Hola, I am so excited that you are considering joining me this summer as we take a dream-like adventure to El Rosario, Mexico! This will be one of the highlights of your life. A chance to see another country. A chance to meet new people. A chance for God to change your perspective on life. A chance to make an eternal impact on the lives of others. It is crucial that you carefully read this booklet in its entirety. The answers to most of your questions are in this booklet. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. You can contact me at: Church Phone: 303-241-5729 Email: mike@goodnewschurch.org FaceBook: Mike Doe
Mike Doe Mission Team Director
Good News Community Church 5511 West 136th Avenue, Broomfield, CO 80020 303-469-4457 www.GoodNewsChurch.org
A Big Adventure It’s only April, but I’m dreaming about the Last week in July. Dreaming about warmer days… traveling… some adventure… a place called El Rosario. You know you want to go with me on this big adventure! El Rosario is a dusty little town -the kind of place tourists traveling down Mexico’s Baja peninsula never stop unless they are desperate for gas. But hidden away in this forgotten place are people who are precious to God. He hasn’t forgotten them. In fact, God’s dreaming about sending someone like you to go and introduce them to him. This adventure will be one of the highlights of your life –the kind of thing that you’ll look back on and wonder, “Was it just a dream?” A chance to see another country. A chance to meet new people. A chance for God to change your perspective on life. A chance for you to make an eternal impact in the lives of other people. For the past 2 years Good News Church has been sending teams out on these kinds of adventures to San Vicente, Mexico (You can check out the adventures of the 2008 team and the 2009 team) by visiting www.squidoo.com/SanVicente. Now the church in San Vicente has asked us to teach them how to do these kinds of trips. So this year’s team will be partnering up with a team from San Vicente to go further south on the Baja peninsula to El Rosario.
Mexico Adventure Trip: -Friday, July 23rd through Sunday, August 1st No matter what your age, no matter what your experience in life, and no matter how bad your Spanish is –there’s a spot available on the team for you. The question is, will you make yourself available? I’m going to make this dream a reality –what about you?
Trip Partners Dave and Lynne Johnson The Johnson’s will be our hosts while in El Rosario. They have lived in and served this community since 2002, commissioned by Mexican Medical Ministries. You can read their entire bio on the Mexican Medical Website (see below). You can contact Dave and Lynne directly at bajadave49@yahoo.com. Mexican Medical Ministries Mexican Medical Ministries is an interdenominational non-profit organization, founded in 1963, dedicated to providing low or no-cost health care to the people of Mexico in the Name of Jesus Christ. They believe part of the "Great Commission" is bringing Healing and Hope through medicine and the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ. You can find out more at www.MexicanMedical.com. Community Church of San Diego A church in San Diego where Pastor Matthew served previously as Youth Pastor. They are providing housing for the team in San Diego as we travel to and from Mexico. You can get more information on this church at www.CC-SanDiego.org.
DATES AND TIMES TRAINING AND PREPARATION #1 Sunday, May16th #2 Sunday June 6th #3 Sunday, June 27th #4 Sunday, July 18th
-12:30pm to 2pm in the Sanctuary -12:30pm to 2pm in the Sanctuary -12:30pm to 2pm in the Sanctuary -12:30pm to 2pm in the Sanctuary
TIME COMMITMENT All team members must attend all five of the training meetings. If you are not able to because schedule conflicts then this is probably not the year for you to be a part of the missions team. These times together build the bonds that make for a strong team, crucial to the ministry we will be doing in Mexico.
DEAD LINES: Sunday, May 16th Sunday, June 6th Sunday, June 27th Sunday, July 18th
-All forms, photocopy of a picture ID, and $50 deposit due. -$250 due -Photocopy of Passport and $250 due -Remainder of money is due.
TRIP DATES: Friday July 23rd Saturday, July 24th Sunday, July 25th Monday, July 26th Tuesday, July 27th Wednesday, July 28th Thursday, July 29th Friday, July 30th Saturday, July 31st Sunday, Aug. 1st
-Fly to San Diego -Spend the night at Community Church of San Diego -Drive to San Vicente -Meet our trip partners in San Vicente -Attend a church in San Vicente -Drive to El Rosario -Serving the community & Health Fair -Serving the community & Health Fair -Construction Projects -Serving the community & Health Fair -Construction Projects -Serving the community & Health Fair -Construction Projects -Serving the community & Health Fair -Driving to San Vicente -Drive to San Diego -Hit up a tourist site -Spend the night at Community Church of San Diego -Attend church at the Community Church of San Diego -Fly home
WHAT PAPERS ARE NECESSARY FOR TRAVEL IN MEXICO? All Team Members The following documents must be provided by all participants. It is important to meet this requirement to ensure a successful trip. Many of these papers will have to be forwarded to the Mexican government, which is a slow and arduous process. • A photo ID. Driver’s license, state, or school ID card are acceptable. You must submit a photocopy no later than May 16th. • Team Member’s Information. Due May 16th. • Release of Liability. Due May 16th. • Consent for Medical Treatment. Due May 16th. • Pass Port (Can take as long as 18 weeks to go through the process of getting an official Birth Certificate and then applying for a Passport). You must submit a photocopy no later than June 18th.
