Final Major Project Proposal

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Creating a women’s alternative fashion & music magazine


The aim of my final major project will be to create an alternative magazine aimed at women aged 18 - 25 who are into the rock/metal music scene and lifestyle. Combining my personal interest in the rock lifestyle with my passion for magazine design will be the solid driving force behind this project. The content will be sufficiently interesting to me so it will keep me engaged throughout, also I will be continuously learning first hand about the different aspects that go into producing a successful magazine. Ultimately this project will give me the opportunity to utilize and improve upon the design knowledge and experiences I have gained so far.

Skills such as editorial design, feature/image research and communication will be improved upon greatly. In order for this project to run smoothly, and I will need to be able to research properly in order to find interesting things to write articles about, as well as be able to communicate with people I may want to feature. It will require me to really delve into the field of magazine design, taking inspiration from what is already on the market and developing a brand that can be seen as instantly recognizable to my target audience.


Current alternative magazines that are aimed a background role in the initial attraction stage. at women tend to be quite underground and The covers of these magazines are very busy and niche, mostly available for purchase online or in overcrowded, highlighting a large number of the alternative stores, and are concerned with sub features inside and what readers can expect to cultures such as Goth, Cyberpunk, Fetish etc. find if they pick it up. Each magazine within this Features will include model photo shoots, clothing, spectrum has a very distinctive style that sets makeup/hair tips and tutorials, and articles about them apart from their competitors, making each events on the alternative calendar. Colours used one successful in their own right. for the pages reflect the style of the market, with red, black, white and purple being popular choices. The magazine I wish to create will explicitly be The problem with these magazines is that unless viewed as a women’s alternative magazine due to you’re directly within the culture and know where the colour scheme and features. to look, you won’t know about their existence. A mixture of articles that are common to women’s As they appeal to such a niche market, there lifestyle magazines and/or music magazines isn’t really much room for expanding on what is will be included. These will range from news featured. articles, tour diaries, reviews, problem pages, and profiles on creative women within the alternative In the commercial spectrum, the majority of rock scene. The design style will take inspiration music/lifestyle magazines currently available from women’s magazines and music magazines, are geared towards a more unisex audience. combining the best elements of both into one. With these, readers are firstly attracted to who/ what is featured, with the design style playing


At present I am doing a design internship at the alternative music magazine Rock Sound. This is providing me with the experience of seeing how a magazine is produced in a commercial setting on a monthly basis, as well as emphasizing just how important it is to do your research when you want to write a particular subject or person. Working alongside the Art Editor, who has years of experience within the industry, means that I’m learning a lot of tips and tricks that I can transfer into my workflow when creating my magazine. These tips will help the design of my magazine run more smoothly and efficiently than it did with the first issue. Some of the tips I’ve learned so far are mainly based around how to retouch photographs in a certain way and how keyboard shortcuts are an essential way to create layout quicker and give common features a look that is apparent over a consecutive number of issues. Examples of some of the pages I’ve worked on are the competition pages, reviews, live pages and gig guide.

WELCOME! Welcome to the launch issue of Rebelicious Magazine! Rebelicious knows that not all young women are the same. There are those who like their music on the heavier side, are into boys in bands and will wear a skull print shirt because they like it, not because they saw it on a Topshop mannequin! These girls dye their hair, watch horror movies and aren’t afraid to dive into the mosh pit. We know, because we are those girls! We promise to bring you the best in new alternative music, fashion that’s not right off of the high street, and interviews with some of the most kickass females we have ever met! We celebrate your individuality and encourage free spirits. We love your style, your tattoos and your record collections. And just because we live life on the dark side, doesn’t mean we can’t still be a little bit girly...we like to call it being Rebelicious! This issue, we make sure that you would survive a zombie apocalypse - aren’t we sweet? Turn to page 18 for a Q.+A with Dr. Dale, a leader of the School of Survival. We meet Teta Stone, Fuel girl, tomboy and all round awesome lady. We want her life! And we also investigate the perils of crowd surfing. Thrilling or the most annoying shit in the world? So crack open a beer, blast out something brutal and enjoy the greatest magazine you will ever read. Trust us!




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One thing we wanted to make sure of design wise was that the style reflected our target readership directly, and also highlighted the meaning behind the name Rebelicious (being a little bit girly but still loving the alternative, grungy style). This was achieved by using particular typefaces and working with certain colours (Pink was the obvious choice, as it is the first colour associated with women).



Rebelicious 3


DISTRESS LOOKING FOR SOMETHING SIMPLE BUT WITH THAT ALL IMPORTANT ROCK ‘N’ ROLL TWIST? Then be sure to toodle on over to Rock ‘n’ Needle - an online store specializing in basics that have been lovingly embroidered with tattoo inspired designs. We got in touch founder with Kelly Goss, for a gossip about the line, Motley Crüe and green tea…


ock ‘n’ Needle began in 2008 after Kelly completed studies at The London Fashion Retail Academy. “I saw a gap in the market for this type of clothing in the UK. Embroidery is often associated with logos or as a traditional craft and I thought it would be cool to use it for rock ‘n’ roll and tattoo imagery.” And design has long been an interest of hers. “I wanted to create my own clothes since around the age of 14.”


52 Your Demise

8 Dress to Distress

The boys tell us about the albums that changed their life

10 Drop Dead

54 Reviews

The new Flagship store opens

She mainly draws inspiration from musicians, with a nod toward artists and tattooists. “I have used a tattoo theme as it works well with embroidery and the images represent what the brand is all about.” But despite tattoo culture being a strong basis for her designs, surprisingly Kelly’s skin remains unmarked. “I am quite indecisive when it comes to my own image and I have yet to find a design I feel I would be happy with for the rest of my life.” But if she were to decide to get some ink, her own designs would be the influence. “I would most likely have it on my foot or wrist. I would want to show it off as much as possible if I were to go through the pain of having one!”

56 Volume

13 The Great Frog Jewellery Store

Five unsigned bands who are ones to watch

We want, we want!

14 Show & Tell Meet tattooist Esme Loasby

18 When Beauty Eats Brains

17 20 Things You Didn’t Know About

How to survive a zombie apocalypse with Dr. Dale

Travis Barker

22 Slaves To Gravity Tour Diary On the road with Tommy Gleeson

24 Field of Screams Melissa Cross metal vocal coach, on perfecting your roar

30 Who are you Fuellin’? We meet Fuel Girl, Teta Stone

35 Special Report Crowd Surfing

39 Terrified of What’s Inside 45 Misstallica 50 Bastard Boys! Our Agony Uncle solves your problems

58 Ghouls Night Out

Review of London club night Anthem

60 How to bake skull cupcakes 61 This month’s cocktails 62 Pardon Me?

Rebelicious 5

Photos by: Marta F. Andres Words by: Amy Phillips

The layout choices were mainly inspired by looking at how other magazines laid out similar content, however the amount of images and text we had for each article was crucial to how it was eventually laid out. As we had a set number of pages from the get go, we needed to make sure that each page was filled in a way that would keep the magazine looking lively and would keep readers engaged.


