CONTACT +34 687304689
EDUCATION 2012/2014 Master’s Degree in Preserva on of Architectural Heritage ETSA. Technical University of Valencia. (Spain) 2003/2012 Architecture Degree ETSAG. University of Alcalá de Henares. Madrid (Spain) DIGITAL COMPETENCE Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Camara Raw Agiso! Photoscan Autodesk Autocad Autodesk Recap Autodesk Revit Architecture Autodesk Revit Structure y Mep Faro Scene Cyclone Presto Rhinoceros
EXPERIENCE 2013/Present Architect. Freelance coworker. Nuria Arribas Mayo Studio of Architecture. Toledo (Spain) Mauro Cano Architects. Talavera de la Reina (Spain) Lázaro Ruiz Studio of Archeology. Talavera de la Reina (Spain) 2017 Architect. Researcher. Cultural Heritage Management Lab. DIDA (Department of Architecture). University of Florence. (Italy) Director: Prof. Alessandro Merlo
2013 Architect. Researcher. Center for Development Coopera!on. Technical University of Valencia. (Spain-Guatemala) LANGUAGES Spanish ................................ (Na!ve)
English................................... (Intermediate level)
Italian .................................. (Intermediate level)
2017 Graphic and metric architectural documenta on for “Chiesa di San Giovani Ba!sta”. Florence (Italy) Graphic and metric architectural documenta on for Seminario Garden. Pistoia (Italy) Graphic and metric architectural and urban documenta on for Cons tu on Square. Yátova. Valencia. (Spain) Photogrammetry documenta on The Volterraio Castle. Portoferraio. Island of Elba (Italy)
2016 Architecture Project “Bajada Colegio de Infantes 6 y 8”. Toledo (Spain) Architecture Project “Cigarral de San Lucas”. Toledo (Spain) Architecture Project “Albergue de San Nicolás”. Toledo (Spain)
Architecture Project El Piélago Camp. El Real de San Vicente. Toledo (Spain)
2015 Architecture Project for old water mill. Toledo (Spain)
Photogrammetry try archeological documenta on of old water mill. Toledo (Spain)
2014 Photogrammetry for archeological documenta on to the founda on of San Lucas Church. Toledo (Spain)
2013 Research Project Interuniversitary in La Blanca Project. Petén (Guatemala)
Graphic and metric architectural documenta on for “Chiesa di San Giovani Ba sta”. Florence (Italy)
Cultural Heritage Management Lab. DIDA (Department of Architecture). University of Florence. (Italy) Director: Prof. Alessandro Merlo Graphic and metric architectural documenta on made with 3D laser scanner, Z+F Imager 5600H. 170 scans needed. The photogrammetry facade documenta on made with digital reflex camera Nikon (Nikon D5300, D5200, D7200, plus lens Nikon 18105 mm VR) . And photogrammetry building top documenta on needed a photocamera a"ached to Dron (DJI Phantom 4).
Graphic and metric architectural documenta on for Seminario Garden. Pistoia (Italy)
Cultural Heritage Management Lab. DIDA (Department of Architecture). University of Florence. (Italy) Director: Prof. Alessandro Merlo
Graphic and metric architectural and urban documenta on for Cons tu on Square. YĂĄtova. Valencia. (Spain)
Cultural Heritage Management Lab. DIDA (Department of Architecture). University of Florence. (Italy) Director: Prof. Alessandro Merlo
Photogrammetry archeological documenta on The Volterraio Castle. Portoferraio. Island of Elba (Italy)
Lázaro Ruiz Studio of Archeology. Project Sponsor: Parco Nazionale Arcipelago Toscano
Architecture Project “Bajada Colegio de Infantes 6 y 8”. Toledo (Spain)
Nuria Arribas Mayo Studio of Architecture. Project Sponsor: Consorcio de la Ciudad de Toledo.
Architecture Project “Cigarral de San Lucas”. Toledo (Spain)
Nuria Arribas Mayo Studio of Architecture and J.M. Márquez Moreno Studio of Architecture.
Architecture Project “Albergue de San Nicolás”. Toledo (Spain)
Nuria Arribas Mayo Studio of Architecture
Architecture Project El Piélago Camp. El Real de San Vicente. Toledo (Spain)
Nuria Arribas Mayo Studio of Architecture. Project Sponsor: Arzobispado de Toledo.
Architecture Project for old water mill. Toledo (Spain) Mauro Cano Architects
Photogrammetry archeological documenta on of old water mill. Toledo (Spain)
LĂĄzaro Ruiz Studio of Archeology
Photogrammetry for archeological documenta on to the founda on of San Lucas Church. Toledo (Spain)
Lázaro Ruiz Studio of Archeology
Research Project Interuniversitary in La Blanca Project. PetĂŠn (Guatemala). Conserva on state of the Maya Palace.
Center for Development Coopera on. Technical University of Valencia. (Spain-Guatemala)
ARCHITECT +34 687304689