Minor (17 and younger) MISSION: POSSIBLE team members Minors need to provide all of the above documents plus: • Parental Consent Form. This form must be notarized by BOTH parents –Lorie Schroeder, the church’s Business Administrator is a Notary and will notarize your missions documents at no charge. Due May 16th. IMPORTANT: If the minor will be entering the 6th, 7th, or 8th grade, they must be accompanied by at least one parent. A minor who will be entering into 9th grade or higher does not need to be accompanied by a parent.
FINANCES The trip costs $1,000 per person. This covers Mexican visas, tourist taxes, Mexican travelers insurance, plane tickets, van rentals, gas, food while on-site in El Rosario (but not fast food while on the road), lodging, building supplies, and a Mexican Medical T-shirt (see section titled “How Much Should I Bring” to see what this amount does not cover). You are responsible to provide all of your own support for the trip. BUT, no matter what your financial situation is, money will not stand between you and the trip unless you allow it to do so. God will be able to provide for the needs of every individual who wants to go. I have seen God do miracles in this area time and time again. As financial challenges arise, please talk to Pastor Matthew Fite immediately. If you wait until the last second to mention problems or needs it will be too late. It is assumed that you will be able to pay the entire amount unless you make special arrangements. All money is due by Sunday, July 18th.
HOW MUCH CASH SHOULD I BRING? It is recommended that you bring about $125 spending cash. Listed below are the items you will need to pay for with cash while on the trip: • American fast food (4 meals) • Mexican taco stands in Baja (4 meals) • Sodas and snacks (Optional) • Souvenirs (Optional)
WHAT ABOUT CHANGING MONEY IN MEXICO? Traveler’s checks are not recommended to be used in Mexico, as there are very few places that will exchange them for you. You may want to carry them for use when traveling in the US. Also, it is very difficult to exchange bills larger than 20's in Mexico –it is recommended that you bring your spending cash in 1’s, 5’s, and 10’s. US dollars can be exchanged for Mexican pesos at the border but it is not necessary. Cash (in pesos) can be obtained from ATMs in Mexico with some credit cards in Tijuana and Ensenada, but not in El Rosario.
Clothes A sun hat for working (more important than you might think) Bible, pen, and a journal (pad of paper) Flashlight Sleeping Bag Pillow Flat Sheet Practical shoes for working in with closed toes Work Gloves Personal Toiletries (such as deodorant, toothpaste, etc.) Sunscreen Chap stick Insect repellant Re-usable Water Bottle If you wear contacts, be sure to bring glasses too because of the dust Spending money (see above) Music to play in the van (it must be able to pass the “Grandma Test”) Snacks, food, etc
iPods or Disc-man (these unfriendly little devices will isolate you from the rest of the team and the Mexican people) Music that does not pass the “Grandma Test” Firecrackers, Knives, Guns, Alcohol, Drugs, pet snakes, or anything else that would be illegal to carry across the international border or onto an airplane.
PACKING Room in the vans will be rather limited. Each team member will be given an official duffle bag to use on the trip. You will only be allowed to bring the duffle bag, a sleeping bag, and a backpack. EVERYTHING, including extra shoes, pillows, etc, must be able to fit into your two bags. It sounds tough, but you can do it!
INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITIES Each team member will be delegated a specific responsibility among the group. Below is a list containing many of the duties: Administration • Mexican Medical Paperwork • Secure Mexican Travelers Insurance • Financial Secretary • Ordering Team Duffle Bags Transportation • Securing Plane Tickets • Renting Vans • Vehicle Maintenance • Packing/Unpacking • Cleaning Vehicles • Arranging Transportation to the Airport Kitchen Staff • Head Cook • Assistant Cook Community Outreach • Games • Crafts • Stories • Songs Miscellaneous • First Aid • Photographer • Web-site • Trip log • Translator • Community Work Project Director
MEXICAN CULTURE FAMILY TIES Family ties are strong! The father is the dominant person. The eldest member of the family unit is usually the one who controls all the family actions. This may be a Grandmother or other older person who lives with the family, although she is definitely subservient to the husband. Small children are not strongly disciplined or inhibited. The common view seems to be that they are too young to understand what should be done; therefore, it is not worthwhile to teach them until they grow up somewhat. Parents are strict with older youth, especially the girls. They are heavily chaperoned when in mixed company. The girls are expected to maintain reserve in public.
