Portfolio dominik krug

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DominikKrug Portfolio

CV* 04.03.1990, Donaueschingen, Germany Education -Umeå Institute of Design, Umeå, Sweden -2014-2017 -Master of Fine Arts in Transportation Design -FH Joanneum, University of Applied Sciences, Graz, Austria -2011-2014 -Bachelor of Arts in Arts and Design -Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea -08/2009-12/2009 -Korean language program -Fürstenberg Gymnasium, Donaueschingen, Germany -Abitur 2009

Work experience -JLR - Land Rover, Gaydon, United Kingdom -08/2016-12/2016 -Internship in the Creation Design Studio

-Ricosta Shoes, Donaueschingen, Germany -01/2010-04/2010 -Internship in the design and modelling department

-BMW, Munich, Germany -02/2016-07/2016 -Internship in the ED-31 Advanced Design Studio

-AMSEL/IMSED, Donaueschingen, Germany -2006-2014 -Occasional work as a caregiver and transporter for people affected by multiple sclerosis

-KISKA Design Consultancy, Salzburg, Austria -02/2014-07/2014 -Internship in the transportation and product design departments

DominikKrug DominikKrug@live.de +49 170 5562041

Skills Software

-Freehand sketching -Photoshop -Strategic thinking -InDesign -Problem solving -Alias -Clay modelling -SolidWorks -VR sculpting -Keyshot -Digital rendering -Vred -Retouching -Tilt Brush - -Oculus Medium

Languages -German -English -Korean(basics) -French(basics)


BMW iSetta

Volvo Sidekick

Husqvarna Binary

Overview SAAB Aerojet

Benelli Cruz Mobile

LR Rover One



*shortlist nomination at Car Design Awards Global 2015

The iSetta concept is about connecting the dots of BMW`s past, present and future. While also taking into account modern infrastructures like DriveNow and the needs of the modern urban individual. The original Isetta was created to meet the needs of the masses for simple and affordable mobility in the post-war recovery phase. In the future time and especially space management is becoming a top priority. Therefore simple and affordable mobility is more relevant than ever. The young and innovative image that the i-brand brought to BMW would be perfect to launch a new type of Isetta.

Team: Tatu Henell: Interior Dominik Krug: Exterior


package mock-up

Ideation The goal was to create a friendly and light looking vehicle with premium aesthetics, expressed through the materials and details. It was also important to integrate design cues of BMW‘s i subbrand. The 3 wheeler package is related to the original Isetta‘s design by the italian Renzo Rivolta.

Clay/CAD The chosen theme was build and refined in clay. A 3D scan of the clay model was then used to validate the size and usability by using reference manequins. The 3D model also helped to create accurate final visualizations.

dimensions: l: 2690mm w: 1120mm h: 1450mm


Accessibility large opening

The vehicle has one opening at the front which follows the original Isetta´s philosophy of accessibility. To make access even more effortless the vehicle tilts towards you while entering. The tilting mechanism also decreases the vehicles footprint while parked, making it more efficient in highly populated areas. The seat arrangement grants the passengers their individual space, while the connection of the surfaces depicts this interior as a place for important social bonding and connection.

vehicle tilts towards user

Interaction Autonomous driving allows cars to drive faster and closer to each other. Safety is taken care of by the cars, that are connected to the infrastructure, which is receiving and distributing information. The User operates iSetta by using simple hand and voice gestures. The destination can be chosen trough BMW´s DriveNow service on a handheld mobile device.

Interior Design by Tatu Henell

Call an iSetta/ Plan the route!

Change lane!

Stop now!

2Track This project was an excercise to improve on my sketching and 3D-modelling skills. With the design of this vehicle I was exploring how a lightweight electric sportscar can fit into the portfolio of KIA. While taking inspiraton of KIA`s clean and simple surfacing, I wanted the design to be bold, fast and expressing the use of the car.



