Steve Wozniak: I Hate Patent War
Patent dispute between Apple and Samsung reap comments from various parties, not to mention one of Apple founder, Steve Wozniak. Although being one of key figure in the Apple history, Wozniak did not like the patent wars going on between Apple and Samsung. “I think the California decision will not be carried out,” Wozniak said referring to Apple and Samsung patent battle. Apple and Samsung are currently being fought in the court. As is known, the California court jury has ruled that Samsung proven cheating iPhone design. In response to the jury’s decision, Samsung also filed an appeal. Patent war between Apple and Samsung continues to taper. Moreover, Apple also filed a lot of claims and asked the court to block the sale of Samsung mobile phones. Meanwhile, although Apple’s founder, Steve Jobs, known to have the desire to fight Google, but his partner, Wozniak, has a different view. “I hate war (the patent). I hope everyone agrees to exchange patents and all people can build better things,” said Wozniak. Read More on Related Posts Steve Wozniak: Apple Broke Siri
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