domus indoor
About Domus Ventures Since it was first established in 1997 Domus Ventures has grown to be a prominent global player in the furniture industry, supplying high quality outdoor and indoor furniture to all parts of the globe. We have over 2200 dedicated staff in our factories and offices in China, Indonesia, Singapore, Germany and the United States and we export over 1600 containers each year. Over the years, we have designed and manufactured stylish high quality furniture using materials such as teak, natural wicker, loom, paper fiber and resin wicker. We will also continue to create new designs and look for new materials to use. We stand behind our unique designs, high quality products and our commitment to excellence. Our customers all over the world recognise the high quality “Domus Standard” benchmark that we maintain for every piece of furniture we produce. Our in-house design team actively collaborates with international designers to come up with stylish and unique designs. Whether they are modern or contemporary pieces, our goal is to create the perfect setting for your customers’ homes and lifestyle whatever their taste, budget and requirement might be. Moreover, our designs are protected and registered under the worldwide copyright and patent laws. Other than the Domus brand, we also manufacture furniture and parts for private labels as well. Last but not least, our commitment is not only reflected through the high quality of our products, but also the responsiveness and high level of professionalism provided by our customer service team in ensuring that all our clients are 100% satisfied. We hope that you enjoy our furniture as much as we enjoy creating them.
DOMUS VENTURES – gegründet 1997 – hat sich im Laufe der Jahre zu einem führenden Hersteller der Möbelindustrie entwickelt und liefert qualitativ hochwertige Outdoor- und Indoor-Möbel rund um den Globus. In den Herstellungsbetrieben und Büros in China, Indonesien, Singapur, Deutschland und den USA beschäftigt DOMUS VENTURES über 2200 hochqualifizierte Mitarbeiter und exportiert pro Jahr 1600 Container.
Depuis sa création en 1997, la Société Domus s’est développée pour devenir un acteur proéminant de l’industrie du meuble, exportant à travers le monde un mobilier d’intérieur et d’extérieur de haute qualité. Composé de plus de 2200 employés, disposant d’usines et de bureaux de distribution en Chine, en Indonésie, á Singapore, en Allemagne et aux Etats-Unis, Domus exporte plus de 1600 containers par an.
Über die Jahre hat DOMUS VENTURES in den Materialien Teak, Naturrattan, Loom und wetterfestem Kunststoff-Rattan ein designorientiertes und qualitativ hochwertiges Sortiment gefertigt. Das Unternehmen beschäftigt sich ständig mit neuen Design-Richtungen und Materialien. DOMUS VENTURES bietet außergewöhnliche Designs, qualitativ hochwertige Produkte und ein perfektes Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis.
Ces premières années d’existence ont permis à Domus de concevoir et produire une gamme de produits sophistiqués et de haute qualité, utilisant des matériaux tels que le teck, l’osier, la fibre de papier et la résine et des procédé de fabrication tels que le métier à tisser. Domus est de même en recherche permanente de nouveaux concepts pour élargir sa gamme et utiliser de nouveaux matériaux de qualité. Domus est reconnu mondialement par ses clients pour l’originalité de ses concepts, la qualité de ses produits, et son engagement á l’excellence et á la perfection, jusqu‘à devenir un «standard Domus».
Das Design-Team von DOMUS VENTURES arbeitet auch mit internationalen Designern zusammen, um ständig neue und innovative Produkte zu entwickeln. Das Unternehmensziel ist es, Möbel für das Zuhause und die Lebensphilosophie des Kunden zu entwickeln, welche genau auf Bedürfnisse, Geschmack und Budget abgestimmt sind. Alle Designs sind weltweit geschützt und patentiert. Das Unternehmen fertigt nicht nur Möbel der eigenen Marke, sondern produziert auch für andere Hersteller. Das Bestreben von DOMUS VENTURES ist es, nicht nur qua litativ hochwertige Produkte zu liefern, sondern auch durch ein engagiertes Service-Team den Kunden 100% zufrieden zu stellen. DOMUS VENTURES wünscht den Kunden genau so viel Freude mit den neuen Möbeln, wie wir sie bei der Entwicklung haben.
Au travers de son bureau d’étude, Domus collabore activement avec de nombreux décorateurs internationaux afin de maintenir mais aussi de faire évoluer continuellement l’originalité et le style de sa gamme de produits. Moderne ou contemporain, ses produits sont conçus pour correspondre au mieux aux styles de vie et d’habitat de ses clients, quelques soient leurs gouts, leur budget ou leurs demandes spécifiques. Tous les droits sur ses produits sont réservés et la marque Domus™ est déposée mondialement. Outre sa propre gamme de produits, Domus est aussi en mesure de fabriquer du mobilier sur commande selon les spécifications techniques de ses clients (Nous consulter pour ce type de services). Finalement, en plus de son engagement à livrer un mobilier de haute qualité, Domus assure à sa clientèle un service rapide, réactif et hautement professionnel avec pour objectif permanent un 100% de satisfaction. Domus espère que sa clientèle apprécie ses produits avec autant de plaisir qu’elle en a de les créer pour elle.
Copyright Specifications and dimensions are subject to be changed without prior notification. All rights for design, photos and publication belong to DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
urheberrecht Spezifikation und Masse können ohne Vorankündigung geändert werden. Alle Rechte für Design, Photos und Veröffentlichung unterliegen DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
Tous droits reserves Les spécifications et dimensions de nos produits peuvent être changé sans préavis. Tous les droits des photos, des textes, et des publications sont la propriété de DOMUS VENTURES Pte.Ltd.
Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance and order and rhythm and harmony. Thomas Merton
THE DOMUS MASSAGE range was especially designed to fulfill the combination of comfort, style, durability and the enjoyment of a shiatsu massage. As gentle and soothing to your body as a massage from a trained shiatsu therapist - its continuous rhythmic sequence will ensure comfort and deep relaxation.
WHAT IS SHIATSU? Shiatsu - means ‘finger pressure‘ whereby pressure and stretching are the key to Shiatsu massage therapy. Fingers and palm pressure is applied using tapping, rubbing and kneading techniques along the meridians to unblock blockages as well as to improve the flow of Qi (pronounced as ‘chee‘).
BENEFITS OF DOMUS MASSAGE Health Harmonizes Yin and Yang Safe natural back pain treatment Eases tension and stiffness Deep muscles and tissue relaxation Increases mental and spiritual awareness Increases flexibility Might support disease-prevention Relieves-stress Improves circulation and enhanced wellbeing Might support to reduces blood pressure
Lifestyle Affordable luxurious beauty at your side One-time-fee of obtaining indefinite massage Privacy on your very own convenience Self-customizable to suit your needs The natural look massage chairs with wicker material
There is no black-and-white situation. It‘s all part of life. Highs, lows, middles. Van Morrison
Caesar Massage Sunlounger Art No. 422028 W 65 x D 165 x H 92 x SH 42 cm W 25.59 x D 64.96 x H 36.22 x SH 16.54 inches
Success is following the pattern of life one enjoys most. Al Capp
Cleo Massage Armchair Art No. 422026 W 70 x D 117 x H 102 x SH 42 cm W 27.56 x D 46.06 x H 40.16 x SH 16.54 inches
Cleo Footstool Art No. 429006 W 68 x D 77 x H 46 x SH 42 cm W 26.77 x D 30.31 x H 18.11 x SH 16.54 inches
A land without ruins is a land without memories a land without memories is a land without history. Abram Joseph Ryan
Nero Massage Armchair Art No. 422027 W 75 x D 127 x H 102 x SH 42 cm W 29.53 x D 50 x H 40.16 x SH 16.54 inches
Nero Footstool Art No. 429005 W 75 x D 85 x H 46 x SH 42 cm W 29.53 x D 33.46 x H 18.11 x SH 16.54 inches
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. (John Quincy Adams)
Copyright Specifications and dimensions are subject to be changed without prior notification. All rights for design, photos and publication belong to DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
urheberrecht Spezifikation und Masse können ohne Vorankündigung geändert werden. Alle Rechte für Design, Photos und Veröffentlichung unterliegen DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
Tous droits reserves Les spécifications et dimensions de nos produits peuvent être changé sans préavis. Tous les droits des photos, des textes, et des publications sont la propriété de DOMUS VENTURES Pte.Ltd.
On the other side of the handrail, the hallway‘s gray marble floor looks as if we‘ve climbed a stairway through the clouds. Chuck Palahniuk
Algarve Lazy Armchair
Algarve Footstool
Art No. 420123 W 84 x D 95 x H 117 x SH 47 cm W 33.07 x D 37.40 x H 46.06 x SH 18.50 inches
Art No. 429004 W 68 x D 55 x H 53 x SH 47 cm W 26.77 x D 21.65 x H 20.87 x SH 18.50 inches
Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury. Coco Chanel
Basket 3-Seater Sofa
Basket 3-Seater Footstool
Basket Rocking Chair
Art No. 422024 W 225 x D 137 x H 81 x SH 27.50 cm W 88.58 x D 53.94 x H 31.89 x SH 10.83 inches
Art No. 429002 W 160 x D 61.50 x H 27.50 cm W 62.99 x D 24.21 x H 10.83 inches
Art No. 420124 W 75 x D 103 x H 84 x SH 42 cm W 29.53 x D 40.55 x H 33.07 x SH 16.54 inches
Feast, and your halls are crowded; Fast, and the world goes by. Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Bilbao Dining Armchair Art No. 420002 W 59 x D 60 x H 81 x SH 45 cm W 23.23 x D 23.62 x H 31.89 x SH 17.72 inches
