Jack Russell Design Portfolio 2015

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WORK EXPERIENCE Senior Industrial Designer 1.12 - Now Industrial Designer Allsop Inc. 7.11 - 12.11 Design Engineer Daimler Trucks North America Design Engineer Brammo Motorsports

3.08 - 6.10

6.06 - 7.07

EDUCATION Industrial Design one year post-bac program, Umea Institute of Design

BS Industrial Technology Vehicle Design Western Washington University, Vehicle Research Institute 9.02 - 6.06 & 10.07 - 3.08

8.10 - 6.11


Projects 01-05: Professional work Projects 06-10: Student work


Kona Operator 04


Kona Process 04


Allsop 04


Enertia Powercycle



Brammo Ariel Atom



Formula SAE



Gardena Pump Sprayer


Thank you for taking the time to check out my work. This portfolio begins with my most recent professional work and ends with student work.


Mazda Gift Knife




Furniture Transport



Form Project





KONA OPERATOR The Kona Operator debuted in 2014 as the first composite downhill bike by Kona. I began this project as my first with Kona and with the freedom to do whatever it took to make the best downhill mountain bike on the market. The design phase of the project lasted about 6 months. Then a few moths later we has aluminum test mules, and a few months after that, the first carbon prototypes. The bikes were first for sale to the public in the fall of 2013 and we expect a 3 year life cycle for the product.


RESEARCH The project began with defining how we could create the best downhill bike experience for our team riders, and how that would translate to our customers. This information was distilled down into the geometry of the bike, shown below. Once the geometry was complete, We began designing the shape of the frame to drive the aesthetic as well as the stiffness.


DESIGN ELEMENTS One of the most important aspects of this project was balancing the frame geometry and kinematics with a frame that could be built stiff, simply and light. Above various aspects of the kinematics are shown vs. the competition. Below are mocked-up ideas of how the various pivots worked. Sorting this out early in the project saved us from being backed into a corner later.

JACK RUSSELL After a about a dozen iterations of the design and tweaks to the linkage to insure that the suspension had the desired behavior, I created a final concept sketch to capture the goal of the bike and guide us through process. A year passed between this stage and the completed bike shown right, but it all paid off as the bike received rave reviews and was included in the prestigious Dirt 100 list of 100 best bikes, shown on opposite page.




KONA PROCESS My next big project for Kona was the Kona Process line of trail bikes. I designed one platform that was used for 4 different models each with 4 sizes, for a total of 16 unique frame designs. These bikes are currently made for 6061 Aluminum alloy with future plans for carbon frames. The design aspect of this project took about 8 months and the bikes became available to the public fall 2013. Reviews of the bike are overwhelmingly positive as the bike is sighted as a game-changing design.

JACK RUSSELL THE KONA PROCESS PLATFORM When the Process project began, we knew it would be a large project between 16 different frames between all the sizes and offered as 7 models. The Process bikes took the market category for Kona from 8 Million a year and doubled it to 16 million by its second year. This was all done with careful long term planning, from defining the ride experience, as shown below, to laying out the models and how the fit into the Kona product line (shown opposite page). Here the attributed of the different models are described from their gearing, to intended use and how that will fit with the brand. It was this initial planning that built the foundation for success with this line of products.




“Kona has thrown down the gauntlet with its Process 134 DL.” —Bike Magazine (US)

“Arguably the most cutting-edge trail bike on the market.” —MBR Group Test Winner (UK)

“The most fun 27.5 bike currently available...Short travel has never been so much fun.” Dirt Magazine (UK)

Blows apart the myth that 29ers aren’t playful.” —MBR (UK)

The success that the Kona Process has enjoyed can be attributed to the very close attention paid to the details, seen on the left. Things like the carbon center bridged rocker and the one piece forged shock mount add up to an amazing ride, which made it to the cover of the Dirt 100, the industries best 100 bikes.



ALLSOP During my six months with Allsop Inc. I had a chance to work on a variety of projects. Allsop focuses on consumer electronic accessories through their multiple brands: Allsop, Clingo, and Ohmetric. As the only product designer there, I took projects from concept through manufacturing working alongside a Product Manager. Some of these projects included a premium price point laptop fan, iPad cases and desk organizers.

JACK RUSSELL COOL CHANNEL+FAN Allsop had a good laptop platform when I began there, but it was lacking a key feature which most competitors had: a fan. My task was to update the platform and add a fan without disrupting the key feature of being able to store the laptop on the back.

18 It was important to keep the fan quiet on this product and we quickly found out that the bezel around the fan could add a lot of noise. To solve this we 3D printed various iterations and finally came to a quiet design. Here renders of the final design are shown as it was when it was debuted at CES 2012.


