Dg chronicles yule 2017

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Symposium: A Gathering of the Clans – The Pagan and Heathen Symposium Winter

Sun – Daniel Bran Griffith Book Reviews, Winter Reading and New Releases

Wytches & Cunningfolk – The new Dolmen album reviewed www.dolmengrove.co.uk Part of the Pagan and Heathen Symposium http://pagansymposium.org/

CONTENTS 1---Crow Dancers Album Reviews – Lee Brown & Esme Knight 2…The Winter Sun/Yule – Daniel Bram Griffith 3…Aromatherapy – Sandra Wiseman 4…Dolmen Grove Moot Information 5…Solstices and Equinoxes – Bill Duvendack 6…Book Reviews, Winter Reading and New Releases – Various 7…Crabchurch 2018 – Mark Vine featuring the Dolmen ‘Crabchurch Conspiracy’ album 8…The New Dolmen Album; Wytches and Cunnngfolk Review – Diane Narraway 9…Diary of the Hedgewitch – Rachael Moss (Poem by Diane Narraway) 10…Learning Lenormand Part Five – Eirwen Morgan 11…Moon Magic: December and the Winter Solstice (Yule) – Rachel Patterson 12… Symposium: A Gathering of the Clans - Various Photos in this issue: Joanna Caswell, Rachael Moss, Daniel Bran Griffith, KT Glitz Artwork in this issue by Sem Vine All Dolmen and Dolmen Grove artwork by Sem Vine Unless otherwise stated all other images are owned by the authors or from the public domain Cover Image Jordan Holiday Further information on the Dolmen Grove can be found at: www.Dolmengrove.co.uk http://www.facebook.com/pages/TheDolmenGrove/110124449082503 All information is accurate at the time of publication and all articles and images are assumed to be the work of those being credited https://www.facebook.com/DolmenGroveMagazine?ref=hl Editor… Diane Narraway email: dolmengrove@dolmengrove.co.uk Part of the Pagan and Heathen Symposium http://pagansymposium.org/

THE DOLMEN GROVE The Dolmen Grove is a pagan organisation of mixed spiritual paths established in the early 90s by Taloch Jameson, which over the years has grown from one small circle in Weymouth Dorset, to several clans not only across the UK but worldwide. The Spiritual ethos of the Dolmen Grove has remained the same throughout and is based purely upon the Freedom of the Individual. It is the collective belief that in an age where technology can often dwarf our humanity, it is important that we take control as individuals and embrace our own spirituality in order to maintain the equilibrium within an ever-changing world. Although the Grove is not a political organisation preferring instead to focus upon the spiritual, this does not prevent either individual members or the Grove as a collective from playing an active part in humanitarian and environmental issues. There are no hierarchy or titles within the Dolmen Grove as it is our aim to encourage each man and woman to discover their own unique and authentic journey so that their spiritual connection is founded upon that which works for them as an individual rather than a spiritual rule book set for the masses. The key to our success is the Round Table which is made up of around twenty people from a variety of spiritual paths who uphold the spiritual ethos of the Grove. They not only organise their respective moots but also the festivals and events hosted by the Dolmen Grove. Our Moots are regular meeting places which are held once a month in several areas. Although these are organised by and largely attended by Grove members, non-members are always welcome to find out more about the Grove and enjoy the company of other free-thinking people as well as the activities organised by the Moot. There is a membership in place that enables those who wish to be part of this ever-growing Clan to enjoy reduced ticket prices for Dolmen Grove Events, festivals and where stated ‘member only’ Ceremonies and Courses. Although we host many Ceremonies which are open to the general public, to avoid crowding and to allow our members to celebrate free from pressure we also hold a number of ‘members only’ ceremonies throughout the year.


‘Perhaps this is a dream? For all crow dancers of this world it is a necessity to mould shape and manipulate the system of thought in which this realm functions. It is paramount for the keepers of this Earth to reach out and spread their love and wisdom throughout its nature. This will bring positive change and usher in a new aeon where life can evolve with peace as its goal. We may be the lords of the Earth at this moment, but we have not always been. and there is little reason to believe we will be for eternity. For now, however, we are. We are here in a position to manipulate a present energy that will lead us into a future of peace’

Appearing at events throughout the year and debuting in the Netherlands 2018 https://www.facebook.com/crowdancers/

crow dancers - album reviews Track listing: Man’s Journey Fields of Sorrow Demon In Your Heart Sky Tears. “Several years ago, Taloch spoke about his vision of seeing the concept of the Crow Dancers coming to fruition. Like all things spiritual it was to be organic and needed to grow as the years of deep rooted spiritual emotion transcended into music. This in itself was no mean feat, as it is one thing to have these almost ethereal feelings, but to transfer it to music to a point of embracing all listeners as they embark on a totally mind-blowing journey is quite another. Crow Dancers album has this and more. From the very first track the tribal beats coupled with the rhythmic throat singing engage with the senses to lead the listener on a shamanic journey to wherever it takes them. The first track title ‘Man's journey’, precisely describes how it leads us into other realms of deep seated inner emotion. The following two tracks, ‘Fields of Sorrow’ and ‘Demon in your Heart’ delve into the depths of the listeners soul through the haunting lyrics sung by Kayleigh Marchant and Taloch Jameson It is almost as though the music has been moulded around Kayleigh's voice as her vocals take us to another level. Every instrument in the band, guitars, pipes, flutes, keyboard and drums combine to give a unique musical experience rarely found in this type of music. The final track ‘Sky Tears’ is a narration by Taloch enlightening us as to our creative journey and our responsibility to endorse the message of planetary living delivered on the wings of the crow; the messenger throughout all cultures and all worlds. In summarizing, this is a fantastic album musically, vocally and in the way which it explores the shamanic depths of the concept that is the Crow Dance. Not done for any commercial gain, but purely to share the total spiritual journey of those presenting it with those listening. In short ‘Outstanding’!” Lee Brown “Is this an EP?” I ask at the merch stand looking at the four tracks listed on the back of the case. I am assured it is in fact an album as I dubiously hand over my hard cash and take in the smoky blue image a crow in flight on the cover. Do not be fooled. These four tracks deliver. At 32 minutes, I would technically call it a mini album, however within seconds of hitting play I didn’t really care. From the guttural throat singing in the opening bars right through to the ethereal words of wisdom on the outro, I was transported. Man’s Journey is a cautionary tale. Kayleigh Marchant’s soft yet strong vocal draws you in, leading the listener through what is more landscape than lyrics as we follow the rise and fall of humanity from his first steps to his lust for war. Backing up Kaleigh on vocals and lending acoustic rhythm guitar is Taloch Jameson who is constant throughout and brings with him the infectious energy that is the essence of Crow Dancers. This track takes no prisoners. It is over ten minutes long but doesn’t feel

overworked and in fact it sets a pace for what is to come. A pace that doesn’t let up till the record is done. A lilting flute in the softer opening of track two Fields of Sorrow, evokes folky Celtic overtones and is accompanied by an instantly catchy vocal riff. This haunting number conjures images of death, resurrection and salvation giving a nod to the electro sound of the eighties with its slower tempo and dark theme. Here we really get to hear the keys and bass come to the fore as Locana Crowdancer and KT Glitz hold space for a while and capture the nostalgia of the gothic nightclub. We also hear Taloch Jameson step away from the chants and throat singing and take vocals on a couple of verses in this track providing a balancing call/response element to the narrative. The break - away number of this record is without a doubt Demon in Your Heart. Beginning with a gentle acoustic incidental, you may think this is going to be less of a dance number. It is not. Although, while it may be similar in tempo to Man’s Journey, and echo all the bells and whistles of house or trance it is an overall more ‘live’ sound; THIS is most definitely a rock track. Never was this more evident than in the achingly beautiful crunch tone on Josh Elliot’s stunning guitar work, and the relentless beats of the TWO drummers who pound away at their kits offering up crisp snare shots and rolling fills. Youngster Connach Jameson manages to keep pace with his skilled counterpart Chris Harris even at the tender age of ten. I expect we are only going to see more from this promising lad. This is a song that will have you singing along to the chorus before the end of the track and dancing wildly around your living room while your cat judges you. (or maybe that part is just me…) Ever present are the tribal elements that give this band its unique sound and all members can be heard in the mix. The C.D. concludes with a call to action, a track which is really not much more than an outro. The smooth synths and steady beats of Sky Tears are a welcome change to bring you down after the trance rollercoaster of the last half hour, and is a nice bookend piece to the opening message also spoken by Taloch Jameson. Crow Dancers have managed to perfectly merge the organic sounds of traditional tribal instruments, drums and voice with electronic beats of early nineties trance and the ambient synths and bass reminiscent of the underground eighties dancehalls, resulting in uplifting music crafted specifically to heighten your senses. Crow Dancers is a composite of so many things that you would not expect it to work, but in fact, actually creates something very powerful and very real. Esme Knight

The Winter Sun

Yuletide means to us at this present moment. What does it give us and how does this festival speak to us? The Winter Solstice is one of eight points on the modern ritual calendar, yet this Eight Spoked Wheel of the Year is not an ancient concept or model. The festivals that create the wheel are, as each has a long and distinguished historical pedigree. The concept of placing them together, as an evenly spaced calendar of festivals however; is a twentieth century innovation. The Wheel of the Year as we know it and in its modern form, is the creation of Ross Nichols and Gerald Gardner, its conception and perfection is manifest genius. As a model it is both simple and deeply complex. It saddens me that some Druids and Wiccans, argue over the achievements and contributions to modern Paganism, made by these two pioneers of alternative spirituality. The path to gnosis is not a competition.

