domus outdoor
Copyright Specifications and dimensions are subject to be changed without prior notification. All rights for design, photos and publication belong to DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
urheberrecht Spezifikation und Masse können ohne Vorankündigung geändert werden. Alle Rechte für Design, Photos und Veröffentlichung unterliegen DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
Tous droits reserves Les spécifications et dimensions de nos produits peuvent être changé sans préavis. Tous les droits des photos, des textes, et des publications sont la propriété de DOMUS VENTURES Pte.Ltd.
About Domus Ventures Since it was first established in 1997 Domus Ventures has grown to be a prominent global player in the furniture industry, supplying high quality outdoor and indoor furniture to all parts of the globe. We have over 2200 dedicated staff in our factories and offices in China, Indonesia, Singapore, Germany and the United States and we export over 1600 containers each year. Over the years, we have designed and manufactured stylish high quality furniture using materials such as teak, natural wicker, loom, paper fiber and resin wicker. We will also continue to create new designs and look for new materials to use. We stand behind our unique designs, high quality products and our commitment to excellence. Our customers all over the world recognise the high quality “Domus Standard” benchmark that we maintain for every piece of furniture we produce. Our in-house design team actively collaborates with international designers to come up with stylish and unique designs. Whether they are modern or contemporary pieces, our goal is to create the perfect setting for your customers’ homes and lifestyle whatever their taste, budget and requirement might be. Moreover, our designs are protected and registered under the worldwide copyright and patent laws. Other than the Domus brand, we also manufacture furniture and parts for private labels as well. Last but not least, our commitment is not only reflected through the high quality of our products, but also the responsiveness and high level of professionalism provided by our customer service team in ensuring that all our clients are 100% satisfied. We hope that you enjoy our furniture as much as we enjoy creating them.
DOMUS VENTURES – gegründet 1997 – hat sich im Laufe der Jahre zu einem führenden Hersteller der Möbelindustrie entwickelt und liefert qualitativ hochwertige Outdoor- und Indoor-Möbel rund um den Globus. In den Herstellungsbetrieben und Büros in China, Indonesien, Singapur, Deutschland und den USA beschäftigt DOMUS VENTURES über 2200 hochqualifizierte Mitarbeiter und exportiert pro Jahr 1600 Container.
Depuis sa création en 1997, la Société Domus s’est développée pour devenir un acteur proéminant de l’industrie du meuble, exportant à travers le monde un mobilier d’intérieur et d’extérieur de haute qualité. Composé de plus de 2200 employés, disposant d’usines et de bureaux de distribution en Chine, en Indonésie, á Singapore, en Allemagne et aux Etats-Unis, Domus exporte plus de 1600 containers par an.
Über die Jahre hat DOMUS VENTURES in den Materialien Teak, Naturrattan, Loom und wetterfestem Kunststoff-Rattan ein designorientiertes und qualitativ hochwertiges Sortiment gefertigt. Das Unternehmen beschäftigt sich ständig mit neuen Design-Richtungen und Materialien. DOMUS VENTURES bietet außergewöhnliche Designs, qualitativ hochwertige Produkte und ein perfektes Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis.
Ces premières années d’existence ont permis à Domus de concevoir et produire une gamme de produits sophistiqués et de haute qualité, utilisant des matériaux tels que le teck, l’osier, la fibre de papier et la résine et des procédé de fabrication tels que le métier à tisser. Domus est de même en recherche permanente de nouveaux concepts pour élargir sa gamme et utiliser de nouveaux matériaux de qualité. Domus est reconnu mondialement par ses clients pour l’originalité de ses concepts, la qualité de ses produits, et son engagement á l’excellence et á la perfection, jusqu‘à devenir un «standard Domus».
Das Design-Team von DOMUS VENTURES arbeitet auch mit internationalen Designern zusammen, um ständig neue und innovative Produkte zu entwickeln. Das Unternehmensziel ist es, Möbel für das Zuhause und die Lebensphilosophie des Kunden zu entwickeln, welche genau auf Bedürfnisse, Geschmack und Budget abgestimmt sind. Alle Designs sind weltweit geschützt und patentiert. Das Unternehmen fertigt nicht nur Möbel der eigenen Marke, sondern produziert auch für andere Hersteller. Das Bestreben von DOMUS VENTURES ist es, nicht nur qua litativ hochwertige Produkte zu liefern, sondern auch durch ein engagiertes Service-Team den Kunden 100% zufrieden zu stellen. DOMUS VENTURES wünscht den Kunden genau so viel Freude mit den neuen Möbeln, wie wir sie bei der Entwicklung haben.
Au travers de son bureau d’étude, Domus collabore activement avec de nombreux décorateurs internationaux afin de maintenir mais aussi de faire évoluer continuellement l’originalité et le style de sa gamme de produits. Moderne ou contemporain, ses produits sont conçus pour correspondre au mieux aux styles de vie et d’habitat de ses clients, quelques soient leurs gouts, leur budget ou leurs demandes spécifiques. Tous les droits sur ses produits sont réservés et la marque Domus™ est déposée mondialement. Outre sa propre gamme de produits, Domus est aussi en mesure de fabriquer du mobilier sur commande selon les spécifications techniques de ses clients (Nous consulter pour ce type de services). Finalement, en plus de son engagement à livrer un mobilier de haute qualité, Domus assure à sa clientèle un service rapide, réactif et hautement professionnel avec pour objectif permanent un 100% de satisfaction. Domus espère que sa clientèle apprécie ses produits avec autant de plaisir qu’elle en a de les créer pour elle.
Commitment Domus Ventures Pte. Ltd aspires to environmental and economic sustainability as a socially responsible business. Our commitment is reflected in all aspects of our business operations from selection and harvesting of materials through manufacturing practices to our relationships with employees, customers, and the global society. Recyclable and renewable resources Most of the components we use in our manufacturing processes are recyclable. The primary components of our outdoor furniture are aluminum and high density polyethylene, which are 100% recyclable. We also employ reusable, recyclable and biodegradable brown kraft paper to package our ready-made items. Manufacturing and waste management Our products are developed in a manner that minimizes impact on the environment. For example, our factory in China is equipped with a sewage treatment plant that filters excess powder coating to ensure that the water flowing back into the river is toxic-free and has a pH of 6-9.
Commitment We are concerned not only with the global environment but also with the well-being of our workforce. We meet and surpass requirements associated with government labor laws. No Child Labor We strictly follow policies relating to child labor and will not employ any child. Housing We provide single and family housing to workers in our China factories. Housing is spacious and clean with adequate ventilation. Benefits All factory workers are protected with health insurance and industrial accident insurance. We also enroll our workers in government pension plans. Allowances Our workers receive standard meal allowances as well as supper allowances for the night shift and/or overtime hours. We also provide pay differentials to accommodate for high temperatures during the summer months, June to September. Other facilities We offer a 6-months onsite training program in weaving. Many plants have athletic facilities, such as volleyball courts and badminton fields. We also have weekly exercise sessions with professional instructors.
Imagination is more important than k nowledge. (Albert Einstein)
Domus has more than both. Phantasie ist wichtiger als Wissen. Domus hat mehr als beides. L’imagination est plus essential que la connaissance. Domus a plus que tous les deux. (Albert Einstein)
(Albert Einstein)
Copyright Specifications and dimensions are subject to be changed without prior notification. All rights for design, photos and publication belong to DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
urheberrecht Spezifikation und Masse können ohne Vorankündigung geändert werden. Alle Rechte für Design, Photos und Veröffentlichung unterliegen DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
Tous droits reserves Les spécifications et dimensions de nos produits peuvent être changé sans préavis. Tous les droits des photos, des textes, et des publications sont la propriété de DOMUS VENTURES Pte.Ltd.
From the desert I come to thee, On a stallion shod with fire; And the winds are left behind In the speed of my desire. Bayard Taylor
Arizona Lounge Art No. AACN905A W 188 x D 100 x H 78 cm W 74.02 x D 39.37 x H 30.71 inches
Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air… Ralph Waldo Emerson
Beach Lounge
Art No. AAB3954A W 150 x D 145 x H 70 cm W 59.06 x D 57.09 x H 27.56 inches
Optional with/without foldable trays, canopy
In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous. Aristotle
Bounty island
Bounty Island Gazebo
Bounty Island Coffee Table D135
Art No. AAB9919A W 183 x D 95 x H 86 cm W 72.05 x D 37.40 x H 33.86 inches
Art No. AAB9228A Dia Ø 135 x H 45 cm Dia Ø 53.15 x H 17.72 inches
We‘d never know how high we are, till we are called to rise; and then, if we are true to plan, our statures touch the sky. Emily Dickinson
Carribean 1-2 Seater Sofa
Carribean 2-3 Seater Sofa
Carribean Coffee Table 100x100
Art No. AAC6B10A W 78/136 x D 90 x H 80 cm W 30.71/53.54 x D 35.43 x H 31.50 inches
Art No. AAC6B11A W 146/206 x D 90 x H 80 cm W 57.48/81.10 x D 35.43 x H 31.50 inches
Art No. AAC6202A W 100 x D 100 x H 43 cm W 39.37 x D 39.37 x H 16.93 inches
It is the nature of all greatness not to be exact. Edmund Burke
Coco Island Gazebo Art No. AACM906A W 123 x D 68 x H 81 cm W 48.43 x D 26.77 x H 31.89 inches
Coco Island Round Dining Table D90
Art No. AACM202A Dia Ø 90 x H 73 cm Dia Ø 35.43 x H 28.74 inches
What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well. Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Corentine Living Armchair
Corentine 2-Seater Sofa
Corentine Coffee Table 119x69
Corentine Side Table 54x54
Art No. AACP403A W 75 x D 81 x H 80 cm W 29.53 x D 31.89 x H 31.50 inches
Art No. AACPB04A W 159 x D 81 x H 80 cm W 62.60 x D 31.89 x H 31.50 inches
Art No. AACP201A W 119 x D 69 x H 45 cm W 46.85 x D 27.17 x H 17.72 inches
Art No. AACP301A W 54 x D 54 x H 55 cm W 21.26 x D 21.26 x H 21.65 inches
