Brand Guide: Earthborn

Page 1

Brand by Do Good Branding +44 (0)20 7250 0292

Brand Guidelines v1.2

Brand values


Wordmark 12 Wordmark usage


Speech bubble


Palette 20 Typography 22 Tone of voice


Messages 30 Illustrations 31 Photography 32 Product family


Application examples


File reference


Ecopro sub-brand


Earthborn Brand Guide



Earthborn Brand Guide

Brand values

friendly thoughtful human honest colourful dependable This set of values are the framework for the Earthborn brand.

Earthborn Brand Guide


Brand values

friendly Definition

Brand reference

1. companionable, neighbourly, kind-hearted.

Approachable, warm and inviting. Not elitist or snobby.

2. inclined to help, or support.

Visual implication A warm friendliness reflected in elements such as illustration style and content, as well as in soft round font shapes.


Earthborn Brand Guide

Brand values

thoughtful Definition

Brand reference

Company expression

1. taking thought for the comfort and the good of others.

Earthborn is considerate of both mankind and the environment.

Earthborn care about the well-being of their customers.

2. having respect for; regardful.

Visual implication

Earthborn care about the environment and strive to make their products the most eco-friendly performance paints on the market.

Design of applications will be considerate of users needs. Attention to detail in all aspects creates a user-friendly and enjoyable customer experience.

Earthborn Brand Guide


Brand values

human Definition

Brand reference

Company expression

1. characteristic of humanity.

A unique personality. We are individual, not cloned, nor manufactured.

Earthborn are not a soulless corporate entity. We talk to you as an equal rather than hard selling to or lecturing you.

2. earthborn. Visual implication The brand should convey the sense that things have been created by man rather than manufactured entirely by machine. This hand-crafted feel will come across in the illustrations in particular. Language Implications Terminology should be clear and coherent and not baffle or exclude customers.


Earthborn Brand Guide

Brand values

honest Definition

Brand reference

Company expression

1. truthful; trustworthy; creditable.

Total transparency, no pretence, clever wording or deception.

Earthborn don’t exaggerate or mislead, our paints ARE eco paints.

2. open; frank; straight-forward

Earthborn Brand Guide


Brand values

colourful Definition

Brand reference

Company expression

1. individual; characterful.

Very different from the other paint companies! Rich in personality. A sense of fun.

Earthborn is different from it’s competitors. Our company itself is a colourful character within the designer paint sector.

2. vivid and interesting

Visual implication Where possible, and when relevant, a playful sense of fun and humour will be injected into marketing materials, packaging and other brand tools.


Earthborn Brand Guide

Brand values

dependable Definition

Brand reference

Company expression

1. worthy of trust, reliable.

We know everything when it comes to ‘eco paints’. Put your trust in us and our products.

Earthborn are a trustworthy eco paint company.

2. faithful, responsible.

Visual implication Visual consistency and cross-reference of design devices across all materials. Language implication A consistently well-informed standpoint wins customer confidence and trust.

Earthborn Brand Guide



Design rational



The wordmark uses the font Excelsior. The ‘ascender’ of the ‘h’ has been adapted to resemble the ‘sprouting’ of a seedling. It signifies growth and new life. It also helps with legibility by accentuating the space between the ‘h’ and ‘b’, and thus the distinction between ‘earth’ and ‘born’.

The wordmark exists in a high quality vector format (.eps) which can be scaled to any required size. This format should always be used to ensure perfectly sharp reproduction.

Full license and usage rights of the Earthborn wordmark have been passed to Gordon Products Limited.


Earthborn Brand Guide

Wordmark | Exclusion Zone

Exclusion zone

Exclusion zone

Calculating exclusion zone

Referring to ‘Earthborn’

The wordmark is protected by an exclusion zone. This area should not be encroached upon by any other elements on a page.

The exclusion zone can be calculated by measuring the distance between the top of the tail of the ‘t’ and the top of the arch of the ‘h’.

Always write ‘Earthborn’ with an upper case ‘E’ when referring to Earthborn in written communications.

Earthborn Brand Guide


Wordmark | Correct usage

Brand colours


Third party usage

Bark wordmark on white background

Black wordmark on white background

For full colour jobs use a Bark wordmark

Bark wordmark on specified paint colour background

White wordmark on black background

For full colour jobs on a dark background use a white wordmark

For mono jobs use a black or white wordmark

Specified paint colour wordmark on Bark background

Brand colours


Third party usage

For full colour applications the logo can be used as indicated above.

For mono application the logo can be used as indicated above.

