Is TWD Just Rick’s Dream?

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By Scott Ever since Robert Kirkman went on the record as saying he had an end in mind for The Walking Dead, speculation has been rampant as to just how it would all go down. And there’s one theory that we see OVER and OVER again, in regards to both the show and the comic, and that is that this whole thing is just Rick’s nightmare while he lies comatose in the hospital and that the end of The Walking Dead will be Rick waking up. Depending on your love of The Twilight Zone, you might even go a step further and say he wakes up in an abandoned hospital in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Well it all came to a head this week when… [click here to read more]. Read more here:: var hupso_services=new Array("Twitter","Facebook","Google Plus","Pinterest","Linkedin","Tumblr","StumbleUpon","Digg","Reddit","Bebo");var hupso_icon_type = "labels";var hupso_background="#EAF4FF";var hupso_border="#66CCFF";var hupso_image_folder_url = "";var hupso_url="";var hupso_title="Is TWD Just Rick’s Dream?";

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