have a clear voice. On the other hand, RADD Australia's Facebook page has 355 likes and multiple links to their different platforms, making it a hub of all things RADD for users. These links can take users to their official website, YouTube page, and events page for example; something that our "College is RADD" Facebook page does not do.

5 SWOT analysis

The "College is RADD" program targets current college students, but fails to incorporate that strategy through social media platforms.

Web Design Web design is lacking basic design principles; colors are chaotic, cannot be considered trusted with such a variety of conflicting typefaces, alignments, and messages. College program has potential, but the red, black, and white colors conjure morbid, dark emotions.

Lack of Positive Perception / Lack of Awareness Consumers see RADD as an outdated, dysfunctional brand due to its lack of updates and noncohesive brand message. This is mainly due to the dated videos and promotions on the main website. College students would greatly benefit from the opportunities presented to them by RADD, however they aren't even aware the organization exists. This situation is caused by a confusing communication strategy and an unrelatable creative strategy.


Market Developments Although College is RADD has made significant strides towards covering a large number of college campuses in California, there is still room for growth in the state. Since the project's main focus is to end drunk driving, Greek Life will lend a hand in creating engaging activities both on and off campus. Marketers spend significant time creating innovative nontraditional marketing being responsible for communicating with younger demographics in unexpected ways. This ever growing trend is one your brand can definitely benefit from, especially in spreading initial awareness of the campaign.

Competitor Vulnerabilities

Lifestyle Trends

Technology Development / Innovation

Competitors of your brand consistently struggle to effectively communicate with Millennials. This young demographic is stubborn and hates being told what to do, especially from brands that preach against drinking and hold unrealistic expectations of Millennials.

Car services such as Uber and Lyft have been increasing in popularity with Millennials as of mid 2013. Millennials choose to stray away from common taxi services because they believe it may be dangerous or that they are being overcharged.

The trend for mobile application development inspires the opportunity to create an interactive promotions application for designated drivers. This new application will allow for an easier communication interface where designated drivers can see a map of RADD's local partners as well as the rewards they offer.

This audience has a negative perception of MADD and other competitors who are out of touch with Millennial interests and haven’t remodeled their marketing to fit them.

College students tend to lead an active lifestyle, especially when it comes to going out at night resulting in continuous traffic at local bars and restaurants during the weekend around campuses.


Tactics Acknowledging Millennials’ constant media consumption, College is RADD can seamlessly place itself in mediums college students already are looking in. RADD will also support designated drivers in bars, restaurants and college campuses to increase awareness.

Development of other technologies, specifically in the police and law enforcement organizations will allow for better testing of drunk driving and therefore lowering the number of on record instances.

RADD's involvement with the entertainment industry will prove to be highly beneficial noting celebrity influence over this generation.

College is RADD's ongoing partnership with California colleges and universities allows for a better chance at expanding this partnership. There are also several student clubs and organizations that College is RADD can also partner with to increase trust with the demographic.



Political and Legislative Effects

Market Demand

University politics, such as board of directors or college administration, may be wary of getting involved with alcohol-related programs due to liability issues. California has strict laws regarding alcohol and are strict on associated RADD restaurants following these specifically with regard to underage drinking on the premise. Specific policies vary from each university and college depending on which are wet campuses versus dry campuses.

Obstacles Faced Acknowledging the extent of anti-DUI organizations, this market is oversaturated with messages. Millennials already despise being told what to do, making communication that much harder.


College is RADD must also compete for California funding amongst other NPO and DUI prevention NPOs.

IT Developments Gaining partnership with applications such as Uber and Lyft, as opposed to competing with them for customers. Threat of losing connection to college students if budget does not allow for app development, the program should be relevant and convenient to Millennials.

There is an ever growing demand to end driving under the influence, yet the problem lies specifically among college-aged individuals. Millennials must first be aware of College is RADD to develop a desire for its benefits. For this demand to exist, RADD needs to be part of the conversation, relying on word of mouth to spread brand advocacy about the partnerships with local businesses and rewards for designated drivers.

Competitor Intentions There are several other organizations that have the same end goal as RADD, causing a repetitive oversaturation of the market when Millennials constantly hear they shouldn't be drinking and driving. MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) has very similar cause, name and message are very similar to RADD's. DFDD (Doctors For Designated Drivers) focuses on anti-drunk driving in all age groups. SADD (Students Against Drunk Driving) is a peer to peer organization, "Just say no." And Every 15 Minutes is the most prominent organization amongst college students.