If the Earthborn wordmark is supplied for use with other brands or on non-brand colour backgrounds usage is indicated above in order of preference. An example of this could be if Earthborn sponsor an event and their logo appears with others on a leaflet or flyer.


Earthborn Brand Guide

Wordmark | Incorrect usage

Things to avoid

Never use the wordmark in a non-brand colour

Avoid using the Bark wordmark on a very dark background

earthborn Never attempt to recreate the wordmark

Never distort the wordmark

Things to avoid It is important that the Earthborn wordmark be used consistently and in line with the brand guidelines. Be vigilant about it’s use. The above are some examples of misuse.

Earthborn Brand Guide


Speech bubble | Device

Speech bubble device The speech bubble device is an integral part of the Earthborn brand. It reflects many of the earthborn values. It is a visual representation of how Earthborn talks directly to our customers. It is a friendly device which should carry messages spoken in the Earthborn voice.


Earthborn Brand Guide

Speech bubble device | Specifications


Corner radius


Corner radius

The right hand edge of the bubble must always be aligned to the right hand edge of the ‘n’, NOT the right hand edge of the ®.

The wordmark is provided with the ‘stem’ attached. This is in order that the corner radius of the stem always matches the arch of the ‘h’. A rounded rectangle can be added to the logo stem to create varying sizes of bubble. Be sure that the corner radius matches that of the stem radius. This can be determined by measuring the height of the stem.

Earthborn Brand Guide


Speech bubble device | Correct usage


Aligned right

Wordmark width equal to speech bubble width.

Wordmark aligned right. Remembering to align the right hand edge of the bubble and right hand edge of the ‘n’, NOT the right hand edge of the ®.

Centred where space allows

Always align wordmark to the right

Where space allows keep wordmark width equal to width of speech bubble.

Where width of wordmark is smaller than speech bubble always align wordmark to the right. NEVER to the left or centred.


Earthborn Brand Guide

Speech bubble device | Incorrect usage

Things to avoid

Where width of wordmark is smaller than speech bubble never align to the left or centre. Always align right.

Never use a wordmark wider than the speech bubble.

Never move the ‘stem’ from it’s set position above the ‘h’.

Never mismatch corner radii. Corner radius of stem and speech bubble must always match.

Never extend wordmark beyond width of speech bubble.

Things to avoid It is important that the wordmark and speech bubble device be used consistently and in line with the brand guidelines. Be vigilant about it’s use. The above are some examples of misuse.

Earthborn Brand Guide


Primary palette

pcake Cu

llet Shoe Ba

o Lem ny

Smo k ood W

oard Lo pb

allows Sh




w Print Pa

gory’s De re

kJ Mil ug

cy’s Scar Lu

ty Dum mp


key Rid on

derdown Ei


et-Me-N rg

dy Boo ud t


ndstand Ba

lka Dot Po


et Room ecr






coa Pod Co


ower Pot Fl


ng Hoo idi




nk-a-boo Pi




esh Air Fr





y pt



st White Ju


Primary palette

A ‘Living’ palette


Text colours on paint chips

Earthborn’s primary palette is based on the Earthborn paint colours themselves. This provides a unique opportunity to integrate Earthborn paint colours into the Earthborn brand.

As the paint range expands, so does the palette.

Names on actual colour chips are dark or light depending upon tone of colour. Note above that bottom two rows are reversed out with the exception of Nellie. All other colours should be light enough to have black or Bark printed on.


Earthborn Brand Guide

NB This document is not colour-matched. Always use paint chips as primary reference.

Brand neutral

Brand neutral

Bark Pantone Solid Coated: 411C Pantone Solid Uncoated: 412U cmyk: 30_43_33_80 rgb: 93_79_75 web: #5D4F4B

Brand neutral The brand neutral is ‘Bark’. This colour is to be used to support our ‘living’ palette of Earthborn paint colours. Chosen for it’s neutrality, strength and tone, Bark can act as a backdrop/ platform for showcasing the living palette, complimenting rather than

overshadowing the paint colours. Where the living palette demonstrates vibrancy, change, fun and possibility, our brand neutral acts as the dependable, common element which unites all brand materials.

Earthborn Brand Guide


Typography | Primary weights

ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890#?!@£%&*(){}”“ Helvetica Neue 35 Thin

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Helvetica Neue 45 Light

Primary weights The primary weights are Helvetica Neue 45 Light and Helvetica Neue 35 Thin.


Earthborn Brand Guide

Typography | Secondary weights

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Helvetica Neue 55 Roman

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Helvetica Neue 65 Medium

Secondary weights The secondary weights are Helvetica Neue 55 Roman and Helvetica Neue 65 Medium.