Yuletide, Christmastide, the Season of Good Will, the Winter Solstice and Christmas Day. These names or titles that we use to describe this period of time and the days associated, merely hint at the culturally important elements found within. Behind each name, each tradition, each celebration and each observance, there is a social, cultural or spiritual essence, often important to us as individuals and impossible for us to ignore. Whether we are Pagan, Christian, of some other faith or of no faith at all, this time of year influences our thinking, our behaviour and our perceptions. Deep rooted cultural expressions, historical practices and traditional beliefs merge, unite and fuse to create something so remarkable, that few can fail to be touched by this season. I will not bore the reader nor insult the intelligence thereof, by explaining the origins of many Yuletide and Christmas traditions. I am certain that most reading this work are aware that Joshua ben Joseph (the Jesus that did exist), was not actually born on the 25th of December. I am sure most are aware that the much-loved decorated tree, is not a Judaic tradition but originated as a focus of sacrifice amongst German and Scandinavian tribes. I am again certain that we are all well aware, that Father Christmas is an amalgam of many disparate figures from history and mythology. What perhaps matters more today, is what the

The Winter Solstice is itself, one of those major festivals placed within the modern festival calendar. The lowest point of the sun’s progress, said to be the shortest day and the longest night symbolically represents a turning, a final and much anticipated rebirth of light. It represents amongst other things, our hope for warmer days and is an obvious precursor to the eventual returning spring. Many individuals and practicing groups today, follow a generally accepted template regarding the esoteric symbolism of the two solstices. For many each solstice represents a change of season, a move from light to dark or dark to light. Those that attribute a King to their theological approach, will see the crowns change from one twin to another, from Oak to Holly and from Holly to Oak. It is an error to presume that all groups, hearths, groves or covens, ascribe this pattern to their own practice. The great diversity of practice, perception and belief within Paganism, is one of many points that nonPagans often find puzzling and the solstices are an example of this diversity. In our own group, the Hearth of the Turning Wheel, we recognise the birth of the Divine Light at the Winter Solstice. We acknowledge that the sun on reaching its lowest point, will begin to climb back towards its peak at the Summer Solstice but importantly, light is still

weak and the dark still reigns. For this and other reasons, we in the HTW do not acknowledge the symbolic coronation of each respective twin, as taking place at the solstices. Rather we observe the ‘passing’ of the crown, to be at the equinoxes, those points when there is a definite and perceptible shift, between from dark to light or light to dark. This of course may be somewhat at odds with the general perception of Paganism, even within our community. Just as it can be a challenge to the accepted view, when we note that not all groups follow the eight spoked Wheel of the Year. We in the HTW do but it should now be clear, our idiosyncratic approach may not be in concordance with others. As a sign of hope in the evening of winter, coming before the true cold of January and February bites, the Solstice is a light in the darkness. A guide upon our life quest and a festival of pre-eminence. Therefore, whether you are a Pagan or a Christian, another faith or of no faith at all, let the light of the Winter Sun be your lamp in the dark. ------------------------------------------------------------

Carr-Gomm P. (2002) Druidcraft: the magic of Wicca and Druidry. Thorsons. Crowley V. (1997) Principles of Wicca. Thorsons. Crowther P. (1981) Lid off the Cauldron. Frederick Muller Ltd. Pennick N. (1992) The Pagan source book: a guide to the festivals, traditions and symbols of the year. Rider.


Reborn, reborn, the Sun is reborn. The great one has passed through the darkness. Not yet fully awake but soon, very soon. The dark wind blows from the north. Can you hear the call? It is the return of our Lord the Sun, From the time of sleep. The land is in, the grip of cold shadows. Scatter not in mourning, the ash of the Yule log. The God shall be with us, to witness a new dawn. In time reborn, we shall bury the wren. To celebrate with honour, the King’s new rising. For Holly and Oak are united, one darkness in one light. Yule is a time for joy, Make merry, dance and sing, And Let us kiss, under the Golden Bough. Let us rejoice, that the Sun is reborn. Daniel Bran Griffith (Summoner of the Hearth of the Turning Wheel) http://chatteringmagpiesummonerofthehearth.blogspot.co.uk/ thechatteringmagpie@yahoo.co.uk

Aromatherapy If you are new to Aromatherapy or have not read previous articles on this then an insight to it is: - Aromatherapy is the use of organic essences extracted from aromatic plants for healing and maintenance of vitality. It may help minor ailments, keep us fit whilst still enabling us to be relaxed and at ease with ourselves. The oils work by entering the blood stream via the skin, smells evoke memories and the brain registers the scent via the neurological and the endocrine system. The therapeutic potential of essential oils, like other plant derived remedies, has yet to be fully realized. Although numerous medical herbs have been utilized since antiquity, many of which have become of modern drugs (such as Quinine and cocaine)

In order to use an essential oil apart from Lavender and Tea Tree they MUST be blended with carrier oil. golden yellow and it has shelf life if stored properly (refrigerated after opening) of up to 2 years.

Blackcurrant Seed Carrier Oil (Ribes nigrum) We have all heard of blackcurrants, a woody shrub of the Grossulariaceae family grown for its piquant berries. It is native to temperate parts of central and northern Europe and northern Asia where it is ideally suited to the damp fertile soils. It is widely cultivated both commercially and domestically and is winter hardy although cold weather at flowering time (during the spring) reduces the size of the crop. Bunches of small, glossy black fruit develop along the stems in the summer and can be harvested by hand or by machine. The Blackcurrant Seed Carrier Oil is extracted by cold compress and has a strong, heavy, oily scent. Its colour is clear pale yellow to

It contains Omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids, being about 27- 34% essential fatty acid, which increases the elasticity in the skin and nourishes it, helping with chronic skin conditions like dermatitis and eczema as well as slowing down premature aging. It is commonly used in face creams being an effective soothing agent and is often combined with vitamin E to prevent oxidation. Studies have shown it to be a good treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, muscular joint aches and pains. It is also reported to boost the immune system. It helps ease diarrhoea and the urinary system due to its diuretic properties.

Thyme Essential oil (Thymus valgaris)

This is a perennial evergreen shrub which grows up to 45cms high, has a wood root and lots of branches with upright stems. It has small, grey green oval aromatic leaves and pale purple or white flowers. It is Native to Spain and the Mediterranean regions and is found in Europe Asia Algeria China, Russia, Turkey, Tunisia, Israel, Greece and the USA.The oil is extracted by water or steam distillation using fresh or dried leaves and flowering tops. Thyme's aroma is woody and spicy, zesty and herbal. There are so many uses for this oil, too many to list. I use this oil, if nothing else works, for sinuses in a vaporiser, or inhaled in steaming hot water. It is beneficial for Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, sore throats and tonsillitis. If you have been suffering from coughing symptoms for a long time and antibiotics cannot help you anymore, then you might want to give this essential oil a try, which unlike some conventional treatments will not be of risk to your other organs. Thyme is capable of helping with infections of the chest (lungs, bronchi, larynx and pharynx) and stopping coughs. It is a good antiseptic and as it has very powerful cleansing properties so can be used instead of chemical household products. It cleans surfaces, removing dirt, grime and unpleasant odours - all without the use of harmful chemicals. It can keep away insects and pests as well as eliminate them where necessary. It can be effectively used to keep away parasites that feed on the human body like mosquitoes, fleas, lice, bed-bugs, and flies

It is good for skin care and a topical application of thyme oil with a carrier oil is very popular, as it can heal wounds and scars, reduce the itchiness of insect bites, prevent inflammatory pain, moisturize the skin, and even minimize the appearance of acne. It also helps muscular aches and pains such as gout, Arthritis, oedema, poor circulation, sports injuries and rheumatism as well as improving the circulatory system and the heart promoting healing and increasing blood flow to extremities and areas that need oxygenation. Normalizing the blood pressure by raising it can sometimes be just as important as lowering it, reducing the chances of blood clots, It improves digestion and helps to ease diarrhoea and flatulence while and its diuretic properties increase urination, assisting with in the removal of excess water, salts and toxins from the body. This helps reduce weight, lower blood pressure and reduce fats.



For women the properties of thyme essential oil provide relief from painful menstruation, irregular periods and premature menopause. It opens obstructed menses, providing relief from the symptoms of fatigue, nausea, depression and low blood pressure that are associated with menstruation. It can also delay the menopause, thereby keeping women healthy, happy and fertile. Thyme oil is known to have certain hormone-balancing properties, and can stimulate the production of progesterone(Julia





Sandra Wiseman


SAFETY DATA Should be avoided during pregnancy it should not be used for people with High blood pressure, and should not be used on young children as can cause hyper sensitivity and may cause allergic reactions in some cases.

