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From the Editor

Editor's message

In this month’s edition we say a very sad farewell to one of the gundog community’s highly respected members, Jeff Griffiths. Jeff tragically passed away in July from a battle with pancreatic cancer, aged 62 years. He will be sorely missed in the obedience and gundog circles and we extend our sincere condolences to his wife, his family and those to whom he was close. Kirsty Blair, member of the Retrieving and Field Trial Committee has kindly written Jeff’s vale, (appearing page 8), which is a touching tribute to a much loved and humble man. He will be sorely missed. Our four legged friends cannot let us know if there is a problem, so it is important to check them every now and again and to also take some preventative measures, particularly as far as dental hygiene is concerned. Just because there are no obvious signs of discomfort or pain, that doesn’t mean that dental issues aren’t present, so get your vet to do regular check-ups. Unhealthy gums and teeth goes beyond good dental hygiene, as it can affect your pet’s overall health and can even cause serious issues in your pet’s heart, liver and kidneys. Bow Wow Meow Pet Insurance have permitted us to feature one of their articles on dental hygiene, which is featured on pages 14 to 16, and describes the symptoms of dental disease, the different types and preventative actions to take. Barbara Hodel is the President of the Pet Professional Guild Australia, a qualified and accredited professional dog trainer and the author of ‘How to love and survive your teenage dog,’ published July this year. Barbara has allowed DOGS NSW to print an extract, giving our members some further insight into the behaviour of teenage dogs, along with some positive and effective ways to handle teenage dogs during this unruly and at times, frustrating phase. The feature commences on page 10. Have you ever wondered what your dog dreams about? An article written originally for Live Science discusses the scientific evidence which researchers have found, along with a comparison to humans dreams and sleeping patterns. Turn to page 17 to read further. In news this month, we have discovered that some people have been using hand sanitiser on their dog’s paws, which is incredibly dangerous, as poisoning can occur, not only through absorption through the dog’s skin, but also if it is ingested. There are other concerns as well, so please do read the article which commences on page 7. A second news article, appearing on page 24, also talks about the results of a recent national survey of Australia’s Favourite pet names. You’ll be surprised with the outcomes.

The Bloodhound is October’s spotlight breed feature, which commences on page 20. I would like to share with you a quote which I recently found, and which sums up this great breed. “The Bloodhound is one of the most misunderstood of all breeds. Its powerful appearance, extraordinary scenting ability and resolute determination have led to this aristocratic dog being called the “super-sleuth” among hounds – a veritable detective’s detective. The most famous Bloodhound was “Nick Carter.” Called the greatest man-trailer in history, it brought about more than 600 convictions and holds the world’s record for following a trail 105 hours old that resulted in a confession. However, in spite of its formidable reputation, and the fantastic tales told about its tracking record, the Bloodhound is very gentle, affectionate and shy, companionable in temperment and very responsive to kindness. It’s fascinating background and docile nature is inspiring.”1.

1. https://www.boernersbloodhounds.com/ Kerry Kerry Christofi

DOGS NSW® Editor / Advertising Manager

25 & 50 year Memberships

Congratulations to those members listed below who have reached their 50 and 25 year membership status. We would like to acknowledge these members and thank them for their continuing support of our organisation. If you would like to check your membership’s longevity, please call DOGS NSW® on 9834 3022 or email: info@dogsnsw.org.au

50 Year members

• 1970 Mr James Carrington

25 Year members

• 1982 Dr Joe Brophy • 1984 Mrs Anne Brophy • 1995 Mr & Mrs David & Sandra Fisher • 1995 Mr & Mrs Matthew & Pauline Smith • 1995 Mr & Mrs Mathew & Louanne Donald


Winners of the ‘TuffRock’ competition were as follows:

• Margaret Bennett • Robyne & Darren Paterson • Tracey Hobson

Winner of the ROYAL CANIN competition was Felicity Nolan

Winners of the ‘Jonathon Unleashed’ book competition were:

• Kathy Drew • Noelle Deshon • Karen Feldbauer • Barbara Rogleff • Ruth Weber

Congratulations to all of our winners!

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