INSCRIPTIONS Volume 61 No. 1 (Revelation)

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For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occured since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will again

Matthew 24:21


Inscriptions Volume 61 No. 1

Table of Contents Title

Page Chapter I - Conquest

A Mother’s Grief Clamour for Truth Before it Gets Dark The Ringmaster Asta San-o


Power that Exceed Gods Crime of Century A War The Mafia Children of Oeuvres


Chapter III - Famine Red Meat Aba Ginoo’t Maria Aster Tanging Gunita ng Perlas Lamentations


Chapter IV - Death Ebb and Flow Bulaklak at Paro - paro Winter’s Spring and Summer’s Fall Your Short Life Innocent Azar Warm then Cold Morning Star Devil’s Rose Mad


Editor’s Note

In grade school, I was known as a very outgoing and enthusiastic kid. However, everything changed when I reached high school. Constantly bombarded with adversities, the confident kid in me started to lose interest in the things that once made me happy. Everything I experienced eventually took a toll on my mental fortitude and in order to protect myself, I built a castle with all the bricks they threw at me. Then someone came. Someone powerful enough to weaken the foundation of the very castle I built around me. He told me the secret that can disintegrate the bricks mid-air before it could even hit me—not give a shit. He was my mentor, the wind beneath my wings. In this volume of Inscriptions, our theme is anchored on the four horsemen of the apocalypse— Conquest, War, Famine, and Death —who were the harbingers of the Last Judgement based from the Christian bible in the book of Revelation. The topic mainly aimed to bring out and compile the inner creativity of both the writers and artists of JBLFMU Arevalo when it comes to unusual and disturbing subjects. We all have revelations in life, and through this folio, it is time to reveal the concealed and leave nothing unturned. This is the 61st volume of The Dolphin’s literary folio, this is Revelation.

Mdpn.Daniel Justine Belonio Literary Editor, The Dolphin VIII

Chapter I-Conquest


The First Horseman by Arron John Mortega X

A Mother’s Grief by Daniel Justine Belonio

I am the mother of all, I gave birth to the abundant variety of species that crawl, walk, run, swim, squirm, and fly on this planet we call Earth. For I am Mother Nature, the mother of all life and biodiversity, I am unforgiving, wrathful, kind, tolerant, and biased. My children may be flawed as they are fidgeted by my brother Evolution, but for me, they are perfect the way they are. Through millennia I have watched and helped them grow, from the microscopic simple proteins to complex and sophisticated beings, they created an ecosystem in environments that I created that benefit everyone in the vicinity, with a proper balance in life and death, as I would like it. My Dear Father Cosmos, took notice of this and said, “How will they ever reach their true potential if You and Evolution just fiddle with them?” I said “I don’t know”, he added “Let me help” then without hesitation and my approval, he brought meteors and asteroids that massacred the surface with my children. “What have you done?!” I screamed in tears, he said “They will grow, as they are your children” I just let it be, as it has already been done and hoped for the best outcome in this dreadful situation, without comfort father Cosmos just left. As the surface is still bathed in fire, I can’t wait any longer, I did a rushed deep cooling without heed when to stop or what is enough, I miscalculated as it placed the planet into a frozen state. I grieved and feared that none of them were left, brother Evolution said to wait as he feels something amazing will appear amidst this madness that we experienced. For a century or two, I saw my child, the first of its kind, it was covered in fur and carried huge ivory as its weapons, I have never been so happy to see them again and this huge, my brother said “See I told you” with a smirk, “Did you plan this all along?” I asked, “Well, yes and no, I just did what Father Cosmos would’ve wanted, surpass our limits” we both smiled and rejoiced. XI

I observed each one of them from small to huge, to beautiful and terrifying, and one species stood out to me. They resemble our forms, a body, with a pair of arms and legs, but they are more fragile and prone to sickness and danger. I am deeply intrigued; I watched them as they develop clothing and tools that they utilize daily. Then I let them be and turned my attention to the melting of ice, I am once again worried but I let my children persevere as they are mine. After a while different sets of species emerged after the Ice Age, my children are more gorgeous than ever, as I grow tired I retired to sleep for centuries I left my brother in charge of looking after them and I am growing excited to see what will appear during my great slumber. When I returned from my slumber, I am not greeted by my brother and I looked on the surface I see a bunch of beings that have similar forms like us and I see a note, it only says humans, so these are humans, they have conquered the Earth. Then I feel a sudden rush of pain on my whole body and I began to cough smog, as I see bruises, scars, lesions, and my hands are falling off. The effects of the events during my long slumber kicked in and it was an excruciating decade to endure. I persisted during the agonizing experience and tolerated my injuries and even though the pain is still present I learned how to live with it. I am finally able to look around, I see humans in their factories deploying smoke in my skies that is why I cough smog, I see them destroy forests that is why I have bruises, I see them puncture the surface and mountains for their vanity and greed that is why I have scars, I see them destroy and pollute habitats inland and sea that is why I have lesions, and I see them rip the ozone layer that protects them that is why my hands are falling off. I frantically look for my brother, I searched and searched leaving no stone in Earth unturned, but to no luck, I cried as I feel helpless and thought maybe this is what he could’ve felt when I was in my slumber, but I shrugged it off, I cannot fathom that my children could do that to my brother, “My children can’t stop evolving” as I said


Otro Mundo

by Chris Jerico Moraña IX

to myself, denying it as a possibility because if they do, my brother will cease to exist. I watched humans, kill their brothers in sisters by nature, rendering them extinct for sport, food, and fun. Then I witnessed them create cultures that meet their expectations and religions that came to existence and gave me company entities such as Yahweh, Shiva, Zeus, and more. I never knew humans were this capable of this, to devotedly believe at something that it became alive. Then I watch humans kill each other and entities wage war, these years of unrest and death affected my other children as they are exploited to be used in battles that they never had any right to take part in, I am tormented by this display of fury and injustice, I chose to sit this one out as what happened with Father Cosmos, I believe this will give birth to new beginnings. Except it did not… Humans continue to be ruthless and ceased to evolve that it affected my other children and the entities that I am once accompanied with are now distant. Humans continued to harm me, I sent typhoons, earthquakes, tornados, tsunamis, continental drifts, the sinking of islands, and diseases as warnings, but they never heeded

Mother’s Eye

by Arron John Mortega XIV

any of them, they just continued like nothing is happening to their mother. Then I accepted the truth that my brother ceased to exist because humans halted evolution to all life as they oppressed and trapped them in cages. In my anguish and everlasting pain, I vow to eradicate every single one of humans, turning a blind eye that they are my children, as they committed atrocities that even their entities cannot forgive. I will not tolerate it any longer, I will avenge my brother, I will avenge your brothers and sisters, I will end your unethical ways, This will be my conquest, Because, I am The Mother of All. Then, she carried out her devious attempt to salvage what is left for her, she concocted centuries of gusting storms, a flurry of acid, explosions of volcanos, rumbling of the earth, towering waves that swallow cities whole, and rabid lightning that strikes down anyone its sees. Tears fall from her clouded eyes, unending shaking of her body, and as she screeched in pain of what she is doing. Father Cosmos saw what she is doing, but chose not to interfere as she already dedicated a huge amount of resolve to do what she is doing now. All life ceased to exist on earth, from megafauna to microscopic proteins died, “All of this for you brother and children” she muttered, As she collapsed and dissipate to the ground and with her death and a rush of lush greenery appeared, Life again began with a New Mother.