Seasonality & Weather Effects Insurmountable Weakness There will always be people who choose to drive drunk, despite strong efforts from RADD or other anti-DUI organizations.

Since College is RADD is an organization specifically targeting college markets and audiences, vacation periods are harder to reach the desired audience. Since students are mostly only on campus when classes are happening, summer and winter periods will be less effective, even though those are two periods where college students are drinking the most.

“I was unprepared” and “I was under the legal limit” were the most common reasons amongst respondents for driving after drinking.


Survey Responses



Local Business Owner Interviews

56 Millennial Interviews

Millennials are the most active online at night from 6-10 p.m


have driven after consuming alcohol


use online radio streaming

Spotify and Pandora are the two most popular platforms

unaware of sometimes plan how to get 31% 93% currently home before going out College is RADD


said incentives would change behavior

research insights


knowingly got in a car with a driver that consumed alcohol that night

is the most used social media platform by Millennials


MARK, the ‘it’ bar owner

target markets Acknowledging the crucial value your message implies, our primary, secondary, and tertiary audiences were chosen to best captivate those who would benefit most from the campaign’s efforts.


TYLER, the fratty stud

Mark is a young business owner. After graduating from college with a degree in Business, he jumped from one job to another, until he decided to follow his dream and open his first pub. Mark can confidently say he understands the way male Millennials work, and is looking for more exposure and foot traffic. Being highly aware of the issues accompanying drinking and driving, he is willing to work with a program like College is RADD; he just first must tangibly see the rewards to then become a program advocate.


tertiary GABY, the cool counselor Tyler is a Caucasian senior at the University of California Los Angeles. This Communications major is a proud member of the Sigma Chi fraternity and would paint his body daily if asked to showcase his life long dedication to favorite football, basketball, and baseball teams. When he isn’t tailgating among his fraternity brothers and friends before live games, watching any type of competitive sports, or rauchy comedy show is his jam, especially before a night of binge drinking.


Gaby is a 36 year old Latina mother that works on Fresno State’s Program Board. She balances the expectations of motherhood to her three year-old Sonya, with a demanding schedule at her work’s campus office. Gaby is known as the cool advisor and is always looking out for her students, but she also has very strict morals and a strong religious background. Although Gaby did go out a lot before she started her family, she has never driven drunk. After having a child, Gaby feels that it is her duty to keep everyone safe.


From our in-depth research of your organization as well as the target markets, we realized there were three barriers keeping Tyler, Mark and Gaby from connecting with the College is RADD program. Lack of Awareness: the first barrier addresses the concern that a majority of our target markets currently are unaware of your organization, your program or the rewards you offer. Superhuman Mentality: the second barrier directly talks to the Millennial mentality that nothing bad can ever happen to them. In our research, we discovered that Tyler believes he can drive after consuming alcohol because he will not be pulled over by a cop or hurt anyone.

"Those things only happen to other people," he would say. Insufficient Reward: this barrier talks primarily to Tyler and Mark's compensation desire. They both must tangibly see the rewards of using your program to then connect to it. As of right now, the rewards you offer are not enough.

foundations As we looked at what kept Tyler, Mark and Gaby from College is RADD, it was evident that we would have to choose how to target each of them to better understand your program and organization. With that in mind, we established three components, already existent in your brand, that we will build our campaign on.

Brand Mentality: Your organization offers a refreshing and young perspective on the cause at hand; something that your competitors are currently unable to do. However, RADD’s brand message of conscious and planned entertainment is one all of our target markets can relate to. Entertainment Connection: Another instrumental competitive advantage RADD currently holds is your connection to the entertainment industry. Tyler wants to see his favorite celebrities, Mark wants to have them in his establishment, and Gaby wants them to tour her college campus. RADD can give each of the audiences what they want, while controlling and carving the perfect message for your cause. RADD Rewards:This building block will directly address Tyler and Mark’s need for compensation. Once they tangibly see the ever growing rewards system, and specifically the new rewards app(pg 34) offered by your organization, they can start to align themselves with the program.


Big Idea From talking to Millennials we noticed one common thread; a majority of those surveyed used one word to describe several ideas.