Corentine Dining Chair
Corentine Dining Armchair
Corentine Rectangular Dining Table 171x101
Corentine Lounge
Art No. AACP502A W 51 x D 65 x H 96 cm W 20.08 x D 25.59 x H 37.80 inches
Art No. AACP404A W 70 x D 67 x H 90 cm W 27.56 x D 26.38 x H 35.43 inches
Art No. AACP502A W 171 x D 101 x H 75 cm W 67.32 x D 39.76 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AACP901A W 228 x D 123 x H 80 cm W 89.76 x D 48.43 x H 31.50 inches
In the garden my soul is sunshine. Anonymous
Daytona Sunlounger Art No. AAD9901A W 68 x D 155 x H 38/105 cm W 26.77 x D 61.02 x H 14.96/41.34 inches
To love is the great amulet that makes this world a garden. Robert Louis Stevenson
Diamond Lounge Art No. AAD3917A W 162 x D 110 x H 76 cm W 63.78 x D 43.31 x H 29.92 inches
A woman knows the face of the man she loves like a sailor knows the open sea. Honore de Balzac
DURANGO Durango Lounge Art No. AAD7915A W 170 x D 113 x H 78 cm W 66.93 x D 44.49 x H 30.71 inches
Durango Footstool Art No. AAD7C01A W 136 x D 96 x H 36 cm W 53.54 x D 37.80 x H 14.17 inches
Faith is an oasis in the heart which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking. Khalil Gibran
Eye Catcher
Eye Catcher Double K.D. Lounge - 2 open sides Art No. AAE290BA W 230 x D 127 x H 215 cm W 90.55 x D 50 x H 84.65 inches
Eye Catcher Double K.D. Lounge Art No. AAE291AA W 230 x D 136 x H 215 cm W 90.55 x D 53.54 x H 84.65 inches
Eye Catcher Single Lounge Art No. AAE299AA W 143 x D 83 x H 210 cm W 56.30 x D 32.68 x H 82.68 inches
The heart of another is a dark forest, always, no matter how close it has been to one‘s own. Willa Cather
HEART Heart Lounge Art No. AAH4903A W 169 x D 95 x H 185 cm W 66.54 x D 37.40 x H 72.83 inches
Life without passion would be a dull wasteland of neutrality, cut off and isolated from the richness of life itself. Daniel Goleman
Magic Apple Lounge
Magic Apple Lounge
Magic Apple Lounge
Magic Apple Lounge
Art No. AAM5949A Dia Ø 100 x H 108 cm Dia Ø 39.37 x H 42.52 inches
Art No. AAM5946A Dia Ø 100 x H 108 cm Dia Ø 39.37 x H 42.52 inches
Art No. AAM5947A Dia Ø 100 x H 108 cm Dia Ø 39.37 x H 42.52 inches
Art No. AAM5930A Dia Ø 100 x H 108 cm Dia Ø 39.37 x H 42.52 inches
Magic Apple Lounge
Magic Apple Side Table 78x48
Art No. AAM5930A Dia Ø 100 x H 108 cm Dia Ø 39.37 x H 42.52 inches
Art No. AAM5210A W 78 x D 48 x H 33 cm W 30.71 x D 18.90 x H 12.99 inches
If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if the simplest things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive. Eleanora Dusev
Monterey Daybed Art No. AAMJ906A W 100 x D 198 x H 177 cm W 39.37 x D 77.95 x H 69.68 inches
The universe is change. Our life is what our thoughts make it. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
NEST Nest Lounge with Frame
Nest Lounge Art No. AAN1B60A
Nest Lounge - 2 open sides with Frame
Nest Frame Art No. AAN1B61A
Nest Lounge Art No. AAN1B62A
Nest Lounge with Canopy
Nest Frame Art No. AAN1B61A
Nest Lounge
Nest Lounge - 2 open sides
Nest Lounge with Stand
Art No. AAN1B32A Dia Ø 160 x H 162 cm Dia Ø 62.99 x H 63.78 inches
Art No. AAN1B57A Dia Ø 160 x H 162 cm Dia Ø 62.99 x H 63.78 inches
Nest Lounge Art No. AAN1B60A
Nest Stand Art No. AAN1B63A
Art No. AAN1B55A Dia Ø 160 x H 162 cm Dia Ø 62.99 x H 63.78 inches Nest Frame
Art No. AAN1B61A W 225 x D 225 x H 227 cm W 88.58 x D 88.58 x H 89.37 inches
A breeze came wandering from the sky, Light as the whispers of a dream; He put the o‘erhanging grasses by, And softly stooped to kiss the stream, The pretty stream, the flattered stream, The shy, yet unreluctant stream. William Cullen Bryant
Paradiso Coffee Table 66x44
Paradiso Large Lounge with Queens Weaving Art No. 660040 W 230 x D 130 x H 76 cm W 90 x D 51.20 x H 29.90 inches
Art No. 670058 W 66 x D 44 x H 38 cm W 25.98 x D 17.32 x H 14.96 inches
Paradiso Living Chair
Paradiso Footstool
Paradiso Coffee Table 100x50
Paradiso Coffee Table D55
Paradiso Coffee Table 66X44
Art No. AAP1423A W 74 x D 73 x H 80 cm W 29.13 x D 28.74 x H 31.50 inches
Art No. AAP1C23A W 73 x D 61 X H 35 cm W 28.74 x D 24.02 X H 13.78 inches
Art No. AAP1292A W 100 x D 50 X H 45 cm W 39.37 x D 19.69 X H 17.72 inches
Art No. AAP1265A Dia Ø 55 x H 38 cm Dia Ø 21.65 x H 14.96 inches
Art No. AAP1291A W 66 x D 44 x H 38 cm W 25.98 x D 17.32 x H 14.96 inches
Paradiso Trolley Art No. AAP1A01A W 104 x D 54 x H 90 cm W 40.94 x D 21.26 x H 35.43 inches
Paradiso Dining Chair
Paradiso Oval Dining Table 210X100
Paradiso Large Lounge with Canopy
Paradiso Small Lounge with Canopy
Art No. AAP1432A W 65 x D 63 x H 88 cm W 25.59 x D 24.80 x H 34.65 inches
Art No. AAP1101A W 210 x D 100 x H 75 cm W 82.68 x D 39.37 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. 660040 W 230 x D 130 x H 76 cm W 90 x D 51.20 x H 29.90 inches
Art No. 660042 W 186 x D 100 x H 80 cm W 73.20 x D 39.40 x H 31.50 inches
For an instant, love can transform the world. Anonymous
Venus Lounge
Art No. AAV4920A W 219 x D 110 x H 79 cm W 86.22 x D 43.31 x H 31.10 inches
Venus Club Chair
Venus Side Table D66
Venus Coffee Table D76
Venus Footstool
Art No. AAV4510A W 85 x D 83 x H 79 cm W 33.46 x D 32.68 x H 31.10 inches
Art No. AAV4302A Dia Ø 66 x H 57.50 cm Dia Ø 25.98 x H 22.64 inches
Art No. AAV4202A Dia Ø 76 x H 48 cm Dia Ø 29.92 x H 18.90 inches
Art No. AAV4C20A W 189 x D 93 x H 37 cm W 74.41 x D 36.61 x H 14.57 inches
Venus Swivel Dining Chair
Venus Triangular Dining Table 162X166
Venus Triangular Dining Table 237X243
Art No. AAV4408A W 68 x D 76 x H 86 cm W 26.77 x D 29.92 x H 33.86 inches
Art No. AAV4103A W 162 x D 166 x H 75 cm W 63.78 x D 65.35 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAV4104A W 237 x D 243 x H 75 cm W 93.31 x D 95.67 x H 29.53 inches
Order is the shape upon which beauty depends. Pearl Buch
Viola Modular - Lounge
Viola Modular - Armchair
Viola Modular - Coffee Table 84X74 / Footstool
Cooler Box Detail
Art No. AAV7928A W 201 x D 96 x H 112 cm W 79.13 x D 37.80 x H 44.09 inches
Art No. AAV7420A W 76 x D 71 x H 75 cm W 29.92 x D 27.95 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAV7227A W 84 x D 74 x H 37 cm W 33.07 x D 29.13 x H 14.57 inches
Optional with/without Cooler Box
classic cubu
The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. (Albert Einstein)
La plus belle expérience, c’est le mystère. (Albert Einstein)
Copyright Specifications and dimensions are subject to be changed without prior notification. All rights for design, photos and publication belong to DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
urheberrecht Spezifikation und Masse können ohne Vorankündigung geändert werden. Alle Rechte für Design, Photos und Veröffentlichung unterliegen DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
Tous droits reserves Les spécifications et dimensions de nos produits peuvent être changé sans préavis. Tous les droits des photos, des textes, et des publications sont la propriété de DOMUS VENTURES Pte.Ltd.
Love is like the sun coming out of the clouds and warming your soul. Anonymous
Delmar Modular - Corner
Delmar Modular - Chair
Delmar Modular – Coffee Table 90x90
Art No. AAD2953A W 90 x D 90 x H 69 cm W 35.43 x D 35.43 x H 27.17 inches
Art No. AAD2953A W 90 x D 90 x H 69 cm W 35.43 x D 35.43 x H 27.17 inches
Art No. AAD2226A W 90 x D 90 x H 29 cm W 35.43 x D 35.43 x H 11.42 inches
Delmar Bar Counter 195x105
Delmar Bar Chair
Art No. AAD2F01A W 195 x D 105 x H 110 cm W 76.77 x D 41.34 x H 43.31 inches
Art No. AAD2701A W 45 x D 58 x H 108 cm W 17.72 x D 22.83 x H 42.52 inches
How fair is a garden amid the trials and passions of existence. Benjamin Disraeli
Edam Living Armchair with American Weaving Art No. AAE5450A W 58 x D 70 x H 86.50 cm W 22.83 x D 27.56 x H 34.06 inches
Edam Living Armchair
Edam Chair
Edam 2-Seater Sofa
Edam Coffee Table 110x60
Art No. AAE5449A W 58 x D 70 x H 87 cm W 22.83 x D 27.56 x H 34.25 inches
Art No. AAE5508A W 58 x D 70 x H 86.50 cm W 22.83 x D 27.56 x H 34.06 inches
Art No. AAE5B20A W 150 x D 73 x H 96 cm W 59.06 x D 28.74 x H 37.80 inches
Art No. AAE5205A W 110 x D 60 x H 45 cm W 43.31 x D 23.62 x H 17.72 inches
Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. Abraham Lincoln
backrest loose cushion not shown
Flower Modular - Chair
Flower Coffee Table D80
Art No. AAF3B27A W 96 x D 80 x H 87 cm W 37.80 x D 31.50 x H 34.25 inches
Art No. AAF3201A Dia Ø 80 x H 45 cm Dia Ø 31.50 x H 17.72 inches
Flower Coffee Table with Footstool 115x109
Art No. AAF3231A W 114.50 x D 109 x H 51 cm W 45.08 x D 42.91 x H 20.08 inches
Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. Oscar Wilde
Glasgow Living Armchair
Glasgow 2-Seater Sofa
Glasgow Coffee Table 80x80
Art No. AAG2414A W 88 x D 85 x H 80 cm W 34.65 x D 33.46 x H 31.50 inches
Art No. AAG2B15A W 175 x D 85 x H 80 cm W 68.90 x D 33.46 x H 31.50 inches
Art No. AAG2210A W 80 x D 80 x H 39 cm W 31.50 x D 31.50 x H 15.35 inches
I‘m an ocean, because I‘m really deep. If you search deep enough you can find rare exotic treasures. Christina Aguilera
Spa Coffee Table 120x80
Art No. AAS8201A W 120 x D 80 x H 46 cm W 47.24 x D 31.50 x H 18.11 inches
Spa Living Chair
Spa 2-Seater Sofa
Spa 3-Seater Sofa
Spa Footstool
Art No. AAS8502A W 81 x D 95 x H 85.50 cm W 31.89 x D 37.40 x H 33.66 inches
Art No. AAS8B01A W 161.50 x D 96 x H 86 cm W 63.58 x D 37.80 x H 33.86 inches
Art No. AAS8B02A W 203 x D 96 x H 85.50 cm W 79.92 x D 37.80 x H 33.66 inches
Art No. AAS8C15A W 80 x D 65 x H 35 cm W 31.50 x D 25.59 x H 13.78 inches
SPA Spa Sunlounger
Art No. AAS8901A W 185 x D 81 x H 102 cm W 72.83 x D 31.89 x H 40.16 inches also available with built in massager, please see Massage section
Spa Bar Chair
Spa Bar Counter 195x150
Spa Dining Chair
Barrio Rectangular Dining Table 190x110
Art No. AAS8701A W 51 x D 65 x H 107 cm W 20.08 x D 25.59 x H 42.13 inches
Art No. AAS8F16A W 195 x D 150 x H 113 cm W 76.77 x D 59.06 x H 44.49 inches
Art No. AAS8501A W 57 x D 79 x H 90 cm W 22.44 x D 31.10 x H 35.43 inches
Art No. AAB8108A W 190 x D 110 x H 75 cm W 74.80 x D 43.31 x H 29.53 inches
Modern & Contemporary
A man paints with his brains and not with his hands. Domus furniture is made with brain & heart. (Michelangelo Buonarroti)
Un homme peint avec sa cervelle et pas avec ses mains. Meuble Domus s’établi avec la cervelle et le cœur. (Michelangelo Buonarroti)
Copyright Specifications and dimensions are subject to be changed without prior notification. All rights for design, photos and publication belong to DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
urheberrecht Spezifikation und Masse können ohne Vorankündigung geändert werden. Alle Rechte für Design, Photos und Veröffentlichung unterliegen DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
Tous droits reserves Les spécifications et dimensions de nos produits peuvent être changé sans préavis. Tous les droits des photos, des textes, et des publications sont la propriété de DOMUS VENTURES Pte.Ltd.
