The End of Forever Entertainment Marketing Campaign

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Fiona Mushi


F T V- 4 1 9 - 0 1




Embrace The Dark Side of Romance

contents Phase one:

Executive Summary - 1 Positioning Statement - 2 Synopsis - 3 Target Audiences - 4-6 Key Facts - 7 Breakout Boosters- 8 Breakout Barriers- 9

Phase Two: Festival Strategy - 10-11 Festivals - 12-13 Festival Guerilla strategy - 14 Key Ar t - 15 Pitch Letter & Press Release - 16 Cast and Crew - 17

Phase Three: Consumer Strategy - 18-19 Timeline - 20-21 Distribution Strategy - 22 Release Date - 23 Distribution options - 24 Playdates - 25 Creative strategy - 26-27

Media Strategy - 28 Theater Adver tising - 29 Print Adevr tising - 30-31 Outdoor Adver tising - 32 Market Research - 33 Promotion Strategy- 34-37 Publicity Strategy - 38-45 Pitch Char t - 46-47 Internet and Mobile Marketing - 48-57 Media Flowchar t - 58-59 Budget - 60 Special Thanks - 61


xecutive Summary

We have all had our hear t broken or broken someone’s hear t. The end of a relationship is rarely a pleasant time yet it is widely relatable. The End of Forever takes this familiar occurrence in life and divulges a dark stor y conveying just how horrific hear tbreak can be. The resonating stor y and thrilling visuals within this film make it highly marketable to a wide audience as you will soon discover in the pages to come. The big idea behind this marketing plan will capitalize on the familiar experience presented in the stor yline and the positioning of the film will fur ther convey the prevailing theme of embracing the dark side of romance. Throughout the conception of this plan we tapped into multiple resources from which to gain the vital research that would allow us to step into the mind of the consumer and cultivate a marketing campaign that would relate and reverberate with each of our defined target groups. The detailed strategy takes an all-inclusive approach at reaching the desired audiences through mediums they frequently engage with and incorporating The End of Forever with their lifestyle and current sources of enter tainment. Through this strategy The End of Forever will undoubtedly succeed at capturing the attention of all those who are avid horror fans or just bitter on romance.


Positioning Statement The End of Forever follows a high school couple faced with the looming end of their relationship. Lily is more eager and ready to leave the romance behind whereas Camden is still unwilling to let his high school sweethear t go. On their last night together the couple stumbles upon an ancient wishing well and a determined Camden unintentionally seals their fate when he makes a wish that unleashes an unforeseen evil.


Synopsis The End of Forever touches upon an all too familiar theme amongst college bound teenagers who are faced with the painful end of a high school romance. This horror stor y has a unique romantic take which begins when a young edgy teenager Lily (played by Helen Highfield) wishes for a boyfriend and gets more than she bargained for in Camden (played by Reese Mishler) who falls head over heels for her and quickly becomes overly attached. The approaching end of senior year marks the end of their High school romance, Lily gets accepted to the University of Berkley and must leave for College but the impending break up becomes more than Camden can bear. On their last night together the couple come across an ancient wishing well and Camden compelled by his undying love for Lily, makes a wish that turns into a horrific reality and awakens a monstrous evil.


Primary Target

The fans of Horror & Happily never after are high school seniors and College freshman who are about to go through or have gone through a painful break up which has left them with a bitter taste for romance. They are resilient horror fans and enjoy movies which have an unpredictable twist as opposed to a typical Hollywood happy ending.


Males and Females: 13-21

Attend High School/College

Enjoy the unconventional

Secondary Target The Fans of Horror with Heart appreciate horror films that are built upon a solid, relevant story and are not merely comprised of blood and guts. They would appreciate the romance aspect of the movie and find the heartbreak theme to be relatable to their own past experiences in a relationship. This group is primarily comprised of women who are newly single and are looking to avoid the couple oriented romatic movies on Valentine’s Day.

Males and Females

(Female Skew): 22-30 •

College educated

Recently single


Tertiary Target

The Scare Factor Fan is all about the gore, they are avid fans of horror films and watch for no other reason than the promise of a chilling experience. They regularly tune in to watch shows such as American Horror story and The Walking Dead and frequent sites such as Fangoria to get updated on the latest in the horror world. This target audience is more likely to be attracted by the visual features and scare factor of the film and not so much by the relationship aspect of the story.


Males and Females 31-40

College educated

Fans of American Horror story

key Facts Genre: Horror, Romance Rating: PG13 Runtime: 15:27min Tag-line: Relationships can rip you apart


•This film unlike many other horror films has a strong theme that would resonate with audiences at a personal level as almost everyone at some point in their life has gone through a painful break up where they (or their partner) were not ready to let go and felt desperate enough to do just about anything to hold on to the relationship. •The main characters are relatable to people who have been dumped, people who have broken someone’s heart, and those who felt confined in a relationship. •The genre is very clear allowing the film to benefit from the built in fan base for horror oriented material. •The unconventional approach and surprising end to the movie can appeal to people who search for unpredictable films that stray away from the norm. •The title has an interesting play on words that alludes to both the horror and romance aspect of the story. •The fact that the female character is the one who seems to be stronger and holds more power within the relationship may appeal to women and gain some interest from females who may not typically be into horror movies.