Earthborn Brand Guide


Typography | Wordmark font

ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890#?!@£%&*(){}”“ Excelsior Roman

Wordmark font

Wordmark font usage

Font usage

The Earthborn logo is made up using the font Excelsior. A friendly approachable font, Excelsior also offers excellent legibility. Before designing the font, CH Griffith consulted the results of a survey of optometrists regarding optimal legibility. Excelsior was then presented by Mergenthaler Linotype in 1931 and remains one of the most legible and popular fonts worldwide.

Although the logo is based on the Excelsior font we have reserved use for paint names, and only when displayed either above or on paint chips. Do not use Excelsior elsewhere. Not even for headings.

NB Only the brand fonts are to be used in Earthborn marketing materials. These fonts should never be substituted or supplemented.


Earthborn Brand Guide

Typography | Weight usage


Title/Heading 35 Thin 90pt

Our unique ProAqua technology allows Earthborn Eggshell to dry superquick to a classic silk sheen.

Qualifier/ Subhead 45 Light 20pt

To get the best from Earthborn Eggshell it should be applied to bare, untreated wood. If your surfaces have been painted before that’s fine, but give them a light sanding (a heavier sanding if they have been painted in an oil based paint). Make sure surfaces are clean and dry with no loose or flaky material. Remove any resin exuding from the wood with alcohol or a similar product. On exterior surfaces, remove any oil based coatings before you start.

Body copy 45 Light 12pt

Weight choice – Keep it ‘Light’ The primary weight is Helvetica Neue 45 Light and ‘light’ is the key to achieving on-brand typography. Try to use this weight for all text under 25pt. However, as text sizes increase and the font starts to appear too bold, switch to 35 Thin. This will apply to most text over 25pt.

Earthborn Brand Guide


Typography | Weight usage

Weight usage Space limited hierarchies

Aftercare As with all paints, outside surfaces should be inspected annually and any problems rectified. As no primer or undercoat is required, touching up is quick and easy. Leftover paint? We’ve done our best to make our paints as harmless as possible to the environment. Now it’s down to you to continue the good work. Never empty leftover paint into the drains – follow local authority guidance. Better still visit our website for ideas on how to use or recycle the paint and tin.

Creating a hierarchy Use font size, colour and spacing to create a hierarchy before introducing secondary weights. If you are restricted by space or font sizes are the same and emphasis is required, only then reach for the secondary weights 55 Roman and 65 Medium. Use of 55 Roman and 65 Medium may also help to improve legibility at very small font sizes.


Earthborn Brand Guide

Emphasis 65 Medium

Typography | Leading & kerning

Editorial layouts Leading

Our unique ProAqua technology allows Earthborn Eggshell to dry superquick to a classic silk sheen. Best of all it is flexible and breathable, so it cares for your wood for longer.

Size A 35% leading 16pt/21.6pt

To get the best from Earthborn Eggshell it should be applied to bare, untreated wood. If your surfaces have been painted before that’s fine, but give them a light sanding (a heavier sanding if they have been painted in an oil based paint). Make sure surfaces are clean and dry with no loose or flaky material. Remove any resin exuding from the wood with alcohol or a similar product. On exterior surfaces, remove any oil based coatings before you start.

Size B 32% leading 11pt/14.5pt

We’ve done our best to make our paints as harmless as possible to the environment. Now it’s down to you to continue the good work. Never empty leftover paint into the drains – follow local authority guidance. Better still visit our website for ideas on how to use or recycle the paint and tin.

Size C 30% leading 7pt/9.1pt

Leading All Earthborn materials should exude a lightness, an air of freedom to match that of it’s ‘eco’ values. Leading and kerning can help create a feeling of space typographically. Editorial For editorial style layouts where there are multiple type sizes under 25pt, leading can be defined by calculating a percentage of the font size. This percentage varies depending upon where the text sits in the hierarchy of the layout. We have supplied three percentages to use as a guide:

Size A For the largest text sizes use 35% leading. For example, to calculate the leading for 16pt text, multiply 16 by 35% using the following equation: 16 x 1.35 = 21.6pt Size B For the secondary text sizes use 32% leading. Size C For the smallest text sizes use 30% leading. Justification Always justified left. Never fully justify Earthborn text.

Space to breath For text below 18pt do not go below the minimum of 30%. Use your discretion for type above 18pt as leading will have to be reduced as font size increases. Never set type which looks squashed or feels cramped. Always consider whether the information has ‘space to breath’. Kerning For general use, stick to 0pt kerning. Reduce at your discretion when kerning text over 25pt.

