Samsung Free from Apple Bondage in Japan

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Samsung Free from Apple Bondage in Japan

Tokyo court has rejected Apple’s claim that Samsung violated patent rights. The court’s decision is the latest page in global legal battle between Apple and Samsung. Reported from the Telegraph, Friday (08/31/2012), case in the the Japanese court only handles synchronization technology that allows media players to share data with personal computer. This means that Apple and Samsung battle in Japan are not comparable with the scope of the case law of both companies in the U.S. Samsung welcomed the decision of the Tokyo District Court. “We will continue to offer highly innovative products to consumers, and to continue our contribution to the development of the mobile industry,” said Samsung in a statement. Meanwhile, Apple lawyer who was at the courthouse declined to comment. He also refused to comment on whether Apple would appeal against the court’s decision. In the court session that lasted only a few minutes, Judge Tamotsu Shoji said he thought Samsung does not violate Apple technology “kingdom” and decided to reject the lawsuit filed by Apple in August last year. The decision on that Friday was the first time in Japan in the global court battle Apple and Samsung, but there are other technologies that are being fought over by both companies in separate legal cases in Japan. The decision was also no request to block Samsung products.Read More on Related Posts Apple Welcomes the Winning against Samsung

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