B reakout Boosters

•The fact that the male character is the one who is desperately and hopelessly unwilling to let go of the girl might make him come across as being slightly pathetic to some guys who may be put off by this. •The romance aspect of the story may lead to quick judgments being made by some hard core horror fans and may then prevent them from going to see it. •The competition to gain attention of horror movie lovers is thick. Trilogies such as Paranormal Activity and the growing trend of making horror films based on known material such as Silent Hill, makes it difficult for unknown titles to gain enough attention from this audience.

B reakout Barriers



festival Strategy 10

We will strategically submit The End of Forever to specific genre film festivals that attract a strong horror fan base. The festivals which take place the year prior to the release date starting from July, will allow us to gain early exposure amongst the horror community and leverage from the horror publications and websites that cover the event. We also stand to benefit from any potential recognition that could be valuable in furthering our marketing efforts to promote the movie.


Fantastic Fest:

Fantastic Fest has a reputation of being one of the largest genre film festivals in the U.S. This festival specializes in movie genres such as horror, fantasy, sci-fi, action and just plain fantastic movies from all around the world. The extensive worldwide recognition this festival receives presents an opportunity for The End of Forever to gain exposure within the horror film community, media and the industry. Location: Austin, Texas Date: Sept 20-27th 2012 Application Deadline: May 9th

Shockerfest: The Shocker-Fest Film Festival of Hollywood


As the proud festival to find Paranormal Activity and provide the arena to launch it into international fame, Screamfest LA is dedicated to celebrating the often neglected and underappreciated Horror genre. The End of Forever could highly benefit from the big names in the Horror movie industry that this festival attracts due to its coveted reputation of introducing some major titles into the horror film industry.


is devoted to giving a platform to shocking and horror narratives that stray from the mainstream. Shocker-Fest is also a televised event on local stations in the Central Valley of California. Films accepted into this festival will be screened every night at 11pm during the month of October on KAZV-TV, Comcast channel 195 and Antenna 14. If accepted into this festival The End of Forever stands to gain a lot of valuable exposure and the opportunity to reach potential fans and noticeability from those who may not be able to physically attend the festival. Location: Modesto, CA Date: October 1st–31st 2012 Deadline: June 1st


Location: Beverly Hills, CA Date: October 12th-October 21st 2012 Deadline: August 14th

Fantasia Film Festival: Variety dubbed this festival as one of Canada’s hotter film events, while predominantly a fantasy/action/horror festival, Fantasia has always embraced films whose sheer individuality puts them in a genre of their own.The End of Forever would have an opportunity to penetrate the festivals large fan base of both hardcore genre film fans and distributors. What’s more this festival has the reputation of taking chances on atypical films that defy conventions (much like The End of Forever) and often launches them into success and remarkable acceptance in the film community. Location: Montreal, Canada Date: July 19th-August 9th 2012

Application Deadline: March 30th




Toronto After Dark Film Festival showcases and celebrates new films in the Horror, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Animation, Action, Cult and Thriller genres. The week-long showcase of international cinema attracts over 10,000 fans, and due to its impressive reputation the festival gains coverage from leading film industry trade press outlets such as Variety and The Hollywood Reporter. This festival is also known for their support and recognition of independent genre films making them an excellent launching pad for the yet to be known titles such as The End of Forever.


Location: Toronto, Canada Date: October 18th -October 26th 2012 Deadline: June 29th



Guerilla Over the course of the festivals we will engage in street guerilla marketing initiatives to harness attention for the film.We will also utilize our guerilla marketing to cultivate interest amongst people to attend the screening by giving them a taste of what they can expect from The End of Forever.

The unconventional marketing tactics will include placing a replica or the actual well from the movie (engraved with the movie title) in a location which attracts a lot of foot traffic. A tape recorder will be triggered to emit bloodcurdling screams from the depths of the Well at interchanging intervals, simultaneously scaring and grabbing the attention of passersby.

In a more edgy approach to capture the publics attention and give them a small preview of what to expect from The End of Forever, we will use the element of surprise to thrill an un-expecting audience by staging a fake fight between a couple (played by the two stars of the film or two hired actors). The fight will take place in a very public area and will at first be portrayed as an obnoxious lovers quarrel. As the fight

Plastic promise rings resembling the one used in the film engraved with the inscription The End of Forever will be distributed to people at the festivals. In addition to this we will distribute glow in the dark wrist bands engraved with the name of the film. These items will serve as a means to further get our movie acknowledged by as many people as possible and hopefully generate enough interest and curiosity amongst the public to drive attendance to the screenings.

escalates and gets louder one of the actors will yell “I wish I never see your face again� (or something with equally subtle ominous undertones) and right after they say this a convincing freak accident occurs and appears to take out the persons eyes making the wish come true in a very literal sense. The shock value that can be potentially generated from a stunt such as this will undoubtedly assure that The End of Forever will stick in the minds of all those who witness this jaw dropping scenario.





