Dominican High School publishes Dominican Magazine for alumni, past parents, current families and friends. Do you have a change of address or any comments you’d like to share? Contact Bryan McLoone, Communications Manager at 414-332-1170 ext. 174 or
Bryan McLoone, Communications Manager
Julie Dlugopolski
Nate Friday ’09
Leanne Giese
Joe Grady
Christine Hudak ’84
Erika LaPean
Cydni Schaeffler
Indicated by photo credits
To provide young adults with a co-educational, Catholic, college-preparatory experience based on the teachings of Jesus. Our faith-driven school community fosters spirituality and creativity, and encourages intellectual, social, physical and artistic development. We commission our students to develop a heightened sense of social responsibility and respect for human dignity based on the values articulated by our sponsoring congregation, the Sinsinawa Dominicans: Truth, Compassion, Justice, Community, and Partnership.
Dominican High School has provided a road map for success for students since its inception in 1956. The original plan of excellence created by the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa included a collegepreparatory curriculum with the perfect combination of academic rigor and high expectations, infused throughout with our Catholic faith and traditions. Sixty-seven years later, we are still committed to providing that same road map, as well as carrying forward the traditions of our Sinsinawa Sisters by preaching and teaching the mission of Jesus, St. Dominic, and Fr. Mazzuchelli.
With less than 300 women in their congregation, and a median age of 82, the Sinsinawa Sisters developed a path to allow their mission to continue even as their numbers decline. Thanks to their forethought and careful planning, Dominican Veritas Ministries was created to do just that. Dominican Veritas Ministries (DVM) is an educational ministry founded by five US Congregations of Dominican
Sisters – Adrian, Houston, Peace, Sinsinawa, and Springfield. The idea of this ministry began in 2016 when leaders of the five congregations gathered to discuss ways they could collaborate to ensure the continuation of the Catholic and Dominican identity of their ministries well into the future. A submission of the DVM model was sent to the Vatican in 2021 and approved in 2022. Leadership of DVM will include a Member Board with representation from each of the five participating congregations, and an eight-person appointed Board of Trustees. These leadership boards will be responsible for providing support to the canonical and civil entities. DVM will also have an Executive Director who will oversee the formation of Members and Trustees, and will provide resources for charism integration for its sponsored schools. Presidents of the eight schools moving to DVM are meeting with the Members, Trustees, and Executive Director for a weeklong conference in preparation for the transition that will occur on September 1, 2023.
Lisa A. Bangert Attorney
Tom Branigan Branigan, Inc.
Amy Brown ’01 Badger Meter
Mike Carter
Northwestern Mutual
Brian Conole ’73 - Vice Chairperson
Dave Dlugopolski ’85 - Secretary
Outdoor Lighting Construction Co.
Joe Emmerich
Zoll Respicardia
Cara Fuller - Board Chair
WEC Energy Group
Leanne Giese - President Dominican High School
Tsebaot Hailemichael Bostik, Inc.
Sr. Mary Howard Johnstone, OP Sinsinawa Ambassador
Dave Mazza - Treasurer Dana Investment Advisors
More information regarding this change in our sponsorship will be forthcoming.
We are grateful for the creation of Dominican Veritas Ministries because this new sponsorship model allows us to remain a Dominican-sponsored school into perpetuity. We will proudly carry on the Dominican mission of providing an exceptional Catholic, college-preparatory experience, and continue the excellence created by the Sinsinawa Sisters in 1956.
Thank you for helping us keep our very important mission alive and thriving through your prayers, promotion, and financial support of Dominican High School.
God Bless and Go Knights!
Leanne Giese PresidentStephen Roche ’94 Setter Roche, LLP
Francine Parris ’84 Saffold
Advocate Aurora Health
Chris Notheis ’83 Schumacher
Cedarburg Veterinary Clinic
Arnis Vecitis ’84
Advocate Aurora Health
Sr. Erica Jordan, OP
Sinsinawa Sponsorship Council Liaison
The Class of 2023 included four legacy families! (From left):
Emily Dickmann ’23 (Jason Dickmann ’92)
Mackenzie Witt ’23 (Jason Witt ’00, Rebecca Smerz ’00)
Tristan Rouse ’23 (Beth (Konczal) Rouse ’86, Susan Konczal ’62)
Breon Bennett ’23 (Not Pictured: Kyontah Veasy-Bennett ’93)
On Friday, May 26, family, friends, and members of the Dominican community gathered as the Class of 2023 crossed the stage, received their diplomas, and joined the ranks of Dominican alumni. Congratulations Class of 2023! We can’t wait to see what your future holds.
$7.8 MILLION Reported Scholarship Dollars Offered to the Class of 2023
Seniors applied and were accepted to one or more colleges
Seniors attending a college in Wisconsin
Seniors attending a Catholic/ Christian college
Seniors were accepted into the following schools that have an acceptance rate below 10%: Rice University, Northwestern University, University of Chicago, Stanford University, Princeton University, Yale University
of Seniors took AP/CE courses this year of Seniors plan to major in a STEM-Related Field
Seniors graduated with a 4.0 GPA or Higher National Merit Finalists
Facility Renovations
When you look good and feel good, you perform well. That is exactly what Dominican High School had in mind when several on-campus athletic facilities were upgraded over the last year. The addition of Palermo’s Field, the renovation of Crowley Gymnasium, and a revamp of the weight room were made possible thanks to the donors of Dominican’s Knight Vision 2.0 Capital Campaign. The additions throughout campus have all been part of a bigger plan to attract more students and community members to Dominican High School, as well as benefit current athletes and improve the overall atmosphere.
“In 2023, there was a higher standard placed on what we do at Dominican High School,” Athletic Director Joe Grady said. “When you talk to people, I think there’s talk of more value with what we bring to the community. We have more space to host camps. We can rent the facilities to feeder programs. There’s a heightened sense of pride. When our students feel the people running the school care about these facilities or care about the things they are doing, it’s going to make the kids want to do better.”
“No one who lights a lamp conceals it with a vessel or sets it under a bed; rather, he places it on a lampstand so that those who enter may see the light.” – Luke 8:16
Dominican is proud to share that it has been awarded Exemplary Recognition for Mission and Catholic Identity from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
The words of the passage from the Gospel of Luke are beautifully represented by the Dominican logo with the four pillars of Dominican life: prayer, study, community, and preaching holding up the Light of Christ. Dominican serves as a beacon of light in the Archdiocese through its ministry and the living of its mission as an Exemplary Catholic High School.
