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Durack Vendors
GORDON SETTER Mrs C Gorey 0438 598 597 goreymky@bigpond.com GREAT DANE Ms C Bowden 0411 571 050 adoptadaneqld@outlook.com.au HUNGARIAN VIZSLA Mrs K Eory (07) 3265 1621 IRISH RED & WHITE SETTER Mrs C Gorey 0438 598 597 goreymky@bigpond.com IRISH SETTER Mrs C Gorey 0438 598 597 goreymky@bigpond.com LABRADOR RETRIEVER Mrs C Wardle 91 Ciesiolka Rd Aubigny 4401 0412 191 005 lrcqinc@gmail.com LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLO Mrs P Wyllie (07) 4163 7288 / 0400 903 303 trish@lagottoqld.com LHASA APSO Ms J Woodward (07) 5428 6201 / 0413 788 775 jane@lhasaapso.com.au MAREMMA SHEEPDOG Ms H Brennan (07) 5426 0413 OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG Mrs A Cassidy (07) 3201 0952 ottaba@bigpond.net.au POINTER Mrs R Glegg (07) 5547 7689 / 0439 830 495 robyneg6@iinet.net.au POODLE MINIATURE & TOY Ms P Morgan 0414 501 707 qpcsecretary@yahoo.com.au POODLE STANDARD Mrs S Graham 0417 470 542 PUG Ms H Jordan 0415 370 526 PUG Carol-Ann (07) 3814 1382 / 0438 515 895 pugrescueqld@optusnet.com.au PYRENEAN MOUNTAIN DOG Mrs A Everson (07) 3200 0321 RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Mrs R Smith (07) 5529 9903 rescue@rrcq.com.au SAINT BERNARD Mrs A Inmon 0400 142 267 SCHNAUZER Ms A Goodwin 0405 421 897 schnauzerrescueqld@gmail.com SKYE TERRIER Mrs H MacGregor 0429 999 053 / 0428 947 110 STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER Miss M Nielsen 0419 631 221 lynn_n@bigpond.com TIBETAN SPANIEL CLUB OF QLD Mrs V Schneider 0407 115 674 qtsrr@optusnet.com.au WEIMARANER Mrs J Glover 0419 663 942 WEST HIGHLAND WHITE TERRIER Mrs A Cloughley (07) 3206 6460 redinbrin1@bigpond.com WHIPPET Secretary whippetclubqld@gmail.com YORKSHIRE TERRIER Miss R Hunt 0400 246 987 rachnut@hotmail.com
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