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Rachel Belofsky,

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Festival Pitch Letter & Press Release 16



Cast & Crew 17

C O N SUMER Strategy 18


Strategy The End of Forever has the potential to appeal to horror film fans as well as those with an appreciation for the darker side of romance. In order to capitalize on both aspects of the movie we will adopt two main approaches in all marketing efforts. The first will consist of material focused on the break-up nightmare element of the film to attract the mainly female audience who will appreciate the romance feature of the story. The second will be oriented towards all horror fans who are purely interested in the fear factor. Creative executions, publicity and promotions will be executed to communicate both components of the film equally. All promotions, events and creative material will be strategically placed in venues and outlets that will reach the appropriate target audience. The Well and the Promise ring from the film will be consistently used as key elements to connect the two marketing approaches and provide unity to the overall strategy.


•Fantasia Film Festival

• Fantastic Fest

• Movie Trailer in Theaters beginning of October • Shockerfest • Screamfest-LA • Toronto After Dark


•In Theater Movie Trailers continue

• Early Awareness TV trailer on season Finale of Dexter

•End of November we will begin advertising for New Year’s Eve party with Monster Energy Drink and competition for chance to win free tickets to attend.

•Online continues

•End of November we will begin the first burst of online material to support the first TV trailer

•New Year’s Eve party in collaboration with Monster Energy Drink

•Bonnie Heras End of Forever Jewelry Exhibit to open Dec 14th

•Print magazine advertisements release in Valentines issue of the following publications: Cosmopolitan, Elle, Seventeen,Teen Vogue, Cosmo Girl •Beginning of January TV 30:second trailers begin on premiere episode of shows returning from winter hiatus •Mid-January Outdoor begins

•15: second TV trailers begin •Cover of Entertainment Weekly including coverage on movie •Beginning of February appearances on: Big Ten Ridiculousness Battle of the Exes Saturday Night Live

•Mid-January Smartphone App for the End of Forever game is released after people are exposed to the TV advertisements.

•The following events take place in the beginning of February: Break Up jewelry auction event in Hollywood College Underground party

•Mid-January coverage in the following publications: Elle Magazine/InStyle Magazine, Fangoria

•Week of opening appearances on: Extra, Ellen Degeneres, E! Entertainment TV Chelsea Lately, VH1 Big Morning Buzz Live

•End of January appearance on: All Access Weekly Syfy Ghost Hunter •Last week of January Guerilla outdoor begins •Integrated outdoor and mobile competition will begin in the end of January •Last week of January release of Bitter Sweets End of Forever Candy collection

•Movie Premiere red carpet event weekend prior to release •Teleflora anti-Valentine’s day flowers sent out to High schools and College campuses on February 11th and distributed on February 13th

•Movie opens February 13th •Winners of integrated outdoor and mobile competition to be announced on weekend of release




Wide Release: As is the case with most movies of this genre a platform release does not typically work well, this is because the story in most horror films is usually not sufficient enough to heavily rely on word of mouth alone to drive ticket sales. Because of the films very decent marketability potential it would be beneficial to release the movie nation wide in all major cities, generate a lot of hype around the film’s release date and get as many people as possible excited to see it on its opening weekend.


Instead of competing with other Horror titles on more traditional dates such as Halloween, a counter positioning strategy will be implemented by releasing the movie on Valentine’s Day.This will provide an alternative to all moviegoers who are not fans of sappy typical romantic movies and may prefer something more edgy and darker. The challenge with this date is that another film (Warm Bodies) of the horror romance genre has a release date around the same time (February 1st) meaning that it could potentially conflict with the audience for The End of Forever. However, the plot for Warm Bodies greatly differs from The End of Forever. It takes a more light hearted, comedic tone and is based on zombies, which is a topic that has become quite saturated in movies today and audiences may find it refreshing to see something different. Furthermore, the release date of February 13th has been selected in order to put a substantial gap between the two movies.


Week Before Release

Release Date: 02/13/2013

2/1/2013-2/8/2013 Bullet To The Head WB Wide Action Crime Thriller Warm Bodies - PG13 LG Wide Horror, Romance, Drama Side Effects OPRD Wide

The only other film opening on this date is Beautiful Creatures, a drama that would most likely not be of much interest to our target audience, providing an excellent opportunity to position The End of Forever as the perfect alternative. The lineup for the weekend in which The End of Forever opens includes the release of Escape From Planet Earth an

Crime, Drama, Thriller Safe Haven REL Wide Romance Identity Thief Uni Wide Comedy, Crime

animated adventure comedy which has a family oriented audience and would not conflict with the aforementioned target for The End of Forever. The other movie opening this weekend will be Good Day to Die Hard part of the Die Hard franchise which typically has an older male oriented target audience and would not present any significant conflicts.