Based on the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Schools, this award honors schools that have demonstrated innovation and outstanding achievement in the presence, consistency, and complete integration of the mission and identity of the Catholic faith in their entire school community. This award is only given to a handful of schools every other year. To earn this award, Dominican was evaluated both on its written application and through a site visit conducted by a team from the Archdiocese as they interviewed faculty, staff, students, parents, and board members.
Though all aspects of the Dominican experiences were reviewed, a few specific areas were commended within the overall school community. Most notably, the Disputatio Guidelines for Public Discourse, the Uknighted Service program, and the thorough nature in which the Dominican charism and Catholic faith were integrated into all aspects of student life.
“While the students, faculty, and staff at Dominican have always strived to live out our Catholic faith and embody the Dominican mission, winning this award is a profound recognition of the hard work in putting the life of Christ at the center of all that we do,” Campus Minister Nate Friday ’09 said.
The Sinsinawa Core Values Awards recognizes seniors who symbolize the culture of excellence at Dominican High School. The Class of 2023 recipients (from left):
Truth: Victoria Okoro ’23
Compassion: Emily Dickmann ’23
Justice: Breon Bennett ’23
Community: Naod Fessahaye ’23
Partnership: Celeste Vargas ’23
Madyson Schroeder ’26 and Sara Ketterhagen ’26 got an opportunity of a lifetime to partner with Nike and the Milwaukee Bucks to help encourage more girls to play sports.
Through Nike’s Game Growers program, Madyson and Sara hosted an event called Girls Leading Girls at Fiserv Forum. With the help of several Dominican High School student-athletes, Madyson and Sara led a group of local middle school girls through warmups, drills, and panel discussions.
“By the time girls reach 8th grade, they are 50% more likely to drop out of sports than boys,” Schroeder said. “We wanted to help change that. It was really cool partnering with Nike and Fiserv Forum to put on this event. You learn so many life lessons through sports and we want to inspire girls to continue to play sports.”
In February, Dominican High School welcomed 125 local middle schoolers to compete in the Dominican Challenge. Students were split up into teams and competed in a series of academic and STEM challenges. Each team then built their own motorized car and raced it. Throughout the day, students used engineering skills, collected data, and used artistic creativity to design unique vehicles.
“Introducing these students to engineering and STEM early on is important because they learn how to work together as a team,” Samuel Mitchell ’23 said. “Being able to build something from start to finish and see it accomplish what it is meant to do is an amazing feeling.”
This year’s participants came from the parish schools of St. Monica School, Saint Eugene School, St. Robert School, St. Francis Borgia Catholic School, Holy Family School, St. Joseph Parish School, St. John XXIII Catholic School, and Catholic East Elementary School.
Academic Achievement
Oluwatomisin (Tomi) Adesanya ’23 and Patrick Firsan ’23 were recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Program for their outstanding academic achievements. Students are chosen based on academic records, SAT scores, essays, and leadership skills. Adesanya was a scholarship winner, while Firsan was named a finalist. Less than one percent of high school seniors nationwide make it to the final round of the National Merit Scholarship Program each year. Adesanya will attend Rice University in the fall. Firsan will attend the University of WisconsinMadison.
Matthew Senn ’23 received the John Paul II Youth Award from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. The John Paul II Youth Award recognizes an individual’s involvement in one or more Church activities.
Patrick Firsan ’23 was named a recipient of the Herb Kohl Excellence Scholarship. This scholarship recognizes students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, citizenship, community service, and academic achievements.
Victoria Okoro ’23 was chosen as one of Marquette University’s Burke Scholars. The program is a full-tuition scholarship awarded to seniors who demonstrate exceptional commitment to their community through service, leadership, and social justice.
The College Board named Naod Fessahaye ’23 a scholar for the National African American Recognition Program. This is awarded to students for excellence in academic achievement.
Philip Dentice Award (Social Studies)
Georgea Cushman ’23
Matthew 25 Award (Religious Studies)
Matthew Senn ’23
Mark Kasprzak Award (Athletics)
Leo Langerman ’23
Jennifer Doerr Award (Art)
Sophia Bonifas ’23
Darwin Kaestner/William Crowley Award (Science)
Samuel Mitchell ’23
Tomi Adesanya ’23 Patrick Firsan ’23Successful high school students have a roadmap that takes them from their first day as a high school freshman all the way through graduation. Navigating that route becomes more complex when it’s filled with decisions, responsibilities, and deadlines.
For the past 67 years, Dominican High School has been providing students with a Catholic, college-preparatory experience that fosters each individual’s talents and needs. We asked members of our school community to tell us what it is about the Dominican experience that puts students on the best road to success.
Dominican offered several AP and CE course options that allowed me to challenge myself in high school and earn college credit for my postsecondary education. I am currently attending Georgetown University and they accepted 22 credits from my courses at Dominican, which enabled me to enroll in higher-level courses right away. Because of the high expectations and heavy workload from my Dominican teachers, I was ready for the rigorous coursework at Georgetown. At times, I found my college courses were easier than my courses at Dominican. The faith-based education I received at Dominican really helped me prioritize my values at Georgetown as well.
Technology, curriculum, and students change, but the reason why Dominican has been able to sustain decades of success is because we always keep the same core values. We try to help students find their footing and find a direction they can use as a stepping stone for the rest of their life.
The size of the school really matters. When you get the same students multiple times, you get to know them on a deeper level. Students get more personalized attention and I think that’s what they really need to succeed.
At Dominican High School, we hold our students to very high academic expectations, challenging them to strive for excellence in their educational journey. However, we firmly believe that these high expectations must be met with equally high levels of academic support. Our Counseling Office and student support team work tirelessly to ensure that our students have all the resources, guidance, and assistance they need to thrive.
It is Dominican’s mission to provide a Catholic, college-preparatory education, and by upholding these high academic expectations and providing robust support, we not only prepare our students for college but also equip them with the skills and mindset needed for success in all aspects of life.
I think one of the best things about Dominican is that everything is personalized. I started having one-on-one meetings with my college counselor during my junior year in preparation for my post-secondary plans. Ms. Young knew my profile and gave me ideas and suggestions on areas where my application would need to be strengthened based on the respective school I was applying to. Dominican also provided personal assistance for every student with the college essay writing process. The monthly college newsletters were filled with information regarding deadlines, schedules for upcoming college visits to Dominican, updates from the college counselors, and available scholarship opportunities.