The Art of Gas Chamber by Kenneth Tejada


Clamour for Truth by Keft Sobredo

The heat of the ten o’clock sun was biting fontanels, creating a lake of mirage in the middle of the barren rice fields. A hard knock echoed on the plywood door as two men emerged wearing sepulchral faces. One spit out the message that reverberated inside the eardrums and pierced like a needle through the brain. The silence in the room faded as the mother wept in endless tears while covering her face with her shaking hands. How? She asked. How could her son take his own life? The man spoke again words that were hard to swallow: Felipe laced a leather belt around his neck for reasons unknown, tightened it, and hanged himself on a coat hook. The body was found lifeless inside his cabin, transferred in the freezing room – cold – beside the provisions. Days passed and it felt forever but his body screeched: ante mortem hematoma which filled our minds with questions. For he possessed wisdom and spoke nothing of inviting death, and never radiated gloomy shadows. Vivid hues slowly turned grey as the sun set and lights faded away – so did justice – so did the truth. - for deck cadet Felipe Borra III, 20 years old, who allegedly committed suicide onboard M/V Sanko Fortune in 2015 XVII

Before it gets dark by Vladimir Bryant Yap

The sky is dim and dark Just a sign for the fall of rain A countless step from somewhere Collecting souls along the way Series of gunshots and loud siren behind the mall Picture of a kid, plastic dinosaurs, and bags of chocolate Scattered on the mud dirty ground Poor loving man with a suit of a robber is dead Room 753, Patient having dyspnea Lady in a red dress crying in the green waiting seat Reminiscing the sweet and tender love that they build 10 minutes later, “I’m sorry for your loss miss, condolences” A thread of jealousy, hatred, and pride Letting go of memories and forgetting about forgiveness Until the time where the scent of white roses humiliated with the smoke of scented candles on the grave Regret and conscience will be there to ghost and haunt you Every time I took the sweetness of life The tick of time whisper me to roam around Burying the untold stories and fairytales under the graves Leading to the path between heaven and hell In a shade of rainbow pallet of time where the end awaits you Enjoy the colourful phase of life before it gets dark


The Fade Away

by Arron John Mortega


Hue Man

by Chris Jerico Moraña

The Ringmaster by Daniel Justine Belonio

“Charcoal, dried starfish, a bad little boy’s finger, salamander semen, and crushed eyeballs of the meek, mix, mix, mix, and what do we have here?” he took a spoon to taste, “horrible, it will do” he scribbled the floors with runes and carved a pentagram, he poured the mixture to fill in the carving and recited an incantation “From the caves you may hide, slithery and horrifying you may be, but I summon thee, mother of all grotesque and monstrosity, you shall show yourself and be at my service! come! Echidna!” the room is instantly filled with pressure, that can crush hearts with ease, but not for this ringmaster as he is filled with curiosity and thirst for power. “A mortal dares summons me? You may have a death wish but you are not worth my time” Echidna said, “Are you sure about that? Typhon is here” the ringmaster replied, “Where? I do not sense his presence” Echidna annoyingly said while looking around the room full of alchemy and rings “You have been meddling with forces that greatly overlaps your capabilities mortal” she added, as she slithers near him, as she is about to take a bite out of him, he shows a ring, “he’s inside this ring” as he said with his eyes and smile wide open as if he is a maniac. “You think you can fool me? Typhon cannot be contained in a ring! Being a son of Gaea and Tartarus!” angrily she tried to induce him to madness “That won’t be necessary” shocked Echidna froze, as the ringmaster swiftly cut her finger to make a forced blood pact, “You damned mortal!” she screamed as she got sucked in the ring where Typhon also resides, “You can be together now” he whispered to the ring. He fixed any damages in the room, and dressed himself in in a top hat, monocle, fingers full of rings, black tailcoat, black long sleeves with garter, black pants, blood red tie, and leather boots, as he


walked in cartoonish manner towards his door, it was forcefully opened by the police and he said “Echidna, induce madness” the police quickly fell to the floor screaming in pain as they turn unto one another killing and eating flesh. Whistling an old song, as he gets closer to the Eiffel Tower “huh, so they finished building this hunk of metal, I guess living 500 years isn’t so bad after all” he commented and climbed with help of Sirens, as he reached the peak “Oh my sirens sing a melody to lure the people!” the sirens sang a song that allured the whole city of Paris, as they draw near, he readies his ring with Typhon and Echidna, but his finger is shot by a marksman who covered his ear with wax, the ring fell to the ground and shattered, Echidna and Typhon burst out as they rampaged the area looking for the ringmaster as he narrowly escaped using his harpies. The ringmaster will continue to subdue monsters to kill Echidna and Typhon first as they know who he truly is now, a homunculus made by Dr. Frankenstein his love letter of revenge and destruction to the whole world.



by Chris Jerico Moraña


Asta San-o ni John Francis Babiera

San-o ka maabot? Ang akon mga luha, Nagmala na. San-o ka maabot? Ang akon kasing-kasing, Nakapoy na. San-o ka maabot? Akon tingog, napaos Kasisinggit sang imo pagbuot. Asta san-o mahulat? Duwa na ka milenya Ang naglupad. Asta san-o mahulat Sang himaya Halin sa kalangitnan? Asta san-o mahulat? Ang promisa Asta diin madangat? Asta san-o mahulat? Ang imo nga gahum Akon ginapangita.


Chapter II- War


The Second Horseman by Arron John Mortega XXVI

Power that Exceed Gods by Daniel Justine Belonio

Gods come in many forms, one may appear humanoid or a graceful animal, a wide array of body types, and vary in the number of limbs. Their bodies are a canvas for the most precious stones of the heavens, perfect faces that awe the hearts of any soul, towering in size, long lifespans, and powers that can shatter a world. Angels, beings with mighty wings serve such deities, fulfilling their desires no matter how bright or dark it may seem, these angels have unwavering loyalty always singing praises to their beloved god because if they don’t they are swallowed or served as an ultimate meal. These gods may always appear with radiance and elegance, truthfully they are the most sadistic and narcissistic beings that ever defaced the universe, after all, they do not care about anything or anyone, only themselves and their golden palaces, as their arrogance pale to the size of the universe. Always boasting about being holy and just, such a wondrous pantheon of hypocrites they are. By chance, they looked down on earth and saw humans, full of anticipation and plans they hastily sought for them to spread their influence, to fulfill their selfish desires. Humans have fragile hearts and are easily fooled, they worshipped to their heart’s content, even offering living essence that these gods have no use. They played with their lives, as if humans are just a pastime for them, creating heroes and villains that erect and destroy legacies, inflicting various emotions, preying on virgins, and disposing of excess lives that they deem boring. For centuries, humans have endured such treatment, cultivating anger, sadness, and malice. They have been played long enough, as some seek vengeance and they start by neglecting religious practices. This action triggered the fanatics, as the actions of the gods are justified by their holiness they say, the situation escalated into war XXVII