DOLMEN GROVE MOOTS All Dolmen Grove Moots hold regular meetings where people can find out more about Dolmen Grove membership, ethos and upcoming events including camps, workshops and talks Hampshire, Fareham, – The Heathfield Arms 116 Blackbrook Road, Fareham PO15 5BZ First Monday of every month, 7:30pm onwards. https://www.facebook.com/groups/www.dolmengrovehampshire mo ot/?fref=ts Essex and Kent - Scout Hut, Cromwell Road, Grays, RM17 5HT Sundays https://www.facebook.com/groups/dolmengroveessexmoot/?fref=t Dorset -Weymouth and Portland Weymouth -Old Town Hall High West Street DT4 8JH Weymouth, Dorset Second Wednesday every other month, 7:30pm onwards Portland - The George Inn 133 Reforne, Portland, Dorset, DT5 2AP Second Wednesday every month, 7:30pm onwards https://www.facebook.com/groups/435089566582005/ Cornwall, St Austell - Polgooth Inn Ricketts Lane, Polgooth, St.Austell, First Wednesday of every month, 7:30pm onwards https://www.facebook.com/groups/460165050682366/?fref=ts All Dolmen Grove moots are advertised regularly on Facebook. www.dolmengrove.co.uk dolmengrove@dolmengrove.co.uk

Marking the four changing seasons here on earth are two equinoxes and two solstices. Often times they are seen as interchangeable terms that only imply seasonal changes, but as with many things in life, that is not the case. Yes, when each event occurs we have a change of seasons, but once you learn the astronomy behind them you discover there is far more going on. This additional information can be of great use to us once learned affording us greater empowerment if we put it to use. If you begin the year in January like most calendars do, the first event that occurs is spring equinox. Astrologically speaking, this is when the Sun moves into Aries, and most calendars are tropical zodiac in their orientation, so we have the Sun moving into Aries in the tropical zodiac. There are different systems in astrology that have different things to say about this, but for our purposes, this is the key piece. The reason it is called the equinox is because this is the day when the Sun sits directly along the equator line if you drew a straight line out from the earth’s equator into space. Generally, in metaphysics this is considered a time of great balancing. It does have a second day during the year that it returns to sitting directly on the equator, and that day is perfectly opposed this one; the second equinox of the year, occurring six months later. However, directly between the two, something different occurs, the solstices. The solstices are vastly different to the equinoxes, as instead of the Sun sitting on the equator, they mark time in a different fashion. Solstices are when the Sun’s travel take it to the furthest point either north or south in the sky. Like the equinoxes, solstices are in a pair, and

are dated six months apart but hey are trickier to understand because they vary, depending on whether or not you are in the northern hemisphere or the southern. Thus, whether the solstice that occurs between the two equinoxes mentioned above is the ‘summer’ solstice, is only true for half of the planet, the northern hemisphere. The solstice that occurs between the two equinoxes is however the exact zenith of the sun in the sky. In other words, it’s when the Sun is seen at its highest point in the sky, so for the northern hemisphere it is the summer solstice, or the longest day of the year, but due to the twenty-three-and-a-half-degree axial tilt, it is winter solstice in the southern hemisphere, because the Sun is north. The solstice that occurs after the second equinox is when the Sun is at its nadir, or lowest point in the sky it is winter solstice in the northern hemispheres and due to the axial tilt summer solstice in the southern hemisphere. If you want a fun exercise that ends in futility, keep this facts in mind when you read books about occultism, magick, and paganism. You’ll probably find, like I have, how northern hemisphere-centric they are, but I digress… In this article I would like to discuss the magical applications and relevance to the solstices since we are celebrating them now. We are coming up on the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere and the summer solstice in the southern. In the north it will be the day of extreme night, the longest night of the year, and in the south, it will be the day of extreme light, the longest day of the year. There are many different ways you can work with the energy of this auspicious day, and it varies based on where you live what would be the best to do with it. Regarding the northern hemisphere, this is the day of extreme night and darkness. It is no surprise then, that many of the solar deities in various world religions are considered to be born/reborn around this time, representing the returning and growing Sun, bringing the light of hope to a dark world, poignantly speaking. You can find this concept in many different religions across the globe, but is most commonly found in Middle Eastern and Eurocentric spiritual systems. The shadow self, the light in the darkness, and hope are all things that correspond to this day of the year.

However, this also means that on this day, darkness is strongest, and that things having to do with darkness will be stronger, more pronounced, and more dynamic in their manifestations. So then, the Sun, and by extension light, which is tied to consciousness, is at its weakest. Altering our perception, we find the converse is true in the southern hemisphere. There it is the summer solstice, the day of maximum light and heat. It is the day where the deities of light are at their strongest. Solar deities of all kinds are strongest on this day, and by extension this is the day that the darkness is at its weakest. Interestingly enough, while there are known carnivals and festivals throughout history that do coincide with this time, you generally don’t hear about a lot of deities from different pantheons being born on or around this date, but it is still a profound date in general, because it is the opposite in all ways of the previous solstice. This serves as a reminder that we can learn something about any given subject by studying it’s opposite. Summer solstice is also the day of extreme heat, while winter solstice is the day of extreme cold. The trick here though, lies in

defining what ‘extreme cold’ and ‘extreme heat’ mean, because that is subjective. No, I’m not referring to subjective individualized human experiences that determine the definition of these concepts, but rather environmental subjectivity that plays a hand in this. For example, for some zero Celsius is extreme cold, whereas for others twenty Celsius is extreme cold, because of their environmental temperature being all they have known. I simply reference this here to show how fluid this material is, and thus how it is more malleable for magical purposes and ends. So, no matter what you choose to focus on during the solstice for your celebration or magical working, remember the reasons for the seasons, because by aligning ourselves and our work with these astrotheological facts, we can not only increase the results of our work, we also align ourselves with the dominant energy of the planet, which of course makes it easier to manifest our desires here in physical form. Happy holidaze!

Bill Duvendack

Book Reviews … Winter Reading and New Releases Why have societies all across the world feared witchcraft? This book delves deeply into its context, beliefs, and origins in Europe's history. The witch came to prominence-and often a painful death-in early modern Europe, yet her origins are much more geographically diverse and historically deep. In this landmark book, Ronald Hutton traces witchcraft from the ancient world to the early-modern stake. This book sets the notorious European witch trials in the widest and deepest possible perspective and traces the major historiographical developments of witchcraft. Hutton, a renowned expert on ancient, medieval, and modern paganism and witchcraft beliefs, combines Anglo-American and continental scholarly approaches to examine attitudes on witchcraft and the treatment of suspected witches across the world, including in Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, Australia, and North and South America, and from ancient pagan times to current interpretations. His fresh anthropological and ethnographical approach focuses on cultural inheritance and change while considering shamanism, folk religion, the range of witch trials, and how the fear of witchcraft might be eradicated.

“This book not only delves deeply into the origins and history of the witch, but travels beyond all previous studies as it charts the major developments of witchcraft from different perspectives and sources through the ancient world to the present day. Who else but Ronald Hutton, a professor of history at the University of Bristol and a leading authority on ancient, medieval and modern paganism could have written such a fascinating book. The amount of research and historical accuracy contained within these pages is truly astounding. It is clear to see why this publication has been a quarter of a century in the making, and most certainly worth the wait. I devoured this book as I simply could not put it down. Written with Ronald Hutton's usual allure and set out in three parts or three circles of perspectives, which works perfectly as you read through the deep perspectives in part 1, followed by the continental perspectives in part 2 and culminating with the British perspectives in part 3; it flows wonderfully taking you on a journey through the varying witchcraft traditions. I particularly enjoyed the ancient context in chapter 2 of part 1 (p44) as well as the hosts of the night in chapter 5 of part 2 (p120) as they show how this book attempts to draw upon insights gained from folklore and ancient history rather than previous insights based more upon cultural studies and science. I love the way it traces the ancient roots and belief systems concerning witches and how it emphasizes the importance of the different regional and local variations making it an informative read for everyone. But more oh so much more! ... The conclusion, as always, perfectly summed up ... suffice to say I am giving nothing away ... I suggest you go and get yourself a copy!”

Karen Cooper https://www.amazon.co.uk/Witch-History-Ancient-TimesPresent/dp/0300229046/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1513065690&sr=8-3&keywords=the+witch

This book is what happens when twisted minds open up just enough to allow us a peek into their gruesome imaginings. And as a contributing writer and editor of this book, I am both fascinated and alarmed by the depth of depravity my friends and fellow authors have revealed in their writing; and I am more than a bit terrified by my own level of wickedness. It’s a naughtiness that begs be shared, so that you too, can go to bed at night knowing that somewhere, a demented individual or two is gleefully envisioning a delightfully macabre fantasy and taking it out on their keyboard instead of executing it. But then again…. we cannot be sure the authors haven’t already committed these unspeakably ghoulish acts… after all, they are under no obligation to reveal their true identities. This book exists because all the contributors were given a choice to remain anonymous. While you may recognize some the names of familiar authors featured in this book, others have taken a vow of anonymity, presumably to protect the guilty. Welcome to a little guessing game I like to call: Who, in the name of all that is unholy, wrote that?