Week Of Release

2/13/2013-2/14/2013 Beautiful Creatures WB Wide Drama Escape From Planet Earth TWC Wide Adventure, Comedy Good Day to Die Hard A Fox Wide Action, Crime, Thriller


Distribution Options

The End of Forever’s edgy and unique take on the darker romance arena that has grown increasingly popular due to titles such as Twilight, and shows such as The Vampire Diaries, makes it a great fit for a number of distributors venturing into this genre. Summit’s obvious success with the Twilight Saga would make it a very suitable choice however this studio is currently undertaking the distribution of a film with a similar theme and release date (Warm bodies). This may deflect The End of Forever from gaining the marketing attention, efforts and budget it needs from this distributor. Lionsgate originally started out as a studio dedicated to genre specific films particularly those that fall under the Horror and Action category. Although they have since expanded into other areas they still have an experienced and expert

L I O N SGAT E approach at marketing horror films which is proven by their impressive track record

of having marketed renowned horror movies such as the coveted Saw series. Lionsgate’s 2009 title My Bloody Valentine, a film with a similar theme as The End

of Forever, had a budget of $15million and grossed over $51million demonstrating their capability to generate large audiences for films in this genre and ensures us

that they are the ideal studio to turn The End of Forever into a box office success.


Week Release date February 13th

Engagements 2,347

Feb 22-28


March 1-7


March 8-14


March 15-21


March 22-28


March 29-April 4


April 5-11


April 12-18


April 19-25



Creative Strategy 26

We’ve all had our heart broken or broken someone’s heart. Love rarely ends in the happily ever after many of us have wished for at some point in our lives. So why not put aside the fairytale ideal and embrace this manufactured romantic season of Valentine’s Day by appreciating the darker side of romance. By implementing the Big Idea of embracing The Darker Side of Romance and reaching our targets by sharing the common experience of heartbreak, it will position the story of this film as something that is of interest and relatable to a majority of our audience.

Tagline: Relationships can r ip you apar t




Strateg y

The Paid media for this campaign will include TV, Print, Theater and Outdoor material. The approach taken will be that of communicating the break-up nightmare aspect of the story through outlets that will mostly reach women and promoting the fear inducing elements of the film to horror fans (slightly skewed towards males). Our media portion of this campaign is very TV heavy because Horror films tend to be very visually driven.

TV Strategy: The first TV trailer will generate early awareness as it will air on the season finale of Dexter, a show highly watched by males within our targeted audiences. We will take advantage of the anticipation surrounding shows begin TV advertising. 30: second spots will be placed ces are mostly watching in order to familiarize them release date draws closer we will air 15: second spots

returning after the Winter Hiatus to on shows which our targeted audien with what the film is about. As the to serve more as reminder mediums.

TV trailers will be placed on the following shows: ABC: Once Upon a Time ABC: Revenge CW: Vampire Diaries CW: Beauty and the Beast AMC: The Walking Dead Syfy: Ghost Hunters NBC: Community


Syfy: Warehouse 13 FX: American Horror Story E! Entertainment: E! News at 7/6 and 11:30/10:30 NBC: Grimm Comedy Central: Family Guy Showtime: Dexter Season Finale in December 16th

Theater advertising

The first trailer for The End of Forever will be featured in theaters starting October 2012. We will take advantage of the horror movies opening during this Halloween month such as Sinister and Paranormal Activity 4.This will undoubtedly help us reach our targeted scare factor fans. We will strategically release 2 different trailers so as not to exhaust the audience with the same material.The trailers will continue to play until the opening of the film.




When it comes to print magazine advertising, research shows that our budget would be best spent targeting the female audience as they generally read and subscribe to magazines more than males do. Our print advertisements will portray the movie as the ultimate break-up nightmare story and will be placed in the February Valentine’s Day issues of publications which are available on stands in January prior to the release of the movie. The following print publications will be strategically placed on pages preceding or proceeding articles that have a relevant break-up theme that corresponds well with the movie. These can be articles on celebrity break-ups or segments on the worst break up stories.



Outdoor & experimental Marketing

Our outdoor material will be used to build upon awareness for the movie release date as well as the various events happening throughout the campaign. Mediums will include billboards, posters near areas surrounding College/High-School campuses, backlight displays in malls as well as bus wraps and posters at transit stations in cities with a high public transportation dependency such as New York. Due to consumer fatigue when it comes to advertising it is important to adopt non-traditional methods of marketing that are interesting and captivating in themselves. This would effectively allow us to reach our targeted groups in a manner that ignites genuine curiosity and interest to learn more about the movie as well as drive people to see it when it opens. Our traditional outdoor material will be placed around the second week of January and will run for 6 weeks where as our experimental material will be placed 3 weeks prior to the opening of the film.