Dominican’s counseling staff was extremely helpful, and when you are surrounded by people who really know you, you are able to create a more substantial and cohesive application. I enjoyed my college application process and know that the guidance I was received at Dominican helped me gain acceptance to great schools like Princeton, Purdue, and UW-Madison.
Alumni would always come back to Dominican and tell us how prepared they were for college. I assumed they were just saying that to make us try our best in our classes and not take our education for granted. Once I got to college, I quickly realized how ready I was because of my preparation at Dominican. Dominican teachers focus on helping students create good study habits and time management. The writing skills I developed helped me excel in my courses as well. When you come to Dominican, you are not just learning what you need in order to graduate from high school, you are developing life-long learning habits that will set you up for success in college and in your future career aspirations. I know that I had a successful start to my college career because I attended Dominican High School.
Noel Morales ’22, University of Wisconsin-Madison Patrick Firsan ’23, University of Wisconsin-Madison Class of 2023 Valedictorian“I think one of the best things about Dominican is everything is personalized.”
My faith has always been a big part of my life and Dominican has done a great job helping me further explore my relationship with God. Even as a first year student, there were so many opportunities to form and deepen my own faith. I helped lead a middle school retreat, attended Mass every week, participated in the monthly Liturgies, and was an active member of the Campus Ministry Team. I valued being able to have these faith opportunities available to me throughout my freshman year, it was a wonderful experience.
Ella Holtey ’26I’ve been blessed throughout my career with incredible mentors who have strongly impacted my professional choices and guided me toward success. I have greatly enjoyed returning to Dominican to share my career experiences and advice with current students through the Alumni Career Day event held annually in March. I love giving back in the same way others did for me when I was a student at Dominican.
Amy Suss ’04 Clinical Pharmacist, SPS Health“Listening to the student reflections from Kairos made the tuition we paid all worth it.”
In thinking about our ten-year, four-child experience at Dominican, there are many cherished moments on which to reflect. The one that I call the ‘$10,000 moment’, was the Kairos Retreat.
Listening to the student reflections from the retreat made the tuition we paid all worth it. Definitely a transformational experience -- one that definitely distinguishes Dominican from other schools.
When I learned I was going to Dominican, it felt like my prayers had been answered. My Dominican experience exceeded my expectations. From the first day of freshman year, I felt accepted and knew that I was an important part of this community. Teachers and staff really cared about me. They had high expectations and expected me to have high expectations in myself. I achieved well beyond what I believed I was capable of in the classroom. I am the first person in my family to go to college.
I am the person I am today because of the incredible adult role models who guided me along my faith journey, and the wonderful friendships I forged with my classmates. It was an absolute privilege to attend Dominican High School.
Dominican’s administration, faculty, and staff is supportive every step of the way in helping its students meet their individual interests and needs. As a way to get out of my shell, I became interested in opportunities to enhance my public speaking abilities. I spoke with Mr. Foy and asked if we could create a Forensics Club. He loved the idea and immediately helped me secure a club moderator, Mrs. Mueller. Mrs. Mueller helped promote the club and before I knew it, we had a practice schedule and we were signed up to participate in Forensic competitions. They all came together simply because I asked.
Dominican is really good at helping its students unlock their hidden talents and potential. By helping me pursue my interest, I was able to express myself in a way I didn’t know I could. I am taking my newfound skills with me to the Northwestern University Debate Institute as I was selected to participate in their high school policy debate program this summer.
“From the first day of my freshman year, I felt accepted and knew I was an important part of this community.”
In high school, you are discovering who you are and where you fit. Having people who are there to guide you is something that has been very important to me at Dominican. Being mentored and cared for makes you feel valued, it makes you excited to come to school. Dominican is not just a place where you learn, it’s a place where you have all these friends and amazing mentors who cheer you on no matter what you are doing. You are recognized and you are noticed. If you are not involved, the faculty and staff are quick to try and help you find opportunities to help you shine. The family and community atmosphere at Dominican is like none other.
All three of our children received an exceptional education from Dominican High School and we are grateful for everything the faculty and staff did to personalize their respective educations based on what they needed to be successful. This was especially true with our youngest son who was offered roles in Chicago and Broadway productions of West Side Story during his last months as a senior. Dominican worked with Jarred and personalized his remaining academic coursework in a way which allowed him to complete his senior year remotely and earn his high school diploma. Dominican maintained their high expectations, but definitely went above and beyond to help Jarred succeed.
We have high expectations for our students so that they achieve beyond what they thought possible, all while genuinely knowing them and caring for their well-being.
I have found these strong relationships between faculty and students to be very unique to Dominican, as are the strong bonds our students have with each other.
Abby Young Director of School CounselingRay Manista Past Parent Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, Northwestern Mutual
“We have high expectations for our students so that they achieve beyond what they thought possible.”
“Peter of Venice was one of St. Dominic’s earliest followers. In his writings about the leader of the Order of Preachers, Peter said, “Whenever Dominic was traveling, he saw him either praising or preaching or giving his time to prayer or meditation. When he was traveling he would tell his companions, “to go on ahead and let us think about our Savior.””
From his birthplace in Caleruega, Spain to cities across France where St. Dominic ministered, he often found a sacred space and a sacred time to dedicate to God the foundation for all his good work of the Gospel.
Through the generosity of several current and past parents, foundations, community members, and alumni, Dominican has renovated its own sacred space, St. Dominic Chapel. Last updated in 1996, St. Dominic Chapel has received a complete renovation, including new floors, ceiling, lighting, chairs, window treatments, and much more. Though much of the work has been completed, several key elements are still in progress. Most notably, the new altar and crucifix are being crafted from the maple trees that were previously on North Campus. The south wall of the chapel will also feature icons and first-class relics of four influential Dominican Saints: Dominic, Thomas Aquinas, Catherine of Siena, and Martin de Porres.
Just as St. Dominic was often called in many directions to live out the Gospel, Dominican students find themselves involved in a multitude of ministries, clubs, sports, and organizations. The renovation of St. Dominic chapel provides that place of rest for students to recharge for the good work ahead. Whether through participation in Tuesday lunch-hour Liturgy, Stations of the Cross, Eucharistic Adoration, or individual personal prayer, having a sacred space on campus provides students, faculty, and staff alike with that regular opportunity to allow the world to go on ahead so they can spend time with God.
Fr. Tonny Kizza joined Dominican High School for the 2022-23 school year. He led weekly Mass every Tuesday in the St. Dominic Chapel.
The 2023 Dominican golf team will forever be linked with school history as they earned the team’s first conference championship since 1979.