Another design project at Allsop was to take this BlueTooth keyboard and build a hardcase for an iPad around it. Other than needing to use this specific keyboard the project was wide open. We decided to use an injection molded thermoplastic case, split in two, and rare earth magnets to hold the case together when closed. This would provide us with a premium product which is where the Allsop brand is positioned.


The final case included a number of unique features setting it apart. Molded foam padding around the keyboard protects the tablet face, while the top cover can be completely separated from the keyboard to alloy for portrait or landscape viewing.



ENERTIA POWERCYCLE While I was at Brammo Motorsports the company changed directions are re branded as Brammo LLC. What began next was the worlds first production electric motorcycle. The Brammo Enertia powercycle. As a design engineer working with an intimate team of other designers and engineers I had the opportunity to help develop the bike, from concept to prototype. What began as sketched parts and CAD models was eventually realized as the fully functional prototype in just a few months.

JACK RUSSELL ENERTIA PROTOTYPE As part of a team of five, I helped design and build the Brammo Enertia prototype bike, seen below. As a supporting design engineer on the project, I designed many of the detail parts, such as the foot pegs, kick stand, charge port, and internal component mounts, and wheel hubs. I took these parts from sketch to reality, with a clear vision for manufacturing simplicity.

The prototype bike is below, while details of the process can be seen on the right page. The bike was designed to appeal to entry level riders and take advantage of the mechanical simplicity of and electric motorcycle.


For the Brammo Enteria, the process didn’t stop at just designing the parts. Everything was fully documented with engineering drawings, bill of materials,and assembly instructions. After a prototype part was built, we worked with the fabricators and machinists to revise the parts so the would be as cheap and easy to make as possible, while still fulfilling all of the requirements.

On the Right you can see one of the many detail parts I designed for the Enertia, the kickstand, the engineering drawings are also shown. Below some are some pictures from the prototype build and test. Some long nights in the shop were spent getting the bike built by the deadline, but there is nothing more satisfying than whipping the bike around the parking lot when its all done.



BRAMMO MOTORSPORTS ARIEL ATOM The Ariel Atom is designed to be the ultimate driving experience. A complaint of many supercars is that when you are going 150 mph, it feels like 60 mph. In the Ariel Atom, its the other way around. No doors, no windshield. When you are cruising at 60 mph, it feel like 150. For a year I was part of the small engineering and design team at Brammo Motorsports, a startup vehicle company. As a design engineer I began working on the super car project, the 1000 hp Rouge GT. That project was soon scrapped by management and I then moved to design engineering on the US designed and built Ariel Atom. As one of three design engineers on the Ariel atom project, I had the opportunity to work on large projects like integrating a Honda K series motor into the already GM Ecotech powered car, to small details like designing an upgraded suspension bell crank.


The Ariel Atom began in the U.K. where it was originally design and built. Brammo, however, did not want to import U.K. Atoms. The plan was to manufacture them in Ashland Oregon. In traditional British style, there was almost no documentation from the British manufacturer. This gave the design team at Brammo a great opportunity. Every part on the Brammo Atom was made by Brammo and was designed by the Brammo design team, everything from the a-arms to the pedals were redesigned and improved at Brammo Motorsports. 5.

3. 8. 7.


2. Below are a few of the systems and parts I designed or helped design on the Brammo Ariel atom:

1. 9.

1. Integration of the Honda motor including shifting and super charger and exhaust systems



2. Wing mounts and tooling (wings not shown here) 3. Billet suspension bell cranks 4. Pedals and pedal box 5. Weld jig tooling 6. Upgraded axles 7. Brake upgrade packages 8. Sub assembly tooling 9. Rear lights and mounts 10. Dry sump oil system



ALUMINUM SUSPENSION BELL CRANK Originally the car was supplied with cheap suspension bellcranks made from laser cut steel. The inboard mounted suspensions is one of the key design features of the Ariel Atom and we felt like the other parts of the system needed to live up to the same quality and innovation to remind the customer of the outstanding quality of the vehicle. I undertook the task of designing an aluminum CNC made bellcrank that not only had to preform the task, but look like a premium upgrade. On the left you can see the CAD model in context. Because packaging was tight, a rapid prototype was made (center) to verify and mockup the design before the production run. At right you can see a production aluminum part, anodized black. The design was not only focused on looking like a premium upgrade, but manufacturable within the cost constraints.


DRYSUMP FOR A GM ECOTECH One of the premium options offered for the Brammo Atom was a dry sump oiling system for the GM Ecotech engine (shown left). Initially the system was to use the only available off the shelf pan and a separately manufactured pump. This setup was sketchy at best. It had exposed belts which could easily be damaged, many braided oil lines that could leak and wear difficult to install. It was clear a much better solution was needed and since none existed, it would have to be made in-house. The solution I designed integrated the oil manifold and pump mount, had no braided lines, and completely enclosed the pump belt. In addition to this, it was all very simple to manufacture at low volumes.



