Free dog obedience training secrets step by step (3)

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FREE DOG OBEDIENCE TRAINING SECRETS STEP BY STEP This page gives you the best free dog obedience training secrets that you will ever find online. We have meticulously outlined a step by step dog training system that comprises of five key commands that will definitely transform your relationship with your puppy as well as strengthen the bond between the both of you. You wouldn’t expect a toddler to be born knowing how to behave properly without having to be taught, would you? Similarly, puppies do not come programmed with the right behavior and you have to invest in training your dog if you want him or her to behave the way you want. For a comfortable and pleasurable life with your puppy, you have to teach him/her the basic obedience commands as well as the household rules that prevail in your place. It is important that you consider the rules prior to bringing the dog home for the very first time. Also, ensure that other persons are living at your place strictly maintain these standards as well. Common household rules range from deciding which rooms if any, will be out of bounds for the dog and whether s/he is to be allowed on your bed or on the couch. The following are five of the most important commands when undertaking basic dog obedience training. 1. Come/Recall

While the ‘come’ or ‘recall’ command is very crucial, it is the one that the majority of people have the greatest difficulty training. If you get your dog to obey the ‘come’ command, then s/he is a whole lot easier to manage. Tips

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