Cover Photo by: Amy Phillips

During the summer of last year, I was asked by a student at London College of Fashion to help her design and publish a new women’s magazine, taking influence from popular alternative magazines like Kerrang and Front. We called it Rebelicious, and it had a very rock/metal music orientated vibe whilst mixed in with girly elements. I was responsible for the design of the magazine, and also helped with researching for possible articles as well as some of the photography.

So seeing as tattooing is a big part of the Rock ‘n’ Needle brand, it’s no surprise that Kat Von D is one of Kelly’s dream clients. “I think she would look awesome in the T. shirt dresses, particularly the cross and roses design. Imagine switching on LA Ink and seeing Kat wearing Rock ‘n’ Needle - that would be a dream come true!” She describes her own style as ‘rocker chick’ and is a dedicated member of the leather jacket brigade. “I’ve had it since I was 13 and it has been to every single gig you can imagine! Megadeth, Guns ‘n’ Roses, Whitesnake, Alice Cooper to name a few” But her favourite band? “That has to be Motley Crüe. To me they are the epitome of what a rock band should be. The clothes, the look, the lyrics, the sound, they’re just wicked. I saw them once and it was a really fun gig. I especially loved the fire blowing midgets!” We can imagine.

8 Rebelicious

WARNING: This article might just save your life! IN THE PAST FEW YEARS, we've witnessed tsunamis, earthquakes, flooding, and even volcanic dust clouds that can leave thousands stranded overseas. So it's only a matter of time before natural disasters kick it up a gear and the dead crawl from their graves to feast on our brains...right?

SCIENTIFICALLY, WHAT IS THE REASONING FOR A POSSIBLE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE? There are many reasons that a zombie apocalypse could occur – it could be a virus that has mutated, an accident in a genetics lab, alien space dust or some other supernatural occurrence. Here at the School of Survival, though, one of the first things we teach is that we should never worry about the cause. Unless you are a microbiologist, a genetic scientist, an expert in alien space dust or a master of voodoo there isn’t really much you can do about it. Your primary concern is to deal with the problem at hand – which is hordes of angry undead! And being aware of the cause isn’t going to help you run any faster or destroy any more brains. WHY SHOULD WE PREPARE FOR ZOMBIES? WHY NOT, VAMPIRES, OR WEREWOLVES? You should be prepared for any eventuality. Currently the School of Survivals main concern is in dealing with zombie survival – but that doesn’t mean to say that you shouldn’t keep an eye out for other possible threats to humanity like vampires, werewolves, giant spiders or pixies.

WHAT MADE YOU WANT TO SET UP SEMINARS? WHY NOT LET EVERYONE DIE SO YOU COULD EVENTUALLY RULE THE EARTH? That I should eventually rule the earth is actually pretty much a certainty once the apocalypse begins. But what is the point of being supreme ruler if everyone is dead? There would need to be some survivors in order for it to be worthwhile. But we do try and ensure that only the intelligent and good looking attend the seminars in order to fill the world with beautiful people once the apocalypse is over and we start to repopulate the earth.

EVERYONE AT LIPSTICK WILL BE ATTENDING THEN! SO WHAT DO YOUR SEMINARS HAVE TO OFFER? The seminars have something for everyone to learn. We deal with all kinds of issues from basic zombie recognition, straight through to how interpretive dance can aid you when the undead rise. But it’s not just zombies that we deal with – there’s also the sensitive issue of dealing with other survivors. We teach you how to keep your team calm when under pressure and also which one of your friends you should sacrifice in order to facilitate your own survival. WHO IS IN YOUR TEAM? Currently working with me at the school of survival is Judy O’Dea, my right hand man (who’s actually a woman if clarification is needed, as it sometimes is). She happens to be an expert in the science of zombies. There is also Donald Straite, who is committed to the survivalist aspect of the training regime and has been known to spend days at the bottom of the school’s moat with nothing but a cheese sandwich in order to stretch his abilities. Then there’s Tristen Granger. He’s with us on a Government Placement scheme…. We just think of the funding where he’s concerned!

After finding guitarists and a bassist, then learning a few covers to break the ice, Accretion began to write their own material. The first songs came with much effort, aggravation and changes in hair colour. But since then, they have knuckled down to write some epic material and work on the killer sound that they so rightly deserve. We dragged singer, Laura out of bed early one rainy morning to take her on a shopping trip down Carnaby Street to discuss personal style, gig outfits and what’s next for Accretion. “It’s so strange being here when it’s early. It’s so quiet! Normally it’s heaving.” Photos by: Dominique Marshall Words by: Amy Phillips

“We deal with all kinds of issues from basic zombie recognition, straight through to how interpretive dance can aid you when the undead rise.”


e can prepare for any natural disaster, but many may scoff at the idea of Zombie Defence. These people will be first to get eaten! However, there is one team of eccentrics determined to instruct us on the best forms of survival. After a sell out tour at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival last year, Dr. Dale and the School of Survival are hitting the road once again to keep you informed, safe and alive. We pitched some crucial questions the master of zombology to help keep you protected.

How did Misstallica begin? We started off as Queen Diamond, an all female tribute to King Diamond, and from that got some attention around Philadelphia, PA (our hometown). We were offered a gig opening for this old school Sabbath tribute but were specifically asked to play Metallica songs instead. So in a month’s time we transformed into Metallicunt. But decided to change our name to Misstallica for obvious reasons!

2. He has been playing the drums since he was four years old... 3. ...And bashed the same drum kit until he was 15

Ha-ha. Brilliant! So how long have you guys been together as a band?

4. During high school, Travis joined the jazz ensemble and played the snare line in the marching band

We’ve been in a band together for 3 years now. Misstallica has been in existence for the last 2.

5. He first made a name for himself in the ska-band ‘The Aquabats’ before leaving to join Blink-182

As a bunch of girls playing the infamous songs of such a well respected all male metal band, have you ever had to struggle for respect?

6. He has around 40-50 tattoos, worth an estimated 30 thousand dollars His first tattoo was the word BONES (a nickname when he was a kid) on his leg, which he got when he was 17 years old

We don’t really struggle for respect. But we do get a lot of skeptics that come out to see if we’re just silly girls or if we really do the music justice. I hope we’re convincing. In fact, I know we’re convincing! We have a good name for our selves in the Philly/New York City area, and in June we’re doing a few dates down south in the States. But this UK tour will be our first international venture, and we’re trying to pick up the pace with getting shows and more importantly, followers, all around the world.