Bilbao Dining Chair Art No. 420003 W 46 x D 60 x H 91 x SH 45 cm W 18.11 x D 23.62 x H 35.83 x SH 17.72 inches
Hilo Rectangular Dining Table 180x90 Art No. 540056 W 180 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 70.87 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
All experience is an arch where through gleams that untravelled world whose margin fades for ever and for ever when I move. Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Ephesus Side Table 61x57
Art No. 540019 W 61 x D 57 x H 59 cm W 24.02 x D 22.44 x H 23.23 inches
Ephesus Living Armchair
Ephesus 2-Seater Sofa
Ephesus 3-Seater Sofa
Ephesus Coffee Table 110x60
Art No. 510165 W 85 x D 88 x H 63 x SH 20 cm W 33.46 x D 34.65 x H 24.80 x SH 7.87 inches
Art No. 530136 W 147 x D 88 x H 63 x SH 20 cm W 57.87 x D 34.65 x H 24.80 x SH 7.87 inches
Art No. 530576 W 203 x D 88 x H 63 x SH 20 cm W 79.92 x D 34.65 x H 24.80 x SH 7.87 inches
Art No. 540004 W 110 x D 60 x H 45 cm W 43.31 x D 23.62 x H 17.72 inches
Home is not where you live, but where they understand you. Christian Marganstern
Helene Armchair
Helene Chair
Hilo Rectangular Dining Table 180x90
Hilo Square Dining Table 90x90
Art No. 420141 W 66 x D 64 x H 89 x SH 46 cm W 25.98 x D 25.20 x H 35.04 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 420142 W 60 x D 63 x H 89 x SH 46 cm W 23.62 x D 24.80 x H 35.04 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 540056 W 180 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 70.87 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. 540005 W 90 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 35.43 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
We don‘t receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us. Marcel Proust
Latchi Dining Chair - fixed cushion Art No. 420119 W 45 x D 60 x H 105 x SH 48 cm W 17.72 x D 23.62 x H 41.34 x SH 18.90 inches
Hilo Square Dining Table 90x90 Art No. 540005 W 90 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 35.43 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
A good heart is the sun and the moon; or, rather, the sun and not the moon, for it shines bright and never changes. William Shakespeare
Miami Dining Chair Art No. 510001 W 48 x D 60 x H 95 x SH 46 cm W 18.90 x D 23.62 x H 37.40 x SH 18.11 inches
Hilo Rectangular Dining Table 180x90 Art No. 540056 W 180 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 70.87 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
There is no better time than right now to be happy.Happiness is a journey, not a destination.So work like you don‘t need money.Love like you‘ve never been hurt, and, Dance like no one‘s watching... Anonymous
Paris Dining Armchair
Paris Dining Chair
Hilo Rectangular Dining Table 180x90
Art No. 420115 W 59 x D 62 x H 105 x SH 48 cm W 23.23 x D 24.41 x H 41.34 x SH 18.90 inches
Art No. 420104 W 46 x D 62 x H 105 x SH 48 cm W 18.11 x D 24.41 x H 41.34 x SH 18.90 inches
Art No. 540056 W 180 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 70.87 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs. Anonymous
val di fassa
val di fassa
Val di Fassa Living Armchair
Val di Fassa 2-Seater Sofa
Val di Fassa Footstool
Val di Fassa Coffee Table 100x58
Val di Fassa Side Table 52x49
Art No. 420144 W 70 x D 75 x H 90 x SH 41 cm W 27.56 x D 29.53 x H 35.43 x SH 16.14 inches
Art No. 422037 W 141 x D 75 x H 90 x SH 41 cm W 55.51 x D 29.53 x H 35.43 x SH 16.14 inches
Art No. 429007 W 70 x D 47 x H 43 cm W 27.56 x D 18.50 x H 16.93 inches
Art No. 423024 W 100 x D 58 x H 45 cm W 39.37 x D 22.83 x H 17.72 inches
Art No. 423025 W 52 x D 49 x H 57 cm W 20.47 x D 19.29 x H 22.44 inches
The road to excess leads to the palace of wisdom...for we never know what is enough until we know what is more than enough. William Blake
Wiesmoor Dining Armchair - fixed cushion Art No. 420106 W 47 x D 62 x H 105 x SH 48 cm W 18.50 x D 24.41 x H 41.34 x SH 18.90 inches
Wiesmoor Dining Chair - fixed cushion Art No. 420090 W 58 x D 62 x H 105 x SH 48 cm W 22.83 x D 24.41 x H 41.34 x SH 18.90 inches
Wiesmoor Dining Armchair
Wiesmoor Dining Chair
Hilo Rectangular Dining Table 180x90
Art No. 420106 W 58 x D 59 x H 105 x SH 46 cm W 22.83 x D 23.23 x H 41.34 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 420090 W 47 x D 59 x H 105 x SH 46 cm W 18.50 x D 23.23 x H 41.34 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 540056 W 180 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 70.87 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
BEDS *mattress, pillows & accessories on each bed are not included
Martinique Bed 180 Art No. 550087 W 207 x D 212 x H 90 x SH 25 cm W 81.50 x D 83.46 x H 35.43 x SH 9.84 inches
Syracuse Bed 180 Art No. 550088 W 212 x D 229 x H 92 x SH 30 cm W 83.46 x D 90.16 x H 36.22 x SH 11.81 inches
Tofino Bed 160 Art No. 550065 W 177.50 x D 220 x H 101 cm W 69.88 x D 86.61 x H 39.76 inches
CHAIRS Bilbao Dining Armchair - fixed cushion
Bilbao Dining Chair - fixed cushion
Gubbio Dining Chair
Art No. 420002 W 59 x D 60 x H 91 x SH 48 cm W 23.23 x D 23.62 x H 35.83 x SH 18.90 inches
Art No. 420003 W 46 x D 60 x H 91 x SH 48 cm W 18.11 x D 23.62 x H 35.83 x SH 18.90 inches
Art No. 510019 W 48 x D 64 x H 95 x SH 48 cm W 18.90 x D 25.20 x H 37.40 x SH 18.90 inches
Chairs Cortona Dining Chair
Skyros Dining Armchair
Skyros Dining Chair
Art No. 420132 W 46 x D 63 x H 106.50 x SH 48 cm W 18.11 x D 24.80 x H 41.93 x SH 18.90 inches
Art No. 420136 W 61 x D 64 x H 85 x SH 48 cm W 24.02 x D 25.20 x H 33.46 x SH 18.90 inches
Art No. 420137 W 47 x D 61.50 x H 85 x SH 48 cm W 18.50 x D 24.21 x H 33.46 x SH 18.90 inches
CHAIRS Zante Dining Armchair
Zante Dining Chair
Hamburg Dining Chair
Art No. 420126 W 58 x D 64 x H 84 x SH 48 cm W 22.83 x D 25.20 x H 33.07 x SH 18.90 inches
Art No. 420127 W 45 x D 59 x H 91.50 x SH 48 cm W 17.72 x D 23.23 x H 36.02 x SH 18.90 inches
Art No. 420102 W 46 x D 59.50 x H 106.50 x SH 46 cm W 18.11 x D 23.43 x H 41.93 x SH 18.11 inches
Chairs Antonio Dining Chair
Volterra Dining Chair
Port Royal Bar Chair
Art No. 420134 W 47 x D 63 x H 105 x SH 48 cm W 18.50 x D 24.80 x H 41.34 x SH 18.90 inches
Art No. 420034 W 47 x D 62 x H 110 x SH 48 cm W 18.50 x D 24.41 x H 43.31 x SH 18.90 inches
Art No. 420128 W 45 x D 57 x H 105 x SH 76 cm W 17.72 x D 22.44 x H 41.34 x SH 29.92 inches
swatches *actual colors might slightly vary than shown by the image
Santa 03 Wash Beige
Santa 03 Brown Beige
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Santa 03A Black Brown Wash
Zigzag 01 Beige Brown
Zigzag 01 Grey Black
swatches *actual colors might slightly vary than shown by the image
Zigzag 01 Brown Black
Zigzag 03 Brown Onyx
Zigzag 03 Black Brown
Zigzag 03 Black Grey
Zigzag 05 Brown Onyx
Zigzag 05 Black Grey
swatches *actual colors might slightly vary than shown by the image
Zigzag 05 Onyx Beige
Success is a welcomed gift for the uninhibited mind. (Adlin Sinclair )
Copyright Specifications and dimensions are subject to be changed without prior notification. All rights for design, photos and publication belong to DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
urheberrecht Spezifikation und Masse können ohne Vorankündigung geändert werden. Alle Rechte für Design, Photos und Veröffentlichung unterliegen DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
Tous droits reserves Les spécifications et dimensions de nos produits peuvent être changé sans préavis. Tous les droits des photos, des textes, et des publications sont la propriété de DOMUS VENTURES Pte.Ltd.
Chairs Bilbao Dining Armchair - full textile
Bilbao Dining Chair - full textile
Madrid Dining Armchair - full textile
Madrid Dining Chair - full textile
Art No. 420002 W 59 x D 64 x H 91 x SH 48 cm W 23.23 x D 25.20 x H 35.83 x SH 18.90 inches
Art No. 420003 W 46 x D 64 x H 91 x SH 48 cm W 18.11 x D 25.20 x H 35.83 x SH 18.90 inches
Art No. 510766 W 53 x D 62 x H 105 x SH 48 cm W 20.87 x D 24.41 x H 41.34 x SH 18.90 inches
Art No. 510767 W 47 x D 62 x H 105 x SH 48 cm W 18.50 x D 24.41 x H 41.34 x SH 18.90 inches
CHAIRS Andrew K.D. Dining Chair - full textile
Paris Dining Armchair - full textile
Paris Dining Chair - full textile
Art No. 510944 W 45 x D 55 x H 103 x SH 48 cm W 17.72 x D 21.65 x H 40.55 x SH 18.90 inches
Art No. 420115 W 59.50 x D 63 x H 105 x SH 48 cm W 23.43 x D 24.80 x H 41.34 x SH 18.90 inches
Art No. 420104 W 47 x D 60 x H 105 x SH 48 cm W 18.50 x D 23.62 x H 41.34 x SH 18.90 inches
fabrics *actual colors might slightly vary than shown by the image
King Purple
King Brown
Petal Grey
Petal Purple
Petal Brown
fabrics *actual colors might slightly vary than shown by the image
Crème Canvas
Argent Ruby
Fresh 08
Cosmic 014
Cosmic 016
Cosmic 018
fabrics *actual colors might slightly vary than shown by the image
Harmony 2A
Harmony 4A
Harmony 13A
Orbit Crème
Orbit Black
Orbit Brown Wash
fabrics *actual colors might slightly vary than shown by the image
Leather Design Black
Leather Design Brown
Artificial Suede Beige
Artificial Suede Brown
Suede Leather Brown
Suede Leather Black
fabrics *actual colors might slightly vary than shown by the image
Leather Optic Brown
Prärie Black
Leather Optic Black
Prärie Brown
Copyright Specifications and dimensions are subject to be changed without prior notification. All rights for design, photos and publication belong to DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
urheberrecht Spezifikation und Masse können ohne Vorankündigung geändert werden. Alle Rechte für Design, Photos und Veröffentlichung unterliegen DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
Tous droits reserves Les spécifications et dimensions de nos produits peuvent être changé sans préavis. Tous les droits des photos, des textes, et des publications sont la propriété de DOMUS VENTURES Pte.Ltd.
All rising to a great place is by a winding stair. Francis Bacon, Sr.