The crow wished everything was black, the owl, that every thing was white William Blake
Asolo Sunlounger Art No. AAA6901A W 82 x D 219 x H 88 cm W 32.28 x D 86.22 x H 34.65 inches
Asolo Armchair
Meadow Rectangular Dining Table 213x106
Art No. AAA6423A W 68 x D 67 x H 85 cm W 26.77 x D 26.38 x H 33.46 inches
Art No. AAM3107A W 106 x D 213 x H 75 cm W 41.73 x D 83.86 x H 29.53 inches
Optional with/without large stripe
Creative work is play. It is free speculation using materials of one‘s chosen form. Stephen Nachmanovitch
Barrio Modular - Corner
Barrio Modular - Chair
Barrio Modular - 2-Seater Sofa with Right Facing Arm
Barrio Modular - 2-Seater Sofa with Left Facing Arm
Art No. AAB8961A W 77 x D 77 x H 71 cm W 30.31 x D 30.31 x H 27.95 inches
Art No. AAB8969A W 73 x D 76 x H 80 cm W 28.74 x D 29.92 x H 31.50 inches
Art No. AAB8B91A W 136 x D 82 x H 71 cm W 53.54 x D 32.28 x H 27.95 inches
Art No. AAB8B92A W 136 x D 82 x H 71 cm W 53.54 x D 32.28 x H 27.95 inches
Barrio Modular - Chaise Lounge with Left Facing Arm
Barrio Modular - Chaise Lounge with Right Facing Arm
Barrio Living Armchair
Barrio 2-Seater Sofa
Art No. AAB8967A W 79 x D 135 x H 71 cm W 31.10 x D 53.15 x H 27.95 inches
Art No. AAB8966A W 79 x D 135 x H 71 cm W 31.10 x D 53.15 x H 27.95 inches
Art No. AAB8597A W 86 x D 83 x H 71 cm W 33.86 x D 32.68 x H 27.95 inches
Art No. AAB8B93A W 148 x D 83 x H 71 cm W 58.27 x D 32.68 x H 27.95 inches
Barrio 3-Seater Sofa
Barrio Footstool
Barrio Sunlounger
Barrio Coffee Table 80x80
Barrio Side Table 50x50x55
Art No. AAB8B94A W 208 x D 83 x H 71 cm W 81.89 x D 32.68 x H 27.95 inches
Art No. AAB8C17A W 80 x D 60 x H 38 cm W 31.50 x D 23.62 x H 14.96 inches
Art No. AAB8968A W 70 x D 200 x H 100 cm W 27.56 x D 78.74 x H 39.37 inches
Art No. AAB8215A W 80 x D 80 x H 43 cm W 31.50 x D 31.50 x H 16.93 inches
Art No. AAB8216A W 50 x D 50 x H 55 cm W 19.69 x D 19.69 x H 21.65 inches
Barrio Coffee Table 50x50x31
Barrio Dining Armchair
Barrio Rectangular Dining Table 190x110
Barrio Square Dining Table 190x190
Art No. AAB8217A W 50 x D 50 x H 31 cm W 19.69 x D 19.69 x H 12.20 inches
Art No. AAB8523A W 73 x D 76 x H 80 cm W 28.74 x D 29.92 x H 31.50 inches
Art No. AAB8143A W 190 x D 110 x H 75 cm W 74.80 x D 43.31 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAB8144A W 190 x D 190 x H 75 cm W 74.80 x D 74.80 x H 29.53 inches
Barrio Tetate Lounge Art No. AAB8955A W 223 x D 138 x H 181 cm W 87.80 x D 54.33 x H 71.26 inches
Where there is much light, the shadow is deep. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Cleveland Lecce Double Sunlounger Art No. AAC591EA W 140 x D 200 x H 33 cm W 55.12 x D 78.74 x H 12.99 inches
Cleveland Lecce Double Sunlounger with Canopy Art No. AAC5937A W 140 x D 200 x H 33 cm W 55.12 x D 78.74 x H 12.99 inches
Parasol not included Sonnenschirm nicht inbegriffen Parasol est exclus
Optional with/without alu caps
Cleveland Armchair with alu caps
Cleveland Armchair
Cleveland 2-Seater Bench
Art No. AAC5401A W 60 x D 68 x H 86 cm W 23.62 x D 26.77 x H 33.86 inches
Art No. AAC5453A W 60 x D 68 x H 86 cm W 23.62 x D 26.77 x H 33.86 inches
Art No. AAC5B15A W 152 x D 76 x H 86 cm W 59.84 x D 29.92 x H 33.86 inches
Chill airs and wintry winds, my ear has grown familiar with your song; I hear it in the opening year, I listen, and it cheers me long. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Kyoto Swing Art No. AAK1G26A W 256 x D 120.50 x H 194 cm W 100.79 x D 47.44 x H 76.38 inches
Kyoto Living Armchair
Kyoto 2-Seater Bench
Kyoto Coffee Table 100x49
Kyoto Dining Armchair
Art No. AAK1429A W 99 x D 85 x H 66 cm W 38.98 x D 33.46 x H 25.98 inches
Art No. AAK1B12A W 160 x D 85 x H 66 cm W 62.99 x D 33.46 x H 25.98 inches
Art No. AAK1202A W 100 x D 49 x H 39 cm W 39.37 x D 19.29 x H 15.35 inches
Art No. AAK1430A W 74 x D 61.50 x H 71 cm W 29.13 x D 24.21 x H 27.95 inches
And when you dream, dream big, as big as the ocean blue. Cause when you dream it might come true. When you dream, dream big. Ryan Shupe
Los Cabos Stackable Armchair with Queens Weaving Art No. AAL5418A W 91 x D 85 x H 86 cm W 35.83 x D 33.46 x H 33.86 inches
Los Cabos Stackable Armchair
Los Cabos Stackable 2-Seater Bench
Los Cabos Stackable Coffee Table 110x90
Los Cabos Stackable Rocking Sunlounger
Art No. AAL5406A W 90 x D 85 x H 85 cm W 35.43 x D 33.46 x H 33.46 inches
Art No. AAL5B06A W 150 x D 85 x H 85 cm W 59.06 x D 33.46 x H 33.46 inches
Art No. AAL5205A W 110 x D 90 x H 48 cm W 43.31 x D 35.43 x H 18.90 inches
Art No. AAL5901A W 200 x D 78 x H 85 cm W 30.31 x D 30.71 x H 33.46 inches
Los Cabos Stackable Dining Armchair
Paradiso Oval Dining Table 210x100
Art No. AAL5501A W 77 x D 76 x H 85 cm W 30.31 x D 29.92 x H 33.46 inches
Art No. AAP1101A W 210 x D 100 x H 75 cm W 82.68 x D 39.37 x H 29.53 inches
Should you shield the canyons from the windstorms you would never see the true beauty of their carvings. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Merlot Living Armchair
Merlot 2-Seater Bench
Merlot Coffee Table 101x101
Merlot Stackable Dining Armchair
Merlot Rectangular Dining Table 170x100
Art No. AAM9480A W 78 x D 79 x H 83 cm W 30.71 x D 31.10 x H 32.68 inches
Art No. AAM9B23A W 139 x D 78 x H 83 cm W 54.72 x D 30.71 x H 32.68 inches
Art No. AAM9232A W 101 x D 101 x H 45 cm W 39.76 x D 39.76 x H 17.72 inches
Art No. AAM9478A W 61 x D 66 x H 87 cm W 24.02 x D 25.98 x H 34.25 inches
Art No. AAM9151A W 170 x D 100 x H 75 cm W 66.93 x D 39.37 x H 29.53 inches
Merlot Swing Art No. AAM9G01A W 236 x D 115 x H 194 cm W 92.91 x D 45.28 x H 76.38 inches
Merlot Stackable Armchair
Art No. AAM9479A W 60 x D 61 x H 87 cm W 23.62 x D 24.02 x H 34.25 inches
No more duty can be urged upon those who are entering the great theater of life than simple loyalty to their best convictions. Edwin Hubbel Chapin
Modern Italy Dining Armchair
Modern Italy Dining Bench
Modern Italy Ashville Dining Armchair
Modern Italy Rectangular Dining Table 180x90
Modern Italy Rectangular Dining Table 150x90
Art No. AAMA469A W 56 x D 60 x H 80 cm W 22.05 x D 23.62 x H 31.50 inches
Art No. AAMAB26A W 120 x D 60 x H 88 cm W 47.24 x D 23.62 x H 34.65 inches
Art No. AAMAB27A W 56 x D 60 x H 80 cm W 22.05 x D 23.62 x H 31.50 inches
Art No. AAMA170A W 180 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 70.87 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAMA171A W 150 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 59.06 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
If you don‘t know where you are going, any road will get you there. Lewis Carroll.
Montreaux Living Armchair Art No. AAMI503A W 71 x D 80 x H 66 cm W 27.95 x D 31.50 x H 25.98 inches
Montreaux 2-Seater Sofa Art No. AAMIB03A W 147 x D 80 x H 66 cm W 57.87 x D 31.50 x H 25.98 inches
Montreaux Dining Armchair
Montreaux Dining Chair
Montreaux Rectangular Dining Table 180x90
Montreaux Coffee Table 100x53
Montreaux Side Table 50x45
Art No. AAMI408A W 60 x D 64 x H 75 cm W 23.62 x D 25.20 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAMI518A W 48 x D 60 x H 75 cm W 18.90 x D 23.62 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAMI101A W 180 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 70.87 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAMI202A W 100 x D 53 x H 45 cm W 39.37 x D 20.87 x H 17.72 inches
Art No. AAMI302A W 50 x D 45 x H 54 cm W 19.69 x D 17.72 x H 21.26 inches
Wisdom sails with wind and time. John Florio
Ormond Modular - Chair with Small Backrest
Ormond Modular - Footstool
Ormond Modular - Chair with Large Backrest
Ormond Modular - Coffee Table 80x98
Art No. AAO2B27A W 127 x D 86 x H 72 cm W 50 x D 33.86 x H 28.35 inches
Art No. AAO2C26A W 127 x D 86 x H 30 cm W 50 x D 33.86 x H 11.81 inches
Art No. AAO2B26A W 127 x D 86 x H 72 cm W 50 x D 33.86 x H 28.35 inches
Art No. AAO2C25A W 80 x D 98 x H 30 cm W 31.50 x D 38.58 x H 11.81 inches
Change your thoughts and you change your world. Norman Vincent Peale
Pallanza Stackable Sunlounger Art No. AAPA901A W 70 x D 200 x H 42 cm W 27.56 x D 78.74 x H 16.54 inches
In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. Aaron Rose
Santa Rosa Dining Armchair
Santa Rosa Round Dining Table D120
Art No. AASI402A W 62 x D 67 x H 82 cm W 24.41 x D 26.38 x H 32.28 inches
Art No. AASI101A Dia Ø 120 x H 75 cm Dia Ø 47.24 x H 29.53 inches
Santa Rosa Living Armchair
Santa Rosa 2-Seater Sofa
Santa Rosa Coffee Table 110x55
Santa Rosa Side Table D45
Santa Rosa Rocking Chair
Art No. AASI401A W 76 x D 77 x H 75 cm W 29.92 x D 30.31 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AASIB01A W 150 x D 77 x H 74 cm W 59.06 x D 30.31 x H 29.13 inches
Art No. AASI201A W 110 x D 55 x H 45 cm W 43.31 x D 21.65 x H 17.72 inches
Art No. AASI301A Dia Ø 45 x H 55 cm Dia Ø 17.72 x H 21.65 inches
Art No. AASI601A W 75 x D 101 x H 91 cm W 29.53 x D 39.76 x H 35.83 inches
No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face. John Donne