Elevator Outdoor advertisement: In order to reach our highschool going audience in the primary target we will place an outdoor ad at designated shopping malls preferably those located near high schools. This ad will consist of a vinyl of Camden and Lily holding hands and will be placed on the outside of elevator doors.The inside of the elevator will be conver ted to resemble the eerie forest from the movie.The film title will be placed on the elevator walls.

Well replicas outdoor advertisement: Replicas of the well from the movie will be placed in various locations such as local parks, malls, subways, outside movie theaters and on top of steam vents in New York in order to create the eerie illusion that there is fog being emitted around the well.


MarketResearch In order to make sure that our film and the advertising material associated with it positively resonate with the targeted audience, we will undertake methods of research that will guide our campaign in the appropriate direction.

Test Screening:

Test Screenings will be carried out for a selected audience representative of our targeted groups. The response received after these screenings will help determine the movies playability from our audience’s perspective and guide us in refining any aspect of the film that they react to negatively. These screenings will also provide insight into the best approach to take in order to optimize its marketability and focus on the aspects that will attract people to go see it.

Focus Groups: We will conduct focus groups during the campaign that will provide us with invaluable qualitative information from an objective stance that goes beyond the standard ratings collected from the test screenings. Advertising Test:

Advertising tests will be essential in order to guarantee that our creative executions stay true to the message we aim to use to communicate and positively influence our targeted audience to see the movie. These tests will be carried out online to reach a large sample group in an efficient manner as well as in focus groups in order to attain more descriptive and detailed feedback.

Exit Study: In order to enhance our marketing campaign in chase weeks, exit studies

will be completed during the weekend in which the film opens. Feedback received will guide any necessary revisions to the strategy that will aid in boosting attendance in succeeding weeks.


Promot ions Strategy


The strategic partnerships we form will benefit us in gaining the attention of individuals across our targeted audiences to further convey the overall prevailing tone of the movie. Our partnership with Bonnie Heras will keep in line with the films key art and be oriented primarily towards females in our secondary and tertiary audiences who are more likely to be interested in jewelry. Our collaboration with Monster Energy drink will aid us in reaching the large male demographic that regularly purchases this drink and the execution of the event will reflect the dark tone of the movie. Lastly, the partnerships with Bitter Sweets and Teleflora will provide us with excellent opportunities to appeal to both males and females who are single, as well as uphold the ant-Valentine’s Day theme of the campaign.



The promise ring which Camden uses to make his wish is used as an iconic image for the film. In order to further establish it as a key aspect of the movie we will partner up with Bonnie Heras to make an exclusive line of jewelry for this movie which will be sold at retail locations, on the official movie website and online retailers. The more artsy and avant-garde items in the collection will be featured in exhibitions such as the Velvet da Vinci art jewelry gallery in San Francisco and the Julie: Artisans’ Gallery, located in New York City. Bonnie Heras is a professional jewelry designer whose work often contends with non-traditional concepts of beauty. Her jewelry has a dark yet beautiful allure and her philosophy perfectly mirrors the concept behind this film which opposes the more traditional heartwarming happy ending in a romance story. Some of her work looks very similar to the promise ring which is part of the key art for this film making her an ideal partner for this campaign.


Monster Energy Drink: In collaboration with Monster Energy drink, we will host an

End of Forever New Year’s Eve party event, which will be attended by the two stars of the film along with other celebrity names in the horror community. Among the main guests will be the cast of American Horror story season 1 and 2, which will undoubtedly gain our event more noticeability. In order to ensure their attendance we would offer an exclusive look at the movie to air on FX during the show. The event will be held at a ghostly park complete with the actual well from the movie where people can cast their wishes. A limited amount of tickets for this event will be available to fans for purchase and this will mainly be advertised on horror based websites, the Monster Energy and End of Forever websites and Facebook pages. Free tickets to the event will also be given out to 20 lucky fans that purchase a Monster Energy drink with the iconic promise ring from the film printed on the bottom of the can. The core energy drink consumers are primarily males between 18-24 years old, thus this partnership will provide an excellent opportunity to gain the attention of males in our primary and secondary target audiences.


Bitter Sweets:

This quirky candy company takes an unconventional approach by marketing themselves as the official anti-romance candy for Valentine’s Day. They proudly make candy hearts in three main categories which are for the Dumped, Dysfunctional, and Dejected. Unlike most ubiquitous candy heart companies, Bitter Sweets prints bitter musings and mockeries perfectly suited to the individuals who will spend Valentine’s Day alone, or wish they were.This company perfectly mirrors the prominent dark side of romance theme portrayed in The End of Forever and the anti-Valentine’s day positioning of the movie. The partnership will include a custom candy collection for The End of Forever complete with the movie key-art incorporated into the candy packaging design.


We will fur ther capitalize on the anti-Valentine’s day theme of this movie by par tnering up with Teleflora, a nationwide florist, and supplying black roses to a selected number of high-schools and college campuses on Monday February 11th. Students will be able to purchase the roses which will be attached to a custom End of Forever card, and send a message to a disgruntled ex or a fun note to a friend. The flowers will then be distributed at school on the release date of the film Wednesday February 13th.