Kraken’s Last Millennia of Slumber by Jose Angelo Esquera


between fanatics and atheists, they crossed swords, exchanged arrows, damage shields, spill blood, and bury or burn bodies. This did not faze the gods they continued to fulfill their distasteful desires to satisfaction. The war went on for years and the atheists are on the verge of winning, in their last resort the fanatics turned to their gods asking for their help, but what they received are terms unfitting of a god and are butchered by the angels. One by one, each religious order is being destroyed by its gods. Amidst the chaos one child stood up and vocalized, “if there is a power that exceeds that of the gods, it is malice and we have plenty of it!” directing these words to his patron icon, as tears fall from his fiery eyes, they were betrayed, in response the god just laughed, grabbing his hand as he threw him unto a wall, his small body collided with great force, rendering him into a loathsome pile of putrescence. These actions froze most of the fanatics in fear, unable to move, but are desperate to live, as the angels continue to slaughter fuelling the god with adrenaline, and finally joins the massacre. They now deem humans


to be of no use to them, as they fulfilled their itch and vanity, after the massacre other gods moved on to play with a different species on different planets and some stayed to wipe out stragglers. Noticing such act the atheists are further powered by malice and are ready to cut off heads of such gods. Tired after their enacted bloodbath, they retreated on their palaces built by the fallen fanatics and on the ruined gates the atheists gathered radiating in malice, “the audacity of these gods to still use the palaces made by our people” a soldier irritably said, “patience we shall have our revenge” a captain muttered, the general stepped forward on the gates and screamed “these palaces will be their tombs!” he yelled as they charge in surprising the angels on the other side of the gate still cleaning the blood of the fanatics from their weapons, witnessing this, they fought them like berserkers, ripping off their wings, drowning them in their blood, ravishing them, chained them, dismembering them, consumed their flesh, and burned them alive. As the gods wake up from the loud commotion outside they are greeted by the masses of bloodthirsty humans, outnumbering them, as they force them into submission, bound them with boiling iron causing their hands to fall off, and are dragged outside by using a rope hanging around their necks, being pulled by a group of soldiers. A sight of hell on earth greeted them, angels screaming in agony, broken statues, burning palaces, and a gigantic guillotine cursed by human malice. “You lot! What are you doing? You clods!” a god screamed to the angels that are trying to protect them, “they were simply no match for us, your elegance,” the general said with a smirk, the gods helplessly watched as their angels are treated like abused animals and fellow gods already disemboweled and beheaded by the guillotine. “You will regret this!” a grieving god exclaimed, “No, in fact, we are enjoying this” the general whispered to the god’s ear, as the general stepped XXX

away, the god replied “Others will come for you!”, “Then we will be glad to accommodate them towards the guillotine,” the general said maniacally, as he hacked another pair of wings of an angel along the way, carried her, approached the god, and sexually assaulted her in front of the god. “Are you turned on by such act?” the general said “you must be the most sadistic creature on the universe” he added, after he had his way, he stomped on the angels gut, then he beheaded the angel with a dull knife, hacking slowly down her throat and flesh, while she thrashed in pain, struggling to breathe and hold on to dear life. “A shame, powerful servants, serving a piece of shit” the general said after beheading her.

Knowledge Beyond Time by Chris Jerico Moraña


Deer Enemy,

by Chris Jerico Moraña


“You’re up next, my lord” he said, they lined up the god in guillotine already chipped by the other necks of deities, they sliced open the gods abdomen, letting the blood and organs drop out, but the torment is not over, as the axe falls to slice off his neck, but it came to a full stop, flailing in misery, the axe came up again then fell to come to a full stop again, “one last swing, your liege!” the humans laughingly said, the axe came up one last time and sliced the head off, the body was spitted on, kicked, punched and burned, while the heads are poked on stakes for display. They finished the last of the gods that stayed, while the lucky ones that managed to escape told the others what happened, they will never dare step on the soil of the earth again, the humans are later called demons for their hunger for the death of the gods and manifesting malice that envelops them. To this day the humans are a step closer, for their blades to reach the gods necks once more. The mother closes the storybook that she read to her child. “Mom I told you I hate that story” the child said annoyed, “But dear, we must educate ourselves of our past, so we can better prepare for the future” the mother replied, A deep sigh “sure mom”, “Goodnight dear”. She turned off the lights of her child’s room and walked downstairs towards the painting near their fireplace, she positioned it diagonally and a secret elevator appeared. Continuing underground and rode a tram towards headquarters, “General! A very good evening!” the soldiers greeted her, “Well, well, well, look who we found hiding in the Andromeda galaxy, prepare the fleet! How long has it been since my ancestors spilled your blood here on earth, we will continue to hunt hideous gods after all” The war of gods and demons continue. XXIII

Crime of Century by Eric Jan Titular

The windows were shattered and the door was bashed in The backseat was dented with malodor of old sin The curtains were snarled and the cushions were torn The back wheels were busted, by the man—who held a thorn He’d kiss her as he killed, and sang her to sleep And now she’ll lay breathless, beneath the cold deep With her crinoline scratched and her silk dress turned brown As she is engraved in the lifeless— abysmal underground But when she arises—pressed—in promise and dirt From the womb of the day, shadow is birthed Her teeth will be fair and her breast will be red Her ribs will be crushed from the birds in her head She’ll turn the parasol into an old silver sword For her soul’s magnificence is the most adored She’ll taste the sweet release, with the sink of her teeth Into the old vicar’s neck that is deep underneath Her splendor skin broke and lost in certainty From the heinous crime of bloody eternity


A War

by WardenOfTheNorth

Sing the songs of war Kiss your loved ones goodbye For tomorrow is shady,blurry You fall or stand firmly Bring forth your swords and shields Stand your ground Let live, let die Die with honor or live in the songs Where warriors kill or be killed With a swing of a sword Slay dreams and tomorrows Of those who fall in battle


by Chris Jerico Moraña

Tens of thousands crippled, killed in battle Nations,houses plundered or toppled Death are mere numbers Blood spilled all over War’s aftermath is still the same Death and hunger No one wins in war Perhaps,it’s where everybody lost XXXV

The Mafia by Ebenezer C. Danila

One gang, One scene told, One chance, Two handcuffs, One gun. Three cops. One target, Eternal suffer, One trigger, Eternal pain, Oneshot. Eternal depression. Two lives, But still… Two mates, One leader. One riot, Two leaders, Three knives, Three hundred followers. Two crimes, One traitor. Two leaders, three cops dead, Three knives, Four fights. Two grands, One witness. One leader, Another leader, The gang of the mafia.


Colors of Justice

by Chris Jerico Moraña


Children of Oeuvres by Gabriel Geriosa

There he was, slowly losing reality Dying for days blurred his vision. Hearing himself sinking under the sea. Came out from him was his creation. Hated for truth rather than loved for art, the creation was denied by ethics Powering independently, strengthening heart; all for devotion. If peculiar creatures lack tolerance, everything will be every sans. If art wasn’t possessive and not hidden, everything will be black and white, but is uneven. Go forth inside demons & conquer the creations. Your love would be unbound in freedom. Art would be a majestic sensation. Your existence would be of truth, set free by the above kingdom