Tivoli Lazy Armchair
Tivoli Footstool
Art No. AAT3432A W 75 x D 126 x H 80 cm W 29.53 x D 49.61 x H 31.50 inches
Art No. AAT3C01A W 75 x D 57 x H 40 cm W 29.53 x D 22.44 x H 15.75 inches
Tivoli Living Armchairr
Tivoli 2-Seater Bench
Tivoli Coffee Table 100x51
Tivoli Armchair
Tivoli Rectangular Dining Table 200x100
Art No. AAT3431A W 75 x D 74 x H 86 cm W 29.53 x D 29.13 x H 33.86 inches
Art No. AAT3B01A W 145 x D 77 x H 86 cm W 57.09 x D 30.31 x H 33.86 inches
Art No. AAT3201A W 100 x D 51 x H 45 cm W 39.37 x D 20.08 x H 17.72 inches
Art No. AAT3403A W 65 x D 60 x H 92 cm W 25.20 x D 23.62 x H 36.22 inches
Art No. AAT3101A W 200 x D 100 x H 75 cm W 78.74 x D 39.37 x H 29.53 inches
Hopes are planted in friendship‘s garden where dreams blossom into priceless treasures. Anonymous
TOKYO Tokyo Daybed
Tokyo Footstool
Art No. AAT8937A W 180 x D 100 x H 65/182 cm W 70.87 x D 39.37 x H 25.59/71.65 inches
Art No. AAT8C36A W 180 x D 91 x H 26 cm W 70.87 x D 35.83 x H 10.24 inches
Tokyo Dining Chair
Tokyo Low Dining Chair
Tokyo Rectangular Dining Table 210x100x65
Tokyo Rectangular Dining Table 210x100x75
Tokyo Castle Rectangular Dining Table 150x90
Art No. AAT8C36A W 58 x D 62 x H 90 cm W 22.83 x D 24.41 x H 35.43 inches
Art No. AAT8556A W 75 x D 82 x H 72 cm W 29.53 x D 32.28 x H 28.35 inches
Art No. AAT8123A W 210 x D 100 x H 65 cm W 82.68 x D 39.37 x H 25.59 inches
Art No. AAT8124A W 210 x D 100 x H 75 cm W 82.68 x D 39.37 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAT8109A W 150 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 59.06 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
That the sky is brighter than the earth means little unless the earth itself is appreciated and enjoyed. Helen Keller
Topaz Coffee Table 120x65
Topaz Side Table 50x50
Art No. AAT9201A W 120 x D 65 x H 38 cm W 47.24 x D 25.59 x H 14.96 inches
Art No. AAT9301A W 50 x D 50 x H 50 cm W 19.69 x D 19.69 x H 19.69 inches
Topaz Living Armchair
Topaz 2-Seater Sofa
Topaz 3-Seater Sofa
Topaz Footstool
Art No. AAT9401A W 80 x D 83 x H 75 cm W 31.50 x D 32.68 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAT9B01A W 159 x D 83 x H 75 cm W 62.60 x D 32.68 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAT9B02A W 209 x D 86 x H 75 cm W 82.28 x D 33.86 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAT9C01A W 75 x D 69 x H 31 cm W 29.53 x D 27.17 x H 12.20 inches
Topaz Dining Armchair
Topaz Rectangular Dining Table 200x110
Topaz Bar Chair
Topaz Square Bar Table 100x100
Art No. AAT9402A W 67 x D 71 x H 86 cm W 26.38 x D 27.95 x H 33.86 inches
Art No. AAT9101A W 200 x D 110 x H 75 cm W 78.74 x D 43.31 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAT9701A W 60 x D 59 x H 95 cm W 23.62 x D 23.23 x H 37.40 inches
Art No. AAT9F01A W 100 x D 100 x H 105 cm W 39.37 x D 39.37 x H 41.34 inches
Topaz Lounge Art No. AAT9B03A W 216 x D 130 x H 114 cm W 85.04 x D 51.18 x H 44.88 inches
Topaz Sunlounger
Topaz Sunlounger without Canopy
Art No. AAT9902A W 80 x D 215 x H 47 cm W 31.50 x D 84.65 x H 18.50 inches
Art No. AAT9901A W 80 x D 215 x H 52 cm W 31.50 x D 84.65 x H 20.47 inches
Grado Stackable Armchair Art No. AAG3514A W 60 x D 56 x H 75 cm W 23.62 x D 22.05 x H 29.53 Inches
Benevento Stackable Armchair Art No. AABH502A W 53 x D 70 x H 98 cm W 20.87 x D 27.56 x H 38.58 Inches
It’s not that some people have willpower and some don’t. It’s that some people are ready to change and others are not. (James Gordon)
Copyright Specifications and dimensions are subject to be changed without prior notification. All rights for design, photos and publication belong to DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
urheberrecht Spezifikation und Masse können ohne Vorankündigung geändert werden. Alle Rechte für Design, Photos und Veröffentlichung unterliegen DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
Tous droits reserves Les spécifications et dimensions de nos produits peuvent être changé sans préavis. Tous les droits des photos, des textes, et des publications sont la propriété de DOMUS VENTURES Pte.Ltd.
Barrio Tex Dining Armchair
Cleveland Tex Dining Armchair
Vienna Tex Dining Armchair
Art No. AAB8541A W 73 x D 76 x H 80 cm W 28.74 x D 29.92 x H 31.50 inches
Art No. AAC5485A W 60 x D 68 x H 86 cm W 23.62 x D 26.77 x H 33.86 inches
Art No. AAV1441A W 56 x D 59.50 x H 93 cm W 22.05 x D 23.43 x H 36.61 inches
Selected pieces of the Domus range is made out of outdoor-quality mesh that enable customers to leave their outdoor furniture worry-free from rain or shine. The entire furniture and cushions are mounted using the same material to create a stylish appearance and yet durable for all-year-round outdoor usage.
Yesterday is but today’s memory, tomorrow is today‘s dream. (Kahlil Gibran)
Hier est le souvenir d’aujourd’hui, demain est le rêve. (Kahlil Gibran)
Copyright Specifications and dimensions are subject to be changed without prior notification. All rights for design, photos and publication belong to DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
urheberrecht Spezifikation und Masse können ohne Vorankündigung geändert werden. Alle Rechte für Design, Photos und Veröffentlichung unterliegen DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
Tous droits reserves Les spécifications et dimensions de nos produits peuvent être changé sans préavis. Tous les droits des photos, des textes, et des publications sont la propriété de DOMUS VENTURES Pte.Ltd.
Design has taken the place of what sailing used to be. Dennis Conner
Aurora Living Armchair
Aurora 2-Seater Sofa
Aurora 3-Seater Sofa
Aurora Footstool
Art No. AAA1417A W 78 x D 84 x H 87 cm W 30.71 x D 33.07 x H 34.25 inches
Art No. AAA1B04A W 142 x D 81 x H 87 cm W 55.91 x D 31.89 x H 34.25 inches
Art No. AAA1B01A W 206 x D 81 x H 87 cm W 81.10 x D 31.89 x H 34.25 inches
Art No. AAA1C04A W 78 x D 61 x H 43 cm W 30.71 x D 24.02 x H 16.93 inches
Aurora Coffee Table 110x75
Aurora Side Table 70x70
Aurora Swivel Armchair
Aurora Rocking Armchair
Art No. AAA1209A W 110 x D 75 x H 45 cm W 43.31 x D 29.53 x H 17.72 inches
Art No. AAA1301A W 70 x D 70 x H 53 cm W 27.56 x D 27.56 x H 20.87 inches
Art No. AAA1701A W 78 x D 85 x H 83 cm W 30.71 x D 33.46 x H 32.68 inches
Art No. AAA1601A W 78 x D 108 x H 85 cm W 30.71 x D 42.52 x H 33.46 inches
Aurora Dining Armchair
Aurora Dining Chair
Aurora Square Dining Table 124x124
Aurora Rectangular Dining Table 124x192
Art No. AAA1422A W 66 x D 69 x H 91 cm W 25.98 x D 27.17 x H 35.83 inches
Art No. AAA1501A W 56 x D 68 x H 91 cm W 22.05 x D 26.77 x H 35.83 inches
Art No. AAA1128A W 124 x D 124 x H 75 cm W 48.82 x D 48.82 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAA1127A W 124 x D 192 x H 75 cm W 48.82 x D 75.59 x H 29.53 inches
Aurora Sunlounger
Aurora Bar Armchair
Aurora Bar Counter 193x93
Art No. AAA1904A W 69 x D 199 x H 34 cm W 27.17 x D 78.35 x H 13.39 inches
Art No. AAA1805A W 59 x D 60 x H 119 cm W 23.23 x D 23.62 x H 46.85 inches
Art No. AAA1F26A W 193 x D 93 x H 110 cm W 75.98 x D 36.61 x H 43.31 inches
The eye by long use comes to see even in the darkest cavern; and there is no subject so obscure but we may discern some glimpse of truth by long poring on it. George Berkeley
Dawn Living Armchair
Dawn 2-Seater Sofa
Dawn 3-Seater Sofa
Dawn Footstool
Art No. AAD1401A W 76 x D 66 x H 85 cm W 29.92 x D 25.98 x H 33.46 inches
Art No. AAD1B01A W 157.50 x D 66 x H 85 cm W 62.01 x D 25.98 x H 33.46 inches
Art No. AAD1B03A W 220 x D 70 x H 84.50 cm W 86.61 x D 27.56 x H 33.27 inches
Art No. AAD1C01A W 68 x D 51 x H 41 cm W 26.77 x D 20.08 x H 16.14 inches
Dawn Coffee Table 128x72
Dawn Side Table 70x71
Dawn Swivel Armchair
Dawn Rocking Armchair
Art No. AAD1201A W 128 x D 72 x H 45 cm W 50.39 x D 28.35 x H 17.72 inches
Art No. AAD1301A W 70 x D 71 x H 53.50 cm W 27.56 x D 27.95 x H 21.06 inches
Art No. AAD1701A W 76 x D 78 x H 88 cm W 29.92 x D 30.71 x H 34.65 inches
Art No. AAD1601A W 75 x D 90 x H 82 cm W 29.53 x D 35.43 x H 32.28 inches
Dawn Dining Armchair
Dawn Dining Chair
Dawn Rectangular Dining Table 180x100
Dawn Round Dining Table D137
Art No. AAD1403A W 68 x D 68 x H 99 cm W 26.77 x D 26.77 x H 38.98 inches
Art No. AAD1404A W 61 x D 68 x H 99 cm W 24.02 x D 26.77 x H 38.98 inches
Art No. AAD1113A W 179 x D 100 x H 75 cm W 70.47 x D 39.37 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAD1104A Dia Ø 137 x H 75 cm Dia Ø 53.94 x H 29.53 inches
Dawn Bar Armchair
Dawn Bar Round Table D91
Dawn Trolley
Dawn Bar Counter 226x116
Art No. AAD1801A W 65 x D 52 x H 120 cm W 25.59 x D 20.47 x H 47.24 inches
Art No. AAD1803A Dia Ø 91 x H 108 cm Dia Ø 35.83 x H 42.52 inches
Art No. AAD1A01A W 63 x D 101 x H 76 cm W 24.80 x D 39.76 x H 29.92 inches
Art No. AAD1F01A W 226 x D 116 x H 96 cm W 88.98 x D 45.67 x H 37.80 inches