Ideation During the theme creation I explored more taditional closed and positive volumes as well as strong negative volumes with a strong separation of elements.

The final direction emphazises a sensual flowing top part floating on a technical formula style underpinning.

CAD Alias Automotive + Keyshot

Trucking 2025

Volvo Sidekick The goal of this collaboration project was to investigate how Volvo could communicate trust and promote acceptance of automation in combination with a fresh new design identity for the interior of their long-haul trucks.

In collaboration with:

Concept Investigating the introduction of a 3rd party to the team of truck and driver, which can take over actions and responsibilities. ´ The intention is to enable an easier communication between the truck, it‘s autonomous systems and the driver and also to relieve the driver of specific aspects. A classic inspiration for such a system is R2D2 from Star Wars. The robot can accompany the pilot and help with specific tasks inside and outside of the vehicle. It acts as a communication tool between the systems of the spacecraft and the pilot.

Sidekick Initially the idea was to put a playful robotic co-driver into the truck. Investigating the target audience of conservative drivers and fleet owned vehicles, the conclusion was made to go for a more simple and efficient solution.

Sidekick is an interactive key-companion system. As the key is carried by the driver back home and into fleet centrals, the conclusion to extend the features of the key was the most efficient solution. The key will act as the vehicle‘s brain. When put into position, the dashboard will act as it‘s body.

Routes can be planned from home and transfered onto the key.

The driver will get updates on the loading of the truck, when it is in a loading bay.

Sidekick can also be used to remotely control the truck. This helps in tight parking scenarios i.e. loading facilities.

Inside The interior space is calm and home like. The front working area is colored in calm and bright tones and contrasts with the darker rear compartment, which is the sleeping and relaxing area. The controlls on the dashboard are hidden under a flexible textile surface. Retractable buttons and backlighting create dials for i.e. temperature control only when required.

The steering wheel is the base for Sidekick. When plugged in, the vehicle comes to live.

Outside To enable communication of the autonomous systems with the surrounding a simple light communication system is integrated into the front of the truck. Persons walking in front of the truck would normaly seek eye contact with the driver to estimate the drivers intentions. Because the dashboard is an interior component and it‘s close proximity to the driver, the dashboard was chosen for the position of the light communication. For better visibility the windscreen is pushed further down.

The outside and the inside facing lights mimic the movements and the proximity of persons and vehicles in front of the vehicle. The people in front of the truck and the driver therefore get a visual confirmation that the autonomous systems are aware of the trucks surroundings. If a person is very close in front of the truck or in a blindspot, the color changes to red facing the driver and green facing the person on the outside.

When the truck is approching a „Platoon“ (convoy of autonomous trucks driving closely behind each other to minimize fuel consumption) the driver will get the option to dock with the platoon and to rest in the rear of the truck while Sidekick takes over.

While resting in the rear compartment, the driver can display a live feed from the first truck in the platoon on the Sidekick screen or on the trucks on-board infotainment screen. This tackles the potentially claustrophobic feeling of driving so closely behind another truck.


How can motorcycle customization and tuning live on in the electric age? Introducing upgradable parts to electric motorcycles, that improve performance and also make a difference to the bikes appearance.


In collaboration with:



upgradable electric motorbike PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS

State of the art technology Design communicates sophisticated engineering

Upgradable (not just aesthetics)

Advantage through technology


K.E.R.S. UPGRADE alternator


So far electric motorcycles only employ energy recovery systems, that harvest braking energy from the rear wheel, because it is directly connected to the electric engine. This system is highly inefficient though, since 90- to 100% of the braking force is applied at the front wheel. In my concept I am relating to patent „US20120080249A1“ This invention is a K.E.R.S.system at the front wheel, that uses the braking energy to recharge the internal battery for extended range.

telescopic driveshafts

In my concept I am employing the basic mechanical layout of above mentioned patent, with the difference of charging additionally mounted supercapacitors. sprag clutch at front wheel