8. Travis is a vegetarian 9. He is also colour blind 10. His favourite cereal is ‘Lucky Charms’

12. His favourite movie is True Romance, starring Christian Slater and Patricia Arquette 13. He has a son and a daughter by ex-wife Shanna Moakler 14. He collects Cadillacs 15. Travis created the clothing label Famous Stars and Straps 16. He also developed a trainer with DC Shoe Company called the ‘Alias Remix’ 17. He writes left-handed, but plays the drums righthanded 18. In 2008, he suffered second and third degree burns after a severe plane clash, which cost four people their lives

Blink 182 are one of the headlining bands at this years Reading and Leeds festival. Visit or for details.

Rebelicious 17

Photos by: Ashley Covington, Sunny Khalsa Words by: Amy Phillips

11. Travis’ Blink-182 nickname is ‘Fuckboy’

Creating a second issue of Rebelicious is something that will enable me to rectify the mistakes that were made during the production of the first issue, as well as give me the challenge of producing something just as successful. You can read the whole first issue of the magazine HERE.


1. Travis was born on November 14th, 1975

Illustration by: Anna Stone Words by: Amy Phillips

Laurahite hebblew

METALLICA ARE HITTING THE UK FOR A SHORT TOUR – cleverly disguised as women! Introducing Misstallica, the all female metallica tribute band. We grabbed bass player Teddi Tarnof for a quick chat in preparation for their U.K. invasion!

TO MARK THE RETURN OF BLINK-182 THIS SUMMER, we give you 20 facts you might not have known about the decorated but delicious drummer…

20. Travis appears in the ‘Shut Up’ video by Black Eyed Peas. He has a really short appearance, only 1 second. Blink and you’ll miss him...geddit?!

Laura’s dressed today in a grey colour palette, with layers upon layers of clothing. “I normally layer everything up to make it different. And black and grey are what I stick to. It’s just easy colour combinations. Some days I’ll go crazy with colours. But I’d rather stick to what’s me rather than try and copy something I’ve seen.”

26 Rebelicious


19. He appears as a playable character on the video game Tony Hawk’s Project 8

First stop, the Vans store. “I love Vans stuff. It’s girly yet tomboyish at the same time.” So is Laura a tomboy? “I used to be. I used to live in jeans and trainers. But over the past few years as I’ve grown up I’ve started wearing more dresses. I just borrowed my boyfriend’s money to buy a few pretty dresses last week,” she grins. “I say borrow, but I don’t know when he’ll get paid back!” That’s what boyfriends are for though right?

HOW DO YOU RECOGNISE A ZOMBIE? Usually the smell of rotting flesh, the glassy eyes, the shuffling shambling walk, the possibility of gaping wounds and missing limbs and the fact they are trying to eat you are always good indicators. But if in doubt then just bash their head in anyways. We have injured the occasional tramp due to this philosophy but giving them a cup of tea afterwards usually smooths the waters away from a possible lawsuit!

Rebelicious 19


After gaining a lot of positive feedback from both our target audience and others who weren’t initially in our target, we knew that we had created something very successful that achieved what we wanted.

ailing from London, Accretion was formed in early H2008, when in a moment of slight carelessness front woman Laura let band mate Tom near a drum kit.

What are you looking forward to most about being in the UK? We’re really looking forward to meeting the people, making new friends and playing amazing shows. This will really be our first proper tour but we’ve all been touring musicians for years. I would like to think that we behave ourselves but we’re some of the goofiest girls you’d ever meet and I’m sure we’ve left our mark at the places we’ve played!

Do you generally get women in the audience or a nice mix of sexes?

Do Metallica know about you guys? We’ve heard rumblings the Lars at least is aware of both of our bands, but we haven’t been formerly contacted or anything.

Drink of choice? Jack Daniels straight!

Good girl. So what do you wear on stage? Our stage attire reflects what Metallica would wear back in the day. Jeans, T-shirts and boots! Simple, nothing fancy.

And finally, where do you see Misstallica in five years time? Aside from Misstallica we all have our own original bands and projects that are our primary focuses. But Misstallica I think could have a long fruitful life. And as long as there are people out in the world who love and support what we do, we’ll keep Misstallica going.

Our audience is actually a good mix of men and women. We get the men who love Metallica and like looking at girls. And we get the women who love Metallica and/or love music and really appreciate that there are female musicians who can do it just as good as the men.

Can’t wait for the shows!

What’s your personal favorite song to cover?

See for tour dates and tickets.

Hmm.... let’s go with “Disposable Heroes”

Rebelicious 49


Some of the designs used in the first issue will be tweaked or changed completely in this issue of the magazine. One of the first differences will be the style of the magazine name. Instead of having jagged edges, it will now be more smooth to give it a more clean-cut feel. A potential problem for the logo will be the level of visibility it will have when placed on the cover image. As the cover will be something I go back to continuously during the production of the final magazine, this is something I will need to keep in mind when choosing the final cover image.

Logo from the first issue

Logo for the second issue


Font combination used in 1st issue. The ‘dress to’ part of the title was handwritten by Amy, as we couldn’t find any handwritten style fonts that we liked!

Font combinations were a big part of the article titles in the first Rebelicious, as this was the explicit way of us indicating the meaning behind the brand name. For this issue, I wish to change the grunge font used, but may very well end up keeping it the same as the last issue if my choices don’t suit the layouts.


DRESS TO DISTRESS This is the Museo Sans font used in the first issue of Rebelicious Magazine. This is the Museo Sans font used in the first issue of Rebelicious Magazine. This is the Museo Sans font used in the first issue of Rebelicious Magazine. This is the Whitney HTF Light font that will be used in the second issue of Rebelicious Magazine. It is also being used as the main font in this proposal. This is the Whitney HTF Light font that will be used in the second issue of Rebelicious Magazine. It is also being used as the main font in this proposal.

The typeface used for the body copy in the first issue (Museo Sans) is also something I want to change. The typeface was easy to read, but I felt that the general size of it was far bigger than it needed to be. Also as the typeface is quite bold, it does look very heavy on the pages. Doing work experience at Rock Sound and analyzing current magazines in more depth is helping me address this issue, as I’m able to see what sizes are best suited for articles in a magazine, as well as helping me choose better typefaces to use.








Editor’s Letter







Thanks To… 8

Dress to Distress




Feature 2



Dress to Distress


20 Things You Didn’t Know About… 25

Feature 2



Little Miss Delicious Jewellery 18

Feature 1 Intro


Shopping with…






Get Your Fest’ On!


Meet The Band




Back Cover


Get Your Fest’ On!


Meet The Band



Get Your Fest’ On!