"I felt solid," "I did them a solid," and "That's solid," were all phrases we heard during our research. From this discovery, we gathered the word "solid" can be used in a myriad of ways. However, it always will convey a certain feeling: the ability to relax. When you are solid, not only are you relaxed but you are also in control of your near future. You know how you're getting home safely and in turn, can focus on having fun. Solid can also be used as a synonym for a favor, in Millennials' urban language. Through our campaign, we will communicate this as well by showcasing that as a designated driver, you're not only doing yourself and your friends a solid, but you are also doing your community a solid.

creative vision Feeling solid is a benefit of planning, beforehand, on how to get home after a night out. From feeling solid and planning ahead, Millennials will feel lighter, and have one less thing to think and worry about on a night out. "One less thing" is what we aim to convey with our creative executions. RADD is giving you one less thing to think about, and more room to have fun. Worry about what clothes you're going to wear, what bar you'll be going to, or even if you'll be seeing that cute guy or girl tonight. But by taking the first step and planning ahead, you won't have to worry about your safety or how you'll be getting home. Although our audience will never see the words "One less thing," they will experience it through the tone of our creative executions.

tone tagline Since funding to the College is RADD program is directly connected to the program's already existing tagline, we will not change it for this campaign. We believe that "Friends don't let friends drive drunk, do you?" is a powerful call to action, that can be incorporated into the overall message and tone of this campaign’s efforts. Since RADD's tagline is a more powerful and serious call to action, the campaign's overall message will be more relaxed, as a way to balance out the mood and feelings conveyed. Through our research, we discovered that Millennials are not very responsive to shocking statistics and commercials, therefore we believe it is important to communicate with them in a more relaxed and relatable voice. At no point and time should the voice of this campaign be preachy or heavy. The tone words we established for this new campaign are:


relatable, confident, young, & fresh.

12 We decided to target ten universities in California that currently are not affiliated with your organization. Taking into consideration the size of the university, whether Greek life has a notable presence, the number of social gatherings, and the college town's nightlife, our year long efforts will be guided by the interests and likes of the students on these campuses.



1 California State University, Chico | 17,115 pop. 2 Sonoma State University | 9,194 pop. 3 University of California, Berkeley | 39,459 pop. 4 San Francisco State University | 32,508 pop. 5 San Jose State University | 32,568 pop. 6 California State University, Fresno | 23,526 pop. 6 7 University of California, Santa Barbara | 23,530 pop. 8 California State University, Dominguez Hills | 15,825 pop. 9 California State University, Long Beach | 37,145 pop. 10 Loyola Marymount University | 10,258 pop.

3 4


7 8

10 9

media markets 12

media strategy & mix



GUERILLA While male Millennials do spend a lot of time on the internet, we also have taken into consideration the time they spend on their university campuses. With this in mind, 5 percent has been allocated to guerrilla noting Tyler’s current unawareness of College is RADD. Guerrilla is an interesting and exciting way to get younger audiences to engage and interact with your organization.

PAID SOCIAL MEDIA As an ever growing medium, we decided to separate social media from online media because it is a different method of interaction. Although our paid social media buys will occur throughout the duration of our campaign, the strategy will increase pulsation of promoted tweets and Facebook posts during pivotal moments of our executions.

sponsored Facebook posts campus fountain stunt promoted tweets


college newspapers

surveyed use online radio streaming


Through primary research such as surveys and focus groups, as well as secondary research from MRI and Quantcast, we discovered that the best way to effectively reach Tyler was to separate our media budget into print, online, guerrilla and paid social media.


63% ONLINE 63% of the media budget is going towards online media becasuse male Millennials rank as heavy online users, with an index of 166 on MRI. After surveying male Millennials on their online habits, 79 percent of the respondents claimed to use online radio streaming. as well as frequenting websites such as ESPN. com, Hulu.com and buzzfeed.com.

frequented websites ESPN.com, buzzfeed.com, & hulu.com

166 MRI

Male Millennials as heavy online users

+ ranked highest in radio usage

7% PRINT Solely placing print ads in college newspapers instead of nationally renowned print outlets, College is RADD will be placed in a medium that college students are already looking in. These placements will happen in the beginning of our campaign to increase Millennials’ awareness of your organization.

cycles explanation After acknowledging our campaign objectives and barriers, the year long marketing plan was organically split into three different cycles, each addressing a specific barrier of the brand. Going hand in hand with our media strategy, these cycles are meant to better organize our media buys, promotions, and public relations activities ultimately creating a focused and strategic campaign.



October | November | December

January | February | March | April | May

In this media-heavy cycle, our efforts will be geared towards increasing Tyler, Mark and Gaby’s awareness of the College is RADD program and your organization’s messaging and goals. Our number one priority for these three months is to have your organization be on the tip of their tongues and top of mind.