Chapter III- Famine


The Third Horseman by Arron John Mortega XL

Red Meat

by Daniel Justine Belonio

We are a proud people, able to survive on our own, for generations we have lived in this sacred land, forever thankful for its protection, shelter, and bounty. Families help each other, creating relationships that extend for more than one lifetime. We pray, harvest, celebrate, and prosper, for years and years to come, at least that’s what is supposed to be. Every winter we rely on our harvest of crops, livestock, and the forest, but we are struck by misfortune, as locusts ate all they can find, cattle and chickens dying of sickness, no hunt, and no fruit given by the forest. As if we are being punished by a malicious being, but what have we done to deserve such treatment? I as the Lord of the Land must find a way to quell my people’s hunger during this winter, I searched and searched for ways, but all of them turned out to be fruitless and demanding, as time is not my ally in this race. Even if only a handful of us can survive, we can rebuild what is lost and better prepare ourselves. A spark, an idea came to me, where we can even celebrate during winter with full bellies. I prepared a feast, instructed my servants to erect a fire pit in the middle of the estate, plenty of oak tables and benches ready, and surrounded by banners, lanterns, and torches to lighten up the atmosphere, to wash away the worries. Then I announced, “My people, tonight we will be having a feast!” everyone looked confused, as they know food this winter is scarce, “Do not worry about anything as I found a way where we can enjoy and not suffer this winter” I added. They released tension and agreed to attend such festivity. As the sun sets, we lit up all the lanterns and torches, the sight was a marvel, we feel warm despite it being winter and the colors


brought by the banners shone brightly giving us a symbol of hope. As I toasted “Let us all celebrate!”, as my servants carry out and distribute enticing ale and mouth-watering red meat, we ate till our bellies are full, drank as if it is our last, and danced like fools throughout the evening. Smiles and laughter infectious as it may be, it is a good omen that I believe we can and will survive these adversities that befall us. As winter goes on, we continue to distribute rations to each family, enough to sustain them for about a week. Yet, winter seems longer than I expected, and I am running out of prisoners and slaves. It came to me as an idea, as their lives are unimportant, they will just hinder us during winter. I have calculated that they number sufficiently in the dungeons, but I guess we got a little carried away during the festival. It all started with one person, a female, a woman whose skin is as white as marble and have golden hair that would make anyone envious, but she is accused of witchcraft, and I have her whole body is bound in a chair, unable to even lift a finger, and under a lantern, she is given a spotlight, as if this will be her glorious purpose. She looked me in the eyes and said “Am I being freed?” in a nervous manner I said “No, you will be salvation”, I walked closer with a steady grip of the knife in my hand, covered her mouth, and slit her throat, she struggled as I hold on to keep her from making a mess, then she finally let go. I put her at a table and began to dismember her, segregating parts of her body that can be deemed nutritious and full of flavors, such as her thighs, arms, calves, shoulders, tongue, intestines, kidneys, heart, and brain. I am drawn by the meat that I harvested, tempted I took a full bite to her thighs, it was heavenly, as her blood covers the muscle and fat, gave it punch in flavor and I continued to consume parts of her. As I was having my fill, I am turned on by her dismembered body, I helped myself, I ran my fingers from her breasts down to her vagina, I took a bite out of her breasts, touched myself, and finally had intercourse, while I was consuming her chest, I never had such an experience this drowning, as I continue this activity till dawn. As I ran out of prisoners and slaves, I turned to my servants and they disappeared one by one, giving me more time, before I turn into hunting families that I deemed nobody will realize if gone, as I invited families in the manor, none of them will go back to see the XLII

The Sacrifice

by Chris Jerico Moraña XLIII


by Chris Jerico Moraña


light of day. It did not take long for others to catch a whiff of what is happening, rumors spread like wildfire, as they thought I was wrongly doing convictions of crimes, as the townsfolk arm themselves to the teeth and marched on my doorstep demanding truths of the disappearances. I ran and hid myself in the forest, as they breached into my house frantically looking for me and they stumbled upon the butchering room and are in complete shock, to see human bodies being hanged, upside down, hooks on their feet, missing their heads and a bucket below them to catch their blood, a body in the table missing its thighs, on its stomach named after a family whose it will be distributed to, and children bodies being ground to make sausages. They came across a list of recipes as I call them, on how to prepare human bodies for consumption. They all cannot fathom what they have witnessed as they have been eating humans all along. They screamed; They cried; They vomited; They feel emotions they cannot explain and want to take their lives. As I heard all of what is happening in the woods, their voices echo to the world. They searched for me, trying to get me to answer for what I have done. I am but long gone from the vicinity. I know what I did was right and I did it for them for survival and salvation. I ran away, despite my sacrifices for my people and they pay me back in violence. In the harsh winter alone, cold and hungry, I came across a cave as I seek shelter inside, there was no one, I decided to stay, and lit a fire for warmth. I have nothing left but myself, as days go by I never felt so hungry in my entire life, and being tempted to consume my left arm, I gave in. I tied my elbows tightly to lower blood loss and bit hard on a branch wood, as I aim to slice off the bottom of my elbows, I raised


the knife and furiously pushed it down my elbows, it stopped in the bones, I struggled against the pain, as the branch, I am biting unto is almost broken. I tried once more; I raised the blade and pushed it down with all my might, my arm was off. My eyes being fogged by tears and I feel lightheaded. I patched myself and looked hungrily at my arm. I began to consume it and left nothing but bones behind. I guess I will be my salvation this time.


Piece by Piece

by Chris Jerico Moraña XLVII

A Hunger of Flesh by Nicanor Cinco III XLVIII

Aba Ginoo’t Maria ni Sabcusa

Aba Ginoo’t Maria Napupuno kayo ng grasya Ang Panginoon sanay sumainyo. Bukod kayong pinagpala sa kabataang lahat, Pagpalain sana ang karapat-dapat Dala ng salot sa lahat ay di pa ata sapat. Mga putang ina’y nilalait ang Diyos Manalangin sana ang makasalanan Na handang mamatay sa sarap ng kasiyahan. Aba Ginoo’t Maria Pinagsamantalahan ang grasya Saan ang Panginoon na sumainyo? Bukod kayong hayop sa kabataang lahat Parusa ang tanging nararapat Salot sana’y bumalik at kumalat. Mga putang ina’y ginagalit ang Diyos Manalangin sana sa kaligtasan Sapagka’t sa tabi mo lang si kamatayan.


Aster by Ene

Last year nothing happened, and the year before that nothing happened. As time passed, I think back to the time she asked me that question. “What’s your limit?” she asked. I didn’t know how to answer that question back then, so I just replied, “Huh?” She then explained that “Do you know what a food chain is? Well, this is similar to it. Creatures like ants, spiders, and other bugs; we can kill without giving it much thought. But if it’s a bird, we feel a little hesitant when killing it. We start to feel the pressure of ending its life. It gets worse after then, the bird is replaced by a rabbit, and even more so if the rabbit becomes a cat. The pressure becomes worse if the cat becomes a dog, and even worse when the dog becomes a stranger. The higher up the chain we move towards, the more advanced creatures, the more we hate to kill them. Eventually, we hit a hurdle that’s too high to overcome. We’re unable to kill anything beyond that point.” As naïve as I was back then, I asked her, “What do you think is the highest hurdle?” To which she answered, “I think the highest hurdle would be loved ones.” The meaning of what she had said in that small moment in time was entirely lost on me. It wasn’t because of this particular conversation, but after that, she and I drifted apart. Years later, it seemed like nothing was going to happen. Thinking back now, why did she even ask me something like that? It was like she was trying to predict something that could come in the future; the future that’s facing me right now. Then she appeared, her eyes in the color of the ocean after a storm and her hair, like the silk of a spider tainted in black. As I stare into a daze, she says “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” I managed to tear my thoughts away from the past and greeted her


back. She listened to what I had to say and then replied, “Perfect timing. Here, help me with this.” as she handed the box to me. I then asked her what the box was, and she replied, “A dog corpse.” The two of us eventually started talking about the events in the past. She then told me that her pet dog died yesterday. She tells me that, “You know how you’re my only friend? Well, my dad was worried, and he brought a dog home about ten years ago to be friends