“One of the greatest books I’ve read in a long time! Very Demented! And that’s a good thing in a wickedly devilish way!”–

Blake Turner http://www.darkmoonpress.com/product/blessed-trinity-dark-fantasy-twisted-minds/

The aim of the book is to present contemporary Paganism as a lived religion and to show how people engaged in re-creating or re-inventing ancient religious traditions, which were connected strongly with venerating Nature, live their lives in a technicized, modern society. It consists of eleven chapters authored by researches in the field of Pagan studies from Poland, Australia, Brazil, Germany, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Russia. Australian Pagan festivals, Piaga Paganism of Brazil, Viking weddings, Pagan places of power in Franconia, Dutch Pagans and their relations with spirits, Pagan food in Russia, Pagan ritual fashion and funeral rites, contemporary witches’ accessories, and the reasons of becoming a male witch – are to be found amongst topics raised in this volume. From the Introduction: The concept of studying lived religion is an attempt of encompassing many various modes of being and ways of perceiving reality in a research perspective. In this approach there is an important shift in the perspective, from theoretical, sociological or philosophical reflection on the everyday and ways of being, to empirical studies and examining the life just-as-it-is – which remains to be the core of lived religion. It can be a study started from emic data, fieldwork, observation, interviews, and furtherly including the etic perspective, investigating which religious beliefs are maintained, reconstructed, reinvented or newly born. With this book we invite our Readers into the New World of research possibilities, which we will hopefully reach, by walking, alongside our Pagan respondents, on the Old Ways. “A fascinating anthology that delves into many aspects of contemporary paganism. Written by 11 different writers some of whom will no doubt be familiar. Using well researched examples of the many aspects found in contemporary paganism; the significance of food, drumming, chanting, our relationship with spirits, deities rites of passage, the wiccan male, focusing on their significance from a European perspective. This book skilfully shows how by incorporating many of the ‘Old Ways’ modern paganism functions today as a living religion. Beautifully written and well researched.”

Diane Narraway http://wydawnictwosacrum.pl/en/books/22-walking-the-old-ways-in-a-new-world-contemporary-paganism-aslived-religion.html

Join Morgan, the littlest witch in her town, on her adventures! These four short stories, taken from the e-book versions, have been compiled into one hand held book! In addition to the story of Morgan and her faithful cat Drago, follow along as Morgan learns her first magic spell, gets to participate in a "dumb supper" and learns the importance of keeping her room clean so she can find her magical tools! “Great read for the little witch in every young girl.” Lesley Morgan https://www.amazon.co.uk/Morgan-Littlest-Witch-compilation-storiesebook/dp/B01K2TAPYY/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1513750736&sr=8-1fkmr0&keywords=morgan+the+littlest+witch+and+the+magic+spell https://www.amazon.co.uk/Morgan-Littlest-Witch-compilation-storiesebook/dp/B01K2TAPYY/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1513750736&sr=8-1fkmr0&keywords=morgan+the+littlest+witch+and+the+magic+spell Includes the stories which are available on kindle individually: The Adventures of Morgan The Littlest Sorceress: Morgan and Drago

Come on an adventure with Morgan, the littlest sorceress in her town, and her family kitty; Drago. Follow along as Morgan tries her hardest to be a "big witch" and get to the festival; and Drago tries just as hard to keep her home where her mom told her to stay! “Clever, fun and entertaining. Can't wait to see where their adventures take them”……………………… Jerry L Malanych https://www.amazon.co.uk/Adventures-Morgan-Littlest-Sorceress-Dragoebook/dp/B00M7J3REI/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1513747435&sr=8-2&keywords=morgan+littlest The Adventures of Morgan: The Not-So Dumb Supper Morgan, the littlest witch, is finally able to join in the family rituals... But finds out that this ritual is nothing but a dumb supper! Join Morgan as she learns about an important holiday tradition in her family. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Adventures-Morgan-Not-So-Littlest-Sorceressebook/dp/B017F6BE6U/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1513747435&sr=8-4&keywords=morgan+littlest The Adventures of Morgan: The Super Messy Room! Morgan, the littlest witch, can never seem to keep her bedroom cleaned up... until one day when she loses her magic wand and knows that it is SOMEWHERE in that messy room! Read along as Morgan learns the importance of keeping her room clean and taking care of her magical tools! https://www.amazon.co.uk/Adventures-Morgan-Super-Littlest-Sorceressebook/dp/B017PE5JFO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1513747699&sr=8-1&keywords=morgan+littlest The Adventures of Morgan: The Magic Spell Join Morgan, the littlest witch, as she learns how to make her first magic spell in school... except that Morgan can't seem to pay attention when the teacher tells them all of the ingredients! Lovely story, reading for kids, nice pace keeping them entertained. Ideal for budding little witches. Look forward t reading the third in the series. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Adventures-Morgan-Magic-Spellebook/dp/B010KXH0K4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1513749989&sr=81&keywords=morgan++and+the+magic+spell

Poetry Without Pretension is a book of selected poems from members of The Gloucester Poetry Society. It was created to celebrate the 1st anniversary of the society and the rich diversity of its international members. The society’s motto is ‘Poetry Without Pretension’ and offers an equal and all-inclusive platform for poets of all types and backgrounds. http://www.wigglypets.co.uk/press Torn-shirt (From Poetry Without Pretension) I have worn you like old familiar thread woven, broken, whole and holed so close and warn, the warming of my skin with yours til no thing is other and we are I, us, ... one Through wrents and stitch in time our eyes will again sew the medium your lostness to me cannot a separate poiesis weave even in the unspeakable loneliness without you I will awaken to you some elysian ungated to the love i have held for you and never shed I have folded the enfolding abiding care unceasing as your last kiss, unbound to ending, is endless and still wet upon my lips.

Ian Paulin

Magickal Tales is something new and different and is aimed at children, parents, carers and those who work with today’s young witches and pagans. The stories are not only entertaining but also bring to life a variety of spiritual and magickal and at times historical aspects of today’s pagan and magical beliefs. There is a notes section included at the back of the book that provides teachers and carers with ideas for adapting the stories into rituals that are easy to understand and suitable for children to either perform or take part in. There is also a complete play/ pantomime to entertain children whilst teaching them the history and original purpose behind one of the most our prominent customs, ‘Trick or Treating.’ “The children growing up in today’s uncertain world are experiencing the all-to-regular news of tsunamis and earth tremors, floods and terrific winds. It is not only the children of Pagan parentage that learn from an early age just how powerful nature can be. Admittedly, the pagan youngster has a deeper insight into ‘the old ways’ than the children of parents from many other religions. However, children from any path should be aware of the origins of the beliefs in nature’s way. This narrative offers a fun and nonetheless comprehensive introduction to some of the folklore and tales existing in pagan ways. The Voice of the Wind transports the child back to the beginning of time, with a tale based in dance and movement capturing the child’s imagination with its use of senses and feeling, culminating in the happy dance of the elements in the newly created world. This tale is transformed into a ritual in the latter part of the text with ‘Dancing with the Elements’, a ritual for children and adults alike. What better way for children to harness the understanding of calling the quarters, the promises the elements make to us and the integration of the elements into modern pagan belief. The Legend of the Green Man is a folklore tale charting the narrators meeting with an old Magician on the eve of the winter solstice, telling the story of the ‘real Father Christmas’. Again, a story laced with emotions, movement and feeling to capture the imagination of the child. Historical explanation of the adoption of the concept by modern religion is certainly enlightening and should be adopted alongside traditionally taught Christmas tales in schools. Little Crow Dancer was one of my personal favourites, catchy and rhythmic, just like the dance itself, telling the tale of dancing for the crow. The latter section of the narrative demonstrates how children can use this story in a ‘pow-wow’ style dance with drums. The Faerie story ‘Littlewing and the Phoenix’, tells the story of how Littlewing meets and helps the ancient bird to die to allow his – and her own - rebirth. A beautiful tale of hope for children who are faced with death in their young lives and certainly a tale that should be told in schools. Trick or Treat is an educational play about the origins surrounding todays Halloween celebrations. Resembling the story of ‘Scrooge’, a feel-good tale with punchy prose and comedic elements, which is produced in play form towards the back of the book for use in classroom or similar settings. In short, the stuff kids will love both performing and spectating. How many children have trouble getting to sleep? In the section entitled ‘Rituals for Children and Notes for Parents and Teachers’, it begins with a ‘Bedtime Journey Meditation’. How I wish I had had the foresight to have taken my own children on these journeys. What child could resist relaxing and letting their imagination take them away on a magical trip of faeries, dragons, unicorns and angels? A perfect platform to encourage your young ones to relax into peaceful sleep. The Full Moon Chant is beautifully written by the Grove’s own ‘Short Faerie’, and our children should understand the power of the moon and the strength we choose to harness in pagan belief. Whether it is given as a gift for a child, or as a teaching resource for educating children across multiple religions and beliefs, this narrative is a must for all. Beautifully illustrated and of a perfect size for young readers, it has become an important addition to my bookshelf of pagan literature and something I wish was published many years ago, when my own children were young.”