Problem Page


Ghouls Night Out


Little Miss Delicious Jewellery 19

Feature 1







Special Report Intro 43

Get Your Fest’ On!


Problem Page




Feature 1


Shopping with…


London Tattoo Convention

Shopping with…

Special Report


Get Your Fest’ On!


Favourite Albums




Tour Diary




Special Report


Get Your Fest’ On!


Favourite Albums


Tattooist Profile


Shopping with…




Feature 3 Intro







Wrong Lyrics


Tattooist Photos


Tour Diary


Feature 3


Get Your Fest’ On! Intro 47






Thinking about what articles will be in this issue, I have created a flatplan in order to keep track of where everything could be placed. Having started doing a bit of research into who to feature/what to include, the articles I have so far are: • Editor’s letter and thank you’s • Contents • News • Dress To Distress (interview with Disturbia Clothing founder) • Little Miss Delicious Jewellery interview • London Tattoo Convention Profile • Show & Tell (tattooist profile) • 20 Things You Didn’t Know About...(20 facts about musician Dave Grohl) • Feature 1 - Dr. Sketchy’s Anti-Art School • Studio Diary with unsigned band Bury All Rivals • Feature 2 - Interview with The Sick Kids (clothing line) • Shopping with... (Rebecca Need-Menear - singer from unsigned band End of the Spectrum) • Feature 3 - Interview with Amy Flame (member of dance troupe Nympherno) • Special Report - Ticket Touting • Get Your Fest’ On (guide to rock festivals this summer) • Meet The Band (Interview with female band Vier) • Problem Page • Favourite albums (pop punk band Third Place Victory talk about the albums that changed their perspective on music) • Reviews • Volume (introduction to five unsigned bands) • Ghouls night out (review of a club night) • Food and Drink • Wrong Lyrics (People who don’t listen to rock music attempt to decipher lyrics from a popular song) This will be subject to change if some of the people I want to get in contact with don’t want to be in the magazine or if they get back to me too late. More research into possible features will mean I will have substitute articles if these don’t work out as planned.

Rebelicious Magazine














Editorial Work Flow Copy selected Sent to sub-editing Sent to layout 1st proof returned 1st proof reading complete 1st corrections sent to layout 2nd proof returned 2nd corrections sent to layout Passed for press

Date Printed: 07/03/2011 11:24:55









Advert Work Flow
















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Intelligent Flatplan is an online service that enables you to create a flatplan, and update it using colour codes so you can keep track of what stage each article is in (I’m using the colour codes for the Editorial Work Flow). To create a flatplan, you write how many pages you need, then drag ‘n’ drop page layouts e.g. single pages, double page spreads, full page adverts, half page adverts etc, onto an empty template. This is a lot easier to update than the Word document version! You’re also able to save the flatplan in PDF form, email it, and print it.

Rebelicious - Issue 2, 2011

<--- Image box

<--- Text box

These are a few sketches for possible page layouts. With me wanting to ‘clean up’ the previous layouts used, producing a number of sketches like these will help me to build a solid inspiration foundation that I can look back to whenever I need ideas for layouts. Some of these would work on particular pages and not for others, so depending on how much content I end up with for each feature, the final layouts will most likely be the product of a few trial and error stages.

EXAMPLES OF TRIAL & ERROR: Trial layouts for the introductory pages (editor’s letter and contents.) Once the production of the final magazine is fully underway, the photograph used on the contents page and the layout of the editor’s letter are subject to change.

PROTOTYPE SPREADS FOR FEATURE ON CLOTHING COMPANY THE SICK KIDS. This is a spread that has changed a few times due to images not being print ready (300 dpi, CMYK). Problems like this are easily solved when the interviewee emails me some hi-res images, and the layout is adjusted accordingly.


! ion, irt, Sick Kush Life’ T-Sh inal Kid Kush ‘Say No ToCow Print/ Orig elet Horses/ KS] badge brac Lele[SPEA

Love customised cLothing? Love ghostLy graphics and tongue-in-cheek sLogans? then check out the sick kids onLine store - fiLLed with one off cLothing and accessories that wiLL sureLy tickLe your fancy! we caught up with keLLy and LeLe Jackson to find out about the fashion Line, their Love for making music, and what the future hoLds... WHO ARE YOU? “Hi! We are Kelly and Lele aka The Sick Kids from South London!” WHY THE NAME ‘THE SICK KIDS’? “We first started the sick kids as a joke rap group in 2006. We chose the name because we are SICK (in the bad ass way, but I guess you could say we are also unhealthy) and also because we were kids and had no intention of growing up! We still haven’t grown up, so the name has stuck with the clothing line.” WHEN DID THE FASHION LINE BEGIN? “I (Kelly) began making handmade slogan T-shirts in 2007 for us to wear on stage and got loads of people asking to buy them so I set up a little shop on Myspace (when it was popular!). I did that until 2009 when I decided I really wanted to make it legit, and so my sister Lele[SPEAKS] joined me, we made a proper website and we’ve been building on it since then.”

WHERE DO YOU DRAW YOUR INSPIRATION FROM? “Oh, we draw inspiration from so many things! We live on a council estate and its very inspiring! Especially when we’re like the odd balls of the estate, we almost look at it from the outside, even though we have lived in the area our whole lives. Apart from that all the things we love inspire us, Cartoons, animation, TV, film, the 90s, music (punk, rap, hiphop, pop, hardcore, dirty folk, rock and rollllll) especially girl fronted bands!, Crime, weed, animals, high fashion, street fashion, gothic churches and graveyards, Halloween, horror, food, our family...Lots of stuff!”

band ‘Hundred Reasons’, she will be recording it all at Red Bull Studios in April! We are currently getting a band together and gearing up to start touring this year! FUCK YEAH! Until then you can check out the new demo’s here:, watch our homemade music videos on Youtube and download her latest mixtape ‘HORSEPOWER’ from our blog ENJOY!” WORKING FOR YOURSELVES MUST HAVE ITS UP AND DOWNS? “Life is up and down, no avoiding that. But I have to say working for ourselves has been mainly highs! If you have a job you fucking love, can’t wait to wake up everyday to get to it, it goes surprisingly well and you managed to get other people on board with your ideas and all of a sudden the opportunities seem endless, then you wouldn’t mind that you earn peanuts until your really successful & have to ‘work’ at it all day everyday! We are very privileged to be here, our families are very supportive of what we do but it takes a lot of work and dedication to be successful at something, I’ve had plenty of shitty jobs and I’m telling you, GET THE FUCK OUT! Just do all you can to do what you want.”