The Knights won five out of six conference meets to claim the league title. Tom Sukprasert ’23 was named first team all-conference and was the Metro Classic Conference Golfer of the Year. Marlee Hills ’26 was a second team all-conference selection. Other varsity members include Mitchell Madi ’24,
Harris Burgos ’24, and Gavin Bishop ’23. Dominican was led by first year head coach Brandon Scheppa.
“I am proud that we got to represent Dominican. We made history,” Sukprasert said. “We helped bring this program back to a championship level. To do something that hasn’t been done in 44 years is very special.”
The Dominican girls track & field team had a fantastic showing at the WIAA state meet. Victoria Okoro ’23 won the state title in the Division 2 triple jump with a personal best 37’-6.75”.
The 4x100 meter relay team consisting of Okoro, Makari Cornelius ’23, Makaiyah Cornelius ’23 and Sydney Knautz ’26 finished fourth place with a time of 49.41. Other state qualifiers were Araeya Huerta ’23 and Laylah Bly ’26
Congratulations on a great season!
career at Dominican.They helped the girls basketball team to three regional titles, a conference title, and an appearance at the WIAA girls basketball state tournament. On the track, both Makari and Makaiyah qualified for the state meet three times and are part of the 4x100 meter relay that owns the school and conference record. They also were the top two runners on the Dominican girls cross country team as seniors.
Makari ’23 and Makaiyah ’23 Cornelius have been joined at the hip since they were born. The twins play the same sports, they like the same kind of music, and they both want to pursue a career in architecture.
Not much will change for the two recent Dominican High School graduates, as they’ll both be studying and competing in track & field at Alabama A&M University for the next four years.
“Committing to a Division 1 school has always been our goal,” Makari said. “Alabama A&M is a great program. We fit in with the team culture. The facilities are nice. They have everything that we need to compete against the best in the country.”
Makari and Makaiyah leave behind a successful athletic
“I have grown so much as an athlete because of my time at Dominican,” Makaiyah said. “You get a chance to be part of a team the moment you step foot in the school. It really helps that we got a chance to compete at the varsity level as freshman. That experience is so valuable. The growing pains made us stronger and more confident. That will be so important for us at the next level.”
It wasn’t always a foregone conclusion that Makari and Makaiyah were a package deal. They spoke to different schools and had conversations about going their separate ways. Ultimately, the chance to stay together and finish what they started was too hard to pass up.
“I wanted to run with Makaiyah during our collegiate career.” Makari said. “Having that support system makes it easier to move far from home and chase our dreams.”
“Not only is she my sister, she is my best friend,” Makaiyah said. “It’s very special and we are grateful for the opportunity. It’s a new journey and I’m happy we are doing this together.”
The Dominican girls basketball team had a season to remember, finishing the year with a 23-3 record and clinching a share of the team’s first conference title since 2012. Dominican also won the regional championship for the third year in a row. The Knights were ranked number one in the state in Division 3 for three weeks. Alicia Burgos ’23 and Keona McGee ’24 reached 1,000 career points during the season. Congratulations on a great year!
1 2 3 4 5
Emily Dickmann ’23 registered her 2000th career assist, helping the Dominican girls volleyball team to a 23-win season and a spot in the regional championship game. Dickmann was named a first team all-conference selection and WVCA All-State honorable mention.
Wilson von Bohlen ’23 finished the 2022 season ranked as one of the top goalies in the state, finishing sixth in Divison 4 with 128 saves. The team co-captain helped lead the boys soccer team to an undefeated record at Palermo’s Field.
Claire Emmerich ’24 was voted the Wisconsin High School Athlete of the Week during the week of May 1. She led the Dominican girls soccer team in goals and assists this season. Emmerich is currently committed to play soccer at Drake University.
Charlie Wahlen ’24 made his mark at the plate and on the mound this spring for the Dominican baseball team. Wahlen led the Knights with a .417 batting average and 27 runs scored. As a pitcher, Wahlen won a team high four games with a 3.62 ERA and 66 strikeouts.
The Dominican boys basketball team may have been the underdog in its second round playoff matchup against top seed Milwaukee Carmen Northwest, but that didn’t stop the Knights from winning and bringing home the regional trophy for the second season in a row!
First Team
Harris Burgos ’24
Sebastian von Bohlen ‘24
Second Team
Donovan Harwood ’24
Honorable Mention
Esau Rodriguez ’23
Wilson Von Bohlen ’23+
Sean Melloch ’24
Gavin Bishop ’23
Jaime Garcia ’24
Basketball - Boys
First Team
Aaron Womack III ’25*
Second Team
Markel Webb ’24
Honorable Mention
Derrick Johnson ’24
Jaiden Martin ’24
Harris Burgos ‘24
Tennis - Boys
First Team
Ethan Grassl ’23
Honorable Mention
Sam Mitchell ’23
Vincent Desing ’23
Isaac Mitchell ’25
Owen Lara ’25
Soccer - Girls
First Team
Claire Emmerich ’24
Second Team
Emma Hubbard ’24
Honorable Mention
Kate Boettinger ’24
Georgea Cushman ’23
Maria Emmerich ’26
Claire Hubbard ’23
Bella Stecker ’24
Basketball - Girls
First Team
Keona McGee ’24*
Alicia Burgos ’23*
Second Team
Victoria Okoro ’23
Honorable Mention
Makaiyah Cornelius ’23
Makari Cornelius ‘23
First Team
Tom Sukprasert ’23
Second Team
Marlee Hills ’26
First Team
Andres Gonzalez ’23
Second Team
Charlie Wahlen ’24+
Tyler Feldbruegge ’25
Honorable Mention
Leo Saavedra ’24
Leo Langerman ’23
Will Mansker ’23
First Team
Lily Weiler ’26
Second Team
Cate Wahlen ’26
Honorable Mention
Shea Haggerty ’23
Cecilia Parlier ’25
Taylor Baldwin ’24
Lacrosse - Boys
First Team
Jack Giese ’24
Volleyball - Boys
First Team
Jai Berrios ’23
Second Team
Oliver Wilms ’24
Ethan Grassl ’23
Honorable Mention
Leo Langerman ’23
Jimmy Linn ’23
Naod Fessahaye ’23
Volleyball - Girls
First Team
Emily Dickmann ’23*
Alicia Burgos ’23
Honorable Mention
Lily Taagen ’23
Kate Boettinger ’24
Marlee Hills ’26
*All-State Selection
+All-State Academic
As of June 22, 2023
Six graduates will continue their athletic careers in college (from left):
Makaiyah Cornelius - Track, Alabama A&M
Makari Cornelius - Track, Alabama A&M
Ethan Grassl - Volleyball, St. Norbert
Andres Gonzalez - Baseball, North Central University
Emily Dickmann - Volleyball, Lakeland University
Alicia Burgos - Basketball, Lander University
Claire Hubbard ’23 earned a Silver Key Award at the Wisconsin Scholastic Art Competition for her drawing, “Self-Portrait.”