Now that Tyler, Mark and Gaby know about College is RADD, we can start optimizing their interactions with your organization. While aiming to create face-to-face interactions between Tyler, Mark and Gaby and College is RADD, the Engagement cycle will expectedly ignite excitement through the various events put on for the cause.

L O YA LT Y June | July | August | September The activities in the Loyalty Cycle will be looking to create a sense of brand loyalty between our target audiences and your organization. By increasing awareness and engagement in the two previous cycles, it allows for an opportunity to give the campaign legs so that the connection between them and College is RADD can develop even after the 12-month period is over.




Secre e to ts, secrets th are VERY fun not ey day ay erry self, be DD all d


the Red Cup Fountains


To kick off the Awareness portion of our campaign, we will strategically place humansized red cups in locations all over our top ten target markets. This guerilla style will appear in fountains, campus quads, bars, shopping malls and any other place with high foot traffic. To further capitalize on this opportunity, each cup will feature a faux text message, portraying the advantages of either planning ahead before a night out, or being a designated driver. The copy will vary from cup to cup, but it is meant to speak to Tyler and other college students in a young and carefree voice, while still communicating your organization’s message.

The College is RADD website URL will be the sole link to your brand, purposefully adding an element of ‘mystery’. With only the website to find further information about the altered fountains, your brand will begin receiving awareness from the get-go. Taking place in the first two weeks of October, and appearing and disappearing as needed, this intiative will strategically lead into the soon to be creative executions.

campus activities Beginning in October and continuing until the end of the year, we will follow your organization’s established tabling practices. College is RADD campus representatives will be present on each school’s most populated areas once every two weeks, informing students about your organization’s efforts and messaging. Giving out special discounts made possible by your ongoing partnerships with local restaurants and bars, as well as providing informational flyers, students will become aware of upcoming events and what they can do to be safer when they go out. Transitioning from university walkways to on campus housing, our campus representatives will “dorm storm” college dormitories once a month. For this initiative, collateral materials will be given to those who live in the dormitories varying from flyers to door hangers, stickers and drink coupons(pg. 29). All in the best effort to spread awareness and ignite excitement among college students, these free incentives will cause immediate interest in the following cycle’s




online banner ads To continue increasing Tyler, Mark and Gaby’s awareness of your organization’s goals and messaging, we will draw from text message humor through strategic placements of online banner ads. Having recently been introduced to the concept through the initial guerilla stunts, students will immediately recall College is RADD as the bold brand behind the cups, and want to find out more while conveniently on the internet. All copy will showcase either a fun night that ended safely, or the perks of being a designated driver. While featuring RADD’s slogan and our campaign hashtag #safeandsolid, viewers will be guided to your website where they can find out more about your rewards program and cause. These will start after our guerrilla stunt through the end of October and then reappear in December, with a moderated pulsing strategy.

i think there was a fish in his cup

fish can survive in vodka? #wut


friends don’t let friends drive drunk...do you?


college newspapers In conjunction with our online banner ads, we will also buy spaces in each of our markets’ university newspapers to advertise your organization. This is a cost-effective media buy, placing College is RADD directly in mediums that both Tyler and Gaby already have access to. Using social media and campus representatives, students will be encouraged to send in their own amusing texts from their weekend adventures further supporting our marketing goal of increased participation and brand interaction.


Ben’s Yoncé alter-ego is on the move thank god I’m the DD, I foresee trouble

friends don’t let friends drive drunk... do you?


Despite Tyler not being the most avid college newspaper reader, this placement will also target other college students who from our research insights are also bound to drink and drive during their four years of college.




Solid Saturdays Workaholics partnership Mid November, we will introduce an Instagram initiative featuring the three main actors of the Comedy Central TV show, Workaholics.

From our research, we found out that Workaholics is the most viewed show by males ages 18-24 making these three actors the ideal advocates to speak to Tyler.

For this tactic, Adam, Anders and Blake will show up unannounced at a college party in one of our top ten media markets. After talking and interacting with the party goers, the actors will drive the students back and forth to various house parties and bars in the area giving exposure not only to the Toyota RADD car being driven, but the bars they decide to go to for a night of fun. Noting the respect the target markets hold for these comedic characters, bars that aren’t already affiliated with College is RADD will be inclined to receive more information about participating in future RADD efforts.