Earthborn Brand Guide


Tone of voice

Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should have no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White, The Elements of Style

General pointers

Consumer approach

Every sentence should have a point. Avoid saying the same thing slightly different ways. Be concise. Make every word count.

Human When we speak to our customers, we establish closeness by addressing them directly as ‘you’ and ‘your’.

In a similar way, don’t be ambiguous. Use adjectives confidently. e.g. instead of writing ‘stylish finish’, say ‘mellow finish’ or ‘lustrous finish’.

We put the consumer at ease by removing ‘musts’ and ‘shoulds’. For emphasis we use ‘make sure’ or ‘take care to’. ‘make sure the surfaces to be painted are clean and dry’ instead of ‘all surfaces to be painted must be clean and dry’.

Personality Free spirit Despite taking seriously the issues of health and the environment, Earthborn shouldn’t sound serious. Earthborn is a free spirit with a carefree attitude. A sense of fun and of adventure. A bit cheeky Earthborn is also just a little bit mischievous. In an adventurous playful, cheeky kind of way. This side of the Earthborn persona allows the opportunity to use humour. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy And dull we are certainly not! Earthborn know their stuff, but they also know how to have fun. Earthborn should appear informed, but not too ‘geeky’.


Earthborn Brand Guide

Be honest Earthborn can be honest about their products because they do what they say they do. Don’t make it sound as though we’re making a meal out of our selling points. We don’t need to exaggerate. The facts are good enough. Emulate natural speech rhythms Earthborn speaks from the heart of a real person, not from a script read by a representative of a soulless corporate entity. Words should flow naturally. Trade approach

We can also reassure them by using terms such as ‘you can’ or ‘is fine’. Because we are a friendly, approachable brand we don’t use jargon that will baffle or exclude customers e.g. terms like ‘water-soluble distemper’ should be avoided in consumer-targeted material. Never hard sell Always talk to our customers as equal rather than hard selling to or lecturing them. Speak in the voice of your favourite secondary school teacher rather than that of the intimidating lecturer who scared you with obscure questions.

Trade-targeted materials benefit from a slightly different approach. When addressing professionals, Earthborn’s personality would be less ‘cheeky’ and ‘chatty’ but it should still remain relaxed. Even when delivering important technical information we don’t have use a tone which is severe or disciplinary. Professionals who require further information will appreciate a brand which is approachable.

Tone of voice | Colour naming

Colour naming



When naming colours be mindful of the Earthborn brand values. Specifically ‘Friendly’, ‘Honest’ and ‘Human’.

Do use nature-related words e.g. Straw, Fresh Air, Cocoa Pod

Don’t use french words or fancy words that sound ‘stuck-up’ e.g. Tierra Verde, Bordeaux Red – goes against values of being approachable and thoughtful.

The feeling of the names in general should evoke a sense of freedom. They should be positive, and simple and conjure feelings of comfort and nostalgia. Character limit There is a 13 character limit for paint names. Allow a character for each space or hyphen.

Do use characterful names. These can refer to nostalgic characters e.g. Humpty Dumpty, Riding Hood, or objects that relate to a person. Traditional names work well e.g. Lucy’s Scarf, Gregory’s Den Do use names that are a bit cheeky or humorous. e.g. Pink-a-boo, Cupboard Love

on’t use negative adjectives D e.g. Bleached, Grey, ‘Off’ Don’t use ‘cheesy’ abbreviations e.g. Sunny Daze Don’t make them too abstract or long-winded.

Do use names of ‘traditional’ objects, or those that relate to the comfort of home e.g. Milk Jug, Teacup, Mittens Do make them concise.

Earthborn Brand Guide


Messages | Speech bubble device

Better for you, your home and our planet.


Space to breath

The speech bubble can be used as a vehicle for messages spoken in the Earthborn voice. Always consider that you are talking directly to your customers.

As with any Earthborn text always consider whether the information has ‘space to breath’. Allow enough space around text within the bubble in order that it feels ‘free’. Never set type too close to the edges as it will appear cramped.


Earthborn Brand Guide

Illustrations Hero illustration Grass Brush

Hero illustration

Eggshell Ladybird & Claypaint Bee

Luke James

Our ‘hero’ illustration is the ‘Grass Brush’. This is a powerful image, communicating not only the Earthborn brand values, but also demonstrating the connection between Earthborn paint and the natural environment.

The Ladybird and the Bee represent the two paint finishes. These should be used sympathetically in the context of a natural environment. They remain unnamed as they should not become ‘characters’. They should not be extracted and enlarged or become cartoon-like.