Eight Dominican students earned awards at the Wisconsin Scholastic Art Competition. Vincent Desing ’23 and Claire Hubbard ’23 won the Silver Key Award.
Elliott Bleything ’26, McKenzy Beamon ’25, Ara Gargiulo ’24, Mykiyah Harris ’23, Julia Harding ’23, and Sophia Bonifas ’23 were selected as honorable mentions.
Caleb Pacheco ’23 earned a Scholastic Silver Key Award in writing for his essay, “Like a Wildflower.”
“Exploring my ethnicity is really important to me. This piece represents the roots and history that my ancestors and I have,” Pacheco said. “To see my story win an award was really special and made all the hard work pay off.”
Six students competed in the Wisconsin School Music Association’s state competition in May, earning eight gold medals and one silver medal. The students performed classical and musical theater pieces.
Dominican Theatre had another remarkable and exciting year in 2022-23, showcasing its versatility, diversity, and talent on and off stage.
The theatre season began in October with the coming-of-age, theatrical adaption of “Little Women.” In February, Dominican theatre went back to the ’60s with the musical “Bye Bye Birdie,” which earned Ellie Murray ’24 and Mary Knoelke ’24 a Spirit Award. Finally, the season was capped off with Dominican’s spring dance revue “Elevation V” in May. Our stage crew once again was heroic and painted, built, lit, constructed, costumed, and ran all three beautiful productions.
This year we were nominated for 26 Jerry Awards, had 86 students involved, and made a lot of memories.
Bravo Dominican Theatre on a great season!
Photos by Kate Jurgens/PaxPhoto
Dominican is thrilled to announce our 2023 Fall Play, Jane Austen’s Sense & Sensibility, adapted by Kate Hamill. This playful adaptation of the classic novel follows the fortunes and misfortunes of the Dashwood sisters, sensible Elinor and sensitive Marianne, after they are left financially destitute and socially vulnerable following their father’s untimely death. Hamill’s adaptation infuses this 18th century tale with humor, emotional depth, and bold theatricality.
Performances of Sense & Sensibility will be held in the James & Virginia Wheeler Auditorium.
Dominican would not be the incredible and very special Catholic high school that it is without the dedication and passion of its faculty and staff members. The following faculty and staff members celebrated anniversaries this year. We are so grateful for their commitment to the Dominican mission.
30 Years
25 Years
10 Years
10 Years
5 Years
5 Years
On June 15th, alumni, current/past parents, and friends helped us thank Ed Foy, Jeff Schaetzke, and Don Kern at their farewell party on the North Terrace. Their combined years of service to Dominican High School totals 79 years. Ed and Jeff have assumed new roles outside of Dominican, and Don is excited to be retiring after a long and successful career.
“The positive impact Ed, Jeff, and Don have had on the programs and opportunities we offer our students and families at Dominican High School is immeasurable,”
Dominican President Leanne Giese said. “Their leadership, hard work, and dedication to the mission has helped make all that we do possible. It has been a true honor and privilege to work alongside these talented professionals and great human beings!”
5 Years
Pam Mueller Social Studies Teacher Amanda Ball Social Studies Teacher Dave Gnadt Social Studies Teacher Kristyn Wiencek English Teacher Jenna Bonofiglio Spanish Teacher Hank Metzger Facilities Assistant Jim Fisher Director of Facilities (From left): Ed Foy, Don Kern, and Jeff SchaetzkeIf you’ve walked the halls of Dominican in the last 17 years then you’ve met Matt and Patty Linn. Matt and Patty joined the Dominican community in 2006 when their oldest son entered as a freshman. Since then, all six of their children have attended and graduated: Patrick ’10, Michael ’12, Jerome ’14, Kevin ’17, Maura ’20, and Jim ’23. Matt and Patty are the definition of what it means to be a Dominican family, giving back to the school in so many different ways.
Whatever their children were involved in, that is where you would find Matt and Patty. They have served as volunteers for the Athletic Booster (ABC), the Fine Arts Booster (FAB), and the campus ministry parent organization. Patty, most especially, was an integral member of FAB, even after her own theater kids graduated. She continued helping with marketing, tech meals, concessions, costumes, and more! Both Matt and Patty have continued to be patrons of our theater and athletic events as well.
Matt and Patty have also been instrumental in our school’s fundraising efforts. They chaired the auction for two consecutive years in 2012 and 2013, and even after leading this huge
fundraiser, Patty remained heavily involved in multiple auction committees over the next ten years. As an estate planning attorney, Matt has served Dominican by lending his professional knowledge to assist the school in creating a planned giving program. His knowledge and expertise helped us create a road map to ensure a Dominican education is affordable for many generations of students. Matt and Patty have also been faithful supporters of both capital campaigns, the annual auction, KnightWalk, the Bill Crowley Scholarship Golf Outing, the Dominican Fund, scholarship support, and more.
Matt and Patty have also helped dozens of new families get acquainted with Dominican through serving as a host family as well as volunteering at our annual Open House.
There are no bigger cheerleaders for Dominican High School than Matt and Patty. When called upon to help, they have always answered YES! We are grateful for the positive impact they have left on our school and community. Thank you, Matt and Patty Linn!
Whether you arrived by car, foot, or by jumping out of an airplane, the Dominican community showed up big for the 43rd Annual Auction on April 22. This year over 285 guests joined us for the Auction helping us raise $300,000 for the school and the Dominican Scholarship Fund. Forget diamonds, the Dominican community has proved we are a valuable, rare breed that continues to show up and give back, forever solidifying that Dominican Knights are the real gems.
Thank you to our wonderful 2023 Auction Co-Chairs: Jim & Peggy Stern, Charles Pignotti and Lisa Vanden Heuvel, and Terry ’74 & Lynn Flanagan for making this a successful mission! This auction would not have been such a success without these amazing leaders. Many thanks to the many volunteers who helped us with this very important fundraiser.
