How to stop puppy from jumping on people

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How to stop puppy from jumping on people?

Common problem 1: Jumping up on people When a puppy comes running up to us and jumps on us, we think, "She loves me, she is so happy to see me!" We feel special and chosen and cherished. And who doesn't thrill to watch puppies jumping and leaping about in play? They are so carefree, so full of the joy of life. These are the reasons we want puppies in our lives, to bring us that enthusiasm, that appreciation of the everyday things we take for granted. But clearly, 51 percent of our newsletter survey respondents have had more than enough of their puppies' jumping on them. Generally, when jumping up on people is a chronic problem for a puppy, it will continue to be problematic as she grows older and larger. "A German shepherd puppy jumping on you may seem cute," says Thinschmidt German shepherd breeder Diana Foster, "but a 120-pound German shepherd dog can actually knock you down and injure you." Puppyhood is the best time to nip this behavior in the bud. Since puppies' strongest ability is their sense of smell, and since their primary purpose during the first eight months of life is to investigate and learn about everything in their new world, they will naturally want to check out and smell every human that comes into their environment. As humans, the strongest scents we project comes from our genital areas and from our mouths. We've all had the experience of a less-than-well-mannered dog sniffing our crotch areas - though within the dog world, sniffing genitals is good manners! Puppies need to stand up on their hind legs and put their paws on a person in order to get close to those areas. Since we tend to cover our genital areas with clothes, the next strongest scent for a dog to check out is coming from

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