the Process The three guys will film snippets of their night through Instagram, including their designated driving services, and will release a 15 second video, every Saturday, using the hashtag #SolidSaturdays and tagging the College is RADD Instagram account. Through a span of one month, Adam, Anders and Blake will tell these college students about the benefits of having designated drivers and inform them of the rewards and services College is RADD offers. All that watch will in turn be dying to know more about their adventure and effortlessly tie your brand to the fun. College is RADD will also share all of these videos through Twitter and Facebook. study seshs, meet

Sup bros. After a long week of soli d your

DD’s. #safeandsolid #collegeisradd @col legeisradd @ucs antabarbara view all 16 comm ents delts4life wait these dudes are the great est whens the next




TOYOTA RADD car turned SafeRide In the month of November, the top ten universities we are aiming to expand to will swap their safe ride cars in exchange for RADD’s Toyota sponsored cars. When students receive a Safe Ride, drivers will hand out informative flyers about College is RADD as well as drink coupons made active when agreeing to be designated drivers. All of our collateral materials will blatantly sport your organization’s slogan accompanied by our campaign’s similarly minded hashtag #safeandsolid. While this promotion purposefully will increase awareness among college students, bar and restaurant bouncers who see college students being dropped off by the RADD Car will in turn be interested to find out more about your organization’s goal to stop drinking and driving.

Noting that a majority of the target markets will be studying for their final exams and returning home for the holidays, we will continue to push our awareness strategies while additionally providing students incentive ‘gifts’ to keep College is RADD at the forefront of their minds.

To lessen the stresses of this month, the campus representatives will hand out RADD branded pencils, scantrons, blue books, and complimentary Hot Chocolate and other holiday themed goodies.




College is RADD dorm storm In preparation for our Mario Kart Buzz activity in March(pg. 32), the new year will draw on the previous dorm storm technique, however, this time we will place red cup door hangers across the premise intriguing students with a ‘Swag Cup’ incentive, and the chance to experience a few rounds of the popular Nintendo video game ‘under the influence’.

30 second PSA


*iPhone ping*

is f e el i n g a

Designated driver’s voice: Siri, read message.

buzz in collaboration with

Siri’s voice: I think I’m lying face down on her bedroom floor. I can’t move. Super DD, save me please. *beat under* but College is RADD has made Mario’s journey a bit more buzzed than usual!


& get a Swag Bag* after signing the pledge to never drink and drive!

February 7th @ 1:00pm | Lacorte Hall


*Limit one bag per student

Narrator: Have a solid plan before going out. Super DD won’t always come to the rescue. RADD is the entertainment industry’s voice for road safety and offers rewards for planning ahead. For awesome playlists follow College is RADD’s page at spotify.com/CollegeisRADD or click on the banner to learn about designated driver rewards “Friends don’t let friends drive drunk… do you?”



radio streaming: Spotify & Pandora To optimize awareness and interaction between College is RADD and Tyler, your organization will release monthly Spotify playlists and update each on a weekly basis. As a direct tool to enhance the excitement before going out, Millennials will intially develop trust in the chosen popular and up and coming songs, but still subconsciously note RADD’s message to always have a solid plan to get home. Our primary audience already engages with brands on Spotify and Pandora. College is RADD will seamlessly be added into this medium through playlists, banner ads, and promotional side panneling.

Solid Tunes by CollegeisRADD

Whether to pump up your pre-game, or suit your need for new music, College is RADD offers you consistently updated playlists to keep your night of fun rolling steady even after getting home safe.

what’s keeping the party going?



friends don’t let friends drive drunk...do you?


#safeandsolid Feeling pretty solid College is RADD




Mario Kart Buzz / Beer Simulation At the beginning of March, our campaign will take a serious step towards starting to dismantle Millennials' superhuman mentality. This mentality is one of the major barriers keeping Tyler and other Millennials from truly understanding the dangers of drinking and driving. To break through this barrier, we will put on the "Mario Kart Buzz" activity in all of our ten markets. In a partnership with Nintendo, the official developer of video game "Mario Kart," we will prompt students to play two rounds of their recently released game: "Mario Kart 8." They will play the first round without any exterior impairments, and be prompted to play while wearing Drink Busters™ beer goggles in the second round. These goggles are meant to recreate the effects of considerate-to-heavy drinking, and when paired with the video game will simulate a drunk driving experience. This activity will be a fun and laid-back way of showing college students how much their senses are affected after they drink and showcase the negative impacts of drunk driving.


the Pledge

swag cup

es ty d




ar a p

After signing the pledge, participants will receive a swag cup from College is RADD, informing more about the benefits offered for designated drivers, as well as receiving additional stickers, a red cup bottle opener, drink coupons from local participating bars and restaurants, and ‘RADD Ban’ sunglasses. Following the Mario Kart Buzz experience, students will have the opportunity to electronically sign a pledge to have a solid plan for getting home before a night of fun. While spreading more awareness of your message, this form of direct engagement will likewise encourage students like Tyler to adopt your brand into their lifestyle.