AS WELL AS THE CLOTHING, YOU GIRLS ARE BIG ON MAKING MUSIC TOO. TELL US ABOUT THAT... “Yes! Lele is the musical half of The Sick Kids and shes a fucking sick rapper! Shes currently working on writing her new album with Larry from the

“I’ve had plenty of shItty jobs and I’m tellIng you, get the fuCK out! just do all you Can to do what you want.” Kelly Jackson

YOU RECENTLY SHOWCASED YOUR BRAND AT THE LONDON EDGE EXHIBITION. WHAT WAS THAT LIKE? “It was our second time showing there and we got a really good spot right at the front! It went really well sales wise and its always a blast hanging

Athletic grey

8 Rebelicious

ror kids’ Vest

Unisex ‘Hor

Love customised cLothing, ghostLy graphics and tongue-in-cheek sLogans? then check out the sick kids onLine store - fiLLed badass cLothing and accessories that WiLL sureLy tickLe your fancy! We caught up With keLLy and LeLe Jackson to find out about the fashion Line, their Love for making music, and What the future hoLds for the pair...

out with the people there. We’re going to try out some of the other trade shows soon I think.” HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR OWN PERSONAL CLOTHING STYLE? “We have quite similar style, its always changing but I guess I would describe it as ‘chavy 80s hooker goth girl’.” IF YOU COULD MAKE CUSTOMISED CLOTHING FOR ANYONE IN THE WORLD, WHO WOULD IT BE AND WHY? “We would love to make something for our new favourite rapper Yelawolf because he’s got the dopest style and would fucking rock it like no one else! And then maybe he would want to marry me after that! No?...OK.” WHAT WOULD YOU BE DOING IF YOU WEREN’T PART OF THE SICK KIDS? “If I wasn’t doing this then I would have done work riding at a horse racing stables and gone on to be a trainer or jockey, Lele’s not here but I’m pretty sure she would be doing the same! That might sound a bit random but its not we have a horse and have been riding them forever!”

WHY THE NAME ‘THE SICK KIDS’? “We first started the sick kids as a joke rap group in 2006. We chose the name because we are SICK (in the bad ass way, but I guess you could say we are also unhealthy) and also because we were kids and had no intention of growing up! We still haven’t grown up, so the name has stuck with the clothing line.” WHEN DID THE FASHION LINE BEGIN? “I (Kelly) began making handmade slogan T-shirts in 2007 for us to wear on stage and got loads of people asking to buy them so I set up a little shop on Myspace (when it was popular!). I did that until 2009 when I decided I really wanted to make it legit, and so my sister Lele[SPEAKS] joined me, we made a proper website and we’ve been building on it since then.”

WHERE DO YOU DRAW YOUR INSPIRATION FROM? “Oh, we draw inspiration from so many things! We live on a council estate and its very inspiring! Especially when we’re like the odd balls of the estate, we almost look at it from the outside, even though we have lived in the area our whole lives. Apart from that all the things we love inspire us, Cartoons, animation, TV, film, the 90s, music (punk, rap, hiphop, pop, hardcore, dirty folk, rock and rollllll) especially girl fronted bands!, Crime, weed, animals, high fashion, street fashion, gothic churches and graveyards, Halloween, horror, food, our family...Lots of stuff!” AS WELL AS THE CLOTHING, YOU GIRLS ARE BIG ON MAKING MUSIC TOO. TELL US ABOUT THAT... “Yes! Lele is the musical half of The Sick Kids and shes a fucking sick rapper! Shes currently working on writing her new album with Larry from the band ‘Hundred Reasons’, she will be recording it all at Red Bull Studios in April! We are currently getting a band together and gearing up to start touring this year! FUCK YEAH! Until then you can check out the new demo’s here:, watch our homemade music videos on Youtube and download her latest mixtape ‘HORSEPOWER’ from our blog ENJOY!”

WORKING FOR YOURSELVES MUST HAVE ITS UP AND DOWNS? “Life is up and down, no avoiding that. But I have to say working for ourselves has been mainly highs! If you have a job you fucking love, can’t wait to wake up everyday to get to it, it goes surprisingly well and you managed to get other people on board with your ideas and all of a sudden the opportunities seem endless, then you wouldn’t mind that you earn peanuts until your really successful & have to ‘work’ at it all day everyday! We are very privileged to be here, our families are very supportive of what we do but it takes a lot of work and dedication to be successful at something, I’ve had plenty of shitty jobs and I’m telling you, GET THE FUCK OUT! Just do all you can to do what you want.” YOU RECENTLY SHOWCASED YOUR BRAND AT THE LONDON EDGE EXHIBITION. WHAT WAS THAT LIKE? “It was our second time showing there and we got a really good spot right at the front! It went really well sales wise and its always a blast hanging out with the people there. We’re going to try out some of the other trade shows soon I think.”

Kids irt, The Sick e bracelet, Life’ T-Sh ‘Say No ToLele[SPEAKS] badg ions Hoodie, T-Shirt, Kush Stabby Kids

FINALLY, WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD FOR KELLY AND LELE? “We’ve got lots of sick stuff coming up this year, music, videos, touring, new clothing and other stuff I cant give details on yet!”

HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR OWN PERSONAL CLOTHING STYLE? “We have quite similar style, its always changing but I guess I would describe it as ‘chavy 80s hooker goth girl’.” IF YOU COULD MAKE CUSTOMISED CLOTHING FOR ANYONE IN THE WORLD, WHO WOULD IT BE AND WHY? “We would love to make something for our new favourite rapper Yelawolf because he’s got the dopest style and would fucking rock it like no one else! And then maybe he would want to marry me after that! No?...OK.” WHAT WOULD YOU BE DOING IF YOU WEREN’T PART OF THE SICK KIDS? “If I wasn’t doing this then I would have done work riding at a horse racing stables and gone on to be a trainer or jockey, Lele’s not here but I’m pretty sure she would be doing the same! That might sound a bit random but its not we have a horse and have been riding them forever!” FINALLY, WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD FOR KELLY AND LELE? “We’ve got lots of sick stuff coming up this year, music, videos, touring, new clothing and other stuff I cant give details on yet!” Visit for more information on all the products shown here & more!

Log onto for more information on all the products shown here & more!

‘Stitched Up!’ Ladies Mid Blue ‘Zombie Girl’ Denim Jacket

The Sick Limited Kids/ Lele[SP Edition T-Shirt EAKS]

Unisex Athletic greyVest ‘Horror kids’

Rebelicious 9

First prototype spread

WHO ARE YOU? “Hi! We are Kelly and Lele aka The Sick Kids from South London!”