We also recognize our big winners of the evening. Our Golden Ticket winner was Suzan Ben-Poorat ’68 and she selected the Chef’s Table as her prize. We hope she enjoys a wonderful evening of food and wine. Past parent Eamonn O’Keeffe was the $500 Head’s and Tails winner, taking, was while Annemarie Scobey-Polacheck ’86 went home with the Oculus. We can’t forget about our wonderful VIP upgrade winner, past parent and board member Cara Fuller, who enjoyed a personal martini cart with her table for the evening. Last, our big winners of the Buck’s courtside ticket raffle donated by Palermo’s was enjoyed by past parents John and Jayne Desing ’85, and Mary Simonis.
The real hero of our evening was scholarship speaker, Chloe Stieghorst ’23 who shared her heartwarming story of transformation here at Dominican, that was only made possible through scholarship support. It is for all the students like Chole that we ask our community to raise their paddles on auction night.
This year we raised over $140,000 during the paddle raise which will allow us to continue providing scholarships to our students.
retired from his manufacturing engineer career in 2020. He currently works part time as a Senior Automotive Relocation Engineer for Manheim Auto Auctions and as an AEMT for Southern Ozaukee Fire and EMS. Last summer, after his wife Jeannine retired, they drove out west to California to visit Mesa Verdi, Zion, and Yosemite National Parks. The couple resides in Thiensville, WI.
celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary this past year. Jack also completed his 50th year coaching football. In Wisconsin, he coached at Carthage College, Wausau East, and was inducted into the Hall of Fame at Menomonee Falls. He currently coaches at Pantego Christian Academy. The couple resides in Lewisville, TX.
Currently Lives: Fox Point, WI
Post-Secondary Education: St. Norbert College, BS in Mathematics and Marquette University, BS in Civil Engineering.
Family: Married to Nancy Rolfs ’67 with 3 children and 4 grandchildren.
Current Job: President/Owner of Munson Fence/ Munson Armstrong Paving and have been working there for 49 years.
Role Models: Dr. John P. Fetherston Sr.
Favorite Pastime/Hobby: Being with my family.
Favorite Dominican Memory: Meeting my wife at the Winter Dance.
Favorite Words of Wisdom: Taped to my bathroom mirror at Mayo Clinic “On particularly rough days when I’m sure I can’t possibly endure, I like to remember that my track record for getting through bad days so far is 100%- and that is pretty good.”
What are some ways you’ve been able to give back to Dominican? Multiple fence and asphalt projects, especially the Palermo’s Field fence.
Why is Dominican worthy of support: Dominican is a great school and is in a great location. It enriches lives, provides opportunity for growth, and prepares students for college.
head PGA professional at Morningstar Golf Club, won WPGA 2022 Player of the Year honors in the member division and finished No. 1 in the senior division too. He is only the second player to accomplish this feat.
Most meaningful accomplishment: Helping others and saving lives as an on- call firefighter, driving operator, and EMT for 33 years with Fox Point & North Shore Fire Departments. I’ve also been an auxiliary police officer for 31 years at the Fox Point Police Department and 8 years as a combat engineer captain for the 961st Engineer Battalion.
What values or characteristics were instilled in you during your time at Dominican? I learned responsibility, respect, and determination.
hosted more than 35 alumni at their home in Scottsdale, Arizona in March. Jack ’68 and Ellen ’68 (Daly) Synold George Sladky ’68 Gary ’76 and Mary ’76 (Murray) Refinskicelebrated their 25th class reunion on Saturday, April 29th at Good City Brewing.
married Rebecca Flegner on April 2, 2023 in Tulum Mexico. The couple resides in Milwaukee.
Currently Lives: Bayside, WI
Post-Secondary Education: Edgewood College & UW-Stout
Family: Siblings Margaret ’77 Rytman, Christine ’78 Griffith, Amy ’80 Nordloh, Julie Pandl, John, Jimmy, Steve and Jeremiah Pandl.
Current Job: Sendik’s Catering Director for the last seven years.
Favorite Dominican Memory: Variety show where I got to wear a gorilla costume.
How did Dominican shape the person you are today: Dominican has given me a lifelong foundation of faith, friends, and family, and has kept my Catholic beliefs strong.
and his wife, Lori, welcomed daughter Charlotte Nicole Elizabeth on November 19, 2022. The couple resides in West Allis.
an investment advisor representative with M3 Financial, was chosen from hundreds of her colleagues as the Mortenson Award for Innovation recipient. This award recognizes someone who makes an impact on the landscape of the retirement industry by being willing to take risks and innovate. She received the award for a financial education and wellness platform she developed in 2022. Kelly lives in Oshkosh with her husband and children.
Why is Dominican worthy of support: For decades, Dominican has instilled the values of Truth, Compassion, Justice, Community, and Partnership. In this crazy world we live in, now more than ever, these values need to continue to be taught.
What are some ways you’ve been able to give back to Dominican: I’ve given back over the years through my time and talent. Our family restaurant business, Pandl’s, expanded into a catering company which brought me back to Dominican catering at least 10 auctions over the years. My tradition of catering Dominican’s auction continues today as the Sendik’s Catering Director.
What values or characteristics were instilled in you during your time at Dominican: Be a good, moral person, treat others as you want to be treated, pray, say please and thank you a lot!
Words of advice for current Dominican students: Study as hard as you can, and participate in social activities that will build long-lasting relationships.
Favorite words of wisdom: Stay close to God, embrace your family and friends, be GRATEFUL when someone offers to help you, and make soup to share.
O’Keef ’02 Tyriver Matt Zembrowski ’01 Ambrose Wilson Brown ’01Amber Raffeet ’06 August
was appointed by Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers to become the next judge for Branch 14 of the Milwaukee County Circuit Court. She has been an Assistant Family Court Commissioner for Milwaukee County since August 2022.
Post-Secondary Education:
University of Minnesota at Duluth BBA, Cleveland State University MEA
Family: Married to Khai for 29 years.One daugher (Jinda), and two sons (Gabe and Greg).
was recently promoted to detective in the Homicide Division of the Milwaukee Police Department. Daniel and his wife, Margaret (Cope ’06), also welcomed daughter, Penelope Ann, in June of 2022.
Currently Lives: York, PA
Current Job: Vice President/General Manager of Lamar Advertising-York, PA.
First Job: My first job after college was as a professional basketball player for the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Favorite Dominican Memory: Great classmates, instructors, and staff. I really enjoy the memories made working the summers to clean and prep the school for the next year.
married Matt Roth on Saturday, October 28, 2022 at St. Monica Parish in Whitefish Bay, followed by a reception which included over twenty alumni at Bottle House 42 in Milwaukee. The couple resides in La Grange, IL.