Paula Jayne Wilson – Church http://www.darkmoonpress.com/product/magickal-tales/ https://www.amazon.co.uk/Magical-Tales-Delight-InspireNarraway/dp/1975920198/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_pdt_img_top?ie=UTF8

Rumours of ancient traditions have followed Paganism since before Gerald Gardner brought Wicca to the public. Modern scholars have cast doubt on the so-called survivals championed by Margaret Murray and her counterparts. But have they been asking the wrong questions? Describing personal experience in two initiatory rural traditions - from the hills of Cheshire to those of Tuscany - The Mountain and the Stream offers new theories and insight in comparisons of several traditions. In this new book the editors of Greenmantle magazine ask how modern traditions relate to ancient animism and what that means for Pagans today. “The Mountain and the Stream is both a journey and journal which gives the reader a greater insight into rural animism and the more rural pagan practices. Paul Pearson has long practised both of these and his journey afforded him an opportunity to see first hand the similarities in the practices he experienced in rural England and that of the Streghe he met in the Tuscany region of Italy. Paul Pearson and Tallis Harrill challenge some of the long-held beliefs about Wicca, paganism and today's spiritual practices while further enhancing others. It looks at the spiritual relationship that our pagan ancestors had with the land along with the spiritual and magical practices that have been handed down through many generations and can still be found today. A fascinating read, written by two people with a genuine love and reverence for the natural world and whose spirituality, love of history and science and hope for the future is reflected on every page. A beautiful journey and a wonderful read!!” -

Diane Narraway

“.it is a lovely read: fast-paced, clearly-written, intelligent, passionately sincere and moving, and containing some very interesting new information." ………………………………………………………………………Professor Ronald Hutton “This is a fascinating book, written in a style both scholarly and accessible, meticulously researched but not weighed down with footnotes and detours. As a non-Wiccan Pagan, I'd never had reason to challenge the criticism that Wicca was 'all made up by Gerald Gardner in the 1950s' - but I had always realised that many folk traditions cherished by witches had to go back further than that. Tallis Harrill and Paul Paul Pearson present concrete, verifiable examples of local religious practices embodying a 'spiritual relationship with the Land' that have been handed down for generations, using Paul's experiences of initiation into traditions based in Cheshire and in Tuscany respectively, within a well-researched discussion of both oral and historical associations between the land and the Divine. The discussion concentrates on European sources, but widens in the final chapter to reference the Cherokee traditions found in Tallis' native North Carolina. I found the narrative very inspiring, and the conclusions hopeful as to the possibility of accessing a continuity of Pagan spiritual practice from our ancestors, and using established connections between the spiritual sphere and our local environment.”…………………………………………………………Leslie Bunker http://greenmantle.org.uk/book.html https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mountain-Stream-Rural-AnimismPractices/dp/0993252168/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1513153917&sr=11&keywords=the+mountain+and+the+stream

In 1645, several royalist plotters within the twin towns of Weymouth and Melcombe on the Dorset coast conspired to deliver the ports back into the control of King Charles 1. It has been suggested that he needed a safe south coast port at which to land a huge French army which he hoped would deliver a decisive blow and end the resistance of the Parliamentarians whom he had been fighting for almost three years. The conspirator’s plans were almost successful, but their intended victim, Colonel William Sydenham, commander of the Parliamentary garrison and MP for Melcombe, managed to get most of his force into that town, though he lost a much loved and respected brother and fellow soldier, Francis, in the initial assault. Soon, a twoweek-long internecine bombardment was taking place between the factions. In the third week, what appeared to be the coup de grace arrived in the shape of the archetypal cavalier general, George, Lord Goring and his 6,500-strong army, which meant that Sydenham’s tiny but stubborn garrison of just 1,300 souls, were now outnumbered six to one. It would surely only be a matter of time before Melcombe too fell to the King’s Army. Underestimating Colonel William Sydenham, the eldest son of a local Dorset landowner, was Goring’s first and biggest mistake, for not only did Sydenham succeed in retaking Weymouth, but he also withstood the full might of Goring’s military response, delivering a “miraculous victory” and ending the King’s aspirations of getting the upper hand in Dorset.

“A major achievement. The author highlights a lesser known episode in the English Civil War and presents it well.Namely in 1645, when Royalists within Weymouth and Melcombe schemed to take the towns from the Parliamentarians. A local commander, William Sydenham, loyal to Parliament defeated the Royalists who outnumbered his garrison, displaying incredible initiative and daring in the process, He clearly is a specialist in his field but Mark Vine displays his knowledge at such a level that one doesn't have to be a Civil War buff to gain a great deal from reading this book. Neither does one have to be too familiar with Dorset. Some local history texts fall into the trap of being quite exclusive, but this author invites a much wider readership without compromising his work. Mark Vine pays tribute to valour and courage when it is deserved, but avoids romanticising war. The misery of communities torn apart by conflict rises to the surface. There is so much to favour 'The Crabchurch Conspiracy' , the superb illustrations, the author's extensive local knowledge, and the way he cites and reproduces his source material as an appendix to the main core of the book “ Michael Bully. “This is a work which brings properly to life the most dramatic and horrific sequence of experiences which this town has ever known, and which put it, at moments, at the heart of England's destiny.” Professor Ronald Hutton www.crabchurch.co.uk/

Our Crabchurch celebrations are held in Weymouth, Dorset every year on or around the anniversary of the Battle of Weymouth and the preceding Siege of Melcombe where more than 500 people died in total, many in just one night of savage conflict. It happened as a result of a royalist plot to overthrow the parliamentarian garrison within the twin towns of Weymouth and Melcombe, some say, as a prelude to the King, Charles 1, using the ports to land a huge French Catholic army to enable him to turn the tide of the civil war once again in his favour. The password that the plotters and their accomplices used on the first night of their attack, was ‘Crabchurch’. This was used so that they did not kill each other in the dark. They also wore white rags around their arms to further distinguish them from the Parliamentarians. The plot though was only half successful with most of the Parliamentarians being able to escape across the water to Melcombe where they stubbornly held out. A week-long siege and bombardment ensued between the two warring factions, causing great material damage to both communities. Eventually though, the infamous royalist General, George, Lord Goring appeared on the scene with a 4,500-strong army and all seemed lost to the ‘roundhead’ garrison commanded by the then relatively unknown Colonel William Sydenham. With the 2000 or so royalist soldiers already facing him, the arrival of Goring’s men meant that Sydenham was now outnumbered about six to one. And when, at midnight on the 27th February 1645, Goring launched an all-out assault on the towns, it seemed a forgone conclusion that they would both fall and were once again, under the control of the King’s Army. But underestimating Colonel William Sydenham, the eldest son of a Dorset squire, was Goring’s first and biggest mistake. Royalist losses were heavy and Sydenham’s beleaguered garrison claimed a “miraculous victory” to retain the twin ports for Parliament. Hundreds of Goring’s men were ambushed in the old High Street and about 200 killed there, whilst 250 Royalist Irish troops were killed when they were chased by Sydenham’s men and forced into the icy February waters of Weymouth Quayside. After the fighting, most of the conspirators were arrested, tried and some executed, though the chief plotter, Fabian Hodder somehow contrived to escape to the continent.

Professor Ronald Hutton will be providing a talk entitled "Why Did the English Revolution Fail?". Kit Berry is also down to speak. It will be about the writing of her new ECW novel based on Portland at the time of Crabchurch. And the evening will be in the Hope Church in Trinity Street. Here's the website with all available info. https://crabchurchconspiracy.wordpress.com/ This event has been organised collaboratively by Mark Vine, Jon Dixon, Poole Re-enactment Society, The Dolmen, and a team of extremely dedicated volunteers.

From the Album

1. Pax Quaeritur Bello … (Spoken foreword by Prof Ronald Hutton) The great Civil War of the 1640s was probably the worst experience the English, Welsh, and Cornish had ever known. In terms of actual mortality, about a quarter of a million people out of a population of less than five million died, directly or indirectly, because of the conflict. Sure, plagues Bubonic Plague and influenza- killed a greater percentage of the population at certain times; but this was a conflict that didn’t just kill people - it annihilated their sense of themselves and of their world. It dug up the very roots of their sense of religion, politics, and society; their chances of surviving as communities not just in this life, but in the next: their chance of getting to Heaven, or landing in Hell. The Civil War of England was not a war between States. There was no boundary lying between communities that opposed each other on principle, and because of religious and political differences. This was a war which grubbed its way into the hearts of every county, every community, and many families. It even tore individual minds and spirits apart. This was a civil war in the true sense of the word- like a virus getting inside the “body politic” and rotting it from the inside, until at last it fell apart. We tell the story here of one community - a vital, strategic little seaport, lying where the great chalk hills of the South country sweep down to face a sparking sea, and the Isle of Portland rises against the Southern sky beyond… “This is a spectacular subject for a musical album, and one rarely treated in that form. The Dolmen make the result work really well, alternating bulletins of real history with the kind of electric folk, from high-energy dance to lament, which the band has always played to perfection. I felt both entertained and moved: it seemed at times as though a real voice was being given to the dead". Professor Ronald Hutton, Professor of History, Head of Subjects University of Bristol. (Leading authority on the history of the British Isles in the 16th & 17th century) "As a lover of our Heritage, and one for good song 'The Crabchuch Conspiracy by The Dolmen' has been a complete joy to listen to. It blends the story of 1645 with The Dolmens lively blend of Celtic rock and sea shanties. Professor Ronald Hutton's narration accompanied by Taloch's vocal, and great production make it a very emotive interpretation of this moment in Dorset's history. The Passion from all involved in this album is clear as it takes you on a journey, that for a true son of Weymouth becomes very personal." Dave Goulden (Presenter/Dorset's Wessex FM Radio) www.thedolmen.com


Album Review The latest album from the Dolmen, Wytches and Cunningfolk has a slightly heavier, ‘vintage feel to it which gives it an unexpected edge. There is, without doubt a quality that I have come to expect from Dolmen albums and this album has all the polish, yet somehow gives us something extra. There is a raw emotive quality that can be heard in the vocals of both Taloch Jameson and Kayleigh Marchant which echoes the anger, sadness and defiance of an outlawed breed. Lyrically this is an album that sings to the heart of humanity and stirs the soul as it explores the magickal world of Wyches & Cunningfolk Alongside regular Dolmen drummer Chris Harris is young ‘Crow Dancers’ Drummer Connach Jameson. Josh Elliot’s powerful guitar solos are filled with compliment the vocals perfectly as they rage alongside Kayleigh Marchant’s heavy determined bass lines. Don’t be fooled, this album isn’t without tender moments and haunting vocals ‘The Cunningman’ is a beautifully delivered lament and Jameson’s sorrowful vocal brings a tear to the eye Just when I thought things couldn’t get any better than Nuada, along comes Wytches and Cunningfolk… Definitely a must have!! www.thedolmen.com

DIARY OF THE HEDGEWITCH others, and perhaps we can see the light that subtly glitters there if we search hard enough. Like the blackened goddess Kali, if we have strength enough, it’s a time for destroying those demons, attempting to cut through the many illusions that we have built our lives on, ready to grow again, renewed.

