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Selected Works. 2019-2020
Phone: +62 812 7822 0469 Email: dominikus.dani@gmail.com Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/dominikus-dani Instagram: @domii_dan Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta
I am a student of Architecture and Planning at Tarumanagara University with passion and dedication for architectural design. I am currently active in several student organizations, holding the role of president of IMARTA-SKETSA 2022/2023. Through research and development, I am interested in applying architectural knowledge to society.
In my opinion Architecture is a way to find individual and environmental identities and characteristics. It becomes a place to dream and progress.
Head of IMARTA-SKETSA 2022/2023. IMARTA leader in each of its work programs.
Senior Staff Of Pengabdian Masyarakat 2021/2022
This year’s Kampung Apung Development theme is *ARCHITECTURE AND WASTE*, with a focus on improving village cleanliness. Aims to raise awareness, educate, influence clean and healthy lifestyles, and reduce waste problems. With the hope that Kampung Apung can manage waste more effectively in their daily lives, leaving a lasting impact, particularly on the surrounding environment.
Chief Executive, Research Project 2021
The Research Project is an IMARTA-SKETSA work program that allows students to learn about architecture in a fun way outside of class lectures. The theme this year is “Climate Change,” and students will learn about the principles of Low Energy Building as a response to climate change. You’ve probably also heard of Low Energy Building.
Design Coordinator, Kompendium Kampung Apung Jilid 2
This is science fiction. The story of a group of students who collaborated with residents and the children’s playroom. Given that Indonesia, an archipelagic country with Jakarta as its capital city, will sink in 2050, the floatitation method appears to be in line with humans who live alongside water.
Staff of Pengabdian Masyarakat 2020/2021
Revitalization is the process of reviving or making something vital. This revitalization will take place in Kapuk Village, Cengkareng, West Jakarta, to bring back the Floating Village. This village, which is submerged in 1.5 - 2 meters of water at the bottom, has a lot of potential and unique localities that are different from how people live in the middle of Jakarta’s crowded city. A team of cross-semester students is required to carry out the Revitalization of the Floating Village.
Architectural Design Week (ADW)
Head of Finance, Architectural Design Week 2021
Leading the ADW 2021 Event Fundraiser.
Committee for finance, Gelar Kesenian 2019
ADW 2021 Event Fundraiser.
2013 - 2015
2016 - 2018
2019 - now
Xaverius Lubuklinggau Middle School. Xaverius Lubuklinggau High School. Tarumanagara University
2 years 5 months
August 2022 - Now
August 2021 - August 2022 (1 year 1 month)
August 2021 - November 2021 (4 months)
June 2021 - August 2021 (3 months)
August 2020 - August 2021 (1 year 1 month)
5 months
March 2021 - July 2021 (5 months)
September 2019 - January 2020 (5 months)
MCK Kampung Apung. Building MCK as a need for Kampung Apung. GETTAB Kampung Apung. Build a floating hut for children to play and study in Kampung Apung.
Academic Project Competition and Research
Common Room: Cilincing Fish Market
In Between Palmerah: Mixed use development Bensin di Tomang
Common Room: Cilincing Fish Market.
Location Program Date
: Kampung Nelayan Cilincing : Fish auction market with fish processing facilities : November 2022.
Cilincing sub-district came from various sources, such as: fisheries, green mussel farming, shell peeling, fish processing, fish traders, charter services, boat charter services, construction workers, factory workers and laundry workers. There have been social changes in the source of income for the fishermen of Cilincing since the construction of the reclamation island. In fact, many female workers have lost their jobs to contribute to the livelihood of their families because the source of income deriving from the green mussel business no longer exists.
Establishing a means of linking between the program boxes, so as to support the fishing line synergy form of Cilincing Nelayan village. This is necessary for each element that makes up the characteristics of the Fishing Village to work well.
From the results of direct observation, there are three types of spaces that form the characteristics of Cilincing Nelayan Village.
Privat. Communal. Semi.
It becomes a private space because it contains group or personal property within it, as well as being a place of rest and a place of personal activity for fishermen. The boats are also used as fishing vehicles at sea every day.
The common game in the eyes of fishermen is a structure that is used together.
Some of the main common areas of the Villaggio dei Pescatori are the places for fish auctions, public warehouses, places for boiling fish, places for refueling.
You see an access that connects the mainland with fishing boats and boats with boats.
This secondary common space is also created on each boat, as a shared space between the servants.
Mass Composition.
Cilincing Fish Market.
Existing mass. Support structures.
There is an important role of existing masses in Cilincing Nelayan village namely Warung Warung around Rw Malang River. Those who can give permission to perch fishing boats in the river basin. Fishermen also get conditions to purchase fishing supplies from these stalls. This forms the basis for creating the building mass that will be designed in the Design Studio 7 assignment and becomes the design parameter. The mass of the building will be created in front of the food stands located around the river.
Creation of masses with the function of support structures, in order to support the flow of fish management and distribution Support structures necessary for fishermen, namely: fish weighing plants, goods storage warehouses, fish processing plants and markets for the sale of catches. This becomes the basis for the mass formation of support structures.
Secondary Communal Area.
Pada eksisting, masih banyak perahu nelayan yang tidak memiliki secondary communal area atau konektor dari air ke daratan, ini menjadi hambatan bagi nelayan dalam memindahkan hasil tangkapan ke daratan untuk diolah atau dijual. Hal ini menjadi alasan untuk membuat konektor antara perahu dengan communal area disekeliling gubahan massa bangunan fasilitas. Menjadi pijakan untuk mendukung efisiensi waktu dan tenaga para nelayan.
Sitting room.