How did Dominican shape the person you are today: Dominican reinforced the principles I was taught at home. Family is the foundation to everything.
Why is Dominican worthy of support: I believe in Catholic education and how it strengthens the family unit. Although my children did not have a Catholic high school experience, our Catholic faith is very much a part of our daily lives and that is a result of the example and sacrifices of my parents.
Katrina Galka ’07
has been working as an international opera singer since graduating with her Masters Degree in Music from Boston University in 2013. Since then she has sung as a soloist at major opera houses across the USA, Europe, and Asia, and will make her debut this fall at the Teatro alla Scala, one of the most prestigious houses in the world. When she’s not traveling to sing, she lives in Portland, OR with her husband and dog.
What values or characteristics were instilled in you during your time at Dominican: Appreciate everyone, take care of one another and good things will be there for all.
Words of advice for current Dominican students: Stay curious and don’t strive to be a “finished product.” Look for ways to get better or try something new. There is always room for improvement if you are willing to make the room.
Favorite words of wisdom: Greatest TEAM you will ever be on is the one you call Family. If you aren’t a great teammate at home it will be hard to be one anywhere else!
Daniel O’Connell ’06was promoted to Navy Chief Petty Officer in October 2022 and is currently stationed in Norfolk, Virginia aboard the USS Montana SSN 794. He has served in the Navy since 2012. John is pictured with his wife Amanda and their two children.
Post-Secondary Education: Marquette University BA in Economics, UW-Milwaukee MS in Urban Studies, UW-Milwaukee, PhD in Urban Studies
Family: Brother, Dashal Young ’84.
N’Jameh Russell-Camara ’09
and her husband, Ian, welcomed daughter Soriba Patrick on April 30, 2023. Soriba is joined by big sister Tova and the family resides in Menomonee Falls, WI.
Current Job: I have worked at the Medical College of Wisconsin since 1997. Currently, I am a Full Professor and Senior Associate Dean for Community Engagement.
Favorite Dominican Memory: Meeting up with friends to watch the basketball games! We would stay after school for the games through the evening.
recently published her first book, “Living Liturgy.” She is the Program Associate for the Communities of Calling Initiative and the Collegeville Institute - Seminars. Jessie also serves as an Adjunct Instructor for St. John’s University where she teaches a course on Benedictine spirituality, as well as the Outreach Coordinator for the Saint John’s Abbey Vocations team.
James Luy ’11
and his wife, Erin, welcomed son John Timothy on April 22, 2023. The family resides in Lakewood, OH.
How did Dominican shape the person you are today: Dominican reinforced the importance of having values, having integrity, and appreciating others’ gifts and talents. Every person is unique and a child of God. Remembering that keeps me focused in everything I do personally and professionally.
Why is Dominican worthy of support: Dominican is worthy of support because it provides a solid education for its diverse students, has faculty that demonstrate caring and commitment, and creates a sense of belonging which is invaluable.
What are some ways you’ve been able to give back to Dominican: I have been a long-time donor to Dominican in multiple ways because I believe that giving back is critical. I have served on the board of directors and enjoyed returning for theater productions to see the current students.
What values or characteristics were instilled in you during your time at Dominican: Integrity, respect, humility, and social responsibility.
and his wife, Anne, welcomed daughter Emalyn in April of this year. She is joined by older siblings Addilyn (3) and Ryker (2). The family resides in Cedarburg, WI.
Words of advice for current Dominican students: Take advantage of the opportunities to try new things, meet new people, and have fun!
Favorite words of advice: Just be yourself!
Jessie Bazan ’10 ’10s Simon Gall ’12Thomas Herzfeld ’12 and Rebecca Welch ’12
welcomed son Henry John on January 26, 2023. The family resides in Grafton, WI.
Post-Secondary Education: University of Missouri, Bachelor of Journalism
Family: Recently engaged to my fiancé, Luke. We have a 3-year-oldhusky named Skye.
Drehobl ’14
Emily McDonagh ’16 received a Bachelor of Science with a major in Health Science and minor in Psychology from the University of Dayton in 2020. In May of this year, she received a Doctorate of Physical Therapy with a Citation for Academic Excellence for Excellence in Service to the Community or Profession from Grand Valley State University. She plans to work in the Grand Rapids area upon completing her board certification.
Currently Lives: Charlotte, NC
Current Job: I’m an anchor and reporter at WSOC-TV, the ABC affiliate in Charlotte. I’ve worked there for four years.
Favorite part of your job: Meeting new people and the opportunity to make a difference. Every single day is different.
Favorite Dominican Memory: CATS Musical, Junior Year Prom, State Basketball Championships.
How did Dominican shape the person you are today: Dominican gave me a more diverse, worldly perspective. It taught me how to think critically. The theater program gave me a place to feel celebrated, where I could grow into my authentic self. And it’s where I met some of my best friends!
Why is Dominican worthy of support: Dominican offers a unique student experience that wouldn’t be possible without the support. You never know the difference that it could make in shaping a student’s future.
Miranda Wollersheim ’16
and her partner, Zack, welcomed son Zackariah Jr. on December 28, 2022. The couple resides in Jacksonville, FL.
What values or characteristics were instilled in you during your time at Dominican: Compassion, humility, and resiliency. As a journalist, my job is to give a voice to the voiceless, which is reflective of the values both my parents and Dominican instilled in me. I consider the scripture from Luke 12:48 “To whom much is given, much will be required” to be my foundational principle.
Words of advice for current Dominican students: Be kind. Be present. Be yourself. Be brave. Go to the game. Join the club. Make the memories. Say yes. Get uncomfortable. Create something you’re proud of. Enjoy it all!
Paul Manley ’17
was recently hired by Alaska Airlines as a Line Aircraft Technician based at SeaTac in Seattle, WA. Paul graduated from UW-Milwaukee in 2021 with a BA in Digital Fabrication Design from the Peck School of Arts. He then attended the Aviation Institute of Maintenance in Freemont, CA, graduating valedictorian of his class in February 2023 and giving the commencement speech to his fellow classmates.
Bennett Artman ’19
graduated this Spring from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and delivered the student address to the College of Letters and Science’s honors program graduates. Bennett received a double major, with honors, in environmental studies and psychology. In June, he began a one-year fellowship at the Aldo Leopold Foundation.
Ben Frediani ’21
completed his first newspaper design while working for the University Daily Kansan. Ben is a student at the University of Kansas studying Graphic Arts/Visual Communications.