EDUCATION Most adult girls in the villages have a maximum of three years of formal schooling; many are illiterate. The youth have had the opportunity of only five years of schooling but they are not stupid. They are intelligent and possess real wisdom and a keen understanding of human nature. Remember, these adults, though lacking in education, are truly adult in their actions, outlook and ambitions. They have successfully reared families and are operating in an adult society with all the problems and concerns thereof. They have excellent memories. All their knowledge is that which they have learned and retained mentally.
ATTITUDES The Mexicans are warm, friendly and courteous. They are also suspicious of strangers and foreigners and reserved in their response. Every Mexican is to be treated with equal respect as an individual who deserves the consideration and respect of a citizen of Mexico, by foreign guests in his country. Parents care what we teach their children. They are concerned about the attitudes and influences we will have upon their village and their children. Thus they will watch everything we do, and how we do it, to determine our true motives for being with them.
RELIGION The Roman Catholic Church has been the dominant church in Mexico for four centuries. This does not mean the people have an understanding of the Roman Catholic Church or its teachings. It does mean that there is an indication of an unseen force in their midst. This has led to an inborn feeling of a necessity to do good works to gain merit. The awareness of the "saints and the Virgin" as forces of good and of help to them is a part of their heritage. To condemn either the saints, the Virgin or the church is to stir up needless questions and dissension, without adding to the gospel message. Biblical knowledge is very slight and no Bible truth can be assumed by common knowledge. Scriptural topics must be explained to give them background information.
COURTESIES AND MANNERS As Americans, being "forward," "open," and "honest," we do not usually consider etiquette or manners to be of much value. We look at them as something plastic or superficial. This is not so to the Mexicans. To them those first five minutes of "wasted conversation" are of extreme importance. In Mexico you can deeply offend a person by not doing a simple thing such as shaking his hand when you enter or leave a room. For these reasons we have made a short guide of proper manners to use with your friends in Mexico. We cannot the importance of this material enough. It helps to determine how well you will get along with the Mexican people. General Guidelines 1. "Chit-chat" is extremely important. Spend time with the people. Make conversation. Share about family, show pictures, etc. 2. Always shake hands with everyone. When someone comes in late, shake hands. 3. Kissing cheeks is appropriate among girls (if they take the initiative). 4. The abrazo (hug) is for special occasions and is not a bear hug. 5. Speaking English in front of Mexican people is considered bad manners. Ask them for permission to speak English if you are translating. 6.
Greet people when you arrive or leave.
7. Try everything that you are offered to eat. The Mexican people will not give you anything that will hurt you. 8. Manners are important. For example, men open doors for ladies, etc. 9. When candy is passed out, everyone must share in eating it. You do not buy a child's attention with candy. You share with them and do not use it as a "come on" gimmick. 10. Be very careful to maintain a very high moral standard. The Mexican people do not appreciate poor manners, or an over show of affection among couples. 11. Show love constantly to these people. 12. Do not take any pictures without asking the people's permission. As we mentioned earlier, ask the Site Director if, and when, it is appropriate.
USEFUL SPANISH PHRASES Hello ................................................................................................................Hola! Good morning ...............................................................................................Buenos Dias Good afternoon. .......................................................................................... Buenas tardes Good night .....................................................................................................Buenas noches Do you speak English...................................................................................Habla usted ingles? I don't understand .......................................................................................No entiendo My name is......................................................................................................Me llamo es _____________ What is your name? ....................................................................................Como se llama usted? I'm pleased to meet you .............................................................................Gusto en conocerle How are you? ...............................................................................................Como esta’ usted? I'm fine, and you? .........................................................................................Muy bien, y usted? I'm hungry/thirsty..........................................................................................Tengo hambre/sed I fell sick .......................................................................................................... Me siento ma1 I'm tired .........................................................................................................Estoy cansado Is there a bathroom here? .........................................................................Hay un bano aqui? Where? ..........................................................................................................Donde? When? ............................................................................................................Cuando? What? (How's that?) ...................................................................................Como? Attention please ...........................................................................................Atencion por favor Thank you ......................................................................................................Gracias You're welcome ...........................................................................................De nada Stand up everyone........................................................................................Ponganse de pie Let's sing ........................................................................................................Vamos a cantar Let's play a game ..........................................................................................Vamos a jugar un juego Do you (pl") want to play ...........................................................................Quieren jugar? Make a circle ..................................................................................................Hagan un circulo Join hands. .....................................................................................................Todos toman la manos Come here everybody.................................................................................Venganse! Run! ...............................................................................................................Correle! We're going to pray ....................................................................................Vamos a orar Do you like it.................................................................................................Le gusta? I don't know ..................................................................................................No se’ Left ...................................................................................................................Izquierda Right ................................................................................................................Derecha Where do you live? ..................................................................................... Donde vive usted? 