The habit of the fishermen of the Cilincing Fishermen Village is to rest every day on their boats. However, there are some drawbacks to the Cilincing fishermen’s way of life. Makadari was formed by the masses to support the shelter program, which is used by the fishermen to achieve their habitability.
From the results of a direct survey, there are very few places to boil fish in Cilincing Nelayan village, and the distance is quite large, forcing fishermen to transport their catch by pickup truck.
Hence the need for a kettle for boiling and processing the fish that will be distributed outside the area. Naturally, the mass must be able to accommodate the boiling equipment and satisfy all its needs.
Sell. Keep. Weigh.
Cilincing Nelayan village has only one fish auction place which is not big enough and the radius is wide enough for the fishermen to process the fish at the boiling place.
This is the basis for creating the fish auction room which is in the center where the fishing boats are. This is to support the connectivity and accessibility of the fishermen and their common space. Also to increase employment opportunities for the residents of Cilincing Fisherman Village.
The fishermen keep their belongings on their boats, including their nets and fishing gear. This makes the boat a confined space for fishing activities when you are relaxing and resting on the boat.
This became the basis for the creation of a storage area for Cilincing fishermen’s marine equipment, in order to create a large space for fishermen’s boats and equipment to avoid damage.
When the fishermen arrive from the sea with their catch, they immediately weigh the catch so it can be immediately distributed to the consumers. However, the problem that arises is that fishermen have few weighing tools, thus making the work inefficient over time.
This is the basis for making fish weighing stations, with tools that support the work time efficiency of Cilincing fishermen.
Activity schedule.
Cilincing Fish Market.
In Between Palmerah: Mixed Use Development.
Location Program Date
: Palmerah, Jakarta : Mixed Use : June 2022.
In order to maximize the relationship between the site and the palmerah tod center. Therefore, a special pedestrian bridge was built which connected the site to Palmerah station. make Palmerah a stopping point for TOD by creating a program that can draw attention from Palmerah station in the form of an art gallery.
move retail stalls into existing buildings in on-site programs, such as the mall program. Besides maximizing the crowds, it also provides more decent and clean stalls for the Palmerah area. optimize access to the site by facilitating the entry and exit of motorized vehicles and pedestrians, making more than 1 entry and exit.
In Between was also built on the need for a place to live for office workers from out of Jakarta city as well as being more flexible with the SOHO schedule.
Vertical Dwelling.
Non-Discriminative Architecture Public Garden. Night Food Market.
This theme aims to create an architecture that can balance the social inequality in the area by balancing the economic market growth of the region and providing a public park area that currently still reflects the social inequality in the Tanah Abang area.
Community Center. Art Center. Retail Center.
Denah Lantai 11
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Denah Lantai 1
Denah Lantai 12 -3.50 BASEMENT 1 -7.00 BASEMENT 2
+36.00 Denah Lantai 10 JANITOR + 8.00
+32.00 Denah Lantai 9 4.00 4.00 + 4.00 4.00 3.95
+28.00 Denah Lantai 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 +48.00 Denah Lantai 13 KACA REFLEKTIF TEMPERED
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+44.00 Denah Lantai 12 -3.50 6.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 6.00 8.00 8.00 4.00 82.50
+24.00 Denah Lantai 7 BASEMENT
+20.00 Denah Lantai 6 BASEMENT
+0.00 Denah Lantai 1
+40.00 Denah Lantai 11 + 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35
Bensin di CollaborativeTomang:Space.
UNPAR Architecture Competition 2022
Location Program Date
: Tomang, Jakarta : Collaborative Space : June 2022.
Students have a social role, i.e. their existence and all their actions are not only beneficial to themselves but must also benefit their surroundings. This requires a moral responsibility towards each individual in order to be able to live a responsible and morally compliant life of society. But along the way, they must deal with anticipation of mental adjustments and darkened fears of events to come in the future.
A collaborative forum is needed that encourages students to face anticipation to be able to calculate, imagine and plan ultimate solutions to each other’s fears. Parallel to this, the musical elements in the collaborative space become an effective force as a basis for calming and inspiring many people. It influences the mood as refreshment and creates reasons to keep motivating you so you can go from sad soul to sparks chasing explosion.
The parameters for creating collaborative spaces focus on connectivity and accessibility based on dynamic student attitudes. The scaffolding structure as a support for modular forms, is able to accommodate collaborative activities that are formed organically according to the needs of the users of the space.
BENSIN IN TOMANG presents four space support principles including; 1) Space to accommodate information that is easy to see and hear (INFORM), 2) Space to work and do things tactically (DO), 3) Space for idea generation, brainstorming and strategic thinking (THINK), 4) Space for spontaneous interaction support, social space so that everyone can get to know and be connected. The fusion of music as an important element to create motivation and form organic spatial activities, leads to responsibility and commitment to user anticipation. Invite and ignite more sparks, get ready to explode at the end of the story.
Location Program Date
: Kampung Apung, Jakarta : Children’s room for playing and learning : June 2021.
Floating Village is a concrete example of the negative impacts of construction and land subsidence in Jakarta, where two-thirds of the Floating Village consists of a 1-2m high pool of dirty water. Regardless of the difficulties with daily needs, this phenomenon organically modifies the typology and morphology of the village which is the characteristic of the floating village itself. Kampung Apung is a floating community in the middle of the dense land area of Kapuk village. However, it is the same with the constraints of floating communities in Indonesia. Kampung Apung has limited public space for children as a means to communicate and interact.
This project sees potential for spatial planning on water both morphologically and topologically which has not been fully utilized, followed by great excitement and enthusiasm to learn new things through lectures, workshops, etc. Making GETTAB the new face of Floating Village.
Thank You.
Phone: +62 812 7822 0469 Email: dominikus.dani@gmail.com Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/dominikus-dani Instagram: @domii_dan