Strategy 38

The Publicity for this campaign will take an all-inclusive approach at reaching our targeted audiences through mediums they frequently engage with. We will aim to convey how The End of Forever will resonate and be enjoyable to each of our targeted demographics by associating the film with things they already find entertaining. Our publicity efforts will extend to include TV, print and events.

Underground party:

In order to spark interest and generate excitement surrounding the movie amongst the college students within our targeted audience, we will post flyers around college campuses that adver tise an amazing all night par ty but do not offer any location information instead we shall just have the words “wish you could come? Text. . . . .” When people text the number they will receive a trivia question about the movie which can be answered by a simple Google search, thus creating awareness. Once they provide the correct answer they will receive a message with the time and location in which they can find a package left for them on their campus. In the package they will find an End of Forever glow in the dark wrist band which they must wear in order to gain entrance to the par ty as well as information on the time and location of the par ty. We would also reach out to college campus publications and radio stations in order to have them cover the event as well as generate buzz beforehand.

Break Up jewelry auction: What do you do with the bling after the break-up? For this event we will invite famous names as well as ordinary people to donate their failed engagement/wedding rings or other jewelry from ended relationships. The money raised at the auction will be donated to the Heart Foundation in order to promote the idea of donating to help heal someone’s broken heart. We will also send out invitations to publications and press to cover the event. Promotional content will be along the lines of: “Use your break up to help heal a broken heart” “Get rid of your heartache and help heal a broken heart”

Publicity Events


Telephone: 7142805374


The End of Forever to host Charity Break-up Jewelry Auction In promotion of its impending release, The End of Forever a chilling and unconventional Horror Romance, is set to host a jewelry auction in Hollywood which will raise funds for the Heart Foundation. Celebrities such as Britney Spears will participate in the auction by donating jewelry from their past relationships in support of the cause. The auction will take place outside the Hollywood Kodak theater on February Saturday 9th 2013 from 11:00am to 12:00pm. The End of Forever is a PG13 Horror Romance starring Helen Highfield and Reese Mishler. The film tells the story of a break-up between a high school couple that has horrific outcomes. The movie is set to open on Wednesday February 13th in theaters across all major cities in America. Director: Ben Kepner Producer: Kaitlin Borden Distributor: Lionsgate For more information please contact: Fiona Mushi, PR director



An interview with Reese Mishler will be featured in this publication as the extension to the short video segment featured on the Fangoria Website.

Entertainment Weekly: A story covering the movie along with an

interview with both stars will be included in this magazine to compliment the cover buy.


The End of Forever jewelry collection created by Bonnie Heras will be showcased in Elle magazine in the Accessories spotlight section or InStyle magazine in the Jewelry News section. An interview with Bonnie Heras will supplement this feature where Heras can discuss the inspiration behind the collection as originating from this movie.



Telephone: 7142805374

Dear Lauren Levinson, We would like to invite you to attend the opening of Bonnie Heras’s latest work of artistic brilliance as we launch her exclusive line of jewelry for the thrilling upcoming romance horror, The End of Forever. Her impeccable fusion of art and fashion inspired by this movie will be an excellent addition to the existing Accessories spotlight segment of your prominent publication which fittingly celebrates innovative jewelry creations. In addition to this, we propose to you an exclusive first look of the collection as well as an interview with Bonnie Heras to be featured in your publication. As part of this feature we also offer a free give away of a ring from the collection valued at over $100 to be won by one of your readers in a sweepstake conducted through your magazine. The opening of the exhibit will take place on Saturday December 14th 2012 at the Julie Artisians Gallery, 762 Madison Ave. New York N.Y. from 7:00pm to 8:00pm followed by a cocktail party which will commence at 8:15pm. We hope you strongly take this great collaborative opportunity into consideration and bring this mesmerizing and stylish work of art to Elle as it is sure to be a hot topic for your readers. Regards, Fiona Mushi PR director of The End of Forever


We will strategically incorporate publicity appearances relevant to the film in the following programs that will reach each of our defined targets.

E! Entertainment TV: We will provide an exclusive unseen preview of a scene from the movie to E! Entertainment, which will air after their segment on 50 worst celebrity breakups of all time.Throughout the show we will promote the movie and announce the exclusive sneak peek at the end of the program. Promotional content included in the show will be along the lines of: “If you think these breakups were bad stay tuned for an exclusive preview of the ultimate breakup gone bad”

Chelsea Lately:

Helen Highfield will make an appearance on Chelsea Handler’s show for a quick humorous interview bashing Valentine’s Day and talking about the upcoming release including a short preview of the movie.

VH1 Big Morning Buzz Live: The Stars of The End of Forever will stop by for an interview with Carrie Keagan on Morning Buzz to further generate awareness and excitement surrounding the movie. During a segment of the lighthearted interview which is conducted at the lobby of VH1’s headquarters, the stars will ask random passersby in the building to divulge their break up nightmare.