Post-Secondary Education: Marquette, B.S. in Accounting and Finance
Family: Siblings
Frank ’14, Ellie ’16, George ’18 and Teddy ’22. My parents are also alums; Bill ’85 and Shelly ’84.
Current Job: I’ve been a Private Equity Associate at Waud Capital Partners for the last three years. I will be starting at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management to pursue my MBA this summer and plan to return to private equity after graduation.
Role Models: My late grandma, Joan Hudak, because she was the most selfless and kindest person I have ever known. And my mom, Shelly Wong, because she is always there for my siblings and me!
Favorite Dominican Memory: So many! It was special getting to play doubles with my sister, Ellie Wong, on the tennis team. I also met my best friend, Abi Spaeth, at Dominican.
How did Dominican shape the person you are today: There was no girls’ golf team at Dominican, but I was able to play on the boys’ team. Looking back, this was an incredibly intimidating experience for someone as shy as I was, but it’s made me more confident in my career because working in a male-dominated field is significantly less intimidating by comparison.
Marco Luna ’22 received a $1,500 Layton Fund Scholarship from UW-Milwaukee for his overall performance during his first year in college. This scholarship is renewable for three years and is given to freshmen students in the Peck School of Art. Marco is majoring in Design and Visual Communication.
What are some ways you’ve been able to give back to Dominican: I have participated in Career Day for the last two years, which I think is a terrific opportunity for students to learn more about what they can do after Dominican.
Words of advice for current Dominican students: Don’t stress about your grades (but try your hardest). Be yourself.
Favorite words of wisdom: You don’t get what you don’t ask for.
who have passed since our last publication. May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Eternal rest grant unto them, Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
Karen Woltring ’61 Gruenewald
March 2, 2023
Catherine Cerjance ’62 Platz
January 30, 2022
Mary Sager ’62
April 22, 2023
Mary Margaret Hibscher ’63 Blackburn
January 30, 2023
Alice Komlodi ’63 Young
October 28, 2022
Mary Ann Renier ’63
November 27, 2022
Ron Abele ’65
May 11, 2023
James Connelly ’65
September 20, 2022
Vicki Peluso ’65 Fischer
November 19, 2022
Mark McMullen ’66
February 1, 2023
Patrick Niles ’66
May 2, 2023
Christine Dolata ’68 Becker
February 1, 2023
Christine Moertl ’69
April 20, 2023
Carol O’Connor ’70 Riesmeyer
July 23, 2022
Ralph “Rusty” Schroedel, Jr. ‘70
May 28, 2023
Lizabeth Moroder ’75 Ludowissi
March 17, 2023
Tim O’Brien ’76
November 11, 2022
Douglas Garfield ’77
January 19, 2023
Janet Kulinski ’77 Janowski
December 27, 2023
Gerald (Jerry) Roche ’77
January 31, 2023
Michael Dooley ’78
April 22, 2023
Mark Ewe ’78
January 6, 2023
Allison Hamilton ’81 Davidson
January 21, 2023
Andrew Gaertner ’83 Wadsworth
February 10, 2023
Michael (Mike) Bersch ’84
September 1, 2022
Todd Rivera ’91
October 29, 2022
Kevin Grochowski ’97
March 11, 2023
Megan Daugherty ’98 Sliwinski
February 15, 2023
*All names as of May 31, 2023
We celebrate the lives of Dominican Alumni, current and past faculty & staff, and Sinsinawa Dominican sisters, whose deaths were recently shared with us. We rely on the information available to us and sincerely apologize for any names we have inadvertently omitted.
Please contact Alumni Manager, Julie Dlugopolski at for any memorial notifications.
2021 Distinguished Alum of the Year
MaryAnne Mullaney ‘75
The Dominican High School Distinguished Alumni Awards honor graduates who exemplify our five core values of Truth, Compassion, Justice, Community, and Partnership. Recognition is awarded to individuals who carry forth and support the Dominican mission through professional, leadership and service achievements.
The Dominican High School Distinguished Alumni Awards honor graduates who exemplify our five core values of Truth, Compassion, Justice, Community and Partnership. Recognition is awarded to individuals who carry forth and support the Dominican mission through professional, leadership and service achievements.
MaryAnne has been a continuous supporter and advocate of Dominican since she graduated 46 years ago. Through her key role in establishing St. Monica’s Kindergarten program and as a teacher there for the last 41 years, she has demonstrated strong faith, belief and commitment to Catholic education. Over the years, MaryAnne has shared her love of Dominican by attending events, supporting students through Knight Walk and scholarship support, and by facilitating tours for her young students to meet with high school students. The common theme found in Maryanne’s nominations is that she truly models Dominican’s core values of Truth, Compassion, Justice, Community and Partnership.
David Bowen ’80
Deysha Smith-Jenkins ’12
Amber Raffeet ’06 August Amber obtained her B.A. in Spanish and Legal Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and law degree from University of Wisconsin Law School. She works at Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee as Staff Attorney in the Guardian ad Litem Division advocating for children from indigent families in family court. Amber is PresidentElect of WI Association of African American Lawyers, member of the State Bar of WI Board of Governors and member of Women in Focus, Inc. By offering to mentor and provide internship opportunities, Amber serves as an excellent role model for current Dominican students interested in pursuing a career in law.
Alumni & Friends Reunion Friday, August 11
Join us from 5:00 - 8:30 p.m. for live music, raffles, tours, food, drinks, and the Distinguished & Young Alumni Awards. Scan the QR code to register!
40th Annual Bill Crowley Scholarship Golf Outing
Monday, August 14
Enjoy a round of golf at the beautiful Ozaukee Country Club with alumni, family, and friends. Not a golfer? Join us afterward for dinner. Visit for more information.
Friday, September 22
Dominican’s annual fundraiser culminates in a six-mile walk around Whitefish Bay where students show off their Dominican spirit.
Saturday, September 23
The Dominican Fun Run of 1979 is returning! The day after the student-led KnightWalk, join in on the fun with this 5K run/walk through the streets of Whitefish Bay.
KnightWalk KnightRun Homecoming Soccer Game
Saturday, September 30
Get in the homecoming spirit and cheer on the Knights soccer team as they take on Eastbrook Academy on Dominican Palermo’s Field.
Open House
Sunday, October 15
Bring your middle school or grade school student for a tour of Dominican, or visit your alma mater and see what’s new. Mass will begin at 8:30 a.m. and tours will run from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.