BOOST at rear wheel

When these capacitors are charged, the rider can use a temporary energy boost to accelerate even faster.

basic doodles to get a feel for the proportions and type of motorcycle.

generation of several themes and elements.



cus on highlighting technical components

exploration of basic and upgraded versions

technical elements and details

Themes applied to reference motorcycle proportions


variants of selected theme

visualisations and underlays for CAD

K.E.R.S. equipped

base model

Clutch on front wheel engages during breaking

Telescopic driveshafts transmit power

Alternator charges Supercapacitor

Boostgauge Boostbutton

Additional energy can be sent to the rear wheel

massive BOOST!!!

See it in action:



Team: Mikkel Brandt Bugge: Interior Dominik Krug: Exterior

In collaboration with:

Concept The concept of the Saab Aerojet is exploring the possible change of a vehicles appearance in a human driving mode vs. an autonomous driving mode through the use of advanced polycarbonat materials by Bayer Material Science.

_1 privacy & intimacy




Furthermore functionalities like lights, that are seamlessly integrated into surfaces, can be achieved through backlighting technology by Bayer.


Privacy & Intimacy / Full Immersion

worklife daily routine

The occupants can choose between:

awake enjoy recreation



_2 formal full immersion

Inspiration precision lightness simplicity vs complexity depth revealing vs hiding sharp cuts vs soft volumes



_lifecell surrounded by aero guiding housing _wing like exterior elements emphasize the airflow _exposed technical components

_selected theme

_alias wire model _sketchover and refinement

_see through front area

_monovolume from sideview

_active aero _retractable wing

_electrochromic layer in greenhouse allows the blocking of the DLO

_maximum visibility when in self driving mode

_large canopy style single opening

_application of final color and trim + details

Alias CAD-Model

transparent front

_battery charge indicator and illuminated logos are integrated into the polycarbonat surface

_regenerative breaking indicators integrated into outer surface

indicators integrated into polycarbonate surface

electrochromic dlo blocking parked or in autonomous mode

_The transparent front surface allows the drive to see through the steering wheel _Augmented Reality Heads up Display

interior _Interior Design by Mikkel Brandt Bugge

door status indicator

seats slide forward for easy access

_Driver is sitting in the middle with an unobstructed view of the surroundings


_Lifecell with a central Rollbar

Cruz Mobile BA-Thesis

Team: Christian Felsner: CAD, Mock-up model, Design model Luca Di Muzio: 2D detail development, Mock-up model, Design model Dominik Krug: 2D development, Mock-up model, Design model, Visualisations

The task of this project was to provide Benelli with ideas and visions for a future entry into the snowmobile market. Our aim was to create a new architecture that improves on the shortcomings of current snowmobiles. My work in this team project included the generation of the concept, the sketch development, the building of the physical mock up and the building of the final model.

In collaboration with:


We were looking at the architecture of existing snowmobiles and possibilities for innovation and improvement.

2 ski snowmobiles

>bad turning on hard surfaces >rider has to lean far into the curve and away from vehicle to counter the centrifugal forces. >better turning on soft snow, weight of the vehicle still forces rider to lean far out and against the movement of the vehicle. >high risk of injury because of heavy weight and bad agility

1 ski snowmobiles >better agility also on flat/hard snow. >rider can lean into the curve naturally. >centrifugal forces easier to handle. >instable on icy surfaces.

Our main goal was to change the steering system to be more intuitive and agile. We also saw a need in creating a lighter vehicle for improved handling and acceleration characteristics. This also reduces the risk of injury.

Concept 2 SKIES



Concept steering system ideation



A central suspension allows even balancing and dampening. 2 hydraulic cylinders, one on each side, in combination with 2 independently moving steering arms let the vehicle lean. Each steering arm has a stabilzer in parallelogram arrangement. This set up keeps the skies even and lets them turn in with a simple gear.