Bilbao Dining Armchair
Bilbao Dining Chair
Pablo Rectangular Dining Table 180x90
Art No. 420002 W 59 x D 59 x H 91 x SH 45 cm W 23.23 x D 23.23 x H 35.83 x SH 17.72 inches
Art No. 420003 W 46 x D 59 x H 91 x SH 45 cm W 18.11 x D 23.23 x H 35.83 x SH 17.72 inches
Art No. 540046 W 180 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 70.87 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
If you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, you are looking the wrong way. Barry Commoner
Latchi Dining Chair - fixed cushion
Hilo Rectangular Dining Table 180x90
Hilo Square Dining Table 90x90
Art No. 420119 W 46 x D 60 x H 105 x SH 48 cm W 18.11 x D 23.62 x H 41.34 x SH 18.90 inches
Art No. 540056 W 180 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 70.87 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. 540005 W 90 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 35.43 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
Experience is a dim lamp, which only lights the one who bears it. Louis-Ferdinand Celine
Momentum Dining Chair
Momentum Dining Chair - fixed cushion
Momentum Rectangular Dining Table 220x100
Hercules Round Dining Table D120
Art No. 420098 W 46 x D 64 x H 90 x SH 46 cm W 18.11 x D 25.20 x H 35.43 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 420098 W 46 x D 65 x H 90 x SH 48 cm W 18.11 x D 25.59 x H 35.43 x SH 18.90 inches
Art No. 423019 W 220 x D 100 x H 75 cm W 86.61 x D 39.37 x H 29.53 inches
Art No. 423003 Dia Ø 120 x H 75 cm Dia Ø 47.24 x H 29.53 inches
Experience is a revelation in the light of which we renounce our errors of youth for those of age. Ambrose Bierce
Shelton Dining Chair
Pablo Rectangular Dining Table 180x90
Art No. 420017 W 47 x D 62 x H 110 x SH 45 cm W 18.50 x D 24.41 x H 43.31 x SH 17.72 inches
Art No. 540046 W 180 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 70.87 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. Aaron Rose
Skyros Dining Armchair Art No. 420136 W 61 x D 62 x H 86 x SH 48 cm W 24.02 x D 24.41 x H 33.86 x SH 18.90 inches
Hilo Square Dining Table 90x90 Art No. 540005 W 90 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 35.43 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
Skyros Dining Chair Art No. 420137 W 48 x D 63 x H 103 x SH 48 cm W 18.90 x D 24.80 x H 40.55 x SH 18.90 inches
A friend is someone who dances with you in the sunlight, And walks with you in the shadows. Anonymous
Voltera Dining Chair Art No. 420034 W 47 x D 60 x H 110 x SH 48 cm W 18.50 x D 23.62 x H 43.31 x SH 18.90 inches
A man‘s house is his castle. James Otis
Wiesmoor Dining Armchair
Wiesmoor Dining Chair
Hilo Rectangular Dining Table 180x90
Art No. 420106 W 58 x D 59 x H 104 x SH 46 cm W 22.83 x D 23.23 x H 40.94 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 421097 W 47 x D 59 x H 104 x SH 46 cm W 18.50 x D 23.23 x H 40.94 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 540056 W 180 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 70.87 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
Zante Dining Armchair Art No. 420126 W 58 x D 64 x H 83 x SH 48 cm W 22.83 x D 25.20 x H 32.68 x SH 18.90 inches
Zante Dining Chair Art No. 420127 W 45 x D 59 x H 91.50 x SH 48 cm W 17.72 x D 23.23 x H 36.02 x SH 18.90 inches
Chairs Centerbury Dining Chair
Lissabon Dining Chair
Miami Dining Chair
Torrione Chair
Art No. 420012 W 46 x D 61 x H 107 x SH 46 cm W 18.11 x D 24.02 x H 42.13 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 420004 W 46 x D 61 x H 107 x SH 46 cm W 18.11 x D 24.02 x H 42.13 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 510001 W 49 x D 62.50 x H 95 x SH 46 cm W 19.29 x D 24.61 x H 37.40 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 420105 W 45 x D 58 x H 95 x SH 46 cm W 17.72 x D 22.83 x H 37.40 x SH 18.11 inches
CHAIRS Pino Dining Chair - double weaved
Pino Dining Chair - single weaved
Windsor Armchair - double weaved
Windsor Armchair - single weaved
Art No. 420006 W 47 x D 62 x H 92 x SH 46 cm W 18.50 x D 24.41 x H 36.22 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 420015 W 47 x D 62 x H 92 x SH 46 cm W 18.50 x D 24.41 x H 36.22 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 420009 W 62 x D 64 x H 93 x SH 46 cm W 24.41 x D 25.20 x H 36.61 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 420014 W 62 x D 64 x H 93 x SH 46 cm W 24.41 x D 25.20 x H 36.61 x SH 18.11 inches
Chairs Paris Dining Armchair
Paris Dining Chair
Sylvia Dining Chair
Art No. 420115 W 59.50 x D 63 x H 105 x SH 45 cm W 23.43 x D 24.80 x H 41.34 x SH 17.72 inches
Art No. 420104 W 47 x D 60 x H 105 x SH 45 cm W 18.50 x D 23.62 x H 41.34 x SH 17.72 inches
Art No. 420007 W 48 x D 63 x H 103 x SH 45 cm W 18.90 x D 24.80 x H 40.55 x SH 17.72 inches
CHAIRS Azusa Dining Chair - fixed cushion
Pasha Dining Armchair
Pasha Dining Chair
Art No. 510203 W 46 x D 65 x H 105 x SH 48 cm W 18.11 x D 25.59 x H 41.34 x SH 18.90 inches
Art No. 420131 W 59 x D 62 x H 105 x SH 48 cm W 23.23 x D 24.41 x H 41.34 x SH 18.90 inches
Art No. 420130 W 47 x D 61 x H 106 x SH 48 cm W 18.50 x D 24.02 x H 41.73 x SH 18.90 inches
CHAIRS Bellevue Bar Chair
Cloverdale Bar Armchair
Lexington Bar Chair
Art No. 420036 W 46 x D 61 x H 116 x SH 79 cm W 18.11 x D 24.02 x H 45.67 x SH 31.10 inches
Art No. 420081 W 53 x D 55 x H 107 x SH 75 cm W 20.87 x D 21.65 x H 42.13 x SH 29.53 inches
Art No. 420037 W 43 x D 48 x H 79 cm W 16.93 x D 18.90 x H 31.10 Inches
swatches *actual colors might slightly vary than shown by the image
Special Mix
Special Mix Coffee Mix
Black Brown Wash
swatches *actual colors might slightly vary than shown by the image
Black Dot Mix
Brown Dot Mix
swatches *actual colors might slightly vary than shown by the image
Dark Brown
Brown Grey
cubu grey
And when you dream, dream big, as big as the ocean blue. Cause when you dream it might come true. When you dream, dream big. (Ryan Shupe)
Copyright Specifications and dimensions are subject to be changed without prior notification. All rights for design, photos and publication belong to DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
urheberrecht Spezifikation und Masse können ohne Vorankündigung geändert werden. Alle Rechte für Design, Photos und Veröffentlichung unterliegen DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
Tous droits reserves Les spécifications et dimensions de nos produits peuvent être changé sans préavis. Tous les droits des photos, des textes, et des publications sont la propriété de DOMUS VENTURES Pte.Ltd.
Back of every creation, supporting it like an arch, is faith. Enthusiasm is nothing: it comes and goes. But if one believes, then miracles occur. Henry Miller
Basket 3-Seater Sofa Art No. 530138 W 230 x D 142 x H 82.50 x SH 30 cm W 90.55 x D 55.91 x H 32.48 x SH 11.81 inches
Basket 3-Seater Footstool Art No. 560118 W 160 x D 65 x H 30 cm W 62.99 x D 25.59 x H 11.81 inches
The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time. James Taylor
el milano
el milano
El Milano Bench Art No. 530121 W 166 x D 51 x H 48 cm W 65.35 x D 20.08 x H 18.90 inches
Hilo Rectangular Dining Table 180x90 Art No. 540056 W 180 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 70.87 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if the simplest things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive. Eleanora Duse
la jolla
la jolla
La Jolla Coffee Table 70x60
Art No. 540586 W 70 x D 60 x H 42 cm W 27.56 x D 23.62 x H 16.54 inches *please refer to index for standard quantity of loose cushion La Jolla Living Chair
Art No. 510990 W 116 x D 103 x H 87 x SH 40 cm W 45.67 x D 40.55 x H 34.25 x SH 15.75 inches
La Jolla Small Lounge
Art No. 530605 W 187 x D 98 x H 87 x SH 40 cm W 73.62 x D 38.58 x H 34.25 x SH 15.75 inches
La Jolla Large Lounge
La Jolla Coffee Table 105x69
Art No. 530165 W 230 x D 98 x H 87 x SH 40 cm W 90.55 x D 38.58 x H 34.25 x SH 15.75 inches
Art No. 540057 W 105 x D 69 x H 42 cm W 41.34 x D 27.17 x H 16.54 inches
The ancients tell us what is best; but we must learn of the moderns what is fittest. Benjamin Franklin
las palmas
las palmas
Las Palmas Living Armchair
Las Palmas 2-Seater Sofa
Las Palmas Coffee Table 83x83
Art No. 510832 W 84 x D 84 x H 82 x SH 36 cm W 33.07 x D 33.07 x H 32.28 x SH 14.17 inches
Art No. 530527 W 173 x D 84 x H 82 x SH 36 cm W 68.11 x D 33.07 x H 32.28 x SH 14.17 inches
Art No. 540534 W 83 x D 83 x H 47 cm W 32.68 x D 32.68 x H 18.50 inches
Aruba Armchair Art No. 510915 W 63 x D 60 x H 86 x SH 46 cm W 24.80 x D 23.62 x H 33.86 x SH 18.11 inches
Assisi Dining Chair Art No. 510923 W 47 x D 58 x H 111 x SH 47 cm W 18.50 x D 22.83 x H 43.70 x SH 18.50 inches
Cubu Grey Dining Chair Art No. 510027 W 50 x D 58 x H 88 x SH 47 cm W 19.69 x D 22.83 x H 34.65 x SH 18.50 inches
natural rattan
The journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step. So we must never neglect any work of peace within our reach, however small. (Adlai E. Stevenson)
Copyright Specifications and dimensions are subject to be changed without prior notification. All rights for design, photos and publication belong to DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
urheberrecht Spezifikation und Masse können ohne Vorankündigung geändert werden. Alle Rechte für Design, Photos und Veröffentlichung unterliegen DOMUS VENTURES Pte. Ltd.
Tous droits reserves Les spécifications et dimensions de nos produits peuvent être changé sans préavis. Tous les droits des photos, des textes, et des publications sont la propriété de DOMUS VENTURES Pte.Ltd.
Without wearing any mask we are conscious of, we have a special face for each friend. Oliver Wendell Holmes
Algarve Lazy Armchair
Algarve Footstool
Art No. 420123 W 84 x D 95 x H 117 x SH 47 cm W 33.07 x D 37.40 x H 46.06 x SH 18.50 inches
Art No. 429004 W 68 x D 55 x H 53 x SH 47 cm W 26.77 x D 21.65 x H 20.87 x SH 18.50 inches
bad wiessee
Bad Wiessee Lazy Armchair
Bad Wiessee Footstool
Art No. 510748 W 70 x D 85 x H 100 x SH 36 cm W 27.56 x D 33.46 x H 39.37 x SH 14.17 inches
Art No. 510859 W 65 x D 47 x H 46 x SH 36 cm W 25.59 x D 18.50 x H 18.11 x SH 14.17 inches
Kalavi Lazy Armchair Art No. 510037 W 86 x D 75 x H 126 x SH 45 cm W 33.86 x D 29.53 x H 49.61 x SH 17.72 inches
Love, like a lamp, needs to be fed out of another‘s heart, or its flame burns low. Henry Ward Beecher
la jolla
la jolla
La Jolla Coffee Table 102x68
Art No. 540057 W 102 x D 68 x H 39 cm W 40.16 x D 26.77 x H 15.35 inches
*please refer to index for standard quantity of loose cushion La Jolla Living Chair
La Jolla Small Lounge
La Jolla Large Lounge
La Jolla Coffee Table 68x58.50
Art No. 510990 W 114 x D 102 x H 82.50 x SH 39 cm W 44.88 x D 40.16 x H 32.48 x SH 15.35 inches
Art No. 530605 W 186 x D 99 x H 82.50 x SH 39 cm W 73.23 x D 38.98 x H 32.48 x SH 15.35 inches
Art No. 530615 W 230 x D 99 x H 82.50 x SH 39 cm W 90.55 x D 38.98 x H 32.48 x SH 15.35 inches
Art No. 540586 W 68 x D 58.50 x H 39 cm W 26.77 x D 23.03 x H 15.35 inches
Clever people master life; the wise illuminate it and create fresh difficulties. Emil Nolde
Latchi Dining Chair - fixed cushion Art No. 420119 W 46 x D 60 x H 105 x SH 48 cm W 18.11 x D 23.62 x H 41.34 x SH 18.90 inches
Hilo Square Dining Table 90x90 Art No. 540005 W 90 x D 90 x H 75 cm W 35.43 x D 35.43 x H 29.53 inches
Madrid Dining Chair H98 Art No. 510951 W 47 x D 59 x H 98 x SH 47 cm W 18.50 x D 23.23 x H 38.58 x SH 18.50 inches
Madrid Dining Chair Art No. 510767 W 47 x D 59 x H 106 x SH 47 cm W 18.50 x D 23.23 x H 41.73 x SH 18.50 inches
Madrid Dining Armchair H98 Art No. 510952 W 53 x D 59 x H 98 x SH 47 cm W 20.87 x D 23.23 x H 38.58 x SH 18.50 inches
Madrid Dining Armchair Art No. 510766 W 53 x D 59 x H 106 x SH 47 cm W 20.87 x D 23.23 x H 41.73 x SH 18.50 inches
Madrid Bar Chair Art No. 510009 W 43 x D 53 x H 107 cm W 16.93 x D 20.87 x H 42.13 inches
Saragossa Sunlounger
Saragossa Stackable Sunlounger - fixed cushion
Art No. 510913 W 94 x D 116 x H 90 cm W 37.01 x D 45.67 x H 35.43 inches
Art No. 530139 W 94 x D 166 x H 90 cm W 37.01 x D 65.35 x H 35.43 inches
If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost. There is where they should be. Now put foundations under them. Henry David Thoreau
Mambo Living Armchair
Mambo 2-Seater Sofa
Mambo Coffee Table 112x63
Art No. 510893 W 115 x D 95 x H 71 x SH 31 cm W 45.28 x D 37.40 x H 27.95 x SH 12.20 inches
Art No. 530573 W 176 x D 95 x H 71 x SH 31 cm W 69.29 x D 37.40 x H 27.95 x SH 12.20 inches
Art No. 540563 W 112 x D 63 x H 47 cm W 44.09 x D 24.80 x H 18.50 inches
It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end.. Ursula K. LeGuin
Phillip Dining Armchair - fixed cushion Art No. 510017 W 70 x D 66 x H 106 x SH 48 cm W 27.56 x D 25.98 x H 41.73 x SH 18.90 inches
Phillip Dining Chair - fixed cushion Art No. 510010 W 46 x D 62 x H 106 x SH 48 cm W 18.11 x D 24.41 x H 41.73 x SH 18.90 inches
The empires of the future are the empires of the mind. Winston Churchill
Trieste Modular - Corner
Trieste Modular - 2-Seater Bench
Trieste Modular - Footstool
Trieste Modular - Coffee Table 86x65
Art No. 510998 W 70 x D 70 x H 76 x SH 31 cm W 27.56 x D 27.56 x H 29.92 x SH 12.20 inches
Art No. 530611 W 130 x D 70 x H 76 x SH 31 cm W 51.18 x D 27.56 x H 29.92 x SH 12.20 inches
Art No. 560719 W 90 x D 60 x H 31 cm W 35.43 x D 23.62 x H 12.20 inches
Art No. 540591 W 86 x D 65 x H 48 cm W 33.86 x D 25.59 x H 18.90 inches
Molise Modular - Chair Art No. 530116 W 90 x D 90 x H 70 x SH 30 cm W 35.43 x D 35.43 x H 27.56 x SH 11.81 inches
Molise Modular - Corner Art No. 530115 W 90 x D 90 x H 70 x SH 30 cm W 35.43 x D 35.43 x H 27.56 x SH 11.81 inches
Molise Modular - Coffee Table 90x90 Art No. 540050 W 90 x D 90 x H 70 x SH 30 cm W 35.43 x D 35.43 x H 27.56 x SH 11.81 inches
Nevis Lazy Armchair
Nevis Footstool
Art No. 510024 Dia Ø 110 x 30 cm Dia Ø 43.31 x 11.81 inches
Art No. 560117 Dia Ø 40 x H 35 cm Dia Ø 15.75 x H 13.78 inches
Trust in dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity. Kahlil Gibran
Toulon Armchair
Toulon 2-Seater Bench
Toulon Coffee Table 75x46
Art No. 510142 W 60 x D 60 x H 77 x SH 41 cm W 23.62 x D 23.62 x H 30.31 x SH 16.14 inches
Art No. 530112 W 115 x D 60 x H 77 x SH 41 cm W 45.28 x D 23.62 x H 30.31 x SH 16.14 inches
Art No. 540106 W 75 x D 46 x H 47 cm W 29.53 x D 18.11 x H 18.50 inches
beds *mattress, pillows & accessories on each bed are not included
Pablo Bed 180 With Canopy Art No. 550048 W 192 x D 212 x H 85 cm W 75.59 x D 83.64 x H 33.46 inches
Pablo Bed 180 Art No. 550064 W 192 x D 212 x H 210 cm W 75.59 x D 83.64 x H 82.68 inches
Pablo Side Bench Art No. 540008 W 178 x D 32 x H 44 cm W 70.08 x D 12.60 x H 17.32 inches
Pablo Side Table 47x32 Art No. 540007 W 47 x D 32 x H 44 cm W 18.50 x D 12.60 x H 17.32 inches
beds *mattress, pillows & accessories on each bed are not included
Also available Denver Bed 160 Art No. 550028 W 171 x D 224 x H 77 cm W 67.32 x D 88.19 x H 30.31 inches Denver Bed 180 Art No. 550008 W 191 x D 224 x H 77 cm W 75.20 x D 88.19 x H 30.31 inches
Denver Bed 140 Art No. 550005 W 151 x D 224 x H 77 cm W 59.45 x D 88.19 x H 30.31 inches
Joseph Bed 140 Art No. 550070 W 161 x D 211 x H 91 x SH 35 cm W 63.39 x D 83.07 x H 35.83 x SH 13.78 inches
beds *mattress, pillows & accessories on each bed are not included
Also available Montreal Bed 140 Art No. 550018 W 152 x D 212 x H 85 cm W 59.84 x D 83.46 x H 33.46 inches Montreal Bed 180 Art No. 550020 W 192 x D 212 x H 85 cm W 75.59 x D 83.46 x H 33.46 inches
Montreal Bed 160 Art No. 550019 W 172 x D 212 x H 85 cm W 67.72 x D 83.46 x H 33.46 inches
Also available Vancouver Bed 140 Art No. 550015 W 155 x D 215 x H 75 cm W 61.02 x D 84.65 x H 29.53 inches Vancouver Bed 180 Art No. 550013 W 195 x D 215 x H 75 cm W 76.77 x D 84.65 x H 29.53 inches
Vancouver Bed 160 Art No. 550012 W 176 x D 218 x H 75 cm W 69.29 x D 85.83 x H 29.53 inches
beds *mattress, pillows & accessories on each bed are not included
Orbost Bed 160 Art No. 550085 W 174 x D 228 x H 86 x SH 36 cm W 68.50 x D 89.76 x H 33.86 x SH 14.17 inches
Orkny Bed 160 Art No. 550086 W 178 x D 229 x H 82 x SH 30 cm W 70.08 x D 90.16 x H 32.28 x SH 11.81 inches
beds *mattress, pillows & accessories on each bed are not included
Also available Dima Bed 140 Art No. 550046 W 165 x D 228 x H 85 x SH 30 cm W 64.96 x D 89.76 x H 33.46 x SH 11.81 inches Dima Bed 180 Art No. 550040 W 205 x D 228 x H 85 x SH 30 cm W 80.71 x D 89.76 x H 33.46 x SH 11.81 inches
Dima Bed 160 Art No. 550041 W 185 x D 228 x H 85 x SH 30 cm W 72.83 x D 89.76 x H 33.46 x SH 11.81 inches
Reno Bed 160 Art No. 550045 W 180 x D 222 x H 91 x SH 30 cm W 70.87 x D 87.40 x H 35.83 x SH 11.81 inches Also available Reno Bed 190 Art No. 550009 W 210x D 222 x H 91 x SH 30 cm W 82.68 x D 87.40 x H 35.83 x SH 11.81 inches
CHAIRS Lobby Lazy Armchair
Lobby Lazy Armchair
Lobby Lazy Armchair
Art No. 420060 W 95 x D 102 x H 91 x SH 23 cm W 37.40 x D 40.16 x H 35.83 x SH 9.06 inches
Art No. 420060 W 95 x D 102 x H 91 x SH 23 cm W 37.40 x D 40.16 x H 35.83 x SH 9.06 inches
Art No. 420060 W 95 x D 102 x H 91 x SH 23 cm W 37.40 x D 40.16 x H 35.83 x SH 9.06 inches
chairs Caltanisetta Rocking Armchair
Bad Berleburg Lazy Armchair
Rockville Lazy Armchair
Susan Rocking Armchair
Art No. 510168 W 65 x D 86 x H 114 x SH 47 cm W 25.59 x D 33.86 x H 44.88 x SH 18.50 inches
Art No. 510035 W 78 x D 79 x H 105 x SH 36.50 cm W 30.71 x D 31.10 x H 41.34 x SH 14.37 inches
Art No. 510107 W 76 x D 76 x H 100 x SH 56 cm W 29.92 x D 29.92 x H 39.37 x SH 22.05 inches
Art No. 510865 W 65 x D 99 x H 109 x SH 50 cm W 25.59 x D 38.98 x H 42.91 x SH 19.69 inches
CHAIRS Aruba Armchair
