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In This Issue
Dominican High School publishes Dominican Magazine for alumni, past parents, current families and friends. Do you have a change of address or any comments you’d like to share? Contact Bryan McLoone, Communications Manager at 414-332-1170 ext. 174 or bmcloone@dominicanhighschool.com
Bryan McLoone, Communications Manager
Julie Dlugopolski
Nate Friday ’09
Leanne Giese
Joe Grady
Christine Hudak ’84
Erika LaPean
Cydni Schaeffler
Indicated by photo credits
To provide young adults with a co-educational, Catholic, college-preparatory experience based on the teachings of Jesus. Our faith-driven school community fosters spirituality and creativity, and encourages intellectual, social, physical and artistic development. We commission our students to develop a heightened sense of social responsibility and respect for human dignity based on the values articulated by our sponsoring congregation, the Sinsinawa Dominicans: Truth, Compassion, Justice, Community, and Partnership.
Dominican Family and Friends,
Dominican High School has provided a road map for success for students since its inception in 1956. The original plan of excellence created by the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa included a collegepreparatory curriculum with the perfect combination of academic rigor and high expectations, infused throughout with our Catholic faith and traditions. Sixty-seven years later, we are still committed to providing that same road map, as well as carrying forward the traditions of our Sinsinawa Sisters by preaching and teaching the mission of Jesus, St. Dominic, and Fr. Mazzuchelli.
With less than 300 women in their congregation, and a median age of 82, the Sinsinawa Sisters developed a path to allow their mission to continue even as their numbers decline. Thanks to their forethought and careful planning, Dominican Veritas Ministries was created to do just that. Dominican Veritas Ministries (DVM) is an educational ministry founded by five US Congregations of Dominican
Sisters – Adrian, Houston, Peace, Sinsinawa, and Springfield. The idea of this ministry began in 2016 when leaders of the five congregations gathered to discuss ways they could collaborate to ensure the continuation of the Catholic and Dominican identity of their ministries well into the future. A submission of the DVM model was sent to the Vatican in 2021 and approved in 2022. Leadership of DVM will include a Member Board with representation from each of the five participating congregations, and an eight-person appointed Board of Trustees. These leadership boards will be responsible for providing support to the canonical and civil entities. DVM will also have an Executive Director who will oversee the formation of Members and Trustees, and will provide resources for charism integration for its sponsored schools. Presidents of the eight schools moving to DVM are meeting with the Members, Trustees, and Executive Director for a weeklong conference in preparation for the transition that will occur on September 1, 2023.
2022-2023 Board of Directors and Officers
Lisa A. Bangert Attorney
Tom Branigan Branigan, Inc.
Amy Brown ’01 Badger Meter
Mike Carter
Northwestern Mutual
Brian Conole ’73 - Vice Chairperson
Dave Dlugopolski ’85 - Secretary
Outdoor Lighting Construction Co.
Joe Emmerich
Zoll Respicardia
Cara Fuller - Board Chair

WEC Energy Group
Leanne Giese - President Dominican High School
Tsebaot Hailemichael Bostik, Inc.
Sr. Mary Howard Johnstone, OP Sinsinawa Ambassador
Dave Mazza - Treasurer Dana Investment Advisors
More information regarding this change in our sponsorship will be forthcoming.
We are grateful for the creation of Dominican Veritas Ministries because this new sponsorship model allows us to remain a Dominican-sponsored school into perpetuity. We will proudly carry on the Dominican mission of providing an exceptional Catholic, college-preparatory experience, and continue the excellence created by the Sinsinawa Sisters in 1956.
Thank you for helping us keep our very important mission alive and thriving through your prayers, promotion, and financial support of Dominican High School.
God Bless and Go Knights!
Leanne Giese President
Stephen Roche ’94 Setter Roche, LLP
Francine Parris ’84 Saffold
Advocate Aurora Health
Chris Notheis ’83 Schumacher
Cedarburg Veterinary Clinic
Arnis Vecitis ’84
Advocate Aurora Health
Sr. Erica Jordan, OP
Sinsinawa Sponsorship Council Liaison

2023 Legacy Families
The Class of 2023 included four legacy families! (From left):

Emily Dickmann ’23 (Jason Dickmann ’92)

Mackenzie Witt ’23 (Jason Witt ’00, Rebecca Smerz ’00)

Tristan Rouse ’23 (Beth (Konczal) Rouse ’86, Susan Konczal ’62)
Breon Bennett ’23 (Not Pictured: Kyontah Veasy-Bennett ’93)
Class Of 2023
On Friday, May 26, family, friends, and members of the Dominican community gathered as the Class of 2023 crossed the stage, received their diplomas, and joined the ranks of Dominican alumni. Congratulations Class of 2023! We can’t wait to see what your future holds.