Mother of Sea Monsters by Chris Jerico Moraña



by Chris Jerico Moraña


with me. Ever since then, we’ve been inseparable at home. But last night, it died in its sleep.” I laughed awkwardly as I answered, “Ten years is a pretty long time in dog years, isn’t it?” She then replied, “I was actually thinking of killing it. It got so weak that it couldn’t even walk anymore. I kept telling myself I should put it down and ease its pain, but I couldn’t kill it. I know it’s better for it to die peacefully, but I didn’t want to. Maybe I didn’t love it enough?” I didn’t know what to say, so I just kept silent. “But anyway,” she continued, “last night it died in its sleep, so I couldn’t bring myself to put it down. But it’s strange, in terms of love, I really did love this dog, but even though I could help it die without pain, I just couldn’t do it”. “How is it strange? Normally, people don’t go around killing the things they love,” I replied. But my question became lost in my own thoughts, and I didn’t notice


her instant frown. She then said, “I guess I’m a lot more decent than I thought. That’s a little disappointing.” “Sorry,” was all I could say. “It’s alright,” she replied before she buried the dog near the cliff. She then lowered her head to a flower. She then said, “It’s called Aster. It symbolizes love and gained wisdom.” She continued to reach for the flower, but turned back; she was, as it turned out, unable to reach it. “Help me,” she said. I bent down and reached for the flower. As I reached for the flower, she continued saying, “Do you still remember what I said back then? The “What’s your limit?” thing. I finally understand it now. I thought that killing loved ones would be the hardest. It was only an assumption. To truly love someone, you would be able to do anything to express it to them”. As I look back at her, I suddenly felt weightless. She looked at me with a loving expression as she mouths, “Even though I failed at a dog, maybe you are my limit”. I could only laugh to myself as she pushed me off the edge. At the very least, I learned that her feelings for me were real all along.


Above All Kings

by Chris Jerico Moraña



Pixels by John Francis Babiera


Tanging Gunita ng Perlas ni Jeson Madronero Jr.

Kagandahan ko’y nakakaakit Diyosa ang pangalang nakapagkit Kutis na kayumanggi’t makinis Ugali na iyong ninanais. Nang namutawi sa mga mata Interes na pawang kandidata Dumagsa ang gustong makatikim Maranasan man lang, aking lilim. Espanyol, mga Amerikano, Hapong singkit, walang sinisino Sila ang lahat na nakinabang Sa kapangyarihang aking bilang. Pamamalakad at relihiyon Pati pagbigay ng edukasyon Aking pananamit at pagbigkas Patuloy na pagbabago’t lakas. Kultura nila na aking dala Binibigyang pagpapahalaga Sa Silangan ako’y isang perlas Nangangalang, bansang Pilipinas.


Lamentations by Val Arvin Bucais

Happy indeed is the world we all live in But why do I always feel sadness deep within Completely together are the people around me But why is it loneliness and separation I see Blessed we are by the Heaven’s above But why can’t I feel that I am loved Sufficiently full is this life that we are living But until now I felt that my heart is emptying Oh life, oh great life, what is wrong with me? Why is it only the opposite I always see Is my life fated to suffer this unbearable pain? When will this goodness in time I be able to gain? Mercy, mercy be on to me, Heavens divine I beseech that for just one chance that I be fine For many years I’ve lived my life in misery Grant upon me the grace that from these I be set free


Chapter IV- Death


The Last Horseman by Arron John Mortega LX

Ebb byand Flow Red Matimo

Minutes ago I thought I was in a dream of being on a bus liner falling off a cliff. There were shattered glasses everywhere, blood dripping from the metal wreckage of the bus. My last sight was blurry, and all I could feel was nothing but the cold and rumbling earth, ready to devour me. I could not feel my body anymore. Sounds of havoc around me began muffling and my lungs started chasing their last air. I found myself on a bamboo raft floating in a very still yet murky river which surface was covered with thin and soft sheets of mist. With me was an old, emaciated-looking man; he had long white hair covering his bluish and pale skin. However, he never seemed enfeebled as he paddled heavily down the eerie river with his long bamboo post. “Where am I?” I asked him. He was just looking aloof. “You’ll know when we get to the middle of the river.” “Is this river dead?” I asked once more. He slightly turned his head back at me, and I could tell that he smirked. “Everything here is dead, Victor,” I was shocked to find out that he knew my name. “How did you...” “A Father of three: John, Alex, and Martha. 84-years old, once an artist, a devoted husband, reformist, and died in a bus accident, June 13, 2011.” As he said that, my thoughts began approaching a chaotic state, same as this river got some strong currents. I could not believe it. I was already dead for three days and I haven’t even had one last look at my loved ones before I was sent straight to this man. LXI

“I was dead...” I dropped a stare. “Everything here is dead.” “And what makes you?” I asked him. “A ferryman of the dead,” he answered. “I accompany souls like you to the afterlife.” I didn’t know where I was. Afterlife or everything in between was told differently to us when we were still alive. Many cultures do so. I was thinking of more void and oblivion after death or golden gates with men welcoming me in their white robes. At least, I was expecting a tormenting silence of agonized souls and a fiery pit where sounds of toil and horror fill the spaces. As we kept moving on the water, the current became even stronger, and cold gusts of wind began blowing in, clearing up the mist on the surface of the river. “Victor,” the ferryman said. “Look down the water.” I slowly took sight of the murky river. Lights started to float underneath like flares underwater. There were even human-like figures down below. I was catching my breath when the ferryman once again spoke. “Welcome to the middle of this river. What you see down below was the life you’ve lived on Earth. Here you get to reflect and ponder on the things you’ve done before and those which you haven’t,” he said. “At the end of this river is a dock. By there, you will be torn into two choices: Go ashore to proceed in the afterlife, or stay with me to the mouth of the river if you still want to go back and be reincarnated.” I could’ve died twice of the idea that I still had the choice to go back on earth, but just in a different body; in a different life. Yet I looked down the water. I saw familiar moments of my life. It was like an ultimate VTR of my life’s runthroughs. I saw how tough life was for an ordinary man like me. I saw my father’s burial when I was 15. Those times were unbearable to me. Seeing my mom being hopeless and nearly dying of depression was an early death to me. I also saw how I was heartbroken by many lovers in my life which triggered me to start smoking, to get drunk every night, and even to try


