Atraditional story illustration: Shraddha Kirkire
TibetanTranslation: Sonam Sangpo
QUEST& Eklavya / May 2016/ 1300 copies
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This book is developed by Quality Education SupportTrust (QUEST), Pune. (
Price: `40.00
Paper:100 gsm Maplitho and 210 gsm Paper board Fbb (Cover)
Also published in Hindi-English and Marathi-English and Gujrathi-English
Published for DoE, CTA, Dharamsala by:EKLAVYA
E-10, BDAColony Shankar Nagar, Shivaji Nagar, Bhopal (MP) 462 016
Phone: (0755) 255 0976, 267,1017 / books
The translation of this children's story book is made possible by the support of theAmerican people through the United StatesAgency for International Development (USAID) toTheTibet Fund.The contents of this book are the sole responsibility of Department of Education, CentralTibetanAdministration and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.