Art No. 510915 W 63 x D 60 x H 86 x SH 43 cm W 24.80 x D 23.62 x H 33.86 x SH 16.93 inches
Novi Armchair
Heidi Armchair H90
Art No. 510125 W 54 x D 66 x H 98 x SH 45 cm W 21.26 x D 25.98 x H 38.58 x SH 17.72 inches
Art No. 513908 W 66 x D 64 x H 90 x SH 46 cm W 25.98 x D 25.20 x H 35.43 x SH 18.11 inches
Chairs Azusa Dining Chair - fixed cushion
Maldova Dining Armchair
Maldova Dining Chair
Art No. 510203 W 46 x D 65 x H 105 x SH 48 cm W 18.11 x D 25.59 x H 41.34 x SH 18.90 inches
Art No. 510040 W 59 x D 59 x H 87 x SH 48 cm W 23.23 x D 23.23 x H 34.25 x SH 18.90 inches
Art No. 510041 W 46 x D 59 x H 87 x SH 48 cm W 18.11 x D 23.23 x H 34.25 x SH 18.90 inches
CHAIRS Marcel Dining Armchair
Marcel Dining Chair
Tim Dining Chair - fixed cushion
Art No. 510979 W 66 x D 65 x H 96 x SH 48 cm W 25.98 x D 25.59 x H 37.80 x SH 18.90 inches
Art No. 510978 W 48 x D 59 x H 106 x SH 48 cm W 18.90 x D 23.23 x H 41.73 x SH 18.90 inches
Art No. 510016 W 46 x D 61 x H 96 x SH 48 cm W 18.11 x D 24.02 x H 37.80 x SH 18.90 inches
Chairs Anton Dining Armchair
Anton Dining Chair
Estepona Dining Armchair
Estepona Dining Chair
Art No. 510863 W 53.50 x D 60 x H 110 x SH 46 cm W 21.06 x D 23.62 x H 43.31 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 510862 W 47 x D 61 x H 110 x SH 46 cm W 18.50 x D 24.02 x H 43.31 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 510886 W 52 x D 63 x H 110 x SH 47 cm W 20.47 x D 24.80 x H 43.31 x SH 18.50 inches
Art No. 510834 W 47 x D 63 x H 110 x SH 47 cm W 18.50 x D 24.80 x H 43.31 x SH 18.50 inches
CHAIRS Zara Dining Armchair
Zara Dining Chair
Art No. 510867 W 53 x D 61 x H 110 x SH 45 cm W 20.87 x D 24.02 x H 43.31 x SH 17.72 inches
Art No. 510868 W 49 x D 61 x H 110 x SH 45 cm W 19.29 x D 24.02 x H 43.31 x SH 17.72 inches
Harry Dining Armchair
Art No. 510897 W 53 x D 62 x H 110 x SH 46 cm W 20.87 x D 24.41 x H 43.31 x SH 18.11 inches
Harry Dining Chair
Art No. 510896 W 47 x D 62 x H 110 x SH 46 cm W 18.50 x D 24.41 x H 43.31 x SH 18.11 inches
Chairs Kai Dining Armchair
Kai Dining Chair
Malta Dining Armchair
Malta Dining Chair
Art No. 510208 W 56 x D 59 x H 97 x SH 46 cm W 22.05 x D 23.23 x H 38.19 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 510933 W 46 x D 58 x H 97 x SH 46 cm W 18.11 x D 22.83 x H 38.19 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 510042 W 55 x D 59 x H 97 x SH 46 cm W 21.65 x D 23.23 x H 38.19 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 612034 W 46 x D 59 x H 97 x SH 46 cm W 18.11 x D 23.23 x H 38.19 x SH 18.11 inches
CHAIRS Rondo Dining Chair
Rondo Dining Armchair
Skiathos Stackable Dining Armchair
Skiathos Stackable Dining Chair
Art No. 510967 W 51 x D 59 x H 107 x SH 47 cm W 20.08 x D 23.23 x H 42.13 x SH 18.50 inches
Art No. 510972 W 47 x D 59 x H 107 x SH 47 cm W 18.50 x D 23.23 x H 42.13 x SH 18.50 inches
Art No. 510211 W 56 x D 62 x H 91 x SH 46 cm W 22.05 x D 24.41 x H 35.83 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 510215 W 46 x D 62 x H 91 x SH 46 cm W 18.11 x D 24.41 x H 35.83 x SH 18.11 inches
Chairs Andrew Dining Chair
Haro Dining Chair
Esta Dining Chair
Zari Dining Chair
Art No. 510944 W 45 x D 55 x H 103 x SH 46 cm W 17.72 x D 21.65 x H 40.55 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 510005 W 46 x D 61 x H 97 x SH 46 cm W 18.11 x D 24.02 x H 38.19 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 510006 W 46 x D 61 x H 97 x SH 46 cm W 18.11 x D 24.02 x H 38.19 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 510004 W 49 x D 61 x H 110 x SH 45 cm W 19.29 x D 24.02 x H 43.31 x SH 17.72 inches
CHAIRS Latchi Dining Chair
Lily Dining Chair
Miami Dining Chair
John Dining Chair
Art No. 420119 W 46 x D 60 x H 105 x SH 46 cm W 18.11 x D 23.62 x H 41.34 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 510937 W 46 x D 58 x H 110 x SH 45 cm W 18.11 x D 22.83 x H 43.31 x SH 17.72 inches
Art No. 510001 W 47 x D 63 x H 95 x SH 46 cm W 18.50 x D 24.80 x H 37.40 x SH 18.11 inches
Art No. 510018 W 46 x D 55 x H 106 x SH 47 cm W 18.11 x D 21.65 x H 41.73 x SH 18.50 inches
Chairs Donside Dining Chair
Viona Dining Chair
Port Royal Bar Chair
William Bar Chair
Art No. 510036 W 53 x D 59 x H 105 x SH 45 cm W 20.87 x D 23.23 x H 41.34 x SH 17.72 inches
Art No. 510819 W 57 x D 59 x H 97.50 x SH 46.50 cm W 22.44 x D 23.23 x H 38.39 x SH 18.31 inches
Art No. 420128 W 45 x D 57 x H 105 x SH 75 cm W 17.72 x D 22.44 x H 41.34 x SH 29.53 inches
Art No. 510953 W 43 x D 53 x H 107 x SH 79 cm W 16.93 x D 20.87 x H 42.13 x SH 31.10 inches
tables & accessories Ancona Side Table 40x30
Ancona Coffee Table 75x43
Anja Round Dining Table D110
Art No. 540579 W 40.50 x D 30 x H 30.50 cm W 15.94 x D 11.81 x H 12.01 inches
Art No. 540561 W 75 x D 43 x H 44 cm W 29.53 x D 16.93 x H 17.32 inches
Art No. 540564 Dia Ø 110 x H 72 cm Dia Ø 43.31 x H 28.35 inches
Cube Regal - Small
Cube Regal - Medium
Cube Regal - Large
Art No. 580005 W 45 x D 35 x H 45 cm W 17.72 x D 13.78 x H 17.72 inches
Art No. 580031 W 60 x D 35 x H 60 cm W 23.62 x D 13.78 x H 23.62 inches
Art No. 580032 W 75 x D 35 x H 75 cm W 29.53 x D 13.78 x H 29.53 inches
tables & accessories St. Moritz Coffee Table D45
St. Moritz Coffee Table D70
St. Moritz Coffee Table 85x50
Art No. 540544 Dia Ø 45 x H 35 cm Dia Ø 17.72 x H 13.78 inches
Art No. 540016 Dia Ø 70 x H 60 cm Dia Ø 27.56 x H 23.62 inches
Art No. 540545 W 85 x D 50 x H 47 cm W 33.46 x D 19.69 x H 18.50 inches
Mallorca Side Table 43x38
Willi Rectangular Dining Table 150x80
Art No. 540590 W 43 x D 38 x H 54 cm W 16.93 x D 14.96 x H 21.26 inches
Art No. 540559 W 150 x D 80 x H 75 cm W 59.06 x D 31.50 x H 29.53 inches
Burbank Bench Art No. 530608 W 120 x D 40 x H 36 cm W 47.24 x D 15.75 x H 14.17 inches
Burbank Side Table 38x33 Art No. 540587 W 38 x D 33 x H 54 cm W 14.96 x D 12.99 x H 21.26 inches
Genoa Chest Bench Art No. 580030 W 110 x D 50 x H 46 cm W 43.31 x D 19.69 x H 18.11 inches
San Clemente Bench Art No. 530607 W 130 x D 65 x H 43 x SH 43 cm W 51.18 x D 25.59 x H 16.93 x SH 16.93 inches *Accessories not included
accessories Romeo Shelves 67
Romeo Shelves 87
Romeo Shelves 104
Art No. 580064 W 46 x D 36 x H 67 cm W 18.11 x D 14.17 x H 26.38 inches
Art No. 580063 W 46 x D 36 x H 87 cm W 18.11 x D 14.17 x H 34.25 inches
Art No. 580062 W 46 x D 36 x H 104 cm W 18.11 x D 14.17 x H 40.94 inches
swatches *actual colors might slightly vary than shown by the image
White Wash
swatches *actual colors might slightly vary than shown by the image
Black Brown Wash
Atlas Brown
Coffee Mix
Special Mix
swatches *actual colors might slightly vary than shown by the image
Brown Dot Mix
Black Dot Mix
index INDOOR INDEX Art. No.
Dimension ( W x D x H x SH cm )
Dimension ( W x D x H x SH inches )
Wicker colour
Wicker Size
Leg colour
Cushion colour
Caesar Massage Sunlounger
65 x 165 x 92 x 42
25.59 x 64.96 x 36.22 x 16.54
Fitrit 2mm
Aluminium Cap
White Canvas with Black Cord
Cleo Massage Armchair
70 x 117 x 102 x 42
27.56 x 46.06 x 40.16 x 16.54
Brown Grey
Aluminium Cap
Argent Ruby
Cleo Footstool
68 x 77 x 46 x 42
26.77 x 30.31 x 18.11 x 16.54
Brown Grey
Aluminium Cap
Argent Ruby
Nero Massage Armchair
75 x 127 x 102 x 42
29.53 x 50 x 40.16 x 16.54
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Aluminium Cap
Harmony 2A
Nero Footstool
75 x 85 x 46 x 42
29.53 x 33.46 x 18.11 x 16.54
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Aluminium Cap
Harmony 2A
Algarve Lazy Armchair
84 x 95 x 117 x 47
33.07 x 37.40 x 46.06 x 18.50
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Aluminium Cap
Leather Optic Black
Algarve Footstool
68 x 55 x 53 x 47
26.77 x 21.65 x 20.87 x 18.50
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Aluminium Cap
Leather Optic Black
Antonio Dining Chair
47 x 63 x 105 x 48
18.50 x 24.80 x 41.34 x 18.90
Classic Brown
Leather Optic Brown
Basket Rocking Chair
75 x 103 x 84 x 42
29.53 x 40.55 x 33.07 x 16.54
Zigzag 01 Beige Brown
Brown Matte
Leather Optic Brown
Leather Optic Brown
Basket Rocking Chair
75 x 103 x 84 x 42
29.53 x 40.55 x 33.07 x 16.54
Zigzag 05 Black Grey
Black Matte
Leather Optic Black
Leather Optic Black
Basket 3-Seater Sofa
225 x 137 x 81 x 27.5
88.58 x 53.94 x 31.89 x 10.83
Zigzag 05 Black Grey
Black Matte
Leather Optic Black
Leather Optic Black
Basket 3-Seater Footstool
160 x 61.50 x 27.50
62.99 x 24.21 x 10.83
Zigzag 05 Black Grey
Black Matte
Leather Optic Black
Basket 3-Seater Sofa
225 x 137 x 81 x 27.5
88.58 x 53.94 x 31.89 x 10.83
Zigzag 01 Beige Brown
Brown Matte
Leather Optic Brown
Basket 3-Seater Footstool
160 x 61.50 x 27.50
62.99 x 24.21 x 10.83
Zigzag 01 Beige Brown
Brown Matte
Leather Optic Brown
Bilbao Dining Armchair
59 x 60 x 91 x 45
23.23 x 23.62 x 35.83 x 17.72
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Classic Brown
Leather Optic Black
Bilbao Dining Chair
46 x 60 x 91 x 45
18.11 x 23.62 x 35.83 x 17.72