Beast and the Harlot by Jesson Belleza


drugs. I saw how I began losing my dreams when I was 22. I lost my Bachelor’s degree, went to jail for being reckless, and was later sent to rehab. I saw how I got married when I was 31 years old, and got divorced 2 years after. I saw how painstaking it was to raise two boys on my own without any support from a mother. I could still feel the emotions of an afflicted father, being separated from his only daughter. I saw how I struggled to be an artist, when no one hired me, and when I junked my artworks. Underneath, there were images of me on bulletproofs. That was when I started to become a reformist and a leftist to an authoritarian rule. I saw how I lost my left limb due to diabetes and how my eldest son despised me when he got married. I also saw myself growing old in a home for elderly people. I saw how my passion and youthfulness died slowly ahead of me. And that was tormenting. My last glance at the water was when I saw myself crying on that very bus where I died. That time I was going to visit my second son who lost his sanity for almost three years already. “It might be too early but I have come to a decision,” I said to the old man. He stopped paddling. “And what is that?” “You drop me off the riverbank and I’ll proceed to the afterlife,” I said. “Earth is actually the true pit of agony disguised as home.” “Well, that depends on which side of the raft you are looking at.” I was speechless. I realized that I was just looking on the left side of the raft the entire time. I transferred to the other side and stared at the lights. Memories floated and I saw my Mom smiling. She was happy because, despite my father’s death, I remained strong for her. I felt the youthful feeling once more of falling in love—the risks I took for that once-in-a-lifetime moment no matter how uncertain it became. I saw myself emerge into the beauty of arts, poetry, music, and the like. I got to see the world, traveled to Amsterdam, and tried something new. I never realized that aside from drugs and alcohol, I was first addicted to my passion for making films and fine arts. Life was that vibrant. Especially when I saw that moment when I met that widowed woman on the home for the aged and fell in love with her even when we’re already in our 80’s. She made me feel that everything seemed to make sense already. I remember how many times we had stumbled down our feet as I danced and sang to her as if I was Paul Anka and she was Carol. I remember when she said that if


she would die, she would go back on Earth once more, and would find me. I even told her that in that new life, we would meet each other as young as we could, and we’d choose each other every day. She was the most beautiful thing that had happened to my entire life. And I must say, she would still be, even until my next life. “Victor,” the ferryman suddenly spoke as I felt that the raft had hit something, causing it to stop. “We’re here. It’s time for you to choose your next fate.” I began thinking of my what-ifs. Should I settle for the afterlife now and have my eternal rest? Or should I give life another shot and experience what it felt like to be alive again? “Victor?” the ferryman once again called my attention. “To die or to try once more?” There was silence between us. And then I asked, “How about you? Have you tried anything?”


by Lance Maravilla LXV

Bulaklak at Paro-paro ni Daniel Justine Belonio

Sa ilalim ng araw siya palaging sumasayaw, sa dilaw niyang barot’saya parang bulaklak na may ngiti at ganda ng isang diyosa, hindi ko naman nakita na nagpahinga o napapagod habang siya ay sumasayaw at ang mga paro-paro lumalapit at salubungin siya, yayain sumayaw pa ng marami kasama sila sa lugar na sinasayawan niya. Ako ay isang manonood lamang sa malayo na nagkataon nakasilip sa babaeng napakaganda, ngunit hindi ko makita ang kanyang buong mukha pero yung ngiti niya ay nakakahina sa mga paa, gabi-gabi ko siya makikita sa aking paniginip na kasama siya sa sayaw at buhay. Nagtrabaho ako, nagsikap, at humanap ng paraan para makakita ng sagana, para makapag ipon, upang mapuntahan ko ang babae na sumasayaw. Kahit mahirap ang aking sitwasyon araw-araw dahil sa madaming trabaho na kinuha ko, sigurado akong sulit ito dahil ito ay para sa pagmamahal ko sa kanya. Nandoon parin siya sa mataas na bundok sumasayaw kasama ang mga paro-paro sa ilalim ng araw. “maghintay ka, mahal ko, pupunta ako sa iyo” sinabi ko habang nakikita siya sa malayo. Nakapag ipon ako ng husto, pwede na akong magsimula sa paglalakbay papunta sa tabi niya. Sumakay ako ng bus, tricycle, at lumakad sa matatalim na bato, madulas na daan, sirang-sira na tulay, at nakasalubong ng hinagpis ng hangin at mga kagat ng insekto upang makapunta lang sa babaeng aking mamahalin. Sa pagdating ko sa itaas, wala siya, kundi ako ay sa silid ng kwarto ng hospital, kasama ang mga umiiyak ko pamilya, “ano ang iniyak ng pamilya ko?” sabi ko, hindi sila tumingin o sumagot sa tanong ko, pero nakita ko yung katawan ko sa kama. LXVI

Patay na pala ako, iniwan ng kaluluwa ko ang aking katawan at ang babaeng sa dilaw at paro-paro ay si kamatayan na nagsasabi oras kona at huwag kang malungkot kase susunduin kita.


by Chris Jerico Moraña LXVII

Winter’s Spring & Summer’s Fall by Eric Jan Titular

They were soulmates but the universe said no Romance of a lifetime by Juliet and Romeo They were two hearts formed into one Divine life of contraries, who’s to blame? Man! To those who think it was a comedy To those who feel it was a tragedy Their life showed love and death journey Tried to change things, just to be called worthy Immortal war of mortal things Game of thrones from pawns to kings That is labor, and life, and good, and kill Violent symphonies—that meet and kill Contemporary things ending chivalry Background of bright and dark killing coquetry A single’s worst, most damning curse Losing its rainbow rhyme-that made once upon a time.


Your Short Life

by Daniel Justine Belonio

Your lifespan is significantly dwarfed by mine, Your little paws cannot fathom what truly the world is, As you’ve only known what is within the vicinity of your nose, And there is no problem with that, as I will love you till the end. I witnessed you grow from a silly pup to a mighty canine, That can protect me with no deficiencies and love me with no exception, As I always see you wait for me to return home, Greeting me with wags of your tail and jumps of excitement.

Melting Point

by Chris Jerico Moraña

The days you brought to me cannot be described easily, May it be by words or colors, But the day you finally rested, made me lose a fragment of my heart, That you will always carry to the afterlife and I will always cherish as sign that you were here. LXIX


by Daniel Justine Belonio

Being a daughter of this loving family is a blessing, as I am loved ever since the moment I was born, as it is a delight to be protected by my parents, siblings, and relatives, these protective actions make me feel warm inside, as I know I am truly loved. I am a dreamer, I know the things that I want to have, such as planning my own dream house, picking a dream car, future pets, a family, and children. These dreams are valuable to me as these will be the roots of my motivation and I believe that I will be the happiest person when I finally achieve these dreams of mine. As I go along my life, I experience various things, especially in education, I have met friends that help me during tough times and are not afraid to lend a helping hand, they have never abandoned me, even though I am full of flaws, they accept me as who I am and will always stand beside me. I also made some enemies in my life during education, they may hate my guts, but we never dared to harm each other in reputation, physically and emotionally, we just don’t get along and can’t stand each other’s company for any amount of time. Besides the people I met during my education, I also picked up some humble pastimes, such as playing video games, which got me addicted. I usually stay up all night playing games with my friends and online friends as we communicate on Discord, calling in shots and angles to win team fights or just goof off in Among Us, videogames gave me more connection to other people. I also love watching anime, especially the shounen, isekai, and comedy genre, only the good titles like Tensura, Naruto, Asobi Asobase, Overlord, Code Geass, and more. These anime titles are not just full of senseless fighting, fan service or have no relevance to the feelings of the youth, as they have very skilled and passionate writers