1s it very far ...................................................................................................E'sta muy lejos. Goodbye .........................................................................................................Adios See you later ..................................................................................................Hasta luego God bless you. ..............................................................................................Dios le bendiga
TEAM MEMBER’S INFORMATION Group’s Name: Good News Community Church Participants name: _________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ City:_______________________________ State: ________ Zip: ____________________ Phone: _____________________ Email: _______________________________________ Age ________ Date of Birth ______________ Sex ____________ Citizenship __________ T-SHIRT: Please circle Size:
MINISTRY ROLE: My ministry role/responsibility on this mission trip is:
______________________________________________________________________ SPANISH LEVEL: Please Circle: 1 – None 2 – Few Words 3 – I can ask questions 4 – I can converse 5 – I am fluent
CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE. Please Check: ___ I am planning to be a general laborer to work wherever needed OR I have the following construction trade/skills: (Please check all that apply) ____ Electrical; ____ Plumbing; ____ Carpentry; ____ Masonry; ____ Concrete; _____ Painting; ___ other construction skills: _______________________________
SPECIAL NEEDS: Please advise us of any recent medical conditions that you have. CONDITION
TESTIMONY: Describe your relationship with God. _____________________________
(use back of sheet as needed) •
CALLING: How has God led you to go to Mexico? ____________________________
(use back of sheet as needed)
RELEASE OF LIABILITY I, _______________________________, hereby acknowledge the inherent risk of international travel and the fact that injury, death, disease, might occur during or as a result of my voluntary services with Mexican Medical, Inc. and Good News Community Church, and fully understanding that the risks associated with such service may include, but are not limited to, injury or death by accident, disease, terrorist acts, adverse weather conditions and inadequate medical care, and/or damage to, or loss of, personal property. I, in consideration of the benefits derived from being accepted for service, hereby volunteer my services despite such hazards. I willingly assume these risks and I hereby waive any and all claims against the participating local and international organizations a well as the sponsoring institutions, their officers and employees, and the leaders of Mexican Medical, Inc. or Good News Community Church, for any and all causes in connection with the activities of the above organization and individuals. __________________________________________ Print name of applicant __________________________________________ _________________________ Signature of applicant Date __________________________________________ _________________________ Signature of father Date __________________________________________ _________________________ Signature of mother Date __________________________________________ _________________________ Signature of legal guardian Date
Group Name: Good News Community Church
July 23rd-August 1st, 2010
Group Leader: Matthew Fite
(303) 469-4457
CONSENT FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT I/We hereby agree to the performance of any emergency medical treatment, anesthetics and operations deemed necessary by an attending physician on: I realize this authority is being granted for domestic and non-domestic territory. I understand that I/we are responsible for providing medical and accident insurance to cover the activities of our son/daughter/ward while participating in programs with Mexican Medical Ministries Inc. and Good News Community Church. __________________________________________ _________________________ PRINT NAME OF APPLICANT EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER __________________________________________ _________________________ Signature of applicant Date __________________________________________ _________________________ Signature of father Date __________________________________________ _________________________ Signature of mother Date __________________________________________ _________________________ Signature of legal guardian Date __________________________________________ _________________________ Print the name of your insurance company Policy No. __________________________________________ Phone number of insurance company
Group Name: Good News Community Church
July 23rd-August 1st, 2010
Group Leader: Matthew Fite
(303) 469-4457
Parental Consent For Minor to Travel in Mexico If the parent(s)/guardian(s) are not accompanying the minor on this trip to Mexico then this form must be filled out and signed by BOTH PARENTS, for each minor (under the age of 18). ALSO THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED AND STAMPED BY A LEGAL NOTARY. Please note: • If one parent accompanies the minor, the minor must have a notarized Consent from the other parent. •
If the parents are divorced or separated, a notarized permission letter from one parent and proof (copy of the court order) that the parent has legal custody.
If a parent is deceased, permission letter from the surviving parent and a copy of the death certificate of the deceased parent.
The original must remain with the minor at all times while traveling in Mexico.
Parental Consent For Minor to Travel in Mexico I/we do hereby give our permission for ______________________________ to travel to Name of minor
the city of El Rosario, Mexico. For the dates of July 23rd, 2010 to August 1st, 2010 with the Good News Community Church, under the leadership of Pastor Matthew Fite. I/we, __________________________________ and ___________________________ of Print name of Father/Guardian
Print name of Mother/Guardian
_______________________________ ________________________________ ________ Address
________________________ _________ ________________________ _________ Signature of Father
Signature of Mother
________________________ _________ ________________________ _________ Signature of Guardian
Signature of Guardian
Sworn before me in the ____________________ on this day of _______________, ______ City/District
A Notary Public / Commission for taking Affidavits in the State/Province of Colorado.