Winter, and long hours of darkness bring stillness. Trees twist naked limbs into the skies alight with stars, and stand glistening silver in the moonlight. The ground hardens and frost sparkles. Vegetative life has fruited and ripened its future generations as seeds and now contracts into the leaf bud and roots awaiting the lengthening days and warmth, to again shoot forth. Sunshine and light is precious at this time of year, and our relationship with light alters as we savour the short hours of low sunlight that caresses sunny days, on gloomy days we become gloomy and listless. At this time of year, we retreat inwards, inside our homes, gathering in those close to us, and within ourselves.

Like the roots that writhe down into the earth, we perhaps also connect more with our past and our beastly nature when the vitality and fervour of the spring and summer has subsided. Other senses dominate. The smells of rot and decay fill the nostrils, sounds are louder and shriller, skin more sensitive, the hairs prickling to the biting chill of the winds and the warmth of a welcoming fire … We become more alert to things that bright days smother with light and motion, and more in tune with instinct and with our hearts. It’s a time to gather in, culling that which hinders, drawing strength from the animal that bristles inside so that we can grow strongly from the deep depths up towards the increasing light, and it’s a time to draw in those around us that we love, and to work towards our true desires and fulfilments.

Out away from towns and cities we can see that there’s very little true darkness, it is made of kaleidoscopes of grey, pearl, silver, and black. The twilights linger for long moments, the vast infinities of stars cast their light through the heavens, and moonlight can be dazzling, sending shadows and myriad hues of silver dancing. As we pause and reflect we can seek within our own darkness that which hides in our darkened forests, that which holds us back or hurts us and

Old twisted, bent and gnarled, Waiting...wanting... hungering. So seductively poised... So desperately yearning, Constantly seeking... Reaching ever higher, Longing for that spark hat will fuel their desire.

Rachael Moss

For only a kiss from the sun, Will end the beautiful death, As the warmth can be felt, From springs first gentle breath. And roots that have slept too long, Stir deep within the earth, As the eternal wheel of life, Flows from death to rebirth. ………

Diane Narraway

Learning Lenormand Part Five The cards I will be looking at here are No. 10 The Scythe, No.11 Whip or Scourge (in some decks it’s the broom or besom and No.12 Birds. In addition, I will show you how to progress to a more difficult spread, the nine-card spread and how to read it plus I’ll give a brief overview of the inserts, bearing in mind not all decks choose to depict inserts although it does add another flavour and depth to your reading. The Sycthe, does exactly what it was designed to do; it ends, it cuts away, and it is totally about context and position. So, for example, if you were asked a question about health the Scythe often means there is a chance of surgery, something being cut out. In pregnancy ornbirth questions it may well mean a caesarean section or an instrumental delivery. It gets further complicated by where the Scythe falls in the spread, some Lenormand readers read from right to left and others from left to right. I read from left to right so if I were asking when would a particular parcel arrive, and I got Rider (1 news / letters / /parcels / visitors / something coming to you), Scythe (10 cut off / cut away), House (4) I would expect it not to arrive because it got cut away before it reached the house. It was sent … however was cut away before it reached me. if I asked the same question and got the same cards however they read Sycthe, Rider, House, this would indicate that it was never sent in the first place, thus reading …the parcel was cut off, (Scythe) never sent, (Rider) to my House. You can also see that to have the Scythe at the end of a spread means it goes no further, so we could say if we asked the question is Miss X having a passionate affair with someone? you could read Snake (7), Scythe (10) so yes, however its ended. If it were Scythe (10), Snake (7) then it’s a no as it was cut off before it started. 11 Whip Scourge or Broom, this is used to describe repeated action or arguments or reoccurring negative issues. It is usually negative so Whip (11), House (4), Scythe (10) means repeated arguments about a house have stopped, or House, Scythe, Whip means a house has stopped the arguments. Other meanings are repeated/ reoccurring health issues - Whip, Tree, or even dancing/sports in a social situation. The Birds (12) is verbal communication, chatter, gossip. It can indicate a debate, a discussion etc. So, Clover (2) Birds (12) could be small or flirtatious talk. Some decks have playing card inserts which adds another dimension to the reading. The court cards in particular are indicative of the amount of people involved within a reading. For example, the King of Hearts is the insert in the House card and this can indicate a stable male love interest. The Snake card has the Queen of Clubs a card traditionally associated with a dark haired seductive and or mistress type women, and in the example asking if Miss X is having a passionate affair both the House and the Snake can be seen, giving the reader an idea of contexts. A more complicated spread is the nine-card spread. This is a good spread to use if you are asking a question around an important issue and especially if it is one which requires a more detailed answer. Generally, it is laid out in three rows of three cards. I read from left to right with the left row vertically being the past, the middle row being the present, and the right being future. The central card being usually the most important card in the whole spread. So, the question is: - Will I move to the house I want?




The cards read top row; The top line reads Birds (talking) about Rider (Moving) to a House Middle row; Coffin (something has ended) it could be a divorce marriage ending, or an actual death. The reason for moving is depicted by the Tree (growth) or it could be health reasons however because of the other cards and it is directly followed by Clover (luck/a small gift) I am seeing this as a family growth and in this is an event thatit will or has happened in the short term and therefore not an ongoing health issue. Bottom Row Bouquet (A gift), Whip (that has caused repeated arguments), Ship (about moving. So briefly reading it looks like a legacy and a growing family have caused the need to move however it has caused arguments. Although it seems probable that they will move to this house. Many readers won’t answer questions on health or pregnancy and all add a disclaimer that this is entertainment only and should never be considered to replace medical advice.

Eirwen Morgan For Tarot, Lenormand or Playing card readings email: missseirian@gmail.com or catch me for daily astral tarot on my Facebook page Cartomancy In Cornwall


Moon Magic: December and the Winter Solstice (Yule) I will admit I am a total festive season fanatic, in fact if I am honest our Yule celebrations usually start around 1st November (don’t judge). This time is not about shopping and material things, but it is about the existing positive energy of the season. Spending time with family and friends. Wishing compliments of the season to strangers and bringing festive cheer wherever you go. December hosts the winter solstice, the ending of the darker nights and the very slow beginnings of the greater light. This is a celebration of the returning sun, albeit that it will take a long while to arrive! What to do: Spend time with family and friends, reminiscing over old memories and making new ones. Light candles to celebrate the return of the sun. Light a bonfire outside and have an outdoor BBQ or party (wrap up warm!). Go wassailing. Wassail is a hot spicy drink usually made with apple juice or cider. People process to the local orchard and pour wassail under an apple tree to bring a good harvest. Go for a walk in the woods and collect pine cones to decorate with glitter and hang on the Yule tree and collect a log to make into a Yule log. When collecting pine cones, it is important to leave behind the cones that haven’t opened. The seeds from these cones should be left so that the animals such as squirrels have something to eat. Find the cones that have the tips spread open. Magical Energies: To endure, die, be reborn; Earth tides turning. Darkness. Personal alchemy. Spiritual paths. Introspection. Purification. Meditation. Reach out to friends and family, the lonely and needy. Revitalisation. Divination. Relaxation and reflection. Creating prosperity and setting goals for new projects and ventures. Planning for the future. Being thankful and gratitude rituals. Peace, harmony and love. Bringing in happiness. Work prosperity magic and a bit of the passion stuff too. Yule Spell: Make your Yule decorations magical: Tie cinnamon sticks together with red ribbon for love and passion. Or tie them together with green ribbon for prosperity and success. Pinecones are plentiful at this time of year, burn one in your cauldron to banish negative energy and purify ritual space. Put a pinecone in the corner of each room in your home for protection.

Dust pine cones with glitter and place a whole heap of them in a glass vase, not only do they look pretty but they will also work magically for prosperity and protection. Pine cones can also be carried with you for fertility. Note: Glitter does not degrade so if you want an eco-friendly option you can use salt coloured with food colouring or look out for ‘bio-glitter’ which is making its way onto the market. Yule Wish Tree:

Using a small evergreen Yule tree in a pot, during the days leading up to Yule get each member of your family and group of friends to tie a coloured ribbon (red, green and white ribbons work well) onto the tree to represent a wish or a blessing. Once Yule is over keep the tree well-watered and looked after until. Then on the 1st February take off all the ribbons and burn them, casting the ashes to the wind. Moon Names: Cold Moon, Oak Moon, Wolf Moon, Moon of long nights, Long Nights Moon, Aerra Geola, Wintermonat, Heilagmanoth, Big Winter Moon, Dark Night Moon, Bitter Moon, Peach Moon, Younger Hard Time Moon and Moon of popping trees. Correspondences: Herbs: Apple, bayberry, birch, cardamom, cedar, chamomile, cinnamon, cloves, comfrey, elder, fir, frankincense, hazel, holly, ivy, mistletoe, myrrh, nutmeg, oak, pine, rose, sage, sandalwood, sunflower, thistle and wintergreen Colours: Red, white, black, green, silver and gold Stones: Alexandrite, bloodstone, blue topaz, citrine, clear quartz, diamond, emerald, garnet, green tourmaline, jet, kunzite, pearls, peridot, ruby, serpentine Trees: Pine, fir, holly, apple, cedar, juniper, oak, yew and chestnut Animals: Mouse, deer, horse, bear, boar, rook, robin, pig, tiger, snow goose, wren, snowy owl, squirrel and reindeer of course Sign: Sagittarius Hathor, Hecate, Neith, Athene, Apollo, Balder, Dagda, Minerva, Ixchel, Osiris, Norns, Fates, Aphrodite, Fortuna, Gaia, Hel, Frau Holle, Skadi, The Green Man, Odin, Ra, Ishtar and Isis