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af t e r par t i c i pat i n g i n t h e COLLEGE IS RADD

buzz I pledge to always have a solid plan to not drink & drive. SUBMIT

Best part of DDing last night? Driving your drunk self to Taco Bell and seeing the smile on your face




the Benefit of Pledging Once clicking SUBMIT on the Pledge page, participants will be taken to the page below introducing the RADD-O-War, a social interaction compeition posing your target markets directly against each other for the chance to win the RADDification music festival at their school.

well that was solid right? but there’s more. In the coming month of April, your social skills will come into play in a big way. Simply by mentioning College is RADD in various posting opportunities, your voice will put yourself and classmates up against nine other California schools vying for our epic RADDIFICATION, a music festival bringing well known talent, a Spotify Music House, In N Out Burger, your favorite local bars, restaurants & much more! You’ve already gained points signing our pledge, but sharing / liking our pages on

College is RADD



will add to the score! Look out for more chances this month, and make sure to never let your friends drive drunk.


has been specially chosen to participate in our first ever


the RADD-0-WAR In light of the expected excitement built around RADDification (see following page), this virtual tug-o-war contest will invite our ten top markets to compete against each other via social media ultimately ‘pulling’ the music festival onto their campus. As students interactively tag your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram profiles with their university's handle, we will record each post as points for their campus. Students will also be able to collect school points by interacting with our campus activities and signing the pledge page after participating in the Mario Kart Buzz initiative.

By having schools interact with College is RADD both face-to-face and through social media, your organization will receive significant attention especially noting the competitive drive of college students. The utniversity that demonstrates this with the most points over the course of March will host RADDification, but the ultimate prize of direct engagement will be awarded to your brand.




RADDification 2014 featuring

@collegeisradd + [your college]

one school. one show.

solid win.

MAY 2015 c o l l e g e i s r a d d . o r g

To get Millennials more and more excited for your annual RADDification, College is RADD will release a new Spotify playlist, featuring the specific artists that will be present at the festival. This playlist will be separate from our other monthly playlists and will also build excitement and anticipation when RADDification promotional posters featuring the headliner ZEDD and expected sponsors are seen across the winning campus.


RADDification music concert From our research, we gathered that music plays a heavy part in Millennials' willingness to interact with a brand or organization. Therefore, we decided sponsoring an electronic dance music festival was the best way to engage not only Tyler, but Mark and Gaby too.

RADDification will take place in the beginning of May, before finals week, within the winning colleges’ sports stadium. The festival will spotlight a well known artist in the EDM genre as well as a few smaller up and coming artists. For this promotion, College is RADD will also be partnering* with online radio streaming software Spotify, California franchise In-nOut Burger, Calistoga mineral water, and local restaurant and bar partners.

Further creating awareness for your cause, campus representatives will be tabling before and during the event explaining your organization’s message as well as your partners providing free samples and incentives for designated drivers. By allowing this event to not only engage Tyler, Mark and Gaby with College is RADD, but directly link your name to their already favored artists and brands, College is RADD will remain present in their minds post-concert.


*regional sponsors


The winning students will also be welcomed into the on premise Spotify House raffling premium subscription memberships, an air conditioned escape from the heat, and College is RADD partnered giveaways.




Although seemingly similar to promotionally based competition, DDiscount’s competitive asset will be the designated driver verification screen. Once inside the bar or restaurant, the designated driver will be able to check into the establishment digitally, and further verify their committed sobriety for the night. Once the user is submitted as a designated driver, they will be able to unlock new specials and promotions from RADD partnership bars and restaurants.

DDiscount app To continue assimilating with Tyler and his college friends, College is RADD will launch a new mobile application during the RADDification concert. DDiscount will allow users to virtually check-in to locations and find more information about the rewards, specials and promotions offered by your partner bars and restaurants.


This original feature solves a problem for bar and restaurant owners like Mark, who are never sure whether his customers refrain from drinking even after receiving a complimentary drink or appetizer. Once this problem is solved via DDiscount, a door of possible rewards for designated drivers will be opened in the future altering the ‘uncool’ perception of being a designated driver.


summer Bar Nights

safe & solid Snapchats

Seeing as these are the summer months, we will be focusing on promoting interactions with local partners through special events twice a month. Each event will be chosen by the specific partner, but will vary from trivia nights to costume parties.


