India Prepare Mission to Mars

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India Prepare Mission to Mars

mars surface / Photo : nbcnews

More than a week after the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) successfully landed Curiosity Rover on Mars, India also did not want to lose to do the same. India has announced its own plans to launch its first mission to Mars. Quoted from Mashable, Thursday (08/16/2012), India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has announced a plan that will cost nearly reached USD64 million. “Spacecraft to Mars will be a big step for us in science and technology,” Singh said in his speech. Although the mission was planned to be conducted without a crew, but the country’s space program is known also seeking budget approval for sending astronauts to Mars. India’s space program is one of the largest in the world and has become a source of national pride since it was formed in 1960. In addition, the program has not only launched dozens of satellites for India and other countries, but also a moon research.Read More on Related Posts Curiosity Camera Capture Mars Surface

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