Development aesthetics

The appearance is guided greatly by the technical set up we developed. Since the vehicle must also be light it was important to reflect this in the styling. The whole design is focussed on highlighting the technical components, the ergonomy for the rider and the good handling characteristics.



In Action

Result how it works The core of our concept, the steering system, allows an agile and dynamic driving experience. The steering hydraulics change the angles of the steering arms, which are arranged in a parallelogram position whith the stabilizers. This set-up lets the skies turn, when the steering arms change their angle.


The hydraulics are connected to a central swing arm. This swing arm is connected to the main body by a central suspension. The hinges of the steering arms have a slight angle. This allows greater riding stability while cornering, because the ski on the inside of the corner is further away from the main body. This system lets the vehicle lean into the curve, while the skies also turn into the desired direction.






Cruz Mobile design model

FAR ABOVE FAR BEYOND Land Rover vehicles are about going where other vehicles can‘t go. With this concept I am exploring how the brand could extend it‘s reach onto new worlds.


In collaboration with:

Severall nations and private organisations make great efforts to explore and colonize Mars. The first astronauts are scheduled to arrive between the early 2020s to 2030. The ultimate goal is to establish a permanent colony on the red planet and to make humanity a multi-planetarty species. The currently developed exploration rovers are still very limited in range and off-road capabilities.



Technology The next generation vehicle has to go further and through more difficult terrain to extend the reach of future expeditions. The Land Rover Mars Exploration Vehicle will use technologies, that are currently emerging or in development, to enable these expeditions. Space based solar power allows to send energy collected in space onto the planetary surface by laser or micro waves. Mixed Reality solutions allow to merge the real and the virtual world. In a transportation related scenario new ways of interaction, a more immersive driving experience and a completely different interior experience can be achieved. Generative design and 3D printing allow to produce parts locally with the least amount of material necessary,


Exterior Ideation A big part of the formal and aesthetic inspiration comes from the very functional and distinctive design of spacecraft and stations.

The underlying theme is based around the octagon. An inherently strong shape, usefull for the construction of pressurized chambers and commonly used by NASA.

Focus on functions: Connection to base/other vehicles; Modular attachments; Safety features; Offroad-system



Further 2D digital development combined with testing and exploration in VR. Exploration of Themes and Treatments.

work in progress....

The interior has to offer comfortable shelter for extended week-long expeditions. I included solutions that offer a transforming interior space to accomplish this. When not needed the steering wheel retracts. The seats fold out of the bed/bench. The footrest can be folded up to allow a lounge like interior space. The vehicle has two suitports. The crew can exit the vehicle directly through an EVA-suit. This allows the crew to be in normal clothes inside the vehicle. The vehicle can also dock with a base station to enter/exit without the use of suits.



Through the use of mixed reality solutions the driving experience can be enhanced so that there is no physical obstruction blocking the view. Additional features: > > > >

3D scanning of the environment; 3D interfaces and navigation integrated into the wearers vision; The complete vehicle could be rendered see through. (Therefore, the vehicle would not require windows, which would lead to a stiffer construction and the reduction of weight); Guided Instructions, i.e. for repairs and assembly, directly at the point of interest;



Tilt Brush interface mock-up


Interior The vehicle has front facing windows for the use in emergencies, but also to allow the crew to see outside, when not wearing the MR glasses.

The MR visualizations and interfaces can overlay solid vehicle components and offer the crew an exposed and immersive view of the surrounding. This can help to clear obstacles, scout for paths and also to observe areas of interest. . The interior also offers multiple seating configurations to enable comfort and variable ergonomics on extended journeys. Each bench is also coupled with an external suitport to allow the astronauts to enter/exit the vehicle directly through a spacesuit.

front and rear steering

extreme offroad capability

stabilizing thrusters



DominikKrug DominikKrug@live.de +49 170 5562041

Thank you for your attention. Looking forward to hear from you.

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