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Ethical practice is well known, taught and discussed in the domains of medicine, law, science and sociology but was, until recently, rarely discussed in the terms of the Applied Visual Arts. Yet design is becoming an increasingly integral part of our everyday lives and its influence on our society ever-more prevalent.

By incorporating a ‘working with ethics’ section and cover stamp on all our titles, AVA Publishing aims to help a new generation of students, educators and practitioners find a methodology for structuring their thoughts and reflections in this vital area.

Featured contributors 3 Deep Design Anthony Burrill Aufuldish + Warriner Bedow Bis Cartlidge Levene Faydherbe/de Vringer Frost George & Vera Imagination Intro KesselsKramer Lavernia & Cienfuegos NB: Studio North Research Studios Sagmeister Inc. SEA Spin Studio Myerscough Thirteen Webb & Webb Why Not Associates Z3 Design Studio

AVA Academia’s Basics Design titles are designed to provide visual arts students with a theoretical and practical exploration of each of the fundamental topics within Graphic Design. Packed with examples from key contemporary practices and fully illustrated with clear diagrams and inspiring imagery, they offer an essential exploration of the subject. The second in this series, Layout looks at the arrangement of text and image on a page. This second edition is an update to the popular first edition of the same name, and features new content, including case studies, student exercises and 200 visuals specifically sourced to best illustrate the ideas discussed within the book. The Basics Design series also includes: Format, Typography, Image, Colour, Print & Finish, Grids and Design Thinking.

BASICS design 02

Gavin Ambrose Paul Harris Gavin Ambrose MA is a practising graphic designer whose client base includes the art sector, galleries, publishers and advertising agencies. He has written and designed several books on graphic design, branding and packaging.


Paul Harris PG Dip is a freelance writer, journalist and editor. Paul writes for international magazines and journals in London and New York. He is co-author and collaborator on books about packaging design and design principles.

n an arrangement of parts etc. according to a plan


AVA Publishing believes that our world needs integrity; that the ramifications of our actions upon others should be for the greatest happiness and benefit of the greatest number. We do not set ourselves out as arbiters of what is ‘good’ or ‘bad’, but aim to promote discussion in an organised fashion for an individual’s understanding of their own ethical inclination.

Featured topics imposition working with pages the golden section the grid cross-alignment hyphenation and justification dividing the book appropriation reinvention exquisite corpse scale orientation dividing the page passe partout magazines and brochures websites moving image packaging

Basics Design 02 Gavin Ambrose/Paul Harris


Publisher’s note

ISBN 13: 978-2-940411-49-8

ava publishing sa

9 782940



UK Edn

Job No:02210 Title:BD Layout (Second Edition) Page:Cover

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