Look within. Within is the fountain of good, and it will ever bubble up, if thou wilt ever dig. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Fiji Dining Armchair Art No. AAF8403A W 67 x D 66 x H 98 cm W 26.38 x D 25.98 x H 38.58 inches
Fiji Dining Chair Art No. AAF8501A W 57 x D 66 x H 98 cm W 22.44 x D 25.98 x H 38.58 inches
Fiji Rectangular Dining Table 213X106
Fiji Living Armchair
Fiji 2-Seater Sofa
Fiji Footstool
Fiji Coffee Table 113x58
Fiji Side Table 54x47
Art No. AAF8401A W 83 x D 79 x H 91 cm W 32.68 x D 31.10 x H 35.83 inches
Art No. AAF8B01A W 150 x D 79 x H 91 cm W 59.06 x D 31.10 x H 35.83 inches
Art No. AAF8C01A W 83 x D 64 x H 43 cm W 32.68 x D 25.20 x H 16.93 inches
Art No. AAF8202A W 113 x D 58 x H 45 cm W 44.49 x D 22.83 x H 17.72 inches
Art No. AAF8302A W 54 x D 47 x H 52 cm W 21.26 x D 18.50 x H 20.47 inches
There is always music amongst the trees in the garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. Minnie Aumonier
Lillian Reclining Armchair
Lillian Side Table 47x47
Art No. AAL4401A W 75 x D 85 x H 110 cm W 29.53 x D 33.46 x H 43.31 inches
Art No. AAL4219A W 47 x D 47 x H 47 cm W 18.50 x D 18.50 x H 18.50 inches
Also available • Barrio Reclining Armchair (please refer to Barrio page) • Vienna Reclining Armchair (please refer to Residenz Catalog)
The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, the furrow followed free; we were the first that ever burst. Into that silent sea. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Meadow Living Armchair
Meadow 2-Seater Sofa
Meadow 3-Seater Sofa
Meadow Footstool
Art No. AAM3417A W 90 x D 79 x H 89 cm W 35.43 x D 31.10 x H 35.04 inches
Art No. AAM3B13A W 151 x D 83 x H 89 cm W 59.45 x D 32.68 x H 35.04 inches
Art No. AAM3B12A W 217 x D 83 x H 89 cm W 85.43 x D 32.68 x H 35.04 inches
Art No. AAM3C09A W 90 x D 63 x H 44 cm W 35.43 x D 24.80 x H 17.32 inches
Meadow Coffee Table 116x74
Meadow Side Table 51x51
Meadow Side Table 72x72
Meadow Swivel Armchair
Art No. AAM3208A W 116 x D 74 x H 50 cm W 45.67 x D 29.13 x H 19.69 inches
Art No. AAM3305A W 51 x D 51 x H 45 cm W 20.08 x D 20.08 x H 17.72 inches
Art No. AAM3304A W 72 x D 72 x H 59 cm W 28.35 x D 28.35 x H 23.23 inches
Art No. AAM3706A W 89 x D 80 x H 90 cm W 35.04 x D 31.50 x H 35.43 inches
Meadow Rocking Armchair
Meadow Dining Armchair
Meadow Rectangular Dining Table 213X106
Art No. AAM3608A W 90 x D 94 x H 89 cm W 35.43 x D 37.01 x H 35.04 inches
Art No. AAM3418A W 76 x D 186 x H 94 cm W 29.92 x D 73.23 x H 37.01 inches
Art No. AAM3148A W 106 x D 213 x H 75 cm W 41.73 x D 83.86 x H 29.53 inches
Meadow Round Dining Table D137
Meadow Chaise Lounge With Left Facing Arm
Meadow Chaise Lounge With Right Facing Arm
Art No. AAM3146A Dia Ø 137 x H 75 cm Dia Ø 53.94 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAM3908A W 88 x D 171 x H 83 cm W 34.65 x D 67.32 x H 32.68 inches
Art No. AAM3909A W 88 x D 171 x H 83 cm W 34.65 x D 67.32 x H 32.68 inches
But at my back I always hear, Time‘s winged chariot hurrying near; And yonder all before us lie, Deserts of vast eternity. Andrew Marvel
Rio Living Armchair
Rio 2-Seater Sofa
Rio 3-Seater Sofa
Rio Footstool
Art No. AAR2405A W 92 x D 96 x H 85 cm W 36.22 x D 37.80 x H 33.46 inches
Art No. AAR2B05A W 157 x D 98 x H 85 cm W 61.81 x D 38.58 x H 33.46 inches
Art No. AAR2B06A W 219 x D 98 x H 85 cm W 86.22 x D 38.58 x H 33.46 inches
Art No. AAR2C01A W 91 x D 58 x H 45 cm W 35.83 x D 22.83 x H 17.72 inches
Rio Dining Armchair
Rio Oval Dining Table 183x108
Rio Round Dining Table D92
Rio Sunlounger
Art No. AAR2406A W 73 x D 73 x H 89 cm W 28.74 x D 28.74 x H 35.04 inches
Art No. AAR2101A W 183 x D 108 x H 75 cm W 72.05 x D 42.52 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAR2102A Dia Ø 92 x H 75 cm Dia Ø 36.22 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAR2901A W 75 x D 204 x H 60 cm W 29.53 x D 80.31 x H 23.62 inches
Rio Coffee Table 113x74113x74
Rio Side Table 76x76
Art No. AAR2202A W 113 x D 74 x H 53 cm W 44.49 x D 29.13 x H 20.87 inches
Art No. AAR2301A W 76 x D 76 x H 55 cm W 29.92 x D 29.92 x H 21.65 inches
It’s not that some people have willpower and some don’t. It’s that some people are ready to change and others are not. (James Gordon)
Copyright Specifications and dimensions are subject to be changed without prior notification. All rights for design, photos and publication belong to DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
urheberrecht Spezifikation und Masse können ohne Vorankündigung geändert werden. Alle Rechte für Design, Photos und Veröffentlichung unterliegen DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
Tous droits reserves Les spécifications et dimensions de nos produits peuvent être changé sans préavis. Tous les droits des photos, des textes, et des publications sont la propriété de DOMUS VENTURES Pte.Ltd.
Aurora Square Dining Table 124x124
Aurora Rectangular Dining Table 124x192
Barrio Square Dining Table 190x190
Barrio Rectangular Dining Table 190x110
Art No. AAA1128A W 124 x D 124 x H 75 cm W 48.82 x D 48.82 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAA1127A W 124 x D 192 x H 75 cm W 48.82 x D 75.59 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAB8144A W 190 x D 190 x H 75 cm W 74.80 x D 74.80 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAB8143A W 190 x D 110 x H 75 cm W 74.80 x D 43.31 x H 29.53 inches
Barrio Rectangular Dining Table 190x110
Cancun Rectangular Dining Table 200x100
Corentin Rectangular Dining Table 171x101
Art No. AAB8108A W 190 x D 110 x H 75 cm W 74.80 x D 43.31 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAC7106A W 200 x D 100 x H 75 cm W 78.74 x D 39.37 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AACP502A W 171 x D 101 x H 75 cm W 67.32 x D 39.76 x H 29.53 inches
Dawn Rectangular Dining Table 180x100
Dawn Round Dining Table D137
Meadow Rectangular Dining Table 213X106
Meadow Round Dining Table D137
Art No. AAD1113A W 179 x D 100 x H 75 cm W 70.47 x D 39.37 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAD1104A Dia Ø 137 x H 75 cm Dia Ø 53.94 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAM3148A W 106 x D 213 x H 75 cm W 41.73 x D 83.86 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAM3149A Dia Ø 137 x H 75 cm Dia Ø 53.94 x H 29.53 inches
Merlot Rectangular Dining Table 170x100
Modern Italy Rectangular Dining Table 150x90
Modern Italy Rectangular Dining Table 180x90
Art No. AAM9151A W 170 x D 100 x H 75 cm W 66.93 x D 39.37 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAMA171A W 150 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 59.06 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAMA170A W 80 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 31.50 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
Montreaux Rectangular Dining Table 180x90
Paradiso Oval Dining Table 210x100
Rio Oval Dining Table 183x108
Rio Round Dining Table D92
Art No. AAMI101A W 180 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 70.87 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAP1101A W 210 x D 100 x H 75 cm W 82.68 x D 39.37 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAR2101A W 183 x D 108 x H 75 cm W 72.05 x D 42.52 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAR2102A Dia Ø 92 x H 75 cm Dia Ø 36.22 x H 29.53 inches
San Lino Rectangular Dining Table 180x90
Santa Rosa Round Dining Table D120
Tivoli Rectangular Dining Table 200x100
Art No. AAS6106A W 180 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 70.87 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AASI101A Dia Ø 120 x H 75 cm Dia Ø 47.24 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAT3101A W 200 x D 100 x H 75 cm W 78.74 x D 39.37 x H 29.53 inches
Tokyo Castle Rectangular Dining Table 150x90
Tokyo Rectangular Dining Table 210x100x65
Tokyo Rectangular Dining Table 210x100x75
Topaz Rectangular Dining Table 180x110
Art No. AAT8109A W 150 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 59.06 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAT8123A W 210 x D 100 x H 65 cm W 82.68 x D 39.37 x H 25.59 inches
Art No. AAT8124A W 210 x D 100 x H 75 cm W 82.68 x D 39.37 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAT9101A W 180 x D 110 x H 75 cm W 70.87 x D 43.31 x H 29.53 inches
Venus Triangular Dining Table 162x166
Venus Triangular Dining Table 237x243
Art No. AAV4103A W 162 x D 166 x H 75 cm W 63.78 x D 65.35 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. AAV4104A W 237 x D 243 x H 75 cm W 93.31 x D 95.67 x H 29.53 inches
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart. (Helen Keller)
La plus supérieure et la plus belle chose au monde ne peuvent pas être vues même touchées. Il faut le sentir dans le cœur. (Helen Keller)
Copyright Specifications and dimensions are subject to be changed without prior notification. All rights for design, photos and publication belong to DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