Free Flow

by Chris Jerico Moraña


Face of Innocence

by Chris Jerico Moraña LXXII

within them it makes me dedicated and invested in the stories, that they share with their audience. I also watch movies, such as Marvel movies and series, as they bring a twist to their comic book counterparts, making them more interesting and grounded. Lastly, is my hobby dancing, I never felt so light on my feet whenever I move to the beat of the music during freestyle, I also entered the world of competitive dancing, it’s a whole new feeling, as everyone is very open-minded they do not mind whatever you are, as long as you vibe and not be judgemental, as everyone respects each other crafts and dedication. These experiences I have are so much fun, as they describe me as a person and I created such wonderful memories that I will treasure the rest of my life and connections to amazing personalities that are just one call away whenever I need help. When I finally graduated, it is the time I finally pursue my dreams. I worked hard, facing challenges along the way, but these are nothing for the cost of my dreams, as I continue to work, I can learn from my seniors, and the adversities that plague me are no longer a threat. I am very thankful for what they have thought me and I will continue to use the lessons and pass them on the next generations. Love, this is the complicated feeling I have ever faced, that it becomes comedic and novel-like. As I have met the king of my life, in a coffee shop and we ordered the same drinks, then wrote his number to a tissue paper. I saved it and called him. We had our first date at a planetarium, witnessing the stars with our eyes, walking under the constellations, and I experienced the roughness of his hands, his bulging nerves,


and deep drowning sapphire eyes. We continued to stroll, enjoy a nice dinner, and bid farewell like Romeo and Juliet even though it is just for the night. I saw the stars dancing that evening when I got home as I knew I found the one. Years pass by, I enjoyed his company and we achieved our dreams together, created a loving family that supports each other, even if the moon falls. Then I finally, I have done it, I achieved everything I could ever wish for. Well, at least that is what is supposed to be… For I am not able to see that life, What a wonderful life it could’ve been, the experiences, memories, taste, and more, it was within my grasp. It was what life intended for me to achieve, I just saw it. Yet, life can be unpredictable and unforgiving… It was just my innocence playing me… A figment of my imagination… For I was miscarried…


Aborto Espontaneo

by Chris Jerico Moraña



by Jesie Fernandez

It was said that every man must face death to achieve the reward of their living depending on how well they had done their works on Earth. Death that will either bring him eternal rest or endless suffering. While this might be true, it was also believed that nothing comes next, for whosoever dies dies, and whosoever endures up to the end shall witness the rise of a new kingdom that lies beneath the ground. A loud creaking door woke me up from the terrors of night. It was my friend, Azrael. He had a bag of fruits and a bouquet of vibrant flowers in his hands as he greeted me with his brightest

Life and Death

by Chris Jerico Moraña LXXVI

smile. That seemed a little bit creepy and naughty but comforting at the same time. I grinned back of the thought that maybe it was time for our old fiendish play again. Like a shot, he walked toward me and immediately brushed my lips with his, giving me the taste of longingness and agony in his every motion. Heavily panting, the moonlight gleamed on my face while I was feeling his warmth and soul behind me, my haven. But he panicked as I unfalteringly took away several tubes that restrained my freedom for almost a year. I got out of bed and took his hand to escape before he could even inveigh. I could feel that the end is nearing, that I would choose my last breath spent on him. “This moon was the witness of how we lusted each other,” I mumbled under my breath as I leaned my head on his shoulder on top of the hill, feeling the cold breeze. After a long uncomfortable silence, I felt an intense heat. I suddenly opened my eyes and stood up to see what was happening. Azrael was no longer there. I looked around but all I could see was the bright light that seemed to flow from me. I screamed so hard as I realized that I was set ablaze. But before I fainted, I did hardly see a horse with a chariot of fire running to my direction. When I was roused by the deafening screams and mewls, I found myself lying on a place I have never seen before. The darkness and fire seemed to come to blows for dominance in an expansive emptiness. I could feel the unquenchable torments and the gritting of teeth of the guilty. There I asked myself, “How the hell was I able to remain unscathed?” I lost my sense of discernment. Every single thing that happened just defied every rule that was prophesied. But since every man needs to die, I had to carry my part out. I was sent back to where I was from to bend the already crooked. As I gazed to check out the scene, I was kind of taken aback with how it changed with just a short period of time, or so I thought it was. The beginning of sorrows ceased and the great one commenced. Hardship, pain, war, extreme hunger, and disaster, every creature should perish. Death comes to those who walk in light, and if this is how I shall be punished, everyone needs to get burned with me. “I am Azar, the last preacher!” I roared as I began the revelation. LXXVII

Warm then Cold by Daniel Justine Belonio

I never imagined to myself to have such a fine woman like you, Flawless skin, puffy cheeks, shining eyes, soft lips, and warm to the touch, We always enjoyed the time we spent together, full of laughs and memories, Until the day, you no longer chose me anymore and decided to move away. It hurt so much that it is hard to bear every single day, after all my entire world is you, Tears often fall down, followed by pain, screams, and irritating itches around my body, After such episode I proceed to look at myself in the mirror, I hate it, I look pathetic, I punched it so I can feel more pain, because I believe I deserve it the moment she left. For months I was caged in my small apartment room and took a chance to walk, I thought this will take my mind off thinking about her, but I was wrong, There she is in her radiant glory, wrapping her arms around another man, she saw me, They are heading this way, I feel so ashamed of how I look, I just ran away.


In an alley, my mind is breaking, “you are mine, you are mine, you are mine”, I said over and over again, until I snapped, I feel dull and uncomfortable of my situation, I returned home to retrieve a knife and stalked them throughout the night, When the guy left her, I swiftly approached to her, she is beautiful as always. “Oh hi” she said to me in a weird tone, I said “hey”, “so what’s up?” she asked, “If I can’t have you no one shall” I said slowly while drawing the knife, Her eyes, is immediately filled with terror, as I covered her mouth and stabbed her, “Now your cold to touch and no man shall want you, wait for me” and killed myself.

Howls of a Cold Night by Arron John Mortega


Devil’s Halo

Pixels by John Francis Babiera


Morning Star by Eric Jan Titular

How are you cut down to the ground? You, who laid the nations low How are you fallen from heaven? O’ day star, sun of dawn You—who raised the throne From the stars of God You—who plans to make himself The most high of all creatures Devil, who plans to sit On the peak of the mount assembly At the heights of Zaphon The lightbringer who will ascend To the paramount of all beings The devil himself—lustful for all Longing for human touch Vulnerable to those creatures whom— He fell in love.


Devil’s Rose by Eric Jan Titular

In the devil’s garden where the real red rose grow Grows a particular red rose with a vibrant red glow The devil walks near and attempts to pick this red rose The thorns pricked into his fingers—now it’s his blood that flows Smiling in defeat, such a feeling so sweet The devil adores this rose such a dare to treat With every attempt to pick the stalk His fingers were met with a violent flowery walk The devil decides to cherish this rose Blood is bestowed at the based and trickled on top Magnificent petals absorbs on the spot while— Thirsty roots consume every single drop The more blood it is fed, the brighter it grows red Though no matter how much attention The rose still longs for more affection And will strike the devil with sheer rejection


The devil has one last thought He’ll spill his own blood, everything he’s all got The devil stands overtop and grips his knife tight He cuts into his wrists and begins to take his own life The devil’s blood rains down soaking into the flower Giving to it his all- with his ludicrous magnificent power As the devil falls down and breathes his last breath He mumbles out loud “I love you to death” As seconds go by, the devil’s body slowly decays With the vibrant red glow of the lovely rose that fades away The petals soon wilt and the rose dies alongside From then on, the garden of the devil— was eternally glorified.