Luke’s work was selected to represent the Earthborn brand due to its ‘free’ and ‘painterly’ aesthetic. The style evokes a modest and friendly feeling. The style also allows the use of freehand typographic elements, enabling the brand to be subtly applied to a wide range of applications.

The Grass Brush is a strong enough concept to be used alone. e.g. for advertising.

Where appropriate, they may be used in conjunction with the Grass Brush as in the case of the colour card (see page 48)

Earthborn Brand Guide



Images are for reference purposes only. All rights reserved.


Concept and content

Earthborn photography is about freedom. Especially a freedom to be yourself. To be comfortable in, and have respect for your surroundings.

The content of photographs should be believable, natural and human. They should convey occasions of close physical proximity with people and with the natural environment. They can also convey an emotional connection in wider contexts.

When considering photography, ask yourself is it ‘in the moment’? Imagery should evoke positive feeling, never be cold or appear manufactured. Earthborn imagery can also relate to the concept of nostalgia. ‘Milk Jug’, ‘Gregory’s Den’, ‘Muddy Boots’. These are some of the paint colour names which themselves conjure positive nostalgic references.


Earthborn Brand Guide

Earthborn photography features real people behaving in a natural way. It should be believable, and not contrived. In room shots, props should feel like they belong in their surroundings rather than having been carefully placed there. Scenes should not feel too polished or clinical. They can still be aspirational but should always feel welcoming.


Images are for reference purposes only. All rights reserved.

Composition and light Use layers of interest in both content and composition. This helps to create images that have substance and that feel ‘real’. Use a visible depth of field. This helps to give the photographs a more dynamic look and can be used in conjunction with the ‘layers of interest’ to accentuate the focus of the shot.

Night photography should be avoided, but if necessary try to create as natural conditions as possible and avoid a look that is too harsh. No ‘flash photography’. Framing should be playful and spontaneous. It is not always straight on, it should show a variety of angles. It is asymmetrical rather than centred.

Colours should be warm, and not over saturated. Use natural light. Lighting should be soft.

Earthborn Brand Guide


Product family | Categories

Consumer Extra

Consumer Classic

Trade Ecopro

n Claypaint


Wall Glaze

n Emulsion

n Eggshell


Casein Paint

n Silicate Masonry Paint



Casein Filler


Wood Stain

n Pigments n

Wallpaper Paste


Trade (Ecopro)

Earthborn products fall into three categories:

See Ecopro sub-brand (Page 48)

1. Consumer Classic 2. Consumer Extra 3. Trade (Ecopro) See opposite page for product categorisation criteria. This is particularly important when introducing future products.


Earthborn Brand Guide

Silicate Primer

Product family | Category criteria

Consumer Classic

n n

Function widely understood Primarily decorative products with a choice of colours

Consumer Extra

n Function requires knowledge

beyond that of the average consumer n Extra processes involved

e.g. Mixing n Primary function is non-decorative

Categorisation criteria If a product’s function is widely understood and is available in a range of colours, it should be considered part of the Classic range. Where the function goes beyond that of the average consumer e.g. where mixing processes are involved or where the primary function is not decorative, then it sits within the Extra range. Products that are more to do with preparation than decoration would also sit within the Extra range.

Earthborn Brand Guide


Product family | Classic characteristics

1 2 C


ur nam olo e

4 5 6

Product Name


The product description text is positioned here


1. Background The hero colour for all Consumer Classic products is Bark. Colour ref: Pantone 411C 2. Speech bubble The secondary colour for all Consumer Classic products is: Pantone Warm Gray 2C. All product signifiers appear within the speech bubble. 3. Flower Each product displays a unique illustrated flower design. nb: Except the 125ml sample pots, these do not display flowers.


Earthborn Brand Guide

4. Bug Each product displays a unique illustrated bug. nb: The bug is the only element that may appear outside of the speech bubble. 5. Colour spot The colour spot bears the colour name. Font: Excelsior Roman 6. Product Name Font: Helvetica Neue 35 Thin 7. Product Description Font: Helvetica Neue 45 Light

8. Wordmark The Earthborn wordmark appears at the bottom of the tin face in the same position on all Consumer products.

Product family | Classic visual

Improved differentiation The above visual demonstrates how the additional signifier helps to differentiate the products within the Classic range, whilst maintaining a consistent on-brand look and feel.

