Border Collie Early History
Above, from far right: Dorothy Gay and children, Geoff Atkins, Neil Lobley, Mr Smith, Unknown, Gaille Perry, Iris Heale, Unknown and Les Heale. Photographer: Ted Gay – taken in the mid sixties.
Following on from the Border Collie Breed Feature in the November 2021 Dog World magazine, Gaille Perry has kindly offered up additional information, filling in some of the early history not mentioned in ‘Border Collies in Queensland... The early years’. – Gaille Perry As far as I know the first champion Border Collie in Queensland was CCC Ch Battle. Iris Heale explained to me that there was a division in the show dog scene in the 1950’s and many of the Cattle, Kelpie and Border Collie breeders joined the opposing group, the Board of Control, which also held shows but later disbanded. There were therefore not many Border Collie breeders left in the CCC at that time. I started showing my Border Collie in 1963 and knew Les and Iris Heale well – I often showed their Australian Cattle Dogs. Iris showed Ch Glen Iris Patsy in the 1950s with great success. Although Patsy had Iris’s prefix Iris did not breed her – I gather rules were less stringent then. In the 1960s she obtained Ch Bordervale Coral from the Mollers, very successful breeders at that time. Coral was a striking bitch and was the first Border Collie to win group specials here. These were the only two Border Collies she owned -she never owned a male Border Collie and never bred a litter. The other very successful show dogs at that time were
DOG WORLD December 2021
Ch Bordervale Rob Roy and his son Ch Rockviw Robs Son owned by Jack Harris. My Ch Bordervale Gaylene was a daughter of Rob’s Son and together they won both challenges at the RNA one year. My Border Collie Ch Lindoo Rab CDX was the only Border Collie in Queensland in the mid-sixties competing in Obedience and the first to obtain his CDX. He was a grandson of CCC Ch Battle and his dam was bred by Mrs Green of Kenkoff Kennels, another early breeder. A very successful breeder in the sixties was Neil Lobley of Neloby Kennels. Neil bred several champions and was also a judge. Another early breeder was Horrie Wilkes from the Glasshouse Mountains – Pat Atkins Kismet Kennels was founded with two bitches from his kennels. Myrtle Layton bought her first dog from Pat. I hope this helps to flesh out the early history as I suspect I’m the only one around who remembers it!
Dogs Queensland would like to hear from any members wishing to submit articles of club or breed history for publication in upcoming Dog World magazines. For more information or to send through copy and images, email