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Classic Brown
Leather Optic Black
Bilbao Dining Armchair - fixed cushion
59 x 60 x 91 x 45
23.23 x 23.62 x 35.83 x 17.72
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Classic Brown
Leather Optic Brown
Bilbao Dining Chair - fixed cushion
46 x 60 x 91 x 45
18.11 x 23.62 x 35.83 x 17.72
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Classic Brown
Leather Optic Brown
Bilbao Dining Armchair
59 x 60 x 91 x 45
23.23 x 23.62 x 35.83 x 17.72
Santa 03 Wash Beige
Leather Optic Brown
Product Name
Loose Cushion colour
Bilbao Dining Chair
46 x 60 x 91 x 45
18.11 x 23.62 x 35.83 x 17.72
Santa 03 Wash Beige
Leather Optic Brown
Cortona Dining Chair
46 x 63 x 106.50 x 48
18.11 x 24.80 x 41.93 x 18.90
Zigzag 03 Black Grey
Classic Brown
Leather Design Black
Ephesus Living Armchair
85 x 88 x 63 x 20
33.46 x 34.65 x 24.80 x 7.87
Zigzag 01 Brown Black
Colonial Brown
Leather Optic Brown
Ephesus 2-Seater Sofa
147 x 88 x 63 x 20
57.87 x 34.65 x 24.80 x 7.87
Zigzag 01 Brown Black
Colonial Brown
Leather Optic Brown
Leather Optic Black
Leather Optic Brown
index Ephesus 3-Seater Sofa
203 x 88 x 63 x 20
79.92 x 34.65 x 24.80 x 7.87
Zigzag 01 Brown Black
Colonial Brown
Leather Optic Brown
Ephesus Coffee Table 110x60
110 x 60 x 45
43.31 x 23.62 x 17.72
Zigzag 01 Brown Black
Colonial Brown
Glass Top 8mm
Ephesus Side Table 61x57
61 x 57 x 59
24.02 x 22.44 x 23.23
Zigzag 01 Brown Black
Colonial Brown
Glass Top 8mm
Gubbio Dining Chair
48 x 64 x 95 x 48
18.90 x 25.20 x 37.40 x 18.90
Zigzag 01 Beige Brown
Classic Brown
Leather Optic Brown
Hamburg Dining Chair
46 x 59.50 x 106.50 x 46
18.11 x 23.43 x 41.93 x 18.11
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Classic Brown
Harmony 13A
Helene Armchair
66 x 64 x 89 x 46
25.98 x 25.20 x 35.04 x 18.11
Zigzag 05 Brown Onyx
Aluminium Cap, Brass Colour
Leather Optic Brown
Helene Chair
60 x 63 x 89 x 46
23.62 x 24.80 x 35.04 x 18.11
Zigzag 05 Brown Onyx
Aluminium Cap, Brass Colour
Leather Optic Brown
Hilo Rectangular Dining Table 180x90
180 x 90 x 75
70.87 x 35.43 x 29.53
Hilo Rectangular Dining Table 180x90
180 x 90 x 75
70.87 x 35.43 x 29.53
Classic Brown
Hilo Square Dining Table 90x90
90 x 90 x 75
35.43 x 35.43 x 29.53
Black Brown Wash
Hilo Square Dining Table 90x90
90 x 90 x 75
35.43 x 35.43 x 29.53
Latchi Dining Chair - fixed cushion
45 x 60 x 105 x 48
17.72 x 23.62 x 41.34 x 18.90
Zigzag 03 Brown Onyx
Classic Brown
Leather Design Black
Latchi Dining Chair - fixed cushion
46 x 60 x 105 x 48
17.72 x 23.62 x 41.35 x 18.90
Zigzag 03 Black Grey
Classic Brown
Leather Design Black
Miami Dining Chair
48 x 60 x 95 x 46
18.90 x 23.62 x 37.40 x 18.11
Zigzag 01 Beige Brown
Classic Brown
Leather Optic Brown
Miami Dining Chair
48 x 60 x 95 x 46
18.90 x 23.62 x 37.40 x 18.11
Zigzag 01 Grey Black
Leather Optic Black
Martinique Bed 180
207 x 212 x 90 x 25
81.50 x 83.46 x 35.43 x 9.84
Santa 03 Brown Beige
Aluminium Cap, Silver Colour
Leather Optic Brown
Paris Dining Armchair - fixed cushion
59 x 62 x 105 x 48
23.23 x 24.41 x 41.34 x 18.90
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Classic Brown
Leather Optic Black
Paris Dining Chair - fixed cushion
46 x 62 x 105 x 48
18.11 x 24.41 x 41.34 x 18.90
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Classic Brown
Leather Optic Black
Paris Dining Armchair - fixed cushion
59 x 62 x 105 x 48
23.23 x 24.41 x 41.34 x 18.90
Zigzag 03 Brown Onyx
Classic Brown
Leather Optic Black
Paris Dining Chair - fixed cushion
46 x 62 x 105 x 48
18.11 x 24.41 x 41.34 x 18.90
Zigzag 03 Brown Onyx
Classic Brown
Leather Optic Black
Port Royal Bar Chair
45 x 57 x 105 x 76
17.72 x 22.44 x 41.34 x 29.92
Santa 03 Brown Beige
Leather Optic Brown
Skyros Dining Armchair
61 x 64 x 85 x 48
24.02 x 25.20 x 33.46 x 18.90
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Classic Brown
Leather Optic Black
Skyros Dining Chair
47 x 61.50 x 85 x 48
18.50 x 24.21 x 33.46 x 18.90
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Classic Brown
Leather Optic Black
Syracuse Bed 180
212 x 229 x 92 x 30
83.46 x 90.16 x 36.22 x 11.81
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Aluminium Cap, Silver Colour
Leather Optic Black
Tofino Bed 160
177.50 x 220 x 101
69.88 x 86.61 x 39.76
Zigzag 05 Black Grey
Black Brown Wash
Leather Optic Black
index Val di Fassa Living Armchair
70 x 75 x 90 x 41
27.56 x 29.53 x 35.43 x 16.14
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Aluminium Cap, Silver Colour
Leather Optic Brown
Harmony 2A
Val di Fassa 2-Seater Sofa
141 x 75 x 90 x 41
55.51 x 29.53 x 35.43 x 16.14
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Aluminium Cap, Silver Colour
Leather Optic Brown
Harmony 2A
Val di Fassa Footstool
70 x 47 x 43
27.56 x 18.50 x 16.93
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Aluminium Cap, Silver Colour
Leather Optic Brown
Val di Fassa Coffee Table 100x58
100 x 58 x 45
39.37 x 22.83 x 17.72
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Aluminium Cap, Silver Colour
Glass Top 5mm
Val di Fassa Side Table 52x49
52 x 49 x 57
20.47 x 19.29 x 22.44
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Aluminium Cap, Silver Colour
Glass Top 5mm
Volterra Dining Chair
47 x 62 x 110 x 48
18.50 x 24.41 x 43.31 x 18.90
Santa 03 Brown Beige
Black Brown Wash
Leather Optic Brown
Wiesmoor Dining Chair
47 x 59 x 105 x 46
18.50 x 23.23 x 41.34 x 18.11
Zigzag 01 Beige Brown
Classic Brown
Leather Optic Brown
Wiesmoor Dining Armchair - fixed cushion
47 x 62 x 105 x 48
18.50 x 24.41 x 41.34 x 18.90
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Classic Brown
Leather Optic Black
Wiesmoor Dining Chair - fixed cushion
58 x 62 x 105 x 48
22.83 x 24.41 x 41.34 x 18.90
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Classic Brown
Leather Optic Black
Wiesmoor Dining Armchair
58 x 59 x 105 x 46
22.83 x 23.23 x 41.34 x 18.11
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Classic Brown
Leather Optic Brown
Zante Dining Armchair
58 x 64 x 84 x 48
22.83 x 25.20 x 33.07 x 18.90
Santa 03 Brown Beige
Classic Brown
Leather Optic Brown
Zante Dining Chair
45 x 59 x 91.50 x 48
17.72 x 23.23 x 36.02 x 18.90
Santa 03 Onyx Beige
Colonial Brown
Leather Optic Brown
Andrew K.D. Dining Chair - full textile
45 x 55 x 103 x 48
17.72 x 21.65 x 40.55 x 18.90
Colonial Brown
Orbit Brown Wash
Bilbao Dining Armchair - full textile
59 x 64 x 91 x 48
23.23 x 25.20 x 35.83 x 18.90
Black Brown Wash
Orbit Brown Wash
Bilbao Dining Chair - full textile
46 x 64 x 91 x 48
18.11 x 25.20 x 35.83 x 18.90
Black Brown Wash
Orbit Brown Wash
Madrid Dining Armchair - full textile
53 x 62 x 105 x 48
20.87 x 24.41 x 41.34 x 18.90
Colonial Brown
Leather Optic Brown
Madrid Dining Chair - full textile
47 x 62 x 105 x 48
18.50 x 24.41 x 41.34 x 18.90
Colonial Brown
Leather Optic Brown
Paris Dining Armchair - full textile
59.50 x 63 x 105 x 48
23.43 x 24.80 x 41.34 x 18.90
Leather Optic Black
Paris Dining Chair - full textile
47 x 60 x 105 x 48
18.50 x 23.62 x 41.34 x 18.90
Leather Optic Black
Azusa Dining Chair - fixed cushion
46 x 65 x 105 x 48
18.11 x 25.59 x 41.34 x 18.90
Special Mix
Black Brown Wash
Leather Optic Brown
Bellevue Bar Chair
46 x 61 x 116 x 79
18.11 x 24.02 x 45.67 x 31.10
Special Mix
Natural Mahogany & Stainless Steel Bar
Crème Canvas
Bilbao Dining Armchair
59 x 59 x 91 x 45
23.23 x 23.23 x 35.83 x 17.72
Crème Canvas
Bilbao Dining Chair
46 x 59 x 91 x 45
18.11 x 23.23 x 35.83 x 17.72
Crème Canvas
index Bilbao Dining Armchair
59 x 59 x 91 x 45
23.23 x 23.23 x 35.83 x 17.72
Special Mix
Natural Mahogany
Leather Optic Brown
Bilbao Dining Chair
46 x 59 x 91 x 45
18.11 x 23.23 x 35.83 x 17.72
Special Mix
Natural Mahogany
Leather Optic Brown
Centerbury Dining Chair
46 x 61 x 107 x 46
18.11 x 24.02 x 42.13 x 18.11
Black Brown Wash
Crème Canvas
Cloverdale Bar Armchair
53 x 55 x 107 x 75
20.87 x 21.65 x 42.13 x 29.53
Brown Grey
Crème Canvas
Hercules Round Dining Table D120
Dia Ø 120 x 75
Dia Ø 47.24 x 29.53
Special Mix
Hilo Rectangular Dining Table 180x90
180 x 90 x 75
70.87 x 35.43 x 29.53
Hilo Rectangular Dining Table 180x90
180 x 90 x 75
70.87 x 35.43 x 29.53
Classic Brown
Hilo Square Dining Table 90x90
90 x 90 x 75
35.43 x 35.43 x 29.53
Latchi Dining Chair - fixed cushion
46 x 60 x 105 x 48
18.11 x 23.62 x 41.34 x 18.90
Leather Optic Black
Lexington Bar Chair
43 x 48 x 79
16.93 x 18.90 x 31.10
Crème Canvas
Lissabon Dining Chair
46 x 61 x 107 x 46
18.11 x 24.02 x 42.13 x 18.11
Black Brown Wash
Leather Optic Brown
Miami Dining Chair
49 x 62.50 x 95 x 46
19.29 x 24.61 x 37.40 x 18.11
Crème Canvas
Momentum Dining Chair
46 x 64 x 90 x 46
18.11 x 25.20 x 35.43 x 18.11
Momentum Rectangular Dining Table 220x100
220 x 100 x 75
86.61 x 39.37 x 29.53
Momentum Dining Chair
46 x 64 x 90 x 46
18.11 x 25.20 x 35.43 x 18.11
Special Mix
Natural Mahogany