Rachel Patterson www.rachelpatterson.co.uk www.kitchenwitchhearth.net

Symposium: A Gathering of the Clans “Working together. Embracing our differences” The Pagan & Heathen Symposium was formed in July 2014 by then-Pagan Federation president Mike Stygal. Following the first meeting, he outlined his aims and ideas for the group in this article printed in the Samhain 2014 issue. Paul Pearson The Pagan and Heathen Symposium was an idea that I’d had about a year ago. For many, many years I’d been watching Pagan and Heathen organisations engage in conflict with one another, set up rivalries between each other and try to provide the same services as one another. At the same time, I’d watched wider society move from a position of distancing themselves from an unknown and feared Pagan and Heathen community, to a position of curious interest. As long as I’ve been an officer of the Pagan Federation, I’ve had an interest in building bridges with other Pagan groups, feeling that if the Pagan Federation is to honestly meet the expectations of those official bodies who regard us as representatives of the Pagan community, then we really needed to explore ways we could actually hear that community in as broad a range of its diversity as possible. The more interest Paganism and Heathenry gain from the wider community and official bodies, the more it seemed to be important that we try to find ways of working more closely and supportively together. It would serve our community better if we found ways to point to the expertise found in our collective organisations, and to pool our skills where services were needed but didn’t already exist. Also, that wider society has preconceived ideas concerning the provision of services by and for faith communities, and while we undermine one another in setting up rival services, we struggle to match up to those ideas. I’ve been very fortunate to find friends in ‘senior’ positions in a number of Pagan and Heathen organisations (senior is in quotes because we all seem to struggle with notions of seniority… none of us is willing to suggest we are in some way better or more advanced than others), and through discussion with those friends, it seemed we were all of the opinion that it would be good to find ways to put aside old rivalries and conflicts and see if we could explore ways to work together, each organisation remaining distinct, that distinctiveness being something to celebrate, but not to isolate from inclusion in collaborative projects and in providing specific services they had developed to a high level of expertise. We agreed we would each contact other Pagan organisations with whom we were in touch and see if we could gather together an initial group of Pagan and Heathen organisations for a meeting. That meeting took place on 12th July 2014 and included representatives from many of the main Pagan and Heathen organisations in the UK. There was a little apprehension that things might not go according to plan. But there was also a great deal of shared intent that we would all do everything we could to make the gathering a success. A success it most certainly was. Since then, we have continued to explore ways we might work together, projects we might collaborate upon and ways we might signpost to one another for the expertise found in our respective organisations. The Pagan and Heathen symposium meeting was always intended to be a first step, and thanks to the wonderful enthusiasm and positive intent of all who attended the meeting, that first step was a big one. We’re all still feeling our way with developing our working relationship. But anyone who has been around Paganism and Heathenry for any length of time will know that even that is a major improvement on the past. Where will the Symposium go? Well while I conceived of the idea and was very much involved in bringing it into being, I have no intention of dictating where we go. That is something for us to decide collectively. But where ever we DO end up going, my hope is that we go as partners, colleagues and friends.

Mike Stygal

Children of Artemis

The Children of Artemis, often known simply as CoA, was formed in 1995 as an organisation for Witches and Wiccans. At that time there were many Pagan or Druid organisations, but none specifically for our community. The need was definitely there as membership grew rapidly into the thousands and CoA became the largest Witchcraft organisation in Europe. The organisation produces the Witchcraft and Wicca magazine, which is published twice a year. CoA runs several web sites including: • • • •

witchcraft.org - CoA’s main information site, including forums and resources witchfest.net – The event site, including Witchfest, Artemis Gathering, and Wicca Introduced witchshop.org – The CoA store, all profits from this go back into the organisation witchdating.com – A dating site for Witches, Wiccans, Pagans, Druids and Heathens

CoA runs these annual events: • • • •

Witchfest International in Brighton Witchfest Midlands in Rugeley, Staffordshire Artemis Gathering in Oxfordshire Wicca Introduced in Glastonbury and from 2018 in the East Midlands as well.

Children of Artemis and the Pagan Heathen Symposium From 2000 the demand for the CoA grew exponentially and membership grew into the thousands. When CoA became the largest Witchcraft organisation in Europe, this was not without conflict, as some within the Pagan community viewed such a new organisation that appeared to be incredibly successful as a threat. This led to a series of unfortunate attempts to sabotage CoA, none of which succeeded but left the organisation and many of its members with little faith in the Pagan world outside of CoA. Then friendships and alliances began to be made between CoA and many of the Druid organisations, as we felt we were natural allies. Links established over the years with Dolmen Grove and the Doreen Valiente Foundation began leading to joint projects, and close cooperation on a variety of issues. Around four years ago, we received a surprise call from Mike Stygal suggesting CoA joined with the PF to attempt to change the way pagan organisations dealt with each other, promoting cooperation and support rather than division and conflict. I liked the sound of Mike’s vision, and after discussing it with key members of CoA we joined the new Pagan & Heathen Symposium as one of the founding members. From the first meeting it was obvious that our community has grown up massively over the past fifteen years. The meeting was positive with everyone contributing what they could, and plans for future joint projects and assistance were made. The symposium is the best thing to happen in Paganism in the UK for decades, and we are now becoming a Pagan community that can be used as a model for other countries where disputes are still common.

The Doreen Valiente Foundation

The DVF was formed on the 6th March 2011 as a charitable trust, and it took legal possession of the collection of artefacts etc that Doreen had left in her will to John Belham-Payne; Doreen Valiente’s last high priest. As well as the document preventing the collection from being split up, sold off or exploited for the gain of any individual, the charitable objectives of the Foundation were declared in the Deed of Trust as follows: •

‘To protect artefacts which are important to the past, present and future of pagan religions’

‘To make the artefacts available for education and research’

The Foundation achieves this by putting on informative exhibitions, using the items in the vast collection that is now in our care, and by giving talks to groups who invite us.

Indie Shaman

Indie Shaman is an independent UK based organisation and magazine publisher which aims to provide accessible support and information spanning across traditional indigenous shamanism, contemporary shamanism, animism and multiculturalism. The ‘Indie’ in Indie Shaman relates to independent - a person who thinks for themselves - as in our slogan ‘For Independent Spirits’, a very shamanic trait found in both indigenous and contemporary shaman. Plus, we liked the pun! Indie Shaman joined the Pagan & Heathen Symposium fairly recently, but has experienced how working together works in action already, with our suggestion that marriage certificates should acknowledge the father and mother of both marital partners (recognising the importance of all our ancestors) being put forward for the consultation on marriage reform.

The Pagan Federation (Scotland)

The Pagan Federation (Scotland), a.k.a. Scottish PF, has been the main national Pagan faithcommunity representative body in Scotland since 1994. It is a constitutional organisation with a democratically elected leadership and is closely allied to The Pagan Federation (England & Wales), The Pagan Federation (Ireland) and The Pagan Federation International. It is open to Pagans of all paths and has members of all paths. Scottish PF is active across the full spectrum of interfaith, prison chaplaincy, healthcare chaplaincy, legal celebrancy, event organizing, youth, education, media & anti-defamation work, general community service and civic representation. In addition to advocacy on behalf of Paganism, it also promotes the wider Equalities agenda and environmental campaigning. Scottish PF prides itself on being one of the most successful and effective national Pagan organisations in Europe.

Asatru UK Asatru UK is a UK-wide Asatru community, run by a small group of people from all over the country. Started on Facebook, it soon grew and grew until the first moot was organised in York in March 2013. The people who attended became the driving force behind Asatru UK, and formed the KIN, the organisational body behind the group. Since then, Asatru UK has launched forward to organising moots around the country, three times a year. Asatru UK's aim is to create a community of those like-minded individuals who follow the old northern European pantheons, united under the banner of Asatru. AUK goals are: • To create a space for talk, teaching and learning • To provide opportunity for discussion and growth • To organise moots and Thyngs for those around the UK • To further the relationship between those of Heathen faiths in the UK, and worldwide • To further Heathenry Asatru UK is open to all those who have a healthy interest in the Asatru/Heathen/Northern European faiths.

Greenmantle Greenmantle is a non-profit making magazine aimed at Pagans and occultists of all flavours, and is now approaching its 25th Anniversary. Apart from publishing Greenmantle and other peripheral projects, the team has supported many events and organisations. As part of the Symposium, we acknowledge the need for an independent body to help and guide the Pagan community. Although organizations such as the Pagan Federation and Children of Artemis provide excellent resources, they are often limited by their organizational boundaries. The Symposium is able to bring together a broad spectrum of representatives from the Pagan and Heathen community to discuss issues and bolster larger organisations and smaller groups, as well as individuals, where help or consistency is requested. With members from many diverse paths and with equally diverse skills, we hope to benefit the Pagan and Heathen communities. Greenmantle is proud to be part of such a group.