urheberrecht Spezifikation und Masse können ohne Vorankündigung geändert werden. Alle Rechte für Design, Photos und Veröffentlichung unterliegen DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
Tous droits reserves Les spécifications et dimensions de nos produits peuvent être changé sans préavis. Tous les droits des photos, des textes, et des publications sont la propriété de DOMUS VENTURES Pte.Ltd.
Garcia Cushion Box
Malena Cushion Box
Verdure Planter - Large
Verdure Planter - Small
Art No. AAT8D01A W 128.50 x D 67.50 x H 67.50 cm W 50.59 x D 26.57 x H 26.57 inches
Art No. AAM8D02A W 143 x D 66 x H 100 cm W 56.30 x D 25.98 x H 39.37 inches
Art No. AAV6E03A W 44 x D 44 x H 87 cm W 17.32 x D 17.32 x H 34.25 inches
Art No. AAV6E05A W 35 x D 35 x H 61 cm W 13.78 x D 13.78 x H 24.02 inches
Dimension ( W x D x H cm )
Dimension ( W x D x H inches )
Wicker Color
Wicker Size
Cushion Color
Loose Cushion Color
Arizona lounge
188 x 100 x H78
74.02 x 39.37 x 30.71
Boca Brown
8 x 1.4
Beach Lounge
150 x 145 x 70
59.06 x 57.09 x 27.56
Bounty Island Gazebo
183 x 95 x 86
72.05 x 37.40 x 33.86
Dark Grey
8 x 1.5
Bounty Island Coffee Table D135
Dia Ø 135 x 45
Ø 53.15 x 17.72
Dark Grey
8 x 1.5
Callander Stackable Sunlounger
82 x 184 x 77
32.28 x 72.44 x 30.31
6 x 1.6
Skye Blue
Product Name
Carribean 1-2 Seater Sofa
78/136 x 90 x 80
30.71/53.54 x 35.43 x 31.50
6.2 x 1.3
Warm Grey
Warm Grey
Carribean 2-3 Seater Sofa
146/206 x 90 x 80
57.48/81.10 x 35.43 x 31.50
6.2 x 1.3
Warm Grey
Warm Grey
Carribean Coffee Table 100x100
100 x 100 x 43
39.37 x 39.37 x 16.93
6.2 x 1.3
Coco Island Gazebo
123 x 68 x 81
48.43 x 26.77 x 31.89
7 x 1.8
Warm Grey
Warm Grey
Coco Island Round Dining Table D90
90 x 73
Ø 35.43 x 28.74
7 x 1.8
Corentin Living Armchair
75 x 81 x 80
29.53 x 31.89 x 31.50
6 x 1.5
Corentin 2-Seater Sofa
159 x 81 x 80
62.60 x 31.89 x 31.50
6 x 1.5
Corentin Coffee Table 119X69
119 x 69 x 45
46.85 x 27.17 x 17.72
6 x 1.5
Corentin Side Table 54X54
54 x 54 x 55
21.26 x 21.26 x 21.65
6 x 1.5
Corentin Dining Chair
51 x 65 x 96
20.08 x 25.59 x 37.80
6 x 1.5
Corentin Dining Armchair
70 x 67 x 90
27.56 x 26.38 x 35.43
6 x 1.5
Corentin Rectangular Dining Table 171x101
171 x 101 x 75
67.32 x 39.76 x 29.53
6 x 1.5
Corentin Lounge
228 x 123 x 80
89.76 x 48.43 x 31.50
6 x 1.5
Daytona Sunlounger
68 x 155 x 38/105
26.77 x 61.02 x 14.96/41.34
Bronze Fabulous Pewter 11 x 1.5 + Anthracite 6 x 1.6 + Gun Metal 4 x 1.2
Cold Grey
Diamond Lounge
162 x 110 x 76
63.78 x 43.31 x 29.92
Caramel Braids
8 x 1.8
Durango Lounge
170 x 113 x 78
66.93 x 44.49 x 30.71
Coffee Mix
7 x 1.6
Durango Footstool
136 x 96 x 36
53.54 x 37.80 x 14.17
Coffee Mix
7 x 1.6
Eye Catcher Double K.D. Lounge - 2 open sides
230 x 127 x 215
90.55 x 50 x 84.65
Cubu Croco
Eye Catcher Double K.D. Lounge
230 x 136 x 215
90.55 x 53.54 x 84.65
Dark Red
Dark Red
Eye Catcher Single Lounge
143 x 83 x 210
56.30 x 32.68 x 82.68
Heart Lounge
169 x 95 x 185
66.54 x 37.40 x 72.83
Cubu Olive
Marina Cream
Marina Cream
Magic Apple Lounge
Dia Ø 100 x 108
Ø 39.37 x 42.52
Dark Grey
8 x 1.5
Cold Grey
Cold Grey
Magic Apple Lounge
Dia Ø 100 x 108
Ø 39.37 x 42.52
8 x 1.5
Magic Apple Lounge
Dia Ø 100 x 108
39.37 x 42.52
Pale Gold
8 x 1.5
Warm Grey
Warm Grey
Magic Apple Lounge
Dia Ø 100 x 108
39.37 x 42.52
Deep Blue
6 x 2.5
Lime Green
Lime Green
Magic Apple Side Table
78 x 48 x 33
30.71 x 18.90 x 12.99
Dark Grey
8 x 1.5
Monterey Daybed
100 x 198 x 177
39.37 x 77.95 x 69.68
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Warm Grey
Lime Green
Nest Lounge
Dia Ø 160x 162
Dia Ø 62.99 x 63.78
Cubu Croco
Nest Frame
Cubu Croco
Nest Lounge
Dia Ø 160x 162
Dia Ø 62.99 x 63.78
Cubu Croco
Nest Frame
Cubu Croco
Nest Lounge
Dia Ø 160x 162
Dia Ø 62.99 x 63.78
Cubu Croco
Nest Stand
Cubu Croco
Nest Lounge with Frame
Nest Lounge - 2 open sides with Frame
Nest Lounge with Stand
Nest Lounge
Dia Ø 160x 162
Dia Ø 62.99 x 63.78
Cubu Croco
Nest Lounge with Canopy
Dia Ø 160x 162
Dia Ø 62.99 x 63.78
Cubu Croco
Paradiso Large Lounge with Queens Weaving
230 x 130 x 80
90.55 x 51.18 x 31.50
Pure White
7 x 1.8
Warm Grey
66 x 44 x 38
25.98 x 17.32 x 14.96
Paradiso Coffee Table 66x44
Dark Red
Paradiso Living Chair
74 x 73 x 80
29.13 x 28.74 x 31.50
7 x 1.8
Warm Grey
Paradiso Footstool
73 x 61 x 35
28.74 x 24.02 x 13.78
7 x 1.8
Warm Grey
Paradiso Coffee Table 100x50
100 x 50 x 45
39.37 x 19.69 x 17.72
7 x 1.8
Paradiso Coffee Table D55
Dia Ø 55 x 38
Dia Ø 21.65 x 14.96
Cubu olive
Paradiso Coffee Table 66x44
66 x 44 x 38
25.98 x 17.32 x 14.96
7 x 1.8
Paradiso Trolley
104 x 54 x 90
40.94 x 21.26 x 35.43
7 x 1.8
Paradiso Dining Chair
65 x 63 x 88
25.59 x 24.80 x 34.65
7 x 1.8
Paradiso Oval Dining Table 210x100
210 x 100 x 75
82.68 x 39.37 x 29.53
7 x 1.8
Paradiso Large Lounge
230 x 130 x 80
90.55 x 51.18 x 31.50
7 x 1.8
Warm Grey
Paradiso Small Lounge
186 x 100 x 80
73.23 x 39.37 x 31.50
6 x 1.6
Paradiso Chair
80 x 75 x 80
31.50 x 29.53 x 31.50
Cubu olive
Warm Grey
Warm Grey Ecru
Warm Grey Warm Grey
Venus Lounge
219 x 110 x 79
86.22 x 43.31 x 31.10
Cubu Olive
Venus Club Chair
85 x 83 x 79
33.46 x 32.68 x 31.10
Cubu Olive
Venus Side Table D66
Dia Ø 66 x 57.50
Dia Ø 25.98 x 22.64
Cubu Olive
Venus Coffee Table D76
Dia Ø 76 x 48
Dia Ø 29.92 x H 18.90
Cubu Olive
Venus Footstool
189 x 93 x 37
74.41 x 36.61 x 14.57
Cubu Olive
Venus Swivel Dining Chair
68 x 76 x 86
26.77 x 29.92 x 33.86
Chocolate Twig
Venus Triangular Dining Table 162x166
162 x 166 x 75
63.78 x 65.35 x 29.53
Cubu Croco
Venus Triangular Dining Table 237x243
237 x 243 x 75
93.31 x 95.67 x 29.53
Cubu Croco
Viola Modular - Lounge
201 x 96 x 112
79.13 x 37.80 x 44.09
Black Braids
8 x 1.8
Viola Modular - Armchair
76 x 71 x 75
29.92 x 27.95 x 29.53
Black Braids
8 x 1.8
Viola Modular - Coffee Table 84x74/Footstool
84 x 74 x 37
33.07 x 29.13 x 14.57
Black Braids
8 x 1.8
Delmar Modular - Corner
90 x 90 x 69
35.43 x 35.43 x 27.17
Cubu Cream Grey
Warm Grey
Warm Grey
Delmar Modular - Chair
91 x 90 x 69
35.43 x 35.43 x 27.17
Cubu Cream Grey
Warm Grey
Warm Grey
Delmar Modular - Coffee Table 90x90
90 x 90 x 29
35.43 x 35.43 x 11.42
Cubu Cream Grey
Warm Grey
Delmar Bar Counter 195x105
195 x 105 x 110
76.77 x 41.34 x 43.31
Cubu Cream Grey
Delmar Bar Chair
45 x 58 x 108
17.72 x 22.83 x 42.52
Cubu Cream Grey
Edam Armchair with American Weaving
Edam Living Armchair
58 x 70 x 87
Edam Chair
Edam 2-Seater Sofa
Edam Coffee Table 110x60
Old Penny
Warm Grey
22.83 x 27.56 x 34.25
Cubu Cream Grey
Warm Grey
Cubu Olive
150 x 73 x 96
59.06 x 28.74 x 37.80
Cubu Cream Grey
110 x 60 x 45
43.31 x 23.62 x 17.72
Cubu Cream Grey
Flower Modular Chair
96 x 80 x 87
37.80 x 31.50 x 34.25
Cubu Cream Grey
Flower Coffee Table
Dia Ø 80 x 45
Dia Ø 31.50 x 17.72
Cubu Cream Grey
D3.7 D3.7
Warm Grey Khaki
Flower Coffee Table 115x109 with Footstool
114.50 x 109 x 51
45.08 x 42.91 x 20.08
Cubu Cream Grey
Glasgow Living Armchair
88 x 85 x 80
34.65 x 33.46 x 31.50
Cubu Olive
Glasgow 2-Seater Sofa
175 x 85 x 80
68.90 x 33.46 x 31.50
Cubu Olive
Glasgow Coffee Table 80x80
80 x 80 x 39
31.50 x 31.50 x 15.35
Cubu Olive
Spa Coffee Table 120x80
120 x 80 x 46
47.24 x 31.50 x 18.11
Cubu Olive
Spa Living Chair
81 x 95 x 85.50
31.89 x 37.40 x 33.66
Cubu Olive
Warm Grey
Spa 2-Seater Sofa
161.50 x 96 x 86
63.58 x 37.80 x 33.86
Cubu Olive
Warm Grey
Spa 3-Seater Sofa
203 x 96 x 85.50
79.92 x 37.80 x 33.66
Cubu Olive
Warm Grey
Spa Footstool
80 x 65 x 35
31.50 x 25.59 x 13.78
Cubu Olive
Warm Grey
Spa Sunlounger
185 x 81 x 102
72.83 x 31.89 x 40.16
Cubu Olive
Warm Grey
Spa Bar Chair
51 x 65 x 107
20.08 x 25.59 x 42.13
Cubu Olive
Warm Grey
Spa Bar Counter 195x150
195 x 150 x 113
76.77 x 59.06 x 44.49
Cubu Olive
Spa Dining Chair
57 x 79 x 90
22.44 x 31.10 x 35.43
Cubu Olive
Barrio Rectangular Dining Table 190x110
190 x 110 x 75
74.80 x 43.31 x 29.53
Cubu Olive
Warm Grey
68 x 67 x 85
26.77 x 26.38 x 33.46
Meadow Rectangular Dining Table 213x106
106 x 213 x 75
83.86 x 41.73 x 29.53
Asolo Sunlounger
82 x 219 x 88
32.28 x 86.22 x 34.65
Mixed Beige
Asolo Armchair
68 x 67 x 85
26.77 x 26.38 x 33.46
Anthracite 6 x 1.6 +Silver 6 x 1.5
Meadow Rectangular Dining Table 213x106
106 x 213 x 75
83.86 x 41.73 x 29.53
6 x 1.6
Barrio Modular - Corner
77 x 77 x 71
30.31 x 30.31 x 27.95
6.2 x 1.3
Warm Grey
Barrio Modular - Chair
73 x 76 x 80
28.74 x 29.92 x 31.50
6.2 x 1.3
Warm Grey
Barrio Modular - 2-Seater Sofa with Right Facing Arm
136 x 82 x 71
53.54 x 32.28 x 27.95
6.2 x 1.3
Warm Grey
Barrio Modular - 2-Seater Sofa with Left Facing Arm
136 x 82 x 71
53.54 x 32.28 x 27.95
6.2 x 1.3
Warm Grey
Barrio Modular - Chaise Lounge with Left Facing Arm
79 x 135 x 71
31.10 x 53.15 x 27.95
6.2 x 1.3
Warm Grey
Barrio Modular - Chaise Lounge with Right Facing Arm
79 x 135 x 71
31.10 x 53.15 x 27.95
6.2 x 1.3
Warm Grey
Barrio Living Armchair
86 x 83 x 71
33.86 x 32.68 x 27.95
6.2 x 1.3
Warm Grey
Barrio 2-Seater Sofa
148 x 83 x 71
58.27 x 32.68 x 27.95
6.2 x 1.3
Warm Grey
Barrio 3-Seater Sofa
208 x 83 x 71