“I’ve had plenty of shItty jobs and I’m tellIng you, get the fuCK out! just do all you Can to do what you want.” keLLy Jackson

24 Rebelicious

The Sick Limited Kids/ Lele[SP Edition T-Shirt EAKS]

Rebelicious 25

Final spread - includes more images of products in the clothing line


What inspired you to start up LittLe Miss deLicious? “I started making jewellery when I was 13 after being unable to find quirky handmade jewellery without the huge price tag, and so purchased the materials myself. At first I only made things for myself and friends as a creative outlet while doing my law degree. However, people soon began asking where they could buy the jewellery and as interest grew I quickly ran out of space to store all the jewellery, so I decided to set up an Etsy shop and see if anyone else liked what I make. I made my first sale within hours and haven’t looked back since! Less than a year later I had my own website with an online store, and Little Miss Delicious has grown so much that I’m now very privileged to be doing something I love this much full time from summer onwards.”


“My day tends to start at 7aM, and end at 2aM – but thankfully I’ve never really been one for sleep!”

WouLd We be right in guessing that you’ve got a bit of a sWeet tooth? “I definitely do! My designs come from my love of all things cute and tasty, creating little yummy characters based on all my favourite foods. I eat far too much ice cream and cake for my own good, when I’m making jewellery I have to keep biscuits by me – I get so hungry looking at the little food designs!” We definiteLy WouLd too! so hoW Long does it take you to create a piece? “It all varies depending on the item, but it can take anywhere from 5-20 minutes to hand sculpt each item from clay. They then take up to 30 minutes to bake in the oven, depending on the quantity. Painting the items is where it gets tricky; it takes quite a while due to the number of coats and different colours on each design! I’m a big perfectionist, so I’m not happy until every tiny detail looks just right. And finally each item is left to glaze overnight. It’s a long process, but ensures every item is made with great care and attention to detail. I just love the complete freedom in being able to choose exactly how I want things to look and watching a small lump of beige coloured clay turn into a pretty little cupcake or ice cream.” are there any pieces you’ve Made that stand out as personaL favourites? “So much of myself goes into every piece I make, from the initial stage of designing the product right through to crafting then painting the item, that I don’t think I could pick a favourite. However, I tend to wear the fast food bracelet more than anything else. I love how cute and colourful it is and it has all my favourite food on it! What more could a girl want?” do you have any forMaL design training? “I don’t, everything I do is completely self taught. However, I’ve been making things ever since I first put two pieces of Lego together, then refused to ever put it back in its box! I’ve always been interested in the creative side of life, and gradually taught myself everything there is to know about the mediums I use. I used tutorials online to learn how to do simple techniques, such as how to securely connect two pieces of clay and how best to sew little felt accessories, but mostly it was a lot of trial and error!” you recentLy exhibited at the trade shoW London edge. hoW did that go? “The problem with having a store online is that I never get to see people’s reactions to my designs, so it’s amazing to be able to talk to potential customers and hear their opinions in person. London Edge was definitely my favourite experience that’s come from being a jewellery designer so far! It was great to meet so many inspiring people and exhibit at a show with companies that I’ve admired long before I even owned a paint brush. The trade show caters for some of the most creative, exciting

10 Rebelicious

niches in fashion and thankfully my jewellery went down a treat! I’m now currently in the process of making jewellery to supply to some of my favourite stores, and even some in places I’ve always dreamed of visiting. It’s also led to lots of exciting opportunities that I don’t want to jinx just yet!” you run LittLe Miss deLicious pretty Much by on your oWn. Working singLe-handedLy Must have its ups and doWns? “Working single-handedly means I do everything myself, including designing/updating my website, making and shipping the parcels, replying to emails, and even designing promotional materials such as flyers and stickers. This means my day tends to start at 7am, and end at 2am – but thankfully I’ve never really been one for sleep! As I’m still doing my degree, things can get very hectic at times, but luckily my other half is very supportive and knows just when to bring me tea and biscuits and remind me how much I love doing this. The main downside to working self employed from home is the lack of social interaction with other people. It’s very easy to forget when to stop working and neglect everything else, so I’ve found it’s very important to keep in touch with the world outside of my studio, even if it just means going for the occasional coffee with a friend.” What has been the Main highLight of running your oWn business? “As each item is crafted with so much care and attention, there is nothing better than receiving compliments about my designs. It means so much that people like what I make; when I get feedback from customers it makes all of the hard work worth it.” What do you think you WouLd be doing if you Weren’t running LittLe Miss deLicious? “I’d probably focus more on a career stemming from my law degree, but even then I imagine I’d end up setting up a creative business at some point - I honestly can’t imagine doing anything else with my life!” if you couLd have anyone in the WorLd Wearing your jeWeLLery, Who WouLd it be? “It would definitely be someone like Raquel Reed. I love bright hair and her style is amazing! But all of my customers mean so much to me, and nothing makes me happier than seeing my designs on such lovely people.” What does the future hoLd for you and the brand? “I have lots of huge plans for my company, including a cute T-shirt range and eventually my own shop so right now I’m at the point where I constantly have ideas whizzing around my head and if I didn’t write them down I worry I’d forget the best ones. I’m hoping to one day move to San Francisco, where I want to open my own little boutique selling my designs, as well as other cute indie products! It’s been a dream I’ve had since I was little, so it’s amazing to know that it’s not that far out of reach.” Check out for more products!

Rebelicious 11

PROTOTYPE SPREADS FOR INTERVIEW WITH UNSIGNED BAND VIER This is an example of how a spread can end up looking completely different to how I imagine it to be when setting out the pages on the flatplan. The spread to the right is how this particular interview would look if I followed the flatplan. The other examples are reworks of this, which I think look a lot better. I plan to use the bottom right spread in the final magazine as the colour of the type fits very well with the photograph used, and the whole spread is generally nicer to look at.


Meet Vier, a badass all girl metal band hailing from Brighton. With gigs supporting Glamour of the Kill, Shadows Chasing Ghosts and Sacred Mother Tongue already under their belts, and with a UK tour in the works, Vier are destined for big things in 2011. We caught up with guitarist Charley Olsen for a quick chat...

