3 minute read
From the Chairman
from October 2020
by dogsnsw
Chairman's Report
Dear Members,
Well, we finally made it! Back to some degree of normalcy. Trials and Shows are back on the map, albeit in a slightly altered format. By the time you get to read this, hopefully all the first few events and shows have gone off successfully. There may be a few initial teething issues, but these should be able to be ironed out fairly quickly.
There are many Shows and Trials lined up in October with the State Obedience Titles on fairly early, followed by many breed Specialties. While quite a few have cancelled, with the problems around getting interstate judges and lack of interstate entries, many will still be held. Further information and show lists should be available on the website.
All Show and Trial people need to stay aware of the ongoing COVID requirements and maintain social distancing, etc, through the running of any of the events. The safer we run these, the more likely we will be able to continue to hold events.
The NSW Department of Health is second to none on the tracking and tracing of cases and thanks to them, NSW has a very low transmission rate. If, however, you find yourself in a COVID-19 case location in NSW, please stay away from our events for 2 weeks, so we can all continue to indulge in our hobby safely. You need to stay aware and, if in doubt, please access the COVID -19 case locations in NSW by accessing the following link and scrolling down to Areas and Suburbs with increased testing: https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/latest-newsand-updates#latest-covid-19-case-locations-in-nsw
The State Government has been to our Orchard Hills grounds and pegged out our new boundaries, so hopefully the perimeter fences should be going up very soon. When we have the map of the final area designations available, we will place these on the website.
The office is open again, although on restricted hours: 10am- 2pm daily. I would like to thank the office staff for all their hard work during this pandemic, in keeping everything running smoothly behind the scenes and dealing with most issues within a day. Many thanks!
DOGS NSW also has a new facility available on the website: ‘What breed best suits me?’ It is quite fun and allows a variation of suitable breeds once the questions are answered. Have fun and try it out. We are the only State with this facility, which has taken considerable time and effort to complete. My thanks to Vice President Lyn Brown and Operations Manager, Anthony Khamis, for all their efforts to develop this.
Dr Karen Hedberg BVSc Chairman, DOGS NSW
Her Excellency General The Honourable Margaret Beazley AO QC, Governor of New South Wales
Dr Karen Hedberg BVSc
Senior Deputy Chairman
Mrs Lynette Brown
Deputy Chairman
Mr Myron Arthur
Deputy Chairman
Mr John Sheppard
Deputy Chairman
Mrs Lyn Brand
Mr Russell Britten, Mr Peter Cutler, Miss Vicki Etherington OAM, Mr Robert Harbin, Mrs Nancy Keck, Mr Allen Lee, Mr Edward Pickering, Mrs Christina Rafton, Miss Jan Seary, Mr Guy Spagnolo.
DOGS NSW® Member Services
PO Box 632 St Marys NSW 1790 The Bill Spilstead Complex for Canine Affairs 44 Luddenham Road, Orchard Hills NSW 2748 T: (02) 9834 3022 E: info@dogsnsw.org.au W: www.dogsnsw.org.au
DOGS NSW® PO Box 632 St Marys NSW 1790
Managing Editor / Designer
Kerry Christofi E: kchristofi@dogsnsw.org.au T: (02) 9834 0217
Abby Davis adavis@dogsnsw.org.au
Advertising Manager
Kerry Christofi E: kchristofi@dogsnsw.org.au T: (02) 9834 0217
Printed and Distributed by:
Printcraft (QLD) Pty Ltd (07) 3291 2415 www.printcraft.com.au
© DOGS NSW ® 2020. All material copyright DOGS NSW ®. All Rights reserved. No material in this publication may be reproduced without prior permission. DOGS NSW ® does not expect or invite any person to act or rely on any statement, opinion or advice contained in this publication and readers must rely on their own enquiries in making any decisions or giving any advice. Neither DOGS NSW ® nor any employee or agent or DOGS NSW ® nor any contributor to this publication will be liable for any loss or damage caused or potentially caused by any inaccurate statement, opinion, figures, contact details, advice or information contained in this publication.