2 minute read
From the Chairman
from February 2022
by dogsnsw
Chairman's Report
Dear Members,
2022 has started off with a very hectic return to DPI, Animal Welfare and Emma Hurst matters being addressed. The following information and links will give members an opportunity to understand the issues our Dog World is dealing with at present.
DPI ANIMAL WELFARE REFORM - Consultation Outcomes & NSW Government DRAFT Animal Welfare Bill 2022
The feedback received by the NSW Government from stakeholders in response to the DPI Animal Welfare Reform Discussion Paper has been used to develop the DRAFT Animal Welfare Bill 2022 (draft Bill). The DPI has now produced a Consultation Outcomes Report which provides an insight into the feedback received in an received in an aggregated format. The Report highlights a range of key issues raised during consultation feedback and provides an overview of the NSW Government’s response to these questions, issues or concerns. It also includes quantitative data collected as part of the online survey.
One of greatest concerns under Prohibited and Restricted procedures in the Animal Welfare Bill Public Consultation Draft Division 3 (22) Prohibited (e)- surgical artificial insemination.
The DPI Animal Welfare Reform - Consultation Outcomes Report can be viewed at the following link: https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_ file/0006/1381812/NSW-Animal-Welfare-Reform-ConsultationOutcomes.pdf
The NSW Government has consulted the community and key stakeholder groups throughout the animal welfare reforms over the last two years. The release of the DRAFT Animal Welfare Bill 2022 can be viewed at the following link: https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_ file/0003/1381791/b2021-081-d09.pdf
This provides another opportunity for everyone to have their say on the new animal welfare laws before they are brought to Parliament. Submissions can be made to the NSW Parliament via the following link: https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/committees/inquiries/Pages/inquiry-details.aspx?pk=2853#tab-submissions
The DRAFT Animal Welfare Bill 2022, once passed through the Parliamentary process, will replace the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 (POCTAA).
Submissions close 13 February 2022.
Her Excellency The Honourable Margaret Beazley AO QC, Governor of New South Wales
Mrs Lyn Brand
Senior Deputy Chairman
Mrs Christina Rafton
Deputy Chairman
Mr Peter Cutler
Deputy Chairman
Mr Robert Harbin
Deputy Chairman
Miss Vicki Etherington OAM
My Kyle Charnock, Dr Karen Hedberg BVSc, Mrs Nancy Keck, Mr Angus McIlrath, Mr Simon Mills, Mr Edward Pickering, Mrs Rosemary Privett, Mr John Sheppard, Mr Guy Spagnolo, Mr Glen Vernon.
DOGS NSW® Member Services
PO Box 632 St Marys NSW 1790 The Bill Spilstead Complex for Canine Affairs 44 Luddenham Road, Orchard Hills NSW 2748 T: (02) 9834 3022 E: info@dogsnsw.org.au W: www.dogsnsw.org.au
DOGS NSW® PO Box 632 St Marys NSW 1790
Managing Editor / Designer
Kerry Christofi E: kchristofi@dogsnsw.org.au T: (02) 9834 0217
Abby Davis adavis@dogsnsw.org.au
Advertising Manager
Kerry Christofi E: kchristofi@dogsnsw.org.au T: (02) 9834 0217
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