FORMULA SAE Formula SAE is an international competition where students design and build open wheel race cars beginning with a blank sheet of paper. Competitions are held annually around the world. During my four years in undergraduate school I had the opportunity to be on the team for three different cars. I began designing components like differentials and brake calipers, and was promoted to technical director by the time I was working on my second car, designing the chassis and suspensions, as well as many other components. Not only did I have the opportunity to design components, but build them. I gained valuable experience in CNC milling, metal fabrication and did many composite layups myself.


The Viking 38 chassis, with the carbon components shown and hidden, revealing the steel roll bars and aluminum bulkheads the design criteria required that the chassis be as light and stiff as possible, while still able to fit large drivers.

34 COMPONENT DESIGN & ENGINEERING Below are just a few examples of some of the parts and systems I designed and built while on the western Washington university vehicle research institute Formula SAE team during my 4.5 years on the team. Bottom Left: the Viking 32 Race car chassis as built by the team from scratch. Center Left: The brake calipers for the Viking 32 race car. This photo shows the rapid prototype used to mock up on the car and the steps of the manufacturing process, from a billet of aluminum to a finished caliper body. Center image: the Viking 32 differential. Gears from an existing differential were used, but had to be mated to the custom drivetrain of our car. I used these existing components and designed a differential housing and mounts around it. Center this page: a prototype wheel for Viking 38. I designed this wheel to be used on Viking 38. It uses center lock aluminum spokes which mate to a very stiff and light carbon rim. Right image: Detail of the Viking 32 differential without the carbon fiber cover.


Above: Viking 43 testing. The student team is responsible for the testing procedure. Below: The Viking 43 cockpit, designed to be simple and intuitive under pressure. Left: Viking 43 driving during a testing session. Opposite Left: The rear end of Viking 43. Almost everything seen in this photo was student designed and made, then put to the test. Opposite Right: Viking 36 at the competition in southern California.


TRACK TESTING, REFINING AND IMPROVING There is a lot more to designing and building a Formula SAE car than long nights in the shop. The student-led team is also responsible for testing and developing the cars, This is probably the most important part of the process, because only in testing do you find out if your ideas worked or not. Here you have the chance to go back and improve what didn’t work well, and clarify what is complicated. Students are also the drivers during the competitions. I was fortunate enough to be one of the drivers during the 2006 California competition.



GARDENA PUMP SPRAYER Gardena is a premium garden tool manufacturer in Europe. They are well known for high quality products, simple innovation and a strong brand language. However, their current offering for a pump sprayer is an outdated design that does not follow the current design language, nor is it very ergonomic. This five week project was to design a new premium price point garden sprayer that solved these problems.

JACK RUSSELL RESEARCH The first step in the design process was to study the current product. Both from a user standpoint and an ergonomic standpoint. Story boarding the results create a good place to start the design process. It showed that the pump sprayer has many functions that are important other than spraying, like filling, emptying and cleaning the product.

40 ERGONOMIC STUDY Left are handle mock-ups testing the ergonomics of the form. You can see a weight hanging from the bottom of the mock-ups that represents the weight of the existing sprayer full of water. From this research it became apparent that the spray could tilt as it was lifted giving the best ergonomics and aesthetics while sitting.

To the left is a sketch showing the center of gravity and the angle of the handle to the sprayer, as the sprayer sits on a table the nozzle is slightly titled up. When the sprayer is held, the nozzle becomes horizontal as the center of gravity of the sprayer moves under the hand.

JACK RUSSELL DETAIL DESIGN The trigger on the original product, seen left, was not very ergonomic, nor did it give the impression of a premium product with large gaps in the plastic. Particular detail was paid here in the new design, starting with sketches on the lower left, to some rendered solutions below.

42 PUMP SPRAYER In order to make sure the design was as feasible as possible and ensure that all the mechanics would work, a detailed cad model is made to communicate the surfaces and internals. The finalized proposal captures Gardena’s brand while communicating its use clearly to the user.



MAZDA GIFT KNIFE In Sweden it is customary to give a small utility knife as a gift or as schwag at an event. This week long branding and form project was to take a well known company, in this case Mazda, and create a knife that captured the brand and attitude which could be used as a give-a-way at a corporate event in Sweden.


46 MAZDA GIFT KNIFE CONCEPT SKETCHES Left are some initial concept sketches and inspiration for the Mazda knife taking cues from Mazda styling below. The goal was to capture the form language while staying loose with the concept. On this page, some more refined ideas are explored.


SKETCH MODELS Above are a few sketch models that were made of the concept knifes. It was important that the knife be comfortable to use and hold, not just be an attractive form. This was verified through the use of these models.