81.89 x 32.68 x 27.95
6.2 x 1.3
Warm Grey
Barrio Footstool
80 x 60 x 38
31.50 x 23.62 x 14.96
6.2 x 1.3
Warm Grey
Barrio Sunlounger
70 x 200 x 100
27.56 x 78.74 x 39.37
6.2 x 1.3
Warm Grey
Barrio Coffee Table 80x80
80 x 80 x 43
31.50 x 31.50 x 16.93
6.2 x 1.3
Barrio Coffee Table 50x50x55
50 x 50 x 55
19.69 x 19.69 x 21.65
6.2 x 1.3
Barrio Coffee Table 50x50x31
50 x 50 x 31
19.69 x 19.69 x 12.20
6.2 x 1.3
Barrio Dining Armchair
73 x 76 x 80
28.74 x 29.92 x 31.50
6.2 x 1.3
Barrio Rectangular Dining Table 190x110
190 x 110 x 75
74.80 x 43.31 x 29.53
6.2 x 1.3
Barrio Rectangular Dining Table 190x110
190 x 110 x 75
74.80 x 43.31 x 29.53
Cubu Olive
Barrio Square Dining Table 190x190
190 x 190 x 75
74.80 x 74.80 x 29.53
6.2 x 1.3
Barrio Tetate Double Lounge
223 x 138 x 181
87.80 x 54.33 x 71.26
Boca Brown
8 x 1.4
Barrio Reclining Armchair
77 x 78 x 104
30.31 x 30.71 x 40.94
6.2 x 1.3
Warm Grey
Mocca Warm Grey
Warm Grey
Benevento Stackable Armchair
53 x 70 x 98
20.87 x 27.56 x 38.58
7 x 1.8
Warm Grey
Cleveland Lecce Sunlounger
140 x 200 x 33
55.12 x 78.74 x 12.99
Café Au Lait Braids
8 x 1.8
Warm Grey
Cleveland Lecce Sunlounger with Canopy
140 x 200 x 33
55.12 x 78.74 x 12.99
6 x 1.6
Cleveland Armchair with Alu Cap
60 x 68 x 86
23.62 x 26.77 x 33.86
6 x 1.6
Cleveland Armchair
60 x 68 x 86
23.62 x 26.77 x 33.86
6 x 1.6
Cleveland 2-Seater Bench
152 x 76 x 86
59.84 x 29.92 x 33.86
Cofee 6
6 x 1.6
Grado Stackable Armchair
60 x 56 x 75
23.62 x 22.05 x 29.53
Coffee Mix
7 x 1.6
Skye Blue
Grado Stackable Armchair
60 x 56 x 75
23.62 x 22.05 x 29.53
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Grado Stackable 2-Seater Bench
119 x 64 x 81
46.85 x 25.20 x 31.89
Pale Gold
6 x 1.5
Grado Stackable 2-Seater Bench
119 x 64 x 81
46.85 x 25.20 x 31.89
6 x 1.6
Kyoto Living Armchair
99 x 85 x 66
38.98 x 33.46 x 25.98
7 x 1.6
Kyoto 2-Seater Bench
160 x 85 x 66
62.99 x 33.46 x 25.98
7 x 1.6
Kyoto Swing
256 x 120.50 x 194
100.79 x 47.44 x 76.38
7 x 1.6
Kyoto Coffee Table 100x49
100 x 49 x 39
39.37 x 19.29 x 15.35
7 x 1.6
Kyoto Dining Armchair
74 x 61.50 x 71
29.13 x 24.21 x 27.95
7 x 1.6
Los Cabos Stackable Armchair
90 x 85 x 85
35.43 x 33.46 x 33.46
Los Cabos Stackable Armchair with Queens Weaving
91 x 85 x 86
35.83 x 33.46 x 33.86
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Los Cabos Stackable 2-Seater Bench
150 x 85 x 85
Los Cabos Stackable Coffee Table 110x90
110 x 90 x 48
59.06 x 33.46 x 33.46
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
43.31 x 35.43 x 18.90
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Los Cabos Stackable Dining Armchair
Los Cabos Stackable Rocking Sunlounger
77 x 76 x 85
30.31 x 29.92 x 33.46
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
200 x 78 x 85
30.31 x 30.71 x 33.46
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Merlot Stackable Dining Armchair
61 x 66 x 87
24.02 x 25.98 x 34.25
Black Braids
8 x 1.8
Merlot Stackable Armchair
60 x 61 x 87
23.62 x 24.02 x 34.25
Black Braids
8 x 1.8
Merlot Rectangular Dining Table 170x100
170 x 100 x 75
66.93 x 39.37 x 29.53
Black Braids
8 x 1.8
Merlot Living Armchair
78 x 79 x 83
30.71 x 31.10 x 32.68
Black Braids
8 x 1.8
Merlot 2-Seater Bench
139 x 78 x 83
54.72 x 30.71 x 32.68
Black Braids
8 x 1.8
Merlot Coffee Table 101x101
101 x 101 x 45
39.76 x 39.76 x 17.72
Black Braids
8 x 1.8
Merlot Coffee Table 101x101- full wickered
101 x 101 x 45
39.76 x 39.76 x 17.72
Black Braids
8 x 1.8
Merlot Swing
236 x 115 x 194
92.91 x 45.28 x 76.38
7 x 1.8
Warm Grey
Modern Italy Dining Armchair
56 x 60 x 80
22.05 x 23.62 x 31.50
8 x 1.5
Warm Grey
Modern Italy Bench
120 x 60 x 88
47.24 x 23.62 x 34.65
8 x 1.5
Warm Grey
Modern Italy Ashville Dining Armchair
56 x 60 x 80
22.05 x 23.62 x 31.50
8 x 1.5
Warm Grey
Modern Italy Rectangular Dining Table 180x90
180 x 90 x 75
31.50 x 35.43 x 29.53
8 x 1.5
Modern Italy Rectangular Dining Table 150x90
150 x 90 x 75
59.06 x 35.43 x 29.53
8 x 1.5
Montreaux Dining Armchair
60 x 64 x 75
23.62 x 25.20 x 29.53
Café Alu Lait
8 x 1.5
Mocca +Earth (pipe)
Montreaux Dining Chair
48 x 60 x 75
18.90 x 23.62 x 29.53
Café Alu Lait
8 x 1.5
Mocca +Earth (pipe)
Montreaux Rectangular Dining Table 180x90
180 x 90 x 75
70.87 x 35.43 x 29.53
Café Alu Lait
8 x 1.5
Montreaux Living Armchair
71 x 80 x 66
27.95 x 31.50 x 25.98
6 x 1.6
Montreaux 2-Seater Sofa
147 x 80 x 66
57.87 x 31.50 x 25.98
6 x 1.6
Montreaux Coffee Table 100x53
100 x 53 x 45
39.37 x 20.87 x 17.72
6 x 1.6
Montreaux Side Table 50x45
50 x 45 x 54
19.69 x 17.72 x 21.26
6 x 1.6
Ormond Modular - Chair with small backrest
127 x 86 x 72
50 x 33.86 x 28.35
Dark Grey
8 x 1.5
Warm Grey
Ormond Modular Footstool
127 x 86 x 30
50 x 33.86 x 11.81
Dark Grey
8 x 1.5
Warm Grey Warm Grey
Warm Grey
Ormond Modular - Chair with large backrest
127 x 86 x 72
50 x 33.86 x 28.35
Dark Grey
8 x 1.5
Ormond Modular Coffee Table 80x98
80 x 98 x 30
31.50 x 38.58 x 11.81
Dark Grey
8 x 1.5
Warm Grey
Pallanza Stackable Sunlounger
70 x 200 x 42
27.56 x 78.74 x 16.54
Coffee Mix
7 x 1.6
Pallanza Stackable Sunlounger with Cushion
70 x 200 x 42
27.56 x 78.74 x 16.54
Coffee Mix
7 x 1.6
Santa Rosa Living Armchair
76 x 77 x 75
29.92 x 30.31 x 29.53
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Cold Grey
Santa Rosa 2-Seater Sofa
150 x 77 x 74
59.06 x 30.31 x 29.13
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Cold Grey
Santa Rosa Coffee Table 110x55
110 x 55 x 45
43.31 x 21.65 x 17.72
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Santa Rosa Side Table D45
Dia Ø 45 x 55
Dia Ø 17.72 x 21.65
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Santa Rosa Footstool
76 x 74 x 38
29.92 x 29.13 x 14.96
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Santa Rosa Rocking Chair
75 x 101 x 91
29.53 x 39.76 x 35.83
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Cold Grey
Santa Rosa Dining Armchair
62 x 67 x 82
24.41 x 26.38 x 32.28
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Santa Rosa Round Dining Table D120
Dia Ø 120 x 75
Dia Ø 47.24 x 29.53
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Cold Grey
Tivoli Armchair with normal weaving
64 x 60 x 92
25.20 x 23.62 x 36.22
Cubu Coro
Warm Grey
Tivoli Armchair
65 x 60 x 92
25.20 x 23.62 x 36.22
Dark Grey
8 x 1.5
Warm Grey
Tivoli Lazy Armchair
75 x 126 x 80
29.53 x 49.61 x 31.50
Dark Grey
8 x 1.5
Warm Grey
Tivoli Footstool
75 x 57 x 40
29.53 x 22.44 x 15.75
Dark Grey
8 x 1.5
Warm Grey
Tivoli Living Armchair
75 x 74 x 86
29.53 x 29.13 x 33.86
Dark Grey
8 x 1.5
Warm Grey
Warm Grey
Tivoli 2-Seater Bench
145 x 77 x 86
57.09 x 30.31 x 33.86
Dark Grey
8 x 1.5
Warm Grey
Warm Grey
Tivoli Coffee Table 100x51
100 x 51 x 45
39.37 x 20.08 x 17.72
Dark Grey
8 x 1.5
Tivoli Rectangular Dining Table 200x100
200 x 100 x 75
78.74 x 39.37 x 29.53
Dark Grey
8 x 1.5
Warm Grey
Tokyo Low Dining Chair
75 x 82 x 72
29.53 x 32.28 x 28.35
Black Braids
8 x 1.8
Tokyo Dining Chair
58 x 62 x 90
22.83 x 24.41 x 35.43
Coffee Mix
7 x 1.6
Tokyo Ottoman
72 x 59 x 27
28.35 x 23.23 x 10.63
Black Braids
8 x 1.8
Tokyo Daybed
180 x 100 x 65/182
70.87 x 39.37 x 25.59/71.65
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Tokyo Footstool
180 x 91 x 26
70.87 x 35.83 x 10.24
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Tokyo Rectangular Dining Table 210x100x65
210 x 100 x 65
82.68 x 39.37 x 25.59
Black Braids
8 x 1.8
Tokyo Rectangular Dining Table 210x100x75
210 x 100 x 75
82.68 x 39.37 x 29.53
Coffee Mix
7 x 1.6
Tokyo Castle Rectangular Dining Table 150x90
150 x 90 x 75
59.06 x 35.43 x 29.53
Dark Grey
8 x 1.5
Topaz Living Armchair
80 x 83 x 75
31.50 x 32.68 x 29.53
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Cold Grey
Topaz 2-Seater Sofa
159 x 83 x 75
62.60 x 32.68 x 29.53
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Cold Grey Cold Grey
Topaz 3-Seater Sofa
209 x 86 x 75
82.28 x 33.86 x 29.53
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Topaz Coffee Table 120x65
120 x 65 x 38
47.24 x 25.59 x 14.96
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Topaz Side Table 50x50
50 x 50 x 50
19.69 x 19.69 x 19.69
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Topaz Footstool
75 x 69 x 31
29.53 x 27.17 x 12.20
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Cold Grey
Topaz Sunlounger with Canopy
80 x 215 x 47
31.50 x 84.65 x 18.50
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Cold Grey
Topaz Sunlounger
80 x 215 x 52
31.50 x 84.65 x 20.47
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Cold Grey
Topaz Lounge
216 x 130 x 114
85.04 x 51.18 x 44.88
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Cold Grey Cold Grey
Topaz Dining Armchair
67 x 71 x 86
26.38 x 27.95 x 33.86
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Topaz Rectangular Dining Table 200x110
200 x 110 x 75
78.74 x 43.31 x 29.53
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Topaz Bar Chair
60 x 59 x 95
23.62 x 23.23 x 37.40