How did Vier begin? “Vier began with a mutual love of heavy music and a craving for something new in the Brighton metal scene. We never intended this to be an all female band but the fact that we are offers something different in the music scene today, especially playing the style of music we do. It is very rare to see an all female rock outfit and we are very much enjoying being the exception to the rule.” How long have you been together as a band? “Kay (drums), Charley (guitar) and Emma (guitar) have been playing together since mid 2007, we have been through many different member changes but finalised the ultimate line up in 2010, it is now that after years of playing together we have really discovered the sound that we enjoy and want to continue to create.” How would you describe your sound? “Ah! Not this question... Ha! I guess we’d have to say riff based melodic metal. We still need a good answer for this so please, anyone out there, feel free to listen and tell us what you think we sound like!” One of your next big gigs is supporting Glamour of the Kill & Shadows Chasing Ghosts. How did that come about and how excited are you? “This was really cool for us actually as we were recommended to the booking agent and they approached us. We have seen Glamour Of The Kill a few times before down here in Brighton and they are brilliant live, always a good night at their show! We have yet to see Shadows Chasing Ghosts but have checked them out and they sound killer so we can’t wait to see their set. Needless to say we are super excited to share the stage with not one, but two awesome bands!” Do you generally get women in the audience or a mixture of sexes? “We generally have a healthy mix of both males and females.” Are there any downsides to being in an all female metal band? “Well it has its pro’s and con’s really... People are generally more intrigued and will often show more interest in an all female band for that reason. They want to know who we are, what we look and sound like and whether we can offer the same level of standard that other rock/metal bands are in the scene today. This often results in audience members approaching us after our set and

saying things like ‘oh... You were ACTUALLY really good, you can ACTUALLY play!’ This isn’t always the case of course but there are a select few!” You were recently in the recording studio. How did that go? “It was awesome. We love being in the studio. We’ve been recording at Orange Rooms Music studios with Gez Walton. We’ve known Gez for quite some time now and because of that he has become a good friend of the band. It’s really nice being able to work with not only a great producer and engineer but a close friend! We had alot of fun. We’ve finished tracking everything and so are now onto the mixing and mastering stages, we cant wait to get them back!” What is the drink of choice in the Vier camp? “Anything that’s going! Beer, Cider, Jack Daniels... Emma likes her afternoon G&T’s ha ha!” What do the band typically wear on stage? “Well we generally stick to our jeans and T-shirt! Ha! However Nicky is much more girly than the rest of us so she usually wears a dress and some quite honestly dangerous looking heels!” What’s to come in the world of Vier during 2011? “Well we are going on tour around the UK with our friends Orestea for the first two weeks of April, so we are incredibly excited about that! Its our first tour and is pretty intense as we only have one day off which we intend to spend at Alton Towers! But it’s going to be alot of fun. We’ve gigged with Orestea a lot in the past and are really close knit so we know its going to be great. We will also have our brand new tracks available in April which will be released both physically and on iTunes, so keep an eye out for those! We are also really looking forward to our first festival appearance in the summer at Grand Finale festival in Camber Sands, which is looking to be a great weekend!” Keep up to date with what Vier are up to on the following pages:

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50 Rebelicious

Page layout according to the flatplan

VIER Meet Vier, a badass all girl metal band hailing from Brighton. With gigs supporting Glamour of the Kill, Shadows Chasing Ghosts and Sacred Mother Tongue already under their belts, Vier are destined for big things in 2011 and beyond...

How did Vier begin? “Vier began with a mutual love of heavy music and a craving for something new in the Brighton metal scene. We never intended this to be an all female band but the fact that we are offers something different in the music scene today, especially playing the style of music we do. It is very rare to see an all female rock outfit and we are very much enjoying being the exception to the rule.” How long have you been together as a band? “Kay (drums), Charley (guitar) and Emma (guitar) have been playing together since mid 2007, we have been through many different member changes but finalised the ultimate line up in 2010, it is now that after years of playing together we have really discovered the sound that we enjoy and want to continue to create.” How would you describe your sound? “Ah! Not this question... Ha! I guess we’d have to say riff based melodic metal. We still need a good answer for this so please, anyone out there, feel free to listen and tell us what you think we sound like!” One of your next big gigs is supporting Glamour of the Kill & Shadows Chasing Ghosts. How did that come about and how excited are you? “This was really cool for us actually as we were recommended to the booking agent and they approached us. We have seen Glamour Of The Kill a few times before down here in Brighton and they are brilliant live, always a good night at their show! We have yet to see Shadows Chasing Ghosts but have checked them out and they sound killer so we can’t wait to see their set. Needless to say we are super excited to share the stage with not one, but two awesome bands!” Do you generally get women in the audience or a mixture of sexes? “We generally have a healthy mix of both males and females.” Are there any downsides to being in an all female metal band? “Well it has its pro’s and con’s really... People are generally more intrigued and will often show more interest in an all female band for that reason. They want to know who we are, what we look and sound like and whether we can offer the same level of standard that other rock/metal bands are in the scene today. This often results in audience members approaching us after our set and saying things like ‘oh... You were ACTUALLY really good, you can ACTUALLY play!’ This isn’t always the case of course but there are a select few!”

52 Rebelicious

You were recently in the recording studio. How did that go? “It was awesome. We love being in the studio. We’ve been recording at Orange Rooms Music studios with Gez Walton. We’ve known Gez for quite some time now and because of that he has become a good friend of the band. It’s really nice being able to work with not only a great producer and engineer but a close friend! We had alot of fun. We’ve finished tracking everything and so are now onto the mixing and mastering stages, we cant wait to get them back!” What is the drink of choice in the Vier camp? “Anything that’s going! Beer, Cider, Jack Daniels... Emma likes her afternoon G&T’s ha ha!” What do the band typically wear on stage? “Well we generally stick to our jeans and T-shirt! Ha! However Nicky is much more girly than the rest of us so she usually wears a dress and some quite honestly dangerous looking heels!” What’s to come in the world of Vier during 2011? “Well we are going on tour around the UK with our friends Orestea for the first two weeks of April, so we are incredibly excited about that! Its our first tour and is pretty intense as we only have one day off which we intend to spend at Alton Towers! But it’s going to be alot of fun. We’ve gigged with Orestea a lot in the past and are really close knit so we know its going to be great. We will also have our brand new tracks available in April which will be released both physically and on iTunes, so keep an eye out for those! We are also really looking forward to our first festival appearance in the summer at Grand Finale festival in Camber Sands, which is looking to be a great weekend!” Keep up to date with what Vier are up to on the following pages:

Rebelicious 53

Layout without the advert

VIER Meet Vier, a kickass all girl metal band hailing from Brighton. With gigs supporting Glamour of the Kill, Shadows Chasing Ghosts and Sacred Mother Tongue already under their belts, and with their upcoming UK tour being their first, Vier are destined for big things in 2011. We caught up with guitarist Charley Olsen for a quick chat... MEMBERS: Nicky Williams - Vocals Charley Olsen - Guitar + Backing vocals Emma Davis - Guitar + Backing vocals Franky Seymour - Bass Kay Wicks - Drums

How long have you been together as a band? “Kay (drums), Charley (guitar) and Emma (guitar) have been playing together since mid 2007, we have been through many different member changes but finalised the ultimate line up in 2010, it is now that after years of playing together we have really discovered the sound that we enjoy and want to continue to create.” How would you describe your sound? “Ah! Not this question... Ha! I guess we’d have to say riff based melodic metal. We still need a good answer for this so please, anyone out there, feel free to listen and tell us what you think we sound like!”