Earthborn Brand Guide


Product family | Classic signifiers (current)

ur Nam olo

ur Nam olo


Current signifiers Currently the flower illustration is the same design for both Claypaint and Eggshell. The key signifiers for products within the Consumer Classic range are: 1. Product name 2. Bug


Earthborn Brand Guide










Product family | Classic signifiers (proposed)




ur Nam olo


ur Nam olo


ur Nam olo


Product C


Product B


Product A


Proposed expanded signifiers We suggest the key signifiers are increased to include the flower. This would mean that each product, in addition to a unique product name and unique bug design, would also carry a unique flower design. NB: These are demonstrative sketches to act as placeholders for commissioned illustrations. Bug choice We suggest using typical British bug life as inspiration for new products.

Earthborn Brand Guide


Product family | Extra characteristics

1 2

Product Name


The product description text is positioned here



1. Background The hero colour for all Consumer Extra products is Milk Jug. Colour ref: Pantone 629C 2. Speech bubble The secondary colour for all Consumer Extra products is Bark. Colour ref: Pantone 411C 3. Product Name Font: Helvetica Neue 35 Thin


Earthborn Brand Guide

4. Product Description Font: Helvetica Neue 45 Light 5. Wordmark The Earthborn wordmark appears at the bottom of the tin face in the same position on all Consumer products.

Product family | Extra visual

Flexibility The simplicity of the Extra range design means that new products may be easily added. The design also lends itself to a range of products which will vary greatly in size and proportion.

Earthborn Brand Guide


Product family | Size reference

Classic product / size








Wood Stain








Extra Wall Glaze


Casein Paint



Casein Filler






Wallpaper Paste



Size reference Above is a guide to the sizes in which products across the consumer range are available.


Earthborn Brand Guide


limited range of colours available as 50g & 400g

Application examples

All rights reserved. Copyright Do Good Media Ltd Š 2010

Beautiful paints that allow you and your building to breathe more easily. The only UK paint brand licensed to carry the EU Eco-label (DEFRA Licence No UK/7/1)

Press Ad

Earthborn Brand Guide


Application examples

Colour card


Earthborn Brand Guide

Application examples

All rights reserved. Copyright Do Good Media Ltd Š 2010

Vehicle livery An opportunity to have fun and express the Earthborn brand values, company vehicles can act as full time advertisements. The example above uses a concise statement, supplemented with a single means of contact so not to bombard the viewer with too much information.

Earthborn Brand Guide


Application examples

All rights reserved. Copyright Do Good Media Ltd Š 2010


Website imagery

Use of colour

The online brand experience needs to reflect the values and adhere to all of the brand standards previously outlined. Some exceptions maybe required due to the constraints of web design.

Illustrations should form the bulk of the imagery available, representing the earthborn palette. Photography must only be use to present real life elements (e.g. packshots) people and painted room sets. Keep a clear distinction between Illustrative elements and photographic as these may jar unless considered at time of creation.

The examples above demonstrate how using the brand colours can be integrated into the website’s navigation and page design. Changing the colour can help reflect various interior design moods and styles.

As well as static brand content, the web also gives the opportunity to bring elements to life with animation. Care should be taken if animating the wordmark, directional motion is not advised as this will trivialise the brand, simple fades are preferable.


Earthborn Brand Guide

Text content All content written for the website should follow the tone-of-voice rules outlined. Keep copy concise and relevant.

Substitute fonts Use Arial in place of Helvetica Neue where a system font is required.

File references | Wordmark

Earthborn wordmark – Black eb_wordmark_blk_rgb.eps eb_wordmark_blk_cmyk.eps eb_wordmark_blk_rgb.jpg eb_wordmark_blk_cmyk.jpg

Earthborn wordmark – Bark eb_wordmark_rgb.eps eb_wordmark_cmyk.eps eb_wordmark_411c.eps eb_wordmark_rgb.jpg eb_wordmark_cmyk.jpg

Earthborn wordmark & stem – Black eb_wordmark+stem_blk_rgb.eps eb_wordmark+stem_blk_cmyk.eps eb_wordmark+stem_blk_rgb.jpg eb_wordmark+stem_blk_cmyk.jpg

Earthborn wordmark & stem – Bark eb_wordmark+stem_rgb.eps eb_wordmark+stem_cmyk.eps eb_wordmark+stem_411c.eps eb_wordmark+stem_rgb.jpg eb_wordmark_cmyk.jpg

File locations: /02_logos Vector: /eb_logo_eps

Bitmap (300dpi): /eb_logo_jpg

/cmyk eb_wordmark_blk_cmyk.eps eb_wordmark_cmyk.eps eb_wordmark+stem_blk_cmyk.eps eb_wordmark+stem_cmyk.eps

/cmyk eb_wordmark_blk_cmyk.jpg eb_wordmark_cmyk.jpg eb_wordmark+stem_blk_cmyk.jpg eb_wordmark+stem_cmyk.jpg