Flor Del Diablo

by Arron John Mortega LXXXIII


by Daniel Justine Belonio

“They called me mad, but this is for progress, for the future of humanity, why would they declare my years of work and research as pseudo-science? Blah! Ignorant fools of the council! I will show them what we are truly capable of! I will be the messiah of our time in this world, I will show them, and prove them wrong!” Dr. Bête Noire said to himself in his laboratory. It is the Victorian era, where industry and scientific revolution is at an all-time high, everyone is rushing to make progress to create something new. To be recognized and honored by the council and the queen, to obtain prestige and popularity. Despite all these wondrous advancements, there is one thing it cannot improve, the true nature of an individual hiding in a guise to protect and pursue own interests. Dr. Bête Noire is one of those individuals, a believer and practitioner of human evolution and capabilities, he is popularly known as The Mad Doctor. Tall and muscular in physique, you will not easily identify him as a scientist, as he frequently used steroids and alterations to himself. As he tinkered in his laboratory, he scours the place for the dead crows he had killed earlier this morning, he wants to create a human with wings, an Avian, he calls it, so he chopped off all the wings of the crows, sewn it, connected the veins, and attached bones to connect it to the spine of his patient. “It is not enough, I’ll kill some more” he intoned. “By dusk, I will begin my search” he muttered, as he exited his laboratory, he watched if anyone is following him, “good, no one” he said. He dressed himself using a black trench coat, with a grey fedora, black slacks, gloves, combat shoes, and carrying a sack with a blunt weapon, as he walked the downtown, towards the back alley, and is looking for patients he may describe them, “there is one” he LXXXIV

A Substitutionary Rebellion by Kyle Christopher Isip


Fall of Icarus

by Ceejay Mykel Camprecio LXXXVI

said excitedly, it is a teenage boy, thin and vulnerable, he slowly approached him and said “hey”, the boy ignored him, he pulled out the weapon and immediately hit the boy in his head, causing to fall to the floor, concussed, he put him in his sack, and carried him like a bag of rice on his shoulder, towards his lab. “Well, what do we have here” he excitedly said followed by maniacal laughter, as he put the sack in his operating table, pulled out the teenager, and turned him to his back. “Hmmm, we shall open your back to input your wings and you will be able to fly in no time” he said, as the boy began to wake up, he quickly injected a serum on his neck, sedating him. “Now you will feel no pain, relax you will be perfect!” he implied and got jumpy from the adrenaline rushing within. “Scalpel, here we go” he said, while the scalpel is running down from on his cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine, exposing his whole back. He used hooks to further open his back “We shall attach the wings on top of your thoracic spine and near the shoulder blades” he scraped and broke parts, to make space for the attachment, the patient unconscious took a deep breath, “Let us attach your wings, avian” he said. For hours this process went on to finish curing his patient, after that he isolated him in a glass chamber, cuffing his hands above him, preventing him to do something reckless. The teen is slowly waking up, he is LXXXVII

thrashing about not understanding the situation he’s in and began squealing like an animal, “Hey, hey, what is the commotion down here? Are you mute? Can’t you speak?” the teen slowly nodded “Fuck! Well it’s fine I guess, you have wings now try flapping them” the teen looked behind him terrified, he was flailing about and his wings move as well reacting to what the body does. The doctor is stunned by his creation but this is short-lived, as the teen using the wings broke free, shattered the glass, and used it to pierce his throat, therefore killing himself, the doctor’s eyes are in despair, “Why would you do that? You were perfect!” he shouted, as he continued to stomp on the dead body venting on how many hours he worked to cure him of the human sickness. After the unprecedented tragedy, he moved on to another project. “This time I will make sure they will not be able to do self-harm” he exclaimed. “I will create a terrabithian, a tree and human union” he implied. He searched the city for a person suffering from epidermodysplasia verruciformis or tree-man disease, he found one, on the streets begging for scraps, a young girl, and naïve, he approached her, “young one if you come with me you shall be the best” the kid desperate followed him. He fed her, bathed her, and cared for her like his own daughter this went on for years, until he brought her to his laboratory, “what is this place father?” she asked, “this is where you will be the best” he whispered, as he put her to sleep, he hacked of her hands and legs replacing them with tree roots, tears falling from his eyes as he said “dear daughter, forgive me, I


Mask of the Dead

cannot bear longer, I have to do this to cure you”, he planted seeds on her stomach and ears, and buried her to the ground, only exposing her head. For days, of no interaction from her head, but the roots continue to expand rapidly, to the point the doctor is unable to control the growth. His laboratory is overrun by roots, when the council is informed of this matter they asked for an investigation, as the council marched with the police, and knocked on his door, no one responded, “open it up” the councilman said to the police, as they broke open the door, they are greeted by meat hooks, lifesized test tubes, roots swirling around, and a girl’s head poking out the ground as flowers grow out from her ears, and the doctor suddenly appeared. “Council I did not expect you to be here” he said, “What is this doctor?” the councilman terrified asked, “This is evolution, breaking free from the human disease” he replied, this irritated the council as they descend to an argument, the girl is slowly waking up, amidst the heating argument, when one council member decided to shoot him, the girl saw this act and screamed. As she screamed the roots suddenly started pulsing, moving, and growing at an extraordinary rate, as they kill and consume the council and police, she looked at her foster father dead, then she decided to consume the whole world, as no one loved her only him. The roots continue to devour all life as it continues to spread all around the world, with her at the center of it, and making the planet her own body.

by Chris Jerico Moraña LXXXIX

theDolphin Editorial Staff

Mdpn. Anthony Ken Bucasas Editor-in-Chief Mdpn. John Rovic Lopez Associate Editor Mdpn. Julius Caesar Alfaras Managing Editor Mdpn. Jan Christian Catilo News Editor Mdpn. John Euclid Parreno Feature Editor Mdpn. Daniel Justine Belonio Literary Editor Mdpn. John Francis Babiera Filipino Editor Mdpn. Mark Joseph D. Alovera Senior Photojournalist Mdpn. Aaron John Mortega Cartoonist Mdpn. Francis Baldemor Mdpn. Nicanor Cinco III Layout Artists Mr. Norman F. Daliva Publication Adviser Capt. Alfred G. Espinosa, Ph.D. Administrator/DQMR

Acknowledgement 3/O Keft Sobredo Mdpn. Vladimir Bryant Yap Mdpn. Chris Jerico Moraña Mdpn. Eric Jan Titular Mdpn. Ebenezer C. Danila Mdpn. Gabriel Geriosa Mdpn. Jeson Madromero Jr. Mdpn. Val Arvin Bucais Mdpn. Jesie Fernandez Mdpn. Jesson Belleza Mdpn. Kenneth Tejada Mdpn. Jose Angelo Esquera Mdpn. Lance Maravilla Mdpn. Kyle Christopher Isip Mdpn. Ceejay Mykel Camprecio Warden of the North Red Matimo Sabcusa Ene

Editorial Policy The Dolphin is published once or twice every semester by the Publication Office of John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University (Arevalo), Inc., Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City. Publications are carried online at http://www. ph. Articles contained herein are personal views of the writers and do not necessarily reflect official thought or endorsement. These are published to stimulate ideas and provide an open forum for discussion. The Dolphin accepts original articles from students, faculty, staff and department heads. We also solicit comments regarding our issues. All contributions must be submitted to the Publication Office, legibly written, with generous space and margin. You may also e-mail them to All articles contained herein are considered property of the Publication Office. No part of this magazine may be reproduced or published without prior permission from The Dolphin or the school administration.

Disclaimer The copyrights of the artworks and photographs used in this folio are still those of the creators. The Dolphin greatly acknowledge the creations of the artists who contributed and collaborated for the success of the literary folio.

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