INTRO DUC TIO NFROMW IKIPEDIA .O RG CROSS-STITCH is a popular form of counted-thread embroidery in which X-shaped stitches in a tiled, raster-like pattern are used to form a picture. Cross-stitch is often executed on easily countable evenweave fabric called aida cloth. The stitcher counts the threads in each direction so that the stitches are of uniform size and appearance. This form of cross-stitch is also called counted cross-stitch [...] Cross-stitch is one of the oldest forms of embroidery and can be found all over the world. QR CODE (abbreviated from Quick Response code) is a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code) first designed for the automotive industry. More recently, the system has become popular outside of the industry due to its fast readability and comparatively[clarification needed] large storage capacity. The code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The information encoded can be made up of four standardized kinds ("modes") of data (numeric, alphanumeric, byte/binary, Kanji), or by supported extensions virtually any kind of data.
Q RO SSSTITCH PROJECT (EN) QRoss stitch is a project that blends tradition and innovation. Hiding internet-newborn-language-related messages, these embroidered QR codes - that any smartphone with a qr code application can decode - combine the embroidery tradition with a modern technology. The embroideries are handmade, stitch by stitch, weaving the code of a matrix whose messages we are immersed in, even when we don't realize it. (IT) QRoss titch è un progetto che fonde tradizione ed innovazione. Celando messaggi legati al “neonato” linguaggio di internet, i codici QR, ricamati ma comunque codificabili con qualsiasi smartphone dotato di una applicazione per qrcode, sposano la tradizione dell'antico ricamo ai registri della tecnologia contemporanea. Il ricamo è eseguito a mano, punto per punto, come il codice di una rete matrix nei cui messaggi siamo immersi senza rendercene conto.
THEEXHIBITIO N (EN) The exhibition consists of a of 13 to 23 different sizes embroided QR codes coming along with photos of the creating act. QR codes - framed in hand-made frames - can be hung on a wall or placed on a horizontal surface. Next to each work will be placed a turnable label with the message of each qr code and the explanation of the content. The installation can be sided by the process of creating and embroidering QR codes or by other interactive performances. (IT) L’installazione consiste in un numero variabile da 13 a 23 codici QR ricamati di misure differenti, affiancati a scatti del momento della creazione dei ricami. I QR code – incorniciati in cornici fatte a mano - possono essere appesi ad una parete o appoggiati su una superficie orizzontale. Accanto ad ogni opera verrà esposta una targhetta da girare con il messaggio del QR code e la spiegazione e l’origine storica dello stesso. L’installazione può essere accompagnata dalla creazione e dal ricamo dei QR code o da altre performance interattive.
ELEONORAANZINI (EN) Eleonora Anzini was born and lives (mostly) in Terni. Freelance graphic designer, keen on photograpy, she takes pictures using different types of analog and digital cameras, which carries everywhere. For years she has devoted herself to the world of Lomography, that she used to work with, both personally and professionally. Over the years she has taken part in national and international competitions and exhibitions of contemporary art and photography, gaining publications in journals and interviews on various design magazines. At the moment she is trying to enjoy herself. (IT) Eleonora Anzini nasce e sopravvive a Terni. Designer freelance, fotografa per passione, utilizza per fotografare diversi tipi di macchine analogiche e digitali, che porta ovunque. Da anni si dedica attivamente al mondo della Lomografia, con cui collabora a livello personale e professionale. Negli anni partecipa a concorsi ed esposizioni internazionali e nazionali di fotografia e a festival di arte contemporanea, guadagnando pubblicazioni su riviste ed interviste su diversi magazine di settore. Per il momento cerca di divertirsi. 9/13
(SOME)LATESTAPPEARANCE Umbrialibri 06 - 2012, Caos Terni, Italy: Q Ross Stitch Project Contem poraneam ente Insiem e - 2012, Palazzo Primavera Terni, Italy: photographic exhibition Love Contemporary - 2012, Terni, Italy: photographic exhibition Umbrialibri 05 - 2011, bct Terni, Italy: “Scripta Volant” flying book installation Fast festival - 2011, International Festival of Contemporary Arts, Caos, Terni, Italy: visual concept Just O ne Day Exhibition - 2011, Ronchini’s Gallery House: flying book installation San G emini Festival, 2011, San Gemini, Italy: flying book installation Nei Dintorni dell’Am ore - 2011, Terni, Italy: photographic exhibition T-Sogno - 2010, Centro di Palmetta, Terni, Italy: “Out of The box” interactive installation es.terni 05 - 2010, International Festival of Contemporary Arts, Caos, Terni, Italy: “Il tuo titolo qui” interactive project (currently in progress) Think Town Terni - 2010, Palazzo di Primavera, Terni, Italy: photographic installation Nutrimenti - 2010, Terni, Italy: “La Lomostoria infinita” photographic interactive installation Lomo Sapiens - 2009, Municipal Gallery, Kharkiv, Ukraine: lomographic exhibition San G emini Festival, 2009, San Gemini, Italy: photographic exhibition Iceland-Ireland - 2009, several cities, Italy: photographic exhibition Crom osom i - 2008, Rome, Italy: photographic exhibition (and more…) 10/13
CONTACT&INFO Eleonora Anzini Via Cavour, 74 - 05100 Terni, ITALY m. +39 338 2388076 info@eleonoraanzini.com www.eleonoraanzini.com gtalk: eleonora.anzini@gmail.com skype: eleonoraanzini 11/13