Sleeping Pills Cause Heart Disease
Many people use sleeping pills without a prescription. Initially, they were not aware of the side effects from the use of sleeping pills, but in a certain period of time, sleeping pills can disrupt your health. Trouble sleeping is sometimes quite annoying. To make it easier for us to sleep, the use of sleeping pills are quite effective. People with insomnia usually take sleeping pills without a prescription, as reported by Healthmeup. For short-term treatment, the use of sleeping pills may be quite effective. But if use continuously for six months or more, then you should be wary as it can cause serious illness. The use of sleeping pills without a prescription can give a bad effect on your health. If you constantly use sleeping pills without the recommended dose, you may develop heart disease, asthma, anxiety, and even depression.Read More on Related Posts High Protein causes the Heart Disease
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Sleeping Pills Cause Heart Disease
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