Momentum Dining Chair - fixed cushion
46 x 65 x 90 x 48
18.11 x 25.59 x 35.43 x 18.90
Special Mix
Natural Mahogany
Momentum Rectangular Dining Table 220x100
220 x 100 x 75
86.61 x 39.37 x 29.53
Special Mix
Glass Top 12mm
Pablo Dining Table 180x90
180 x 90 x 75
70.87 x 35.43 x 29.53
Paris Dining Armchair
59.50 x 63 x 105 x 45
23.43 x 24.80 x 41.34 x 17.72
Leather Optic Brown
Paris Dining Chair
47 x 60 x 105 x 45
18.50 x 23.62 x 41.34 x 17.72
Leather Optic Brown
Top Table: Colonial
Glass Top 12mm
Leather Optic Brown
Pasha Dining Armchair
59 x 62 x 105 x 48
23.23 x 24.41 x 41.34 x 18.90
Black Brown Wash
Leather Optic Brown
Pasha Dining Chair
47 x 61 x 106 x 48
18.50 x 24.02 x 41.73 x 18.90
Black Brown Wash
Leather Optic Brown
Pino Dining Chair - double weaved
47 x 62 x 92 x 46
18.50 x 24.41 x 36.22 x 18.11
Aluminium Cap with Brass Colour
Pino Dining Chair - single weaved
47 x 62 x 92 x 46
18.50 x 24.41 x 36.22 x 18.11
Aluminium Cap with Brass Colour
Crème Canvas
Shelton Dining Chair
47 x 62 x 110 x 45
18.50 x 24.41 x 43.31 x 17.72
Crème Canvas
Skyros Dining Armchair
61 x 62 x 86 x 48
24.02 x 24.41 x 33.86 x 18.90
Leather Optic Black
Skyros Dining Chair
48 x 63 x 103 x 48
18.90 x 24.80 x 40.55 x 18.90
Leather Optic Black
index Sylvia Dining Chair
48 x 63 x 103 x 45
18.90 x 24.80 x 40.55 x 17.72
Aluminium Cap with Bras s Colour
Crème Canvas
Torrione Chair
45 x 58 x 95 x 46
17.72 x 22.83 x 37.40 x 18.11
Dark Brown
Dark Brown
Crème Canvas
Volterra Dining Chair
47 x 60 x 110 x 48
18.50 x 23.62 x 43.31 x 18.90
Orbit Crème
Volterra Dining Chair
47 x 60 x 110 x 48
18.50 x 23.62 x 43.31 x 18.90
Orbit Maroon
Volterra Dining Chair
47 x 60 x 110 x 48
18.50 x 23.62 x 43.31 x 18.90
Leather Optic Brown
Wiesmoor Dining Armchair
58 x 59 x 104 x 46
22.83 x 23.23 x 40.94 x 18.11
Special Mix
Natural Mahogany
Crème Canvas
Wiesmoor Dining Chair
47 x 59 x 104 x 46
18.50 x 23.23 x 40.94 x 18.11
Special Mix
Natural Mahogany
Crème Canvas
Wiesmoor Dining Armchair
58 x 59 x 104 x 46
22.83 x 23.23 x 40.94 x 18.11
Special Mix
Natural Mahogany
Leather Optic Brown
Wiesmoor Dining Chair
47 x 59 x 104 x 46
18.50 x 23.23 x 40.94 x 18.11
Special Mix
Natural Mahogany
Leather Optic Brown Crème Canvas
Windsor Armchair - double weaved
62 x 64 x 93 x 46
24.41 x 25.20 x 36.61 x 18.11
Aluminium Cap with Brass Colour
Windsor Armchair - single weaved
62 x 64 x 93 x 46
24.41 x 25.20 x 36.61 x 18.11
Aluminium Cap with Brass Colour
Crème Canvas
Zante Dining Armchair
58 x 64 x 83 x 48
22.83 x 25.20 x 32.68 x 18.90
Leather Optic Black
Zante Dining Chair
45 x 59 x 91.50 x 48
17.72 x 23.23 x 36.02 x 18.90
Leather Optic Black
Assisi Dining Chair
47 x 58 x 111 x 47
18.50 x 22.83 x 43.70 x 18.50
Cubu Grey
5-8 mm
Crème Canvas
Aruba Armchair
63 x 60 x 86 x 46
24.80 x 23.62 x 33.86 x 18.11
Cubu Grey
5-8 mm
Cubu Grey
Crème Canvas
Basket 3-Seater Sofa
230 x 142 x 82.50 x 30
90.55 x 55.91 x 32.48 x 11.81
Cubu Grey
5-8 mm
Crème Canvas
Basket 3-Seater Footstool
160 x 65 x 30
62.99 x 25.59 x 11.81
Cubu Grey
5-8 mm
Crème Canvas
Cubu Grey Dining Chair
50 x 58 x 88 x 47
19.69 x 22.83 x 34.65 x 18.50
Cubu Grey
5-8 mm
Crème Canvas
El Milano Bench
166 x 51 x 48
65.35 x 20.08 x 18.90
Cubu Grey
5-8 mm
Hilo Rectangular Dining Table 180x90
180 x 90 x 75
70.87 x 35.43 x 29.53
White Wash
Crème Canvas
Crème Canvas
La Jolla Living Chair
116 x 103 x 87 x 40
45.67 x 40.55 x 34.25 x 15.75
Cubu Grey
5-8 mm
Crème Canvas
Crème Canvas
Loose Cushion 50x50 cm (1pcs), 30x30 cm (2pcs)
La Jolla Small Lounge
187 x 98 x 87 x 40
73.62 x 38.58 x 34.25 x 15.75
Cubu Grey
5-8 mm
Crème Canvas
Crème Canvas
Loose Cushion 50x50 cm (3pcs), 60x30 cm (2pcs)
La Jolla Large Lounge
230 x 98 x 87 x 40
90.55 x 38.58 x 34.25 x 15.75
Cubu Grey
5-8 mm
Crème Canvas
Crème Canvas
Loose Cushion 50x50 cm (3pcs), 80x30 cm (2pcs)
index La Jolla Coffee Table 105x69
105 x 69 x 42
41.34 x 27.17 x 16.54
Cubu Grey
5-8 mm
Glass Top 5mm
La Jolla Coffee Table 70x60
70 x 60 x 42
27.56 x 23.62 x 16.54
Cubu Grey
5-8 mm
Las Palmas Living Armchair
84 x 84 x 82 x 36
33.07 x 33.07 x 32.28 x 14.17
Cubu Grey
5-8 mm
Crème Canvas
Glass Top 5mm
Las Palmas 2-Seater Sofa
173 x 84 x 82 x 36
68.11 x 33.07 x 32.28 x 14.17
Cubu Grey
5-8 mm
Crème Canvas
Las Palmas Coffee Table 83x83
83 x 83 x 47
32.68 x 32.68 x 18.50
Cubu Grey
5-8 mm
Algarve Lazy Armchair
84 x 95 x 117 x 47
33.07 x 37.40 x 46.06 x 18.50
Fitrit 2mm
Leather Optic Brown
Algarve Footstool
68 x 55 x 53 x 47
26.77 x 21.65 x 20.87 x 18.50
Fitrit 2mm
Leather Optic Brown
Ancona Coffee Table 75x43
75 x 43 x 44
29.53 x 16.93 x 17.32
Fitrit 3mm
Ancona Side Table 40x30
40.50 x D 30 x 30.50
15.94 x 11.81 x 12.01
Fitrit 3mm
Andrew Dining Chair
45 x 55 x 103 x 46
17.72 x 21.65 x 40.55 x 18.11
Fitrit 3mm
Black Brown Wash
Crème Canvas
Anja Round Dining Table D110
Dia Ø 110 x 72
Dia Ø 43.31 x 28.35
Fitrit 3mm
Anton Dining Armchair
53.50 x 60 x 110 x 46
21.06 x 23.62 x 43.31 x 18.11
Black Brown Wash
Fitrit 3mm
Black Brown Wash
Crème Canvas
Anton Dining Chair
47 x 61 x 110 x 46
18.50 x 24.02 x 43.31 x 18.11
Black Brown Wash
Fitrit 3mm
Black Brown Wash
Crème Canvas
Aruba Armchair
63 x 60 x 86 x 43
24.80 x 23.62 x 33.86 x 16.93
Coffee Mix
Fitrit 2mm
Black Brown Wash
Crème Canvas
Azusa Dining Chair - fixed cushion
46 x 65 x 105 x 48
18.11 x 25.59 x 41.34 x 18.90
Special Mix
Fitrit 2mm
Black Brown Wash
Leather Optic Brown
Bad Berleburg Lazy Armchair
78 x 79 x 105 x 36.50
30.71 x 31.10 x 41.34 x 14.37
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Bad Wiessee Lazy Armchair
70 x 85 x 100 x 36
27.56 x 33.46 x 39.37 x 14.17
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Bad Wiessee Footstool
65 x 47 x 46 x 36
25.59 x 18.50 x 18.11 x 14.17
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Burbank Bench
120 x 40 x 36
47.24 x 15.75 x 14.17
Fitrit 3mm
Glass Top 8mm
Crème Canvas
Burbank Side Table 38x33
38 x 33 x 54
14.96 x 12.99 x 21.26
Fitrit 3mm
Caltanisetta Rocking Armchair
65 x 86 x 114 x 47
25.59 x 33.86 x 44.88 x 18.50
Fitrit 2mm
Cube Regal - Small
45 x 35 x 45
17.72 x 13.78 x 17.72
Natural Banana Leaves
Banana Leaves
Cube Regal - Medium
60 x 35 x 60
23.62 x 13.78 x 23.62
Natural Banana Leaves
Banana Leaves
Cube Regal - Large
75 x 35 x 75
29.53 x 13.78 x 29.53
Natural Banana Leaves
Banana Leaves
Denver Bed 140
151 x 224 x 77
59.45 x 88.19 x 30.31
White Wash
Fitrit 3mm
White Wash
Denver Bed 160
171 x 224 x 77
67.32 x 88.19 x 30.31
White Wash
Fitrit 3mm
White Wash
Natural Pine
Leather Optic Brown
Crème Canvas
index Denver Bed 180
191 x 224 x 77
75.20 x 88.19 x 30.31
White Wash
Fitrit 3mm
White Wash
Dima Bed 140
165 x 228 x 85 x 30
64.96 x 89.76 x 33.46 x 11.81
Fitrit 3mm
Dima Bed 160
185 x 228 x 85 x 30
72.83 x 89.76 x 33.46 x 11.81
Fitrit 3mm
Dima Bed 180
205 x 228 x 85 x 30
80.71 x 89.76 x 33.46 x 11.81
Fitrit 3mm
Donside Dining Chair
53 x 59 x 105 x 45
20.87 x 23.23 x 41.34 x 17.72
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Esta Dining Chair
46 x 61 x 97 x 46
18.11 x 24.02 x 38.19 x 18.11
Fitrit 3mm
Black Brown Wash
Crème Canvas
Estepona Dining Armchair
52 x 63 x 110 x 47
20.47 x 24.80 x 43.31 x 18.50
Fitrit 3mm
Black Brown Wash
Crème Canvas
Estepona Dining Chair
47 x 63 x 110 x 47
18.50 x 24.80 x 43.31 x 18.50
Fitrit 3mm
Black Brown Wash
Crème Canvas
Genoa Chest Bench
110 x 50 x 46
43.31 x 19.69 x 18.11
Fitrit 3mm
Haro Dining Chair
46 x 61 x 97 x 46
18.11 x 24.02 x 38.19 x 18.11
Fitrit 3mm
Black Brown Wash
Crème Canvas
Harry Dining Armchair
53 x 62 x 110 x 46
20.87 x 24.41 x 43.31 x 18.11
Natural Croco
Croco 4-7mm
Black Brown Wash
Crème Canvas
Harry Dining Chair
47 x 62 x 110 x 46
18.50 x 24.41 x 43.31 x 18.11
Natural Croco
Croco 4-7mm
Black Brown Wash
Crème Canvas
Heidi Armchair H90
66 x 64 x 90 x 46
25.98 x 25.20 x 35.43 x 18.11
Special Mix
Fitrit 5mm
Classic Brown
Leather Optic Brown
Hilo Square Dining Table 90x90
90 x 90 x 75
35.43 x 35.43 x 29.53
John Dining Chair
46 x 55 x 106 x 47
18.11 x 21.65 x 41.73 x 18.50
Special Mix
Fitrit 5mm
Classic Brown
Joseph Bed 140
161 x 211 x 91 x 35
63.39 x 83.07 x 35.83 x 13.78
Coffee Mix
Fitrit 3mm
Coffee Mix
Kai Dining Armchair
56 x 59 x 97 x 46
22.05 x 23.23 x 38.19 x 18.11
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Kai Dining Chair
46 x 58 x 97 x 46
18.11 x 22.83 x 38.19 x 18.11
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Kalavi Lazy Armchair
86 x 75 x 126 x 45
33.86 x 29.53 x 49.61 x 17.72
White Wash
Open-Weaved Rattan Core
White Wash
Crème Canvas
La Jolla Living Chair
114 x 102 x 82.50 x 39
44.88 x 40.16 x 32.48 x 15.35
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Crème Canvas
Loose Cushion 50x50 cm (1pcs), 30x30 cm (2pcs)
La Jolla Small Lounge
186 x 99 x 82.50 x 39
73.23 x 38.98 x 32.48 x 15.35
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Crème Canvas
Loose Cushion 50x50 cm (3pcs), 60x30 cm (2pcs)
La Jolla Large Lounge