/rgb eb_wordmark_blk_rgb.eps eb_wordmark_rgb.eps eb_wordmark+stem_blk_rgb.eps eb_wordmark+stem_rgb.eps

/rgb eb_wordmark_blk_rgb.jpg eb_wordmark_rgb.jpg eb_wordmark+stem_blk_rgb.jpg eb_wordmark+stem_rgb.jpg

/pantone eb_wordmark_411c.eps eb_wordmark+stem_411c.eps

Earthborn Brand Guide


Ecopro wordmark

Design rationale



This logo combines the friendly eco and designer values of the original wordmark, with the addition of the more technical feeling wordmark for ‘Ecopro’. Much emphasis has been put on ‘ECO’ as this is the primary distinguishing factor amongst other trade products.

The wordmark exists in a high quality vector format (.eps) which can be scaled to any required size. This format should always be used to ensure perfectly sharp reproduction.

[Beachhouse will pass full creative license and usage rights of the Earthborn Ecopro wordmark to Gordon Products Limited once full payment has been received.]


Earthborn Brand Guide

Ecopro wordmark

Exclusion zone

Exclusion zone

Calculating exclusion zone

Referring to ‘Ecopro’

The wordmark is protected by an exclusion zone. This area should not be encroached upon by any other elements on a page.

The exclusion zone can be calculated by measuring the distance between the bottom of the ‘E’ to the bottom of the middle prong of the ‘E’.

Always write ‘Ecopro’ with an uppercase ‘E’ but lowercase ‘p’ when referring to Ecopro in written communications.

Earthborn Brand Guide


Ecopro wordmark | Correct usage

Brand colour

Third party usage

Ecopro brand colour wordmark on white background

Ecopro brand colour wordmark on white background

Product colour wordmark on white background

Black wordmark on white background

White wordmark on brand/product colour background

White wordmark on black background

Brand colours


Third party usage

For full colour applications the logo can be used as indicated above.

For mono application the logo can be used as indicated above.

If the Ecopro wordmark is supplied for use with other brands or on non-brand colour backgrounds usage is indicated above in order of preference. An example of this could be if Earthborn Ecopro sponsor an event and their logo appears with others on a leaflet or flyer.


Earthborn Brand Guide

Ecopro wordmark | Incorrect usage

Things to avoid

AVOID combining with the Earthborn palette (e.g. Bark)

DO NOT use without ‘earthborn’ wordmark

DO NOT rearrange stack

DO NOT recreate logo using different fonts

DO NOT stretch or distort the logo

DO NOT use the logo in more than 1 colour (excluding white)

Things to avoid It is important that the Ecopro wordmark be used consistently and in line with the brand guidelines. Be vigilant about it’s use. The above are some examples of misuse.

Earthborn Brand Guide


Ecopro | Colour palette

Primary palette

Product colours

Ecopro Pantone Solid Coated 383C Pantone Solid Uncoated 583U cmyk 35_0_100_20 rgb 162_173_0 web #A2AD00

Matt Pantone Solid Coated 7469C Pantone Solid Uncoated 308U cmyk 100_31_8_44 rgb 0_92_132 web #005C84

Masonry Pantone Solid Coated 7467C Pantone Solid Uncoated 320U cmyk 99_0_30_0 rgb 0_168_180 web #00A8B4


Matt Emulsion

Silicate masonry paint

Functional palette

Selecting colours

Taking the common colours used for distinguishing product types, ‘earthier’ variants have been selected to represent our eco options for typical trade products.

On selecting a new product colour, consider existing standards or conventions for product colour systems to help meet the customers expectations. Using the Pantone Matching System (PMS), select colours beyond 400C of the Solid Coated book


Earthborn Brand Guide

as these represent the more muted and less saturated range of colours. Try to find colours that can be matched closely Solid Uncoated colour to enable consistent colour reproduction across varying substrates.

Ecopro | Colour palette

Primer Pantone Solid Coated 7539C Pantone Solid Uncoated 416U cmyk 24_13_18_38 rgb 152_155_151 web #989B97

Eggshell Pantone Solid Coated 722C Pantone Solid Uncoated 138U cmyk 2_50_75_11 rgb 205_137_78 web #CD894E

Varnish Pantone Solid Coated 704C Pantone Solid Uncoated 1805U cmyk 9_99_69_31 rgb 162_43_56 web #A22B38

Silicate Primer





Earthborn Brand Guide


Ecopro typography | Primary weights



Primary weights The primary weights are Din Regular and Din Medium (uppercase & numerals only).