THE MAZDA KNIFE The final design for the Mazda knife incorporated a glossy, deep painted exterior with an inlaid soft rubber grip. The curves are simple, yet clearly inspired by Mazda styling. With this in mind the knife is still comfortable to hold. The styling of the blade follows the lines of the handle, while a notch in the base of the blade prevents the fingers from slipping onto the blade.



FURNITURE: FUTURE TRANSPORTATION A few years ago I bought a couch and had it delivered. The store I bought it from used a huge moving truck to drive across town and deliver it to my place. The huge truck was empty other than my couch. This four week project required us to find a problem involving transportation and delivery in our home town and solve it. For me, it seemed as though there could be a much better way to deliver furniture.




Delivering furniture efficiency was the main goal for this vehicle. Costs for the furniture seller would be kept low if the vehicle delivered furniture as quickly as possible, using the least amount of energy and needed only one human to load, unload and drive the vehicle if possible. Another goal was to not only replace the moving truck, but also replace the forklift back in the warehouse with the same vehicle. To the left is the main inspiration. Currently something like a single couch is delivered by a large truck with a 16 Liter diesel engine. All that just for a single couch. The original concepts focused on eliminating the need for a forklift by including a sort of arm that would lift the furniture as well as hold it during transport. This concept was streamlined into the one shown below which used a movable cargo platform.




The vehicle is designed with a cargo platform that raises and lowers in order to facilitate easy loading and unloading of furniture boxes. This makes it so a forklift is no longer needed for loading. The small size of the vehicle is not only efficient, but allows the vehicle to easily travel inside a warehouse. Probably the most striking feature is the movable arms on which the rear wheels are mounted. They spread apart to allow the cargo deck all the way to the floor, while still allowing for a compact vehicle in the transport configuration.

To the left, the size comparison is shown between the future mover and a moving truck. If you are just delivering a couch the size of the future mover is much more efficient.



The flexibility of the vehicle allows it to be used during the entire process of furniture delivery. It can be used in the warehouse, to load the cargo where no additional personnel or vehicles are needed. When rear arms are tucked underneath, it can efficiently travel far to make the delivery. When delivering the furniture, the flexible shape allows the vehicle to back up to a door so close, that it can actually deliver the load inside a building, lessening the need for more personnel or hand carts. Below left, the packaging of the vehicle is shown, The electric motor is near the hubless front wheels while the batteries are kept low in the arms for a low CG. To the right, the driver position is shown, where the driver is semi-standing, allowing for a more compact cab. The narrow cab allows for a very aerodynamic shape, as seen from the top in the center image below, which again, aids the efficiency of the vehicle.




FORM PROJECT Begin with an insect, and create a form. This project was designed around a simple idea to see how far the identity of the inspiration could be pushed. Here, the insect was a wasp, the final form was made to reflect speed and aggression, while still taking styling cues form the original insect.


60 EXPLORATORY SKETCHES Beginning with the wasp as inspiration, the first step was to brainstorm ideas of how the forms and textures could interact. The complicated structure of the wasp was boiled down into its basic elements and these elements were used to begin building up new functions and shapes for the form project.


PAPER AND CLAY MODELS In an effort to quickly gain a 3 dimensional understanding of the form, a paper model was constructed. This process allowed for quick iterations of the main lines and proportions. After the form was developed more, a clay model was made in order to refine the volumes even further before going to a digital model. The clay model allows for careful attention to every curve and surface, so that when the CAD model is started there is already a clear understanding of the form.

62 DIGITAL MODELS Here, the lessons learned in paper and clay about the form were fine tuned. Experimenting in clay is much easier than experimenting digitally, and this was kept in mind during the process. Early digital models where quick and simple to allow a base for sketching in the details. The process of sketching over CAD was repeated over and over until the CAD model had all the right curves.


EXPLORING COLOR & TEXTURE This page shows color and texture experiments. After the form was refined, it was time to add color and texture. The first step was to just make some quick tests. Using digital tools this can be explored with simple shapes before applying them to the more complicated and intricate wasp inspired form.



As the form became more and more developed, it was necessary to put the form in an environment to set the mood and give the form scale. The whole attitude and emotion of the form could easily be changed simply by changing the background image. Below are two examples of early environment renders. Putting the form in an environment also allows for the refining of the shape, as the environment adds story and context to the form, weather clear, bright lighting seen left or the darker lighting seen right.


WASP INSPIRED FORM The final renders of the form help create the idea that the form is feasible and could exist. There is nothing on this still abstract form that gives away the scale, so scale is achieved only through the angle which the form is viewed. To the left the form is set in an environment, Helping to show the mood and context of the form. The form looks vehicular although there are no obvious traits of a vehicle.


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