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Over 640 Dolphins Rescued by IFAW Staff and Volunteers
Text & Photos by NANCY BLOOM
Cape Cod Bay has been noted as one of the busiest stranding areas for dolphins. Wellfleet, MA is especially known as a hotspot during low tide. Dolphins get close to the shorelines looking for fish and zooplankton and often get stuck in thick mud when the tides go out. Many scientists feel that these dolphin strandings are caused by its ocean floor and the distinctive geographic shape of Cape Cod, which extends about 65 miles eastwards into the Atlantic Ocean with the exterior portion turning towards the north and then toward the west like a hook. When standings are reported, IFAW (the International Fund for Animals Welfare) responds quickly. Teams of volunteers travel from different parts of the Cape to assess the animals, treat and

extract them. The dolphins are usually brought to Provincetown in a mobile dolphin clinic so they can be released to an area with deeper water. Most of the releases have taken place at Herring Cove because of its easy access and deep water. About eighty percent of the stranded dolphins are released back to the ocean. Small tracking satellite tags placed on these mammals provide IFAW with the ability to track them for two months. Once the dolphins are assessed and treated, IFAW’s Marine Mammal Rescue & Research team carts the dolphins to the edge of the water for their release. Because dolphins are social animals and tend to travel in pods they are usually released in groups. The International Fund for Animals Welfare is a non-profit organization. For more information, please visit: https://www.ifaw.org

3 2 8 C R A N D O N B O U L E V A R D , S U I T E 1 2 0 , K E Y B I S C A Y N E , F L . 3 3 1 4 9 P H O N E : 7 8 6 . 6 1 5 . 2 4 6 8


the solution adopted to give the galley a feeling of privacy while allowing light to flow freely, significantly increasing the perception of space. This important and innovative design solution makes it possible to close off an area without making it feel at all cramped: vertical ribbing and plexiglass are used to separate two spaces physically yet almost intangibly, because of their low visual impact. Another fundamental concept in the interior design of the yacht is undoubtedly the transformability and multifunctionality of the spaces. This is particularly clear in the day area on the Main Deck, laid out on two levels. Thanks to two coffee tables that can be lowered and the possibility of installing a second TV in the wall, this zone can be turned into two different and independent areas. An important feature of the interiors is the spaciousness of the night area, configured to offer four cabins and three bathrooms of decidedly generous dimensions (high ceilings, roomy wardrobes and long beds). The stand-out feature in the 68’s interiors, lastly, is the refined owner’s suite, characterized by a natural and unaffected sense of luxury and an atmosphere of wellbeing that is close to the modern concept of wellness.
Azimut Yachts launches the new model of the Flybridge collection, in its world premiere at the Cannes Yachting Festival 2021, designed in collaboration with Alberto Mancini for the exteriors and Achille Salvagni for the interiors. Thanks to the shipyard’s indepth knowledge of the market and its vast experience with owners from all over the world, Azimut Yachts designed a 21-meter yacht that adapts to the desires of contemporary owners who increasingly insist on bespoke solutions even for smaller boats.
InterIor desIgn The interiors were designed to produce maximum stylistic harmony, in which every single detail – from the ambiance as a whole down to the smallest furnishing accessories – is contrived by the same hand to arrive at an absolute project in the truest sense of the term. Achille Salvagni, designer of the interiors, brings to the new 68 some of the defining features of his most important projects, such as smooth, curving lines, generous spaces embodying a concept of informal and unostentatious conviviality and, lastly, an extraordinary cleanness of line. One of several important points that clearly distinguish the spaces on this boat from those on other similarly sized yachts, is Azimut Yachts lanza el nuevo modelo de la colección Flybridge, en su estreno mundial en el Cannes Yachting Festival 2021, diseñado en colaboración con Alberto Mancini para los exteriores y Achille Salvagni para los interiores. Gracias al profundo conocimiento del mercado del astillero y su vasta experiencia con propietarios de todo el mundo, Azimut Yachts ha diseñado un yate de 21 metros que se adapta a los deseos de los propietarios contemporáneos que insisten cada vez más en soluciones a medida incluso para embarcaciones más pequeñas.
dIseño de InterIores Los interiores se diseñaron para producir la máxima armonía estilística, en la que cada detalle, desde el ambiente en su conjunto hasta los accesorios de decoración más pequeños, está ideado por la misma mano para llegar a un proyecto absoluto en el verdadero sentido del término. Achille Salvagni, diseñador de interiores, aporta al nuevo 68 algunos de los rasgos definitorios de sus proyectos más importantes, como líneas suaves y sinuosas, espacios generosos que encarnan un concepto de convivencia informal y sin ostentación y, por último, una extraordinaria limpieza de líneas. Un rasgo que distingue los espacios de este barco de otros yates de tamaño similar es la solución adoptada para dotar a la cocina de una sensación de intimidad al mismo tiempo que se permite que la luz fluya libremente, aumentando significativamente la percepción del espacio. Esta importante e innovadora solución de diseño permite cerrar un espacio sin que se sienta apretado: las nervaduras verticales y el plexiglás se utilizan para separar dos espacios casi intangiblemente, debido a su bajo impacto visual. Otra característica es la gran capacidad de transformación y de multifuncionalidad de los espacios. Esto es especialmente evidente en la zona de día de la cubierta principal, distribuida en dos niveles. Gracias a dos mesas de centro abatibles y la posibilidad de instalar un segundo televisor en la pared, esta zona se puede convertir en dos zonas diferentes e independientes. Las cabinas son muy amplias. El diseño ofrece cuatro camarotes y tres baños de decididamente generosas dimensiones (techos altos, amplios armarios y camas largas). Y por último, la suite del propietario es refinada, y brinda una sensación de lujo natural y una atmósfera de bienestar cercana al concepto moderno de bienestar.