MTV Ridiculousness:

Helen Highfield will make a guest appearance on this show which has a large young adult (mostly college going) audience in an episode that has the theme of “not so happy endings”.

MTV Battle of the Exes: Helen Highfield will make a guest appearance as a co-host on the show alongside T.J. Lavin. This episode will reflect the theme of the movie and the challenge the contestants will face will be inspired by a selected scene from The End of Forever.

MTV Big Ten:

A full cast Interview will be featured on MTV’s The Big Ten with Susie Castillo and Damien Fahey. This show correlates with our targeted demographic as it mostly attracts teens, young adult early risers and night owls.

Ellen: The Stars of The End of Forever will appear on Ellen Degeneres’s

popular show for an interview as well as a fun game. The two stars along with Ellen will play a “Villain or Victim” game where in a lightning round style they will have to go through pictures of their exes from the time they were in high school and state if they were the one who broke someone’s heart (the villain) or had their heart broken (the victim) in the relationship.

All Access Weekly: A full cast Interview will be

featured on Spike TV’s All Access Weekly show which will prove beneficial in order to reach our male audience.


Saturday Night Live:

Helen Highfield will host the Valentine’s Day episode of SNL centered on an anti-Valentine’s day theme. Skits will include the SNL cast portraying humorous re-enactments of recent/famous celebrity break-ups and how relationships have torn these famous names apart.


An interview with the stars of The End of Forever will be featured on this entertainment news show where Ben Lyons will be invited to visit and conduct the interview on set. Extra will also have exclusive red carpet coverage of the premiere event

Syfy Ghost Hunter:

Reese Mishler will make a guest appearance on the show in an episode which explores ancient wishing wells with paranormal legends.



Events Print

Pitch Chart 46


InternetMarketing Strategy


Th e ma i n ly yo u n g e r t a rg e t d e mo g rap h i c ( t e e ns and yo u n g a d u l t s ) a s we l l a s t h e s t ro n g v i s u a l ap pe al of th e mov i e ma ke o n l i n e p ro mo t i o n s a v i t a l a spe c t t o d r ive aw a re n e s s a n d b u i l d u p o n t h e e x c i t e me nt for t he c a m p a i g n . B a s e d o n re s e a rc h re t ri eve d f ro m Q unt c ast a n d Go o g l e A d p l a n n e r, we h ave d e t e rmi n e d t he opt i mal o n lin e s i t e s t h a t w i l l e n a b l e T h e E n d o f Fo reve r t o re ac h e a c h o f t h e t a rg e t e d a u d i e n c e s e f fe c t i ve ly.

Consumer driven distribution:

We will adopt the successful Paranormal Activities strategy of allowing consumers to control distribution by creating demand. Fans of the film would be encouraged to go on the official movie’s website or through and click “Wish” or “Demand” for the movie to show in their city. If a sizable demand is generated then the movie would open in that city. This is a great way of getting consumers involved and cultivating desire as well as excitement within people to see the film.



Site description: This site allows women to conveniently buy, sell, trade and bitterly blog about all of those little painful reminders in your jewelry box that make you wonder “what did I ever see in him?” The subject matter featured on this website perfectly supports the content of the movie and it also ties in very well with the jewelry (the promise ring) which is part of the films key art.

Ad content: A trailer for the movie will pop-up on the homepage when the site is opened, and there will also be a banner advertisement promoting The End of Forever Break-up jewelry auction which will be part of the publicity events executed for this film.

Reach: The site is directed towards females between the ages of 20-35+ who have gone through a failed engagement/relationship and would therefore reach women in our secondary and tertiary audience. These newly single ladies may enjoy going to see The End of Forever as an alternative to the typical couple oriented Valentine’s Day movie.


Wake Up to a Break up Site description: On the highway of life, there’s nothing like a little relationship road kill to get you to slow down and pay attention. This website is break-up central with content ranging from the worst of breakup stories, Celebrity split ups, expert heartbreak advice and even a Man panel answering break up questions posted by women. Ad content: A trailer will be placed on the homepage of this site along with a full homepage background takeover Reach: This website has a generally feminine and more mature theme which would effectively reach our female audience in the secondary and tertiary demographic.


Spotify Site description: Spotify is a highly popular music streaming service with an extensive user base. Ad content: A branded playlist for The End of Forever will be featured on Spotify including some music from the film and other great heartbreak hits. In addition to this a pop up banner ad will also be placed to create general awareness for the film and lead viewers to the official movie website. Reach: Spotify presents an excellent opportunity for The End of Forever to reach a large portion of our younger male audience who according to research are the primary users of this pogram.