Although the partners will have the final decision in the matter, it will be up to RADD to intrigue an audience through the new DDiscount app as well as your social media profiles. The special red RADD cups will also house featured drinks further showcasing your brand and reminding bar-goers to get home safely. These nights will happen from the beginning of June to the end of August, when students are expected back on campus.

Taking into consideration the summer months may be slower due to most students returning home, communication and interaction with Millennials will be a little bit harder. However, we will bridge this gap by focusing on creating conversations through social media. For this we will use all social media profiles, however we will emphasize the quick communication application Snapchat. Users who add College is RADD on Snapchat will instantly be intrigued by the available specials and secret codes to use at our partner establishments. Through our Snapchat videos and pictures, we will also be able to show Millennials a behind-the-scenes look of the College is RADD organization as well as how-to videos on making their summer drinks. This initiative will aim at increasing foot traffic to those specific locations as well as addressing Tyler's perception that College is RADD does not offer enough rewards for designated drivers.





welcome back party

Bar/Restaurant Outreach

To finish our Loyalty Cycle strong, College is RADD will host a Welcome Back party in five of our top ten markets. For these parties, we will target incoming freshman who still have not experienced College is RADD, as well as older students. Each of these parties will be hosted on college campuses, where a local bar will be chosen to provide a cash bar for students 21 and over. The RADD Toyota car will also make an appearance and drive people back safely to their houses. Seeing as it'll be a campus party, student DJs and bands will be commandeering the dance floor and getting everyone excited. Mocktails will also be served for designated drivers, and swag bags will be given out.

Target audience | Mark the ‘it’ Bar Owner To best intrigue bars and restaurants local to the target markets, RADD will be presented as a program which can increase business through mutually beneficial relationships. Providing bars and restaurants with a way to benefit both their business and their relationship within the local community, advocating a safe drinking culture with offered designated driver rewards will be essential. Likewise, hosting RADD promoted events will allow these businesses to gain new clientele and strengthen their image in the minds of the community and college students.

Both pitch packages will be delivered in a RADD branded folder with a digital version on a USB flash drive attached to a red cup keychain.

College Administration Outreach Target audience | The ‘cool counselor’ Introducing RADD as a program which can decrease those who report driving after consuming alcohol, bars and restaurants will be able to directly relate to students and offer incentives for planning ahead. The most important aspect of this program will be highlighting RADD’s benefits to the campuses including but not limited to: a decrease in student deaths safer drinking culture, and a positive relationship with the local community.

PITCH PACKAGE Widespread PR Pitch RADD background, history, goals Calendar of RADD events Guidelines for participating in a RADD partnership and co-sponsored RADD events Detailed description of RADD Rewards Program Detailed description of DDiscount app


social media strategy


Following our in depth media research, our agency concluded that a majority of Millennials are heavy online users. Social media is an integral tool in advertising, and one of the ways Millennials, such as Tyler, communicate and interact with brands. Noting this daily usage, College is RADD must cohesively translate its messaging to social media platforms, creating a twoway conversation between the audience and the organization. As an expansion of the campaign's promotions, initiatives and engagement activities as well, we developed social media guidelines that should be implemented at the beginning of the campaign, and carried on even when the 12-month period concludes.

Taking into consideration how Millennials interact with brands through social media, buying promoted tweets will directly capture their attention, as well as encourage their voice to mention and follow College is RADD in exchange for nearby incentives. Using a relatable and fun tone will help remind students to always have a plan for getting home after drinking. The #safeandsolid campaign will initiate conversations revolved around this concept as well as lead them toward the website to discover local partner coupons, free music playlists, and other ways to participate with RADD’s promotions.

As aforementioned, Snapchat will be used in the summer months to engage with college students even when they are far from campus. Users who follow the College is RADD Snapchat account will receive a variety of special discounts as well as videos on how to create cocktails and mocktails perfect for the Californian summer. Brands are currently testing how to use this application in their favor, and Millennials will appreciate College is RADD's efforts to innovate and get ahead of competitors.

Acknowledging that 51% of Millennial respondents learn about brands through Facebook and 59% say they advocate for a brand through this platform, reaching our targeted audience through this medium will further spread awareness of the College is RADD program. The College is RADD Facebook page will also help drive traffic to the home website when promoting the various incentives available. Through consistent posts related to trending stories spun to connect to RADD’s messaging, Millennials will feel intrigued to like the page once trusting the brand tone and voice.