One of your next big gigs is supporting Glamour of the Kill & Shadows Chasing Ghosts. How did that come about and how excited are you? “This was really cool for us actually as we were recommended to the booking agent and they approached us. We have seen Glamour Of The Kill a few times before down here in Brighton and they are brilliant live, always a good night at their How did Vier begin? “Vier began with a mutual love of heavy show! We have yet to see Shadows Chasing Ghosts but have music and a craving for something new in the Brighton metal checked them out and they sound killer so we can’t wait to see their set. Needless to say we are super excited to share the stage scene. We never intended this to be an all female band but with not one, but two awesome bands!” the fact that we are offers something different in the music scene today, especially playing the style of music we do. It Do you generally get women in the audience or a mixture of is very rare to see an all female rock outfit and we are very sexes? “We generally have a healthy mix.” much enjoying being the exception to the rule.”

Are there any downsides to being in an all female metal band? “Well it has its pro’s and con’s really... People are generally more intrigued and will often show more interest in an all female band for that reason. They want to know who we are, what we look and sound like and whether we can offer the same level of standard that other rock/metal bands are in the scene today. This often results in audience members approaching us after our set and saying things like ‘oh... You were ACTUALLY really good, you can ACTUALLY play!’ This isn’t always the case of course but there are a select few!”

What do the band typically wear on stage? “Well we generally stick to our jeans and T-shirt! Ha! However Nicky is much more girly than the rest of us so she usually wears a dress and some quite honestly dangerous looking heels!”

What’s to come in the world of Vier during 2011? “Well we are going on tour around the UK with our friends Orestea for the first two weeks of April, so we are incredibly excited about that! Its our first tour and is pretty intense as we only have one day off which we intend to spend at Alton Towers! But it’s going to be alot of fun. We’ve gigged with You were recently in the recording studio. How did that go? Orestea a lot in the past and are really close knit so we know its going to be great. We will also have our brand new tracks “It was awesome. We love being in the studio. We’ve been available in April which will be released both physically recording at Orange Rooms Music studios with Gez Walton. and on iTunes, so keep an eye out for those! We are also We’ve known Gez for quite some time now and because of really looking forward to our first festival appearance in the that he has become a good friend of the band. It’s really nice being able to work with not only a great producer and engineer summer at Grand Finale festival in Camber Sands, which is but a close friend! We had alot of fun. We’ve finished tracking looking to be a great weekend!” everything and so are now onto the mixing and mastering Keep up to date with what Vier are up to on the following pages: stages, we cant wait to get them back!” What is the drink of choice in the Vier camp? “Anything that’s going! Beer, Cider, Jack Daniels... Emma likes her afternoon G&T’s ha ha!”

48 Rebelicious

Rebelicious 49

Layout without the advert; different photograph used

Where paper format is concerned, the magazine will be printed in A4, as this is the common size used for music/fashion magazines. To add a slight bit of variety in the size however, for the festival guide (which on the flatplan is the longest article in the whole magazine) I’m considering having those pages in A5 format, possibly bound as a separate book that can be placed inside the main magazine. Having it as a separate book will mean that readers have something else to look through once they are finished with, or still making their way through the main magazine. It can also be something they end up using for reference later on if they are considering going to festivals this year.

The most important change that will be made when the final magazine is being produced is the type of binding. The first issue was done using Perfect Binding (pages glued together on their bound edge), but this resulted in pages falling out if the magazine was bent too much when opened. Saddle Stitching will be the method used for the second issue (pages are folded and stapled together in the centre) as this is the binding method most common for music/fashion magazines. Binding that was used for first issue Binding that will be used for second issue

The magazine cover will be one of the most important things for me to develop. This will be the first thing that attracts my target audience to the magazine, so I will need to make sure that it able to grab their attention effortlessly. To get an idea of how it could look, I will take inspiration from magazines that are currently popular with women (such as Bazaar, Love and Rock Sound) and adapt elements from these into my own design.

ACTION PLAN CHECKLIST Sketch layout ideas (ongoing) Research for features (aim to have done by 12th March) Email those I wish to feature. Send questions & follow up for answers (aim to be completed by latest 19th March) Writing articles & designing pages (Start as early as 1st March - 30th April) Check all photos received are print ready (ongoing) Find printers - ask for quotes on bulk printing (research from 1st March onwards) Final amendments (1st May - 7th May) Send off to printers (8th May - latest 20th May)


Sending to printers

Writing articles/Designing pages

Proposal draft deadlines

Final amendments/Proof reading

Website building

N.B. Each stage of this project has been allocated time deadlines, however some of these stages may overrun, be completed earlier than scheduled, or be worked on at the same time as another stage...


PRINTED MAGAZINE This will be my main outcome. Printed copies will be done at a professional printers, and I plan to get a bulk of approximately 100 printed, more depending on the overall cost.

DIGITAL EDITION OF MAGAZINE This will be an online version of the printed magazine. Initially it will be available to read on and on the supporting website/blog.

SUPPORTING WEBSITE/BLOG This will coincide with the magazine and is already underway: It includes up to date alternative fashion and music news, and also links to people who are featured in the print magazine. It will also include a link to read the magazine online. Depending on the number of magazines printed and if there is enough interest, I may also make it possible for readers to order a printed copy online for free.

FACEBOOK & TWITTER PROFILES Social networking sites will be the easiest way for me to let my target audience know about the magazine, and keep them up to date with what is going on and how they can read it/get a printed copy. Facebook and Twitter are the most commonly used social networking sites, so these will be my main priority.



Editorial Design - Yolanda Zappaterra


Hearts Under Fire heartsunderfire/

We Love Magazines - Andrew Losowsky

Live The Scene


Download Festival

Dr Sketchy London

Sonisphere Festival

Molly Crabapple

Rock Sound Magazine

London Edge Exhibition

Kerrang Magazine

Miss Fortune Clothing

Metal Hammer

London Tattoo Convention


Alt Fashion


Stencil Magazine

The Sick Kids

Onslaught Radio

Little Miss Delicious

Raffles Bizarre

Disturbia Clothing

Nympherno NYMPHERNO/353197223348

The Art Director’s Handbook of Professional Magazine Design - Horst Moser Magazine Editing: How to Develop and Manage a Successful Publication - John Morrish Creative Research: The Theory and Practice of Research For The Creative Industry - Hillary Collins Indie Publishing: How To Design & Produce Your Own Book - Ellen Lupton

MAGAZINES Rock Sound Big Cheese Kerrang Metal Hammer Elle Grazia Stencil Magazine Alt Fashion Interview Love NME Look IdN - Editorial Design Issue Soundscape Magazine

Courtney Riot

Cherryloco Jewellery

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