Earthborn Brand Guide

Ecopro typography | Secondary weights

ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890#?!@£%&*(){}”“ Helvetica Neue 55 Roman

ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890#?!@£%&*(){}”“ Helvetica Neue 75 Bold (tbc)

Secondary weights The secondary weights are Helvetica Neue 55 Roman and Helvetica Neue 75 Bold.

Earthborn Brand Guide


Ecopro typography | Wordmark font


Wordmark font

Wordmark font usage

Font usage

The Ecopro wordmark is made up using two weights of the font Din, Black and Light. This font is a bold and contemporary looking font that implies precision. The typeface was designed by Johannes Erler and Albert-Jan Pool in 1995.

Unlike Excelsior, Din can be used less exclusively. Due to the paired down nature of the Ecopro sub-brand, the identity relies more on bold use of typography of which DIN provides.

NB Only the brand fonts are to be used in Earthborn Ecopro marketing materials. These fonts should never be substituted or supplemented.


Earthborn Brand Guide

Ecopro typography | Weight usage

matt emulsion

Title/Heading Din Regular 72pt (set solid)

Genihit imus Ut dolorrum num eum essi totaquis moloraeped ma ipsam ipsam con coremossint aut libus

Qualifier/ Subhead Din Regular 20pt (set solid)

Iqui abo. Eperunt vellique comniet et quod quiat voloruptatur a nos doles modicid quiae dis doluptate cullam quatempora que comnimin nulpa doles delignat hilitinum verum corepudit experum aut eria nonsequam eseruptat resti delessus earionsed quam id que nullesequi abo. Nem facime corrorepror sanda sitis eles anditatquid que vollautat mo omnimpe nonsed molorio. Itat ipient etuscienit odis volorest.

Body copy Helvetica Neue 55 Roman 10pt (120% leading)

Weight choice – Bold and solid The primary weight is Din Regular, using uppercase characters only. Straplines, subheads and other second level text should use either Din Regular or Din Medium, again only using uppercase. Information text and body copy should be set in Helvetica Neue 55 roman, and 75 bold for emphasis.

Earthborn Brand Guide


Ecopro packaging | Product family

Packaging rationale A firm, authoritative application of the brand elements is required in order to give a trade customer the confidence that out product is the right choice for the job. Little should distract the customer from getting to the right product quickly and easily. Consistency is the key to building a strong ‘Trade’ product family. Keeping proportions the same across varying packaging types will aid cohesion despite their other distinguishing qualities.


Earthborn Brand Guide

Ecopro packaging | Matt Emulsion

Matt Pantone Solid Coated: 7469C Pantone Solid Uncoated: 308U cmyk: 100_31_8_44 rgb: 0_92_132 web: #005C84

Matt Emulsion

Earthborn Brand Guide


Ecopro packaging | Silicate Masonry Paint

Masonry Pantone Solid Coated: 7467C Pantone Solid Uncoated: 320U cmyk: 99_0_30_0 rgb: 0_168_180 web: #00A8B4

Silicate masonry paint


Earthborn Brand Guide

Ecopro packaging | Silicate Primer

Primer Pantone Solid Coated: 7539C Pantone Solid Uncoated: 416U cmyk: 24_13_18_38 rgb: 152_155_151 web: #989B97

Silicate Primer

Earthborn Brand Guide


File references | Wordmark

Ecopro wordmark – Black ecopro_blk_rgb.eps ecopro_blk_cmyk.eps

Ecopro wordmark – Colour ecopro_col_rgb.eps ecopro_col_cmyk.eps

ecopro_blk_rgb.jpg ecopro_blk_cmyk.jpg

ecopro_col_383c.eps (coated) ecopro_col_583u.eps (uncoated) ecopro_col_rgb.jpg ecopro_col_cmyk.jpg

File locations: /02_logos Vector: /ecopro_logo_eps

Bitmap (300dpi): /ecopro_logo_jpg

/cmyk ecopro_blk_cmyk.eps ecopro_col_cmyk.eps ecopro_wht_cmyk.eps

/cmyk ecopro_blk_cmyk.jpg ecopro_col_cmyk.jpg

/rgb ecopro_blk_rgb.eps ecopro_col_rgb.eps ecopro_wht_rgb.eps /pantone ecopro_383c.eps (coated) ecopro_583u.eps (uncoated)


Earthborn Brand Guide

/rgb ecopro_blk_rgb.jpg ecopro_col_rgb.jpg

Ecopro wordmark – White ecopro_wht_rgb.eps ecopro_wht_cmyk.eps

Brand by Do Good Branding +44 (0)20 7250 0292

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