Once connected with the promotional efforts on Facebook and Twitter, RADD's Instagram presence will be highly beneficial in connecting to Millennials. Besides the Instagram campaign with the actors of Comedy Central’s Workaholics, Instagram will also be used as a part of the RADD-O-War.

Seeing as Pinterest is geared towards a mostly female audience, we will use this platform to target college-aged women. College is RADD's Pinterest page will be filled with boards varying from beautiful California settings, college campuses, "Going Out" fashion, and other subjects Millennials connect with when drinking and going out. Another board that can help further connect Millennials to the College is RADD cause will be one where partners can post drink specials for designated drivers and even recipes on how to recreate drinks at home.

Drawing on the trending #selfie craze made popular by the dynamic DJ’s known as the Chainsmokers, designated drivers who snap a picture of themselves having fun at a local bar or restaurant, tag @collegeisradd and use the hashtag #soberselfie will all be entered to win College is RADD swag cups and discounts.



October 10, 2014 Triple Rock Brewery 1920 Shattuck Ave Berkeley, CA 94704


To increase overall awareness and support for the cause, we have created pitch letters to go out to local and national publications. Each pitch will be strategically placed either before or after one of our campaign's main events as a means to generate more impressions. This strategy will also increase College is RADD's chances of having a story written about this campaign as well as reach audiences outside California for future expansion of the efforts.

Dear Jesse, College Is RADD aims to make drinking a fun and safe experience, empowering designated drivers with both responsibility and rewards. As one of the most popular bars among UC Berkeley students, Triple Rock Brewery is a perfect fit for the team. We are currently promoting the Solid campaign, which offers guidance to students before a night of drinking. We want to reposition the designated driver as someone with a plan, someone who holds friends accountable, someone who saves lives. And you can help.

PR Strategy

Providing realistic options to students is our focus, but we also believe in helping local businesses thrive. RADD is partnered with 30 campuses and over 300 establishments who offer incentives such as free nonalcoholic drinks and other promotions to improve attitudes about road safety. We are happy to answer any questions about the program. Feel free to reach out any time, and thank you so much for your consideration.


Bryan Hume College Is RADD info@radd.org


Media Plan Awareness October


Engagement December




Loyalty April







Media Buys Print




Online Banner


Online Radio Streaming


Paid Social Media


Promotions Safe Ride Swap


Mario Kart Buzz






Bar Nights


Public Relations Social Media


Campus Activites


Dorm Storm


Welcome Back Party

$3,333* totals


*estimation based upon total promotions and public relations budget of $20,000 to be allocated as needed


Traffic on the College is RADD website Quantity of social media followers generated, on all platforms Number of new mobile application downloads Monitoring of the College is RADD hashtags



Number of new partners, both colleges and businesses

$85 0 , 0 0 0

Evaluation Strategy





$101,500 Mobile App Productions

Social Media

Music Festival

$20,000 Online Media

College Newspaper

$50,000 contingency $0 agency fee, pro bono

Budget Breakdown


Promotions/Public Relations Guerilla

To thoroughly and effectively evaluate the success of this campaign we will look at whether we achieved our four pre-established goals, as well as how the three target audiences responded and interacted with College is RADD. To evaluate awareness, interaction, designated driver consideration and outreach to colleges and local businesses we will monitor the following:

Demand for designated drivers rewards at partner businesses Number of pledge signatures Attendance numbers of the RADDification event Survey Millennials to gather data on designated driver consideration Survey college administration and business owners to understand relationship with College is RADD

Final Pitch Tyler loves to drink. He believes his college years are meant for exactly that, an unhealthy balance between drinking, partying and sometimes studying. Although he spends most mornings hungover, he believes he's untouchable. He's driven under the influence numerous times. He knows it's wrong, he knows he shouldn't do it, but nothing has ever happened to him when he does, so why should he stop? With our Solid Campaign, College is RADD gives Tyler a reason to get home safely after a night of fun. We shaped Solid around College is RADD's glass half full mentality and rewards program. Through Solid, BBAM presents not only Tyler, but also Mark and Gaby, with persuasive reasons to align themselves with your program and either be, or use, a designated driver. With a relatable, fresh and confident tone of voice, BBAM distances College is RADD from competitors, establishing your organization as top of mind for all three demographics, and taking significant strides towards ending drunk driving in California.





art director account executive | media public relations copywriter

Annie Green Brenna Cleary Bryan Hume Mariana Netto

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