51 Site description: YouTube is a video-sharing website, on which users can upload, view and share videos. It is the second highest ranking website meaning that it is vital for The End of Forever to have a strong presence on the site as it presents an excellent opportunity to generate widespread awareness. Ad content: We will create a page providing trailers, behind the scenes footage, as well as other content relating to the film such as events coverage and TV interviews. We will also par take in a YouTube homepage 2 day takeover counting down to the opening of the movie. Reach: This is a great way to gain wide reach of all three of our targeted demographic groups as well as build on the anticipation of the opening of the film.


Google+Hangout Site description: Google plus is a social networking site that allows up to 10 people to engage in a live web video chat. Ad content: The End of Forever will host an online hangout where the first 10 lucky fans to log on to the Google+ hangout can interact as well as get to know the stars of The End of Forever. The Hangout will be broadcasted on air to The End of Forever official website and YouTube page to allow others to view the ongoing hangout live. Reach: Fans across all targeted demographics who have become aware and gained interest in the movie through other adver tising mediums, as well as fans of Helen Highfield and Reese Mishler.

53 Site description: Fangoria’s online site is a branch of the original Fangoria print magazine publication. The website features daily updates about the world of horror as well as several specialized horror blogs. Ad content: We will place a banner advertisement on the homepage as well as a short exclusive video interview with Reese Mishler which will also be featured in more length in the Fangoria print magazine publication. Reach: All Horror fans especially males in our secondary and tertiary target audiences.

Site description: This site is the hub for Horror covering everything from book reviews, interviews, movies and games, as long as it’s horrifying they have it. Ad content: We will host an online forum for The End of Forever where fans can log on and discuss the upcoming movie with the director himself. A trailer of the film will also be featured on their home page. In addition to this, the website offers sponsored reviews and tweets which we can capitalize on to generate awareness amongst their large horror fan base. Reach: The age composition of this site reaches all Horror fans within all three target demographic audiences and retains especially high traffic from the primary target audience. Site description: This site is very fan based oriented and consistently leads other genre related sites in terms of page views, reach, and reader loyalty. They create the standard for the best and most reliable source for all things horror on the internet, and retain a thriving community of loyal horror fans. Ad content: A trailer of the film as well as a banner advertisement will be placed on the home page. Content will also include a video interview with the cast and director and a behind the scenes look at the making of the film. In addition to this a background skin ad will be displayed on the website on February 12th-13th. Reach: This site effectively reaches both male and female horror fans within the primary target audience


In addition to the aforementioned websites we will also include additional banner ads on sites that our audiences frequently visit which will serve as supplemental material and reminder mediums. After conducting research to determine the premium sites for each of our specific targets we were able to come up with the following:

Primary Target-Males and Females: 14-21 Male: Female: Includes a homepage background skin ad on February 15th and Friday 16th a homepage background skin ad on February 13 and Friday 15th

Secondary Target-Female Skew: 22-30 Male: Female: Enter tainment Weekly

Tertiary Target-Males and Females: 31-40 Male: Female:



Due to this digital age we live in it is vital to include social media in our campaign in order to reach the generation of tech savvy teens and young adults in our target audience. Furthermore, the widespread nature of smartphones has made mobile applications an excellent marketing opportunity that we can benefit from in order to create interactive and interesting material that comes across as being more entertaining and less like advertising.



This mobile application is a game centered on the theme of the movie. In each round the player will be presented with a scenario and given three wishes to choose from in order to get out of the situation, however all three wishes will be ambiguous in that you must read beyond the obvious meaning in order to determine the outcome. The aim is to get through each round by selecting wishes that result in positive outcomes, each time the player selects a wish with a negative outcome they get closer to being pulled into the depths of the well where the unknown awaits and ultimately lose the game. This game will also be accessible online on the movie website.


Integrated Outdoor

and mobile

In order to capitalize on the vast popularity of Smartphones, a mobile competition will be incorporated into the campaign in combination with other outdoor advertising material.This integrated marketing effort will allow people to scan images or physical replicas of the well from the movie using a smartphone and enter into a competition. A person can enter the competition multiple times by scanning different images of the well in order to increase their chances of winning.This will consequently encourage people to be on the lookout for movie posters with the well or replicas of the well placed around town.The winner of the competition will have their wish granted to either win a romantic getaway for two or a set of silver custom rings made by a Jeweler we are in partnership with.

Facebook Facbeook will be used to create an official page for the movie where fans can find the latest material. News and updates will be posted regularly including information on all events related to the movie.

Twit ter

The End of Forever Twitter page will provide a platform for fans to interact with the cast and crew of the film who will be posting live updates throughout the production process and during any appearances they make at events, on TV shows and at the movie premiere. Content would also include conversations engaging the fans in different ways.

Instagram Instagram’s fast growing community and widespread popularity makes it a great arena for The End of Forever to share photos from the making of the movie in order to showcase the visually appealing setting and further fuel interest in the film. We will also conduct weekly themed challenges where our followers can post photos in accordance with the theme for a chance to win free giveaways such as The End of Forever T-shirts.








Thanks to. . . Dawn Taubin Diana Odero Richard Wang Snook Chaipornvadee



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