230 x 99 x 82.50 x 39
90.55 x 38.98 x 32.48 x 15.35
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Crème Canvas
Loose Cushion 50x50 cm (3pcs), 80x30 cm (2pcs)
La Jolla Coffee Table 68x58.50
68 x 58.50 x 39
26.77 x 23.03 x 15.35
Fitrit 3mm
Glass Top 5mm
La Jolla Coffee Table 102x68
102 x 68 x 39
40.16 x 26.77 x 15.35
Fitrit 3mm
Glass Top 5mm
Black Crème Canvas
index Latchi Dining Chair - fixed cushion
46 x 60 x 105 x 48
18.11 x 23.62 x 41.34 x 18.90
Fitrit 2mm
King Brown
Latchi Dining Chair - fixed cushion
46 x 60 x 105 x 48
18.11 x 23.62 x 41.34 x 18.90
Fitrit 2mm
King Purple
Latchi Dining Chair - fixed cushion
46 x 60 x 105 x 48
18.11 x 23.62 x 41.34 x 18.90
Fitrit 2mm
Leather Optic Black
Latchi Dining Chair - fixed cushion
46 x 60 x 105 x 48
18.11 x 23.62 x 41.34 x 18.90
Special Mix
Fitrit 2mm
Black Brown Wash
Leather Optic Brown
Latchi Dining Chair
46 x 60 x 105 x 46
18.11 x 23.62 x 41.34 x 18.11
Fitrit 2mm
Black Brown Wash
Crème Canvas
Lily Dining Chair
46 x 58 x 110 x 45
18.11 x 22.83 x 43.31 x 17.72
Coffee Mix
Fitrit 3mm
Black Brown Wash
Crème Canvas
Lobby Lazy Armchair
95 x 102 x 91 x 23
37.40 x 40.16 x 35.83 x 9.06
Black & White Stripes
Fitrit 2mm
White Canvas with Black Cord
White Canvas with Black Cord
Lobby Lazy Armchair
95 x 102 x 91 x 23
37.40 x 40.16 x 35.83 x 9.06
Blue & White Stripes
Fitrit 2mm
White Canvas with Blue Cord
White Canvas with Blue Cord
Lobby Lazy Armchair
95 x 102 x 91 x 23
37.40 x 40.16 x 35.83 x 9.06
Black & Brown Stripes
Fitrit 2mm
White Canvas with Black Cord
White Canvas with Black Cord
Madrid Dining Armchair
53 x 59 x 106 x 47
20.87 x 23.23 x 41.73 x 18.50
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Madrid Dining Chair
47 x 59 x 106 x 47
18.50 x 23.23 x 41.73 x 18.50
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Madrid Dining Armchair H98
53 x 59 x 98 x 47
20.87 x 23.23 x 38.58 x 18.50
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Madrid Dining Chair H98
47 x 59 x 98 x 47
18.50 x 23.23 x 38.58 x 18.50
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Madrid Bar Chair
43 x 53 x 107
16.93 x 20.87 x 42.13
Fitrit 2mm
Crème Canvas
Maldova Dining Armchair
59 x 59 x 87 x 48
23.23 x 23.23 x 34.25 x 18.90
Fitrit 3mm
Leather Optic Brown
Maldova Dining Chair
46 x 59 x 87 x 48
18.11 x 23.23 x 34.25 x 18.90
Fitrit 3mm
Leather Optic Brown
Mallorca Side Table 43x38
43 x 38 x 54
16.93 x 14.96 x 21.26
White Wash
Fitrit 3mm
White Wash
Malta Dining Armchair
55 x 59 x 97 x 46
21.65 x 23.23 x 38.19 x 18.11
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Malta Dining Chair
46 x 59 x 97 x 46
18.11 x 23.23 x 38.19 x 18.11
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Mambo Living Armchair
115 x 95 x 71 x 31
45.28 x 37.40 x 27.95 x 12.20
Fitrit 3.5mm
Black Brown Wash
Crème Canvas
Mambo 2-Seater Sofa
176 x 95 x 71 x 31
69.29 x 37.40 x 27.95 x 12.20
Fitrit 3.5mm
Black Brown Wash
Crème Canvas
Mambo Coffee Table 112x63
112 x 63 x 47
44.09 x 24.80 x 18.50
Fitrit 3.5mm
Black Brown Wash
Marcel Dining Armchair
66 x 65 x 96 x 48
25.98 x 25.59 x 37.80 x 18.90
Coffee Mix
Fitrit 2mm
Black Brown Wash
Orbit Brown Wash
Marcel Dining Chair
48 x 59 x 106 x 48
18.90 x 23.23 x 41.73 x 18.90
Coffee Mix
Fitrit 2mm
Black Brown Wash
Orbit Brown Wash
Miami Dining Chair
47 x 63 x 95 x 46
18.50 x 24.80 x 37.40 x 18.11
Coffee Mix
Fitrit 2mm
Black Brown Wash
Crème Canvas
Molise Modular - Chair
90 x 90 x 70 x 30
35.43 x 35.43 x 27.56 x 11.81
Dark Brown
Fitrit 3mm
Dark Brown
Crème Canvas
Glass Top 5mm
index Molise Modular - Corner
90 x 90 x 70 x 30
35.43 x 35.43 x 27.56 x 11.81
Dark Brown
Fitrit 3mm
Dark Brown
Crème Canvas
Molise Modular - Coffee Table 90x90 Montreal Bed 140
90 x 90 x 30
35.43 x 35.43 x 11.81
Dark Brown
Fitrit 3mm
Dark Brown
Crème Canvas
152 x 212 x 85
59.84 x 83.46 x 33.46
Fitrit 3mm
Montreal Bed 160
172 x 212 x 85
67.72 x 83.46 x 33.46
Fitrit 3mm
Montreal Bed 180
192 x 212 x 85
75.59 x 83.46 x 33.46
Fitrit 3mm
Nevis Lazy Chair
Dia Ø 110 x 30
Dia Ø 43.31 x 11.81
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Nevis Footstool
Dia Ø 40 x 35
Dia Ø 15.75 x 13.78
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Novi Armchair
54 x 66 x 98 x 45
21.26 x 25.98 x 38.58 x 17.72
Fitrit 3mm + Rattan Peel
Crème Canvas
Orbost Bed 160
174 x 228 x 86 x 36
68.50 x 89.76 x 33.86 x 14.17
Fitrit 3mm
Black Brown Wash
Leather Optic Brown, Head Board
Orkny Bed 160
178 x 229 x 82 x 30
70.08 x 90.16 x 32.28 x 11.81
Fitrit 3mm
Black Brown Wash
Pablo Bed 180
192 x 212 x 210
75.59 x 83.46 x 82.68
Fitrit 2mm
Black Brown Wash
Pablo Bed 180 with Canopy
192 x 212 x 85
75.59 x 83.46 x 33.46
Fitrit 2mm
Pablo Side Bench
178 x 32 x 44
70.08 x 12.60 x 17.32
Fitrit 2mm
Black Brown Wash
Pablo Side Bench
178 x 32 x 44
70.08 x 12.60 x 17.32
Fitrit 2mm
Pablo Side Table 47x32
47 x 32 x 44
18.50 x 12.60 x 17.32
Fitrit 2mm
Black Brown Wash
Pablo Side Table 47x32
47 x 32 x 44
18.50 x 12.60 x 17.32
Fitrit 2mm
Phillip Dining Armchair
70 x 66 x 106 x 48
27.56 x 25.98 x 41.73 x 18.90
Special Mix
Fitrit 5mm
Classic Brown
Cosmic 014
Phillip Dining Chair
46 x 62 x 106 x 48
18.11 x 24.41 x 41.73 x 18.90
Special Mix
Fitrit 5mm
Classic Brown
Cosmic 018 Leather Optic Brown
Port Royal Bar Chair
45 x 57 x 105 x 75
17.72 x 22.44 x 41.34 x 29.53
Special Mix
Fitrit 2mm
Natural Mahogany, Stainless Steel Bar
Reno Bed 160
180 x 222 x 91 x 30
70.87 x 87.40 x 35.83 x 11.81
Fitrit 3mm
Reno Bed 190
210 x 222 x 91 x 30
82.68 x 87.40 x 35.83 x 11.81
Fitrit 3mm
Rockville Lazy Armchair
76 x 76 x 100 x 56
29.92 x 29.92 x 39.37 x 22.05
Black Brown Wash
Fitrit 3mm
Black Brown Wash
Romeo Shelf 67
46 x 36 x 67
18.11 x 14.17 x 26.38
Flat Oval Core
Romeo Shelf 87
46 x 36 x 87
18.11 x 14.17 x 34.25
Flat Oval Core
Romeo Shelf 104
46 x 36 x 104
18.11 x 14.17 x 40.94
Flat Oval Core
Rondo Dining Armchair
51 x 59 x 107 x 47
20.08 x 23.23 x 42.13 x 18.50
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Crème Canvas
index Rondo Dining Chair
47 x 59 x 107 x 47
18.50 x 23.23 x 42.13 x 18.50
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
San Clemente Bench
130 x 65 x 43 x 43
51.18 x 25.59 x 16.93 x 16.93
Crème Canvas
Saragossa Sunlounger
94 x 116 x 90
37.01 x 45.67 x 35.43
Fitrit 3 mm
Saragossa Stackable Sunlounger - fixed cushion
94 x 166 x 90
37.01 x 65.35 x 35.43
Special Mix
Fitrit 3mm
Skiathos Stackable Dining Armchair
56 x 62 x 91 x 46
22.05 x 24.41 x 35.83 x 18.11
Fitrit 2mm
Black Brown Wash
Crème Canvas
Skiathos Stackable Dining Chair
46 x 62 x 91 x 46
18.11 x 24.41 x 35.83 x 18.11
Fitrit 2mm
Black Brown Wash
Crème Canvas
St. Moritz Coffee Table 85x50
85 x 50 x 47
33.46 x 19.69 x 18.50
Fitrit 3mm
Glass Top 5mm
St. Moritz Coffee Table D45
Dia Ø 45 x 35
Dia Ø 17.72 x 13.78
Fitrit 3mm
Glass Top 5mm
St. Moritz Coffee Table D70
Dia Ø 70 x 60
Dia Ø 27.56 x 23.62
Fitrit 3mm
Glass Top 5mm
Susan Rocking Armchair
65 x 99 x 109 x 50
25.59 x 38.98 x 42.91 x 19.69
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Tim Dining Chair
46 x 61 x 96 x 48
18.11 x 24.02 x 37.80 x 18.90
Special Mix
Fitrit 3mm
Classic Brown
Cosmic 018
Toulon Armchair
60 x 60 x 77 x 41
23.62 x 23.62 x 30.31 x 16.14
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Toulon 2-Seater Bench
115 x 60 x 77 x 41
45.28 x 23.62 x 30.31 x 16.14
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Toulon Coffee Table 75x56
75 x 46 x 47
29.53 x 18.11 x 18.50
Fitrit 3mm
Trieste Modular - Corner
70 x 70 x 76 x 31
27.56 x 27.56 x 29.92 x 12.20
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Crème Canvas
Trieste Modular - 2-Seater Bench
130 x 70 x 76 x 31
51.18 x 27.56 x 29.92 x 12.20
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Crème Canvas
Trieste Modular - Footstool
90 x 60 x 31
35.43 x 23.62 x 12.20
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas
Trieste Modular - Coffee Table 86x65
86 x 65 x 48
33.86 x 25.59 x 18.90
Fitrit 3mm
Vancouver Bed 140
155 x 215 x 75
61.02 x 84.65 x 29.53
Fitrit 3mm
Vancouver Bed 160
176 x 218 x 75
69.29 x 85.83 x 29.53
Fitrit 3mm
Crème Canvas Leather Optic Brown
Glass Top 5mm
Glass Top 5mm
Vancouver Bed 180
195 x 215 x 75
76.77 x 84.65 x 29.53
Fitrit 3mm
Viona Dining Chair
57 x 59 x 97.50 x 46.50
22.44 x 23.23 x 38.39 x 18.31
White Wash
Fitrit 3mm
White Wash
Willi Rectangular Dining Table 150x80
150 x 80 x 75
59.06 x 31.50 x 29.53
White Wash
Fitrit 3mm
White Wash
William Bar Chair
43 x 53 x 107 x 79
16.93 x 20.87 x 42.13 x 31.10
Fitrit 3mm
Black Brown Wash
Crème Canvas
Zara Dining Armchair
53 x 61 x 110 x 45
20.87 x 24.02 x 43.31 x 17.72
Black Brown Wash
Fitrit 3mm
Black Brown Wash
Crème Canvas
Zara Dining Chair
49 x 61 x 110 x 45
19.29 x 24.02 x 43.31 x 17.72
Black Brown Wash
Fitrit 3mm
Black Brown Wash
Crème Canvas
Zari Dining Chair
49 x 61 x 110 x 45
19.29 x 24.02 x 43.31 x 17.72
Fitrit 3mm
Black Brown Wash
Crème Canvas
Crème Canvas Glass Top 8mm