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Topaz Square Bar Table 100x100
100 x 100 x 105
39.37 x 39.37 x 41.34
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Barrio Tex Dining Armchair
73 x 76 x 80
28.74 x 29.92 x 31.50
Tex Bronze Mix
Tex Bronze Mix
Cleveland Tex Dining Armchair
60 x 68 x 86
23.62 x 26.77 x 33.86
Tex Grey Mix
Tex Grey Mix
Vienna Tex Dining Armchair
56 x 59.50 x 93
22.05 x 23.43 x 36.61
Tex Grey Mix
Tex Grey Mix
Cold Grey
DOMUS XL Aurora Living Armchair
78 x 84 x 87
30.71 x 33.07 x 34.25
Burnt Wood
7 x 1.6
Aurora 2-Seater Sofa
142 x 81 x 87
55.91 x 31.89 x 34.25
Burnt Wood
7 x 1.6
Aurora 3-Seater Sofa
206 x 81 x 87
81.10 x 31.89 x 34.25
Burnt Wood
7 x 1.6
Aurora Footstool
78 x 61 x 43
30.71 x 24.02 x 16.93
Burnt Wood
7 x 1.6
Aurora Coffee Table 110X75
110 x 75 x 45
43.31 x 29.53 x 17.72
Burnt Wood
7 x 1.6
Aurora Side Table 70X70
70 x 70 x 53
27.56 x 27.56 x 20.87
Burnt Wood
7 x 1.6
Aurora Swivel Armchair
78 x 85 x 83
30.71 x 33.46 x 32.68
Burnt Wood
7 x 1.6
Aurora Rocking Armchair
78 x 108 x 85
30.71 x 42.52 x 33.46
Burnt Wood
7 x 1.6
Aurora Dining Armchair
66 x 69 x 91
25.98 x 27.17 x 35.83
Burnt Wood
7 x 1.6
Aurora Dining Chair
56 x 68 x 91
22.05 x 26.77 x 35.83
Burnt Wood
7 x 1.6
Aurora Square Dining Table 124x124
124 x 124 x 75
48.82 x 48.82 x 29.53
Burnt Wood
7 x 1.6
Aurora Rectangular Dining Table 124x192
124 x 192 x 75
48.82 x 75.59 x 29.53
Burnt Wood
7 x 1.6
Aurora Sunlounger
69 x 199 x 34
27.17 x 78.35 x 13.39
Burnt Wood
7 x 1.6
Aurora Bar Armchair
59 x 60 x 119
23.23 x 23.62 x 46.85
Burnt Wood
7 x 1.6
Aurora Bar Counter 193X93
193 x 93 x 110
75.98 x 36.61 x 43.31
Burnt Wood
7 x 1.6
Dawn Living Armchair
76 x 66 x 85
29.92 x 25.98 x 33.46
6.2 x 1.3
Dawn 2-Seater Sofa
157.50 x 66 x 85
62.01 x 25.98 x 33.46
6.2 x 1.3
Dawn 3-Seater Sofa
220 x 70 x 84.50
86.61 x 27.56 x 33.27
6.2 x 1.3
Dawn Footstool
68 x 51 x 41
26.77 x 20.08 x 16.14
6.2 x 1.3
Dawn Coffee Table 128x72
128 x 72 x 45
50.39 x 28.35 x 17.72
6.2 x 1.3
Dawn Side Table 70x71
70 x 71 x 53.50
27.56 x 27.95 x 21.06
6.2 x 1.3
Dawn Swivel Armchair
76 x 78 x 88
29.92 x 30.71 x 34.65
6.2 x 1.3
Dawn Rocking Armchair
75 x 90 x 82
29.53 x 35.43 x 32.28
6.2 x 1.3
Dawn Dining Armchair
68 x 68 x 99
26.77 x 26.77 x 38.98
6.2 x 1.3
Dawn Dining Chair
61 x 68 x 99
24.02 x 26.77 x 38.98
6.2 x 1.3
Dawn Rectangular Dining Table 180x100
179 x 100 x 75
70.47 x 39.37 x 29.53
6.2 x 1.3
Dawn Round Dining Table D137
Dia Ø 137 x 75
Dia Ø 53.94 x 29.53
6.2 x 1.3
Dawn Bar Armchair
65 x 52 x 120
25.59 x 20.47 x 47.24
6.2 x 1.3
Dawn Round Bar Table D91
Dia Ø 91 x 108
Dia Ø 35.83 x 42.52
6.2 x 1.3
Dawn Trolley
63 x 101 x 76
24.80 x 39.76 x 29.92
6.2 x 1.3
Dawn Bar Counter 226x116
226 x 116 x 96
88.98 x 45.67 x 37.80
6.2 x 1.3
Fiji Living Armchair
83 x 79 x 91
32.68 x 31.10 x 35.83
Old Penny
Warm Grey
Fiji 2-Seater Sofa
150 x 79 x 91
59.06 x 31.10 x 35.83
Old Penny
Warm Grey
Fiji Footstool
83 x 64 x 43
32.68 x 25.20 x 16.93
Old Penny
Warm Grey
Fiji Coffee Table 113x58
113 x 58 x 45
44.49 x 22.83 x 17.72
Old Penny
Fiji Side Table 54x47
54 x 47 x 52
21.26 x 18.50 x 20.47
Old Penny
Fiji Dining Armchair
67 x 66 x 98
26.38 x 25.98 x 38.58
Old Penny
Fiji Dining Armchair
67 x 66 x 98
26.38 x 25.98 x 38.58
Old Penny
Fiji Dining Chair
57 x 66 x 98
22.44 x 25.98 x 38.58
Old Penny
Warm Grey
Lillian Reclining Armchair
75 x 85 x 110
29.53 x 33.46 x 43.31
Burnt Wood
Lillian Side Table 47X47
47 x 47 x 47
18.50 x 18.50 x 18.50
Burnt Wood
Meadow Living Armchair
90 x 79 x 89
35.43 x 31.10 x 35.04
Cubu Olive
Meadow Living Armchair
90 x 79 x 89
35.43 x 31.10 x 35.04
Harkers Island Wash
6 x 3.4
Meadow 2-Seater Sofa
151 x 83 x 89
59.45 x 32.68 x 35.04
Cubu Olive
Meadow 2-Seater Sofa
151 x 83 x 89
59.45 x 32.68 x 35.04
Harkers Island Wash
6 x 3.4
Meadow 3-Seater Sofa
217 x 83 x 89
85.43 x 32.68 x 35.04
Cubu Olive
Meadow Footstool
90 x 63 x 44
35.43 x 24.80 x 17.32
Cubu Olive
Meadow Footstool
90 x 63 x 44
35.43 x 24.80 x 17.32
Harkers Island Wash
6 x 3.4
Meadow Coffee Table 116x74
116 x 74 x 50
45.67 x 29.13 x 19.69
Cubu Olive
Meadow Coffee Table 116x74
116 x 74 x 50
45.67 x 29.13 x 19.69
Harkers Island Wash
6 x 3.4
Meadow Side Table 72x72
72 x 72 x 59
28.35 x 28.35 x 23.23
Cubu Olive
Meadow Side Table 72x72
72 x 72 x 59
28.35 x 28.35 x 23.23
Harkers Island Wash
6 x 3.4
Meadow Side Table 51x51
51 x 51 x 45
20.08 x 20.08 x 17.72
Cubu Olive
Meadow Side Table 51x51
51 x 51 x 45
20.08 x 20.08 x 17.72
Harkers Island Wash
6 x 3.4
Meadow Swivel Armchair
89 x 80 x 90
35.04 x 31.50 x 35.43
Cubu Olive
Meadow Swivel Armchair
89 x 80 x 90
35.04 x 31.50 x 35.43
Harkers Island Wash
6 x 3.4
Meadow Rocking Armchair
90 x 94 x 89
35.43 x 37.01 x 35.04
Cubu Olive
Meadow Rocking Armchair
90 x 94 x 89
35.43 x 37.01 x 35.04
Harkers Island Wash
6 x 3.4
Meadow Dining Armchair
76 x 186 x 94
29.92 x 73.23 x 37.01
Cubu Olive
Meadow Dining Armchair
76 x 186 x 94
29.92 x 73.23 x 37.01
Harkers Island Wash
6 x 3.4
Meadow Rectangular Dining Table 213X106
106 x 213 x 75
41.73 x 83.86 x 29.53
old penny
Meadow Rectangular Dining Table 213X106
106 x 213 x 75
41.73 x 83.86 x 29.53
Cubu Olive
Meadow Round Dining Table D137
Dia Ø 137 x 75
Dia Ø 53.94 x 29.53
Cubu Olive
Meadow Round Dining Table D137
Dia Ø 137 x 75
Dia Ø 53.94 x 29.53
Harkers Island Wash
6 x 3.4
Meadow Chaise Lounge with Left Facing Arm
88 x 171 x 83
34.65 x 67.32 x 32.68 Inches
Cubu Olive
Meadow Chaise Lounge with Right Facing Arm
88 x 171 x 83
34.65 x 67.32 x 32.68
Cubu Olive
Rio Living Armchair
92 x 96 x 85
36.22 x 37.80 x 33.46
Cubu Croco
Rio 2-Seater Sofa
157 x 98 x 85
61.81 x 38.58 x 33.46
Cubu Croco
Warm Grey
Rio 3-Seater Sofa
219 x 98 x 85
86.22 x 38.58 x 33.46
Cubu Croco
Rio Footstool
91 x 58 x 45
35.83 x 22.83 x 17.72
Cubu Croco
Rio Coffee Table 113x74
113 x 74 x 53
44.49 x 29.13 x 20.87
Cubu Croco
Rio Side Table 76x76
76 x 76 x 55
29.92 x 29.92 x 21.65
Cubu Croco
Rio Dining Armchair
73 x 73 x 89
28.74 x 28.74 x 35.04
Cubu Croco
Rio Oval Dining Table 183x108
183 x 108 x 75
72.05 x 42.52 x 29.53
Cubu Croco
Rio Round Dining Table D92
Dia Ø 92 x 75
Dia Ø 36.22 x 29.53
Cubu Croco
Rio Sunlounger
75 x 204 x 60
29.53 x 80.31 x 23.62
Cubu Croco
Aurora Square Dining Table 124x124
124 x 124 x 75
48.82 x 48.82 x 29.53
Burnt Wood
7 x 1.6
Aurora Rectangular Dining Table 124x192
124 x 192 x 75
48.82 x 75.59 x 29.53
Burnt Wood
7 x 1.6
Barrio Rectangular Dining Table 190x110
190 x 110 x 75
74.80 x 43.31 x 29.53
6.2 x 1.3
Barrio Square Dining Table 190x190
190 x 190 x 75
74.80 x 74.80 x 29.53
6.2 x 1.3
Corentin Rectangular Dining Table 171x101
171 x 101 x 75
67.32 x 39.76 x 29.53
6 x 1.5
Cleveland Rectangular Table 190x110
190 x 110 x 75
74.80 x 43.31 x 29.53
Cubu Olive
Dawn Rectangular Dining Table 180x100
179 x 100 x 75
70.47 x 39.37 x 29.53
6.2 x 1.3
Dawn Round Dining Table D137
Dia Ø 137 x 75
Dia Ø 53.94 x 29.53
6.2 x 1.3
Meadow Rectangular Dining Table 213 x 106
106 x 213 x 75
41.73 x 83.86 x 29.53
6 x 1.6
Meadow Round Dining Table D137
Dia Ø 137 x 75
Dia Ø 53.94 x 29.53
Cubu Olive
Meadow Round Dining Table D137
Dia Ø 137 x 75
Dia Ø 53.94 x 29.53
Harkers Island Wash
6 x 3.4
Merlot Rectangular Dining Table 170x100
170 x 100 x 75
66.93 x 39.37 x 29.53
Black Braids
8 x 1.8
Modern Italy Square Dining Table 180x90
180 x 90 x 75
31.50 x 35.43 x 29.53
8 x 1.5
Modern Italy Square Dining Table 150x90
150 x 90 x 75
59.06 x 35.43 x 29.53
8 x 1.5
Montreaux Rectangular Table 180x90
180 x 90 x 75
70.87 x 35.43 x 29.53
Café Alu Lait
8 x 1.5
Paradiso Oval Table Dining 210x100
210 x 100 x 75
82.68 x 39.37 x 29.53
7 x 1.8
Rio Oval Dining Table 183x108
183 x 108 x 75
72.05 x 42.52 x 29.53
Cubu Croco
Rio Round Dining Table D92
Dia Ø 92 x 75
Dia Ø 92 x 75
Cubu Croco
San Lino Rectangular Table 180x90
180 x 90 x 75
70.87 x 35.43 x 29.53
Santa Rosa Round Dining Table D120
Dia Ø 120 x 75
Dia Ø 47.24 x 29.53
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Tivoli Rectangular Dining Table 200x100
200 x 100 x 75
78.74 x 39.37 x 29.53
Dark Grey
8 x 1.5
Tokyo Castle Rectangular Table 150x90
59.06 x 35.43 x 29.53
Dark Grey
8 x 1.5
Tokyo Rectangular Table 210x100x65
210 x 100 x 65
82.68 x 39.37 x 25.59
Black Braids
8 x 1.8
Tokyo Rectangular Table 210x100x75
210 x 100 x 75
82.68 x 39.37 x 29.53
Coffee Mix
7 x 1.6
Topaz Rectangular Dining Table 180x110
180 x 110 x 75
70.87 x 43.31 x 29.53
Dark Grey
6 x 1.5
Venus Triangular Dining Table 162x166
162 x 166 x 75
63.78 x 65.35 x 29.53
Cubu Olive
Venus Triangular Dining Table 162x166
162 x 166 x 75
63.78 x 65.35 x 29.53
Cubu Croco
Venus Triangular Dining Table 237x243
237 x 243 x 75
93.31 x 95.67 x 29.53
Cubu Olive
Venus Triangular Dining Table 237x243
237 x 243 x 75
93.31 x 95.67 x 29.53
Cubu Croco
ACCESSORIES Garcia Cushion Box
128.5 x 67.5 x 67.5
50.59 x 26.57 x 26.57
Malena Cushion Box
143 x 66 x 100
56.30 x 25.98 x 39.37
Verdure Planter - Large
44 x 44 x 87
17.32 x 17.32 x 34.25
Verdure Planter - Small
35 x 35 x 61
13.78 x 13.78 x 24.02