Portugal PFI-Associação

We created our pagan association for recognition of Paganism in our country, and afterwards in 2000 Morgana Sythove invited me to come back again as National CoCoordinators for PFI in Portugal. So with our association (Politeismo Federado Internacional -Associação Cultural Pagã) as autonomous and working for PFI affiliates too, we organize monthly meetings and cooperate in Pagan celebrations such as Pagan Festivals and Earth Day, and we perform an annual Pagan Meeting or Conference open to interested public. Since 2003 we created departments of study for Pagan interest, and for thematic meetings and network, which allows us to answer to the public. PFI-Association is frequently contacted by universities, schools and media for lectures and explanations about Paganism. After twenty years we opted for the designation P.F.I. – Association, an association of a religious kind, of private law without lucrative ends, functioning for an undetermined time, and reuniting and organizing as a religious fellowship the worshippers of Pagan Divinities. Portugal P.F.I. -Association has as an object to become a full Pagan religious community, acting on behalf and promoting the study, research and communication of the pre-Christian religious practices and cultures, and Wicca study center and other pagan traditions. The Association is organized and pursues its aims according to principles of freedom, democracy and representation. Portugal PFI- Association is independent from state, partisan and other religious institutions, and it looks to have and maintain relations of mutual understanding with similar Pagan associations and federations on communitary and worldwide levels.

The British Druid Order (BDO) The BDO practices and teaches a Druidry firmly rooted in native British mythology, history, folklore and archaeology, hence the name. We see Druidry as the earliest native British and Irish spirituality of which we have written record. We are not, however, nationalistic, having a worldwide membership and working with followers of many paths and folk from many cultures for the betterment of our shared world. BDO Druidry is Pagan, polytheistic and animistic, honouring our ancestors of blood and spirit. We are often described as a ‘shamanic’ Druid group, and our understanding of classical Druids is that they fulfilled roles similar to those of ‘shamans’ in other cultures. We see our task as rekindling the sacred fires of our ancestors, re-establishing Druidry as a native spirituality that fully engages us with the spirits of place, of nature, of our ancestors and the old gods of our lands. We recognise the traditional division of Druidry into the complementary roles of Bard, Ovate and Druid. Our distance learning courses encourage the traditional skills of artistic creativity expressed through poetry, music, storytelling, history and genealogy for the Bard; seership, divination, healing, natural philosophy and cosmology for the Ovate; teaching, counselling, creating and coordinating ceremonies, and walking in Otherworlds for the Druid. As well as ceremony and various forms of meditation, Bards study the old mythologies and poetry of our islands as the bedrock on which our tradition is built. Ovates study native healing techniques and are guided to interact with plant allies through herbalism, the Ogham ‘tree alphabet,’ and communing with nature in a variety of ways. Druids engage with the other animal people with whom we share our world, seeking relationship with them as spirit companions, teachers, guardians and guides. The ultimate goal of the Druid path is that of all mystical traditions, i.e. oneness with the universe. The Order is currently led by Greywolf, a.k.a. Philip Shallcrass, who has been a Druid since 1974, and a Circle of Elders who contribute to our courses, handle various aspects of the day-to-day running of the Order, and bring their own depth of experience to our evolving Druidry. Having been actively involved in interfaith work for three decades, we are delighted to be represented on the Pagan & Heathen Symposium. We see the Symposium as a wonderful forum in which to work together, as Pagans and Heathens, for the benefit of all our traditions, and from which to interact with other faith groups, agencies and communities.

The Dolmen Grove

The Dolmen Grove is a pagan organisation of mixed spiritual paths established in the early 90s by Taloch Jameson, which over the years has grown from one small circle in Weymouth Dorset, to several clans not only across the UK but worldwide. There are no hierarchy or titles within the Dolmen Grove as it is our aim to encourage each man and woman to discover their own unique and authentic journey so that their spiritual connection is founded upon that which works for them as an individual rather than a spiritual rulebook set for the masses. Although we are a non-political organisation this does not prevent the Grove from playing an active part in humanitarian and environmental issues. We are often at the forefront of Paganism and are proactive at Stonehenge and with the media including television and radio when required. Both Taloch Jameson and Diane Narraway (Chairman) speak on a variety of Pagan/Magickal/Occult topics at various events, along with providing a free online magazine, ‘The Dolmen Grove Chronicles’ which is available to all pagans/heathens worldwide. The Dolmen Grove have been members of the Pagan & Heathen Symposium since it began in July 2014 when the first objective was to build bridges and find a way to work together, to set aside differences and through our diversity be able to offer something of real benefit to the Pagan and Heathen community. Over the last few years more organisations have become involved and we now have much more to offer than in those early days, and it is my hope that the Pagan and Heathen community will take advantage of this service. There are many important issues to both Pagans and Heathens that the Symposium can assist with, including and not limited to finding celebrants for various rites of passage, safeguarding vulnerable members of the community, providing counselling for Pagans and Heathens, and education. And while many of the larger organisations may be able to cover some of this, the Symposium exists for all Pagans and Heathens and there are many who are not affiliated to any groups or organisations. To see Paganism and Heathenism included on the National Curriculum along with the other spiritual beliefs currently taught to our children would be a significant achievement. Likewise, legalised hand-fasting is often mentioned and while it is not for everyone, few people know that the Goddess Temple in Glastonbury can provide a legal ceremony for those who require it. End-of-life doulas and those willing to provide passing ceremonies can also be hard to find. As our spiritual beliefs may not always be mainstream, it is often difficult to provide services to match our needs, and I believe this is where the Symposium can be of most benefit. Because it is often difficult for companies and government-funded services such as prisons, hospitals and schools to accept individual organisations, it is hoped that by uniting as the Pagan & Heathen Symposium, our individual voices can be heard.

The Pagan and Heathen Symposium Today The Pagan and Heathen Symposium was formed to improve communication in the Pagan/Heathen communities while providing a comprehensive service to the wider Pagan and Heathen communities, through the work of member organisations Through our member organisations we aim to achieve a greater understanding of pagans and heathens, their beliefs and practices. Through the inclusion of Paganism and Heathenry in schools we aim to provide the wider community a basic understanding of Pagan and Heathen celebrations and modern customs. By providing a comprehensive counsellor database we aim to offer a variety of counselling services to both the Pagan/Heathen communities and local authorities giving them the necessary means to provide relevant counselling. We aim to share information on local, national and international events throughout the year and where required connect Pagans and Heathens to groups local to them. The Pagan/Heathen Symposium consists of the major organisations and individuals appointed by the symposium and active within our communities, representing a wide range of Pagan and Heathen paths and traditions.

Members Dolmen Grove and Dolmen Grove Chronicles www.dolmengrove.co.uk

Children of Artemis and Witchraft and Wicca Magazine Magazine http://witchcraft.org/

Pagan Federation England and Wales https://paganfed.org/

Greenmantle Magazine http://www.greenmantle.org.uk/

Kith of the Tree and the Well https://www.facebook.com/groups/860184530737157/

UK Heathenry https://www.facebook.com/groups/568661713161834/

Police Pagan association http://www.policepaganassociation.org/

Life Rites http://www.liferites.org.uk/

Glastonbury Goddess Temple http://www.goddesstemple.co.uk/

The British Druid Order BDO website: www.druidry.co.uk

Mercian Gathering http://annafranklin.webplus.net/aboutus.html

The Centre for Pagan Studies http://www.centre-for-pagan-studies.com/

The Doreen Valiente Foundation http://www.doreenvaliente.com/

Treadwell’s Bookshop https://www.treadwells-london.com/

The Scottish Pagan Federation http://www.scottishpf.org/

Pentacle Magazine http://www.themagicaltimes.com/pentacle-magazine/4546433840

The Druid Network https://druidnetwork.org/

OBOD https://www.druidry.org/

Moonhenge http://moonhenge.co.uk/

Fellowship of Isis http://www.fellowshipofisis.com/

Pagan Dawn http://www.pagandawnmag.org/

Pagan Pride UK http://www.paganpride.org.uk/

Pagan Federation International http://www.paganfederation.org/

ASLaN https://www.facebook.com/AncientSacredLandscapeNetwork/

Asatru UK www.asatruuk.org

Indie Shaman https://indieshaman.co.uk/

Pagan Radio http://www.liveonlineradio.net/english/pagan-radio.htm

Servants of the Light https://www.servantsofthelight.org/

As well as our current collective undertakings, as the Symposium grows, so will the scope of what can be achieved and added to the repertoire to the benefit of all'

http://pagansymposium.org/ https://www.facebook.com/paganheathensymposium/

Further information on Dolmen Grove can be found www.dolmengrove.co.uk Weymouth and Portland Moot https://www.facebook.com/groups/435089566582005/ Cornwall Moot https://www.facebook.com/groups/46016505068236 Kent & Essex Moot https://www.facebook.com/groups/dolmengroveessexmoot Hampshire Moot https://www.facebook.com/groups/www.dolmengroveham pshiremoot/ Dolmen Grove Chronicles https://www.facebook.com/DolmenGroveMagazine/?ref=b r_rs Dolmen Grove www.facebook.com/pages/The-DolmenGrove/110124449082 Email Diane Narraway (chairman Dolmen Grove/Editor Dolmen Grove Chronicles dolmengrove@dolmengrove.co.uk

Dolmen Grove Chronicles/Dolmen Grove www.dolmengrove.co.uk Email dolmengrove@dolmengrove.co.uk Part of the Pagan/Heathen Symposium http://pagansymposium.org/ https://www.facebook.com/paganheathensymposium/

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